Life's Poetry News 11th Edition

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11th Edition, Spring Quarterly

April, 2017

Life’s Poetry News “The challenges and journeys through life help form and compose who we are” Life’s Poetry Pg. 11

Q U A R T E R L Y N E W S L E T T E R S P E C I A L T Y E D I T I O N INSIDE THIS EDITION _________ Introduction Gabriella Mammone Poetry Special Thanks Sponsors Life’s Poetry Community Empowerment


Life’s Poetry Community Empowerment is a non-profit corporation servicing you within the community. Vision: Inspiring individuals through community empowerment. Mission: Life’s Poetry Community Empowerment seeks to promote development through the arts, culture and literature within the community to enlighten, engage, empower and encourage individuals to achieve their full potential in life. Services/Programs: Community Book Club for Girls, Annual Empowerment Conference, Community Open Mic Nights, P.U.R.P.L.E., Annual MS Fundraising Dinner, Annual Holiday Book Drive, Quarterly Newsletter, Special events & workshops. We humbly and kindly accept donations for our non-profit organization. Please send email to: Thank you!

Be Inspired! Feel Inspired! Stay Inspired! This is your time

Life’s Poetry @Lifes_Poetry @lifespoetry

For Inquires or further information please contact: Josephine Casey Tel: 416-668-4511

Just Shine!

h e r

G a b r i e l l a m a m m o n e I n s p i r a t i o n a l j o u r n e y

WELCOME! Life’s Poetry News is a quarterly newsletter, which showcases inspirational individuals within the community. Inside this edition Gabriella

Mammone shares her inspirational journey of hope, faith, resiliency, and perseverance while living with Multiple Sclerosis (MS). Her journey will inspire you!

“Showing ambition when obstacles arise on difficult missions, that’s a tremendous decision.” Josephine Casey, Author of Life’s Poetry Pg. 12

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L i f e ’ s

G a b r i e l l a

P o e tr y

N ew s

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L i f e ’ s

P o e tr y

N ew s

m a m m o n e

Writes from the heart...

SPECIAL THANKS A very special thanks to Gabriella Mammone for sharing her empowering journey. We kindly thank you for your words of encouragement and inspiration. SPONSORS Trios College

Be Inspired! Feel Inspired! Stay Inspired! This is your time Just Shine!

“My inspiration began when I realized my purpose in life.” —Gabriella Mammone (aka Gaby) I have an addiction. It’s not what you think. I have an insatiable desire to learn about the human brain. I’m not a neuroscientist, neurologist, or brain surgeon. I simply am intrigued to understand why some people experience dementia while others are prodigies. What does it mean when there are lesions around the cerebellum and why do so many people experience mental health issues? My inspiration began when I realized my purpose in life. When I was in my 20’s, I remember never being able to get through an aerobics class without having tingly toes. I wrote a letter to the running shoe company expressing my dissatisfaction with the construction of the shoes. While in college, I remember playing cards with my girlfriends and even though we only played euchre every day, I still found myself staring at my cards forgetting what I was playing or what the rules were. While in class, I would have to go to the bathroom several times as I was experiencing incontinence. Then one day, everything changed.

Bennett Law Chambers & Mississauga Law Chambers

Victoria A. Morgan Academy

Be Inspired! Feel Inspired! Stay Inspired! This is your time Just Shine!

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p o e t r y

Blessings Will Bloom

Be Inspired! Feel Inspired! Stay Inspired! This is your time Just Shine!

