Life By Design Magazine March 2019 Edition

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“Do The Next Right Thing”


I Dare You: Fight Like A Girl page 04

Women, Love, and Food. page 10

We Have Arrived page 17

Lessons from an Immigrant

page 26


Elite Mastermind & Coaching Program 2 LIFE BY DESIGN MARCH 2019



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Letter From The Editors The Stegela Success Mastery Team Did you know that racism is still prevalent in the ‘South’ of the USA? You’d think that in the 156 years since the abolishment of slavery that people would understand that skin pigment does not dictate a human being’s worth to society. Slavery is still prevalent because prejudice is a behavior that is taught through generations. It takes generations to ‘breed’ out a behavior. It takes time, compassion, exposure, education, and socialization for prejudice to reduce through generations. Prejudice against women tends to be the easiest to overlook. “You hit like a girl.” “Don’t be a puss*.” “She’s bossy.” “Don’t be so sensitive.” We live in a society that rationalizes and normalizes prejudice against others. We use phrases like, “That’s gay” and “That’s retarded.” We use phrases like these with zero regard for the people in our society that we are innately putting down - whether we intended to or not. Our team at Life By Design (LBD), which is run by women (with an amazing support staff of men), see the gap in our world - especially as entrepreneurs. It’s hard for a lot of women to be taken seriously in business. We decided to dedicate this edition, March 2019, to women. We can eradicate prejudice against women (and others), but it starts with OUR generation. I genuinely hope that you find immense value in this month’s edition and I look forward to next month’s edition, FAITH. - Casey Nicole Fox CEO & Founder of Life By Design Magazine

OUR TEAM Stephen Dela Cruz

Angela Dela Cruz

Casey Nicole Fox

Michael Bennett

Jennifer Meim

Leandro Brandão


CEO & Editor-In-Chief Creative Director


Copy Editor Copy Editor

Jeff Rollon

Alex Macklin

Mary Hang

Kristen Crooks

Sales Director Marketing Director

Copy Editor

I Dare You: Fight Like A Girl Invitation - LBD Magazine Launch & Mixer Built By Women Invitation - MSB: The Lazy Millionaire Bootcamp 3 Paramount Lessons I Learned From Women ... An Open Letter To My Daughters Invitation - Relentless Women, Love, and Food. Business Support For Women Veterans Be a ...! Do the Right Thing! Hey man, what are you made of? Sisters Keeper - Competition Among Women Invitation - Women Of Worth Power of Women Finding Yourself In The Successes of Others Listen To Her & Maybe You’ll Win Invitation - Entrepreneur Of The Year Contest Welcome to Baby Boomer In Training Class We Have Arrived Entrepreneur of the Month - Vivian Glyck Let’s Stop Focusing on Women BEING CONFIDENT AS A WOMAN ENTREPRENEUR... Entrepreneur Spotlight - Megan Fenyoe Top Three Opportunities For Women in Gaming The Jason Mitchell Group, Taking over California Servant Leadership Leading Yourself DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE A WOMEN’S WILL ... A World Uncharted Letter to the Military Spouse Rockstars You Say I Can’t, But I Say Watch Me Lessons from an Immigrant Demanding Equality from Ourselves Invitation - Stegela Success Mastery Women’s Wisdom 4 Ideas to Unlock Success The Confidence Factor Women Are Not Weak #MedToo... Harassment of Women in Medicine Thank You, Women of Worth Movie Review - What Men Want Invitation - GET PAID TO SPEAK: A Mastermind Behind the Scene of Stegela Invitation - Y.E.S. Invitation - Success Circle Mastermind



Social Media



“It’s not over ‘til you win.” LES BROWN, Jr.

How to Level Up Your Brand Awareness

page 07

Life is a Series of Games page 11

Don’t Let School Get in the Way of Your Education

page 26


Factor” with


Events Director

Dominic Cruz


‘Til Death Do Us Part Level Up By Giving Up! page 06

Sculpting Out Your Vision page 22


Anne Barrera


No More Resolutions

page 26


page 04

Staying True To Your Word page 14

Commit to Following Through!

page 20

Are You In or Are You Out?


Get access to all of our previous editions digitally, go to! ENTREPRENEUR LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE 3


I DARE YOU: FIGHT LIKE A GIRL To young boys, the phrase “You fight like a girl” is

a negative thing. It means that the boy isn’t a good fighter and that he doesn’t hit hard. If we looked at how women fight, I think we could all agree that it isn’t a bad thing at all but rather a compliment. A single mother who has to fight to put food on the table fights against the things society tells her will keep her from succeeding. She has to be both a mother and father to her children. She has to fight against societal norms. She has to fight to be strong enough to protect and love her children the way they deserve. She has to fight to be known as a strong woman instead of as a “MILF.” A woman in corporate America has to fight for equal pay. She has to fight for fair treatment in the workplace. She has to elbow her way into the conference table filled with men. She has to fight to be seen as equal. She has to fight to be known as someone who can handle a lot instead of “doing it all.” A woman who has been abused has to fight her inner demons. She has to fight the negative thoughts and fight to stay sane. She has to fight to trust again. She has to fight to live despite her pain. She has to fight to be known as “whole” instead of having “daddy issues.” A woman entrepreneur has to fight to be taken seriously in business. She has to fight against her endless competitors. She has to fight to make sales and pay bills. She has to fight to tell herself that she is worth making millions. She has to fight to be known as a boss lady instead of “bossy.” The fight that women have all over the world every day is to be known as equals. We have to fight off attacks from people who mean us ill will physically, sexually, and emotionally. We have to fight to love ourselves and others. Women fight with compassion. Women fight with tenderness. Women fight knowing that we all have hurt. Sometimes women even fight with manipulation. Women are as cunning as they are flexible. So how do we fight like a girl? “I’ve had to learn to fight all my life - got to learn to keep smiling. If you smile things will work out.” - Serena Williams 1. FIGHT WITH COMPASSION. Women are natural leaders and lovers. We are created to give life. Women only fight when something they care for is threatened. They fight to protect those they love and their honor. If you look at mothers in the wild, they are the protectors of their young. Women shape the future more than men ever could. Go into a fight with love. “If I fall, I’ll fall five feet four inches forward in the fight for freedom. I’m not backing off.” - Fannie Lou Hamer


Casey Nicole Fox

Casey Nicole Fox is an author, speaker, podcaster, and serial entrepreneur. Casey is the CEO and Editor-In-Chief of Life By Design Entrepreneur Lifestyle Magazine, San Diego’s ONLY print entrepreneurship magazine. She has four for-purpose businesses while also being the COO of the 8 figure empire of Stegela Partners International Incorporated, the umbrella company of Stegela Success Mastery.

2. FIGHT WITH CREATIVITY. Have you ever watched those videos of two women going at it? They scratch, pull hair, slap, it’s nasty! When women fight they find creative ways to take down their opponents. Naturally, women access the creative side of their brains. The problem-solving side of our brain; the ability to think outside of the box. “We can all fight against loneliness by engaging in random acts of kindness.” - Gail Honeyman 3. FIGHT WITH THE END IN MIND. Every decision has a consequence. Every fight has a winner and a loser. Even in a tie, someone lost something. If you fight with an understanding of the big picture, your moves will help you achieve that end goal. If you understand your opponent before you fight, you can walk away from a fight making the loser feel like they have won. “If you want to have a life that is worth living, a life that expresses your deepest feelings and emotions and cares and dreams, you have to fight for it.” - Alice Walker Whether you are fighting your inner demons or fighting for equal pay. Fighting for the sale. Fighting to put food on the table or fighting to help more people. I dare you to fight like a girl. I promise you’ll win every time.



STEPHEN DELA CRUZ BUILT BY WOMEN The impact women have on Life By Design is even more profound than the amazing women we have writing. This Magazine was founded and executed by women. Our Editor and chief Casey Nicole Fox has made this magazine what it is today. Her vision to build a platform that gave entrepreneurs the information and inspiration we need daily as entrepreneurs have impacted over twenty thousand lives. Our graphic designer has put together visuals that make this magazine aesthetically pleasing. Jennifer Meim has worked day and night to build this magazine and put it together in a way that is easy to read. No matter how we look at it, Life By Design is only where it is today because of powerful women. For March I would like to share the three qualities I admire most about these women and how they have built the Life By Design community to help entrepreneurs just like you daily! Stephen Dela Cruz is a best selling author, speaker, and serial entrepreneur. He is the owner of Stegela Partners International Incorporated which consists of 10 corporations that employ more than 500 fulltime employees with yearly profits of 7 figures each, creating an 8-figure empire. After suffering a stroke, Stephen changed his direction and focus to creating “Income with Impact” and “Success with Significance.” Stegela Success Mastery was born out of this new mission, which is all about serving their fellow entrepreneurs. Stegela Success Mastery runs Stephen’s weekly podcast, bi-weekly mastermind group, live events and seminars, television show and through owning San Diego’s only printed entrepreneur magazine, Life By Design Entrepreneur Lifestyle Magazine. Today, he is the proud owner and visionary for “San Diego’s #1 business coaching and mastermind program.”

This month we have dedicated Life By Design magazine

to women. Every article here is focused on the strength that comes with being a woman. Although this month is explicitly devoted to women, I feel that Life By Design Magazine is indeed a testament to the impact women make in the world every day. Life By Design would not be here without women; our contributing writers are primarily women. We have content monthly that shows how women are making it in business and how women are actively helping the entrepreneur community.


1. THEY AREN’T AFRAID OF WORK. When Casey and I were at Thrive listening to Kevin Herrington speak on being the content creator, I leaned over and said to Casey “we should start a magazine.” The average person would have said that is cool and left it at that but Casey Nicole Fox took it upon herself to build this magazine. In three months we had our first draft of our first magazine. Casey was not afraid of the work. She hunkered down and put together an entire magazine in just three months. 2. THEY INVEST IN THEIR VISION. Casey and Jen spend hours on building the magazine, setting events, and creating a community. They are willing to invest their time, energy, and money in Life by Design so they can see their vision come true. They both know the power of investing in their view and are willing to put it all on the line to see a change in the world. 3. THEY TAKE ACTION. From day one, Casey had to take action to build the magazine and Jen had to make an effort to design. They have contacted people to find writers, looked for advertisers, and started making the community. Every day they take action to see their vision come to life. Taking action is the key; without this one ingredient, we wouldn’t have the success we have today. Thank you so much for our amazing women! You work hard, you invest in your vision, and you take action. You are a powerful woman, and you make a difference in the world!






