SBT issue 446

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Welcome to the latest, packed issue of SBT

The last month has been great, being able to have some face to face meetings, attend a charity Golf Day, (yes a real life event) which was amazing, well done to the Care for Veterans team. It seems we are slowly, slowly getting there…

This month we had great pleasure in catching up with co-founder of the newly rebranded full service digital marketing agency Fox & Bear, we hear from the brilliant James Dempster for our cover feature.

We have a special Awards Issue this month as we hear from the winners, some nominees and sponsors from the second County Business Clubs Virtual awards last month. It was another amazing night, raising nearly £1000 for two great charities whilst

recognising some great companies from across the County. Thank you to all the sponsors and everyone that supported the event, especially my co-host Bradley Hatchett and the Network My Club team, as well as the brilliant James Johnson from Picture Book Films. Huge Congratulations to all our Winners.

As always this issue is packed with insights, advice and great content across a variety of sectors, written by the Sussex business community for the Sussex business community.

Thank you all as always for your continued support and we look forward to on the road to recovery. I hope you enjoy the issue, Sam Thomas, Managing Director






Issue 446

Cover 446

Managing Director/Publisher Sam Thomas 01323 819 012 Production & Design Kim Butler Accounts Clare Fermor 01323 819 016 Published by The Business Group Sussex Ltd. Unit 1a Swan Barn Business Centre, Swan Barn Road, Hailsham, BN27 2BY Printed by L&S Printing Limited Hazelwood Close Worthing BN14 8NP 01903 821005

07 13 19 25 29 33

Copyright The Business Group Sussex Ltd. 2020 ©

County Business Clubs Virtual Awards Special

SBT Finance

Back to the office – Help is available! By Carpenter Box

SBT Legal

To be or not to be (A Limited Company) Mayo Wynne Baxter

SBT Property

We hear from Award Winners Remmus Designer Homes Ltd

SBT People Management & Recruitment

HR Troubleshooting for businesses that are re-opening – from Award winners HR Dept

SBT Cover Feature

We chat to the co-founder of Fox & Bear James Dempster


SBT Sales & Marketing


SBT Charity

57 65 69

All material in this publication is strictly copyright and all rights reserved. Reproduction without permission is prohibited. The views expressed in Sussex Business Times Magazine do not necessarily represent the view of The Business Group Sussex Ltd. Every care is taken in compiling the contents but the publishers of Sussex Business Times Magazine assume no responsibility for any damage, loss or injury arising from the participation in any offers, competitions or advertisement contained within Sussex Business Times Magazine. All prices featured in Sussex Business Times Magazine are correct at the time of going to press.

Monthly News


Miss Bossy, the leader, by Stephanie Prior | 67 Degrees celebrate their Fifth Anniversary and Much more.

We hear from the Charity of the Year Winners Chestnut Tree House as well as all the Finalists.

SBT Tech

A packed Tech issue as we hear from Award Winners Silicon Brighton as well as Paxton Access and Extech Cloud

SBT Motoring

How much does it actually cost to lease a car in 2021?

SBT Networking & Events

We Chat to Bintems Crazy Golf | 8 Tactics to become a better online Networker, by NMC | Back together by the seaside, from YBrighton

Chamber News

We hear from Sussex Chamber – Brighton Brighton– Worthing & Adur Chamber


SBT Lifestyle


SBT Ask The Expert Special

We hear from Award Winners The Cleveland Arms | It’s all Food & Drink, we talk to Noel Preston, MD of Preston Insurance Brokers

We Interview the man behind Dad La Soul, Dan Flanagan | Plus Turn up. Do Your Best. Be Consistent advice from Ben Bennett, Second Voice. 5

Well here it is, what it feels like for months I’ve been working towards A very warm welcome to you all to the second County Business Clubs Awards Although the last one made me stressed and almost mangled my brain We decided it was such a success, we had to do it again. I really hope you like the new floor plan by Bradley As well as Virtual Pub Landlord he adds interior designer to his CV. I’m so grateful for another chance to show off what our business community can do From one lockdown to another, it takes support of course, from you. The start of 2021 didn’t exactly go to plan Home schooling, staying at home and the devastating pub ban. But slowly things are opening, starting with tonight We are so glad that you accepted our invite. We had such an amazing response, almost 3000 votes Let’s hope we match in cash for our charities – with our virtual notes. Two charities this year, selected specifically for good reason Table Talk – supporting hospitality who have really suffered this season. The timing for this charity could really not have been better Kudos to founder Dan Wade – our successful go-getter. Such an inspiring initiative, with fantastic Trustees To help our hospitality industry – that has fell almost to it’s knees. Inspiring others to focus on food education An invaluable skill for the next generation. You will hear more from Dan who will be on in a bit To give you more of an insight and details about it. The second Rocking Horse, a charity close to my heart, For saving my son’s life, I don’t even know where to start. Specifically when he was born, and rushed to ICU at Trevor Mann Time stood still, we could not think or even start making plans. But day by day he got stronger, and came home to join his twin Without the charity’s support, I’ve no idea where we’d have been. So a personal plea from me to you, the money goes direct To the babies who need it most, trust me I have checked. I made a promise there and then to raise money whenever I could It’s possible without them I’d not have witnessed his childhood. So here’s to happier times again, a fun, happy night awaits And it won’t hurt so much tomorrow for any of you lightweights. We have Brighton Comedian Stephen Grant, to lighten up the mood So raise a glass and I hope you’ve got some nibbles for your food. Though of course we miss out on some boogying on the dancefloor We have a silent auction and fantastic prizes to bid for. 2020 was a year of losses but also sometimes creation For me, the main positive to take away – collaboration. It’s the heart of County Business Clubs and the core of our values It’s what helped us cope day to day and helped us to get through. The Brighton Business Community as I’ve said before Work together and help each other – really are top draw. On that note I’m delighted to welcome Bradley Hatchett from Network My Club The man we all love to catch up with at the pub Whether virtual or in person, he’s the man to hobnob The Michael Buble to my Stavros Flatley, the James Bond to my Odd Job. So enough from me, we have lots in store tonight And despite it’s virtual nature, I’m positive you might, Enjoy the next few hours, and stay for the duration With awards and entertainment, auctions and celebrations. As we hopefully see some light at the end of the tunnel for 2021 Say goodbye to COVID 19 which can frankly – do one And show off our resilience, our sense of community Written by Kelly Thomas And enjoy each other’s company, with no disunity. Hope you have a great time, hope you have enjoyed my rhyme. Sit back, relax, enjoy the show, you deserve a wonderful time.









Sussex brewery offers free beer to pubs

•H epworth & Company has created a new light pale ale, Tier Drop, to give away to pubs and help them after lockdown •T he initiative will run from April to July and is available to pubs local to the brewery •L andlords still need to pay beer duty, but Hepworth will provide the ale for nothing Sussex based

Monthly News

brewery Hepworth is

helping pubs get back on their feet after

national lockdown by

giving away its new cask beer, Tier Drop. The brewery has created a premium light pale ale (3.3% abv) with locally grown barley and hops to provide a

beer to slake the thirst of many months of closure. Pub landlords will still have

to pay the beer duty, but Hepworth will provide the beer for nothing.

The initiative will run from April

to July 2021 to support landlords after the devastating affects the

coronavirus pandemic had on the

Head Brewer and Managing Director

suitable for vegans thanks to the

will be available to pubs within a 30

has seen one of Britain’s greatest

used that removes gluten naturally.

of successive lockdowns and so with

stocked in national retailers such

hospitality industry. The Tier Drop ale mile radius of the Sussex brewery.

Customers can order up to three casks of the free beer per order.


Andy Hepworth said: “The last year

brewing process on certain beers

institutions, our pubs, bear the brunt

Many of the company’s beers are

their reopening, we wanted to help as

as Marks & Spencer, Coop, Tesco,

much as we can.

Waitrose, and Morrison’s.

“We decided to support them with

Hepworth & Company is also

serve customers once again. It is only

sustainability in brewing, being the

to doing what we can to support our

pump, which is powered by their own

free, good quality beer as they could

leading the way when it comes to

a drop in the ocean, but we are open

proud pioneer of a beer sourced heat

local pubs.”

solar panels.

Hepworth & Company, which recently

Tier Drop is available to order from

a range of 14 beers and lagers. Many

information on how to order, please

celebrated its 20th anniversary, has

Hepworth Brewery now. For more

of these beers are gluten free and



Designate launches new LV= Multi Car TV advert revealing how to make life better Brighton strategic creative agency Designate has unveiled its latest TV advert for insurance company LV= to showcase the brand’s Multi Car product.

The advert is part of

Monthly News

LV=’s It’s Our Heart That Sets Us Apart

campaign and shows customers that when

your family’s cars are on one policy, it makes life easier, simpler and offers a saving too.

Designate used familiar, relatable and

British pairings to illustrate this concept such as a biscuit dunked in tea or

traditional fish and chips and brought

this to life using stop frame animation. Becky Sherriff, Group Account Director

at Designate, said: “LV= has never used this style of production before and

stop frame animation creates a really

charming and magical effect. It already feels like part of the same LV= brand

world we all love. It was created with the help of the awesome animation experts at A+C Studios in Margate

under director, Dan Richards. We’re

“The advert sits perfectly in the

British production industry, especially at

warmth as well as the green heart

also proud that we could champion the

LV= brand world with its charm and

this particular time.”

branding and the ‘Have Love Will

One of the main challenges to

synonymous with the company. It’s

creative in a very restrictive lockdown

frame animation and it created a

Filming live action was possible, but

challenge of lockdown restrictions.”

frame gave the agency the solution

The advert launched during

complement the LV= brand and work

accompanied by further supporting

Travel’ music track, which has become

overcome was producing new TV

the first time we have used stop

period during December and January.

magical effect, while also rising to the

presented significant difficulties. Stop they needed to bring the idea to life,

Saturday Night Takeaway and will be

around any production limitations.

campaign activity.

Sophie Baker, Advertising Manager

This latest work builds further on

shows that when you bring two things

with LV=, having started working with

from LV= said: “The Multi Car TV advert

Designate’s long-standing relationship

together, they instantly become better,

the company in 2006.

Multi Car policy, which could offer a

For more information visit https://www.

like putting your family’s cars on one

saving and also means you’ve got one

policy and just one renewal date. 11


Sussex duo launch exciting investment fund to support growing businesses post COVID Monthly News

Brighton based

Click here to apply for funding

business succeed. We’ve seen many

Business Law,

Penina Shepherd, Founder & CEO

I pledge to support the successful

delighted to partner with Matt for this

marketing and creative journey,

offer my expertise in legal advice. As a

and increase their brand presence

that the unknown can be daunting and,

implementation and optimisation”.

world of law can be a complex barrier for

The unique opportunity to exchange

steps businesses take to grow and I’m

exchange for equity will no doubt be the

to get small businesses back on track

have craved during the COVID-19

law firm Acumen has announced its partnership with

the award-winning marketing agency Creative Pod, to create an innovative

investment fund opportunity for small businesses looking to rebuild and

continue to grow, post COVID-19. The unique initiative offers Sussex

based businesses legal advice, plus marketing services, in return for

equity in the business as a platform for growth following the pandemic.

Led by Sussex based entrepreneurs

Penina Shepherd and Matt Turner, the duo is pulling together to support the

community and are calling out for likeminded business owners looking to take that next step.


businesses turned upside down, and

of Acumen Business Law, said: “I’m

applicant through every step of their

unique opportunity, and I’m excited to

ensuring they maximise opportunities

business owner myself, I am well aware

through planning and strategy to

as a business lawyer, I know that the

many businesses. I’m often in awe at the

legal and marketing expertise in

thrilled to be able to offer the opportunity

blessing that many small businesses

following the COVID-19 pandemic”.

pandemic. The offering from the duo of

Matt Turner, Founder & CEO of the

looking to get back on track and reach

entrepreneurs will enable businesses

award-winning marketing agency,

their potential in 2021 and beyond.

the heart of a business’ growth, and

Click here to find out more on the

Creative Pod, said: “Marketing is at I enjoy nothing more than seeing a

Acumen Business Law website









Back to the office – help is available! With the rapid progression of the UK’s vaccination programme and relaxing of lockdown restrictions, many businesses could see an increasing number of employees returning to office premises over the next 6 to 9 months. Safety in the

Finance Consultancy Ltd


Phil Bath, Managing

Director at Phil Bath Business Services

As employees return to their workplace,

their safety is of paramount importance to their employers.

Many companies will be looking to rework their existing furniture, such as creating a minimum of 2m distancing between people in open workstations, meeting

spaces, cafés, and breakout areas. They may also look to reduce occupancy by

removing desks, tables, and seating, or use alternating desks.

The three stages to consider when reconfiguring spaces are:

• Density: the number of people per sq. ft/m

• Geometry: how the furniture is arranged

• Division: using screens, panels or barriers These should be used to create spaces

that, when implemented with new safety guidelines, allow people to confidently come back into the workplace.

Moving forward, organisations will want to create a diverse range of spaces that are highly adaptable and consider furniture that can be easily moved and surfaces

that can be effectively and easily cleaned. Meetings should take place in open

spaces for more than five people, using


flexible furniture with movable whiteboards and screens to create boundaries.

Employees and visitors will expect a safe and secure space to work and

meet. As a minimum, organisations will

need to provide anti-virus desk screens, social distancing signage, hand sanitiser stations and PPE. Super-deductions

Anthony Davies, Tax Partner at Carpenter Box

The preparation for the return to the

workplace will no doubt have a financial impact on many businesses as they upgrade equipment.

From 1 April 2021 until 31 March 2023, there are two new reliefs available to

companies that qualify with expenditure on

plant and machinery assets:

• A 130% super-deduction capital

allowance qualifying plant and machinery

• A 50% first-year allowance (FYA) for special rate assets

This means that companies will be

able to save up to 25p of tax for every £1 invested.

The 130% super-deduction is for assets that would normally qualify in the main

pool for capital allowances with a writing down allowance (WDA) of 18%. This includes plant, machinery, furniture,

etc. This means if a company spends

£100,000 on qualifying office equipment, the company can claim a deduction of £130,000 against taxable profits.

The 50% FYA is for assets that normally

FI NA NCE qualify in the special rate pool with a

WDA of 6%. These are integral features such as air-conditioning, lifts and water heating systems.

What is Plant and Machinery?

Despite the industrial term, plant and machinery generally refers to the

equipment used for carrying on a

business (‘tools of the trade’). While it

can include machines, it can also include any number of office items including

fire alarms, security systems, carpets, computers, and refrigeration. What can be claimed?

In general, you can claim capital

allowances when you buy qualifying

assets. In the current climate, businesses

are evaluating how they can optimise their workspace to provide a more flexible and agile working environment.

The items must be new or unused. You can claim a super deduction on:

• Office chairs and desks, particularly furniture that allows distancing between staff.

• Computer equipment and servers,

for example laptops and equipment

to enable staff to work remotely and more flexibly.

• The creation of flexible workspaces

and areas within the office to facilitate

tax relief given. The balancing charge is

claim additional allowances.

(Please note this applies only to the super-

collaboration may create opportunities to • New heating or air conditioning systems, to increase the ventilation.

then multiplied by the relevant factor 1.3. deduction and not the 50% FYA).

If you’re looking to purchase used or

For businesses moving to increase or

second-hand equipment, or you’re a

• Blinds and curtains, carpets, and

benefit from the Annual Investment

decrease office space:

sole trader or partnership, you may

lighting systems.

Allowance (AIA) instead.

freezers, utensils and even cutlery racks

The AIA continues to be available

• Microwaves, coffee machines, fridges, can all qualify for capital allowances. What can’t be claimed?

Unfortunately, cleaning items, hand

alongside the new measures and

remains at £1m until 31 December

2021 before dropping to just £200,000.

However, the AIA can cover leased and

sanitisers and PPE (disposable or reusable)

second-hand assets.

Therefore, capital allowances would not

How we can help

typically fall under the general expenditure. usually be applicable to these items.

Separate and detailed records must be

When are they suitable to use?

can determine what is eligible and help

kept of the qualifying assets. Our tax team

The allowances are only available to

you with your claim. For further advice

partnerships. It also makes sense to use

please get in touch with a member of our

companies, and not to individuals or

on making the most of super-deductions,

if the investment is to be held until at

friendly tax and business advisers.

least 1 April 2023.

When are they not suitable for

Please visit


If you plan to dispose of the asset before 1 April 2023, a balancing charge will be due. This will effectively claw back the

New look, but same great service!

We are very excited to announce that Carpenter Box has adopted a fresh new visual identity.

Our new look is modern and encapsulates our commitment to our clients, our team members, our communities, and our profession. Our focus continues to be providing exceptional client service during these unprecedented times. Though we may look different, Carpenter Box remains independent as it has been for nearly 100 years.

The locally delivered service we pride ourselves in supplying will continue to be our priority, with the support of our new international partner, PrimeGlobal.

We believe our new look together with our new tag line ‘Building a Brighter Future’ matches our commitment to making a difference to our clients.

For further news on our updated brand, visit 15


Financial Service Award winners, Mortgage Medics I was thrilled to collect the Financial Services Award on behalf of the whole Mortgage Medics team at last month’s County Business Club (virtual) awards. To be honest I was sceptical about the idea of a virtual awards night but it was a fantastic event and great to see local businesses recognised. I must pay tribute to


my team who have been phenomenal

working from home

for the majority of the

last 13 months – every single one of them has been amazing, despite the various challenges everyone has faced, from

one should always think

carefully and weigh up the pros and cons, especially as the rates on offer for

these types of product are significantly higher than

similar deals pre-COVID.

home-schooling, to setting up a home

The Stamp Duty holiday

important sense of togetherness that we

buyers can continue to

workspace, and missing out on that all all miss from the workplace.

