Best Of Class 2019-2020

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If form follows function, it had better be fast.

泰国益利尊荣卡 Thailand Elite

Prestige...and the Rewards of Privil


Thailand Elite is the Asia’s leading provider for extraordinary residency program crafted for friends of Thailand first country residency program that offers prestige as well as a host of special privileges and benefits to enhance your stay while in Thailand – providing the ease and comfort of VIP status.

As an affiliate of the Tourism Authority of Thailand, this residency program provides the hands-on aid of personal assistants who will assist you with your special access to membership benefits at: golf courses, hotels, spas, health facilities, and special discount throughout our country.

Come join the Asia’s first residency program crafted for friends of Thailand and gain unprecedented opportunities: business facilitation, leisure and travel opportunities and immigration privileges.

We present you with our Thailand Elite card and the Thai heritage and hospitality renowned the world over.

泰国国家益利尊荣卡”是世界上第 一个由政府主办的国家级

俱乐部会员会籍的项目,它将提高持有泰国益利尊荣卡的精英人群的 声望并提供一系列特殊待遇和优惠,让您以VIP身份在泰国逗留的时 间更长久更舒适以及更简单。

作为泰国旅游局的附属机构,尊荣卡这样的一个居留计划,就 像个人助理一般,给您带来更多的权益,这些权益包括高尔夫课程、 酒店、按摩水疗以及一些健康检查等遍布全国的福利。

加入世界第一个由泰国为宾客们推出的居留方案,享受前所未 有的机会,例如:商业便利、旅游休闲和移民特权等等。

我们即将为您介绍我们的泰国益利尊荣卡以及您将享受到的世 界一流的泰国服务和特权

Expedited Connections

Should our Members wish to do business in Thailand, we are happy to facilitate, network and connect. Whether a simple real estate introduction, a business opportunity, or venture through the Thailand Board of Investment (or any other government agencies), we are by your side to assist and guide you.

From the moment you arrive in our Land of Smiles, leave the airport and make your way to your hotel or residence, we are with you every step of the way. You are recognized as an elite card member and, thus, a friend of Thailand. You will be met by a hostess as you disembark and granted special visa privileges as you speed through immigration. Your baggage will be collected and you will be escorted to your limousine.


Since the Thailand Elite card is a government-supported program, members are afforded generous benefits. Most significant are the enhanced immigration and visa privileges where members are given the right to stay in Thailand with a Privilege Entry Visa, and one-year extensions without the need to leave the country. Subject to the prior approval of the Thai Immigration Bureau at the time of application filing, the Privilege Entry Visa will be granted when applying at any Royal Thai Embassy, Consulate General or Immigration Bureau in Bangkok. Alternatively, the visa can also be issued at Suvarnabhumi, Chiang Mai and Phuket International Airports when arriving on international flights.


如果我们的会员希望在泰国经商,我们很乐意为您提供便 利、资源网络和接洽。无论是通过泰国投资委员会(或任何其他 政府机构)的简单房地产接洽,还是商业投资机会,我们都会为 您提供协助和指导。

从您到达我们微笑之邦的那一刻起一直到您离开机场前往 酒店,我们将与您并肩同行,因为您是泰国益利尊荣卡的会员, 也是泰国的友人。当你下飞机的时候,就有贵宾私人助理等候 您,您将享受到特别的签证特权并有专人帮您提取行李出境,享 受快速通关,并有豪华轿车护送您到酒店。


泰国益利尊荣卡是泰国政府支持的一个泰国项目,会员可 享受众多福利,重要的是增加了移民局和签证特权,泰国益利 尊荣卡成员有权在泰国享有特权入境签证,入境章有效期长达 一年。只需要事先经过泰国移民局申请备案并批准,会员便可 以在任何国家的泰国大使馆或泰国的移民局进行贴签。此外, 会员也可以选择在素万那普、清迈和普吉岛国际机场进行益利 签证的贴签服务。

Arrival & Departure

Membership privileges begin the second you arrive in Thailand. An Elite Personal Assistant will greet you at Suvarnabhumi or Phuket International Airports and whisk you through passport control and baggage claim, avoiding long lines.

When leaving Thailand, again our Elite Personal Assistants will assist you with flight check-in and passport control to expedite the process. As you wait for your flight to depart, relax in the Departure Lounge.


当您到达素万那普国际机场或者普吉国际机场,您将会在踏出机 舱门的那一刻遍享受到我们泰国益利的工作人员的热情迎接,带您到 专用贵宾厅,办理入境手续,提取行李,让您免受移民通道排队的苦 恼,轻松开启您的泰国之旅。

当您离开泰国时也会有我们益利工作人员在办理登机牌柜台等候 协助办理登机和机场快速通关,会员办完手续后便可在机场贵宾室尽 情的享受自己的私人时间。

Golfing Paradise

Golfers are aware that Thailand has many of the best golf courses in the world: rolling beachside fairways in Phuket and Hua Hin; world-class options in Pattaya; scenic mountainside courses around Chiang Mai; and convenient courses spread throughout metropolitan Bangkok. Thailand Elite members receive 24 complimentary green fees per calendar year as well as many other privileges at these superb golf courses.


泰国被誉为高尔夫天堂,其境内拥有诸多世界一流且风景优美的高 尔夫球场,加之热情周到的服务,始终微笑服务的球童以及绝佳的天 气,使得泰国成为高尔夫天堂。在泰国的普吉岛,华欣,芭提雅和清 迈的魅力山水风景,便利的课程遍布在泰国各个地方,泰国益利会员 每学年将获得24个免费的课程以指定高尔夫球场的其他特权。

Spa Treatments

Unique Thai massage has evolved over hundreds of years and continues to gain increasing popularity worldwide. Thai-style spas abound in a country where care and indulgence has become a way of life.

One of the many attractions of Thailand Elite membership is the opportunity to experience regular spa treatments, including the renowned Thai massage, at the many spa centers. Select members may enjoy 24 complimentary spa treatments per year at leading spas nationwide.

Hospitals – A Healthy Advantage

Thailand also boasts some of the best hospitals and health facilities in the world, with quality and care second to none. Thailand Elite members will be able to take advantage of these medical facilities with a free annual medical check-up at selected international-standard hospitals. In addition, the medical personnel at each modern, world-class hospital are highly-trained and efficient (and speak excellent English), and the hospital food and accommodations are luxurious.


泰国也拥有世界上最好的医院和医疗设施,医疗设施的质量和医 院的服务关怀是首屈一指的,泰国益利尊荣会员将可享受这些医疗设 施,泰国益利尊荣会员能在选定的国际标准医院免费进行年度体检。

此外,每个医院的医务人员都训练有素,谈吐得体,医院的设备和设 施一流,医院的饮食和住宿都是极致奢华的。


独特的泰式按摩已经有了数百年的历史,并在全球受到热捧。 泰国式的理疗遍布在各个国家和角落,泰国益利尊荣会员拥有的 特权之一也包括了我们的泰式理疗,泰式理疗中也包括了我们的 泰式按摩,会员将在全国领先水疗中心每年享受24次免费水疗 服务。

Membership Categories

To ensure that you have an enjoyable time as a Thailand Elite Card Member and best friend of our nation, it is advisable to select the most suitable of the membership of seven categories available. Here are three membership options: Elite Ultimate Privilege; Elite Superiority Extension; Elite Easy Access.

Elite Ultimate Privilege Membership

Designed for individuals who appreciate the benefits of taking their relationship with Thailand a step to the highest level; to benefit from the Privilege Visa and the Government Concierge service; and for high-fliers who delight in the many privileges that Membership offers – business as well as pleasure.

• Membership Validity: 20 years

• Membership Fee: THB 2,000,000 / Membership (excluding VAT)

• Annual Fee: THB 20,000 (excluding VAT)

Elite Superiority Extension Membership

An alternative to the 20-year Elite Ultimate Privilege Membership program with the five-year renewable visa for only THB 1 million. For a one-time reduced payment and no annual fee, this membership enables the business travel to Thailand to enjoy the visa benefits and other many commercial advantages offered by the Thai Elite staff.

• Validity: 20 years

• Membership Fee: THB 1,000,000 / Membership (including VAT)

• No annual fee

Elite Easy Access Membership

Elite Easy Access Membership entitles you to the exclusive benefits and assistance of our professional and dedicated Elite Personal Assistants. This Membership entitles you to receive full support with all formalities of the immigration procedure. To add to that, the privileges will enable you to make use of private airport transfer service to make certain that you reach your destination in comfort and pleasure. This entry level membership may at any time be upgraded to regular individual membership.

• Validity: 5 years

• Membership Fee: THB 500,000 / Membership (including VAT)

• No annual fee

• Upgrade Fee: THB 1,500,000 / Membership (including VAT)

The special benefits and privileges also include stays at selected hotels, luxurious resorts, championship golf courses, spas, hospitals and world-class dining establishments in Thailand.


为了确保泰国益利尊荣卡的会员以及泰国友人能够在泰国拥有一段愉 快时光,推荐您选择以下三种套餐中最合适您的其中一类,即:


泰国益利尊荣终极特权会员卡旨在让各行业的人士能够进一步了解泰 国,为想要享受会员特权的有志之士提供特权签证服务、与泰国政府打交 道时的私人助理以及众多其它服务,涵盖商务和娱乐方面。

• 会员有效期:20年

• 会员费: THB 2,000,000/会员(不含增值税)

• 年费: THB 20,000(不含增值税)


只需要100万泰铢即可成为20年益利超享会员,享有长达每次5年的可 更新签证。一次性付款且不再收取年年费,可以使您的泰国商务旅行享受 Elite员工提供 的签证优惠,还可享有其它商业优势。

• 有效期: 20 年

• 会员费: THB 1,000,000 /会员 (含增值税)

• 无年年费


泰国精英易捷会员, 让您享有独家的福利和协助, 我们专业的私人助理 将协助您办理移民局的各种手续。另外,这些特权将使您能享受机场私人 接送机服务, 让您更舒适快捷地达到您的目的地,。这是一个入门级成员, 可随时升级为高级会员。

• 有效期: 5 年

• 会员费: 500,000 泰铢/会员 (含增值税)

• 升级费: 1,500,000 万泰铢/会员 (含增值税)

泰国益利尊荣卡的特别优惠还包括入住泰国的精选酒店、豪华度假村、 锦标赛高尔夫球场、豪华水疗中心、最高级医院和世界一流餐饮场所。

Destination Management Company (DMC)

• Honeymooner Package

• Romantic Hotels and Resorts

• Adventure Tours activities

• Health care and fitness

• Wedding parties

• Business meeting, Seminar, Conferences & Exhibitions Convention & Trade Center

Tel: +66 (0) 2 318 3800 (Auto line)

Fax: +66 (0) 2 318 3787

email: facebook/prestigeholidaytours

Licence No. 11/01439

Beaches Resorts

City Hotels Mountain


142 Amari Watergate Bangkok

144 akyra TAS Sukhumvit Bangkok

146 akyra Thonglor Bangkok

148 Hyatt Regency Bangkok Sukhumvit

150 Oriental Residence Bangkok

152 Pathumwan Princess

154 Pullman Bangkok king Power

156 Ramada Plaza by Wyndham Bangkok

Menam Riverside


160 The Peninsula Bangkok

162 The Sukosol Hotel, Bangkok

166 A-Star Phulare Valley, Chiang Rai

Chiang Rai Chiang Mai

168 akyra Manor Chiang Mai

170 Panviman Chiang Mai Spa Resort

172 Sibsan Luxury Hotel Rimping, Chiangmai

174 Sibsan Resort & Spa Maetaeng, Chiangmai

176 Sukantara Cascade Resort & Spa



The Savoy

Excellence and Elegance

A UK hotel institution since 1889, the iconic Savoy – on the Strand, bookended by the River Thames and Convent Garden – continues as London’s benchmark for über luxury.

This coveted and venerated institution has won countless awards, garnering more stars then a planetarium.

“Five-star” connotes luxury and distinction but often suggests an oldworld nobility – sometimes a pompous or arrogant grandiosity. Here, it’s copious cheer and boundless bonhomie. And grace.

After the massive three-year, £220 million renovation was completed in 2010, the luster became even brighter. The Art Deco and Edwardian motifs continued to burnish its brilliance.

Stylish and genial. Grand and affable. Urbane and chic.

Service that overwhelms, but unaffected, not patronizing. Uplifting.

