Life's Poetry News 10th Edition

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10th Edition, Winter Quarterly

January, 2017

Life’s Poetry News “The challenges and journeys through life help form and compose who we are” Life’s Poetry Pg. 11

Q U A R T E R L Y N E W S L E T T E R S P E C I A L T Y E D I T I O N INSIDE THIS EDITION _________ Introduction Simone Walsh Poetry Special Thanks Contributors Life’s Poetry Community



Be Inspired! Feel Inspired! Stay Inspired! This is your time Just Shine!

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S i m o n e W a l s h I n s p i r a t i o n a l j o u r n e y


Poetry News is a quarterly newsletter, which showcases inspirational individuals within our community. Inside this edition Simone Walsh

shares her inspirational journey of hope, faith, resiliency, and perseverance while overcoming challenges in life. Her empowering journey will inspire you!

“Showing ambition when obstacles arise on difficult missions, that’s a tremendous decision.” Josephine Casey, Author of Life’s Poetry Pg. 12

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L i f e ’ s

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W a l s h

Writes from the heart...

Be Inspired! Feel Inspired! Stay Inspired! This is your time Just Shine!

“Rejection is a test. It is a test to overcome and do a hundred times your best.” Simone An advocate for mental health, an author as well the founder of her personal charity Essence of Mind Outreach Program. Things weren't always as bright for Simone Walsh who had to overcome a series of life altering events to ultimately get to where she is today.

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“I was just not good enough for anything whatsoever.” In her twenties, Simone Walsh was convinced of her own inconsequence. Having lost the drive to lead a life that her contemporaries had, Simone was finally diagnosed with clinical depression and kept under suicide watch for a better part of her early thirties. She was a victim of harassment and bullying in a toxic working environment. It took awhile for Simone to escape the stigma. "I heard of others getting diagnosed but I never thought it would happen to me so when it did I had a hard time accepting it." Dedicated to getting better and not allowing her illness to get the best of her, Simone followed her doctor's orders and attended a Day treatment program for 3 months who she credits the majority of her recovery to today. "The program allowed me to accept that it wasn't my fault, my thoughts, the things happen and my story was not over. “ After completing the program, Simone decided to return back to school. To help to better equip herself for a new career move. But on this new journey, Simone started to relive the vicious cycle of bullying." People hate what they don't understand. Instead of getting to know me, I was googled and made fun of for my advocacy work in mental health." This experience broke Simone. Causing her to revert back to her depression. She felt very alone and wanted to throw it all away. But God had bigger plans for her and with her faith and determination she persevered. Today Simone is the founder of the charity Essence of Mind Outreach Program. This Charity is in support of mental health

Be Inspired! Feel Inspired! Stay Inspired! This is your time Just Shine!

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W a l s h

Writes from the heart...

and helps individuals and families seeking treatment in regards to a mental illness. She recently accepted the Woman of Courage award from the IWAA for her bravery to share her story on a topic that causes shame and silence but she proved that escaping the wrath of suicide and the darkness is possible. She is now an author. Her book is called Poetic diary of a bleeding heart. This book is a collection of journal entries, self help activities, poetry as well inspirational quotes. Be Inspired! Feel Inspired! Stay Inspired! This is your time Just Shine!

"My book is basically my testimony. Where I was, and where I am today. What helped, what didn't. I basically want to reach out to my readers and let them know, listen you're not alone! I been there but guess what, I didn't let the darkness win and neither can you." Simone has been heavily requested by schools, churches as well workplaces to come in to share her story of triumph. Simone was able to find her value deep within and accept it. She now wants to help others to see their worth and know that they are worth fighting for. "When you share your story you inspire others to never give up on themselves!� Sincerely, Simone

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W a l s h

Be Inspired! Feel Inspired! Stay Inspired! This is your time Just Shine!

Simone accepting Woman of Courage award

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Remembering Courage

Be Inspired! Feel Inspired! Stay Inspired! This is your time Just Shine!

I am remembering Life At its best Rustling against my cheek Streaming freely throughout my veins I am remembering Existing In the finest hour Among the living Laughing obsessively With the peculiarities of love I am remembering Days of long ago Affairs with time Jay-walking on the streets of destiny I am remembering Who I was and who I am Feeding on kindness Loving endlessly in blindness As this nest of past recollections Distract my ammunition I am slowly paving the way into tomorrows And get beyond my yesterdays For I Am Remembering Courage. By: Simone Walsh @Simone Walsh (From her book, Poetic diary of a bleeding heart.)

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SPECIAL THANKS A very special thanks to Simone Walsh for sharing her empowering journey. We kindly thank you for your words of encouragement and inspiration. CONTRIBUTORS Simone Walsh

LIFE’S POETRY COMMUNITY EMPOWERMENT We are a non-profit corporation servicing you within the community. Vision: Inspiring individuals through community empowerment. Mission: Life’s Poetry Community Empowerment seeks to promote development through the arts, culture and literature within the community to enlighten, engage, empower and encourage individuals to achieve their full potential in life. Services/Programs: Community Book Club for Girls, Annual Empowerment Conference, Community Open Mic Nights, P.U.R.P.L.E., Annual MS Fundraising Dinner, Annual Holiday Book Drive, Quarterly Newsletter, Special events & workshops. We humbly and kindly accept donations for our non-profit organization. Please send email to: Thank you!

Be Inspired! Feel Inspired! Stay Inspired! This is your time Just Shine!

Life’s Poetry @Lifes_Poetry @lifespoetry

For Inquires or further information please contact: Josephine Casey Tel: 416-668-4511

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