But the changes enforced by COVID-19 have also provided opportunities and

inspired innovation, upskilling with new

technology, and it’s taken us in a direction

I never thought possible – a predominantly remote workforce, happy, productive and still delivering great results for our clients.

Since the turn of the year (actually since June 2020) the property market has been busy, house prices have been

slowly increasing and our work has been dominated by two things – the return of

higher LTV (loan-to-value) lending and the stamp duty holiday extension.

The return of 90% and 95% mortgages, will once again allow those with smaller

deposits to move and get on the ladder.

These have partly returned through natural market forces as we emerge from COVID restrictions, and partly thanks to the

government’s new Mortgage Guarantee Scheme, which I wrote about recently

here. It’s good news for the market but


extension means that

save up to £15,000 if they complete a purchase

before 30th June 2021,

tapering to up to £2,500 if they complete

before 30th September 2021. Thereafter we expect Stamp Duty rates to return

to pre-COVID levels. The Stamp Duty

holiday has undoubtedly been a success;

it’s allowed more homeowners to seek out new surroundings than would otherwise have been able, and it’s also supported countless industries that benefit from housing transactions – think estate

the rest of 2021 will be about thriving and rediscovering the many facets of our work that keep us engaged and enthused in our work. Sam Murphy

Managing Director – Mortgage Medics

etc Time will tell the full picture but

Mortgage Medics Limited is an appointed representative of The On-Line Partnership Limited which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority

industries may have been at risk, it looks


agents, solicitors, mortgage advisers,

removals, DIY suppliers, building trades when you think how many jobs in these like a shrewd bit of fiscal policy.

As we head into Summer and hopefully the relaxation of the restrictions we’ve all been under for more than a year

now, I really look forward to re-engaging with our local business community.

We’ve all been trying to survive and

manage the last 13 months, hopefully




Q&A with Co-Founders Daniel Fielding and Gary Steadman Spartan FX is an awarding winning currency specialist, with over 50 years of industry experience. Our expert team has

of our logo, which means protection

their industry. We have all had to adapt

resonated with our core values and what

hard to make sure that this change in

brand that is strong, safe, and reliable.

to a drop in the quality of our service,

account for mortgage and maintenance

What is it about Spartan FX that

reviews we have managed to achieve.

around the world, or paying suppliers

Gary: The people within the business

Gary: With Brexit, the main problem is

with the belief that deliverable FX could

makes it hard for businesses to prepare

started a brand that will never lose sight

are a lot of changes often resulting in

of service and our clients are the most

Spartan FX we do everything we can to


helped thousands of

customers move their money seamlessly around the world.

Whether you are topping up your local payments, buying or selling property

overseas, we will help you get the best

according to Spartan history. This really

to working from home, we have worked

we are trying to be for our clients: a

working environment wouldn’t lead

makes you stand out from the crowd?

which by looking at our continued 5-star

first and foremost. We all came together

the ongoing uncertainty of it all, which

be done so much better. We have

when there is still a lot unknown. There

of its original core values, that our levels

more costs to their bottom line, here at

important thing.

support our customers.

Why did you set up Spartan FX?

How do you reassure customers that

What tips would you give to individuals

primarily it was to use our knowledge

their money is safe and secure?

international payment this year?

rate at the right time.

Founders Dan and Gary share their

insights on the effects of Brexit and

COVID-19 on international payments and why they started Spartan FX.

Dan: There are so many reasons, but and experience to set up a business

that does things properly, and that we

could be proud of. Having both worked for a long time in large corporate FX

companies in London, we started to

become disillusioned with the industry. We were often being required to act

and transact in the best interests of the business rather than the customer. We wanted to create a customer-centric FX platform and a company where

the customers’ best interests are our number one priority.

How did you decide on the name? Gary: We had so many ideas but

ultimately, we wanted something strong,

that helped to convey what we are trying to achieve. We took this a step further by using the chevron as a key element

you are a company they can trust, and Gary: All our team have a substantial

amount of experience and that is really important. When it comes to looking

after a client’s transaction, you want the dealer to understand all the potential

or businesses who need to make an • Don’t overlook your FX payments.

• Give yourself time, the more time you have the more options you will have available to you.

• Have an honest conversation with your

scenarios and have an appreciation

dealer so they really understand what

of the reasons that all members of our

know the more we can help.

of how everything works. That is one client-facing team handling currency

transactions have at least ten years of

you want to achieve. The more we

experience, helping our clients to avoid any potential pitfalls.

How are Brexit and COVID-19 affecting your business?

Dan: It’s made things tough for a lot

of our clients. The pandemic has seen some of our clients do very well while

others have struggled and have had to

furlough a lot of their staff depending on 17

Selling, buying or starting a business? Call us on 0800 84 94 101 Offices across Sussex










To be or not to be (a limited company)

The term “business vehicle” doesn’t just refer to a company car: it also references the type of legal structure you use to trade under. Your choice will have profound implications. Why does it matter?


you can exit your business when that

Your choice of

time comes.

directly affect the

The main commercial business

business vehicle will way you run your

business. It will impact the cost of

vehicles are:

running it as well as the tax you pay

Being self-employed (aka ‘sole-trader’

you incur. The ease with which you

This is just you, trading under your own

and business partners and the

e.g. “The Sussex Bagel Bakery”, but it’s

packages will be affected, as will how

brand). The advantages are that you can

pension. It even has an impact on how

register with anyone; it’s free to start; it’s

and the amount of personal liability

and ‘sole proprietor’)

can accommodate future investors

name (you can use a business name,

structure of your staff compensation

still you – the name is just a trademark/

you own property and manage your

begin immediately; you don’t have to


flexible (you are the boss and, as long

as you obey the law and pay your taxes, then you get to call the shots). There is

nothing stopping you hiring staff; renting

business premises; getting registered for

VAT; etc. Nor do you have to worry about statutory obligations to do things like

file an annual return (nowadays called a Confirmation Statement) or prepare

accounts (although in practice you may

need them to manage the business and work out if you owe HMRC).

The drawbacks tend to arise when your business becomes profitable or overly

LEGA L the purposes

of conducting

business. Lots

of people have


partnerships but

don’t necessarily realise it – and

because they don’t

realise, they have not agreed all the terms

of a partnership. This makes things very messy if partners

subsequently fall out as there are issues

complex. Profit is subject to income

tax and national insurance, which can

save you money if you are in the lowest tax bands but can be quite painful if not. By definition, a sole trader is a

one-person business. If you need coowners/partners to run the business,

you can’t be a sole trader. Along with tax, perhaps the biggest drawback is

the personal liability. If something goes wrong in the business, then because

the business is you, it is you who are

personally liable - and so your personal assets (e.g., your family house) may be

seized to pay business debts. For these reasons, most sole traders run smaller, simpler, businesses.

Not surprisingly sole proprietorships

are the most popular form of business

vehicle: circa 3.5 million in a recent count (i.e., about 59% of all UK businesses). Partnerships

There were 414,000 partnerships in 2019, equal to circa 7% of all UK businesses. Partnerships can be incorporated

or unincorporated. Unincorporated partnerships are akin to being selfemployed - except you’re trading

together with somebody else as a co-

owner. A difficulty with unincorporated

partnerships is they automatically come into existence when you start acting

in concert with another person(s) for

about ownership of

assets (including any business name,

customers, goodwill etc.). Each partner

can legally bind/be held responsible for

the actions of all the other partners and

issues can arise regarding responsibility for any losses.

The advantages of unincorporated

partnerships are like those of a sole

trader – immediate; free to establish;

privacy (there is no public record), etc. Incorporated partnerships are a blending

of limited companies and unincorporated partnerships. As far as the world is

concerned, they are dealing with a limited company, but internally the governance

and reward mechanisms (and tax liability) are structured like a partnership. The

main draw of an incorporated partnership is the much-reduced personal liability: unless it’s something particularly

outrageous if the LLP messes up, then

Limited Companies

Often referred to as private limited

companies (to distinguish them from PLC’s), there were 2 million in 2019 (circa 34% of UK businesses).

Limited companies are treated as separate legal entities from the

shareholders who own them and the

directors who manage them. That’s why

directors and shareholders can be found to have defrauded their own companies. There are many advantages of trading through a limited company:

• You can easily separate investors and owners from managers (e.g. allowing for professional managers)

• It is easier to have different percentages of ownership.

• They are generally more tax efficient.

• It is easier to accommodate investors. • Their ownership and governance

structure works well for larger/more complicated businesses.

The main disadvantages are that they are subject to much more regulation

and public scrutiny, and they can be

expensive to set up and maintain as a

result. It is often easier for original owners to be pushed aside against their will,

and once you have finished with your

company you need to actively close it. Which vehicle is right for you will depend on your circumstances, especially regarding likely tax implications.

it’s the LLP and its assets that are held

By James O’Connell, Partner

their personal assets. Incorporated

liable, not the individual partners and

partnerships have similar obligations to limited companies, e.g., to register on

incorporation and file various documents at Companies House. Incorporated

partnerships are much more public than unincorporated ones, e.g. they have to

have accounts drawn up and be available for public viewing at Companies House. 21

Employment Law: COVID Vaccinations and the Workplace As we start to see an exit out of the COVID 19 pandemic, the issue of vaccinations has become a big discussion point. Many are excited about regained freedoms and lower risk as a result, some are sceptical about the effect and concerned about them becoming a requirement in law. There has been



discussion in the media about the

concept of “no jab,

no job”, and whether or not employers could require staff to be vaccinated in order to start a new job, or even continue in an existing one.

This is against a background of the government making it clear that

they have no plans to legislate for

vaccinations to be compulsory in the UK. The obvious point about them


being de facto compulsory for foreign travel is still a major one, but that is not the purpose of this article, save

to say that in many countries, having a vaccine (eg for Yellow Fever) is compulsory to gain entry.

The starting point is that there is nothing in law that directly prevents this policy,

it is the indirect legal consequences that need to be considered. The debate at

present on “no jab, no job” seems to be binary, with those either fully in favour or resolutely against it. The reality of

the position is much more nuanced and

complicated, and any employer who is

considering the position should have the following in mind:

1) The Sector they work in

An example that has been discussed, is the care sector. Employees in

that sector interact with vulnerable

individuals, and the risk to those people is much greater than in the wider

economy. An employer that insisted

on a vaccination for new staff in those circumstances would have little risk.

Existing staff are more problematic, and I deal with that later.


Alex Jones

that group, or even those women

is an objective test based comparable

5) Unreasonable variation of Terms

7) Refusal to allow vaccine

Existing employees are already

considered, is employers that take an

planning to have a child.

of Employment

employed on agreed terms. If an

employer wants to suggest that a 2) Age Discrimination

vaccine is a job requirement, that

needed, at present, it risks being

An unreasonable variation of terms

younger people are not able to comply

repudiatory breach of contract and

justifiable under the law, but an employer

claiming Constructive Dismissal.

Using the care home example, they

about imposing such requirements,

employers of similar size, resources etc

One further area that has not been

anti vaccine stance themselves. An

employer may issue an instruction that staff are to not have the vaccine. This

would almost certainly breach the duty

If a requirement for a vaccine was

will mean a variation in those terms.

discriminatory on grounds of age. ie

without consent, could amount to a

as easily. That might be objectively

justify the employee in resigning and

would have to demonstrate that point.

Employers should think very carefully

would probably be able to do that, in an

unless the variation can be justified. Eg on safety grounds.

Please always take advice on any staff

office this is less likely.

3) Disability Discrimination

6) Unfair Dismissal

By Alex Jones, Managing Director, 365

reason ie a disability under the Equality

for a refusal to have the vaccine, they

365 Employment Law Solicitors

To make their employment condition on

qualify, staff must have been employed

relating to their disability.

the dismissal as fair, they have to show

4) Maternity Discrimination

also have to show it was reasonable.

to pregnant women. The requirement

the dismissal must have fallen within the

Employees may have a genuine medical

If an employer dismisses an employee

Act, why they cannot have the vaccine.

could face an Unfair Dismissal Claim. To

it could be discriminatory for reasons

for 2 years. If an employer is to justify

of trust and confidence that employers owe their staff, and could give rise to constructive dismissal claims.

Dependent on sector, there may be

direct risks associated with this stance, and health and safety implications.

related issues.

Employment Law Tel: 01903 863284

that it was for a fair reason and they

At present, the vaccine is not given

This reasonableness test in law is that

could therefore discriminate against

“band of reasonable responses”. That 23


Possession Claims & Notice Periods

Daniel Winslow – Partner & Head of Leasehold Services at Healys LLP Last year, the


country experienced

significant disruption caused by the

pandemic. That was

felt particularly hard by many private renters in the residential sector, who suddenly found themselves unable to pay the rent under their assured

shorthold tenancies. In response to

that the government moved quickly to release a raft of temporary legislation aimed at protecting tenants from

eviction and preventing what would have

inevitably resulted in mass homelessness during the hardest time many have experienced during their lifetime.

The new regulations led to considerable changes to the usual procedures that

enabled landlords to take back possession of their properties. Many of these changes remain in force, however some are due to

expire in the coming months. So what are

the rules and when will they change as we approach the end of lockdown?

Before the pandemic, landlords were

generally able to obtain possession of their properties by serving one of two notices. The first was a notice under section 21

of the Housing Act 1988, which enabled

them to give their tenant 2 months’ notice (often referred to as a no fault notice to

quit) to leave, following which the landlord could then issue possession proceedings and if necessary instruct a bailiff to evict the tenant if they refused to leave.

The second notice was under section 8 of the Housing Act 1988, which


unlike the section 21 route requires

valid grounds to terminate the tenancy.

Those grounds are numerous, however, by far the most heavily used ground is (perhaps unsurprisingly) rent arrears.

Generally, provided the tenant was at least 2 months in arears, the landlord could give the tenant 14 days’ notice to leave, failing which possession

proceedings could be issued. Following that a bailiff could then be instructed to evict the tenant if necessary.

One might therefore see how the

Daniel Winslow

existing mechanisms could have led to mass homelessness. Whilst I accept

there are tangible arguments that could be made against the fairness of the

legislation on landlords, the government no doubt considered the changes to be

the lesser of two evils and on balance, I would agree with that assessment. So what are the present notice

periods? Currently, the notice period for serving a section 21 notice is

6 months. This also applies to the

majority of section 8 notices. However, exceptions do apply and so you will need a professional to review your

specific circumstances and advise you on your position. For example, notices served on the basis of rent arrears is reduced from 6 months to 4 weeks

where the arrears is 6 months or more.

The rules remain in place until 1st June 2021 and so tenants and landlords affected by the recent legislation,

should be reviewing their position as

there is likely to be a flurry of activity once the law resets.

In addition to the changes made

to notices and notice periods, the

government also introduced a ban

on enforcing possession orders. This

currently remains in force until 31st May 2021. Again, there are exceptions and so you will need to seek professional

advice on your specific circumstances. If you require further information

regarding possession claims and

notice periods, please don’t hesitate to contact Healys LLP’s Property Litigation team.






Remmus Designer Homes

The multi award winning house builders based in Sussex At Remmus


Designer Homes our passion is to create beautiful homes

and communities in

some of the most desirable locations

in the South East. All of our homes are thoughtfully designed in consideration to their local surroundings to sit

harmoniously within the existing

landscape and communities. We build a wide range of new homes from

bungalows and large five bedroom

family homes to small developments

of 2, 3 and 4 bedroom homes all with the same focus of luxury living in

prime locations. We pride ourselves on our attention to detail from

design to completion with our focus on enhancing the lives of our new

home owners. Each highly-specified

Remmus home has been thoughtfully designed to blend with the local


landscape with internal specification

focused on providing luxury living and modern technology.

For more information visit: Once our homes have been completed

All Remmus Homes are carefully

our construction and quality control

& construction to not only meet

element of each home and only when

expectations and our highly qualified

it be released for sale, additionally to

design stages of our developments to

code for new homes’ ensures the

homes are considered to enhance the

respect of marketing, selling and after

considered for location, design

team will thoroughly inspect every

but exceed our new home owners

it meets the high standards we set will

team take great pride and care in the

this our adherence to the ‘consumer

ensure that every element of our new

highest standards are set and met in

lives of our new home owners.

sales customer care.

All of our homes are designed and

constructed to the highest standards and to the stringent standards as set by Global Home Warranties,

and all of our homes bear a Global

Home Warranties 10 year structural defect warranty, ensuring total

peace of mind long after completion.


We hear from Greystone Associates

Graham Cosham has worked for over 40 years within the construction industry, both as a military engineer and in a civilian career.

This has involved


working around the world, as well as

the UK on various

construction projects.

Attached to fire fighting teams for

Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD)

works post-Gulf War One. Greystone

Associates was formed as a business in 1992, and is consistent in maintaining knowledge and training in current

Health and Safety laws and legislation. Clients have and do vary from Major Contractors Group (MCG), to sole contractors.

We enjoy challenges and know how

to overcome them in a cost-effective

way, and we advocate use of modern methods of construction to assist in

removal of hazards. We believe in a

practical approach to safety. Where

achievable, we can reduce the volume of paperwork required for projects. Our specialities include:

•C onstruction safety - safety policies,

site safety inspections, safety training in construction.

• CDM Adviser/Principal Designer. ACIOB, Institute of Construction

Management member, Institute of Leadership and Management.

•U ndertaking the provision of training, either in-house or bespoke with our associates.

• Undertaking of expert witness

• EOD surveys and party wall representatives.

Member of the Alliance of Safety

Professionals - a group of like-minded safety advisors who have a practical approach to safety challenges.

We are currently in the process of obtaining an OFQUAL certification, which will enable us to deliver training courses that are

government-recognised and fall within

current Health and Safety specifications. The motto of Greystone Associates is: We don’t have problems — just challenges.

reports for defence and prosecution in legal claims.