Dear Andi and Ensley,



Jeff Rollon


Hello, my friends! To celebrate this

Jeff Rollon is a serial entrepreneur, author, business coach, and philanthropist. He enjoys helping others while living with a positive attitude and a strong entrepreneurial spirit. His passion is helping budding entrepreneurs get started and profitable within their first year in business.

month’s theme, Everything Women, I would love to share lessons I have learned from the women in my life. By reading this article, you are guaranteed to learn or relearn three free lessons that, if applied daily, will bring you positive results in life and business. The best part, these lessons were most learned from the women in that will help you grow financially, my life. intellectually, and even socially. I learned to be a Man of Character. Although my mother and I don’t have the closest relationship, she taught me the characteristics of a man. She taught me to open the door for others, not to hit females, how to say, “sir,” and “ma’am,” and even how to cook and clean for others and myself. And of course, she also taught me discipline. While at the time I may not have liked the discipline, I realize now that her discipline is what toughened me out physically and mentally. Most of all, she taught me discipline, to accept responsibility for my mistakes, and to be humble with praises and not to boast. These are qualities that’ll serve you well in life and business. Treat others with respect, make others feel just as important because they are, and always be a person of integrity and character.

I learned how to be an Effective Communicator. I’ve had challenges communicating feelings and thoughts most of my life. Every time there were disagreements or miscommunications, I was always the guy who would take offense and then nothing would get settled. However, being with my current girlfriend of seven years, I have learned how paramount communication really is to succeed in life and business. Communication is a skill that isn’t just speaking, but more importantly, it requires listening. Knowing how to listen and recognize when someone is sharing constructive criticism, venting emotions or asking for advice, rather than perceiving that you are being attacked, is crucial and is one of the most important skills in all aspects of life. Being an effective communicator takes your commitment to be a problem solver I learned to be Aware of My rather than just being the “winner” of Surroundings. You see, I grew up with a misunderstanding. four older sisters and can take quite a few lessons learned over the years. All in all my friends, many of us have But to share one lesson, I remember learned these lessons but may not have one of my sisters would always catch always been aware of them. With that me doing crazy things at school or being said, I encourage you all to go at home that was questionable. She out and continue to grow. Growing would tell my mom, and once again, in your character, your awareness of I would be in trouble. While I always yourself and your surroundings, and had the “no snitches” mentality, I must even growing in your communication give my sister props for teaching me skills will guarantee you nothing but always to be aware of my surroundings success in both life and business. And of what and who is around. However, must I say, I thank the women in my life I see it from a positive perspective. In for being the ones to teach me these business, you must always be aware paramount lessons. of your surroundings. Be always aware of opportunities around you LIFE BY DESIGN MARCH 2019 2019 8 LBDMAGAZINE.COM MARCH

It is not ok to tear other women down to lift yourselves up, not now, not ever. Just because you observe it all around you and it is accepted as the norm does not make it ok. Despite the progress, other courageous women have made on our behalf; people still believe it is acceptable to mistreat, berate, publicly humiliate and shame women. Not you, you are better than that. You will do your part to affect the positive changes that will get yourselves and your sisters into 50% of positions of leadership and influence. People will try to tell you or make you feel like you are not enough. I assure you, you are more than enough. They will cast doubt in your mind in your abilities to lead and make decisions in the best interest of others. Be aware that their behavior stems from their insecurities, not your inability. Never feel like you have to prove yourself or your worth to anyone. I did not learn this early enough, and I wasted a lot of energy trying to make others aware of my skills, accomplishments, and experience only to be treated as if I was an arrogant braggart. In some circumstances, you’ll be damned if you do, damned if you don’t. May you always have the discernment to know when it is worth your energy, when to have the courage and stand up for what you believe, and when to walk away and pray for those that try to bring you down. Have a grateful heart and always look for the positive because there is ALWAYS a positive perspective to be found. Whenever possible, be the change you want to see and demand the respect you deserve, even if it causes you to cry in public in the process. Develop routines and habits that strengthen your mind, body, and soul so that you can walk through adversity with grace and gratitude every time. When your sister violates the unspoken code and contributes to the culture that holds women back, gently pull her aside and quietly teach her. For us to make bigger strides towards gender equality, we must have the clarity and courage to advocate on our behalves and behalf of our sisters. I will continue to raise awareness and influence change every chance I get, but we still have a long way to go. In the meantime, be smart and avoid situations that don’t serve you and drain you of energy. In contrast, serve others every chance you get for you will find joy in doing so. Lastly, have fun and laugh. If you find yourself somewhere that discourages you from doing so, you’re in the wrong place. Don’t be afraid to excuse yourself from the table when love is not being served there. Love, Mom by Mychelle Fernandez

RELENTLESS: MEN OF EXCELLENCE is where men around the world have the ability to connect, build, and change the world! By developing skills in Leadership, Responsibility, Mental Stamina, Relationships, Love, Health, Wealth, and confidence Relentless will help you master the art of self! When you join the FREE Relentless: Men of Excellence community you are saying you are ready to start impacting the lives in your community, your family, and changing the world!

MARCH 1st | APRIL 5th |Â FRIDAY 6:00-8:00PM Downtown, San Diego For more info email ENTREPRENEUR LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE 9

Business Support For Women Veterans


Starting a business can be daunting. When we think about some of the most successful or popular companies, we easily think of Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Facebook, and Google. Yes, the face of the companies are men, yet we know some women play key roles in the success and direction of these companies as well. So why don’t we hear as much about the successful womenowned companies? What about military women veterans starting and running their own business? Let’s explore.


Yoichi J. Kato



3 Lessons I Learned from “America’s Love Queen” Sylvia Chavez

Here are 3 lessons that I learned from my good friend, “America’s Love Queen” Sylvia Chavez. LESSON 1) A perfect man knows how to cook. We have all heard the phrase, “The way to reach a man’s heart is through his stomach.” Sylvia was first told this by her mother when she was young. Sylvia is a love coach for women. When she asks her clients their vision of a perfect man, they always respond, “A man that knows how to cook.” When they imagine the moments of love, they say cooking together. So, there is something very magical about food being connected to love.

aka “Chef Yum Yum” Yoichi Kato is an author, speaker, serial entrepreneur, Navy veteran. He is the co-founder of San Diego’s most popular cleaning service called Everything But Sex Cleaning Services. He is a master business networker who is always connecting people. He is also an amazing Chef who provides private chef services all over San Diego. Yoichi loves to help others and see them thrive. pare your favorite meal. Also, people can order take-out, use an app like GrubHub or Postmates to order their favorite meal. That is a form of caring but what counts is that they take time out of their busy day to construct a perfect meal. LESSON 3) Food brings joy. Did you know that food is a source of joy? When people have a hole in their emotional body, in their heart, they experience something that is painful, and they lean on food to ease that pain. They grab whatever they have learned that will fill that hole. Great food is like great sex, the more you have, the more you want. Remember, catering to your significant other’s stomach will help bring your relationship closer!

LESSON 2) Cooking is a symbol of love and care. The idea of a man cooking for you is a symbol of love and care. Taking the time, buying groceries, and knowing what it is (food) that you like, this is such a great show of indulgence and love. I’m showing that I care for you because I watched you and I know what is it that you like and I will pre-


There are about 2.5 million veteran-owned businesses in America today. Recent articles have shown the military is the best source of entrepreneurial and leadership training. For anyone that is interested in going into business, military training instills the qualities that are required to start and succeed in business. You find leadership, project management, discipline, team building, goal setting and so forth. All of these qualities are inherent in anyone that actively progresses in their military career. Women may have challenges getting this type of training outside the military yet, while in the military women benefit just as their male counterparts. Here are some organizations that support women-owned veteran businesses and the women that benefited from this organization. Let’s look at V-Wise. Veteran Women Igniting Spirit of Entrepreneurship (VWISE), is a premier training program in entrepreneurship and small business management operated by “the Institute for Veterans and Military Families” at Syracuse University. It is funded in part through a Cooperative Agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration and the support of corporate and foundation partners nationwide. V-WISE helps women veterans and female military spouses/partners find their passion and learn the business skills to turn an idea into a growing venture. There are three phases of their program, (Phase I) a 15-day online course, (Phase II) 3-day entrepreneurship training event and (Phase III) ongoing mentorship training and support for graduates launching or growing their business. An example of women-owned businesses that have grown from this program is the HRSS Consulting group, Karen McGregory CEO and President. Women Veteran Social Justice Network, Ms. BriGette McCoy CEO. M2G Dynamic Leadership Solutions, owner Dr. Mary Gillam. What are some real challenges that women face starting a business? According to the Institute of Veterans and Military Families Entrepreneurship research, here are common challenges veteran entrepreneurs face: 1: Unaware of available business start-up resources 2: More challenging for a woman to get approval for funding/capital 3: Trouble finding relevant networking/mentoring opportunities So, let me leave you with 3 useful recommendations that veterans can use for their business: (1) Business start-up resources can be found online and offline. A good place to start is the V-WISE (mentioned earlier) and Women’s Veteran Business Center. (2) Getting approval for funding is tough for male and female yet, to have a better chance getting the capital you need to try or Small Business Center. (3) A highly recommended organization that assists veteran-owned businesses is SCORE. They have great mentoring and networking connections that provide real solutions. by Rashid Hill



Jennifer Meim Jennifer Meim is a Graphic Designer who works with Entrepreneurs to transfer their vision into fruition. Jennifer has a natural gift of being in tuned with her clients to understand and to see their vision. For at least a decade, Jennifer have supported and worked closely with founders and CEOs to launch their ideas from table talks to tangibles. Jennifer is a self-taught designer, and continuously strive to learn especially with new technologies. Her creative soul and genuine love for people makes her one of the most approachable, dependable, and trustworthy designers in San Diego.

THING! VISUALIZE. It’s easy to see famous people like Oprah as our role model. However, I challenge you to take a look a little closer to home. Who is in your circle of friends or community that you admire? Make a list of their names and their greatest quality - for you to emulate. You’ll notice that by doing this exercise, it’ll feel real to you and will seem very feasible because subconsciously your mind is telling you, “If they can do it, I can too.”

DECIDE. Everything is a choice. I know, as In Russell Peter’s voice with the much as we hear this, we don’t always Chinese accent impersonation, “Be make “the” choice. It is that simple a man! Do the right thing!” He’s a (we make it hard and complicated). comedian; please google him if you Here’s an example - I want to be a have not done so. He’s funny. speaker because I have a message and story that someone needs to I say though, “Be a Woman! Do the hear so they can learn from me. So, Right Thing!” What do I mean by this? I need to decide to open my mouth In simplicity, be a woman that you and start sharing to a person than to hoped and wished was there for you multiple people. Of course, in time and (mentoring/guiding you), and to do more practice whatever you decided the right thing by “being” that woman. becomes easier.

Now Serving Downtown & San Diego Community

Have you ever heard these phrases below: • I don’t have it all together. • I have a few extra pounds on me. • I don’t have a degree. • I am not earning 6-figures.

ACT. One of my mentor’s quote is “The distance between your dreams and reality is called: action.” This is so, so, so true! The only way to see the result you desire is to take the right actions that will get you closer. Continuing our We must stop allowing our fears to example - I decided to be a speaker, prevent us from being the women that so I need to ask to speak at events big we are! I am so blessed and fortunate or small. to be around women who are so unique and strong in their rights. One inspires What I have learned recently is that me to face my fears! One shows me whatever change we desire is just what it means to “show-up” even in the three steps away. First, you visualize midst of the storm! One pushes me out what you want. Secondly, decide that of my comfort zone! One reminds me you will. Lastly, act upon that choice. that anyone can change! One ensures Change can happen instantly! me that relationship can be timeless! Will you be that woman? Will you start Now, how can we “be a woman” to “being”? The answer is YES! They’re ourselves and others? waiting for you!