Service and empathy seem to be the hallmarks of the Savoy: a doorman was tending to a truculent toddler. A maître de soothed the anxieties of a gaggle of young, mid-term high-schoolers. A house-keeper escorted a misguided, aging guest out of a service elevator to his table at dinner. The Head Butler cheerfully approached me in the Front Hall as I awaited a guest.

How can they be having such a good time, working so hard?

My host, Emma Allam, the vibrant and veteran Director of Marketing Communications (and Vivacity, I add), ducked in and out of training sessions to spotlight the obvious joys: “We have 550 dedicated and diligently-trained employees to look after the guests in our 267 rooms and suites [many brandishing the sobriquets of the countless celebrities and royalty who have visited – Charlie Chaplin, Marilyn Monroe, Albert Hitchcock…].”

Indeed, a new afternoon tea (a grand English institution) was just being launched. “We have introduced the ‘The Tiger Who Came to Tea’ this month for five to 12 year-olds and we are having a wonderful response.”

My precocious teenage granddaughter lives in London and happily accepted my invitation (with a curtsy, of course) for lunch at Kaspar’s at the Savoy and time in the understated Beauty & Fitness where she splashed in the naturally lit, 10-meter pool; showed off her athletic chops in the state-of-the-art gym; and had her first facial.

Sheer wonderment.

“Everyone is so nice! Ohhh... I LOVED it!” (displaying her first skincare product), as she marveled through her first five-star culinary encounter – her admiration extended to Kaspar’s iconic kitchen. “I never had pumpkin tortellini. And the homemade bread [two baskets]!!”

She transformed to Lady Cecilia and carried on with her grand, affected accent upstairs to my capacious Katherine Hepburn Suite (overlooking the River Thames and the London Eye). The amused and delightful butler from Kenya played along, laughed and treated her like royalty, bowing deeply as he exited with a playful smile.

Restaurants at the Savoy are institutions. Marinated in patrimony, slathered with pedigree, and basted in ambience and aristocracy, the mood and food are superlative.

At Kaspar’s my first course was a divine blend of tastes. The

Cornish Crab was coated with Avruga [not really] caviar, given a hint of burnt lemon and accompanied by a bundle of blinis. Sensuous. Scrumptious.

Simpson’s in the Strand is a British tradition and the Savoy boasts the American Bar, the longest surviving cocktail bar in London (named World’s Best Bar at World’s 50 Best Bars 2017).

It is a fabled experience. It gets better with age.

Rooms / Suites: 267 / 65 (themed, elegant, grandly accou tered, River views)

Restaurants Kaspar’s at the Savoy, Savoy Grill, & Bars: Simpson’s in the Strand, Melba, Thames Foyer / American Bar, Beaufort Bar

Spa / Wellness: Beauty and Fitness Center

Fitness: Fitness Center and pool

Fun Facts: the Marlene Dietrich Suite always has a bouquet of 12 pink roses

Tel: + 44 (0)20 7836 4343 email:

Strand, WC2R 0EZ, London, United Kingdom


A late-Victorian “landmark” dating back to1899, the Landmark London, contiguous to the Marylebone train station and tube, has been one of London’s Grande Dame architectural delights for over a century. It has established standards of luxury and grandeur.

The iconic, sculpted hotel was designed around a vast courtyard allowing light into the 300 large guest rooms. The courtyard was unique in London and it provided a dramatic entrance, awing guests with its glass-roof and airy interior.

Access is convenient: two miles from the British Museum, a seven-minute walk to Regents Park, and a 14-minute stroll from the shopping buzz of Oxford Street; and minutes more to the right to Marble Arch and Hyde Park.

The lobby overwhelms with brilliant marble throughout its city-block lobby interior.

Many of the plush, commodious rooms (clearly, some of the most capacious in London) have large sitting areas. Refined one-three bedroom suites add separate living areas and small kitchens.

The marble elegance is on conspicuous display at the exquisite Winter Garden restaurant enclosed by an eight-story glass atrium. Angelic.

After being conscripted by two World Wars (and, later, a Japanese rock star), in 1993 the hotel reopened as part of the Four Seasons Group. Two years later it was bought by the Lancaster London Hotel Company (also The Royal Lancaster).

It became a member of the Leading Hotels of the World in 2008.

Rooms / Suites: 300 / 8 (35-165 sqm)

Restaurants Winter Garden, Grand Central Bar & Restaurant, & Bars Garden Terrace / Mirror Bar

Spa / Wellness: exclusive Spa at the Landmark London

Fitness: state-of-the-art gymnasium, chlorine-free 15-meter swimming pool, Jacuzzi and sanarium

Fun Facts: exquisite marble interiors throughout the burnished lobby areas

Tel: +44 20 7631 8000

222 Marylebone Road London NW1 6JQ United Kingdom

Rosewood London

Elegant. Lusciously designed. Conspicuously refined.

I was an evening guest at the evocative Holburn Dining Room, a bustling brasserie (visit the Pie Room) with a scrumptious British menu, but – alas – left to my own devices post-appetizer (an emergency pulled my host away).

Minutes later, however, a fellow-New Yorker (a banker) ended up serendipitously seated next to me. So we chatted and dined.

He spent part of his honeymoon at the Rosewood and was still entranced by its sophistication and service. He stays during every visit.

“I think it is one of the finest five-star hotels in London. Wonderful attention to detail. Rich interiors in every room. And what a heritage it evokes.” Indeed, history suffuses the premises.

The plush Edwardian hotel (featuring nine magnificent, distinctive Signature Suites among its 306 rooms and 44 suites) is situated in one of the capital’s most historic thoroughfares, High Holborn, a road

that dates back to Roman times (and near Covent Garden, Fleet Street and many world-renowned museums).

Former area occupants include Sir Francis Bacon, Sir Thomas More, John Milton, Samuel Johnson and Charles Dickens. The Holborn Restaurant, an expansive eatery (formerly a casino) was judged one of the best restaurants in the city.

The entrance (next page) features a central carriageway and dome leading into a grand, peaceful courtyard, which provides a calm sanctuary away from the city’s buzzing cacophony.

The lobby is rich and gloriously well-appointed. One dramatic feature of this five-star heritage hotel is the Renaissance-style seven-story grand staircase, an architectural, marble tour de force. Grand.

Scarfes Bar (above) evokes a congenial atmosphere featuring a roaring fire at one end and a wooden bar running along the other. A renowned British caricaturist, leant his name and artistic vision: amusing and conversational illustrations adorn the marble walls

where the cartoon art is continuously updated to reflect current (if not controversial) affairs.

A Spa, Fitness Suites, pervasive artwork, programs for children, butlers and Pampered Pets provide a constellation of extravagant and thoughtful amenities.

Rooms / Suites: 306 / 44 with exquisite interior desig (31- 37 / 60-585 sqm)

Restaurants: Holburn Dining Room, Mirror Room, Pie Room, & Bar: The Terrace, The Lobby, Sense of Taste / Scarfes Bar

Spa / Wellness: Sense Spa / Face Place, Matthew Curtis Hair Salon

Fitness: two Fitness Suites

Fun Facts: a palatial, seven bedroom Manor House Wing (585 sqm)

Tel: +44 20 7781 8888


252 High Holborn, London, WC1V 7EN, United Kingdom

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Europe

Royal Lancaster London

Location, renovation, and dedication.

Add a soupçon of buoyant animation and this contemporary, gemütlich hotel rises to wonderful heights above verdant Hyde Park and Kensington Gardens.

Eschewing the traditional, old-boy, Victorian stuffiness of many luxurious Grande Dame hotels in tony and historic London, the Royal Lancaster offers light, views and a pervasive, cheerful bonhomie.

“We have a cozy charm here. We emphasize hospitality. Our standard of service is similar to our excellent location,” smiled Metta Chooseeang, the gracious, ebullient Communications Director.

A quintessential and ubiquitous kindness is a hallmark.

As are the sweeping vistas and gregarious sunlight.

Cordiality suffuses the lobby. The service is superb, the cheer palpable – and don’t discount the convenience: towering above the

Lancaster Gate Underground. Serviced by a flow of double-decker buses traversing Hyde Park, you find yourself on the edge of London’s center of gravity sans the inner-city clamor.

And rather than walking west 15 minutes to Marble Arch (a plethora of shopping options), stroll right (west) on to Bayswater and Notting Hill, enchanting neighborhoods with an endearing movie attached.

“We are one of the few independent hotels in the city. We treat our 411 renovated rooms as home to our guest.”

And the views! On the 15th floor (of 18) in my capacious corner suite (one of 16), the panorama was spectacular.

The breakfast buffet was sumptuous and colorful, gazing out of the floor-to-ceiling windows onto Hyde Park. The Island Grill served an innovative and exceptional lunch. Delicious – and the inevitable, streaming Park light continued its benediction. “Dinner at Nipa Thai is an iconic experience.”

And a host of impressive “touches”: fresh honey from rooftop bee hives, heated towel racks (and bathroom floors), headboard reading lamps, electric blinds to mute or darken the room (but why?!), a portable smart phone to guide you around London (free long distance calls), and attentive housekeeping.

It was a genial treat.

Rooms / Suites: 411 / 16 (views!)

Restaurants Nipa Thai, Island Grill, Park Restaurant / & Bars: Hyde Bar, Park Lounge Bar

Spa / Wellness: available at nearby sister-hotel (Landmark London)

Fitness: 24 hours

Fun Facts: sunlight and Park views – location; in-room tablets and smartphones (free LD)

Tel: +44 207 551 6000

email: Lancaster Terrace, London W2 2TY

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Europe


picture of nkoks from Pixabay



Few hotels in the world enjoy the stature of The Ritz Paris (note the Savoy in our London section). Its opulence, patrimony and astonishing attention to luxury detail have burnished its iconic, world-heritage reputation.

The brain-child of the revered Swiss hotelier, César Ritz (known as “king of hoteliers, and hotelier to kings” – from him the terms “ritzy” and “putting on the Ritz” originated), the hotel opened in 1898 in the Place Vendôme.

Mr. Ritz enjoyed a fruitful partnership with the august chef Auguste Escoffier, the father of modern French cooking and the progenitor of the hotel’s famed cooking school, Ecole Ritz Escoffier (now with a state-of-the-art kitchen).

The hotel entertained the world’s elite for over a century.

It closed for four years for a sweeping €400 million renovation, reopening in June 2016.

The hotel now boasts 71 expansive suites and 71 rooms (many with sweeping views from shaded private terraces overlooking the magnificent French garden and Place Vendôme) and faithfully restored the signature décors of famous guests in its aggregation of “Prestige Suites”: Ernest Hemingway, Coco Chanel, Frédéric Chopin, and Charlie Chaplin.

The Ritz Club and its swimming pool, fitness facilities, sauna and Turkish bath are part of the hotel lore.

Michelin chefs enhance the fine dining (L’Espadon was redone, as was the Bar Vendome, and a retractable glass roof allows terrace dining in the leafy garden in any weather).

Rooms / Suites: 142: 71 (35 to 55 sqm) / 71 (65-126 sqm; 2BR,163-218 sqm)

Pool, Spa, Fitness: The Ritz Club

Restaurants & Bars: Les Matins de l’Espadon (breakfast); Les Jardins de l’Espadon and La Table de l’Espa don (French); Bar Vendôme (international, breakfast); Bar Hemingway; Ritz Bar; Salon Proust (afternoon tea)

Tel: +33 1 43 16 3030

15 Place Vendôme, 75001 Paris, France

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Europe

Hôtel d’Haussonville

Pass through the gates and the courtyard and be embraced by the elegant antiquity and charm of this 500-year-old mansion. It elicits reverence.

Nearly 20 years ago, Jean-Claude Capelli and his wife journeyed through a meticulous 18-month restoration of this historical landmark and gave birth to a bespoke boutique hotel.

“The Chambord floors in the parlor were built 500 years ago!” he marveled. “And the [wine] cellar’s ancient walls are two-meters thick.”

The seven units spread over four stories and feature five gracious suites. Breakfast is served in a sun-bedizened lobby by one of the three bilingual women who gracefully nurture the international guests.

The hotel is nestled in the heart Nancy’s Old City – framed by the

colorful, spacious and playful Parc de la Pépinière (designed by the Versailles’ landscape architect), and the World Heritage pedestrian plaza, Place Stanilas – with narrow, cobble-stone streets winding past postcard-perfect cafes, shops and bookstores is redolent of cheer, nostalgia and bonhomie.

Nancy (an 1.5 hour train ride east of Paris) was considered the Monaco of Europe in the 18th century and the stately architecture attests to it.

Wine, cheese and book festivals are the pride of this historic and engaging town.