• Incorporated member of Associate of Project Safety (IAPS) 27













HR Troubleshooting for businesses that are re-opening Earlier this month we witnessed the return of outdoor hospitality, non-essential retail, and other businesses such as gyms and hairdressers. With the speed of the vaccine rollout, we are hopeful that things will continue to get better from here, with more businesses expected to return next month. For employers,


thoughts are turning

to a smooth return to

work. If you are getting ready to re-open your

business, it’s important to consider the following for a stress-free restart.

1. Managing back-to-work anxiety If you are keen to get back to

business, you will need your team

ready and engaged to get stuck in.

It’s likely that you will be dealing with a mixed bag of emotions from your

employees and a way to manage this

is to communicate your COVID Secure risk assessment. You can also provide

can spread negativity so seek to

Signage and announcements can

with a private chat.

chances of misunderstandings leading

resolve the source of their complaints

3. Managing absences during the

improve communication and lower the to difficult situations.

reopening of your business

5. Making sure your HR admin is

back employees from furlough and

Dealing with the day-to-day that

If only it were that simple! Whether

take up a lot of your time, leaving

or a childcare emergency, absences

made significant changes to your

recorded. Absence management

policies may need a review to keep

You’ve planned rotas, brought


organised who needs to be in when.

arises from people management can

it’s sickness absence, self-isolation

the paperwork to pile up. If you have

happen, so make sure they are all

business, contracts, handbooks and

software can be a time saver here.

you compliant.

Consult your absence management

If you’re overloaded with other work,

policy, which may need updating to

outsourcing this to your local HR Dept

consider COVID-related absences.

could be a good idea. We can help:

For those finding it particularly tough,

4. Managing conflict resolution

Sue Beeby (HR Dept, Chichester,

can provide confidential counselling.

From being closed for months to

lateral flow tests and require staff to

use these prior to starting their shift.

an Employee Assistance Programme

2. Managing non-compliant employees as you re-open

Maintaining a COVID Secure workplace is a legal requirement. You’ll need

your team onboard with this and so

any new procedures, along with the consequences of failure to comply,

should be well communicated early on. Equally, a bitter employee who is not

keen about returning to the workplace


during times of high pressure

Arun, Adur and Horsham) at susan.

suddenly having queues out the door

01243 214404

could be a very busy time for some

Serena May (HR Dept, Eastbourne,

Conflict can arise during times of high

and a diary full of bookings, this customer-facing businesses.

Brighton and Hove) at serena.may@

pressure and employees are going

01323 403500

to need reliable reporting lines and

supportive management in order to

work well. Keep the communication

flowing during busy times so that you can catch any issues before they escalate.


Ric Hayden, LearningCog’s Founder and Managing Director

We are delighted to be nominated and finalists at this year’s virtual Sussex business awards, being proud members of the Sussex business community it was great to receive this recognition.

Ten years ago, when I founded LearningCog, my intention was to Training earn a living doing what I love the most; helping people to learn more about themselves and reach their full potential through learning, training and development. I never expected that 10 years later I would have built a global business that has supported so many clients and individuals. Setting up LearningCog I made a promise to myself to keep my passion first and foremost in everything I do. Back then I got first-hand experience of what it takes to run a business, on my own, and what happens when you challenge yourself and are pushed out of your comfort zone. The first client I worked with saw me travelling around Asia for nine months delivering a Leadership and Management Development programme to 350 people across 9 different countries. Being out of my comfort zone was an understatement! But through the success of this initial client, we have continued as a business to build on the success of this programme. The biggest thing I recognised from my career, and from the travelling across different cultures is that people have far more potential than they think they have. I include myself in that statement too. I recognised that I have so more in me and so much more to give. The commitment I made then is the same as the commitment I make now; support people with anything that is holding them back. Allow them to understand how they can be even greater than they already are.

From years of working with individuals and organisations my view has always been the same, people are inherently good. No one ever has the intention to be bad, or horrible. Many problems that individuals and organisations face, stem from fear which leads to a lack of trust, lack of skills and knowledge and no authenticity. Some people can come across as being arrogant, or withdrawn, or incompetent when they do not access the right skills and knowledge to be able to be their authentic self. Insights Discovery has, and always will be, at the core of the work we do. In the fifteen years that I have been working with the internationally recognised psychometric tool, it has been amazing to see the level of change and understanding people take away. Originally, we worked with small teams and groups on various Management and Leadership programmes. Now, we keep on doing those great things and work with organisations to develop highly engaged teams that work with and support each other. Many people reading this will remember attending an Insights Discovery programme with LearningCog and the life-long learning that they took away. I often speak with people who were on workshops ten years ago who still use the Insights model in everything they do. Looking to the future – we have exciting plans. We have recently launched a new offering Pitch Community www.pitch. community to help support sole traders, small and medium business to grow and build much needed skills to bounce back from the current pandemic.

unique approach to support learning and development for everyone. During the last ten years we have worked with so many clients from a variety of industries. We have employed and worked with some of the most talented people in Learning and Development, many of whom have stayed in contact with us or are still working with us. We have met thousands of learners along the way, and the ongoing feedback we get has been great. I want to say a massive THANK YOU to everyone who has been involved in LearningCog’s journey for the last ten years and hope you stick around for the next ten. Ten years ago, I would not have anticipated celebrating our anniversary and the Sussex business awards in this way. No party, no dancing, no hugs (most people know I’m a hugger). We are currently in a time where selfunderstanding, change, development, authenticity and agility are the key ingredients to help ourselves, our society, and organisations grow again. Now more than ever the support LearningCog offers has become so important. Our first ten years has been an amazing rollercoaster and we look forward to working with more Sussex businesses over the next ten years.

We are designing our own Digital Learning platform. We are taking a 31


What can businesses learn from professional sports? What is your favourite professional football/rugby/cricket team? Or even favourite golfer or tennis player? Let’s use Brighton

Health Insurance

and Hove Albion as an example. What

happens to their star player when they

get injured? Let’s pretend Lewis Dunk

suffers a nasty cruciate ligament injury which will rule him out for months. As a business, Brighton and Hove

Albion know that they need their best players on the pitch to give them the best chance to succeed. That is why they provide medical insurance to

their players so that they can access

medical treatment fast without having

to wait on the NHS for treatment. This enables them to get Lewis Dunk back to full fitness ASAP.

This could lead to them picking up more points which helps keep the Albion in the Premier League for

another year and earns them millions of pounds. Shirt sales stay high,

demand on season tickets remains high and club go from strength to

Daniel Wade

What are you doing to get your ‘star

save you money in the long term.

to Personnel Today magazine,

To find out more, please contact

Who is your star player? Who is your

average of £568 per person, per year

happens to your business if your star

each year. Having your star players off

strength. All because of getting their captain ‘back to work’.

player’ back to work? According

Now- think about your business.

absenteeism costs UK businesses an

captain? Now ask yourself what

with an employee taking 6.4 days off

player is off work with an injury or

work costs you money.

sales? Are you going to have to pay

Private medical insurance is not

workload? Are you going to have to

team. At WPA, we specialise in providing

more serious condition?

and SME’s. Investing in your team can

illness? Are you going to lose out on overtime to other staff to cover the

exclusively for your favourite sports

hire a temporary employee if it’s a

medical insurance for the self-employed


Daniel Wade from WPA Healthcare on





We chat with Fox&Bear In this month’s cover feature, we sit down with Co-Founder and Managing Director of Fox&Bear, James Dempster. Having recently rebranded from Cobb Digital, 2021 marks a significant period of growth for the eighteen-strong team who have been delivering integrated marketing campaigns for a wide range of clients over the last eight years. James, tell us about

Cover Feature


We are a full-service marketing agency

based in Brighton,

rebrand of Cobb Digital and design and branding agency, Spoken.

So why now? Why rebrand to Fox&Bear?

and Spoken and now we’re able to

offer expertise and insight across all

marketing channels from day one. We

still work closely with Cobb PR and our relationship has never been stronger

bringing together expertise in digital

Having worked together for a number of

design, branding and data insight. Back

with a full suite of digital marketing

called Cobb Digital and we solely focused

together under one roof, managed

Tell us about Fox&Bear, where does

by our sister PR agency, Cobb PR. Fast

fee. It made sense. A lot of our clients

One thing that has been consistent in

marketing, public relations, strategy,

years, we saw a need to provide clients

in 2013 I co-founded what was then

and branding services, packaged

on digital marketing activity, supported

by one main point of contact, for one

forward eight years and Fox&Bear is a

already worked with Cobb Digital


with them. Tim and Sue Cobb remain on

the board as shareholders and are active directors in Fox&Bear.

the name come from?

the success of human beings is the


ability to tell stories. It’s an innate need

to hear and share stories, whether it’s a

Greek masterpiece or a soap opera – we like to be told tales.

This storytelling starts in childhood and, so, when looking for inspiration for a

name for the rebrand, I looked no further than my two sons. Their middle names are Fox and Bear, animals renowned for intelligence and strength. It’s my

intention that Archie’s Bear will protect Charlie’s Fox and vice versa.

It’s the same with Fox&Bear. We care about your story and we know that

brands don’t have a never-ending supply of marketing budget, so we have to be efficient with spend whilst at the same

time bringing stories to life and helping our clients grow.

And tell us about Spoken, how did

just about sales and the number of

business cards collected at a lunch, but instead, people are willing to

help, willing to share expertise and

genuinely want our city to succeed

and for businesses to thrive. Some of my strongest friendships have been

made networking and Fox&Bear’s Co-

Founder, Lisa Seymour, is testament to that support and friendship.

Lisa set up Spoken in 2016 and working with a team of designers and website

developers, the team have been delivering unique, memorable brand design for

clients across corporate and consumer

brands. Upon first working with Lisa I was struct by her can-do approach, creating bespoke solutions that truly deliver for

clients. As both our businesses grew and

the need for our services inter-twined, we decided to team up as Fox&Bear.

your work become so integrated

This re-brand comes just as the

One thing that I truly believe Brighton

restrictions. How has the last year

across clients?

does better than anywhere else is networking. Networking here isn’t

country begins to ease out of been for business?

It will come as no surprise that the last

year has been challenging. The first

months when panic, uncertainty and

stress were setting in were the hardest. Every time my phone rang I dreaded it

was a client asking to pause, given they were shutting their doors, and I worried about paying salaries, showing strong

leadership to the team and how we would make it through the next months. It was hard. We reduced the team’s working

hours as a result of client demand and we took each week as it came.

Whilst it was undoubtably some of the most stressful months as a business

leader, I will always be grateful to our

team and the resilience they showed.

Their natural instinct was to see how we could assist clients, how we could help them navigate challenging situations and how we could ensure that we

were adding value. It certainly was a rollercoaster and I’m pleased to say

that Q1 of this year has been one of the strongest in our history.

With the re-brand bedding in, our team is stronger than ever and we’re proud 35


spend to Facebook ensuring that we’re efficient with investment, delivering the

strongest returns. We look at this across

all marketing channels so that we can be sure we’re delivering the strongest return on investment.

This was our laser focus through the

pandemic. Many clients had to reduce spend and it was our job to make sure

we were providing value and results. In addition, we saw a huge rise in clients

requesting support for more traditional

communication channels ensuring that their customers and clients were kept

up-to-date as restrictions changed. Some to have a brilliant client roster and

a team of professionals that deliver stand-out results, day in, day out.

Whilst the landscape of business leaders changed, tell us how

the pandemic has impacted the

marketing needs of your clients.

It has been really interesting to see how this year has unfolded for our

clients. We work across a number of

sectors, so no two clients have faced

the same challenges and it’s certainly kept us on our toes as we look to re-


think marketing campaigns, change

of our retail clients saw huge spikes in

tactics and build new strategies.

demand through lockdown periods, whilst

Since day one, we’ve always believed

industries worked hard to keep on top of

our clients in the tourism and leisure

in the power of telling stories. We’re

ever-changing restrictions and guidance.

our stories. All this means is that we’re

The more I hear about marketing, the

what actions our clients’ customers are

moving parts there are. Tell us about

if we’re seeing a much larger number

help with.

advertising campaigns, rather than

and there’s definitely not a one-size-fits-

also big believers of using data to tell

making marketing decisions based on

more I understand just how many

making and not gut feeling. For example,

your team and the services you can

of sales as a result of our Facebook

Marketing is an ever-growing discipline

our Google campaigns, we’ll divert

all approach. We have a team of experts

COVER FE ATU RE that cover branding and design, email

marketing, social media, public relations, paid media, website optimisation and

creative content. It sounds like a lot but it’s integral to have individuals who are absolute experts in their field so that

they can work together to deliver the

from social media campaigns, website design, account management and our

own branding! Now the team are able to

focus on a specialist area, enabling them to really spend time on getting the best possible results for our clients.

best service.

And what’s a typical day like as

Channels like Facebook and Instagram

No day is ever the same, that’s for sure.

are changing all the time with new products launching, new updates

being announced and new ways of

doing things. It’s the same for our paid team, who regularly complete CPD courses to ensure that we’re using tools in the best possible way.

As well as our marketing delivery team we also have four brilliant account

managers on board who ensure that

client campaigns are delivered on time, within budget and exceed our KPIs.

That’s something that has really changed over the last eight years. When I first

started Cobb Digital we were a team of

three all pitching in working on everything

Managing Director of Fox&Bear?

And I’m also not one to say that the

business is successful because I get up at 5am to write my to-do list, swim in

the sea or cook an egg white omelette. Running a business is a balancing

act, and with two young children it’s

important that I carve out time in my

day to spend with them. Whilst we all

love our jobs, it’s important to remember that we’re not surgeons! There are times when we have to rally around to help

clients, but if something can wait to give us room to breathe then it’s important for everyone to have some time out.

Normally for me I’ll be in the office by

about 8am having dropped the boys at

school. As the team start to arrive it’s

nice to have a chat, catch up with what people are up to and check in on my

emails to see what the priorities are for

the day. If we’re pitching for a new client I’ll catch up with the team to make sure

we’re happy with our proposal and pitch and otherwise I’ll grab a coffee with our Online Director to see how our clients

are. Through lockdown Lisa and I hosted a series of webinars to share advice

and insight with other business leaders in the area which was really interesting

and reminded me just how many brilliant businesses there are across Sussex.

As a team we normally head out to get

some lunch and if it’s a Friday we might

enjoy a wrap from ‘We Love Falafal’ or a pizza at ‘Fatto a Mano’.

After lunch I’ll often speak to clients or meet with members of the team that I manage directly. That’s the best bit of the job – helping the team progress,

upskill and being the person that can share feedback when they’re doing a

great job. On Fridays we like to finish at 37


4pm and celebrate our team champion

of the week before Monday rolls around and we start again.

supporting our coastal businesses and the sustainability of our place help me give something back to our region.

Outside of Fox&Bear you wear

Finally, before we wrap this up, what

organisations. How do you find

businesses just starting out.

a number of hats for different the time?

It’s true and I often find it hard to say no when asked to support things I love. I put a lot of my business

success down to the help, advice and

guidance I’ve been shown from others, so when an opportunity for me arises to do just that, I love to get involved. Currently I’m a Board Member for

Brighton Chamber and The Living

Coast and I’m also Vice Chairman for

the Coastal West Sussex Partnership.

The Chamber helped me hugely when I first started out and so it’s a real

pleasure to meet ambitious businesses that are setting up camp in Brighton.

On top of that, there’s nowhere else in the country I’d rather be living and so


are your top five marketing tips for

1. K now your audience.

All too often businesses start marketing

to everyone without really understanding who they should be speaking to. It

spreads your resource very thin, for little reward. You should be happy to list who you don’t want to be in front of, just as well as who you do. 2. L ess is more.

There are so many marketing platforms

out there now. It’s unlikely that you need to be on every one of them. Do you need to

be on TikTok, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat and Facebook? Find out where your audience spend their time and concentrate on that channel first.

3. T ell your story.

Who are you? What do you do? Why are you passionate about your service and product? People buy people so make sure this shines through. 4. I nvest in ads.

It takes a long time to build an

engaged following so invest in quick

wins that save you time. Google Ads

are perfect if you know that your target audience is searching online for your product or solution. 5. A sk for help.

Don’t be afraid to reach out to people in

your network that can help. Especially in Brighton, you’ll be pleasantly surprised by the support you’ll receive.














Miss Bossy, the Leader

As a business development and marketing manager, I have spent a lot of time working and networking with some of Sussex’s leading business women. Having the opportunity to listen, observe and learn from such leaders has been very empowering. One of the reasons

Sales & Marketing

I enjoy working on

women in business initiatives, is that it provides me

with a professional yet somewhat

informal opportunity to be surrounded by ‘bossy’ (leaders) women, in an unapologetic environment.

Of course not all women are ‘bossy’ nor is every leader the same.

All leaders have their own style;

drawing from different experiences

and perspectives on what qualities make them effective in leadership.

Nevertheless, traditional leadership traits can consist of ambition, assertiveness, determination,

confidence and at times, bossiness. However, women are not always

praised for such leadership qualities and may feel vulnerable to scrutiny when doing so. When we explore

leadership, women are still a minority in most sectors including corporate, non-profit, government, medicine, religion, education and so on.

There is no doubt that women have

made history in the workplace but with approximately 6.3% of UK firms being run by a female chief executive, there is still room for progress.

When it comes to competition, most of us would expect that regardless of gender, the best person should

get the job. But as women continue


to strive for equal opportunities in

the workplace, there is evidence to

suggest that gender bias still exists. The term bossy tends to be a word

typically attributed to women who take charge or as the classic Little Miss

Bossy book suggests, like to order

people around. It’s a vague term that can be commonly associated with a

woman who upholds strong leadership skills. As played out in the story

tale, Little Miss Bossy’s character is problematic and as a result, many

women have been taught from a young age not to be bossy.