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Sisters Keeper - Competition Among Women


In years past there has been an underlining notion that women are catty, and that women just can’t get along. The term “catty” is a sexually biased way of describing an unhealthy proposal in which women interact with one another as it relates to healthy competition.

Do you know how crucial is your

role as a man in women’s lives right now? We really need you on this. According to “Somewhere in America, a woman is raped every 2 minutes.” This means is that while you are reading this article (maybe it will take 4 minutes) at least 2 women will be raped, just in this country. And most of these women will be raped by a “man.”

Sylvia Chavez

“America’s Love Queen”

Let me introduce you to Sylvia Chavez, an Extraordinary Love Coach with over 15 years experience serving women all over the world. Sylvia has cracked the code for true and for ever lasting love. She believes you can write your own These women are someone’s love story beyond your wildest dreams daughter, sister, wife, friend, and/ without settling for anything less than or girlfriend. Each one of them has a what your soul and heart truly desire. life, hopes, dreams, things that make her happy, and all of that will change after that moment, forever. You are a good man, the whole world needs you. The effects of sexual and/or physical abuse are endless and various: If somebody is under the influence depression, PTSD, self-harm, suicide, of alcohol or drugs, she or he would are a few of them. NOTHING will be be incapable of making conscious the same, ever, and no one is exempt decisions. That includes sex. There is from becoming a victim. nonconsensual sex when one is under the influence of any kind of substance. Now it is your moment to show what By teaching that to our children, we are you made of. Violence against can prevent many illegal situations women and men are performed and their repercussions, including primarily by men, in these cases, it is a unwanted pregnancies, sexually men’s issue, it is a men’s wrongdoing, transmitted diseases, etc.. and men can play a crucial role in helping change these statistics. 3. Don’t be part of any group abuse situation. Understand that peer Not every man is an abuser or a rapist, pressure can be overwhelming, but but many men can be supporting the consequences of giving up, can this type of violence without even devastate your life and future. Learn realizing they are doing it. to say no, and again, don’t be a silent witness of the horror of abuse of How can you help to decrease these power in the form of sexual assault, or horrendous statistics? any other form. If you see something and don’t do anything about it, you 1. All of our words matter. How we will share the guilt too. Report to use them can either build people up authorities, call 911, help that person or tear them down. Be aware of your trapped in that unwanted situation. words when talking about women. You are more powerful than you Many cultures and older generations think. Educate your male friends, by use to treat women as a sack of questioning their beliefs about how to meat just to impress male friends. treat a woman. Women and men are Unfortunately, it is still happening. equals. It is time to respect each one’s You can be an agent of change by personal space. pointing it out. You can change the world, you can When another male makes a sexist save a life today, by being aware of comment or jokes about women, what is going on right now and stand stand up for what’s right, against out against sexism and abuse. demeaning comments. That woman could be your sister, your mother, or Maybe in the future, if you have a someone you love… daughter, she will feel safer living in a better world, because many men, like 2. Be a part of the solution. If you see you, decided to stand up and show something that is wrong, and might the world what they were made of. end in an abusive situation, don’t be I believe in you. Just remember how a silent witness. Take action. Nothing, powerful your voice is. and I mean nothing, justifies abuse.


Although we live in a male-dominated culture, where it is more acceptable for a man to express his competitive nature, and an unrealistic thought process when it comes to combining women and competitiveness; is somehow lost in translation. Consequently, this leaves many women feeling inadequate for having any sense of a competitive nature. Women have historically been expected and/or perceived to be more covert or manipulative in our effort(s) to achieving success; preconceived notions similar to this example, could not be further from the truth. There is a great need for competitive acceptance among women, which in turn will present more opportunities for women in leadership or expert roles. Furthermore, I think women have a different attitude as it relates to competitiveness, putting themselves out there, and risk taking. When we think about the gender gap in pay, it’s easy to blame discrimination, as it is a very dismissive way to push aside the detrimental cycle of sexism, and the destructive effects of gendered norms. I believe one of the issues is few women are willing to enter the competition, which results in very few women who win the competition. If we as women plan to combat the social norms that have stifled our development as a collective, we have to start embracing the idea of health completion. As a personal, professional development and career coach, I want to leave you with some helpful tips that will assist you in making a paradigm shift within your own thinking, as it relates to the theory of competition among women. 1.) Women who feel more confident within themselves are less vulnerable to feeling threatened by another woman’s success; as they are fully aware that celebrating and /or congratulating another woman takes nothing entirely from their value. However, if at any moment you begin to feel that unpleasant feeling of insecurity, immediately reflect, and ask yourself the following; “Why do I feel insecure around successful women?” “Why is it difficult for me to celebrate another woman’s success at this point in time? “ What can I do to learn from this women success, as opposed to comparing myself?’ 2.) Competition does not have to be threatening or vicious but can be a great source of inspiration, and allow for a healthy alternative for aggression, and vying (sports, Games, Gym, Marathon, debates, etc.) I hope these tips leave you with a brand new perspective concerning women, and competition. by Lilene French

Are you a Woman in business? Join Life By Design for The Women of Worth networking mixer! Enjoy an all-woman mixer focused on uplifting women in the workplace. Women of Worth wants to bring women together so we can learn from each other, and support, local female entrepreneurs! Network with amazing women from all different industries, make valuable connections, and learn from our guest speaker!

Friday • March 15, 2019 • 10:00AM to 11:30AM Downtown San Diego Space is Limited - RSVP TODAY! Text "WOMAN" to 76626 and JOIN US



Finding Yourself In The Successes of Others

POWER OF WOMEN Jonny Gutierrez


women, there would be no world. What do I mean by that? Let me put this into perspective. A WOMAN gave birth to you. A WOMAN probably raised you. If you have a sister, she will become A WOMAN. Your future wife will be a WOMAN. Can you imagine a world that’s just men? The world would definitely not be the same. Men need women in their life to have that perfect balance. For this article, I’ll write what the Power of Women can do from a man’s perspective. Women in Business: There is always something great about a female entrepreneur. For example, they excel more than men do in driving and producing sales for their business. I personally think it is very sexy and attractive for an independent strong woman to know what she wants in all that she does. For a woman to have control and power wouldn’t be seen in the early 1900s. Back then, women weren’t given the right to vote. It was always the male as the breadwinner or the one in power. Nowadays, if a male entrepreneur and a female entrepreneur get together, that’s what we call a power couple. Women of Care: As I mentioned before in the first paragraph, everyone in their life has most likely been taken care of by a woman at some point in their life. Let’s take a mom for example. Mothers bring new humans into the world, raise her kids and then takes care of them. I would argue that women are more responsible than men. Women care a lot more. It’s just human nature. The care and love of a woman can really make anyone feel peaceful. There are a lot of caretakers, nurses, doctors, daycare supervisors that are women. Women are great at caring for those who need

Born and raised in San Diego, California, Jonny is making it a mission to influence many around the world that are going through suffering by teaching on topics such as Meditation, Abundance, Mindfuless, and keeping a peace of mind. While discovering meditation back in 2013, life changed for Jonny forever. He has worked in countless marketing/sales positions that helped positioned him into Leadership and Entrepreneurship. With a background in the nightlife and finance industry, Jonny’s main goals is to connect deeply to those who need healing in their life and guidance to be a happier person.

it. Eventually, a mother becomes a grandmother. A woman’s love is infinite. Women of Inspiration: In the year 2019, I’m proud to say there are a ton of inspiring women to look up to. Role models such as Michelle Obama, Oprah, Ellen Degeneres, JK Rowling, etc. The list goes on! Even woman from the past such as Helen Keller, Susan B. Anthony, Princess Diana, Mother Teresa and many more! These are the women who made history and the others are making history today. Women you look up to don’t have to be famous either. It can be a mom, grandma, sister, aunt, friend or mentor. The world needs more female leaders. Maybe even a female president in the future! Who knows what can happen. Cheers to all the women who have these 3 high qualities!


How many books do you own? I love books, as a matter of fact, my living room is beginning to look like a library; I might even be pretty close to Tai Lopez’s book collection. There is so many great books out there, and many of the books are written by many great men sharing with us about achieving success as an entrepreneur. A few of my favorites are: “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill, “Winning Friends and Influencing People” by Dale Carnegie, and “Success Principles” by Jack Canfield. I recently discovered a new favorite “Miracles Happen The Life And Timeless Principles Of The Founder Of Mary Kay Inc.” I believe this book is a must-have in your library especially if you’re a woman entrepreneur. As a wife, mother, and entrepreneur in her 40’s who has also built her business from scratch with a small investment, I am much inspired by Mary Kay’s story. Her accomplishments are a great reminder that with a great idea, implementation, determination, and enthusiasm we can start small and grow into an into a multi-billion dollar company. “Within yourself lies everything you’ve ever dreamed of being.” - Mary Kay Ash Ash set out to create her own business at the age of 45. She started with an initial investment of $5,000 in 1963. The company turned a profit in its first year and sold close to $1 million in products by the end of its second year driven by Ash’s business philosophy. She believed in the golden rule, “treat others as you want to be treated,” and operated by the motto: God first, family second, and career third. I know when I put God first everything else falls into place. I want to share with you a simple time management system that reduces guilt and stress and increases success and balance In your life as an entrepreneur. You only need one calendar and three colored pens. Step 1: Block out time for God every day. Ex: prayer, meditation or a spiritual read. Step 2: Block out time for children and or your significant other. Ex: activities, alone time or Date Night. If you don’t have a significant other or children, but you want one then block out time to meet someone or make someone. Step 3: Block out time for your business Ex: Calls, Meetings, Sales, Follow up, Networking. Model and surround yourself with those who have achieved what you would like to achieve. “Do you know that within your power lies every step you ever dreamed of stepping and within your power lies every joy you ever dreamed of seeing? Within yourself lies everything you ever dreamed of being. Become everything that God wants you to be. It is within your reach. Dare to grow into your dreams and claim this as your motto: Let it be me.” - Mary Kay Ash by Nadirah R. Bray


Dominic Cruz My name is Dominic Cruz and I am a Social Media Marketer, exprofessional hip-hop dancer, & a college graduate from SDSU. I was born in New Orleans, but raised in Boston, MA. I have a strong passion for serving others and their business. I was introduced to social media marketing back in 2013 and what was amazing about the experience in the beginning was I made 20 sales in one week with 1 Facebook advertisement. That experience is what led me to serving tons of business owners.