No pretense here of a formal five-star experience. Just a thoughtful, attentive potpourri of charm, patrimony and attentive service.

Tel: +44 207 551 6000


9, rue Monseigneur Trouillet 54000 Nancy France

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in


This venerable, European Grande Dame is a generationally historical treasure of luxury hospitality.

The Baur au Lac is one of the world’s oldest luxury hotels still in the ownership of its founding family. For six generations the hotel has flourished through World Wars and Great Depressions – with continual investment in new facilities, technologies, and renovations.

Set in the heart of Zurich, the hotel overlooks its own private lakeshore park boasting imposing views of Lake Zurich and the Alps.

It is a few minutes’ walk from the famous Bahnhofstrasse, Zurich’s exclusive luxury shopping enclave.

The 119 elegant, bespoke rooms and suites (individually decorated in Empire, Art Deco, Louis XVI, and English Regency) are technically modernized and accoutered.

Boasting 175 years of discerning, personalized hospitality, the Baur au Lac continues to serve repeat-generations of families, celebrities, politicians – and even tends to the guests sleek and elegant automobiles in its exclusive and historic garage!

Over the centuries the Russian Tsarina, German Emperor Wilhelm II, Richard Wagner (who presented the world première of his “Die Walküre” accompanied by, Franz Liszt), Placido Domingo, Elton John, as well as Marc Chagall and Joan Miró have all been indulged. In 1892 Alfred Nobel conceived the Nobel Peace Prize in the hotel’s salon.

Dining is a must. The gourmet restaurant Pavillon, headed by Chef Laurent Eperon, has been awarded a second Michelin star and features a towering rotunda, vintage Lalique chandeliers and glass walls that lure you out into the private park.

Rooms / Suites: 119 rooms, including 27 junior suites and 18 suites

Restaurants & Bars: Pavillon features a towering rotunda, vintage Lalique chandeliers and glass walls that overlook the park; Rive Gauche is a sparkling blend of chic restaurant and bar; Le Hall (afternoon tea); The Rive Gauche Terrasse Fitness: yes

Fun Facts: October 2018 Condé Nast Traveler #1 Top Hotels in Switzerland

Tel: +41 44 220 50 20 , Fax +41 44 220 50 44 email:

Talstrasse 1, 8024 Zurich, Switzerland



Pimalai Resort & Spa, Krabi

Pool Villas LUXURY

Conrad Koh Samui
Impiana Private Villas, Phuket
Maikhao Dream Villa, Phuket

Banyan Tree Samui

Overlooking the azure waters of the Gulf of Thailand, Banyan Tree Samui is nestled amid the lush jungle of a private bay in Lamai.

This luxury all-pool villa resort in Samui combines the best elements of a tropical getaway with a pristine beach, blissful spa escapes, bespoke dining offerings, locally-infused experiences, a personal Villa Host concierge and unparalleled views.

Each villas feature private pools, and come in a range of configurations, sizes and views. Relax on the comfortable sun lounger, experience the tropical surroundings, explore the serenity of the private beach or cool off in the infinity pool.

Delight in a range of diverse culinary experiences to suit all tastes, Savour international delights at The Edge, an innovative Thai dinner at Saffron, a fun BBQ at Sands or pause for chilled cocktails by the pool.

Not to be missed is Banyan Tree’s highly-acclaimed Destination Dining, offering a unique experience which blends romance and intimacy with local flavours.

With a wide range of facilities for business and pleasure, the resort offers the best of resort lifestyle. Combining the best of European spa and hydrothermal therapy with the essence of Asian wellness, The Rainforest is a complete hydrotherapy experience for those seeking refreshment in a sanctuary of serenity.

The fitness centre includes treadmills, elliptical and cycling machines and an extensive range of free weights and machines facilitating strength training.

Retreat into a secluded haven where stress magically disappears the moment you arrive.

Villas: 88 – Deluxe (130 sqm), Ocean, 2-BR Sanctuary (169 sqm), Hillcrest, Ocean- View, Royal Banyan, Presidential (316 sqm)

Pools / Beach: everywhere! / intimate private cove Spa: Banyan Tree Spa (10 treatment Pavilions)

Restaurants & Bars: Saffron (Thai), The Edge (breakfast and lunch), Sands (beachfront, seafood), Lobby Lounge, Pool Bar Fitness: yes…and, Yoga Room Fun Facts: coral reefs, Kids’ Club…

Tel: +66 (0) 77 915 333 Fax: +66 (0) 77 915 388 email:

99/9 Moo 4, Maret, Lamai Beach, Koh Samui, Surat Thani, 84310 Thailand

Conrad Koh Samui

Talk about a lofty experience. Polished, refined and luxurious– and privately perched atop the world – this is an extraordinary seaside experience.

Carved from a stately cliff in the southwest corner of Koh Samui and overlooking the azure reefs of Aow Thai Beach, the resort rises 350 feet above the quivering-blue Pantone palettes of the Gulf. This may be your best stop for vacation intimacy, sophistication and style. Seeking cinemascopic panoramas, tranquility, and peace of mind? Float to these tropical shores and rise to the occasion. Vertiginous and breathtaking.

One of the most unique and innovative and spacious resorts, this Conrad blends luxury and technology with artistry and expertise. The sumptuous villas are furnished with original artwork and artifacts, presenting each guest an innate sense of contemporary Thailand. Leave your cares behind: no cell phone cacophony; no drowning in

digital detritus; no blizzard of messages; no diapers to change or dog food to buy. Just the fleece-streaked sky fading into luminous, orange sunset, with five distant islands speckled on the horizon. It is a Mecca for starry-eyed honeymooners.

Edging the cliff are 81 free-standing villas, all with private pools. The 65 One-Bedroom Pool Villas (136 sqm of indoor and outdoor living space); 14 Oceanview Two-Bedroom Pool Villas; the Conrad Royal Oceanview Pool Villa (the über-deluxe villa at the water’s edge, 434 sqm); and one Oceanview Three-Bedroom Pool Villa (829 sqm) – all provide superb, personalized service: thick, soft, fluffy towels; in-room Apple-based TV technology; immaculate décor; shoes polished; fresh fruit, enveloping smiles.

The Spa is inspirational, the restaurants are first-rate (terrific breakfast), and the privacy is significant. It has all the accoutrements of class, grace and luxury.

Rooms / Villas: 81 free-standing pool villas

Pool / Beach: Oversized infinity pool

Spa: On-site resort spa

Restaurants & Bars: 3 restaurants, 2 lounges and a private wine cellar

Fitness: overlooking the sea with aqua aero bics, yoga, Tai Chi and Thai boxing classes

Fun Facts: Paddle board, kayaking and themed dinner

Tel: +66 (0) 77 915 888 l Fax: +66 (0) 77 915 899


49/8-9 Moo 4, Hillcrest Road, Tambol Taling-Ngam, Amphur Koh Samui, Suratthani, 84140 Thailand

Pimalai Resort & Spa

“Experience traditional Thai elegance in a contemporary living space... with only nature at your doorstep”

Do you remember the first time you fell in love with nature? The first time you felt soft, warm sand between your toes or discovered that intoxicating scent of luscious greenery?

At Pimalai, rekindle your love for nature amidst lush tropical forests and the endless Andaman waters. Discover Koh Lanta’s best kept secret, nestled within the solitude and serenity of surrounding mountains.

Pimalai is a rare resort whose architecture has been designed entirely around the natural contours and lush vegetation of over 100 acres and a 900-meter private beach, lose yourself in the sights and sounds of nature, with buzzing cicadas, birds and eagles hovering majestically above, and mischievous squirrels and monkeys on the trees surrounding you. With 121 accommodation units comprising of serene villas, elegant suites and quaint rooms, this unique resort

surrounded by famous snorkeling and diving spots takes you closer to nature than you could ever imagine.

The elegantly-designed pool villas, set high in the verdant hillside, allow you to indulge in nature. From here, you will see the enchanting reality of thousands of years: virgin forest enveloping steep, flowered hills climbing up to a blue sky.

The tranquility, the abundance of flora, the exquisite views, the fiery sunsets, all combine to maximize the sensation of being in Nirvana. Indeed, the name “Pimalai” translates as “heavenly”. Enjoy an intimate, romantic dinner on your terrace, sip champagne while dipping in your pool, or perhaps enjoy a soothing massage in your sala… Live, laugh, love and indulge in moments that will be remembered long after the holiday.

Are you ready to uncover Koh Lanta’s best kept secret?

Rooms / Villas: 121 units (46 one to three-BR villas)

Pools / Beach: two; 46 private villa pools / massive (a kilometer long), unspoiled and tranquil

Spa: award-winning, stunning gardenoasis – a must

Restaurants & Bars: four (first-class breakfast buffet with world-class views); two bars

Fitness: has it all; plus tennis, dive center, a zillion water sports

Fun Facts: an aquatic dream; sunsets

Tel: +66 (0) 23 205 500


99 Moo 5, Ba Kan Tiang Beach, Ko Lanta District, Krabi, 81150 Thailand


An Experience Beyond Enchanting

Keemala offers an intimate tropical escape that is a true rarity of experience. Nestled in the lush hillside of Phuket with a view of Kamala bay and village, our 38 distinctive villas exude a perfect blend of sophistication and attentiveness to the surroundings.

Our rustic, yet sumptuous, private villas have been sculpted as an extension of the resort’s landscape, where ancient trees and mountain streams weave seamlessly into the design. Each of the four villa styles depict the lore of early Phuket settlers, from the ‘Pa-Ta-Pea’ clan who cherished life nurtured by Earth, to the ‘Khon-Jorn’ people who coveted a nomadic existence, ‘We-Ha’ clan’s tree houses that seemingly dangle from the canopy, and ‘Rung-Nok’ Nest clan who craved exclusivity.

Stepping outside of the cocoon of the villas, guests fall into the rhythm of tranquility and simplicity of life. The serenity of Mala Spa harnesses healing energies from traditional touches and mindful spa amenities, while our ‘Holistic Lifestyle’ programme immerses in wellness and traditional experiences that inspire a sense of harmony with self.

Our commitment to exquisite simplicity extends to our gastronomy which is devoted to wholesome, authentic tastes of Phuket cuisine and beyond. Keemala indulges in vibrant ingredients grown on our very own soil for the purest and boldest flavours, and with a gentle impact on our Earth.

Villas: 38 pool villas

Pool/ Beachs: stunning pool where nibbles and refreshing drinks are served throughout the day.

Spa: Mala Holistic Spa (signature VOYA seaweed treatments)

Restaurants & Bars: Mala restaurant, Mala bar, Cha-La Pool Bar, In-Villa Dining Fitness: Yes

Fun Facts: Culinary Academy : Surround yourself with the aroma of exotic herbs and vegetables grown in a natural and loving environment at Keemala, and learn to cook fresh cuisine with our Chef inspired by nature.

Tel: +66 (0) 76 358 777

email: 10/88 Moo 6, Nakasud Road, Kamala, Kathu, Phuket, 83150 Thailand

Impiana Private Villas Kata Noi

This is a unique vacation.

Cloistered on a cliff that overlooks a bay flowing magnificently into the Andaman Sea, the Impiana Private Villas Kata Noi showcases 11, distinctive, lavish villas and suites offering views, horizons, sunsets, private pools, spacious rooms, and intimacy. This delightful resort, tucked into the southwestern shore of Phuket, is a five-star luxurious boutique property perched above the bay of Kata Noi, yet only steps away from one of Thailand’s finest beaches, Kata Noi, on one side, and the picturesque Kata Town with its ample restaurants and shopping, on the other.

All villas feature glass-front walls to capture the views. The sunset is sensational. The surroundings are bespoke opulence as each unique villa is splendidly designed with modern furnishings – all with 180-degree ocean (sunset) views, a large private pool, and butler service.

My two-room, 260 sqm Royal Villa had its own infinity pool and an outdoor deck for private alfresco dining – or a soothing massage. Other styles (including the Honeymoon and Grand Pool villas) range from 60 to a capacious 170 sqm. When you are in need of some pampering, Swasana Spa offers a relaxing array of body treatments (in your villa if you chose). The creative menu at the Living Room allows you an in-house taste of the real Phuket. For a truly exclusive experience, private dining and in-villa barbeques are available Service is a feature. A floral birthday cake was a surprise for a happy guest. Plates of fruit are both healthy and pervasive.

If you seek a hideaway to forget your cares and woes; to celebrate a special occasion; or to just unwind – book it. Kata Noi is a perfect destination for a honeymoon, romantic getaways, an anniversary or a memorable wedding. The emphasis is on exclusivity and serenity and you get exactly that.