If a woman’s attitude is reduced to a problem, it can ultimately make

her question or even disregard their

leadership potential. Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg and Girls Scouts of

USA CEO, Anna Maria Chavez set up

a ‘Ban Bossy’ campaign to encourage more leadership in women by banning the word bossy. The campaign

criticises the use of the word bossy

to be stigmatising and discouraging

women from positions of leadership. As Sandberg would say, “That girl is not bossy. She has executive leadership skills.”

Psychologist Adam Grant suggested that one of the issues that disguises a Miss

Bossy from a leader is power and status. According to Grant, we react differently when power is executed by high status people and low status people. When a

woman shows assertiveness, her attitude may be perceived as ‘bossy’ due to her

status. Therefore at times, female leaders have to be careful to not overstep their status or position.

This issue becomes more apparent when we explore race. In Michelle Obama’s lead selling book

‘Becoming’, the former First Lady speaks about her experiences of

being associated with the ‘angry black women’ stereotype. “I was female,

black, and strong, which to certain

people, maintaining a certain mindset, translated only to ‘angry’…I was now starting to actually feel a bit angry”.

More recently, the Duchess of Sussex, Meghan Markle was labelled by some sources as ‘bossy’ ‘and ‘passive

aggressive’ but with little detail to the

particulars of her actions and behaviours. According to a range of reports, Meghan even had an ‘aggressive’ legal team fighting her corner.

The language we use to describe women and their professional

performance, can not only impact

confidence but also career progression and future goals. It’s important that we consider what terms we use to

empower those we work with in order to get the best results for business. As some of the most strongest

and successful women continue to highlight, taking ownership of your bossy, assertive self can be the

greatest way to break down those

glass ceilings. It takes courage to step out of your social boundaries and take action to rise to your fullest potential.

Women should not be discouraged

from being bossy and assertive. By

changing perceptions and language, we can collaboratively make steps towards removing gender bias

structures. The ‘Miss Bossy’ traits may not really be reflective of a

villain, but rather a credit to creating more balance in status and power; supporting women to negotiate

equal pay as well as gain access to positions that will enhance better representation in key fields. By Stephanie Prior 41


Entering business awards and how to create a winning entry As we approach the awards season and off the back of the successful County Business Clubs Virtual Business awards event in April, we thought we would take this opportunity to give you some guidance about how to approach business award entries and how to create a winning submission. Why enter business

Sales & Marketing


Being nominated for or winning an

award can be such a

The award ceremonies are a great

opportunity to network and embed

your brand in your local community,

sector, or area of expertise – so even if

you do not win, you win. You also have

great boost for your profile – both as a

the contents of your award entry that

business that you are looking to highlight

your marketing.

have achieved as a business and how

Here are some more reasons why

firm and for the individuals within your

and grow. It makes you realise what you you stand against your competitors.


you can re-use and repurpose for

entering business awards is a good idea:

Business Appraisal

Going through the application process can provide you with the opportunity to take a close look at all facets of your business.


Through the judging process you can

benchmark yourself against other firms in the same category, size, or sector as you.


Public Relations

Sponsorship packages offer good

Being shortlisted or winning an

great amounts of publicity.

awareness and credibility, and with

opportunity to celebrate your success.


sponsorship deal.

promote your business to new clients,

celebrate your successes and can serve

Best practice for entering awards

endorsement for your firm.

and can help build a sense of pride.

follow when collating your awards


• Follow the entry instructions and any

Winning or being a finalist can generate

Awards are a great opportunity to

as a great pat on the back to employees

Demonstrating that you have received

promotional coverage to help build

award will bring recognition and an

some, media coverage comes with the

It can also motivate employees,

There are a few ‘golden rules’ to submission:

and act as an and evaluation or

A good winning entry takes time and

there is a skill in writing a submission.

terms and conditions.

If you would like any help with using

read the category descriptions carefully.

company strategy we can help. We

your category.

through discussions and research we

clear, concise entries.

your firm that will match the judging

to your business objectives if you can.

the entry on your behalf. For more

material of what you have achieved.

01903 530787.

recognition can help if you are seeking

• Pick the right category and make sure you

business awards as part of your

quality candidates when recruiting.

• Ensure you answer all questions for

can research the right awards for you,

Choosing the awards

• Stick to the word limit, judges love

will find the right information about

industry sector, and make sure that

• Link evidence you are submitting back

criteria, and we can write and submit

marketing objectives.

• Provide evidence or supporting

information, email Lara or call us on

Ok still not sure you should enter.

• Judges will be reading a few entries, so

If you feel you do not have the

• Write in clear, concise English, avoid

not consider outsourcing your entry?

• Take your time creating your entry, but

stage of its development to make a

• Attach an image or logo to your

investment and may also help to attract

Research the right awards for your

the awards fits with your business and

What about sponsorship?

resources to put an entry together why Or if you feel your firm is not at the right credible application why not consider sponsoring the awards.

you need to make your entry memorable. jargon, and proofread your entry.

also do no wait for the deadline to submit. entry form, as it will be used if you are shortlisted. 43

67 Degrees celebrates its fifth anniversary

67 Degrees is an automotive marketing agency doing things differently. Its unique approach to the industry has seen them win numerous awards and commendations for their work - all in the space of just five years - and they’re only just getting started. Sales & Marketing

The company has

celebrated its fifth

anniversary by moving into bigger premises on the Brighton City

Airport site in Shoreham-by-sea. This signals a new era for 67 Degrees as

it expands into new territories within the industry, including the franchise dealership market.

Back to the beginning

67 Degrees has come a long way since its

humble beginnings; quite literally operating from a garden shed with just two team

members. Co-founders Laura Coleby and Justin Woodford used their knowledge

and know-how of the automotive industry


to develop the brand; they found a niche in the market for a bespoke website

design service which would benefit car dealers up and down the country.

Their hands-on approach didn’t go

unnoticed and it wasn’t long before the duo were much in demand and needed additional support. With that came the opportunity to build the business by offering a range of digital marketing services, such as social media management, SEO and PPC.

As their portfolio grew, 67 Degrees has been fortunate to retain all the original clients they began their journey with,

whilst welcoming new customers to the

family. The team pride themselves on a fantastic relationship with their clients, as they grow and develop together. Stuart Harvey, project manager at 67

Degrees was the company’s very first

employee back in 2017. He describes how the business has gone from strength to

strength and says, “There’s an overriding sense of satisfaction just seeing how

much the company has grown over the

last five years. We’ve literally gone from a shed to a 20-plus person office in a fresh

and modern building within the grounds of Brighton City Airport.

“What Laura and Justin have achieved is amazing and the great position that 67


Degrees is in right now, is testament to

their hard work. It’s a real privilege to be part of the team”

Pedal to the metal

Laura and Justin’s vision for 67 Degrees is very clear; it’s all about doing things differently and harnessing a hands-on

approach to looking after their customers. Justin, the company’s chief technical officer, reflects fondly on the past

five years, he says, “I’m really proud of everything we’ve achieved so far;

building the company up, developing

an innovative software platform which caters for dealerships of all sizes -

including franchise groups which is a

market we’re extremely excited to enter. “It’s been so rewarding to have our

achievements recognised by receiving numerous awards during the last few years. Laura and I feel really lucky to

have such a talented team on board,

who each share so much enthusiasm in their own expert fields.”

In the last twelve months, there’s been a

huge transition to digital-based services, forced by the COVID-19 pandemic and its subsequent lockdowns. Thanks to the size of the business, 67 Degrees

has been able to react and adapt to the

which has been forced to progress

the UK and aid them accordingly.

this also presented us with a huge

Whilst dealerships up and down the

products and services to benefit our

challenges thrown at car dealers across

rapidly during the pandemic. However, opportunity to develop innovative

country were forced to close their

clients, which is unique to us as a brand.

Degrees dug deep to provide unrivalled

“Our agility has allowed us to quickly

difficult and testing time.

created an online buying platform that our

Driving digital change

strived to be different, rather than fall into

showroom doors, the team at 67

support to customers who were facing a

jump on these new trends and we’ve

dealers can be proud of. We’ve always

In a relatively short space of time, 67

a corporate mould. Above all else, we feel

change from physical forecourt sales

and want nothing more than for our

Degrees has successfully managed the

extremely passionately about the industry

to facilitate buy online options for their

customers to succeed.”

automotive industry as a whole and in turn

As for the future, there is so much

process of developing an e-commerce

of that journey. 67 Degrees is currently

dealers. It’s been a huge adaptation for the has turbo-charged the marketing agency’s

more to come and you could be part

product specifically for its customers.

recruiting outstanding individuals to

The company’s project manager, Stuart

roles within the business. Discover more

Harvey, says, “There’s definitely been a big

be part of it’s team across a number of by visiting

shift in the industry where dealers are really starting to embrace a digital presence - it’s a really exciting time for us as a business and what we can offer our customers.” Laura Coleby, co-founder and CEO,

comments on this positive shift in the

trade, she says, “There’s been a huge amount of hype around online retail 45


Creative Pod take on former Brighton and Hove Albion player as their latest Business Development Specialist Ex Brighton and Hove Albion Captain, Paul Rogers, is the latest addition to award-winning marketing agency’s ever-growing team, Creative Pod. Paul’s company Cube Consulting is partnering with Creative Pod to assist the teams’ capacity with Business Development. Part of The Creative

Sales & Marketing

Group, Creative Pod

have taken on seven

new employees over

the last year during one

of the worst economic climates in history, and they are currently looking for another Marketing Executive to join the team.

Paul Rogers was previously a professional football player for over eleven years, playing across all four divisions until

retiring in 2003, Paul continued to work at Brighton and Hove Albion for many years though, first as a Sales Manager, before

being promoted to Commercial Manager

five years later in 2008 and heading up the Commercial Team through the move to

the Amex Stadium. Paul now has almost 20 years’ experience in the Sales and Marketing industry.

Back in 1992, Paul left his career as a Commodities Broker in London

and his place in Sutton United’s non-

league football club after landing a deal with Sheffield United. Developing an

established name in the professional football industry over the years, he

joined Brighton and Hove Albion in 1999 for four years, captaining the team to

consecutive league titles in 2001 and

2002 until he announced his retirement from professional football in 2003. Paul said “Assisting Creative Pod

to help support them with Business

Development is a great partnership for me and I’m sure the start of exciting

things. When Matt and I started talking about business prospects, I knew our goals were well aligned and working together could create many benefits

for both of us. I’m very grateful to have joined such a dynamic team and can’t wait to get started.”

As we near the halfway point of 2021,

it’s been a great year so far for Creative Pod, with the acquisition of many new

clients, as well as their recent award win at

the County Business Club Awards in the

‘Sales and Marketing’ category.

CEO and founder of Creative Pod, Matt Turner, explained

“I’m really pleased

to have Paul as the

newest member of the team. As a company,


Paul Rogers

we’re always looking for new ways to

expand and better ourselves; I always

find that introducing a new member to the team keeps us on our toes which is what sparks great ideas. This will

open up a lot of doors for the company and it’ll be great to see where this

new business relationship takes us. Welcome aboard Paul!”

If you’d like to discuss any marketing

or business development opportunities, please contact Creative Pod on matt@














Charity of the year winners, Chestnut Tree House

Chestnut Tree House is the children’s hospice for Sussex and South East Hampshire. Thanks to support from the local community children and families who know they don’t have long together have the chance to live life to the full and say goodbye in the way that is right for them. On a visit to Chestnut


Tree House, kids

can be astronauts for the day in the

multi-sensory room,

discover creepy crawlies on a woodland walk, or form their very own pop group in the music room. It is a place where parents can just be parents, and not

carers, and where siblings have people to talk to who understand.

As well as care provided at the House,

there is a Community Nursing Team who visit families at home, taking children

out to explore their local community or simply giving tired families and carers

the chance to take a well-earned break. Then, when the time comes, Chestnut

Tree House helps families say goodbye, in whatever way feels right for them, at

home or in the hospice itself. They offer ongoing bereavement support for the whole family.

The generosity of individuals and

businesses in the local community

makes this happen. Very little of the £4.6

Alison Taylor, Corporate Fundraising

hospice care for local children comes

“Events were cancelled, shops closed

comes from donations, fundraising, gifts

possible. And all of this at a time when

House lottery.

need care and support more than ever.

“When the pandemic hit last March, of

incredible supporters who have adapted

million needed every year to provide

Manager at Chestnut Tree House.

from central government. The majority

and fundraising as we knew it was not

in Wills, shops and the Chestnut Tree

we knew our children and families would

course we were concerned,” explains


“But we have been blown away by our and continued to fundraise, ensuring

that our dedicated care team can

continue providing vital care to children and families – now and in the future. “We’re incredibly grateful to receive this ‘Charity of the Year’ award, but

ultimately, we are only able to care for

the children, young people and families who need us because of your support. So, on behalf of everyone at Chestnut

CHA RITY precious family time. Zac is so happy

to visit the House, when we drive there, he knows where he is going and you

can see he just gets so excited, he’s so happy when he is there.”

One of the family’s favourite things to

do at Chestnut Tree House is to visit for the activity days. “We’ve met amazing

animals, a bubble-pop man, been to a

medieval day, made some furry friends –

Zac loves it, the boys love it, and we just love watching them all make amazing memories together.”

When asked what life would be like

without Chestnut Tree House, Dawn said “I wouldn’t even want to think about it. It

has been life-changing in so many ways. Our lives would be very, very different without Chestnut Tree House.”

From helping families spend precious time together to supporting them

through some of their toughest times,

every pound you or your business raise or donate to Chestnut Tree House will make a big difference. Tree House – thank you! You make

children’s hospice care possible, helping families like Zac’s to make precious memories to last a lifetime.” Zac’s story

Three-year-old Zac was born with Semilobar Holoprosencephaly an

abnormality of brain development in

which his brain doesn’t properly divide into the right and left hemispheres,

resulting in severe complex needs and a life-shortening condition.

“We were given this diagnosis at our 20week scan and we were shortly referred to Chestnut Tree House, our local

children’s hospice” says Dad, Adam. “When I was about 24-weeks pregnant we visited Chestnut Tree House for

the first time,” says Mum, Dawn. “You

hear the word ‘hospice’ and you get frightened; you think of a sad and

gloomy hospital setting. But it’s not

like that, we walked in and it instantly felt like a home away from home, it

was amazing. We stayed for dinner,

had a swim with the boys, it is such an amazing place.

Your support means that children and young people with life-shortening

and life-threatening conditions across Sussex get the care and support they need. Families just like Zac’s.

To find out more, visit www.chestnut. or email

“When Zac was about six months

old, we had our first community visit from Chestnut Tree House. It’s our

only chance to relax and not to worry,

sometimes we go out to the cinema, or

for dinner – it’s the only time Adam and I can eat together.”

As well as community visits, the family also visit Chestnut Tree House for

respite care. “We all stay together at Chestnut Tree House, it’s like a little holiday for us where we can have 49


Sussex Cancer Fund providing Clinical Massage to cancer patients in Sussex The Sussex Cancer Fund is a small charity serving the whole of Sussex by providing specialist equipment, additional patient services as well as funding cancer research. While our support of cancer services is far reaching, one of our Charity projects that receives some of the most positive feedback from patients is our Clinical Massage service. The massage service is run by the charity Full Circle Fund Therapies and has been running for a couple of years, although there was a pause in service during the height of the COVID pandemic. After seeing the massive benefit to patients from the service, the Sussex Cancer Fund wanted to ensure that the service could continue and as a result stepped in and joined forces with Full Circle by providing the funds necessary to pay for the service. The service costs Sussex Cancer Fund around £20k per year and is paid for by the kind donations from our supporters. We asked Gabby Bignell our on-site massage therapist to explain exactly how clinical massage helps our Cancer Patients. “Gentle massage and nurturing touch can help to stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system (the opposite of the ‘flight or flight’ sympathetic response) which lowers the heart rate and slows breathing, making us feel more relaxed. This in turn can make us feel more sleepy. Some people experiencing peripheral neuropathy symptoms (numbness and pins & needles) have reported temporary relief and improved normal sensation for several hours or days after the massage. Where people are feeling isolated or being treated in a separate room, a visit from a


therapist, a short massage session and chance to ‘switch off’ - or a chat at the same time - could help them feel more cared for and connected to their own bodies, following a diagnosis or intense medical treatment, and less alone.” As well as providing new state of the art equipment and big projects to improve cancer treatment, much of the work of the Sussex Cancer Fund is to try and make treatment a little more bearable, so a recent comment from one of our patients brings home to us the importance of these little touches. While receiving their massage, during a tough cycle of chemotherapy, they simply said “This is the nicest thing that has happened in weeks”. Small things really can make a difference and our massage service hasn’t stopped with the patients! We have also given staff a specialist massage chair together with an

aromatherapy oil diffuser for the new relaxation room for staff from the Cancer Treatment Unit. The room is designed as a retreat for staff to take their breaks and resident massage therapist Gabby Bignell is giving her time for free offering restorative and relaxing massages to staff during long shifts. Please help us make a difference to those going through cancer treatment by visiting our website and making a donation if you can.


Russell Martin Foundation (RMF) One might have thought that the impact of COVID-19 would have slowed down the work that we have been doing at RMF. This, however, could not be further from the truth! Old Barn Way –

sessions going by doing them remotely.

support to 219 families with food

RMF are in the process

our coaches and for the participants

friends of the those who participate in

for Old Barn Way, the

amazing. Also, since restrictions were

the site has fallen into a state of disrepair

participants for our academy day and

of this happen without the valuable

the local council and the local community


This has been a major challenge for

that was donated by the families and

but the feedback we have has been

our programmes.

old home of Southwick FC. Unfortunately,

lifted, we were so pleased to have 160

We wouldn’t be able to make a lot

and will take a concerted effort by RMF,

our Easter holiday programmes reached

contribution of our main sponsors,

record numbers with close to a 50%

Skerritts Financial Consultant and

to get the site up and running again.

increase on last year.