as their breakup coach. You’ll hear, “She’s wrong, she never listens, and she’s just saying nonsense.” There’s a lot of finger pointing and the problem is very visible. The lack of communication is real, and in most relationships, there is someone who is selfish enough not even to keep it real. I’m not saying try to win to battle with an argument, but if you listen to her I will say this in the most non- and understand her, that’s a win, and offensive way and I mean this with a that’s keeping it real. kind heart. Women are crazy! There is something about them that just makes Women are without a doubt very them crazy and they go crazier when nurturing, loving, and giving. Those they are dealing with someone who are some qualities they carry a lot doesn’t understand them completely. stronger than men. Now I’m not I love them, and they are a treasure putting down the men, but there are things women can do a lot better. in this world. However, it is amazing when you can You know I have coached a lot of see a woman and know her worth. But guys in dealing with their breakups what’s even more amazing is when and you know the one thing they you can listen to her and understand can’t freaking do? LISTEN! TO THEIR her. Remember, an argument doesn’t have to happen when you are WOMAN OR SOON TO BE EX! It’s harsh that I mentioned ex huh? But, listening to her. It only happens when it’s true! Most relationships don’t work you don’t want to and that’s why a lot well because some men lack listening of guys lose a great woman. skills. Wouldn’t be easier if you just listened to her rather than trying to get your point across with a punchline ringing in your head? I had gone through this issue before and I would lose every argument only because I was not really listening. It’s not a good feeling, and you definitely don’t want to make it worse. One thing that most guys won’t admit is that their woman is right and that’s the problem most guys won’t tell me

Wasim Hajjiri is an MBA-Engineer, 3x Gold medalist, author and entrepreneur who coaches and speaks on how to accomplish your dreams and how to land your dream job Website Email Number 619 756 0852 Facebook, Instagram, Twitter @WasimTheDreamm Linkedin Wasim Hajjiri Youtube Wasim The Dream

WWW.CRUZINSOCIALMEDIA.COM Contact to schedule a consultation for your social media.



Nominations close on Saturday August 31st 2019 at 12am Midnight. Nominate your friends as frequently as daily! Our team will release who YOU nominated in the final voting round on Friday September 6th 2019.





Welcome To Baby Boomer In Training Class Creating the life you want to live in your boomer years In a world of labels, I’m not exactly a baby boomer. I guess technically I’m a Gen X’er, being born in 1966. But that makes me an old Gen X’er. I don’t want to be the oldest in the group. Surely, I fit in somewhere. I’ve got it! I’m a baby boomer in training. I’m going to be great at being a baby boomer – as soon as I figure out what that means.

What I know. For 20 years I was a wife, mom, lunch box preparer, laundry girl, meatloaf, mashed potatoes, and green pea maker, extended family get together planner, suitcase packer, gift basket for the secretary creator, homework checker, small business owner, and co-bill payer who enjoyed first class family travel to faraway places. Then without warning, I was suddenly single in the South - in a cookie cutter subdivision - and on a big-time budget. The dream of living on a quiet leafy street in the suburbs of an award-winning big city, in a gorgeous home, with 2.5 children, a caring and committed spouse, and an adorable dog who sits mindfully for the annual matching outfit family portrait which graces the embossed, high gloss, Christmas card came to an end.

Mary Hang is a published author, influencer, keynote speaker, serial entrepreneur and philanthropist. Although she wears multiple hats, her biggest and most rewarding passion is impacting the youth through Young Entrepreneur Society & her book series “Letters To Me”, which led her to receive the “Blue Ribbons Worldwide” Award.

The good news. You can eat cereal for dinner in your pj’s. You’re almost a baby boomer, and you’re single. You can do what you want. But what are you? That’s the question I often found myself asking. I lost my identity. And my purpose and my future. Sure, I could do what I wanted when I wanted. I could even eat cereal for dinner in my pajamas in front of the tv! But I felt lost. I had no idea what the future looked like. No one needed me to clean, check homework, or take the shirts to the dry cleaner. No one asked what’s for dinner. Sound familiar? The magic of rediscovering YOU. I don’t know if I got over the “what should have been”, or if I just got used to it. But I did finally accept it which helped me let go of the roles that identified me, stripping me down to an almost blank canvas so that I could tap into the girl I used to be. They call it finding yourself. I call it rediscovering my passion. Finding out what I like. What interests me. What I always wanted to try. Learn. Now’s my time. Being a baby boomer in training requires you to think about you, and how you want your future to look. This is the time you’re laying the groundwork to make it happen. You’re dabbling in new hobbies. Meeting people. Going to organized activities and gathering new experiences. I wish I could say there’s magic. There’s no magic. It’s just a new chapter, and it’s going to be great because it’s all about you. by Susan Dejanovic

“Auntie” Mary Hang Now, together we can produce better decisions and get better results. The most successful companies and the healthiest institutions in the country have discovered this. Women bring a different viewpoint to problem-solving that enhances the quality of the solution. Women bring a different set of issues to decisionmaking that enhances the quality of the decision.

Here are a few fun facts: Changes in the workforce. 34% of women worked outside the home in 1950, it’s 60% today. That compares to 75% of men. Changes in what I call, “where you see female faces,” women are now in growing numbers in law offices, doctors’ offices, science labs, boardrooms, the military, outer space, the ministry, Congress, the Supreme Wouldn’t you agree that the role of Court, faculties, and even university women has changed tremendously presidencies. We’re still working on over the years and have made has rock and roll bands, the White House and the Augusta National Golf Club. made a huge impact on society? So, if you think we haven’t come a The biggest change, it seems to me, if long way, baby, think again! you summarize all of this, is a change As millions of us educate ourselves, in opportunities and options. we grow stronger. As we grow, Often, working outside the home we realize that while many of our means that women have two full time choices are for the family; we can jobs – the one at work and the one also make decisions that are going to benefit ourselves as well. As we at home. make decisions for our families, More than men, we are still the and ourselves many are now the keepers of the house, the planners breadwinners of their family. To top it of family events, the bill payers and off, many single moms are doing this errand runners. Mothers, more than on their own! fathers, are the ones who stay home with sick kids, join the PTA, and help All in all ladies, I remind you to to plan school dances, banquets, and understand and recognize that you are a woman of power. As time goes field trips. by, you must continue to grow your However, this is changing. With my self-confidence, your individuality, experience of being a nanny, I have and most of all, grow into your own started to see more dads stay home skin with comfort and be are ready with the children while the wife goes to challenge yourself and step into your powerful and authentic self. out to earn a living. Remember ladies, powerful and These changes are good for women independent women are emerging. because it fosters growth and options. We have arrived, and the world They are suitable for men, too. Now better be ready for us! with women around the table, men can allow their noncompetitive side to emerge, which makes these changes ENTREPRENEURLBDMAGAZINE.COM LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE17 17 good for the whole.


ladies! Isn’t it amazing that this month’s issue is in recognition of us, women? I believe that many of us don’t fully understand how much we do and contribute to the world, and in this article, you will learn (or remember) how much times have changed, and just how powerful we indeed are.



The March edition is all about women! This month we chose a woman that empowers girls and women to build bigger and better futures for themselves, their communities, and the world. Meet March’s cover: Vivian Glyck the founder of Just Like My Child Foundation (JLMC). Just Like My Child’s mission is to empower vulnerable adolescent girls by enabling them to create healthy families who prosper without further aid. JLMC does this by providing vulnerable girls in Uganda with transformational empowerment education through its Girl Power Project®. This enables girls to stay in school, avoid forced child marriage, gender-based violence and disease, and in turn have healthier families when they are ready to, not when they are forced to. The impact is real with over 200,000 families, mothers, and community members benefiting from the work of JLMC, and 5,000 girls have graduated from the two-year-long Girl Power Project® training. Vivian was inspired to start JLMC after the birth of her own son when she realized all children are “just like my child” and after she suffered two subsequent miscarriages. Through the hardship of the miscarriages, she realized that she didn’t only want one more child but 10,000 kids. Driven by a desire to “bear witness” to the suffering of children in Africa, Vivian visited Uganda. After she started working there, she knew something had to be done to empower girls. The moment that inspired the Girl Power Project® was when she watched a group of girls sitting in a field learning what sexual abuse is from a facilitator who explained it to them. When asked how many girls had experienced abuse themselves, out of a group of twenty school girls, every girl raised their hand.


Vivian created JLMC’s Girl Power Project® to reach many girls, but to impact each girl individually. This is why their slogan is “Transforming the World One Girl at a Time.” Vivian has been honored in multiple publications and received the Woman of Peace Award. When we asked Vivian what she believes has kept Just Like My Child Foundation running for over ten years she told us, “I’ve always run it like an entrepreneurial organization; thinking outside the box in the non-profit world.” Before Vivian started JLMC, she was a marketing consultant -- an entrepreneur herself. She worked with a number of very prominent speakers including Tony Robbins, Deepak Chopra, Debbie Ford and many more! So when it came to starting the foundation, Vivian knew that the best way to reach the hearts of many was to tell the plight of individual children in ways that anyone can connect with. She reminds us that telling a good story is the best marketing tool available. This allowed donors to create an ongoing connection with the work they were funding and paved the way for the foundation to have a steady stream of donations. Compared to some non-profits and foundations, Vivian chose to run hers like a business and that has led to great success. Building this foundation has been successful due to Vivian’s marketing experience and the nimble aspect her team brings to the table; by focusing on programs that have major impact, the organization has learned how to tell its story as though it is speaking to one person at a time, and find the donors who are the most likely prospects to invest in the organization on an ongoing basis with multi-year commitments. Vivian also

emphasizes the importance of her team, and how working with a small, brilliant team of committed individuals has allowed Just Like My Child Foundation to respond quickly and swiftly to all manner of opportunities. Don’t just take our word for it though! Just Like My Child has: provided over 14,000 mothers with medical care, impacted over 20,000 lives through providing schools and education, helped thousands of HIV+ parents live healthier lives, and over 5000 girls standing up for themselves because of the Girl Power Project®. Vivian never really wanted to start a foundation. She only wanted to make a change. What she did next is the best thing for any entrepreneur to do! All she did was make the next right decision -- and “do the next right thing.” So often we get caught up in the magnitude of our goals that we start to believe they are impossible. Vivian’s advice is to stop yourself from analysis paralysis and just do the next right thing in the daily tasks of entrepreneurship. Vivian believes in this fact so much that “The Next Right Thing” is the topic of her latest book! Moving forward, Vivian would love to help Just Like my Child Foundation become a self-sustaining organization so it can keep serving the mission as she steps into a more visionary role for the organization. The idea behind Just Like My Child is to help children just like they were your child. Vivian is often asked why don’t you help children right here in the US? Vivian understands the importance of impacting your own community and building the future where you are. Of course, JLMC can’t be everywhere, so to those who ask, she eloquently responds, “Why don’t you?” This goes along with Vivian’s idea of just doing the next right thing. It doesn’t matter where you are from or where you are going. The only thing you need to do is look inside, and find the right choice for you at the moment that will lead you to the next right choice. This and a supportive community that holds you accountable is what will ultimately bring you the success that you crave. Having Vivian was such an inspiring experience! Showing the entire Life By Design community that the only thing you need is to make one choice at a time and you can change someone’s world. So this March we would like to salute Vivian for taking action! For going out and making a better world for all those she can… One girl at a time. Written By: Kristen Crooks Interviewed By: Stephen Dela Cruz

Photo Credit: Patricia Sweeny, Cover Robert Benson, Feature ENTREPRENEUR LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE 19


B E I N G CO N F I D E N T AS A WOM A N E N T R E P R E N E U R . . . As I sit back and reflect on sacrifices and what it takes to be an entrepreneurial woman, I reflect on the past and living in the present as a woman entrepreneur. I want to share some of my thoughts and insights, and not to mention the struggles that I have endured on my journey of being a woman entrepreneur!


