Pixel Magazine Issue 911 2014

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News The Big Interview Nikon’s new Head of Sales Charlotte Paulin speaks to Pixel about exciting news from CES and Nikon’s strategy for success in 2014

Breaking News: T4 to Close Newbury Branch T4 Cameras have announced the impending closure of their Newbury, store. Their lease expires on August 7th 2014, and they’ll be shutting up the shop by then. T4 owner Tom Dingwall told Pixel: “Developments in Newbury have taken trade across town and new parking restrictions have made life very difficult. Whilst we have weathered the change in the market in our Swindon and Witney stores, this has not been the case in Newbury. This will enable us to put more energy into the other stores and our online presence and to develop the excellent relationships that we have with all our customers and our major suppliers.” We’ll be speaking with Tom in more detail about this decision shortly: watch this space.

It’s Coming! The Photography Show takes place at the NEC in Birmignham from 1st to 4th March. The hotly anticipated heir to Focus on Imaging’s crown features exhibitors, seminars, workshops and exciting opportunities for the enthusiast photographer. You can read more about what Canon, Nikon, Panasonic and more have planned for the event at pixel.co.uk


10th February 2014


Enter your drivers for the second annual Pixel Indie 150 Drivers Challenge: Thursday 3rd April 2014 - Daytona Motorsport Milton Keynes Those of you who attended our Indie 150 Dealer Day last year - or didn’t, and have been kicking yourselves ever since - we are now taking driver entries for the next one! We’ve engineered this day to be a fun day out for dealers with no entry fees - they’re paid for by imaging brands present on the day. It’s a 2.5 Hour endurance race with a pit stop challenge for teams of 4 drivers. You can field a whole team, or just individuals and we’ll team you up. It’s not just a ‘jolly’ though... those present on the day will have access to unbeatable ‘event only’ deals that will be strictly limited to the number of drivers attending. Whilst you’re not in the driving seat, there will be networking and exclusive hands-on sessions in the display area on the mezzanine floor overlooking the track. Just like last year, breakfast and a hot lunch

buffet plus unlimited tea, coffee and soft drinks are included, and of course, bubbly and trophies for the winners. So, that’s free entry, free food and drink, exclusive deals and the chance to race cars around. What are you waiting for? Spaces are limited, so contact Event Organiser - Simon Skinner - 01323 433700 - simon@lifemediagroup. co.uk - to book your driver(s) in.

£1k High Street Tax Break Is your store one of the 300,000 that will qualify? High Streets Minister Brandon Lewis has announced that 300,000 retailers will benefit from a two year annual £1k tax discounts, as part of the government’s long-term economic plan. Guidance on which businesses are entitled to the new discount has been given to local authorities, and councils should now automatically include the discount in the business rate bills they are sending out shortly. Retail premises will be eligible for a £1,000 discount in 2014 to 2015 and 2015 to 2016. These businesses must be occupied and have a rateable value below £50,000. This discount can be used on top of other measures announced by the Chancellor that will come into effect in April, which amount to the biggest package of support

in over 20 years which includes capping the annual Retail Price Index increase at 2 per cent in 2014 to 2015 and extending the doubling of the Small Business Rates Relief to April 2015 Small business rate relief has also been extended to including small firms taking on an additional second property, helping helping an estimated 3,000 businesses expand. There’s also a discount of 50% off business rates for 18 months for new occupants of retail premises previously empty for a year or more. In addition, a new Employment Allowance will mean 450,000 small businesses no longer have to pay employers national insurance contributions. You can read more about this, including links to the guidance itself, at pixel.co.uk

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