Donatello Restaurant.

exciting plans for the future of the site


Finally, we would like to say a huge

We want the club house to be used by the

in Brighton & Worthing with another

Chestnut Tree House for winning the

education and health initiatives as well as

These centres are for those 11-13 year

and at the weekend. We are delighted

education challenging for a variety of

who plan to make Old Barn Way their new

before returning to their secondary school.

approaching local businesses to help us

feedback we got from an Ofsted inspector

be proud of once again.

Hove Council (BHC) to see how we were


funding us for another 3 years.


of taking over the lease

Having said that we have some really

including a new clubhouse and a 3G pitch.

We currently have two education centres

congratulations to the fantastic

local community throughout the week for

planned in Chichester for September.

Charity of the Year Award.

of course football on weekday evenings

old students who are finding mainstream

to be working with Southwick 1882 FC

reasons. They stay with us for 12 weeks

home. Over the next few weeks, we will be

We were delighted with the brilliant

make this a facility that the community can

who was commissioned by Brighton &

Although the COVID-19 restrictions have stopped us from coaching at

our normal venues, we have kept the

doing. BHC have now committed to part-


Over the Christmas period, RMF gave 51

Care for Veterans – How we help our nation’s heroes

Proud to be nominated for Charity of the Year was Worthing-based charity, Care for Veterans. The charity provides care and rehabilitation for disabled ex-Service personnel from the RAF, Army, Royal Navy and auxiliary services from across the UK. James Bacharew,


Head of Fundraising

and Marketing at Care for Veterans, said:

“We were delighted

to be nominated for the ‘Charity of the

Year’ award at the SBT Virtual Business Awards 2021. It was an honour to be

able to take part in what was a fantastic evening, surrounded by some of the

South of England’s most inspirational

businesses, many of whom have played a vital role in securing the future care of our resident veterans and their families

here in Sussex and across the UK. The evening was a great success, and we left with a real sense of pride in our community and its people.”


Care for Veterans provides many different types of nursing care and services to

meet the needs of its resident veterans. Current residents in its sixty-bed facility are between 35 and 98 years old. The

its resident veterans to make good

progress towards their rehabilitation

goals to give them the very best quality of life in spite of their disability.

majority have Acquired Brain Injury (ABI)

How Care for Veterans has helped

such as multiple sclerosis, motor neurone

Anthony Lowry, 62, was a Steward in the

or a degenerative neurological condition, disease and Parkinson’s.

As an independent provider, the charity can fill the gaps often found between healthcare and social services. It

provides residents with access to a complete range of services for

people with physical disabilities and complex needs. This tailored and

comprehensive approach enables

Anthony regain his independence

Royal Navy for 20 years. He served in

the Gulf War, receiving a medal. In 2018, a stroke left him with weakness in his

right side and aphasia, a condition that causes difficulty with communication

and language. He also has a below-theknee amputation on his right leg.

A year ago, he came to live at Care for

Veterans after becoming isolated at his

CHA RITY wheelchair has allowed me to move

around the facility independently, checkin on the vegetable garden, and getting fresh air whenever I want. Now we are coming out of lockdown, I am looking forward to taking an assessment that

will allow me to use my new wheelchair

outside the grounds. Then I can get out into the local community. Although not

necessarily down to the beach, I’ve seen enough of the sea!” Your support

It is easy to help Care for Veterans to continue providing these services for our nation’s heroes.

• Sign up for a lottery ticket! Sign

up for just £4 a month you can be

in with a chance of winning the top prize of £200.

• Sign up for an event – put a team in for our Clay Pigeon Shoot on

home in Havant, Hampshire. Although Anthony hasn’t known the facility

without some level of lockdown, he has

made incredible progress since arriving. Craig Burley, Rehabilitation Technician at Care for Veterans, who has worked

closely with Anthony, explains: “When Anthony first came in, he was quite

reluctant to take part in group activities.

He felt uncomfortable at first and wanted to keep to himself. However, when I

invited him to participate in a cooking group, it kick-started his involvement in other activities. He started physio sessions, working with one of our

Physiotherapists, Vilma, and has also

been able to work on speech difficulties caused by his aphasia and can now

communicate clearly. Since arriving, he has made a dramatic improvement.”

Anthony expressed a wish to achieve greater independence. However, he found his manual wheelchair was

very difficult to use outside on uneven

surfaces. The Care for Veterans’ team

assisted him in successfully applying for funding for a private electric wheelchair from BLESMA, a charity that enables

limbless veterans to lead independent and fulfilling lives.

Anthony commented on his experience: “After a year at Care for Veterans,

11th June or Worthing Golf Day on 23rd September. If you’re feeling

adventurous, why not abseil down Brighton’s i360.

• Become a corporate partner – a charity partnership can be of

great benefit to your company and employees.

I feel like I have a greater level of

To find out more, visit

physiotherapy to help maintain my

independence. I have been having

strength on one side and improve it on the other: it’s going pretty good. I am

also now able to make my own coffee, email or call the fundraising team on 01903 218444.

and do my own cooking.

The group activities are more about

integration, getting out and mixing with

others. I spent twenty years in catering, so I found the cookery group helpful in

many ways. I enjoy cooking, and now I

have given up cooking for thousands; it’s more personal; it’s what I fancy cooking! “During lockdown, my new electric 53

Table Talk Foundation- 1 in 7 children in Brighton and Hove are obese How can there be such a high level of obesity in one of the most affluent areas in the country? We believe the answer is a lack in food education. 15% of year 6 pupils


were classed as

obese in Brighton

and Hove in 201920 according to

NHS data. Obesity in childhood often

leads to wider health issues later in life costing the NHS over £6billion each year to treat.

There is a clear link between poverty and obesity with families living in the poorest areas often choosing cheap fast food

and ready meals to feed their families

due to budget and time constraints. We all know the issues that come with this type of food- high levels of salt, sugar, additives, and fat.

Public Health England have

acknowledged that rising rates of obesity


in deprived areas is being offset by

but with a little bit of knowledge and

progress in more affluent areas.

effort, you can feed your family better

Table Talk Foundation is a new Sussex

here is providing the knowledge and

break this cycle by providing fun and

will try to provide.

primary schools in the county.

We just want to get children in the

Daniel Wade, co-founder of Table Talk

and hopefully the parents spot this

canvas and getting them inspired by

Many of us have fond memories

and lead to better food choices as

grandma and getting to lick the spoon

based charity which is aiming to

interactive food education classes to

quality food at a lower cost. The key

confidence, and this is something we

kitchen, having fun whilst they cook

Foundation says “children are a blank

enthusiasm and nurture this at home.

food at an early age can inspire them

as children cooking with parents or

they grow up.

as a treat but this quality time is

The movement over the past two

to bring this back!”

fast food is dangerous for health and

To find out more about Table Talk

understand time and budget constraints

decades towards ready meals and

the data clearly shows this. We fully

something that is dying out and we want

Foundation, please visit www.tabletalk-


Join Rockinghorse for their first charity golf day of 2021 Golf fans are being encouraged to sign up to the Rockinghorse Golf Day at Mid Sussex Golf Club this September.

Rockinghorse children’s charity is hosting its annual Charity golf day on Friday 10 September. The fundraising event will be held at the beautiful Mid Sussex Golf Club in Ditchling and will start at 7.45am. The Rockinghorse Charity Golf Day headline sponsor is FRP Advisory, along with media sponsor Sussex Business Times, and the event has proven to be a popular one for the charity previously, with over £7,000 raised at last years’ event. Best known as the official fundraising arm of the Royal Alexandra Children’s Hospital in Brighton, the charity also raises funds for neonatal units, respite centres and paediatric services across Sussex.

Chris Stevens, Partner at FRP Advisory, is proud to support the event: “FRP are, once again, delighted to sponsor the Rockinghorse Golf Day at Mid Sussex. It is a pleasure to support such a great charity, as it raises money for such a good cause. Additionally, it will be very welcome to enjoy the company of fellow supporters in a relaxed and fun environment, as life and the ability to socialise starts to get back to normal.” Janella Merritt, Head of Fundraising at Rockinghorse, is excited to be hosting the day: “After a year where we haven’t been able to have many events, we are so excited to be able to get the ball rolling again and enjoy a round of golf in the beautiful surroundings of the Sussex countryside. We hope all those golf

enthusiasts out there will be keen to get involved and help support us.” The 24 teams competing can look forward to a great game of golf along with a range of additional competitions throughout the day for nearest the pin, nearest the line and longest drive, as well as an overall prize for the winning team. Teams of up to four people can take part for £280 per team. The ticket price includes coffee and bacon rolls on arrival and a two-course meal once the golf has finished. For more details or to book, call Rockinghorse on 01273 330044 or email 55


Embracing the triple bottom line SUEZ recycling and recovery UK While traditionally the


measure of success for a business has

been centred around profitability, recently

a more sustainable approach has

gained ground. More organisations are

appreciating the benefits of considering the ‘triple bottom line’ approach, which fundamentally rests on the belief that companies should focus as much on social and environmental impacts as they do on financial aspects.

There are many cross-industry

organisations doing remarkable things to show how much social, environmental,

and economic value can be created by

following a triple bottom line approach. SUEZ recycling and recovery UK is

one of them. They are a leading waste and resource management company,

delivering environmentally responsible solutions for more than 30,000 local authority and business customers

across the UK. They are also pioneering innovative technologies to help shape a sustainable environment. SUEZ

has recognised the importance of

embedding this approach even further into their business and reporting on

performance based on its impact on the planet, people and profit.

To align with this approach, they have successfully run various projects and activities. For instance, SUEZ has

organised many fundraising events

over the last five years, which have so

far raised more than £300,000 for their

national charity partner, Macmillan Cancer Support. To complement this, their Giving Something Back programme aims to

encourage everyone in the company to

get involved with local causes and support


national charities. Last Christmas, SUEZ

projects to assist with preserving and

to nominate charities that would either

their facilities in Severnside, Suffolk,

improve the local environment in 2021.

initiative to improve local biodiversity,

50 charities over the festive period.

for local schools, as well as helping to

However, social value goes beyond

beehives installed onsite, there are now

evaluated how it could further support

SUEZ has been working hard to deliver

the pandemic made lesson planning

benefits through our services. If you

and down the country. An opportunity

the benefits of social value through your

and SUEZ launched a new suite of

SUEZ today.

asked their employees across the UK

improving biodiversity. For example,

help make Christmas better for others or

Teesside, and others have run an

Following this, they donated to more than

by providing education activity days

halt the declining bee population. With

charitable activities, and SUEZ

over 100,000 bees calling it home.

local communities. In September 2020,

meaningful social and environmental

challenging for teachers at schools up

would like to find out how you can reap

was identified to help support them

waste management contract, contact

educational resources designed to bring

STEM education to life in classrooms for primary and secondary school students. From an environmental perspective, SUEZ has developed a number of












Brighton Accelerator Collaboration We find out more from Ben, Lindsey and Tony... Business



Ben: Ben is the founder and

Managing Partner

of Second Voice, a boutique business

consultancy in Brighton. Second Voice enables tech and service-led founders to fast-track business growth utilising decades of experience growing

sales teams and start-ups first-hand. Focusing on strategy, team structure and people development, Second

Voice clients and partners have seen accelerated growth, even during the events of 2020.

Tony: Tony is the co-founder of Psydro, the world’s first social review platform. Unlike other review platforms, Psydro

is a trusted, transparent and validated

community that helps consumers spend wisely through authentic and verified reviews, which also drives Psydro’s partners business.


Lindsey: Lindsey is the founder of Bright

the input from the Psydro team,

agency that specialises in helping

strategy, as well as built comprehensive

and automations. Taking your current

would allow Psydro to scale. However,

identify where responsive, data-generated

biggest needs was attracting and

Dials. Bright Dials is an independent

Ben designed the business growth

businesses get the most out of their CRM

forecasting and financial models that

data sources as a starting point they

they discovered that one of Psydro’s

processes attract the hottest leads to your

acquiring customers and then preventing

business and accelerate the sales cycle.

them from becoming dormant.


Due to working with Lindsey

we were in the office... This is where it

was quick to recommend Bright Dials.

When Tony first joined the NatWest

helping businesses spend less time

Lindsey or Ben. However, when Tony

and marketing activity, and run a fully

Take your mind back to a time when

previously on the Accelerator, Ben

all started for Ben, Lindsey and Tony.

Lindsey’s business specialises in

Accelerator, he had barely spoken to

on manual tasks, focus their sales

was looking for support to bring his

integrated operation.

Ben’s LinkedIn profile and was delighted

Lindsey and Ben helped Tony to build

alumni of the Brighton Accelerator.

communications programme from

After connecting, Tony brought on

and building a new CRM system

product to market, he stumbled across to discover that he was a mentor and

Ben as an external consultant. With

a completely bespoke automated the ground up. Initially, designing

with sophisticated workflows that


Tony Ward

encouraged leads to engage and sign

up, as well as upsell from the different

packages that Psydro has to offer. After

Lindsey Pickles

processes in my business to deliver bigger projects in the future.”

6-8 months of working together, Psydro

“What tips on collaboration would

towards becoming a fully self-serving


has undergone a massive transition

SAAS platform. We recently caught up with all three entrepreneurs to find out how they have progressed since. Q & A’s

“What were your biggest wins from collaborating together?”

Tony: “Within 10 months I have built a product that I can sell as well as

forming a talented team focused on growing the business.”

Ben: “My favourite part was seeing

how quickly Tony and the team adapted to using the new growth strategy and financial tools. It’s fantastic to see

founders collaborate and drive the

change with us. The Psydro project has been hard work, but a huge learning

curve, and ultimately a success story and a lot of fun for all involved.”

Lindsey: “I have hired a great project

you give to entrepreneurs on the Tony: “Constantly ask questions, always be keen to learn and

understand from other people so that you can give your best.”

Ben: “Make it clear from the start who is doing what. Know what you are

this and make Second Voice a go-to

partner in the start-up growth space.” Lindsey: “The project has provided me

with an opportunity to hire more people, giving me more time to focus on

growing my business and achieve my

goal of Bright Dials being the best CRM and automation agency in the UK.”

an eye out for her new e-book “The

are using the right tools and maintain regular communication to manage expectations.”

Lindsey: “Use the right form of

communication at the right time. We

always use the tools our clients prefer

but I’m a big believer in picking up the

phone when you need to. In this project we were fortunate that both Tony and I work in a similar way by making quick decisions over the phone.”

Psydro to become a direct household

curve which has allowed me to embed

enjoyed doing. I aim to continue doing

business growth. Also, make sure you

is going to be implemented to help

also effectively able to replace myself specialist too. It’s been a great learning

tech founders is something I’ve always


“What’s next?”

on the project with a fantastic CRM

Ben: “Being able to support service or

going to deliver each week and what

manager who has been instrumental

in getting projects over the line. I was

Ben Bennett

Tony: “My ultimate moon shot is for shopping destination as well as the successful delivery of my second

Lindsey would love for you to keep Ultimate Guide to CRM”.

Ben is offering a deep dive

assessment of your business

completely free of charge. Take

advantage of your free business

growth consultation by visiting here for Service Companies and here for Tech Companies.

Tony is offering personal demos for

any business owner who is interested in supercharging business growth

with your customers voice. Psydro can save you time whilst growing

your revenue. https://psydro.

business, Wild Hire.” 59

Lawyers branching out on their own no longer have to feel alone, says Extech Cloud

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, many ambitious entrepreneurs within the legal system have chosen to branch out and go solo. With the help of Sussexbased Microsoft Partner, Extech Cloud, lawyers don’t have to feel alone. “As much as the


legal industry is

ahead in some areas, when it comes to

IT, it’s often still in

the dark ages due to consultants and

previous IT companies pulling the wool over the industry’s eyes and opting for what’s easier, instead of what would

be best,” explains Andrew Hookway,

Managing Director of Burgess Hill firm Extech Cloud.

Before creating Extech Cloud, Andrew

initially ran a large corporate firm for 10

years before deciding to go his own way.


“The pandemic has changed so much

about people’s day-to-day routines. More so than ever, we’re tending to find that

people are wanting change and the legal industry is no exception,” adds Andrew. Extech Cloud has spoken with people

who’ve decided that enough is enough

and that it’s time to retire, along with many who’ve decided they want a change in

career. More so than ever, they’ve heard from people who have taken the brave

decision to set up their own businesses. In 2020 alone, over 13,000 new

businesses were registered. The

pandemic pushed people to do what

they’d maybe been holding back from

doing in previous years. What’s more, it showed that businesses can be setup

from the comfort of your own home and

that with the right systems in place, a lot can be achieved!

Lawyers who are leaving firms and

branching out to begin a solo venture may think that going solo means

that they are ‘solo’ when it comes to

having IT support, however that’s not

the case. Extech Cloud is on-hand to

provide those in the legal industry with everything they need, including help


improving their overall performance,

businesses, like Hunters Law, to work

result,” says Andrew.

date, the team has completed hundreds

and making their staff happier as a

Whether it is through moving all

work to the cloud or finding new

and innovative solutions to working

remotely, Extech Cloud can provide

working through cloud transformation. To put it simply, if you carry on doing what you’ve done in previous years, you’re not going to get anything

different. Systems won’t magically

improve themselves overnight! However, once you do put plans into place for

an Extech Cloud IT transformation, you

will see results and be able to see a real return on your investment.

Don’t be scared - a talk with Extech

Cloud doesn’t have to be anything big.

You won’t have to make any solid plans, we prefer to have an informal chat

about your business, your systems and see where we could help you to make significant improvements.