Blessings will bloom Blessings will be overflowing soon Believe that your blessings will come true Whatever you are going through right now Just believe that it will get better Some days will be harder to think this But hang on because your blessing is on the way Your blessing may come today Or your blessing may come someday Just believe that your blessing is on the way And blessings will bloom for you @Josephine Casey

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L i f e ’ s

G a b r i e l l a

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n ew s

m a m m o n e

I woke up one morning and when I opened my eyes, it was different. I rubbed my eyes, opened them again and could only barely see out of my right eye. I had no vision in my left eye. I sat up and screamed to my mom. She remained calm while she laid me down with a cold cloth over my eyes. An hour later, she slowly walked me to the car and took me to the doctor. In the car ride, most of my vision returned except the peripheral vision in my left eye. The doctor completed some tests and referred me to a neurologist. The next year for me was difficult. I had extreme jolts of pain in my limbs. I even experienced pain on my arms when the fabric of my sleeves touched it. My fingers tingled, and my legs became spastic. I became tired. My lethargy was so extreme that I found myself constantly wanting to sleep. Test after Be test. Neurologist after neurologist. At the age of 30, I was diagInspired! nosed with Multiple Sclerosis. Feel Inspired! I must admit that I didn’t even know what MS was. I quickly Stay learned that it was an autoimmune disease of the central nervous Inspired! system that attacks myelin, the covering of the nerves. Damaged This is myelin results in the disruption of transmission of nerve impulses your time through nerve fibres. People that are affected experience differJust ent symptoms and flare ups. All I could think about was if I was Shine! going to be in a wheelchair and if I could work. Would I be able to start a family and live a normal life? I was scared. The firsts few years were difficult. I remember being afraid to tell anyone for fear of being judged. I didn’t want my colleagues to know for fear that it would hinder me from being promoted at work. Then, it was time for a mind shift. Time to jump off the pity bandwagon and instead of saying, “Why me?” I learned how to say, “Why not me?”. I began to volunteer for several charities as I found it to be a place of solace. I believe in karma and knew that helping those in need would in turn help me. I became a wife and a mom of 2 beautiful children. I chased my dreams and became an entrepreneur. I coupled my passion of working with charities and not-for-profit groups with my event planning talents

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L i f e ’ s

G a b r i e l l a

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m a m m o n e

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L i f e ’ s

G a b r i e l l a

P o e tr y

N ew s

m a m m o n e

Writes from the heart...

and started Kind Projects, assisting organizations with their fundraising and awareness initiatives. Each event I plan or project I take on always supports a cause or a purpose.

Be Inspired! Feel Inspired! Stay Inspired! This is your time Just Shine!

I realized that all the disappointments and setbacks prepared me for the journey I am on. I haven’t just found my purpose, I am enjoying the journey. God wanted me to be a messenger. I have been able to stand on many stages and inspire people that have been affected by MS or other illnesses. I am an avid volunteer with the MS Society of Canada assisting with the MS walks, golf tournaments, trivia nights, read-athon campaign and many more initiatives. In addition, I am an Ambassador and Advocate of MS. I have earned a Civic Award of Recognition with the City of Mississauga for my contribution to my community. I have earned a Division Award of Merit with the MS Society of Canada for making a significant contribution in furthering the MS Society’s vision. Most recently, I have also earned a Provincial Award of recognition for International Women’s Day for my support within the community. I now know that I am not alone. I am one of 100,000 people living in Canada with this disease. MS has given me more than it has taken away. I am a better mom and person as I have come to find the positive in every situation. There are difficult days where I experience extreme pain and cognitive issues. I have daily symptoms that I live with but I stay positive and appreciate where I am in my life. My son has some health challenges of his own but I remain strong and determined to persevere through adversity. I wrote a letter to that same running shoe company apologizing for my ignorance. The shoe was made perfectly fine – the tingling was my first symptom of MS. I continue to research the brain as it provides me with knowledge to better help my family. One very valuable lesson that I have learned is that

we aren’t born with resilience. We must change the way we think about negative situations and practice cognitive restructuring. I have trained myself to be resilient and am loving my life…tingles and all. With passion, Gabriella Mammone (aka Gaby with one ‘b’) Facebook: /gabymammone Twitter: @gabymammone

Be Inspired! Feel Inspired! Stay Inspired! This is your time Just Shine!

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