Rooms & villas: 11 Luxury Villas

Pools / Beach: Private infinity ocean view pool / Kata Noi Beach

Spa: In villa spa treatments by Impiana’s Swasana Spa

Restaurants & Bars: The Living Room restaurant

Fitness: Yes

Fun Facts: Private sunset dining and in-villa barbeques

Tel: +66 (0) 76 330 770 l Fax: +66 (0) 76 330 771


Facebook: Impiana Private Villas Kata Noi 10 Kata Noi Road Moo 2, Karon District, Muang Phuket, 83100 Thailand

Maikhao Dream Villa Resort & Spa Phuket

Less than 15 minutes from the airport (ahhh….location), it exemplifies excellence and opulence. It exudes elegance.

The private and refined Maikhao Dream Villa Resort & Spa offers a stately venue for the elite vacationer who seeks solitude, grace and luxury – and, certainly, space. But count your farthings: this surfeit of sumptuous pleasure and superb detail comes at a price.

The resort showcases 22 capacious pool villas. The11, three-bedroom quasi-mansion, triple-pool villas (with cascading waterfalls) are each a gargantuan 650 square meters (imagine a Brobdingnagian two-story villa with a top-story pool that waterfalls to the main pool; a pantry the size of most hotel rooms; two outdoor decks; a pool-side sala; four bathrooms; five TVs; and a living room that can serve as a conference center) and a labyrinth of eurythmic interior design.

I kept the butler (né villa tour-guide) at my side in the event I got lost.

And he escorted me to the serene, expansive, private beach – so privileged, it seemed that each wave, too, had its own servant; each

ripple its own valet. Palm trees shade and decorate the elevated, set-back beach – a soft carpet for an evening gourmet buffet – that tumbles into a secluded stretch of soft sand and ocean.

Mikhail Tyurina, has been the focused Managing Director of Maikhao Dream and two sister properties, and clearly has his heart and vigorous mind into enhancing every operating aspect of this holiday adventure: “We aspire to make this a significant, memorable experience for the wealthy vacationer seeking pampered service and privacy. Vacationing with us is a considerable commitment. We fulfill expectations.”

Indulge in the intimate wellness spa, the fitness center, the Royal Yacht or a helicopter ride.

With its private, spacious and classic luxury it personifies the best.

Villas: 22 (11 three-BR; 11 two-BR)

Pools / Beach: many! (most villas have two pools) / secluded

Spa and Fitness: elegant; private training, Pilates, yoga Restaurants & Bars: four (beachside to haute cuisine)

Fun Facts: private beach access from each two-BR villa; your own butler 24/7; private yacht

Tel: + 66 (0) 76 371 321 l Fax: +66 (0) 76 371 327 email: 138/12 Moo 4, Mai Khao, Thalang, Phuket, 83110 Thailand

Kept Bangsaray Pattaya

Paradee, Koh Samet

Hotels & Resorts BEACHES

Hua Hin 52-67

Pattaya 68-79

Rayong 80-83

Koh Samui 84-97

Koh Tao 98-99

Koh Pha Ngan 100-101

Koh Madsum 102-103

Phuket 104-135

Krabi 136-139

Aleenta Phuket

Aleenta Hua Hin - Pranburi Resort & Spa

Aleenta Hua Hin Resort & Spa in Pranburi is the pioneer and award-winning boutique luxury resort with a concept that perfectly embodies an “Outside Living In” philosophy.

Situated on the pristine and golden sand stretch of Pak Nampran Bay, Aleenta Hua Hin Resort is a mere 2.5 hour drive south of Bangkok, and 35 minute drive south of Hua Hin City Center.

This special boutique luxury resort and spa features 25 unique residence, most with a private pool. Each suite is located within steps of the beach and offers commanding views of the stunning sea views and sunrise of the Gulf of Thailand.

Experience the innovative lunch and dinner menu at The Cellar, a celebration of home-grown, local produce for both Thai and international favorites. All the ingredients are sourced organically within a 30 kilometer radius of the resort.

Indulge your senses and experience Ayurah, the ‘Epicurean Spa’ where a philosophy of “Eat Well, Live Well, Be Well, Look Good’’ informs the treatments and services.

Aleenta Hua Hin also offers a perfect location for a romantic beach wedding and honeymoon with its beautiful and private setting. An onsite wedding planner is available to help create the most magical celebration whether it is a honeymoon, wedding, or renewal of vows.

While complete tranquility is our priority, there are also plenty of invigorating activities to intrigue the mind, awaken the body and satisfy the soul. From riding the waves and exploring the region’s natural beauty, to indulging in romantic moments and taking advantage of the bountiful local fresh fruits and vegetables, your time spent in Hua Hin will surely be memorable.

Rooms / Villas: 25 residences

Pool / Beach: a beachfront pool / tranquil Pak Nam Pran Beach


Restaurants & Bars: The Aleenta Restaurant, Beach Café, Aleenta Bakery

Fitness: yes

Fun Facts: cooking and dining at the resort’s own eco-farm

Tel: +66 (0) 2 514 8124


183 Moo 4, Pak Nam Pran, Pranburi, Hua Hin, 77220 Thailand

Ace of Hua Hin Resort

The new and exquisite Ace of Hua Hin Resort has been nicknamed “the most beautiful beach resort in Hua Hin”.

Welcomes all travelers with greetings from a family Icon of Quail Bird at the entrance and continue to the key signature view at the lobby where the memorable moments begin.

The stylish beachfront resort features 118 rooms and suites from Ace superior room (45 sqm) to Ace Two-bedroom Tropical Suite Private Pool (215 sqm), all are inspired by the ocean, highlighting blue-colored designs, splashing happiness throughout all spaces in the resort and a host of beach-fun experiences are delivered during a stay at Ace.

A variety of eight room categories offer a fabulous selection of space and amenities. Moreover, all pool access signature rooms connects

guests to a long lap pool to enjoy the day in privacy with the sun.

Inside the room, the resort has updated in-room technology to make your life easy and connect to your family and friends or social network.

Ace resort has a signature beach front swimming pool with a stunning view of Hua Hin beach. In addition, guests can enjoy walking along the quiet beach or a host of sport activities.

The fitness center and the famous, authentic spa, “Let’s Relax”, allows our guests to retreat into their body and soul.

Dining at Ace is a culinary experience with a creative variety of eating opportunities at The Exchange restaurant and the beach side IVY Beachfront restaurant where guests enjoy the moon light cocktails with delicious food.

Rooms / Villas: 118 rooms and suites

Pool / Beach: large pool on the beach Spa: Let’s Relax Spa

Restaurants & Bars: The Exchange, The IVY Beachfront Restaurant, Lobby Lounge and IVY Ocean Lounge

Fitness: yes, open 6.00 – 21.00 daily

Fun Facts: enjoy the evening’s lounge music at the rooftop IVY Ocean Lounge

Tel: + 66 (0) 32 421 777 l Fax: +66 (0) 32 472 822

email: 1392 Petchkasem Road, Cha-Am, Hua Hin, Phetchaburi, 76120 Thailand

Hyatt Regency Hua Hin and THE BARAI

Located in the Kao Takiap area of Hua Hin – famous for its royal legacy, beautiful beaches and golf courses – the Hyatt Regency Hua Hin is known for its family-friendly environment, romantic escapes, business meetings and conferences, and wellness holidays.

Set in lush landscaped gardens, the beachfront Hyatt (a three-hour drive from Bangkok) boasts 213 elegantlyappointed guestrooms, including residential spa suites.

The resort features the largest recreational facilities in Hua Hin, including the entertaining and exciting (and apparently never-ending) inter-connecting swimming pools (which include a giant 22 meter-long, seven meter-high water slide and a unique beach pool), tennis court, 24-hour fitness center, and Camp Hyatt for the kids ,destination spa along with five restaurants serve authentic Thai, Italian and international cuisines, making the property a getaway sanctuary.

The award-winning THE BARAI spa is located on more than 18,500 sqm of serene land adjacent to the beachfront. It is a wellness journey that highlights eight, exclusive residential spa suites and 18 exotic treatment rooms. The Barai Suite, offering guests luxurious and comfortable residential spa accommodations, is designed for overnight stays and treatments, and is considered one of the best residential spa suites in Thailand.

Whether for several nights or a week-long stay, guests the personalized service of their Suite Butler and the Hyatt Touch, pampering from arrival to departure, THE BARAI is a journey of the mind, body and spirit, with the architecture as the guide.

The goal is to achieve a comforting, healing feeling of peace and tranquility deep within your inner self.

Rooms & Suite: 213 luxurious rooms and suites

Pools / Beach: large, interconnecting pools (giant waterslide)

Spa: Award-winning THE BARAI Spa Restaurants Talay Thai Restaurant (Thai and seafood), McFarland House (European) & Bars: You & Mee (poolside), Fountain Lounge, Beach Bar

Fitness: Yes, open 24 hours

Fun Facts: Most-enjoyable array of swimming pools: river pool with a unique waterfall and Jacuzzi flowing into the inter connecting lagoon pool, free-form pool with 22-metre -long and seven-metre-high water slide

Tel: + 66 (0) 32 521 234 l Fax: +66 (0) 32 521 233


91 Hua Hin - Khao Takiap Road, Hua Hin, Prachuap Khiri Khan, 77110 Thailand

InterContinental Hua Hin Resort


InterContinental Hua Hin Resort lends to Thailand’s premier seaside community unrivalled style, sophistication and comfort. Combining Eastern and Western design heritage, the low-rise beachfront destination spans a prime stretch of white sandy beach alongside sparkling gulf waters – a truly alluring setting. The resort comprises two main accommodation wings, each with luxurious rooms and suites as well as its own swimming pool.

Additional facilities and amenities include signature spa, well-equipped fitness centre, highly versatile event spaces and eight wide-ranging food and drink venues. Whether in Hua Hin on holiday, business or to attend a special occasion, all guests at InterContinental Hua Hin Resort are certain to enjoy warm, gracious Thai hospitality and exceptionally attentive service.

The Charms of Hua Hin, Thailand’s classic royal retreat, greet you in every experience at InterContinental Hua Hin Resort, where you can enjoy one of the world’s most beautiful beachside locations in this historic town along with new heights of luxury providing a wide range of

benefits throughout the day and evening, personalised services and genuine Thai hospitality.

Our Club InterContinental Beach Villas and La Residence afford the best in laid-back Colonial style, exquisite service and upscale amenities. Choose from our various suite and villa options to fit your needs.

Each villa sets on a beautifully landscape which is all yours, also provide you with your own infinity-edge pool, walled gardens and direct beach access. Inside, you will find a contemporary elegance – strong, clean lines softened with inspired local touches, including modern interpretations of historic design motifs from His Majesty King Rama VI’s Summer Palace.

Our luxury beachfront Club InterContinental Lounge providing panoramic views of the Gulf of Thailand. Meticulous attention to every detail, thoughtful touches and pleasant surprises further mark Club InterContinental at InterContinental Hua Hin Resort as a truly extraordinary experience.

Rooms / Villas: 119 rooms and suites including 2 villas and 1 Thai-Victorian mansion (Beach Wing) , 40 rooms and suites (BluPort Wing)

Pools / Beach: Swimming pools at BluPort Wing and Beach Wing

Spa: SPA InterContinental

Restaurants Pirom (Authentic Thai), Azure (Western and Seafood), Le Colonial (BluPort Wing’s restaurant), Tea Salon (TWG tea and bakery)

Bars: Azure (Rooftop bar), Lee La (an alfresco venue), Pool bar (Swim-up bar) , Saraan Lounge (BluPort Wing’s bar)

Fitness: Fully equipped fitness center

Fun Facts: Vana Nava Hua Hin water park, merit making, holistic group classes and cooking classes

Tel: +66 (0) 32 616 999


33/33 Petchkasem Road, Hua Hin, Prachuap Khirikhan, 77110 Thailand

Mövenpick Asara Resort & Spa Hua Hin

Cutting-edge Thai architecture on the cosseting Hua Hin coast. First-class comfort in low-rise luxury. A fully immersive escape in an idyllic natural setting. Elegant but casual, Mövenpick Asara Resort & Spa Hua Hin is surrounded by a landscape of gently swaying palms, verdant gardens and reflective lagoons – easily reached and removed from the bustling, city crowds.