“To date, we have completed hundreds

of cloud transformation projects, saving our customers thousands of pounds,

of cloud transformation projects, saving customers thousands of pounds,

improving their overall performance, and making their staff happier as a result.

customers with all necessary services

Extech Cloud’s purpose is to engineer

and running in no time.

organisations, and people, achieve

under one roof, to help get them up

with taking steps towards a new way of

effectively at anytime, anywhere. To

Concerns such as setting up with

the right equipment, cabling options, or a more significant threat such as

cybersecurity are inevitable when running

a flexible community and empower more and nothing makes the team prouder than seeing what can be

achieved and the difference it can

make to business owners long-term.

your own business, however, the team at

If you’ve recently gone solo or are

legal sector to adopt new technologies

you’re concerned about being alone

Extech Cloud are experts in helping the and keep ahead of competition.

Although the team at Extech Cloud works with start-ups and small

planning on doing so shortly and

when it comes to your IT, fear not…

we would be delighted to help you get your business off to a flying start!

businesses, they have also completed

For more information about digital

legal firms such as Hunters Law LLP,

com, call the Team on +44 (0) 1444

digital transformations for much larger who initially contacted Extech Cloud looking for a solution to upgrade its

transformation, visit www.extechcloud. 443200 or email

servers and overall infrastructure. When

they were informed this was not possible by another IT company, they sought to find other service providers.

The team of experts at Extech Cloud has spent years working on, and refining, the journey to the cloud, making it

a simple and smooth transition for 61

The Technology Award winners, Silicon Brighton

We are delighted to have won the Country Business Clubs ‘Technology’ award. It was fantastic to hear Silicon Brighton amongst some other great companies at this year’s virtual awards show. Our team work


endlessly to support

the growth of tech in Brighton and are so

grateful to have been

recognised with this award. We’d like to thank everyone who nominated us,

it’s been humbling to see the incredible support from our local community!

For anyone that doesn’t know about

Silicon Brighton – we’re a communityled initiative to support local digital

growth. We work hand-in-hand with

the local tech community, to provide

individuals with free opportunities for networking, training, up-skilling and

development and helping people to take their careers and businesses forward.

utilise technology and adapt to a now-

We’re really excited for the future! In just

predominately digital world.

a few months’ time we’ll hopefully be

adapt how we support tech growth

We’ve been in admiration of the

helping to support even more groups

groups we support now offering free,

our meet-up group organisers, event

an exciting increase in activity in our city

topics from product development, to

taken to Zoom for webinars, networking

keep up to date with tech and business

to coding and cybersecurity. We’ve

start some new groups! In the last year

your inbox with our newsletter. Sign up

several initiatives including ‘Silicon

community for anyone interested in Go,

our community came together for a

Google, Marketing Talk - a community

£2,300 for our local NHS Trust and ‘Our

by Bird & Blend’s Head of Brand

match local businesses that have been

Sellers Club – a new community for

with volunteer tech advisors offering

Ben Bennett, Founder and Managing

Over the last year, we’ve had to fully

getting back to in-person events and be

in Brighton, with all of the meetup

resilience and adaptability shown by

across Brighton. There’s already been

high-quality events on a vast range of

attendees and speakers as they have

as it has started to re-open – you can

data science, to marketing and sales,

and training – we’ve even been able to

news, advice and local events straight to

supported our local community with

we’ve started Brighton Gophers – a


Brighton Online for the NHS’ - where

the programming language designed by

ten hour event stream, raising over

for up-and-coming marketers, hosted

Brighton’ - a new initiative, where we

Catherine Loftus and South Coast

impacted by the effects of COVID-19,

salespeople at all levels, hosted by

free and impartial guidance on how to

Director of Second Voice.


Brighton business fundraising for homeless youths

Employees of Sussex manufacturer Paxton are creating awareness and raising money for the homeless charity; Clock Tower Sanctuary, by participating in a 53,709 mile around-the-world virtual exercise challenge. Since the beginning


of March, 107

Paxton employees

have been walking, cycling, or running

in their local area. Their combined distance travelled will take them

virtually to each of the 33 countries Paxton have offices, or distribution channels, totalling 53,709 miles.

Paxton’s aim is to raise money for

homeless young people in Sussex and create awareness about the

important role local businesses can

play in helping regional charities. All sponsorship money raised by the

employees participating in the UK and Paxton’s international markets will be

donated to the Clock Tower Sanctuary

As well as providing support for local

all people to get outside, exercise and

homeless people since 1998.

fundraising initiatives like Paxton, can

You can help to support Paxton’s

The challenge started at Paxton’s

who are still working from home.

Currently they are on their way virtually to

inclusivity, and promote good health

travelled 21% of globe, with a total of

challenging time.

Clock Tower Sanctuary are currently

Kate Hotson, Paxton’s Project &

Since the beginning of April,

Communications Officer for Clock Tower

important for us to support our

or cycle the 87 miles distance from

statutory funding, so we rely on support

Sanctuary is a very deserving charity

your support and donate by following

“There is a positive to this, as it allows

people in Sussex.


people and be reactive to what they

“The challenge is a great way for

continually looking for innovative ways

other, especially at this time when

meet the demand across Sussex”.

together in their offices. We encourage

charities, companies undertaking

raise money for an amazing cause”.

be of real benefit to their employees

fundraising initiative on their website:

headquarters based in Brighton.

They can help to boost productivity,


Pretoria in South Africa, having already

and well-being in what is still a

Alongside Paxton’s fundraising efforts,

who have been helping 16-25-year-old

10,607 miles logged, raising £886.

fundraising for their own challenge.

Molly Prentice, Fundraising &

Events Manager explained: “It is

participants have 30 days to walk, run

Sanctuary explains: “We receive no

local community, and Clock Tower

London to Brighton. You can show

from local businesses like Paxton.

due to their work with young homeless

this link: https://www.justgiving.

us the freedom to listen to our young

need. However, it does mean that we are

people to feel connected to each

to fundraise and make enough money to

many companies cannot work 63


County Business Talks

Last month saw the


inaugural County Business TALKS

event take place in

partnership with New

World Tech and powered by Network My Club. The premise of the new event is to humanize the webinar experience and I

believe that we achieved just that, as the FREE to attend event included:

•N etworking & Discussions pre and post presentation

• An Interactive, Insightful

p resentation from New World Tech CEO Glenn Ballard


• Live Q&A

• Plus a chance to meet the Host and

ask questions post presentation (in our Meet the Host area)

The format allowed attendees to network

after and on each table discuss the topics discussed during the presentation.

If you were unable to attend the event but

Glenn gave some valuable insights

would like to view the full presentation

best practices and the importance of

Content Hub - CLICK HERE

your business.

The Next County Business TALKS

There were some great key takeaways.

association with Mayo Wynne Baxter

into the world of tech discussing some using technology to help streamline

then visit the County Business Clubs

event is on Wednesday 19th May in

Mainly how companies should be using

to register for FREE – CLICK HERE

journey and experience, and how that

To find out more information about

technology to focus on the customer

should be at the core of your business.

NewWorldTech visit







How much does it actually cost to lease a car in 2021?

For many drivers in the UK, leasing a car is a much more practical and financially viable option than buying. In fact, car leasing

Motoring News

costs can even prove to be substantially

lower. But for those new to the world of

leasing, it can be confusing to navigate

the different options available and to find an appropriate (and affordable) package. In this article, we’ll look at how much it really costs to lease a car in 2021. What is car leasing?

In case you really are new to the world of leasing, we’ll start with the very

usually over a span of two to five years. You could compare it to the process of renting a property.

Leasing is not like some other popular

car finance options. You never own the

car you lease, and you’ll return it to the leasing company at the end of your agreement.

However, there are multiple advantages to this:

• You have more flexibility over the make, model and specifications of the car

basics. Car leasing - otherwise known

• The leasing agreement is tailored to

driving a brand new vehicle for a fixed

• You don’t have to commit to

as Personal Contract Hire - is a way of monthly payment. Leasing contracts are


• You’ll still experience the best few

years of the car’s life cycle before it depreciates in value

Actually, when you lease a vehicle, you’re paying for the cost of

depreciation throughout your contract rather than the cost of the car itself.

This is one of the reasons why leasing

a car is sometimes cheaper than other

forms of car finance, as well as meaning that vehicles with lower depreciation rates are usually cheaper.

your requirements

So, how much does it cost to lease

purchasing a new car

How long is a piece of string? The

a car?


answer varies. This will depend on a

variety of factors. It can even depend

on the company which you choose to lease from.

This is because while the cost of leasing a car often depends on the contract length, mileage, make, model and

specifications, sometimes there are

additional fees to take into account. For example, many car leasing providers will attach additional fees, labelled

as ‘documentation’, ‘processing’ or ‘administration’ fees.

At Rivervale, we don’t believe in doing

this, and we’re proud to guarantee our

customers that no additional fees will be charged during your lease agreement. However, if you’re considering leasing

a vehicle for the first time, it’s important to be wary of this while you browse between various companies.

The car’s specifications, amount

of features, spaciousness and just

generally the type of vehicle you’re after will all influence leasing costs.

What’s included when you lease a car? The contracts involved in car leasing are

specific to the customer’s requirements

In fact, we have over 35 manufacturers,

for that car.

over 500 models and over 7,000 car

When you first lease a car, you’ll pay

Don’t get us wrong; we can offer amazing

how much of this you want to pay

companies, and in turn, those packages

pay, the lower the following monthly

leasing a brand new model is still often

leasing deals available across our website.

initial rental costs. You can choose

new models from the most reputable car

upfront, and the higher the amount you

can be on the higher end of the scale. But

rental cost will be.

far more inexpensive than buying such

You’ll also need to work out how

many drivers the chance to drive a car

a model outright. This can actually allow

many miles you are likely to travel

they otherwise wouldn’t be able to afford.

can choose to include a maintenance

However, if your budget is smaller, we

of maintenance, wear and tear, and

deals are from just £150 per month.

and will be paid monthly as a part of

Car leasing deals

over the course of the contract. You package, which will cover the cost

replacements throughout your lease,

can cater for it. Our cheapest leasing

your rental payments.

We love to make it possible for our

Additional costs can be incurred if you

leasing their dream car. So we’re pleased

if the car is damaged beyond reasonable

offers on a first-come, first-served basis.

need to cover the cost.

When they’re gone, they’re gone.

Affordable car leasing in the UK

433480 or if you

exceed the amount of agreed mileage or wear and tear. In this case, you would

At Rivervale, we are also big believers in

customers to have the experience of

to offer a range of car leasing special

Feel free to get in touch on 01273 have any questions.

offering a wide selection of cars to lease and various leasing packages. So, we

ensure that in terms of cost, there is a suitable budget for all customers. 67


Maxus E Deliver 9 - Fully Electric Van Rivervale Review Is this the real life, is this just fantasy? Caught in a landslide no escape from reality. Open your eyes look up to the skies and see... We all know that these are the opening Motoring lyrics to arguably one News of the best songs ever ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ by Queen, but what does this have to do with Electric vans you may well ask. Well, Ian Greene (Head of Fleet Management at Brighton & Hove City Council) is finally seeing his dreams become reality. Ian is responsible for the 411 vehicles that are operated by the council and he is spearheading the council’s quest to become carbon neutral by 2030. To the untrained eye it sounds simple, just buy electric vehicles, but believe me, it is not that easy. Take vans for example. Ian would have needed to consider what job the vehicle will do, whether it is a standard van or a specialised conversion, what distance it will cover and how and where it will need to be re-charged. Add that to the fact that a lot of the models are just not available yet. So where do Rivervale fit into Ian’s “road to zero” plan? I’m pleased you asked. So, Rivervale has been known over the years for being the Mercedes-Benz dealer in Brighton and a damn good one at that, but they have not had the three-pointed star above the door since 2003. These days they are predominately a multi-franchise leasing operation, a used car dealership, a Bosch Car Service Centre and now a Maxus Commercial vehicle franchise. Why Maxus? Well Maxus is owned by SAIC Motor, the largest vehicle manufacturer in China and they have launched a full range of exciting Electric vans into the UK.


“Exciting” and “vans” does not normally go together however, when you realise that we are at the start of the EV Revolution which will see the conventional internal combustion engines (ICE) being phased out and the new EV’s packed with the latest technology start to appear on our streets. The eDeliver9 Review Watch the video to see Rivervale Chief Operating Officer Vince Pemberton take the eDeliver9 for a test drive where he covers off range, payload, comfort and much more. com/watch?v=jCRSIDfP400&t=2s Brighton and Hove City Council Ian Greene and Brighton and Hove City Council are well on their way and have a plan on how they are going to get their fleet to become carbon neutral. The first of many Maxus Electric Vans have been ordered and now delivered in the shape of a Long Wheelbase Maxus eDeliver9. This van has a range of up to 219 miles and can carry up to 1160kgs depending on which model you choose. This first vehicle has had a full jet wash conversion before being deployed to tackle graffiti removal in the city. Ian recently got behind the wheel of the brand new eDeliver9 and here is what he thought. “I had the great pleasure driving the eDeliver9 for the first time yesterday. The drive was flawless and felt very

calming. In my time I have driven almost every type of van on the market. The quality of drive with the eDeliver9 was more than ever expected, I would go on to say it was one of the best drives in a van. I have sampled some of the electric vans currently on the market, the eDeliver9 is the best!” Check out Vince’s video review to see what he thinks of eDeliver9. All types of businesses will need to consider replacing some of their vans with electric and they will know that there is a lot to get your head around. Initially they cost more but you do need to look a bit deeper. There is a government grant of up to £6,000 available to help offset some of the initial cost, then you need to look at the cost savings in relation to the cost of electric versus diesel or petrol plus there is no charge for entering ‘Clean Air Zones’ (CAZ) or the “Ultra Low Emission Zone” (ULEZ). These clean air zones are only going to be more commonplace as the Government continues to work towards the Net Zero target by 2030. If you would like to know more about the road to zero and how we can help whether its vans or finance plans to acquire vans please just contact us on 01273 433480








We chat to Bintems Crazy Golf

Bintems Crazy Golf is a family business offering unique, handmade, portable crazy golf entertainment, across Sussex and surrounding areas. We began in

Networking & Events

August 2020, with a mission of building

a selection of crazy golf holes for a

charity fundraising event.

It was a father and son project. The father being the craftsman, the son being the “ideas” guy.

When the suggestion of building a

homemade crazy golf course was first

presented to the father, it’s safe to say that he did take a bit of convincing!

Feelings of “it’s a bit too ambitious” and “where are we going to store it all” were shared. The son’s response, “don’t


worry, it’ll be fine!” and “we’ll deal with

that later!” and this was the start of the

working partnership between the detailoriented father and the happy go lucky son. A match made in heaven if ever there was one!

We started off fairly basic, our first hole called Peaky Blinder was a relatively straight forward build and this was

enough to get the old man on the hook. Over time, we became more and

more adventurous with the obstacles we were building. Multi-joint piping

systems for Down the Drain, a windmill with rotating sails called Windy Miller and an old tyre turned loop the loop called Silverstone.

By the time we did the fundraiser in

September 2020, we had already made eight different holes.

The fundraiser was a massive success and it was clear that our course could

be a great addition to all types of events and a big hit with all age groups.

Once we realised the potential of

our crazy golf project, we needed

to decide on a name. Sticking with our family roots, we chose to call ourselves, Bintems.

Bintem, was a saying coined by my

Great Grandad. A WWI army veteran from Overton, Hampshire.


Grandad Jack

“They be good, bintem!”, he could be heard saying in his broad, rural

accent whenever he was in admiration of something.

The name stuck, as did our appetite to continue scaling our course and over

the two lockdowns which followed, we kept ourselves busy by inventing and

experimenting with our ideas, waiting patiently for the restrictions to ease,

so we could start sharing our creations with the world!

Our portable crazy golf course offers plenty of thrills, with a mix of crazy golf classics such as Windy Miller

and Helter Skelter, along with some of our own unique inventions like

Bullseye, Snookered, Ring my Bell and In the Rough.

We offer flexible booking options ranging from a full 9-hole course

to a bespoke selection of specific

holes. It’s completely customisable dependant on the needs of our

customer. Alongside this, the course

itself has great versatility. It can be setup in many different settings.

Outdoors or indoors, at the local park or

weddings, birthdays, company events,

back garden get togethers, community

events and anything else you can think of!

your own back garden, a wedding venue

We have plenty of golf clubs and golf

high street. It’s the perfect activity for all

necessary, especially while social

people together, any time of the year.

can be set up to give plenty of space for

or a car park, in your office or on the

balls, so sharing of equipment is not

levels of ability and a great way to bring

restrictions are in place and the course

Nowadays, we have thirteen different

social distancing.

holes and we are on a mission to reach

For charities who are looking for

of my little sister, Alex, who is managing

favourable consideration and would

eighteen. We also have enlisted the help

fundraising activity, we offer very

our social media pages and marketing.

love to collaborate on such events

Some of the new inventions we are

across the Sussex area.

working on currently include a crazy

We hope to see you on the course soon!

cool wedding themed hole as well.

Team Bintems

keep up with the latest additions - @

golf version of Bagatelle and a very

You can follow us on social media to


We are now actively taking bookings, so please get in touch with us to find

out more. Our course can be the ideal entertainment for events such as 71

We often get asked “what’s the etiquette for your online networking events?” There isn’t a one-

Networking & Events

size-fits all answer.

Ultimately it’s down to you to make a

good first impression

for your business.

However, having run over 100 online events we like to think we know a

thing or two about how to present yourself virtually and get the most from your time online.

Here are some useful pointers to

help you get more from your online networking, feel more comfortable attending networking events,

and make sure you leave a good impression!

1) Turn up on time and be present It’s number 1 for a reason. Turning up on time is important in all walks of life, but especially online. You wouldn’t turn up to a meeting late, would you?


We open our online events five

minutes early, so that’s always a good time to aim for.

But we get it. Life can get in the way

sometimes. If you’re going to be late it’s not the end of the world.

