Life's Poetry News 1st Edition

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1st Edition, Fall Quarterly

September, 2014

Life’s Poetry News “The challenges and journeys through life help form and compose who we are” Life’s Poetry Pg. 11

Q U A R T E R L Y N E W S L E T T E R S P E C I A L L A U N C H E D I T I O N INSIDE THIS EDITION _________ Introduction Mackeda Bramwell Roger Wheatle

Sponsors Contributors

WELCOME! Life’s Poetry News is a quarterly newsletter, which showcases inspirational individuals within our community. All of these individuals have overcome challenges in life and are now making a difference in our community. They demonstrate that having faith, determination and believing in

ourselves will help us to achieve the goals and dreams that each one of us has. Life’s Poetry News will feature two influential individuals who have overcome challenges and continue to pursue their dreams while striving towards using their God-given talents to fulfill their potential. These stories will encourage all of us

to remember that we can achieve positive outcomes despite challenging circumstances. Stay tuned for inspirational stories of individuals overcoming obstacles such as, doubts and fears to achieve their aspirations in life. So sit back, relax and enjoy reading Life’s Poetry News! Be Inspired!

Poetry by Josephine Life’s Poetry _________

Be Inspired! Feel Inspired! Stay Inspired! This is your time Just Shine!

I n s p i r a t i o n a l “Showing ambition when obstacles arise on difficult missions, that’s a tremendous decision.” Josephine Casey, Author of Life’s Poetry Pg. 12

p e o p l e Mackeda Bramwell, and Roger Wheatle share their journey of how they overcame the hardships of life to become the successful people they are today.

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L i f e ’ s

M a c k e d a

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b r a m w e l l

Writes from the heart...

Never stop believing in yourself! A single mother’s account on life, parenting and the struggles she endured to overcome. Shattered dreams

Be Inspired! Feel Inspired! Stay Inspired! This is your time Just Shine!

At seventeen years old, I was pregnant with my first child. By eighteen, I was a mother with little formal education and a child to care for. Growing up I had little parental supervision. My mother (also a single mother) was a vendor, and spent most of her adult life in the market hustling so that we could have food on the table. My father, on the other-hand, lived overseas and we had not seen or heard from him in decades. Emphasis on “Higher Education”, structure in the home and many other values were not the standard for us growing up in a deprived community. Yes, we were sent to school and heard constantly, “tek you book” but no one enforced those things or presented the environment for us kids to learn. As a child, I remember thinking that this was not the life I wanted; I was going to do better, be better. I told myself that I would never sell in the market, more so raise my children in the ghetto. Surely, my mother tried her best, but there were many days when school fees were not paid,; there was no food and talks of college would result in “go look for a job”. Each time my future would flash before me, it came as a blur and my dreams were shattered. Life is no bed of roses- but every setback is a setup for a good comeback

My life was no bed of roses. I dealt constantly with many issues ranging from self-esteem, poverty, everyday life growing up in the “ghetto”, and witnessing many things that no child deserves to. My life changed drastically when I found out that I was pregnant. This was a major setback in my life, however, I began assessing my life only to realize that I was not fully equipped to be a mother – but it was too late. I was in it and I needed a way out. I told myself that this was not the life I wanted and that I certainly did not want to raise a child in poverty; as such, I began to plan my future. What was I going to do? How will I take care of my child, and what kind of life do I want for him? Education is the key to a better life - It changed my life When my son was only two months old, I went back to school. I passed high school with distinctions and later registered for college. I had little support and not much help.