Mövenpick Asara offers the seclusion of stylish suites and villas, with generous living spaces (120-400 sqm), equipped with warm colors and wooden tones, locally inspired artwork, and bright tropical colors.

Its outdoor setting and scenery manage to allow guests to be immersed in the luxurious serenity, nestled within an environment of pure relaxation on a tropical seafront.

Dine at the resort’s two restaurants which delight guests with Thai and refined international cuisine; enjoy a get-together evening

cocktails at Ocean Bar; unwind in the impressive Asara Spa; plunge into one of the resort’s two salted swimming pools; or simply soak up the exotic surroundings in this private sanctuary.

The hotel is dedicated to environmental sustainability and is looking forward to a future of integrating high-end experiences with meaningful energy and water conservation.

With fresh restoration designs, it is engaging in multiple ways to help shape industry standards.

Welcome to your private sanctuary and relax your mind, re-awaken in nature, and re-discover your contented spirit in our inspiring space – and travel home with your happy memories.

Rooms / Suites: 96 newly renovated suites and villas

Pools / Beach: yes, close to the seaside

Spa: asara spa 4 private spa chambers, 2 spa suites and 3 outdoor chambers

Restaurants Two restaurants (Kampu restaurant: international delights and classic Thai food, Baan Dum Oceanfront Seafood: Seafood) & Bars: one bar (Ocean Bar)

Fitness: Indoor fitness venue, scheduled outdoor exercises, state-of-the-art exercise machines

Fun Facts: Soak up the exotic surroundings and take in the soothing ocean and sunset views

Tel: + 66 (0) 32 520 777


53 Hua Hin 5 Alley, Hua Hin Prachuap Kirikhan 77110, Thailand


Combined the charms of this heritage town with a sophisticated beach hideaway. PUTAHRACSA features state of the art living life style inquality and natural design elements, the design of urban living lifestyle, allowing guests to relax in this heritage beach residence, in harmony with the heartbeat of this charming historic town. Unveil quality and architectural beauty in natural design elements within a total of 67 rooms and villas in three different zones of privacy.

15 villas set close to the beach. Each is crafted with natural wood floors bring tranquility into bedrooms, opening onto private terraces and sun loungers, with private pool or outdoor bathtub. Walk across a local road from the Beachside for 10 meters to discover a resort escape. All 52 pool-side rooms repeats with natural materials in harmony with tropical garden views.

An open-air restaurant inspired by Thai and western, and authentic BBQs. Offering uninterrupted views of the sea and sounds of waves crashing right at the foot of the restaurant providing the perfect atmosphere for an ideal beachside dining experience.

Seating options at the restaurant are in the dining room or bedsides.

Oceanside Beach Club offers the barefoot socializing experience while you enjoy a wide range of beachside beverages and food with the view of an endless ocean.

Putahracsa is located minutes away from the center to Hua Hin town, guests can experience one-way complimentary transportation by Tuk Tuk to some of Hua Hin attractions and key locations.

Rooms / Villas: 52 pool-side rooms / 15 villas

Pools / Beach: 3 swimming pools / exquisite beach

Spa: Putahracsa DaySpa

Restaurants & Bars: Oceanside Beach Club (Thai and western, and authentic BBQs), Ob-Oon Deli & Boulangerie

(break fast, all-day dining , freshly baked bread and pastries)

Fitness: yes, Completed with cardio and multi-fitness machinery

Fun Facts: In-Villa Private BBQ, cooking classes, bike ride, meditation on the beach, private dinner on the beach

Tel: +66 (0) 32 531 470 l Fax:+ 66 (0) 32 351 488


22 / 65 Naeb Kaehat Road, Hua Hin, 77110 Thailand

Sheraton Hua Hin Resort & Spa

Sheraton Hua Hin Resort & Spa portrays the tranquility of Hua Hin, reflecting warm and subtle tone of Thai living in a small and peaceful seaside town. One of the grandest hotels on the Hua Hin shoreline, the resort offers an endless sense of holiday fun at every turn.

Surrounded by tropical landscaped gardens, the hotel’s main highlight is the 560-matres lagoon shaped swimming pool that flows around the resort and is considered one of the largest pools in town.

240 contemporary decor rooms in 9 buildings, the low-rise architecture provides a boundless panoramic view of the ocean. There are 8 categories of guest rooms with private balcony starting from the Garden View room with a tropical garden view, the Lagoon Access room which direct access to a unique Lagoon pool, Oceanfront room and Ocean Suite room, face to the ocean. The resort offer guests ultimate comforts including Sheraton signature bed, famous welldesigned sleeping sets that can only be found in Sheraton properties.

Pamper yourself with various treatments at Shine Spa before indulging in the finest flavors from one of its five kitchens, including InAzia Restaurant, the Thailand Tatler Best Restaurants award-winner for ten consecutive years, Luna Lanai offering fresh seafood with creative cocktails under tropical palms with unobstructed views of the sea. Salas Pool offers Wood fired oven pizza and homemade pasta, Sundara presents light snacks and refreshing after drinks

Sheraton Hua Hin Resort & Spa is also a great choice when it comes to events and meetings. It offers 2,800 sqm of indoor space and 2,200 sqm of outdoor space where you can host successful events such as conferences, exhibitions and incentives, as well as lavish gala dinners and memorable wedding banquets of a lifetime.

Discover paradise by visiting Sheraton Hua Hin Resort & Spa, a secluded seaside resort hidden like a gem in the Gulf of Siam.

Rooms / Villas: 228 rooms, 12 suites

Pools / Beach: 560-matres lagoon, long beach

Spa: Shine Spa

Restaurants & Bars: Salas (Italian), The Deck (International), InAzia (Asian), Luna Lana (Thai, Seafood), Sundara Sports Lounge (International)

Fitness: Fully equipped fitness with steam and sauna

Fun Facts: Kid Club, tennis course


Located between the beaches of Hua Hin and Cha Am, Springfield @Sea Resort & Spa (a 2 to 3 hour drive south from Bangkok – depending on who is driving, and what part of Bangkok!) offers sea, sun, beach, pool and fun – wrapped in a relaxing and cheerful environment.

This animated tropical resort is an upbeat option for aqua-nuts of all ages who – in addition to frolicking in the water – wan to enjoy a light, flowing, relaxed environment (aided by a superb spa to soothe your soul). It features 105 rooms, each offering sweeping views of the sea and beach from private, sweet-scented botanical verandas.

Pocket gardens provide oases of greenery throughout the resort. Natural elements abound. A tall rain curtain furnishes soothing sounds and the shimmering sight of falling water. At night the visual sensation is elevated with lights that dramatically illuminate the vegetation. Sculptures glow, changing

colors as well as vibes. A gigantic swimming pool, with a Kids Pool, is perfect for family activities. Plop into oversized seat at poolside and relax.

The restaurants offer an exotic medley of fusion tastes. An all-day dinning outlet provides a full option of culinary delights and mixed drinks within a comfortable and cozy atmosphere.

The truly indulgent experience – and don’t miss it – is the Life Spa@Sea. You will enjoy a series of carefully crafted massage and treatment packages, within a tranquil environment that has been fashioned with thoughtful precision to provide a superb series of massages.

Discover a myriad of charms as well as convenience and service on the beach and in the water – just a short drive from Bangkok.

Rooms & Suites: 105 rooms, suites, villa Pools / Beach: Gigantic Spa: Life Spa@Sea Restaurants Gourmet@Sea, Aqua Bar & Grill@Sea & Bars: Melody@Sea, eMotion@Sea Fitness: yes

Fun Facts: Huge swimming pool, panoramic sea views, and kid’s pool with slider

Tel: + 66 (0) 32 709 300 email: 858 Jumnong-Poomivej Rd. Cha-Am Petchburi 76120, Thailand

Amari Pattaya

An iconic resort set amidst lush mature gardens, Amari Pattaya is a contemporary showcase of traditional Thai textures. All-new facilities and fresh interiors, the resort offers understated modern amenities and the comfort and style expected by discerning global travellers. Located at the peaceful and idyllic northern end of Pattaya Bay, Amari Pattaya is a haven for business and leisure travellers.

Amari Pattaya offers a wide range of accommodation in two distinct buildings. Amari Tower offers 297 guest rooms and suites. Interiors are refreshingly contemporary with accents from local orchids and textiles to complement the resort’s lush garden setting. Every room is fitted with an oversized bathroom with deep-soaking tub, double vanities, separate shower and WC enclosures, and a private balcony.

Amari Suites, tucked away in an exclusive building surrounded by lush landscaping, offers a collection of 49 one-, two- and three-bedroom suites, perfect for families and friends. Designed to evoke the subtle vintage charm of Thai homes, complemented with timeless contem-

porary luxury, each suite aims to provide an ideal getaway home and only few steps to get to the waterparks and swimming pools, all suites offer ocean views, a dedicated living area with large dining space as well as furnished balconies and in-room menus are also available.

With almost 50 years of experience hosting large-scale events, all-new facilities complement its talented meeting and event specialists, making Amari Pattaya the venue of choice for a wide range of gatherings and reunions. Banquet and catering services are available for the four smaller meeting rooms in Amari Tower, the new-build stand-alone ballroom and Beach Lawn, offering flexible spaces that adapt perfectly for meetings, conferences, incentives, weddings and team-building activities of sizes from 10 to 1,000 people.

Make this family holiday one to remember – and to repeat! Amari Pattaya’s brand new water park, Aqua Park, with a safe-for-kids water area, kids club, playgrounds and family restaurant, makes for an ideal vacation destination.

Rooms / Villas: 297 guest rooms and suites (Amari Tower), 49 suites (Amari Suites)

Pool / Beach: Swimming pool with water park

Spa: Breeze Spa

Restaurants & Bars: Amaya food gallery (all-day dining), Aqua eatery & bar (poolside bar)

Fitness: Fully equipped

Fun Facts: Aqua park, kids club, water park

T +66 3841 8418 | F +66 3841 8410

E: 240 Pattaya Beach Road, Pattaya 20150, Thailand

Centara Grand Mirage Beach Resort Pattaya

This five-star North Pattaya resort has two 19 storey towers and features 555 rooms and suites all facing the ocean. Guests have direct access to the spacious 230-meter beach, with an extensive range of water activities.

Sporting a contemporary jungle-style decor, the nine bedroom options range from Deluxe (42 sqm) to Deluxe Family, Club Mirage and Suites – all with their own private balcony overlooking the gardens and ocean.

Club Mirage offers exclusive facilities and services including two private club lounges (one for families and the other for adult guests only) with Centara signature service of five complimentary daily meal presentations.

A kids club (with indoor camp safari and games rooms) and teenager games keep the family content, Even more fun for families as Centara Grand Mirage Beach Resort Pattaya has opened Zulu Family Club, the club includes a dedicated kid’s buffet, juice and

soft-drink bar, different activity zones, an extensive play area with games and the exciting Lost World Slide, a fully enclosed 10-metre high slide that gives a thrilling but safe ride for the youngsters.

World Luxury Spa Awards has named Spa Cenvaree at Centara Grand Mirage Beach Resort Pattaya the Luxury Beach Resort Spa –Global Winner in the highly competitive 2019 World Luxury Spa Awards.

The resort achieves EarthCheck 2019 Gold Certification and was named by TripAdvisor Number 1 Family Hotel in Thailand 2019 for the last 4 consecutive years.

The resort offers everything you need as a retreat for couples and honeymooners or as a fun place for families.

Rooms / Villas: 555 within stunning 19-storey ocean facing

Pool / Beach: outdoor swimming pool / extensive

Spa: Spa Cenvaree in its own oceanfront village

Restaurants Oasis (international breakfast & all day dining), & Bars: Acqua (Italian cuisine), Coast Beach Club & Bistro (Coastal cuisine: tapas, grilled meats and seafood seared over charcoal)

Fitness: yes

Fun Facts: outdoor swimming pool with shade pavilion, lazy river, rock climbing tower, daily beach activities, water sports centre, kids’ and teens’club, billiards

Tel: +66 (0) 38 301 234 l Fax: +66 (0) 38 714 999




277 Moo 5, Naklua, Banglamung, Pattaya, Chonburi, 20150 Thailand

Dusit Thani Pattaya

Dusit Thani Pattaya, occupies a striking and convenient location within the international beach resort city of Pattaya. Combining the natural delights of sun, sea and sand with the fun and excitement of a throbbing tourist metropolis, Pattaya City serves as an ideal venue for world-class conventions, seminars and meetings.

The hotel, merely a one and half hour drive from Bangkok (and an hour from the Bangkok’s international airport) is located on a long stretch of beach along the northern tip of Pattaya Bay.