However, once in the event, do try and give the conversations you’re having

with people your full attention. Closing

will only burn bridges. I’ve seen it all

before! Asking effective questions will help you identify opportunities.

Share your experiences of what’s

been discussed or a useful nugget of

information that could help people. Ask people if there’s anyone in particular

they could connect you up with, and help people where you can.

email and other apps will not only

3) Share time fairly

you stay in tune with the event

When networking online, and in-

speed up your computer but it’ll help without distractions.

2) Don’t be salesy. Selling isn’t networking

I sound like a broken record with this one, but it’s SO important.

PLEASE do not attend one of our

networking events to just sell, sell, sell

to people. That’s not what we’re about. Trust me, you won’t sell anything and

person, try and make sure each person on your table has a fair share of time to talk. Bear in mind some people

may not be as out-going as others

so do encourage all attendees to get involved with the conversation. 4) Ask for introductions There’s always at least three members of the Network My Club team in our online meetups. Use us!


Our members all come with the same mindset: collaboration. If there’s

with me on LinkedIn and I look forward

schedule a one to one at the end of

to catching up with you again soon’.

the event using the designated areas

Everyone is attending the event for the

‘hogging’ each other’s time.

be offended if you politely ask to leave

8) Don’t spam the chat-box with long-

a table!

winded sales messages!

If someone introduces you to another

7) Arrange one to one’s in the event

It’s like attending an in-person event

contacts to your business, don’t forget

One of the coolest features we’ve

everyone about what you and your

someone you’d like an introduction to

on the event, simply message one of the team and they’ll facilitate it. 5) Say thank you!

person in their network, or refers their to say thank you!

Even better, show your appreciation

by returning the favour if you can. Your gratitude will be appreciated and help won’t go unnoticed.

6) Don’t be afraid to move tables You can dip out of conversations politely by saying something like ‘it was great to meet you, I’m going to jump on to

another table now, feel free to connect

same reason: to network. No one will

included at our online networking events. As the floor plan within Remo is fully

at our events. This way you won’t be

with a megaphone and shouting over business does. You (hopefully) wouldn’t do that in real life, so don’t do it online.

customisable, we’ve added two one to

Use the chat box during an event to

private conversations.

conversation. Don’t forget during

Why? Well, we want you to get the most

questions via the Q&A area too.

one areas in the event itself to allow for

out of your time networking.

share ideas and engage in the wider our online meetups, you can submit

Put these tips into action at one of our

If you meet someone of interest

upcoming online meetups across the

having a longer conversation, try to

by visiting

and feel like you could benefit from

South East & London. Find out more 73

Back together beside the seaside Stay at home, self-care, work from home…With so much enforced change our attention and priorities have shifted to our immediate surroundings, homes and loved ones. As a result, have we

Networking & Events

become insular, and

reluctant to re-group and re-energize

together as a team?

The challenge for many businesses

now is the gradual transition back to

the office to re-unite teams, motivate

employees and re-align on strategy and goals for the coming months.

Now is the time for organisations to

set the tone for the future and focus on human connection by creating

safe and engaging experiences that

excite, inspire and demonstrate care


and support. A time to forge a sense of

togetherness and community that many have craved.

Get back to the beach with YBrighton With Brighton venues and hotels

starting to re-open, it’s the ideal time to start thinking about how to bring your team back together.

Your people matter to us at

YBrighton, so let us help you shape the best experience for them and

your company culture. It could be a

wellbeing retreat on the South Downs,

a drive-in cinema treat, a rooftop lunch

and blue sky thinking session, or an

adrenaline filled activity on the water to reawaken the senses.

Our experienced team know Brighton & Hove and the surrounding areas of Sussex inside out. We’re well

connected with all the hotels and suppliers required to make your

experience a memorable one. We will

focus on your objectives and dig deep to understand the culture and soul

of your business. Most importantly,

we tailor each and every experience to match with what your business & people want and need.

N ET WOR K I N G & E V E NTS Beach by Otherplace, are

major highlights for the city.

The Warren will run this year during Brighton Fringe from 27th May until 11th July, in

line with COVID guidelines. YBrighton is excited to be working in collaboration

with The Warren to offer

our clients the chance to

book one of their fantastic corporate packages,

including a 5% discount.

There is an amazing line-

up of comedy, cabaret and family entertainment and

we’re here to enhance your

experience even further, so if this is of interest just drop us a line.

‘As Experience & Events

Director at YBrighton, I’ve missed the energy and excitement of bringing

people together for live

experiences and events.

That personal interaction

and bringing people together to collaborate and build

community is something I

cannot wait to get back to’.

Louisa Vaughan, YBrighton So, take the steps now to

re-unite your remote team. What are you waiting for? We’ll carefully consider outside

spaces and activities that will ease

your team into coming back together and that will reinforce your company ethos. Connecting your team with the outdoors and nature will allow

them to feel happier and healthier. It

has a powerful impact on well-being,

reducing stress & anxiety. We practice weekly yoga ourselves at Sea Lanes on the Beach during summer, and

we’re delighted that Brighton & Hove City Council have recently granted Sea Lanes planning to begin the

transformation of a National open Water Swimming Centre, due to open in 2022.

Contact YBrighton at:

will feature a food court, street food


As well as an outdoor pool, the venue


kiosks and outdoor seating area. This

Tel: 07825773160

unique development will be a great

option for our clients and such spaces

are essential for our general well-being and mental health.

An exciting calendar of events is on the horizon for 2021. Gigs, festivals and events such as The Electric Arcade, The Warren and The Warren on the 75


The Sussex Virtual Business Expo

The Sussex Virtual Business Expo was held on Wednesday 28th April on the Remo platform in collaboration with Network my Club and was really well received. The Sussex Virtual

Networking & Events

Business Expo was

held on Wednesday 28th April on the

Remo platform in

collaboration with Network my Club and was really well received. On the day we

had a total of fifteen Exhibitors and four

Sponsors with forty visitors coming along

to enjoy the day. The morning session was really busy and Matt Turner gave a great talk on “How to market yourself out of a

Pandemic” that included some excellent tips. The four Sponsors all gave a two

minute presentation each and they were Extech Cloud – FSB – Sussex Chamber of Commerce – Creative Pod as well as

Fortis DPC Ltd

Partnering with Sam at County

a partner in my event. In the afternoon

City Utilities/Steve Darby

worthwhile and I look forward to us

give a talk on “The first seven seconds on

Sussex Copywriter

good numbers of visitors came along.

If you had said to me fourteen months

For those you didn’t make here is a list

Business Expo I would have not taken it

Sam Thomas from County Business Clubs

BCR Associates

we had Tony Silver the LinkedIn expert

Vazon Technology

LinkedIn” that was well received and again

Business Clubs has been very

continuing this excellent relationship for some time to come, and Bradley

at NMC really knows what he is doing running an event on the

ago why don’t you put on a Virtual

Remo platform.

of the Sponsors & Exhibitors:

seriously so it goes to show how I have

This brings me onto my Brighton


be able to do this now.

7th at Brighton Racecourse back after


The feed back has been very positive

out more about the Business Expo I

Creative Pod

had “five great conversations to continue or phone


already booked Zoom meetings in to

Sussex Chamber of Commerce Extech Cloud

changed and pivoted in my business to

two years because of COVID. To find

including some Exhibitors saying they

run both online and offline email me at

after the event” and some saying “I have

me on 07885 490266.

Alpha Health & Safety

follow up on” which has convinced me

Fresh Display

Expo as well as a “Live” event. In

Katie Flamman

of the ticket sales) to the Rockinghorse

Jonathan Lea Network

I can run a successful Virtual Business

HR Dept Eastbourne

addition I am donating £160.00 (40%

Develdas Luxury Chocolates

Children’s Charity in Brighton.


Business Expo on Thursday October







The Report of the independent Workplace Training and Development Commission May 2021 By Ana Christie, CEO - Sussex Chamber of Commerce The independent

Chamber News

Workplace Training and Development Commission was convened by the

British Chambers of Commerce (BCC) in

the Autumn 2019, at a time when three in

four employers were reporting recruitment difficulties and levels of business

investment in training had been falling

year-on-year since 2014. The Commission was asked to focus on the needs of adults over the age of 25 in the workplace and to consider ‘How can we achieve a world-

class system for retraining and upskilling

our workforce to take advantage of rapid

changes in technology, working practices, and industrial and consumer trends?

Solutions focused, the Commission

sought ways to improve workplace skills planning, overcome barriers to business

investment in training, maximise training and development opportunities and share best practice.

A Call for Evidence gathered the

experience of UK businesses from a wide range of sizes and sectors.

Commissioners, drawn from business 78

and skills backgrounds, then made

recommendations for both employers

and policy makers. These aim to help firms be proactive in meeting their

training needs and also create a more flexible skills system that responds to their requirements more effectively.

The report highlights how the impact

of the pandemic has made investing in

adult skills more important than ever. It calls for the skills system to be more

nimble and agile in how it responds to the

and using the tax system to stimulate more business investment in skills.

· Maintain a stable, coherent and

high-quality skills system that meets

employer needs at all skills levels and

that values vocational training on a par with academic routes.

· Deliver prestigious technical

qualifications together with bite-sized, flexible units of accredited learning

to help adults train and reskill more quickly for the evolving workplace.

evolving needs of individuals, employers

Put business at the heart of skills

becomes rapidly more digital, automated

· Ensure the skills system meets

and local economies as the workplace and low carbon focused.

The Commission makes practical and

pragmatic recommendations for policy makers and businesses that can be

summarised under two main themes: Help businesses to build high-

performance learning cultures

· Ensure businesses have the support

and confidence to plan and implement organisation-wide workplace training and development needs, linked to

innovation and increased productivity,


the needs of businesses and local

economies and that people are trained for sustainable jobs. Local skills plans must be underpinned by robust and

effective engagement with businesses of all sizes and aligned with local economic strategies.

· Enable businesses to engage effectively with further education colleges, other providers, and local stakeholders to ensure the skills system responds

quickly to growth opportunities, new technologies and industry trends.

· Allow more place-based control,

CHAM BE R N E WS Digital skills and innovation

into higher-earning roles in sustainable

Help SMEs to access general digital

careers at a national level.

as more bespoke training, to support

Business investment in skills

of processes and automation.

management skills to identify and

The skills system

needs of all adults in the workplace,

skills training for their teams, as well

SMEs must develop the people

change management and the digitisation

Ana Christie

flexibility and coordination of skills funding and strategy, to maximise the return on investment in skills

and better target resources to local economic priorities.

Commissioners identified the following priorities:

articulate the training and development

Provide more focus on meeting the

ensuring that everyone is included and

less emphasis on the achievement of full

business support to benchmark best

bite-size units of accredited learning.

- and the workforce skills to maximise

Focus on employers and place

proactively with organisations involved

needs of all adults in work. This requires

supported to upskill. Firms should seek

qualifications and more access to flexible,

practice and investment in innovation

its potential. Employers should engage

Skills and broader economic strategies

in skills planning and provision at the

growth aspirations, be underpinned by

and delivery meets the current and future

must be aligned with business needs and

local level to ensure training curricula

extensive business engagement, research

skills needs of the business.

and autonomy over skills policy, funding


and data, and enabled by greater flexibility

High-performance learning cultures

and decision making at the local level.

All SMEs should have access to

impartial advice and support to adopt

For further information please contact info@sussexchamberofcommerce.

Enabling employees

new innovative processes, conduct a

workplace training needs analysis, identify

Boost adult education funding to or visit the Sussex

individuals, particularly lower- skilled Events

Chamber website: https://www.

facilitate lifelong learning and enable


relevant, high quality training provision and engage and support people to learn.

individuals, to quickly retrain and move DISCOVER

Support Services





Training Events

Sponsorship Young

Networking Sponsorship Forums International Trade Services


Kickstart Scheme

Global Markets

Local and National DEVELOP Export

International Representation Documentation Training Trade Services Services Workshops Policy

Export Documentation Apprenticeships Global Services Young Chamber




Local and National Representation

Global Markets







Export Documentation Services

Voice Chamber Customs





Policy Forums




International Trade Services







Chamber Referrals DISCOVER

Support Services



Support Services GROW


Export Documentation Services

Support Global Services Markets Sponsorship



International Trade Services

259 Local and 79 Voice Young 01444 259 Policy Chamber Representation


The Big Debate: Could this be the best time to start or build a business in Brighton? Some of the world’s most successful businesses were set up during times of economic crisis. Despite Sussex seeing

Chamber News

record figures for new registered businesses and self-employment

in the past 12 months,

for many 2021 doesn’t feel like a good time to start or build a business.

At the next (virtual) Big Debate on 25 May, Brighton Chamber is bringing together a panel of experts to discuss whether this

could be the best time to start or build a

business in Brighton. They’ll ask whether

there are ever optimal conditions – or if the best time is always now.

Ahead of the discussion, the panel shared their business journey and insights.


Kurt Henderson – Rassa Who are you and what do you do?

and are in the process of building out our schools with a team of five.

I’m Kurt Henderson, a multi-award-

Are there any opportunities for

by day. I’ve spent the last number of

out of pivoting a business?

industries ranging from music to travel

come out of pivoting a business. We’ve

I’ve branded, raised funding, grown a

platform, landing a Y-Combinator

of the most known start-ups I’ve co-

operation, then pivoting to ‘cooking

app focused on creating immersive city

for enthusiastic cooks centred around

Currently I’m co-founder of a food

appropriation and discrimination within

cooking schools. We’ve raised funding

grown the team, secured office spaces

winning serial entrepreneur and designer

development or growth that can come

years building start-ups in various

There are plenty of opportunities that

and food. Through these businesses,

done this at Rassa - from a recipe

team, mentored and managed. One

interview within four months of

founded is called NAVA, a city discovery

schools’ with more in-depth content

experiences in the UK and Germany.

culture - removing the concept of food

start-up called Rassa, which is cultured

the industry. Now we’ve raised funding,


Kurt Henderson

Jessica Rameau

and built out the first cooking school

are not, understand why. This is why

Jessica Rameau – Wellstreet

Viktorija Vasiliauskaite – Roadways

Who are you and what do you do?

Who are you and what do you do?

Manager at Wellstreet, a Nordic

master’s degrees in Engineering and

with the next two on the horizon.

I’m Jess, I’m a partner and Fund

early-stage VC, based in Stockholm.

I began my career as an International Relations Development master’s

graduate, and after spending three

years in operational roles I joined the investment arm of a family office, taking over the management of a

portfolio of 35 early-stage start-ups in cleantech and social impact space.

At Wellstreet, I manage our Ventures Fund I, which currently includes 25

start-up companies which we work with very closely.

What is the top bit of advice you give to start-ups to help them succeed?

our company moto is #foreverforward

Viktorija Vasiliauskaite

that opportunities to overcome legacy

issues around the time, cost, safety and quality of project delivery are few. The

construction industry is one of the last to

be disrupted. But disruption is on its way.

I’m originally from Lithuania and have

We have just moved our R&D operation

International Business Management.

have a new facility to develop our

I’m an expert in business transformation

having worked internationally at executive level in multi-disciplines in the typically

into Plus X in Brighton - it means we portfolio of innovative eco-friendly construction materials.

male-dominated agriculture, insurance,

Sign up for your free ticket to the

Five years ago, my partner James and

Thanks to event sponsors Hartley

and we purchased a long-established

registered auditors and tax advisors in

technology, and healthcare sectors.

I were looking for a fresh challenge

road construction company – Hailsham

Roadways (now Roadways). We bought

a business steeped in traditional methods

and culture which meant there was ample

(virtual) Big Debate on 25 May here.

Fowler – chartered accountants,

Brighton and Wimbledon, providing a personalized accountancy service to business owners and individuals.

potential to transform it into the modern, ethically based organisation it is today.

For me, the key factor of success is

What are the biggest opportunities

Stay up to date with the latest

test and iterate on their ideas and plans

the moment?

up to our mailing list.

speed of execution. I coach founders to fast, and to take action.

We set ambitious and clearly defined goals and founders monitor their

team’s progress regularly, sometimes

weekly. That way they can keep track

of how they are progressing and if they

for your business in your industry at While other industries have become

Brighton Chamber events by signing

vastly more efficient, construction has lagged behind. Now forward-thinking

firms like us are looking at the ways in

which technology can help. The sector hasn’t changed substantially since the

1970s. Low levels of investment mean 81


The Better Business Show 2021 Thursday 23rd September | 10:00am – 4:00pm Chamber News

Worthing and Adur

Well-being. If you would like to exhibit at

opportunity to meet and mingle with the

got the business

in one of these Zones please email info@

more information on booking a stand

has most definitely buzz and the Better Business Show is

THE place to find that out for yourself.

the Better Business Show and be housed and we can get this booked in for you.

exhibitors alongside the attendees. For visit www.worthingandadurchamber.

With a strong focus on ‘Buy Local’ this

Book your stand now!

Did you set your business up within

businesses in the local area. From the

selling! Book your stand before the 28th

If so we have a special deal for you to

event is also a celebration of successful Pre-Show Breakfast at 8.30am to the

closing bell at 4pm, the day is going to

be jam packed with speakers, exhibitors and networking opportunities.

We are very excited to announce that the Show is growing and moving to a new venue!

The Show will be held in the Main Hall

The stands are already on sale and are May and get the early bird discount.

There are several stand packages on

offer from a 2m x 2m stand up to a 4m x 3m stand. This year all stands will be in

the main hall at Worthing Leisure Centre. Don’t miss this opportunity to showcase your business, raise your profile and

be part of the vibrant and brilliant local business community.

the last 18 months?

exhibit at the show. We have just 10

stands 1.5 x 1.5 metre for only £80 +

VAT. We want to support new businesses and help you get going. You don’t have to be a member and should you wish

to join our changing chamber you will

also be able to take advantage of some excellent discounts. This is a chance to really kick start your business at one of

the biggest and most popular business

at Worthing Leisure Centre. This will give

Last year there were over 600 people

surprises planned along the way! Also, we

that there is always the most amazing

For more information on the

expertise at the show so don’t miss this

more space for stands with a few extra

are having a number of exhibitor zones such as Innovation, Eco & Green and


attending on the day, it is no surprise

buzz in the room. There is a wealth of

shows in the area.