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I worked full time and attended University at night. By the time my son was six years old , I had graduated from University and was at the height of my career working in Government and volunteering in many youth empowerment initiatives. I also made sure I moved out of the ghetto, as this was not where I wanted to raise my son. I strongly believe that children are products of their environment; keeping them in a toxic environment or spaces do more harm than good. My top priority is raising my children to be decent, educated and Godly boys. Education changed my life and I know that it is the only tool that can change theirs. I have since migrated from Jamaica to Canada and now have a teenager and an eight year old son. Moving to a new country also had its challenges. As I am no stranger to challenges, I began planning my next move. I realized that I needed to upgrade my skills or change career. I did just that, enrolling in another college program and later a Canadian University. Despite many hardships, setbacks and negative people in my life, I completed school and started my own business. It’s not where you come from; it’s where you are going! Today, I am currently the owner of a successful small business, a college lecturer and a homeowner. I am amazed at how far I have come in such a short time. I am more amazed at seeing people who had little hope and no future prove the stereotype wrong, and emerge as society’s finest. Many people thought my life was doomed, after all, I had all the right characteristics: I was from a dysfunctional, single-parent family, I grew up in poverty, I had limited resources, and finally, I was a young single mother. I am happy that I believed in myself, and despite the fact that I missed out on many parties and could not afford “name brands” I stayed true to the plans I had earlier written out. I have since assisted my mother who now resides with me here in Canada, along with most of my siblings, who are also doing well for themselves. It is very important to speak positive things in your life, because at the end of the day, it’s not where you came from that matters, it is where you are going. Setting goals and having the courage to execute them have been extremely beneficial to my life. I encourage all single mothers, teenage mothers and young people struggling, to stop listening to negative people and start making plans for their own lives. Stop making excuses for all the things you don’t have or can’t do and just start something. God has a greater plan for your life and you are meant to be achievers and to live the best life possible. All it takes is for you to forgive yourself, trust yourself, have faith in yourself, and commit yourself to the process. I hope these notes will serve as a reminder of the truths I have found along the way. I know it’s a long-shot, but as I have so often benefited from the notes of others, maybe my notes might actually help someone else as they travel through this journey we call ‘life’. Remember it’s

Be Inspired! Feel Inspired! Stay Inspired! This is your time Just Shine!

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the journey that matters, not the destination. So don’t quit. No matter what you go through in your life do not let others or your circumstances and life experiences determine your worth and who you become. The truth is you are more than your experiences; you were designed for greatness. Know that you deserve a life you love - simply because it is your Godgiven birthright, and more importantly, because you are worth it. Mackeda Bramwell

Be Inspired! Feel Inspired! Stay Inspired! This is your time Just Shine!

Mackeda Bramwell is a Legal Advisor at Onpoint Legal Services, Small Business owner, College Lecturer, aspiring author, and motivational speaker. She is the founder of My Sister’s Keeper-(MSK) Canada a nonprofit organization for women, single mothers and women offenders. She also serves as volunteer at A-Supreme Seniors Foundation. For more information, please contact her at or directly at

(416) 241-4200 Toronto Office OnPoint Legal Services 557 Dixon Road, Suite 111 Toronto, ON M9W 6K1

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L i f e ’ s

R o g e r

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w h e a t l e

Writes from the heart...

Life is a journey and we overcome the challenges with the strength that is inside of us. Even when we are written off, we can excel by using the greatest abilities that God gives us. I am in a position to say this because my journey has included misfortune, which I am in the process of overcoming. It began when I was wrongfully convicted for a crime that I did not commit. I was discriminated against because of the colour of my skin. I was told that I fit the description of someone who committed a robbery on February 14, 1988. It was approximately 2 weeks after that date that I was arrested for the crime that I did not commit. This devastated my family and friends and I was in shock and disbelief. At my bail hearing, all I could remember was Psalm 27, which says, “The Lord is my light and salvation, whom shall I fear?” This particular passage from the Bible was an encouragement because of the atmosphere that was in the courtroom that day. I was granted bail, which lasted for almost three years until the trial date, and I strongly believe that this Bible passage saved me at that time. Unfortunately at the trial, even with my Bible in my back pocket and my witness flying in to testify on my behalf as to my whereabouts on February 14, 1988, as well as all of the circumstantial evidence pointing to my innocence, the judge pronounced me guilty. His words were “even though there are a lot of holes in the Crown’s case, I have to find this man guilty”. He sentenced me to 10 years in prison. I was mad at God and disappointed at the verdict of my trial, not knowing that God had another plan for me. During my time in prison, I began to reflect on life and I made a lot of changes and did a lot of soul-searching. I repented and asked God to forgive me for being angry with Him. I also asked Him for strength to get through the misfortune of being punished for another man’s crime. When my parole hearing came up in 1994, the panel that decided my fate was one of the toughest panels. Nevertheless, I went in there and told the story of my innocence. They believed me and I was granted parole. I had high expectations on bail release.