WOMEN Hear me out. I am all for supporting

my fellow women and their businesses, but I will support them because they are wonderful people with businesses worth supporting. None of us needed to be reminded that we are the minority in the business world, especially those of us in the STEM-business world – the realm I am in. Studies have been done that have shown that in the STEM world (science, technology, engineering, and math), recruitment aimed at increasing “Women in Science!”, “Women in Engineering!”, etc., actually pushes women out of the field. Doesn’t that seem backward? Not really, when you think about it. By indicating that you want to increase the women in science, you are signaling that this is a man’s world and not something for women. I have long maintained that to increase the women in STEM, we should be focusing on exposing everyone to science and celebrating the accomplishments of everyone without making a big deal out of which gender they are. The same can be said for women in business. Although the sheer number of women-owned business has gone up dramatically in recent years, average revenues of these businesses are still falling short of average revenues by privately-owned companies as a whole. Women receive 80% less capital funded than their male counterparts and women tend to choose lower

Becky Weeks Youth Environmental Alliance, San Diego Coordinator www.YEAFrog. org,

growth industries than men – though this is showing some change recently! The point is, we, as a gender, still have a lot of work to do supporting each other and pulling each other up. So, let’s not focus on the fact that these businesses are women-owned because there are so many other great things about them! If we keep pointing out that the businesses are run by women, it signals that the business world is a man’s world and will perpetuate the unfriendly nature to women. The business that we want to celebrate and showcase have so many good qualities to point out and the fact that they are run by women are happenstance. To the women that would like to enter this world but are worried about the male-dominated culture: Create a solid business plan and find a mentor that will help you create it. This will help immensely in your first-year funding. Look beyond traditional sources of funding. Do not be afraid to negotiate with vendors/suppliers: this will lower your overhead costs and help your profits and revenues. Never stop innovating and evolving.


As a woman, have you ever thought of being your boss, or starting your own business while raising a family? For me, I started having these thoughts when I was a small child watching my mother selling soap in the early 60s! I remember asking her, “Where are you going mommy with all that soap?” Her response was, “I have to go out and make extra money for our family.” So, out the door and into the car she went. I missed my mother a lot; as I was left with my teenage sister who was seven years older than me and we had nothing in common except our mom. As time went on, I remember having a conversation with her about leaving home quite often. Her response was, “Sweetheart you know I love you, but I have to go out and leave you with your sister while I make extra money to put food on the table and pay the bills.” I’m sure that it wasn’t easy for her to go away from her home and kids and build her business! At a very young age, I learned the ups and downs of the woman I looked up too, being an entrepreneur, and the sacrifices that a woman goes through as an entrepreneur parent! Not to mention, I loved when Christmas time rolled around because Santa Claus was very good to me! All that time away paid off and life was good! Hit fast forward to me now as a middle-aged woman, who is still an entrepreneur and making deals, going to meetings and a lot of networking events giving it my all… You might say I am a serial entrepreneur woman doing my best to create a legacy for my family… I want to leave these last thoughts with you women out there who have been thinking about becoming an entrepreneur! Even the most motivated women can struggle with the right business idea. For some of you starting, ideas flow smoothly but never get off the ground. For others, your ideas are not so clear and a bit sketchy so they are left alone and never really explored. I would recommend creating a business plan and do some soul-searching! You can also consider, what you like to do, what are you good at doing, and what would you like to learn to do? Would you like to help change the world? Being your boss and becoming financially independent is a great road to success but always remember it starts with a sound idea! YOU CAN DO IT… by Sheri Hendrickson



Meet Megan Fenyoe, as a mental health therapist; she has

helped treat peoples minds for over sixteen years. She was an airforce officer that provided mental health and substance abuse therapy to active duty military. Yet something inside Megan yearned for more and so she consequently left her high paying job as a therapist in a hospital and decided to pursue her dream. Recently Megan wrote her book and decided to show women that they genuinely are enough! Through the transition from job to entrepreneur, Megan’s personal life suffered. She walked away from her marriage in February last year, to get away from the narcissism and abuse. However, since then she has started to regain control of her life and has enjoyed the freedom of building the life that she wants. Megan is the creator of the I Am Enough movement which comes from her personal experiences of not feeling enough. In this interview with our editor and chief, Megan was incredibly vulnerable and showed that even to this day she sometimes struggles with these feelings. Yet, even in the face of adversity, she still pushes through and works towards her grand vision of building a community of people that believe they are enough. Coming from an abusive environment, Megan didn’t believe that she was enough as a person, but once she broke free of her marriage, she founded a fivestep system to help anyone build that confidence again. One of Megan’s tools to overcome these feelings is visualization. This is something that helps her see that she is enough again. This is why she started the I Am Enough movement, so people can actively see why they are enough whenever they are feeling down. With cards that say I am enough and have space for you to write, there is a small, but powerful reminder of your worth in your pocket at all times. These cards are free to build the movement and show people that they are enough every single day they are alive. If you want to get more involved in the I Am Enough movement and spread the word, reach out to Megan through the I Am Enough movement. Reach out to Megan on Interviewed By: Casey Nicole Fox Written By: Kristen Crooks



The Jason Mitchell Group, Taking over California


Steve Meim

Gaming is one of the most dynamic

and fun careers you can have. If you’re a gamer, it’s even that more exciting to be a small part of what you love! Believe it or not, the Video Game industry wants women to be in this industry and to make a difference in ways unforeseen just ten years ago! What are some of the ways you can get your foot in the door? Let’s get perspective. 1. Streaming.

Steve Meim has over twelve years of experience working as a professional in the video game industry and is credited with working on award-winning titles that have been enjoyed by millions of people around the world. His success in creating a career where he’s excited to work every single day has inspired him to use video games as a tool to help others to do the same. Want to find out how video games even saved his life? Find him at his link above.

There are so many different ways to stream your way to some great success! You need a unique way of presenting yourself and a working knowledge of video editing and sound recording for live broadcasts. You need a hook for your show, what will get people to watch your feeds?

from her Twitch feed and live events. The money these ladies make is being counted and noticed. The opportunity is there. What we need to do now is make the eSports world equal among The easiest way? Stream consistently the genders so the best can play the and often. Show people you are in it best! Believe in yourself, practice for the long haul. That your show can regularly and keep track of the most be a staple in their lives! Connect with popular, trending games. But have your audience. Talk with purpose, be fun in all that you do in eSports! entertaining. Be authentic and be true to who you are as a person. Finally, 3. Development. interact with your fans on all social media outlets, like Twitter and Insta- This is where my expertise is, with over thirteen years of experience in testing gram. Be seen and get noticed! and developing video games professionally. There are three areas of need 2. Women In eSports. in the development of a video game: I could write a whole article about just this subject. So many places to start! But, in 2017, SimBin Studios was one of the first companies to announce a female tournament. They call it, “Women And Wheels.” Other tournaments soon followed, the Girl Gamer eSports Festival and then the Supergirl Gamer Pro event. Point is, there are places that female gamers are being recognized and their fanbase is growing. You can be among these women!

1. Programming 2. Art & Design 3. Business Operations

Whatever your expertise, these three areas provide a tremendous way of putting your unique view and passion in the Video Game industry. It’s about your passion, drives and what is important to you. Women are needed in these fields. Your way of thinking, telling a story and looking at the world brings a flavor that has not existed in Take Sasha Hostyn aka Scarlett, games before this era of game develshe is the top money-maker with a opment. little over $200k in earnings for 2018


If someone had told me two years ago that I would be a real estate agent in one of the top brokerages in the country, I would have laughed! Well, the joke is on me because here I am! After spending 10 years in the Air Force as a member of Security Forces, with tours of duty in Iraq and other countries around the world, and one year as a civilian officer with the Department of the Air Force in Tucson, AZ, I knew I needed a change. Wanting to make a difference in the lives of our veterans, first responders, and their communities, I became a real estate agent. Little did I know that that decision would allow me to find a home with The Jason Mitchell Group, who also shares my desire to give back to those that sacrifice so much for their communities. I joined this brokerage for two reasons: they actively support and give back to veterans and other charities within their communities, and they are true professionals – holding themselves to a higher standard than I have seen in the real estate industry. It is my great honor to be a part of this organization that works to assist veterans and others in my community in finding a home but also help others who may not be as fortunate by donating a portion of every commission to either a Veteran or First Responder Organization. The Jason Mitchell Group’s professional services and creative marketing has allowed me to sell homes faster and for more money! The real estate market in California is one of the toughest in the nation not only in terms of buying and selling but also in becoming a successful and profitable agent. With only 18 months experience in the real estate business I would not be where I am today, nor would I have the support or backing I have now if it was not for The Jason Mitchell Group. It is rare in today’s world to find an organization who so wholly works to make their employees just as successful and profitable as they are. Here in California, we have a team of Amazing Agents who go above and beyond for our clients, the hands-on approach we take with every client and deal we handle, is second to none. Jason Mitchell has built a system that makes the home buying or selling process for client and agents seamless. Having incredible Partners, technology, and leadership is an essential aspect needed when you decide to buy or sell a home. by Thomas Girard


SERVANT LEADERSHIP Leading Yourself One of the most useful and important skills that everyone must possess is none other than self-discipline. This skill is vital in practically all aspects of a person’s life. People know its importance, only a few really take actions in strengthening it. Contrary to popular belief, this trait is not about being harsh to yourself or leading a restricted and limited lifestyle. Self-discipline is all about selfcontrol, a sign of inner strength and having full control of your reactions, your actions and yourself as a whole. Self-discipline endows you the power of sticking to the decisions you make and following them through with no need to change your mind and therefore, making it one of the most crucial requirements to achieve your goals. With this kind of skill, you can persevere with all your plans and decisions until you reach them all. This will also manifest itself as your inner strength that will help you to combat addictions, laziness, procrastination and letting you follow through in everything that you do. Among its primary characteristics is the ability to reject instant pleasure and gratification in favor of a bigger gain that will require spending more time and effort to achieve it. There are challenges in life that will block your way towards an achievement. For you to rise above all the challenges, you need to act with both persistence and perseverance. Having self-discipline is something that can lead to self-esteem and self-confidence, and as a result this will pave the way for satisfaction and happiness to come into your life. Conversely, when you do not have self-discipline, this can lead to loss, failure, relationship and health problems, obesity as well as other issues. It is also a skill that can come in handy for overcoming addictions, eating disorders, drinking, smoking, and other negative habits. It is important that you make yourself to exercise your body, sit and study, develop brand new skills and for spiritual growth, meditation, and self-improvement. People are aware of the benefits and importance of self-discipline. The gap happens when you do not take action in strengthening your self-discipline. Like any muscle in your body, the more you exercise it, the stronger that muscle gets. So, before you go off the deep-end here are some easy starting exercises. Remember these actions are small changes that you can do, but with dedication and a willingness change. Simply put, self-discipline will help you: - Avoid impulsive and rashly actions. - Overcome procrastination and laziness. - Fulfill promises that you make to yourself as well as to others. - Go to your gym, take a walk and swim despite your mind telling you to just stay at home and sit in front of the TV. - Continue working on a certain project even way after the first rush of enthusiasm has already faded away. - Overcome your habit of excessive watching of TV. - Continue with your diet and resist the temptation of eating foods that can make you fat. - Wake up early every morning. - Meditate regularly. - Start to read a book and finish this up to the last page. by Gary Vienna

