Life's Poetry News 7th Edition

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7th Edition, Spring Quarterly

April, 2016

Life’s Poetry News “The challenges and journeys through life help form and compose who we are” Life’s Poetry Pg. 11


Be Inspired!

Introduction Natasha Morris Poetry Special Thanks Contributors Life’s Poetry Community



Be Inspired! Feel Inspired! Stay Inspired! This is your time Just Shine!

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N a t a s h a M o r r i s I n s p i r a t i o n a l j o u r n e y


Poetry News is a quarterly newsletter, which showcases inspirational individuals within our community. Inside this edition Natasha Morris

shares her inspirational journey of hope, faith and perseverance while battling Sickle Cell. She overcame obstacles in life and pursued her dreams. Motivation!

“Showing ambition when obstacles arise on difficult missions, that’s a tremendous decision.” Josephine Casey, Author of Life’s Poetry Pg. 12

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L i f e ’ s

N a t a s h a

P o e tr y

N ew s

M o r r i s

Writes from the heart...

Be Inspired! Feel Inspired! Stay Inspired! This is your time Just Shine!

I am an ambassador and warrior of Sickle Cell Anemia! My name is Natasha Morris and at the age of 2 I was diagnosed with sickle cell anemia, which has led to many instances of hospitalization. I have overcome many challenges throughout life including within my career. It took a long while, but I was determined to move up the corporate ladder. During a season at my workplace, I believed my employer intentionally demoted me. This happened shortly after a recent hospital stay. I was at a loss for words but I did as I was told.

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L i f e ’ s

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M o r r i s

During that time, I cried out to God. There were days when I would be in the washroom crying to God asking why was I being punished for being sick, because that’s what it felt like. God has always been faithful. I recall asking God what was next now, and what will they have me do? I prayed that God would give me the courage and the right timing to approach my boss. I knew that my situation would change; it was only a matter of time. What bothered me the most was the hurt and sorrow that came from hearing my co-workers talking about me each morning around the water cooler. I kept waiting and praying and one day my chance came. My diBe rector spoke to me and offered me the job as the assistant manInspired! ager. You see when I was praying, God answered. Feel Inspired! In late December 2009, I was sick for the third time that year and Stay I knew that that time off was going to be my last time in that po- Inspired! sition. I was diagnosed with a blood clot in my lungs. There came This is your time a moment when I said to God, “it’s ok, I am ready to die”. But Just God. Once I was on the road to a full recovery, my pastor, family Shine! and friends all agreed that my job was one of the biggest contributors to my stress levels. You see my illness doesn’t show on me so I don’t fit the accessibility criteria. I spent 5 and a half months in the hospital. I took my leave of absence. If I was upset, it was beyond words. But God. Almost 1 year went by of staying home, recovering. During this time, I was encouraged by a friend to turn my hobby into a business. So I named it: Gift'd by Natasha Morris. I didn’t have a clue how to run a business but thank God for friends and family who believe in you! Little by little I created business cards. I registered for a small business class and best of all I could work at my own pace. Periodically I would be asked to speak at events to share about my life having sickle cell anemia. So it was no surprise when I was asked to speak at an event to share my life. This startled me and I cried to God because I didn’t think I had the words to speak

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L i f e ’ s

N a t a s h a

P o e tr y

N ew s

M o r r i s

Writes from the heart...

Be Inspired! Feel Inspired! Stay Inspired! This is your time Just Shine!

at this event; I felt hopeless. I had no job and my dreams seemed so far away. Right there the Lord spoke to me and said “tell them about me and how I have kept you for the past 2 and half years. Tell them I, God, kept you, even without that which you thought you needed so badly. You pestered and said you didn't want to be limited in anything so I showed you that you could and you did.” So, I did exactly that; I shared with the audience my story of how God kept me. He had birthed in me this gift that then became my business even before I knew or understood that it was a business. He showed me that despite having this illness, I was still able to climb the corporate ladder and I did. I always said that I wouldn’t let this illness rule or control my life but that I will control my life myself living it to the fullest. I have now accomplished that which I had set out to do. I finished school, got a job in my field, had a baby, climbed the corporate ladder and I now am the CEO of my own business. I am an ambassador and warrior for sickle cell anemia and that’s just the beginning. I realized every tear, every disappointment and every set back is actually a set-up from God. “Gift'd by Natasha Morris” is a one-stop gift concierge boutique. God showed me that I am multi gifted and that's where the name for my business comes from. I don't doubt God and though my life's plans didn't take the path I had in mind, it's the oath that God had and it's the best path any woman could ever walk. It’s this knowledge that has kept me through every crisis pain episode, every broken relationship, every heart break and every disappointment; to let me know that His grace and mercy are keeping and sustaining me and His loving arms are comforting me. I didn’t know how strong I was until being strong was my only choice. Natasha Morris

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M o r r i s

Natasha Morris Creative Director Gift'd by Natasha Morris

Be Inspired! Feel Inspired! Stay Inspired! This is your time Just Shine!

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L i f e ’ s

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p o e t r y

Flourishing In Faith

Be Inspired! Feel Inspired! Stay Inspired! This is your time Just Shine!

Winter has passed and Spring has begun It is a time and new season to see the bright shining sun The flowers are blooming And how beautiful they are So intriguing from a distance from afar Pink, purple, yellow, red and blue Oh how the colours of Spring makes you feel so renewed So colourful and beautiful these flowers can be And how magnificent and glorious they are to see Flourishing so nicely and admirably This is a new season to flourish This is a new season to nourish This is a new season to be flourishing in faith A faith so strong that keeps you pressing on A faith so strong that holds an enduring bond And a faith so strong that you must trust your God Trust and believe that you are flourishing in faith Just as the flowers are brightly blooming Have faith that God will keep you moving To achieve the greater things in life To reach your goals and accomplish things right Believe and receive that you will be flourishing in faith And just as the flowers of Spring bloom Your faith will grow and develop too soon So that you will be continuously flourishing in faith. By: Josephine

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SPECIAL THANKS A very special thanks to Natasha Morris for sharing her faith-based journey life experience. We kindly thank you for your words of encouragement and inspiration. CONTRIBUTORS Danielle Sawh


Be Inspired! Feel We are pleased to announce our newly registered Inspired! non-profit corporation to better service you within Stay Inspired! the community. This is Vision: Inspiring individuals through community your time Just empowerment. Shine! Mission: Life’s Poetry Community Empowerment seeks to promote development through the arts, culture and literature within the community to enlighten, engage, empower and encourage individuals to achieve their full potential in life. Services/Programs: Community Book Club for Girls, Annual Empowerment Conference, Community Open Mic Nights, P.U.R.P.L.E., Annual MS Fundraising Dinner, Annual Holiday Book Drive, Quarterly Newsletter, Special events & workshops.

Life’s Poetry Community Empowerment

Directors- John, Josephine, and Janice.

Life’s Poetry @Lifes_Poetry @lifespoetry

For Inquires or further information please contact: Josephine Casey Tel: 416-668-4511

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