Be Inspired! Feel Inspired! Stay Inspired! This is your time Just Shine!

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L i f e ’ s

R o g e r

Be Inspired! Feel Inspired! Stay Inspired! This is your time Just Shine!

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w h e a t l e

I wanted to gain my life back. Famous celebrities began to connect with me to join their record label. This gave me the opportunity to work with Infinite, Vybz Kartel, Farrah Franklin, DMX, Ghetto Concept, Ivan Barry, Michie Mee and others. Unfortunately, the record of the crime that I was punished for limited me from excelling in my music career in the way that I was destined to. One particular Sunday, I went to visit a girlfriend of mine and she invited me to her church. When I was in the church, the pastor at the church, Pastor John Taylor of Light and Life Ministries, stopped in the middle of his sermon to say that he had to change his preaching because someone in the congregation needed an anointing. He then explained that this man was very powerful, had been through 13 years of tribulation, was sick with his stomach, could see visions and that he must live and not die, in order to declare the good works of the Lord. Someone immediately stood up and said it was he, but the pastor said he was not the one. I then looked at my friend and said to her, “I think he is talking about me�. I did not want to go up to the pastor, but when he announced that the police had framed this man, I changed my mind. The pastor then prayed for me. This changed my life journey and led me to the path on which I am today. I am now a Minister of Light and Life Ministries, and I have established my recording studio there. I travel back to the prisons to minister and deliver my story as encouragement to those who are incarcerated. I am also a youth worker and work for Child Hope Foundation. I am a photographer, record producer and songwriter. I am currently still battling my legal case, but I am determined not to let misfortunes in my life stop me from pursuing my dreams. Roger Wheatle

Roger Wheatle is a Motivational Speaker, Minister, Record Producer, Photographer and Youth Worker with the Child Hope Foundation. For further information please contact him at

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Tionna Lawrence and Danielle Sawh

Be Inspired! Feel Inspired! Stay Inspired! This is your time Just Shine!

Life’s Poetry Some days are good Some days are bad Some days it’s just enough you’ve had Life’s a mystery Painting its history Waiting to unfold A story to be told A way of living with elevated expressions Of thought That’s life poetry Life’s poetry sought Life is what we see and make it to be The slightest opinions we think and feel It can be overwhelming Confusing and loosing But it can be pleasing and uplifting Always shifting Life’s a poetry in its own form With ups and downs, winds and storms It’s how you overcome and supersede these times

That will truly be the test for you to shine See life’s poetry as an art you frame Everyday something new Or maybe the same It’s a view, a take on life too Depends on what you tend to do So strive for you Hurt, pain Power, fame It’s all apart of our human heart The challenges and journeys through life Help form and compose who you are Different experiences Different appearances Some have it easy, some not Some caught, some fought It can also be how you Process your thought That again is life’s poetry Life’s poetry sought By: Josephine

A b o u t

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Life’s Poetry is a collection of poems written by Josephine Casey that expresses freedom of speech in everyday challenges through life’s journey. It is a balance of our emotions and a combination of inspirational messages throughout the good and bad times. Life’s Poetry is realistic and portrays our human nature in what we feel and do. For all readers who experience life’s struggles, this collection will inspire you. Life’s Poetry is available at:, Knowledge Bookstore,, Accents Bookstore, ASCEND,, and the Gospel Café.

Life’s Poetry @Lifes_Poetry

For Inquires or further information please contact: Josephine Casey Tel: 416-668-4511

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