DO NOT Gerald Eldred


“Coach G” At the age of 8, I was labeled dumb and diagnosed with a learning disability. I have literally spent my whole life making my label the inspiration behind finding purpose in my life, exercising my strength in business and fostering my love for connecting with others in my relationships as the key to the realization that I am smart. It’s about breaking down labels to bring out your own “Genius Within”.

and had the privilege to witness a star in the making, and that was the event that changes the UFC and MMA forever. Rousey successfully defended her Bantamweight Championship title, winning the fight at 4:49 into the first round by submission due to armbar, which is an arm lock that would break your arm if you did not submit or tap out as they call it. Carmouche dislocated Ronda Rousey’s jaw during the fight. It was only one round but a crazy one at that!

One woman changed the UFC forever.

Ronda was the first official UFC female champion in the promotion’s history. She had a two-and-a-half-year undefeated streak and held the record as the longest ever reigning Women’s Bantamweight Champion.

Ronda Rousey – was born Feb. 1, 1987, she is an American professional wrestler, actress, author, mixed martial artist, and judo Olympic bronze medal winner. Rousey stormed from the Olympic Judo bronze to the top of the (UFC) Ultimate Fighting Championship. The best female fighters train as hard as the best male fighters, and they’re as dedicated to the sport as male fighters, but women fighters didn’t have a powerful mainstream voice. They were still looked down on and women fighters were not taken seriously. Rousey gave the nod that said it was okay to be tough, to fight and be proud of your feminine identity. How did Ronda Rousey change not only the UFC but the MMA mixed martial arts world for all women fighters and fans? In 2011, Dana White – President of the UFC – was interviewed saying women will never be in the UFC. UFC was the #1 top rated MMA promotion organization yet women fought only for other less known promotions. Ronda was one of those women. She began her professional mixed martial arts career after becoming the first American woman to earn a bronze medal in the Judo 2008 Olympics. She was then in the King of the Cage and Strikeforce MMA promotions and was the last ever Strikeforce women’s champion.

Rousey has been credited for breaking down several hurdles regarding female mixed martial arts, as well as challenging barriers regarding body image and female conformity. She has been regarded as a symbol of female empowerment and has been praised for her involvement in the polarizing female MMA industry, which she became one of the highest pay-per-view draws in the world. Fox Sports described Ronda as one of the defining athletes of the 21st century. In 2015, she was said to be the third-most googled woman on earth. Ronda Rousey has gone on to do many things after retiring from the UFC in 2016. Rousey has enjoyed success as an actress, author and appearing in the films The Expendables 3, Furious 7, Mile 22 and releasing her autobiography My Fight/Your Fight. Ronda Rousey was and still is my alltime favorite female MMA fighter. It was hard to see her retire after two devastating knockout losses. Rousey will truly be missed in the UFC Octagon. The story ends on a happy note. On July 6, 2018, Ronda Rousey made history again by being the first woman to be named a UFC Hall of Famer.

In November 2012, the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) announced that Rousey had become the first female fighter to sign with the UFC after she basically stalked Dana Tip for the day: never say never because White for a year. The UFC President the one thing you’re saying never to may officially announced at a pre-fight press change the world. conference that Rousey was the first UFC Women’s Bantamweight Champion. Shout out to all those women that fight Rousey defended her title against Liz for what they believe and want! Carmouche on February 23, 2013, at ENTREPRENEUR LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE 23 UFC 153. I was at that event in Anaheim


Letter to the Military Spouse Rockstars To all the confident military spouses out there, I see you. I see you every day doing everything you can to support your service members and your families. I see you over there wearing multiple hats. I see you juggling this thing called life- military life. Though you aren’t the one wearing a uniform, you are vital to your Soldier/Sailor. You are part of the team.



Alexander Macklin Alex Macklin is a Certified Personal Trainer and Yoga teacher in San Diego. He specializes in building strength, mobility, flexibility and rehabilitation with his clients. His I grew up saying, “What is wrong mission is to empower people to their with women?! Why are they not like own greatness with strength, grace and men?!” passion. For most of my life, I believed that women are just like men in the way we think, feel, and go through life. This most likely explains why a lot of my for someone to vent to or just listen intimate relationships never lasted too to what they are going through, men long as a young man! think that providing a solution for them will help them when in reality it makes It was later on in life that I learned them mad. They would like a man that men and women are built not who listens for what they are dealing just anatomically different but more with, (acknowledges) it and asks how importantly, emotionally different. they can support them in that issue.” Why was understanding women so As men, we think we can solve any elusive for me? What was I missing? I crisis, but sometimes women just want began on an inquiry that lasted years a shoulder to cry on. until I finally discovered that I had to communicate differently with women Jamie Warner of Fullerton said that to make them feel loved, wanted, safe women like men who, “Open up more and heard and that was going to take with their feelings and emotions and some work! They deserved that, and it not withhold what is going on inside.” was my responsibility to deliver! When men withhold, women do not feel as connected or loved by a man. I spoke to some of my current woman In regards to the workplace, men who friends and asked them what was “create a safe space” by saying to missing in their relationships with men women that they got their back and that would make a real difference in will protect them if anything arises all aspects of life. whether from another employee, customer or supervisor, goes a long Hanh McLean of Bayho said that way in making women feel at ease, she wished that men had more more powerful and connected to “compassion” for the responsibilities everyone else. they put on women when they cannot be there and the stress that creates. I believe that women by default think Responsibilities such as taking care with their hearts, while men think with of the kids and working to provide their heads. For us to understand each shelter and food on the table. A other, we first need to understand little empathy goes a long way to both why and how we operate so ensure a happy, loving and workable we can communicate in a way where relationship that can stand the test of we all feel loved, wanted, safe and time. Asking a question such as, how heard. is it like for you to handle all these responsibilities on your own, goes a long way. Zoe Khetani of San Diego said, “Men are solution oriented and sometimes when women are looking


Maybe you knew exactly what you were about to do. Perhaps, like my wife, this life came as a surprise to you and derailed “the plan.” Regardless of how you got here, there is no denying that this life is hard. Hard is almost an understatement. This “business trip” isn’t only one week. It could be over a year. There are constant changes, there are constant unknowns, and there are constant uncertainties. Navigating this life and sometimes your place in it is hard. People always talk about how honorable and brave military men and women are, and I firmly believe that to be true. We are privileged to live in this country with our freedoms because of the men and women who have risked their lives for us and sacrificed so much for us to be able to live the way that we do. But most people neglect to mention the families and loved ones of those serving who ultimately act as their rock and support. Nurturing a relationship with someone who is overseas is far from easy, not to mention the hardship of being the mom and the dad for the kids. I believe that being a spouse is truly the hardest job in the military. With all that being said... this should never be an excuse to stop “Your Plan!” Screw being content in life! Be the Lady boss that states her dream publicly and goes about making it happen. You know you have much to offer a team, business or passion project and should expect nothing less than equality in every area of your life. Don’t quit on yourself because you might move again or the unknown is ahead. The unknown of not knowing your potential seems scarier to me. There are so many opportunities out there. Dive in! Surround yourself around people who will do everything they can do to help you make your dream come true. The world needs boat rockers, floor shakers, and earth movers. Tell the world your desires, hopes, and dreams. Knowing that you can do it, knowing that you can make something amazing of this life, knowing that you can make a difference, however small, in the face of all the hardship makes this totally worth it. So, keep going forward no matter the distance of each step! One step at a time, you will get to the top of the staircase. Keep making everything you can of this life in spite of all the hardships. I believe in you. This is dedicated to my wife Shelley Nyland for being the rock of this military family. #neversettle by Michael Nyland

You Say I Can’t, But I Say Watch Me Women were once revered as adult children whom men can bed, control, and shush at will. But today, women stand united to fight for the right to voice their opinions, to work where they choose (for equal pay), to end violence against women, for reproductive rights and so much more. The month of March is designated to women globally to encourage and motivate each other to soar beyond what once was. Women have proved they can do almost everything a man can do and bare children; so why are we still fighting for simple liberties?

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Are you

Tired of trying to be healthy but you are eating food that tastes like cardboard? Of course you are!!!

I truly believe in the expression, You say I Can’t, But I Say Watch Me, I’m Rooted In Me. Through the help of all my culturally different sistas, I’ve learned it is ok to love me first and pursue goals that are right for me. These women helped me to love my body and myself just because I’m a cool person. My questions are: If the main thing that separates women apart from men is brute strength, why can’t we be seen as equals? Why does someone need to dominate another human being? Why should culture or genitalia matter when it comes to building up the same world that we all have to live in? Change in tradition (men worked, and women stayed at home) is never easy. But due to the increase in the cost of living, increased taxes, and low wages (all caused by men), the need for two incomes just to survive has helped pushed to fight for civil rights and liberties. Women are now choosing when they have children when they get married, and as well as their own career choices. We now have women creating and running their own businesses like never before. Women are Entrepreneurs Digging Their Own Gold. I love seeing women come together in harmony in large numbers for the betterment of each other. The winds have changed and will continue to change until women are viewed as intellectually competitive human equals. After all, without us, humanity would no longer exist naturally.

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by Bernice Jackson




I have had the privilege of knowing

and being influenced by an amazing woman. At the age of 20, she left her family, friends, and home of Honduras to seek out a better life for herself. She was able to make friends in college. And she was able to become a citizen and stay for good. I could only imagine how scared, but also how excited she must have been to set out on such a journey. It was new, it was different, and it was exciting. Although she might not consider herself one, she is the definition of an entrepreneur. She took on great personal and financial risk for her dream. And she achieved it. This amazing woman, I can proudly call her my mother. And as I too am starting my own journey, I can use her as a teacher. Here are three that I wish to share with you all. My 3 Lessons from an Immigrant: 1. Go for it! Yes, it might be scary! Yes, you may at times feel unsure or doubt if it’s even possible. But you just have to go for it! You will not know the outcome unless you try! I have had a truly blessed life because my mother decided to go for it! Her actions not only have impacted herself. But those around her and the generations that have come after her. That is TRUE impact! TRUE legacy!