Set within a garden enclave, this luxurious hotel offers easy access to the attractions of town as well as a serene and expansive sea views -- and panoramic vistas of the city.

At the Dusit Thani Pattaya, a host of facilities provide comfort and service: luxurious accommodations, spacious suites

with private balconies and sea views, some of the finest dining venues in Pattaya, and a double access to the beachfront. Shopping is plentiful; nightlife is exuberant, and outdoor activities (from scuba diving to golf) abound.

The Club Room and Club Grand Room with their blend of business-style fittings and facilities combined with first-rate benefits and legendary Thai service, provide the ultimate way to mix business with pleasure.

A range of professional meeting facilities are available with the flexibility to accommodate small groups, medium-size seminars, or conventions of over 2,500 participants.

Rooms / Suites: 457 rooms and suites

Pools / Beach: 2 outdoor swimming pools with direct beach access

Spa: Devarana Spa: 9 treatment rooms

Restaurants & Bars: Restaurants Cascade (Thai and International), The Bay Internatioal Skewers (Grill&Buffet, International), The Peak (Chinese, Dim Sum), Fitness: The Lobby Lounge, Chaba Pool, Lagoon Pool

Fun Facts: Daily guest activities such as aerobic classes, 4 Tennis courts, Kid’s Club / Playground

Tel: + 66 (0) 38 425 611 l Fax: +66 (0) 38 428 239


240/2 Pattaya Beach Road, Pattaya City, Chonburi, 20150 Thailand

Royal Cliff Hotels Group

Combining the distinct elements of a breath-taking location, personalized service and cutting-edge facilities, accentuated by an authentic experience that reflects Thailand’s rich heritage, the Royal Cliff Hotels Group has become among the most sought after destinations in Asia for travellers worldwide.

Conveniently located between Pattaya and Jomtien in a 64-acre private estate overlooking the stunning Gulf of Thailand, its exclusive grounds is home to 4 luxury hotels, which conform to, and even exceed, the five-star standard.

Each offering the finest amenities and offers an exquisite mix of traditional and modern elements for absolute comfort, Royal Cliffs’ four prestigious hotels cater to different lifestyles: Royal Cliff Beach Hotel (Casual Luxury - featuring 456 rooms and 18 suites across nine floors), Royal Cliff Beach Terrace (Exotic Luxury - featuring 64

rooms and 24 suites), Royal Cliff Grand Hotel (Formal Luxury - featuring 342 rooms and 31 suites) and Royal Wing Suites and Spa (Ultimate Luxury - featuring 85 suites). The property’s legendary history and fame have been impressively reflected in over 200 awards, accreditations and accolades from organizations all around the world.

Guests staying here can enjoy an impressive range of facilities including 11 award-winning restaurants offering a choice of Thai, Chinese, Japanese, Indian, Italian and European menus, 7 bars, 7 swimming pools including 2 infinity edge pools, 2 health spas, private access to 2 private beaches, Thai cooking school, cutting edge fitness centre, 7 floodlit tennis courts, 2 air-conditioned squash courts, cigar lounge, kids world, games and karaoke lounge, shopping arcade, beauty & nail salon, 3 ballrooms, 53 meeting rooms and a world-class convention and exhibition centre, the Pattaya Exhibition And Convention Hall (PEACH).

Rooms & Suites: 862 rooms, 158 suites

Pools / Beaches: 7 swimming pools including 2 infinity edge pools, 2 private beaches

Spas: 2 Cliff Spas with 18 luxurious treatment suites

Restaurants & Bars: 11 award-winning restaurants, 7 Bars

Fitness: Fitz Club - Racquets, Health & Fitness

Fun Facts: Thai Boxing at Fitz Club, Funtasea –Kids World, The Verge – Games, Pool and Karaoke, Thai Cooking School, Pool with 2 sliders

Tel: +66 (0) 38 250 421

email: Facebook:


353 Phra Tamnuk Road, Pattaya, Chonburi, 20150 Thailand

Z Through By The Zign

Z Through By The Zign offers a unique boutique resort concept inspired by the Maldives’s overwater villa resort in which you can view the clear water below through glass flooring in your room. Located in a quiet area of North Pattaya but yet near the beach and happening area, Z Through’s guests are given the perfect tropical garden surroundings to relax and get away from their everyday routine.

Z Through comprises 80 rooms in 40 villas, two types of rooms to choose from, a set that is built on the swimming pool with pool access and view of water thru the glass flooring and a set on the second floor that offers views of swimming pool and tropical garden with more of privacy.

No matter which of the two kinds of rooms you choose, each is outfitted with a living area, bedroom, bathroom with a dressing area and bathtub and a sun balcony with 2 sunbathing chairs.

Visitors can unwind from their hectic routines for a getaway with the Residence’s cosy atmosphere, a private pool and panoramic waterways horizontally to the skyline.

With a chilling yet grande character, the lobby suddenly impresses its incoming guests with warm welcome. While the deÅLcor settles for modern woodwork, it is perfectly blended with other synthetic furniture.

The L.O.V.E. concepts expose guests’ personalities comparatively to their lifestyles and relationships.

• Light

• Ozone

• Viva

• Emotion

Rooms & Suite: 80 rooms

Pools / Beach: Outdoor swimming pool

Restaurants & Bars: Spazio (italian)

Fitness: at the zign hotel

Fun Facts: Free shuttle service to the beach

Tel: +66 (0) 38 225 862-3, +66 (0) 38 225 097-8

Fax: +66 (0) 38 225 633


Facebook: Z Through by the Zign

IG: zthroughbythezign

ID LINE: z2hotels

555/74 Moo.5, 12 Naklua Rd., Banglamung, Chonburi, 20150 Thailand

Kept Bangsaray Pattaya

Kept Bangsaray has but one aim and one aim only: to provide discerning guests with the ultimate “get away from it all” destination seamlessly blending the highest standards of hospitality with a truly tranquil and cosseting environment.

The resort’s design, décor and furnishings feature a nautical seafaring theme in delicate and subtle tones and materials, enticing all who stay to relax, rejuvenate and recharge in sublime comfort while enjoying Kept Bangsaray’s unrivalled beachfront location and discreet charm.

Each opulent sea-facing room, suite and villa comes fully-equipped with a host of accoutrements. Standard rooms are anything but, with all the necessary amenities for a supremely comfortable stay including: king-sized bed, luxurious bedding and complimentary high-speed Wi-Fi. The most memorable stay may be the Kept Water Villa room “the Maldives in Thailand,” designed with total relaxation

and featuring a private Jacuzzi for spending your time simply doing nothing.

The resort’s deluxe facilities include an all-day dining restaurant, open air beachfront bar, infinity swimming, and little extras such as complimentary high-speed wi-fi and free bikes.

The restaurant strives to provide new experiences of dining with fresh simply, authentic and traditional seafood including international food served in a relaxed and comfortable alfresco environment, overlooking the pool, scenic mountains and panoramic sea view of the prestigious “Bang Saray” Place.

To create unforgettable memories together dine one evening at “Loy Lom” for a superlative culinary experience. The meal will be served at an infinity table, which sets up a 360-degree, panoramic view of the ocean.

Rooms / Villas: 26 all featuring a spacious outdoor, sea-facing terrace

Pools / Beach: Infinity swimming pool

Spa: no

Restaurants & Bars: all-day dining restaurant and Beachfront bar

Fitness: no

Fun Facts: free bike rental, laundry service, tour and transportation arrangements, boat trips

Tel: +66 (0) 33 048 330


4/2 Moo 5, Tambon Bangsaray, Sattahip, Chonburi,Thailand


Discover an exclusive island getaway where you truly leave your worries behind you.

Travel by speedboat across the glistening waters of the Gulf of Thailand to the unspoiled Island of Koh Samet and the secluded powdery white sands of Ao Kiew Beach.

Feel you are coming home to a residence in paradise as our warm and hospitable team meets you from the boat. Surrounded by lush tropical jungle, experience the very essence of a romantic hideaway. Paradee offers a beachside haven of luxurious tranquility for discerning guests seeking an escape from it all.

The 40 luxurious, immaculately-appointed villas, all with magnificent views of either luxuriant tropical Gardens, or serene beaches washed by the Gulf, each extend over 100 sqm. The villa interiors

blend deeply soothing soft natural hues with rich décor featuring traditional Thai teak wood, rattan and silk, to perfectly complement the natural beauty of the lush jungle settings.

Wake up refreshed in a luxurious four-poster bed with stunning tropical garden or beach views through near floor to ceiling windows.

Rejuvenate in the spacious bathrooms that feature oversized plunge bathtub, modern vanity and separate outdoor walk in rain shower. Take time for yourself in the shady interiors of the spacious and comfortable seating areas. Each villa offers outdoor living space, comfortable sun loungers for deep relaxation and a Sala for outdoor dining.

Paradee offers a beachside haven of sumptuous tranquility.




Rayong Marriott Resort & Spa

Rayong Marriott Resort & Spa is located on the sunny eastern coast of Thailand merely a 2.5 hour drive from Suvarnabhumi Airport, 1.5 hours from Pattaya’s U-Tapao Airport, and steps from the pristine sands of Wang Kaew Beach.

The private balconies of the 205 rooms and suites offer inspiring, panoramic views of the Gulf of Thailand. Every spacious room and expansive suite benefits from comfortable sitting areas, marble bathrooms (with separate showers and soaking tubs), mini-refrigerators, ample desks, Wi-Fi and with luxury amenities.

Hotel guests can pamper themselves at the luxurious Quan Spa (with eight treatment rooms), situated within the relaxing and tranquil landscape of the resort. Enjoy a rejuvenating and stimulating treatment in the hands of highly-trained therapists in the midst of the holistic surroundings.

Indulge in one of the five tempting restaurants or bars that offer both views and a variety of cuisines to fit your mood and tastebuds.

From romantic beach weddings to elegant galas in the Grand Ballroom, the indoor and outdoor venues are harmonious and capacious, featuring nearly 8,000 square feet of sophisticated event venues, as well as an expansive lawn, a lush hilltop and ideal beach for outdoor celebrations.

Take a plunge in one of the two outdoor pools and waterslide, visit the tropical aquarium, work out in our fitness center or become immersed in any of the numerous family activities. Island destinations such as Koh Samet and Koh Mun are nearby, and Bangkok is an easy day trip.

Rooms & Suite: Pools / Beach:

Spa: Restaurants & Bars: Fitness: Fun Facts:

205 rooms and suites

Island View and Lagoon Main (with waterslides and tropical aquarium)

Quan Spa

C-Salt Café (international), Fish Bar (seafood), Java+ ( Deli), The Lounge, Water Bar open 24 hours Kayaking, Sauna, Volleyball, Bike Rentals

Tel: +66 (0) 38 998 000 l Fax: +66 (0) 38 998 111 email: 99/5 Moo2, Pae-Klaeng-Kram Road,Chakpong District, Klaeng, Rayong, 21190 Thailand

InterContinental Koh Samui Resort

InterContinental Koh Samui Resort is located within the exclusive enclave of Taling Ngam Bay of Koh Samui.

Renowned as the best spot on the island for sunsets, the resort is set in a quiet, secluded location and offers inspiring views over the gulf of Thailand and the Five Islands beyond.

Nestled into the cliffs amid 22 acres of landscaped tropical gardens, InterContinental Koh Samui Resort rises majestically over the beautiful Taling Ngam Bay. Situated on the unspoilt west coast of Koh Samui, it is a place of luxurious seclusion and privacy, with spectacular views over the Gulf of Thailand and breathtaking sunset. It has gained legendary status over the years and is acclaimed by the New York Times No. 1 Best Seller “1,000 Places to See Before You Die”.

Ranging between 65 and 320 square meters, each one of our 79 elegantly appointed rooms, suites and villas offers

you space to relax, recharge and enjoy the very best of Koh Samui. Choose between one of our 39 Resort Classic and Resort Classic Ocean View bedrooms (the largest on the island), 10 Suites or 30 Villas whether you’re here for a romantic getaway, a family vacation or a special event.

All rooms feature an oversized terrace, a sitting area, lavish bathrooms, private bars, state-of-the-art entertainment and luxury amenities.

Voted World’s Best Wedding Destination the past five years. the romantic setting of the exclusive enclave of Taling Ngam Bay, with its beachfront location and tropical gardens surrounded by stunning limestone cliffs, makes it the perfect destination for your wedding.

This is spectacular! It’s in that book as one of the 1,000 places to go before you die.