Better Business Show visit www.

BEE PART OF THE BIZ BUZZ Worthing Leisure Centre Thurs 23rd Sept • 10am - 4pm


At the show...



exhibitor stands Explore local opportunities

Enjoy some networking over a hearty breakfast

Free business support From business experts in various fields and industries

Meet the buyers

From local larger companies and Adur & Worthing Council


Packed programme with Keynote Speakers

Lunch Box

New for 2021 Eco Zone Well-being Zone and mingle

#betterbiz2021 SHOW ORGANISER


Branding & Design:

Breakfast Power Hour

New skills for the digital world

Sponsorship opportunities




One Prizes:

in Europe, , Golf Holiday sh ca 0 0 ,0 £10 break and UK Golf Set of clubs




£360 per team Teams of Four Stableford Points 9am shotgun start

Register now at:


WHY ENTER? • Great prizes for nearest pins and longest drives • Chance to win £10,000 cash, a new car, an all-inclusive holiday, a set of golf clubs or a UK golf break • Breakfast & Lunch included • Raffle & Sponsor Sweepstake Sponsorship opportunities available











Hospitality Award Winner, The Cleveland Arms It has certainly been


a year to remember!

We are so proud of our team and delighted to have won Best

Hospitality 2021! A huge thank you to our

customers for voting for us. Awards night, wow what a night! It has been amazing to

be able to open our beer garden again and we had the pleasure of sharing our award

win with our team and our customers who were braving the chilly April night.

The Cleveland Arms has a beautiful spot in Brighton over- looking Blakers Park.


Famous for our Sunday roasts, we are

meeting every Monday for a beer at

current winners of Knorr’s UK Best Meat

The Cleveland, for over 30 years.

10% in 2020. We are an independent

We are open every day. Please either

home cooked food with produce from

caught cod and chips, Vegan wine, or

Roast and we hit the TripAdvisor Top

traditional pub that serves really good

pop by for a local real ale, freshly

local suppliers. You will also see a large

our monthly quiz night.

Brewery Sussex Best, Ditchling Gin, Silly

range of local drinks including Harvey’s Moo Cider and Ridgeview.

Community is important to us and its

lovely to welcome back the local tennis teams’ post-match drink and our

Monday Night Clubs who have been

Nostos, Hove We were voted


within the top 10 for

International Cuisine, Best Team and Best for the Family at the

2020 Bravo Awards, also voted as the

top takeaway of the year across Sussex by the Argus readers. We were also

voted as the Best Eat Out to Help Out

restaurant during Aug last year. Finally, we were shortlisted at the prestigious

County Business Clubs Awards in the hospitality category.


The story of Nostos started 20 years ago in the Greek city of Thessaloniki, one of the culinary capitals of Greece, with a diverse and multicultural food scene.

That was the meeting point of Alex, our experienced head chef, and Kyriakos.

Both being passionate about authentic,

delicious food, it was not long before the idea of opening a restaurant together developed.After both friends moved

to the UK, Brighton and Hove’s unique

atmosphere provided the right backdrop against which the idea of Nostos

was materialised. We firmly believe

that a restaurant offering real Greek

gastronomy was missing from the city

through using carefully selected

Greek culinary experience. There is a lot

family recipes and taking inspiration

look forward to continuing our pursue

and roots. This is combined with our

future has in store for Nostos.

in both the restaurant’s design and


non-animal tested paints, recycled

and thus aim to provide an authentic

ingredients, following traditional

of love for good food in our story and we

from our personal culinary journeys

of exquisite food and seeing what the

commitment to sustainability, visible decoration (use of reclaimed tiles,

To serve authentic, wholesome food,

aluminium external sign and wool-

heritage while taking inspiration from

and its dishes (made with responsibly

that includes iconic dishes as well as

meat sourced from Sussex farms

To prepare everything on site daily,

standard) to name a few examples.

taste and commitment to the best

wide variety of healthy, vegan and

as it should be. Honouring our culinary

alternative felt-look upholstery fabric)

local ingredients to create a varied menu

sourced local fish and premium quality

lesser known gems of Greek cuisine.

where welfare is of an extremely high

guaranteeing freshness, mouth-watering

Finally, our discerning menu with a

quality ingredients.

vegetarian options that does not

To keep our concept fresh and

authenticity, makes us stand out in

compromise on quality, taste and

contemporary and continue to get

Brighton and Hove’s restaurant scene.

culinary heritage and the high quality

inspiration from both the rich Greek locally available ingredients.


Our aim to provide our customers with the best culinary experience

of authentic Greek food lies at the

core of our values. We achieve this 87


Caught by Crab Shack

Sugardough’s Co-owners Julie & Kane

It’s all Food & Drink!

With the hospitality industry due to reopen its doors we caught up again with Noel Preston, Managing Partner of Preston Insurance Brokers in Brighton, about the new Rotunda and Shelter Hall Food Market on Brighton seafront and some of the businesses you will find there. Other than his love for


food & drink, we asked

Noel what his particular interest was in the new development. “In the

lead up to the opening of the new Rotunda and Shelter Hall Food Market building we were introduced and recommended to a

number of the occupants to arrange their business insurance. The introductions

came from some of our existing Clients in the same industry. Our business exists and has largely grown due

to such recommendations and it is

always heartening when we receive such opportunities.”

As a consequence Noel wanted to provide space for some of their new Clients to help promote their own businesses.


Caught by CrabShack is the new

week, 8am - 10pm, Tart by Sugardough

CrabShack Restaurant and Beach Bar

quality handmade food that is local &

without the fluff but with all the flavour,

beach. You can get your croissant and

part of the Shelter Hall Food Market,

into the evening.

sibling of the hugely successful

is all about fun modern British flavours,

in Worthing. Serving amazing seafood,

seasonal. Plus, the best coffee on the

so when approached by Sessions to be

dessert fix from early morning to late

their menu and ethos fitted in perfectly.

Sugardough has created stunning

Fresh and (mainly) local fish, produce &

croissants just for Tart including lemon

on premises. Founded and operated

In addition, you can get the new Puff

Sarah Tinker Taylor, an amazing duo, say

pissaladière - these delicious tarts are

By CrabShack to come..’.

topped with modern British flavours,

suppliers, everything is prepped daily

meringue and strawberries and cream.

by sisters in law, Lynda Racz-Taylor &

Tarts - based on the traditional French

watch this space for more ‘somethings

baked on handmade puff pastry and

Tart by Sugardough sells delicious

pastries and stunning mini cakes and

tarts at Shelter Hall. Open seven days a

perfect for the beach.

Sugardough’s co-owners Julie and

Kane opened the Bakery in Hove in


Photo: Justin De Souza

Tom at Lost Boys Chicken

2009 and their Restaurant in Brighton’s Lanes in 2015.

Pan by Lost Boys Chicken founder

Tom Samandi left the ‘day job’ to invest his time and energy into his number

one passion – making incredible food.

He created Lost Boys Chicken, a brand

named in recognition of time spent in his youth, eating and having fun.

Lost Boys Chicken are a Brighton based restaurant specialising in perfectly fried chicken wings, buns, sides and above

all eleven homemade sauces which they smother on absolutely everything. They are open seven days a week at Shelter Hall on Brighton seafront.

Riddle and Finns are opening their new site on Brighton beach in ‘The

Rotunda’, which is part of the Shelter Hall restoration project, sitting in-between the two piers and over looking the beach.

With the original in the south lanes being at the forefront of the Brighton dining scene since 2006, Riddle and Finns

added their beach location in 2014, and

Riddle & Finns at ‘The Rotunda’

both restaurants have been extremely

people but they do work long hours

dining paired with quality seafood and

take its toll.”

popular with the concept of relaxed an extensive champagne list.

in high pressure scenarios which can

The Foundation and associated

The redevelopment of this historic part

Business Club will be putting on events

and Finns with a unique opportunity to

as part of the support and to provide

elevated position. ‘The Rotunda’ will

opportunity to join the Business Club

views of the city, seafront and Sussex.

or Supplier Membership please visit

In summary Noel continues “Having

membership/ for further details.

for many local independent hospitality

Please continue to support your

Sussex based charity called Table

establishments to ensure we have them

of Brighton seafront provided Riddle

through the year at local establishments

relocate its Beach site onto this new

awareness. To enquire about the

give their guests a near 200 degree

and the benefits of a free Restaurant

provided the commercial insurance

venues, I am also a Trustee in a new

local, independent businesses and

Talk Foundation. One of the main aims

around in our City for many years to come.

of the hospitality sector that have

Noel Preston, Managing Partner of

be related to redundancy, addiction

of the charity is to support members fallen upon hard times. This could

Preston Insurance Brokers

issues or mental health problems. As a charity, we want to make sure we

are there to support members of our local hospitality sector if they need

us. People in hospitality are some of

the hardest working and most creative 89


County Business Club Wine of the Month For this months wine of the month I have a chosen a sparkling rose wine from a small vineyard ran by Anthony and Zena near Blackboys called Tickerage which make a small range of excellent sparkling wines and a cider. Blackboys is a small village in East Sussex.

“There is an interesting explanation as to

the provenance of the Blackboys, the most likely explanation is the meaning ‘black wood’, so called due to the soot being

deposited in the woods from the charcoal burners that were prevalent in the area. Tickerage Vineyard only produce on

average 10,000 bottles of wine each

year and so are typical of a small batch producer. The old adage says ‘small

and perfectly formed’ - the vineyard’s

size and location means the family that own the vineyard can personally carry out all the work. For them, this was

crucial in order to be totally in control

of the development of the vines. With

Blackboys Vineyard being a 24/7 family


run operation, it allows the owners

note from its bottle aging. The wine has

impacts directly on the high quality and

and the right balance of sugar. As this is

to have the attention to detail which

balanced acidity with a long fruit finish

personal finished product.”

Extra brut is has less sugar than many

The wine I have chosen from their

or with smoked salmon or cold meats.

which is relatively well aged for an

Only 2000 bottles produced so get this

selection is the Blush vintage 2013

champagnes. An excellent rose on its own

English wine. This is a wonderful light

whilst you can, a great bottle of wine!

champagne grapes Chardonnay, Pinot

For more information or to make

rose English sparkling wine using Noir and Pinot Meunier.

On the nose we have strawberries and a hint of cranberry. On the palate this has luxuriously soft and fine bubbles. The

taste has lots of strawberries and a hint of cranberry with a nice toasty/yeasty

a purchase, please visit www.






We hear from Dad La Soul Interview

Dan, tell us, what is

event that runs monthly on a Thursday

DLS is a revolutionary,

the country to laugh, talk openly, access

that uses arts, tech,

experts free of charge, watch stand-up

Dad La Soul?

night. It brings together Dads from all over

grassroots movement

professional wellness and mental health

and music to battle the social isolation or

comedians and take part in challenges.

for-purpose social enterprise six years ago.

We also produce an online magazine,

We run a network of dad/child only

audio documentary series. All of these

everything from stand-up comedy and

our stories in the way we want.

disco, beach cleaning raves that sit nicely

Can you tell us about your journey and

loneliness in Dads that I set up as a profit

playdates across Sussex, producing

rap workshops in old folks homes to silent

a new merchandise range and an

are made for Dads, by Dads that tell

alongside Lego, soft-play and crafting.

inspiration behind starting Dad La Soul?

The idea is that Dads need something

the last twenty odd years in digital/PR. I

honestly and let off steam with their

in 2015 ended up as a senior analyst for

From a career perspective, I’d spent

of their own to make friends, talk

started in the music industry, and back

kids in a safe space.

an international media agency.

During the lockdown, we launched the

On paper, it was great, big-name

“Dad La Soul Sessions”, a Dads-only


clients, decent salary and funky offices

– but it was utterly soul-destroying. I’d sold out everything I believed in for a step on the greasy corporate

ladder because that is what men were supposed to do.

At the time, I was also struggling with my father passing away. I did the

typical male thing and buried my head in work rather than deal with it, to the point where not coping with the loss, the stress of commuting, doing a job that I hated made me really ill, both physically and mentally.

I realised that I was leaving to go

to work before my son got up and

got home to see him go to bed if I

was lucky. Even then, I wasn’t fully

present; my phone and emails were

my priority because that was my role,

the provider, as I saw it. Being ill gave me a massive wake-up call.

ASK T H E E XPE RT Something needed to change. I

ended up quitting that job to start a revolution.

As a middle-aged man, it is pretty

embarrassing to say, ‘Hey, I’m a “Billy-

no-mates”, and I would like some proper friends to chat about more than which

team won the league. There are so many men like me: isolated, stressed out, and suffering from Imposter Syndrome –

feeling like they were failing as a dad. There are 96 men under the age of 45 being lost to suicide in this country

every week. Why? Because men don’t talk, and we desperately need to change that.

The past twelve months have been a

challenging period for so many. What has lockdown taught you, what have you struggled with, and how has it changed things for you?

It’s important to understand that, in

One minute we’ll have Dads from all

these crazy times, ‘that will have to

of taking on more practical, direct

Dads I know would have loved for

careers as school pickups, have taken

completing their Latin homework in

can only be a good thing.

month’s quarterly sales reports.

There is still a considerable stigma

Instead, we were dealing with complex

and can be perceived as weakness.

children’s. So, as long as they have not

and encourage more men to reach

s**t together without having a global-

Fatherhood doesn’t come with a

to dress like a princess?. Then the doors

experience, how difficult and lonely

to a wealth of support, advice or just

do’ is a normal feeling to have. Most

roles, joining mums who sacrifice their

over the UK debating why “The Stone

little Jimmy to sit beside us studiously

precedence over everything else. This

laughing at the ensuing banter.

record time while we box off next

around men that show vulnerability

Roses” are the greatest band ever and

Then, in a heartbeat, someone will

open up about their gambling issues

and the unprocessed grief of stillbirth.

Next someone will ask how to support a

emotional needs, both our own and our

How can Dad La Soul combat this

gone feral, I think managing to hold your

out and say ‘I am not ok’?

sized meltdown can be seen as a result.

rulebook, and, as I know from personal

get flung open and they have access

It’s universally accepted that it is

‘Dadulthood’ can be.

someone to listen to them vent safely.

childcare. Still, in recent years, I

At Dad La Soul, all the activities and

the playground and at our playdates

to say in a pub, “Hey, middle-aged

parental leave was more available.

your problems”, I’d be showered in

I think post-COVID, this is going to

mate, I’m fine” - But I know different.

Dad La Soul, please check out www.

shown many Dads “the other side”

socially isolated.

drop me an email

Mums that do the majority of the

teenage daughter with her periods and eating disorders, or is it ok that their

five-year, West-Ham mad lad only wants

That is an incredibly powerful thing.

have seen more and more Dads in

content sparks conversation. If I were

Through my work with the Dad La

and heard so many wishing that joint

men, come over here and talk about

of all these conversations and more.

strange looks and a chorus of “Not me

If you want to find out more about

73 % of members admitted to feeling @dadlasoul on socials or

continue. The forced lockdown has

Soulies, I have been privileged to be part 93


Turn up. Do your best. Be consistent. In last month’s publication, I wrote about how chasing the money is the wrong tactic when looking to grow your revenues. And I want to continue that theme but on a more practical level. Ask the Expert

Sales targets are a curious thing for me.

closed deals, EVERY DAY?

to forecast and manage cash flow, but are

What would that mean to you or your business?

sales person?

Well the short version is, you wouldn’t technically need to

They are essential for the business in order they the right way to manage or measure a

The jury is out on that one (for me), but this is not about causing debate, this is more about exploring patterns of behaviour.

If I hire sales people, I want them to be consistent. I want them

worry about these artificial deadline dates, as you will always be delivering the best you can.

That means your revenues, might start to look a bit more like this:

to turn up and try their best, every single day.

The reason consistency is so important in sales is that it

mitigates against peaks and troughs in revenue generation.

Month 1

Month 2

Month 3

Month 4

Working in the media space, there were regular occurrences

So given the choice of Person A) a whirlwind salesperson

the end of the month in order to hit the target, and earn the

consistently achieves every month, perhaps not to the highest

of having a last minute flurry of activity to drive revenue before

who hits big targets sporadically, or Person B) someone who

subsequent commission.

levels, I would have person B on my team every time.

This meant that the billing cycle looked something like this,

Consistency will always win when looking for customer and

due to the last minute scramble to the finish line:

revenue growth.

Make sure you are setting the right KPIs, for the right activity, to generate the right outcomes for your business, and Month 1

Month 2

Month 3

Month 4

From a sales person perspective, it’s great. Target done, most

incentivise the right behaviours for your business. Turn up. Do your best. Be consistent.

of it in the last few weeks, and a big pat on the back. But I

Ben Bennett is Managing Partner of Second Voice

stressful, and takes a lot of energy!

enabling founders of B2B companies to accelerate growth

From a company perspective, it’s also more difficult to predict

mentor for the NatWest Entrepreneur Accelerator.

can tell you, having been one of those sales people, that its

outcomes of over (or under) performance.

Let’s assume you or your team stop being the types of sales people to have a sprint finish every month.

What if you showed up every day. Hit your activity KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) every day. Consistently

booked meetings, booked demos, sent proposals and


( a Brighton-based company focused on through sales and operations. Ben is also a business growth

If you’re looking to grow your own company and want

impartial advice or support, please reach out to Ben at sbt@

Digital, design & branding

We are a full service creative agency specialising in design, web and marketing. Founded by three passionate creatives. 4 St. Georges Place, Brighton BN1 4GA 01273 258000 / 95





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