After serving 4 years in the Marine Corps, James Adalberto Nelson had no vision and no direction in life. Struggling to find purpose and meaning in his life he came to realize that first, the needed the break the chains that were holding him back in life. As the chain breaker speaker, he now speaks and helps break the chains of others that hold them back and allows them the live the life they were meant to live.

to ask people when the bus came using English! But now she can speak perfectly and is even giving back to the younger generation by teaching them Spanish so they can open up their eyes to new worlds! My mother would never have been able to do that if she did not get outside of her comfort zone. When I was learning and struggling with speaking Spanish to real native speakers, I could always pull back on my mother’s example and say “if she did it, I could do it.” And I have been improving every single day by getting uncomfortable and putting myself out there!

3. Family is Everything My mother has not forgotten where she came from! She always makes time to call and talk with family and visit when she can. She has shown me that family is forever and no matter where you are in the world, you have the responsibility to take care and help your family in any way possible. 2. It takes being Uncomfortable She is the glue in our family that keeps Have you ever tried learning another us together. She has been a bridge of language? Then have you ever connection for me to my other family tried practicing that language with members, and I am truly thankful and a native speaker! It can be very grateful for everything she has done uncomfortable! I remember my mom and continued to do for our family. telling me that she was afraid at times


Have you ever watched The West Wing? If you haven’t, you absolutely must. It’s streaming on Netflix right now, so you have no excuse. It is unequivocally my all-time, list-topping favorite show in the entire world! It’s witty, dry, sarcastic and such a timeless and transcendent piece of art that it will live on, surpassing any other political show that came before or since. One of the reasons I will forever be obsessed is the way it portrays its female characters. Now, I will say the ratio of men to women is woefully low, but the two females that stand out to me the most carry the weight for all womankind. C.J. Cregg, White House Press Secretary, turned Chief of Staff, played by the incomparable Allison Janney, holds her own against five strong male personalities within the administration, not to mention countless international heads of state. Her wit, charm, and ability to tell the truth to power and remain elegant proves it is possible for a qualified woman to hold high public office without being considered shrill or a ball buster, only looking to climb the ladder because she’s a woman and believes it is her due. Ainsley Hayes, Associate White House Counsel, member of the opposing party and a publicly known critic of the administration, is played by the charming Emily Proctor. She stands on her principles and belief that women do not need any assistance being successful in the workplace, whether in the high levels of government or elsewhere. Her opposition to the 14th Amendment, better known as the Equal Rights Amendment, should be the battle cry of women today. In response to the question of why she (and 40% of all women) oppose the ERA she says: “Because it’s humiliating! A new amendment that we vote on, declaring that I am equal under the law to a man. I am mortified to discover there’s a reason to believe I wasn’t before. I am a citizen of this country. I am not a special subset in need of your protection. I do not have to have to have my rights handed down to me by a bunch of old, white men. The same Article 14 that protects you protects me. And I went to law school to make sure.” Boom! Can you say mic drop?! Rather than try to emasculate the male gender or beg and plead to be included in their boy’s club, take a page from Ainsley’s way of thinking. She waits for no man; she knows who she is, what rights and protections she has and lets her actions speak for her. She went to Smith College, the birthplace of feminism to argue against something that gives women equal rights. Why? Her belief that women in requiring those rights from men are consenting to the fact that they did not have them in the first place. Something to think about the next time women demand equality from men. by Amber Kerstein


Thought Leaders Zone


4 IDEAS TO UNLOCK SUCCESS In 2018 I had the honor of being one of the featured keynote speakers at the Motherhood ReWritten Conference. I was the only male speaker. I’m not going lie saying that when the opportunity first presented itself, all sorts of doubts surfaced around being good enough, why me, and what could I possibly say to empower women without sounding like a man talking at them?

“We tend to go by if you want something done, do it yourself!... Don’t show weakness, don’t cry… We’re trying to be so strong and trying to do everything at the same time on our own, all the time.” “Boss Lady, Stop it! Go find yourself a tribe; a mentor, a coach, someone who can give you the shortcuts, so you don’t have to make your own mistakes.”

One of the beautiful outcomes of speaking at the conference was being able to experience firsthand what happens when women who share a common vision come together. It was powerful.

“Your tribe is there to support you. Whether it is with a question, or just to cry on their shoulder, you need people around you who you can go to.”

Here is some wisdom from four woman entrepreneurs. Their messages and ideas will undoubtedly inspire and empower you to new heights!

“Having a tribe makes business so much easier.”

1. YOUR INTUITION WILL ALWAYS BE KIND – It May Not Be Gentle Jenn Beninger is the co-founder of Genius Unlocked Coaching Institute. She’s been an entrepreneur her entire life who’s built multiple 6-figure businesses and wants us to “lean into and trust our intuition more.” She goes on to describe intuition as “a powerful force” and to “act on it with more confidence as opposed to dismissing it.” “Your intuition will always be kind, it may not be gentle. Your inner child, inner voice, inner ego, are not always kind – they come out without permission and have a tendency to want to rule everything.” “Your intuition has to be asked, it will not come out without permission.” Have you checked in with your intuition lately? What is it telling you about your next most powerful steps? 2. YOU ARE THE GIFT SOMEONE IS WAITING FOR

Barbara Hoard is the founder of A Woman’s Essence, a comprehensive women’s empowerment workshop. She develops and leads training for women to feel safe to share their fears, doubts, dreams and to connect with other women. “Women throughout history have truly been the cornerstone of the world. Women are strong, resilient, dynamic, creative, and all around gogetters. Inside every woman is this passion, an essence that she might not even know, but she feels something.” “Don’t stop! It might look scary, and it’s OK. We as women have faced so many things and succeeded. Someone in this world is waiting for what you have to share.”


3. YOUR TRIBE IS WAITING FOR YOU Kat Halushka is an international mentor, speaker, and coach and one of the women behind Million Dollar Sisterhood. Here’s what she had to say about being a woman entrepreneur:

She also adds, “Celebrating with someone is so much more fun than by yourself, trust me!” I’ve personally witnessed Kat’s unprecedented growth this last year since she’s aligned herself with her tribe. What will you do next to find or create your tribe? 4. GO ALL IN ON WHO YOU ARE! A serial entrepreneur, speaker, and the woman behind the Women Empower Expo (WEX), Alexa Carlin is on a mission to make a difference in at least one person’s life every single day. Despite facing many ups and downs, including facing a one percent chance to live when she was 17, today, she is very clear on the path to success: “Understand that there is enough room for all of us to be successful. Worry less about the how and focus more on the who. Who do you have to be to achieve that dream you want? When you go all in on who you are and incorporate your authenticity into your business, you will always be able to rise above the noise.” What will become possible for you when you go all in? Where is your tribe? Who is waiting for you to show up for them? When you tap into your intuition, what do you already know? I know I will continue to learn from women in all areas of my life, from relationship to business. Acknowledge and celebrate the women in your circle of influence and regularly invite them to share their wisdom with you. I’ll bet they will challenge you to the edge of your comfort zone, and as a result, create the opportunity for you to better understand yourself and your path to success. an ambassador, and they will tell everyone they know about the guy who showed up in their classroom to surprise them with a big check! You’re ready, now!

She goes on to address women entrepreneurs specifically:

When you commit to your vision, the results are always extraordinary! So what are you waiting for? We’re waiting for you!

“Help other women. You know the struggles, and you can be the one to grab her hand and lift her to the next level.”

by Davide Di Giorgio



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Many people misunderstand 1Peter 3:7 where it mentions women are the weaker vessel. The operative word is “weaker” compared to their husband or a man. Physically we do not have the muscle mass a man is capable of achieving, and some of us may be quicker to cry while watching a RomCom or “chick flick.” But these things do not mean we are totally weak and always in need of help. We are capable of many things. We all have our own strengths, and we tend to use those in the benefit of others before that of ourselves.



Cornelius Simon

It was a battle between two wellqualified job candidates. One had a few more years of experience over the other, but their skills were nearly identical, and both held similar positions in the past. As the interview team was going back and forth, trying to decide which candidate would be the best fit for the team, the hiring manager was compelled to step in and make the tough decision. Seemingly frustrated with their indecisiveness, she stands up and says, “we’re going with the candidate with less experience.”

“Mr. No Limits” Cornelius “Mr. No Limits” Simon is a motivational speaker, personal success coach and professional development trainer passionate about helping others unlock their true potential and develop a clear path for achieving success in all areas of life.

His charisma, authenticity and practical approach for inspiring transformation and achievement has changed the lives Curious as to why the less experienced of many resulting in personal freedom, candidate was chosen, Mark decided to ask his manager. “Melissa, why happiness, and fulfillment. didn’t you choose the candidate with more experience?”, she stood up from behind her desk, took off her glasses Visualize yourself already confident. and said, “I went with the candidate A great technique for developing selfconfidence is to see yourself how you who was more confident.” would be as a confident person. Start In most situations, confidence will by creating a situation in your mind beat out experience, skills, and talents that depicts you in that confident state, every time. Why? Because confidence then spend a few minutes getting into is the “X” factor that stands out and what it feels like to be confident. This causes others to take notice. It shows is a powerful strategy for removing others you believe in yourself and mental blocks and transforming the that you’re capable of adapting and mind. handling difficult situations. Learn how to better handle rejection. How to Develop Your Confidence Many people fail to develop selfconfidence because of the fear of Factor Here are a few tips to help develop being rejected. By learning how to handle rejection, you’re able to guard your Confidence Factor: your inner feelings against wanting Keep trying until you’re confident. to give up and stop trying. The next Confidence comes as you apply time you feel rejected, instead of consistently, repeated effort and internalizing people’s response, action. If you want to get rid of your look at their response as of way of fear of speaking in public, you have becoming better. to speak in public more. If you want to grow your business, but you get Keep it positive. Developing selfnervous at networking events, you confidence doesn’t happen overnight. have to attend more networking Look for the positive in each repeated events. You keep trying until you’re effort and action you take. Use positive self-talk, such as affirmations, confident. to help you move past fears and Feed off the energy of others. To to keep trying until you have the stick with our networking example, if confidence you need. you get nervous when meeting new people, attach yourself to someone It’s the Confidence Factor that will set who is comfortable and confident you apart and help you to succeed in talking to strangers. Feeding off this business, career, and life, without it person’s energy will help develop you’re twice defeated. your confidence.