Rooms & Suite: 79 rooms, Suites and Villas

Pools / Beach: six outdoor swimming pools, main infinity pool, situated by the Air Bar, offers spectacular 280-degree views around the island.

Spa: Award-wining Baan Thai Spa By Harnn Restaurants Amber (Asian); Flames (seafood and grill); Club InterContinental & Bars: Air Bar

Fitness: complete and a treat – overlooking the Gulf Fun Facts: Signature Speedboat whisks you to the Five Islands; World Travel anointed it Thailand's Leading Beach Resort

Tel: + 66 (0) 77 429 100 l Fax: +66 (0) 77 423 220 email :

295 Moo 3, Taling Ngam Beach, Koh Samui, Suratthani, 84140 Thailand

Nora Buri Resort & Spa

Nestled comfortably in the western edge of the Gulf of Thailand, Koh Samui is an idyllic, tropical paradise offering a genuine aura of relaxation. Sun, sand, food and fun are all in abundance.

This lovely island, also a convenient ferry-ride from Surat Thani, is a sponge of encompassing southern Thailand culture and offers visitors a blend of invigorating activities. It’s the perfect weekend and holiday get-away.

A short 45-minute flight from Bangkok to Samui Airport, then minutes to the resort and you revel in the midst of white sand, teal water, vibrant coral reefs, a wealth of coconut trees with stunning sea views and lush tropical gardens. The resort is located on a spectacular hillside setting, overlooking a secluded bay on the northern tip of the world-famous Chaweng Beach and walking island name “Mudlang”. It is merely a five-minute drive to downtown Chaweng, which hosts a vibrant variety of

shopping centers and entertainment and night-life options.

Nora Buri Resort & Spa has 144 rooms with five different categories. All rooms combine old world charm with 20th century comforts.

The Anodas Spa offers an extensive range of spa treatments from both East and West traditions. Feel your stress and strain slip away into complete relaxation. World-class spa products provide an invitation to enjoy life with a fresh perspective of Thai beauty secrets. Self- indulgence is the core of the experience.

Nora is named after the traditional mystical dance of southern Thailand. The resort’s service, friendly staff, its unique Southern Thai atmosphere and relaxed ambience will emulate the grace and charm of the ancient art of Thai dance. Free shuttle service is provided to accommodate guests all day.

Rooms & villas: 144 rooms and villas

Pools / Beach: Two magnificent swimming pools

Spa: signature Anodas Spa

Restaurants Manora (Breakfast), The Barge (Lunch & Dinner - Western), and The Rice

Barge & Terrace (Dinner - Thai) & Bars: Pool Bar (Hillside Pool), Beach Bar, and Lobby Bar

Fitness: modern fitness equipment

Fun Facts: white sand, teal water, vibrant coral reefs and a wealth of coconut trees

Tel: + 66 (0) 77 913 555 l Fax: +66 (0) 77 913 500


111, Moo 5, Chaweng Beach, Bophut, Koh Samui, Suratthani, 84320 Thailand

Peace Resort Samui

This newly-renovated beach resort is perfect for a dreamy honeymoon, a romantic escape and happy family romps on the beach. Located on the north-eastern coast of the Gulf of Thailand, Peace Resort Samui sits on the lustrous edge of this tropical island.

Strategically located on the golden sands of Bophut beach, Peace Resort shows off lush tropical trees, which frame the idyllic property and offer guests privacy and tranquility with the convenience of shopping, entertainment and nightlife only minutes away.

Beautifully-renovated beachfront bungalows and modern villas offer a wonderful taste of island life. The 122 rooms are divided into 10 Deluxe Terrace Rooms, 86 Bungalows, 16 Pool Villas and 10 Deluxe Plunge Pool Villas in a tropical village style that provides easy access to all our amenities.The resort is specially designed to work in harmony with the abundant natural assets that surround it. Wild

fruit and herb gardens are planted around the resort and local tree species are filled with birdsong from our native feathered friends.

Relax by the pool and gaze across the bay. Take a dip in the Jacuzzi. Soak up the sun on the beautiful sands of Bophut beach. Stroll along 250 meters of seafront. Jump into a game of beach volleyball, which the resort organizes from time to time.

This is an ideal setting for a Koh Samui tropical beach holiday with excellent services and activities for the whole family. While the kids enjoy the children’s pool, playground and kid’s room, parents can relax with a massage or treatment at the Peace Spa.

Refuel and refresh at Sea Wrap restaurant (Thai and international cuisine) at breakfast, lunch and dinner. Discover true peace of mind and relaxation in this sundrenched haven.

Rooms & villas:

Pools / Beach:

Spa: Restaurants & Bars: Fitness: Fun Facts:

122 rooms (10 Deluxe Terrace Rooms, 86 Bungalows, 16 Pool Villa’s and 10 Deluxe Plunge Pool Villa) free-form swimming pools / 250 metres Bophut beach.

Peace Spa and poolside massage sala. Sea Wrap (Thai and International) , Talay Bar yes

In Villa BBQ, Scuba Diving , Fruit and Vegetable Carving Class, Cooking Class, Indigo dye (an organic compound with adistinctive blue color)

Tel: +66 (0) 77 425 357 l Fax: +66 (0) 77 425 343 email:

178, Moo 1, Bophut Beach, Koh Samui, Suratthani, 84320 Thailand

Royal Muang Samui Villas

It is a natural paradise away from the crowded world within a pure and unspoiled environment of greenery, white sand and crystal clear that suits vacationers looking for a peaceful and romantic holiday haven to relax and rejuvenate.

Offers the exclusive 64 luxurious suites and 15 pool villas, Royal Muang Samui Villas is an ideal Thai style beachfront resort beautifully designed encompassing the element of the serene nature, sophisticated Thai culture, and modern amenities create a holiday haven with the tranquil environment, rich of Thainess, ultimate comfort, sheer luxury and intimate services.

Inside, lounge on beautifully crafted wooden furniture in contemporary impressive Thai traditional décor and interiors, furnished in a soothing palette of natural tones that complement the stunning views outside this gorgeous Koh Samui Resort.

Royal Muang Samui Villas, Choengmon Beach offers vast of ambrosial and exquisite dining experience with its signature dishes and wide range of menus in both traditional and fusion styles created by genuine experienced master chefs served in various ambiances of dining venues and its animations that always amaze diners with new experience and never be tedious to return again and again.

Experience a memorable beachfront dining experience with authentic & Royal Thai cuisine along with variety of delectable fresh seafood and international dishes at Spice Zone Restaurant, a variety of finest and cheerfully classical Italian cuisine and signature pizza with homemade dough at Ciccio Ristorante & Pizzeria or at Samui Sailor Grill & Restaurant for all fabulous and fusions of Western- European and Royal Thai traditional taste by former private Royal Chef who has exclusively created royal Thai delicacy like no other.

Suites / Villas: 79 – 64 Suites / 15 Pool Villas

Pools / Beach: many / gorgeous white-powder sand

Spa: Cave Rai Ra Spa – eclectic and holistic


3 – Spice Zone Beach Restaurant, Ciccio

Ristorante & Pizzeria, Samui Sailor

Grill & Restaurant & Bars: Wine & Coffee Corner, Light House: Wine & Cocktail Bar

Fitness: yes

Fun Facts: space, privacy

Tel: +66 (0) 77 428 700 Fax: +66 (0) 77 417 470 email:

89 Moo 5, Choeng Mon Beach Bophut, Koh Samui, Suratthani, 84320 Thailand

Santiburi Koh Samui

Santiburi Koh Samui is a distinctive, elegant luxury escape on the pristine north shore of Koh Samui. Be amazed by 300 meters of private beach with champagne sands kissed by soothing turquoise waters set amid 23 acres of botanical beauty.

Santiburi Koh Samui opens directly onto a stunning crescent bay lined with a soft sandy beach and swaying coconut palms.

Mae Nam beach is one of Koh Samui’s most breathtaking bays –perfect for swimming and water sports, and boasting uninterrupted island views.

Surrounded by verdant gardens, sheltered by indigenous trees and plants, the villas and suites offer ultimate tranquillity and privacy. Fully refurbished in late 2014, each of luxurious villas features sleek, modern design, blended with warm, contemporary Thai décor.

At Santiburi Koh Samui you can experience outstanding dining throughout the day and night to enjoy at one of multiple resort’s restaurants or in the privacy of your suite or villa.

The resort provides activities for guests of all ages and energy levels.

Dedicated well-being team provides a vast choice of activities, from creative learning experiences to water sports, fitness, tennis, soccer, badminton, yoga, Pilates, family & culture days, cooking classes, and children’s programs in Junior Camp to meet your need for relaxation, inspire a sense of adventure and create passion for exquisite cuisine, all specially designed for the wellbeing of individuals, couples and families.

Rooms / Villas: 12 suites and 84 villas

Pool / Beach: freeform swimming pool / 300 meters of private beach

Spa: Santiburi Spa a stylish oasis of serenity in the middle of resort gardens

Restaurants & Bars: 3 restaurants & 2 bars, Complimentary daily afternoon tea 4-5 PM

Fitness: Spacious Sports Centre, Open from 6am to 8pm

Fun Facts: Tennis Court, Volleyball, Jogging path (1.2km), Billiard, Dart, Football, Cycling, Beach Fishing, Thai Boxing, Thai Cooking Classes, Yoga and Pilates

Tel: +66 (0) 77 425 031


12/12 Moo 1, Maenam Beach, Koh Samui, Surat Thani, 84330 Thailand

ShaSa Resort & Residences, Koh Samui

A boutique luxury resort of 32 massive units and 1 grand pool villa is located on the peaceful and dream-like Laem Set Beach in the south of Samui. The architectural concept and design is based on ‘uncommon luxury’ highlighting on the natural surroundings of sloping hillside and building alignment to capture the stunning view of the Gulf of Thailand. The eye-catching decor takes inspiration from local materials fine tuned with a modern twist then jazzed up with a touch of the resort’s signature ShaSa Orange.

Find our One-Bedroom Seaview Suites starting from 130 sq.m. Two-Bedroom Seaview Suites starting from 150 sq.m. Three-Bedroom Seaview Suites starting from 224 sq.m. and Beachfront Pool Villa with 320 sq.m. of space. The suites and villa feature just about everything you will need to enjoy a family holiday like fully-equipped kitchen with utensils, microwave oven, dining table for eight, washer/dryer, IDD phone, full-sized refrigerator, iPod docking station, WiFi access or even the extras such as Wii, PlayStation and guitar. The private balcony offers panoramic ocean view while the king size beds are adorned with Egyptian cotton

sheets. The Beachfront Pool Villa not only lets your family enjoy the private pool but also the exclusivity of being so close the beach.

DINNING : BEYOND THE SEA, Siamese Brasserie, always welcomes you with the sense of familiarity and inviting atmosphere. Traditional Thai cuisine presented with a genteel Western aesthetic style to deliver a flawless experience. In the early afternoon, the air is filled with the rich aromas of coffee. These give way to clinks of plates into full swing for the evening. Once the sun falls below the horizon into the night, you can share a great conversation with old friends while enjoying a drink from the premium list at the vintage bar.

SERVICES/FACILITIES : Facilities include two large freeform swimming pools, a specially-designed hydrotherapy spa pool, sea-view gym, fully-equipped “Kids Club”, top spa services and products, including Wi-Fi service.

Rooms / Villas: 32 exclusive sea-view suites and beach front pool villa

Pools / Beach: two freeform swimming pools and hydrotherapy pool

Spa: ShaSa Spa

Restaurants & Bars: The Siamese Brasserie (Thai and Western) / pool bar

Fitness: Seaview gym with private locker rooms

Fun Facts: Water sports, kayak, kids club

The Scent Hotel

The Scent Hotel is an intimate and luxurious boutique hotel that you always dreamed of visiting. Step through our gates and you will be welcomed by an enchanted atmosphere, reminiscent of colonial Indochina.

Located on a tranquil beach, serving amazing and award-winning meals, the Scent was created to be the foundation of a perfect holiday, whether perfect means romantic, relaxing or rejuvenating.

The Scent Hotel was built with a warm atmosphere of the ancient Indochina and colonial culture good to give all a nostalgic stay with 15 suites.

European Colonial Style: Experience the comfort and warmth of the Indochina colonial culture that was influenced by England through staying. The room is decorated with luxurious monochrome decorative objects and furnished with bleached wooden western furniture

Chinese Colonial Style: Represents row house of Chinese community in elegant color tone finished with the luxurious interior with Chinese lacquer and Chinese decorative objects made with Thai silk.