What we as women need to remember is to fuel ourselves before we fuel others. So many times we do just the opposite and drain ourselves until we are either burnt out or literally dead! We are born nurturers, giving is our middle name. We give until we’re gone. So how does that help anyone else if we aren’t here? How do we fuel ourselves? There are many ways, but we’ll focus on three: 1) Fuel your passion 2) Fuel your body 3) Fuel your mind. When you fuel yourself first, you will soon find you’ll have even more to give afterward. When you fuel your passion, you allow yourself the time to do the things you love. Only you know what that is. You might have forgotten while in pursuit of service to others. Perhaps now is the time to reignite and reacquaint yourself with that old flame or find something new. I suggest to take a moment, find a quiet place, close your eyes and run through all the things in your mind that bring your heart joy. Music, art, cooking, writing, skydiving, dancing or is it something else, maybe you have multiple passions? Whatever it is recall how it made you feel when you used to engage in it regularly. Perhaps you became a professional at it, but life and the everyday cares of this world got in the way. If you are one of the many women that let your passion go by the wayside, open your eyes and take your passion back! As women, we are more emotional than the opposite sex. Have we had so much drama in our lives that we ingested way too much comfort food? Or is it just the opposite we forget to eat. Whatever the case it’s time to put healthy eating back in our lives. Set the alarm for eating times if you have to! Last but not least, fuel your mind. Keep learning, there are endless things to study from nature to technology, from science to spirituality and everything in between. Rekindle that thirst for knowledge so you can grow and continue to be a resource for others. All in all, we women are truly capable. We are not weak, not if we continue to ignite the passion within, exercise the muscle of our brain and fuel our bodies in a healthy way. by Sharon J Geyer


#MedToo... Harassment of Women in Medicine When the #MeToo revolution began, it seemed more than overdue to me. Over the past year, I’ve come to realize the only way women have a chance at equity, and reasonable treatment is to continue to shine a light on this issue. First, the salary inequity. Can someone explain how anyone can accept receiving less pay for the same work? There was a Mary Tyler Moore rerun from the 1970s where she asked about salary disparity and was told, “It’s because he has a family to support.” Some women in medicine make as little as 61% of their male counterparts. Old attitudes and research report this is due to decreased hours for child rearing, lack of productivity for spending more time per patient visit, and lack of initial salary negotiation. One example shown to me reflected that if a woman didn’t use her voice to negotiate that original salary up by just $10,000 a year, it reflected a loss of nearly a million dollars of earnings over her career. So many women don’t negotiate their salary or ask for a raise because they don’t want to make a fuss. Read the book “Getting to Yes” and learn to negotiate, women! Second, the harassment issue. There is a significant, but profound, difference between being harassed because you’re a woman and being sexually harassed. I’ve come to realize that I missed the latter early in my career because of my extreme youth. By the time I was in surgical residency, though, my surgical residency colleagues, with the full knowledge and encouragement of the program director, had assaulted me so often, including cutting my pants off on a street corner, attacking me during a meeting, and attempted rape, and then moved to threatening my family, the head doctor at the hospital called me into his office one day and said, “Gail, I’m going to have to pull you from the surgical residency. I just can’t guarantee your safety.” We have to do better at recognizing and challenging when we deserve better treatment. We work hard. We do the best things for our patients, but not always for each other. We need to recognize and take the road less traveled and stand up for what is right, not expedient, to make things better for the generations that follow. No one deserves to be treated as I have been. I’ve finally learned that always being willing to do what was asked – extra hours, extra patients - isn’t the right or fair thing to do. I choose another path. In the meantime, I’ve begun to follow my daughter. She’s obtaining a Master’s in Development Practices, “sustainability,” as she puts it with a global focus on the environment and women’s access to rights. This Millennial generation who have learned to put self-care first may just get it right. As we elect more women to office as a better reflection of society, perhaps we’ll get closer to the society our children, and we so richly deserve. by Gail L Clifford, MD

THANK YOU, Evan A. Dolezal


Evan Dolezal is San Diego born, but Chicago raised. He is the CEO of RAW Marketing SD and specializes in Facebook Ads and Funnel Creation. His vision is to plant churches internationally and apply his passion for music and speaking to the church stage.

making things happen. She serves others daily. Once you are her friend, you stay her friend because she is one of the most loyal and hardworking people I know. She puts others needs before hers and never complains. I could always depend on her to over in any situation because she I am honored to write this month’s deliver is truly dedicated to excellence and article and to give credit to the many doing whatever it takes! strong and influential women who impact me daily. Growing up I did not Jennifer Meim is my happiness have a strong mother presence due to coach. Her friendly, positive attitude divorce at an early age and the back is contagious, and I truly value her and forth strategy for parenting in the as a friend. She has a servants heart 21st century. I would spend the week and is adored by many because of it. with my dad and the weekend with She is continuously building up others my mom. However, I am now more and sharing anything she has. I strive than ever influenced positively by the to have a heart like hers because that strong women that surround me daily. is something you don’t see very often, This article is a summation of lessons I but should be everywhere! learn from them, and it is my privilege to lavish praise to the empowered Mary Hang is a firecracker of passion female friends in my life. and energy. There is no resting around As I am writing this article, beside me sits one of the strongest women I know, Casey Nicole Fox. Casey is empowering and elevating women on her Podcast. She has overcome so much adversity in her life and is a real, authentic example of inner power. I can’t tell you how many times I have wanted to stop short on something and looked at her grinding away without distraction and it motivated me to keep going. I have literally said to myself, “Casey is still going, so can I.” There is no one who rivals her work ethic, inner strength, and tenacity.

her because her energy is contagious. She remembers specific details about your life to make you feel appreciated and cared for. She doesn’t tolerate excuses and will make it known. She is bold and fearless. Listen to her, and you will be heading down a great path. I honestly have so much more to say about these amazing women that this article doesn’t do them justice for the way they impact my life. I am so grateful to have them in my life and encourage all of you to get to know them if you don’t already!

One of my closest friends since the day I joined Stegela Success Mastery was Kristen Crooks. We immediately became friends and have remained so, which is where I witness true loyalty and dedication. She is incredibly focused and dedicated to


MOVIE REVIEW What Men Want 2019 | R | Comedy, Romance A woman is boxed out by the male sports agents in her profession, but gains an unexpected edge over them when she develops the ability to hear men’s thoughts. Starring: Taraji P. Henson

Have you ever wished, “If only I can read his mind.” The idea of it is very promising and gives you an instant edge - an advantage. I joke around in the office that I can read minds, though there’s some seriousness to it. My curiosity to know what is wrong and my desire to relieve/solve the issue feeds my ulterior motives; to feel good. Overall, I recommend this movie. If you’re looking for good laughs, fun, and a little cheesy-ness, then you’ll like this movie. Of course, there are always lessons to be learned if you look for them. Everything is a choice. Choosing how you see things can easily predict the outcome of our decisions. The main character is your stereotypical example of an underdog woman in a male-dominated business arena in sports - a single middle-aged African American woman. The storyline significantly illustrates the mental and emotional state of the main character, and you can see her transitions in all the phases below. I saw three points of view shown in the movie that we can be aware of in our everyday interactions at work and home: “It’s about Me.” “It’s about You.” “It’s about Us.” In this movie, some parts are pretty vocal about real issues that women currently face in the workforce today. Even though we politically and publicly talk about the need for equality in the workplace, it is still greatly lacking. This is why it’s so important that the conversation starts with us and we bring awareness to our people both at home and at work. I wouldn’t mind watching this movie again and this time around I’m going to look for quotes that are MEME-able :) … Enjoy!

by Jennifer Meim

What is your favorite movie? I’ll watch and do a review on it! Text me at 619-663-5154






February was an exciting month for Life By Design and Stegela Success Mastery! We focus each month on pouring value into the San Diego entrepreneurs community. If you want more information on our events, or how to get involved contact Life By Design Mixer We had the honor of having Les Brown Jr. as our cover for the February edition of Life By Design magazine. As he walked on stage with his son Honor Brown, they came out with a speech that lit up our crowd. Indeed showing us the impact of generational wealth, and how having something to work for can impact your family and your future. Les Brown Jr. brought energy to Life By Design Magazine that will inspire for your months to come. Relentless: Relentless: Men of Excellence is San Diego’s newest community of men in business. This group is built around giving men a place to teach, learn, and connect. Every first Friday of the month we gather in a penthouse in beautiful East Village San Diego to make connections and further our businesses. If you want more information on “Relentless: Men of Excellence” reach out to Jeff Rollon. W.O.W Women of Worth is a one of a kind women’s event that gives back to women just like you! These mixers allow us to help build a community of positive, uplifting women. Casey Nicole Fox showed us the importance of self-love! We learned real action steps that every woman should take and even made one commitment to better ourselves! If you want to be a part the “Women Of Worth” community follow our group or reach out to Kristen Crooks! Get Paid to Speak: A Mastermind This mastermind is explicitly built for speakers that want to get paid, and event coordinators! This month Stephen Dela Cruz taught the importance of sales, and how to make money and an event you aren’t allowed to sell from the stage. We made real connections, and speakers even got to practice their BAM intro! As we move forward with this FREE mastermind, you will learn the techniques people use every day to get paid speaking gigs! To get more information about the “Get Paid To Speak Mastermind” reach out to Kristen Crooks!

by Kristen Crooks Events Director



OUR VISION: Our vision is to have Y.E.S. in every high school across the United States. Meet The Team Of YES Meet the team dedicated to providing mentorship and personal development in the lives of high school students: Jeff Rollon | President | a serial entrepreneur, author, business coach, and philanthropist. He enjoys helping others while living with a positive attitude and a strong entrepreneurial spirit. Jeff is a part of YES because when he looks back he realizes he was always an entrepreneur, but didn’t have the guidance to turn that mindset into a more positive direction, which is why he is now that person for others.

Mary Hang | Vice President | a published author, influencer, keynote speaker, serial entrepreneur and philanthropist. Although she wears multiple hats, her biggest and most rewarding passion is impacting the youth through Young Entrepreneur Society & her book series "Letters To Me", which led her to receive the "Blue Ribbons Worldwide" Award.

YES stand for Young Entrepreneur Society. We are a California Nonprofit 501 (c)(3) that serves high schools on a weekly basis. Every week our team of volunteers hosts school clubs during their lunch break to bring them FREE lunch & activities, and videos around the spirit of entrepreneurship (leadership, team building, critical thinking, communication, sense of community, mindset and personal development, etc). WHY Y.E.S.? Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death in teens between 13 and 18. Depression and anxiety are the number 1 and 2 mental illnesses suffered among students in high school. 1 out of 6 teens have seriously considered suicide. 1 out of 12 have attempted suicide. 78% of students have started drinking alcohol. 42.5% of students have used drugs. Of that, 25% have used hard drugs such as cocaine, LSD, and Ecstasy. 50% of students have been bullied online. Every 26 seconds a student drops out of high school.

Dominic Cruz | Director | the founder/CEO of CruzIN Social Media and a former professional hip-hop dancer. He has a strong passion for helping business owners just like you grow revenue via social media. He was raised in the city of Boston, MA and born in New Orleans, LA.

We believe this is due to lack of purpose and lack of vision. Our team comes in every week to bring the spirit of entrepreneurship to give hope and vision for their future.



"Stegela Success Mastery, San Diego’s #1 success coaching and mastermind program!"

"Within 7 days after taking action based on Stephen's advice, money that I didn't believe was possible began to pour in... I couldn't believe it!"



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