Local Colonial Style: Represents the life in the community of local Thai Chinese people. The room his decorated with color tone of sea foam and decorated with local weaving object and traditional rattan furniture.

Le Jaroen at The Scent Hotel is a “…A Secret World…” in itself. Housed in a chic colonial, the restaurant was created to be the most romantic on this beautiful island. Located 5 minutes from Fisherman’s Village, Le Jaroen offers sublime French-Mediterranean Cuisine with classic and contemporary influences.

Breathtaking views, exquisite cuisine and wonderful wines – An evening at Le Jaroen will be your most memorable one on Samui. Our peaceful beach is the perfect location private dinner on the beach.

Rooms & villas: 12 diverse-themed Sea Breeze (50 sqm) / 3 Beachfront Suites (70 sqm)

Pools / Beach: large, facing beach

Spa: yes

Restaurants & Bars: Le Jaroen

Fitness: No

Fun Facts: near Fisherman’s Village; private and so serene

Dusit Buncha Resort, Koh Tao

Koh Tao sits on the western edge of the Gulf of Thailand just north of Koh Samui. The small island (eight square miles) is a casual snorkeling and diver’s paradise and is host to over 130 species of hard corals, and more than 223 types of reef fish.

A variety of ferries travel (1-4 hours) from the mainland or neighboring islands.

On the most northern and quiet end of Koh Tao, lies Dusit Buncha Resort Koh Tao – a tour de force of luxurious architecture, classy living, all blended into the natural beauty of its environment.

The beautifully laid out resort makes this the ideal choice for both couples and families.

It is the first Resort on Koh Tao that uses a solar cell system for almost all bungalows to promote environmental sustainability.

A wide variety of 57 rooms accommodates all needs and budgets. The rooms are divided into 15 categories featuring: suites for the family, couples, friends, or solo traveler. The rooms are divided into two main zones (upper hill and down to the sea) and almost all of the rooms have panoramic views of the sea and nearby Nang Yuan Island.

The Pool Bar is built in between giant granite boulders, one of which has access to the sea for snorkeling.

A stylish range of accommodations, beautiful seas, fantastic food, and panoramic Gulf views– with sunsets to match – add to the tranquility.

Dusit Buncha offers you an unforgettable holiday feeling – and memories that you can take home, smile, and dream about long after.

Rooms / Suites: 51 (9 categories)

Pool / Beach: yes / a boulder into the sea Spa: No

Restaurants & Bars: Sunset Restaurant / Pool Bar Fitness: No

Fun Facts: snorkeling in front of resort


Panviman Resort Koh Phangan

Koh Phangan is located in the middle of the gulf of Thailand. It is the famed venue for the “Full Moon Parties”.

Nestled on the private peninsula overlooking Koh Phangan, an unspoiled island far from the hustle and cares of the modern world. Panviman or Paradise Alike is designed to be in harmony with its natural surroundings and is situated upon a steep Cliffside overlooking Thong Nai Pan Beach, a crescent moon-shaped beach and on one of the most beautiful beaches on the island.

The accommodations insert themselves among the rocks and trees which are deployed seamlessly and harmoniously with nature. A magnificent spa set directly on the nill with breathtaking views of the bay.

Three restaurant set directly on the hill with stunning 360° views over two spectacular golden sand beaches and the Gulf of Siam.

Pan Sea Restaurant: serving Thai and International cuisine during breakfast time.

Pool Deck Bar. Pool Bar offers light lunch meals and a selection of cocktails also great for reserving romantic dinner for your special time in paradise.

Stone Beach Restaurant: Beach front restaurant is serving Thai and International cuisine for lunch and dinner , BBQ also available every night, Music & Live show.

Enjoy your holiday and create great memories at Panviman Koh Phangan.

Rooms / Villas: all rooms and villas are spacious, fully-equipped with modern amenities

Pool / Beach: large cascading swimming pool facing the sea, private beach with plenty of sunbed and umbrella

Spa: seeview spa rooms with full spa treatment by our skilled therapists

Restaurants Three restaurants, serving international cuisine and seafood barbeque. all restaurants facing the sea

&Bars: Two bars, one by the beach another one by the swimming pool

Fitness: gym, fully equipped with facilities

Fun Facts: kayaking , diving available

Tel: +66 (0) 77 445 101-9 l Fax: +66 (0) 77 445 100

email: ,

22/1 Moo 5, Thong Nai Pai Noi Beach, Ban-tai, Koh Phangan, Suratthani, 84280 Thailand

The Treasure Koh Madsum

The Treasure is located on the untouched island of Koh Madsum, a small island 30 minutes by boat south of Koh Samui in the Gulf of Thailand. The property boasts a wide range of facilities and services for guests to enjoy from this intimate island destination.

All-villa resort comprised of 37 units which are free-standing individual units, each with outdoor balconies or lounge areas and high-quality amenities. Design incorporates high-quality materials including teak wood, bamboo, limestone and marble. Villas are outfitted with queen beds ideal for couples.

The resort spans from one side of Koh Madsum to the other, a haven of serenity surrounded by two stunning shores, one with a white sand beach (seasonal) and the other with a coral reef. All guest can enjoy the time to discover under the sea, take sunbathing, and kayaking. Moreover, The Treasure can

be the new Wedding venue for couples Main swimming pool designed in an elegant, modern style in white limestone with sharp angles and unique lighting for the evenings. Guests can enjoy the pool along with beverage and snack service throughout the day. The Treasure’s second swimming pool is centered around the resort’s eight Tented Villas and is also designed in a unique style with black limestone.

Noticeably absent are many of the features that have become notoriously well known to islands in the Gulf of Siam: there are no bank machines, fast food chains, shopping centers, cars, or even private residences on Koh Madsum. Here, we encourage you to get lost in paradise to find yourself again. Take a step back in time and relive the beauty and calm of island life as it was meant to be. A true Treasure awaits your discovery.

Rooms / Villas: 36 One-Bedroom villas, 1 Two-Bedroom Villa

Pools / Beach: Two / Private beach Spa: Close for renovation

Restaurants & Bars: The Coral restaurant, In-Villa Dining Fitness: No

Fun Facts: Snorkeling, Kayaking, Sightseeing,

Tel: +66 (0) 77 953 009 | Fax: +66 (0) 77 953 010


118 Moo.2, Koh Madsum, Taling-Ngam, Koh Samui, Suratthani, 84140 Thailand

Aleenta Phuket - Phang Nga Resort & Spa

Located on the sunset side of the Andaman Sea and the pristine Natai Beach, Aleenta Phuket - Phang Nga Resort & Spa holds the concept of “all suites, all private” by delivering luxury suites and villas that come with spacious private space.

The resort is less than a half-hour north of the Phuket International Airport (and the 36-hole Blue Canyon Golf Course) as well as the picturesque Phang Nga Bay.

Ranging in sizes from 80-sqm for smallest suites to to Grand Villas of 3-4 bedrooms, Aleenta Luxury Resort perfectly serves a great variety of guests: families, reunions, groups of friends, and romantic couples.

Relax body and mind at the Ayurah Wellness Centre, the ‘Epicurean Spa’ with a philosophy of “Eat Well, Live Well, Be Well, Look Good”.

Treat your tastebuds to a culinary experience at the EDGE Restaurant.

With the concept of ‘Forward Thinking and Contemporary Cuisine’, this fine-dining beachfront restaurant serves an inspiring assortment of sumptuous delights ranging from timeless Thai staples, Asian-inspired noodle dishes, succulent meats and luscious burgers and sandwiches during lunch time, to innovative dishes for dinner incorporating the finest ingredients epitomizing the island’s freshness.

With the perfect location, exclusive gatherings for wedding also take place here, along with a wedding planner who can help with your very own tailor made, fairy-tale wedding by the beach, a dream come true.

Rooms / Villas: 67 Suites and villas

Pool / Beach: beachfront pool / secluded Natai Beach

Spa: world-class Ayurah Spa & Wellness Center

Restaurants & Bars: The Edge (International), Natai Restaurant (Thai); romantic beach and private villa dining

Fitness: well-equipped with professional trainer and recreational activities

Fun Facts: Relax mind and body with Ayurah 3-, 5-, or 7- day package of wellness and retreats or private meditation/ yoga session with our expert

Tel: +66 (0) 2 514 8124


33 Moo 5, Takua Thung, Khok Kloi, Phang Nga, Phuket, 82140 Thailand

akyra Beach Club Phuket

Designed to lift the spirit and calm the soul, akyra Beach Club Phuket sits right by the pristine sands of Natai Beach on Thailand’s captivating sunset coast—just 20 minutes north of Phuket International Airport.

akyra Beach Club Phuket comprises 42 stylish rooms and suites, plus 18 elegant villas, all set amid inspiring natural surroundings. Designed with contemporary Thai influences and an eye on the stunning location, the resort’s well-integrated, exclusive spaces all offer private balconies or garden terraces, with uplifting sea and sunset views an integral part the stay.

Living up to its name, akyra Beach Club is a sophisticated oceanfront dining and social hub furnished with cushioned cabanas and luxury loungers surrounding an enticing beachfront pool.

The resort’s integrated dining and social hub, Club akyra, is an

attractive waterfront venue that hosts exceptional weddings and events, plus regular theme parties with exotic performances, live DJs and delectable beach BBQ.

akyra Beach Club Phuket offers an eclectic choice of experiences to weave into a memorable stay as guests absorb the stunning surroundings and enjoy a viewpoint hike, surfing, sunset fishing, waterfall picnic, beach yoga and island hopping boat trip.

Other tempting facilities include beachside massage salas, a fully-equipped fitness center, and a holistic, 360-degree program of physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing, including yoga, meditation, cycling, sporting activities, island escapes – or simply reclining on the beach and listening to the gentle lap of the waves.

Whether it’s a sultry tropical sojourn for two, or a mates’ escape to paradise, akyra Beach Phuket ticks all the beachside boxes.

Rooms / Villas:

Pool / Beach: Spa:

Restaurants & Bars: Fitness:

Fun Facts:

60 secluded suites and spacious villas

At the beachfront/ pristine Natai Beach Ayurah Spa

Club akyra, and Offside Sports Bar well-equipped with professional trainer and recreational activities

Laze away by the beachfront and enjoy the exciting pool party vibes with live DJ.

Savour delicious signature cocktails and fresh cold drinks until the sundown.

Tel: +66 (0) 2 514 8124


32/7 Moo 5, Natai beach, Kok Kloy, Takuatung, 82140 Thailand

Casa de La Flora

Casa de La Flora, the only member of Design Hotels in Khao Lak, is located directly on the beautiful, palm-fringed beach of Khao Lak, less than an hour and a half drive from Phuket International Airport.

This ultimate design resort with stunning Andaman views as well as its exemplary service, delights in being the first modernist hideaway in Khao Lak, presenting cutting-edge architecture and unique design amid tropical nature.

The 36 contemporary, slate-grey, cube villas come in eight categories and are designed to allow guests to experience the environment from inside out.

With large glass facades that widen the perspective when looking out across the cerulean sea, all villas offer a range of modern comforts for design and luxury lovers. To guarantee the maximum comfort, only sprawling, plush, king-size beds are provided in every villa.

The Luxury resort is recommend by Michelin Guide 2019 “Although the beach is only accessible at low tide, the striking cubic pool villas more than make up for that.Floor-to-ceiling windows bring in views of the Andaman Sea while the king-size beds, his-and-hers sinks and oversized bathtubs show impressive levels of comfort and luxury. Aimed at honeymooners and romantic couples this is the perfect place to wind down.”

The lovely restaurant at the edge of the sea offers the pleasant and relaxing ambience of the serene beach. The experienced chef presents an international menu with a Thai twist, emphasizing premium and fresh ingredients, refined techniques – and served with a healthy dose of Thai hospitality. This is where you can savor every mouthful while relishing a tropical breeze from the ocean.

Spa la Casa delivers memorable spa experiences to offering the healing effects of mineral-rich water.

Rooms & villas: 36 Villas

Pools / Beach: infinity-edge pool overlooking the ocean Spa: Spa la Casa

Restaurants & Bars: La Aranya (international), Pool Bar Fitness: full range of equipment

Fun Facts: - A selection of pillows (choose your favorite pillows from white goose down, to contour, to a bolster)

- Complimentary mini-bar - A selection of scent for the bathroom amenities (THANN’s products)

- Butler Service

Dream Phuket Hotel & Spa

Removed from the hustle and bustle of Phuket’s commercial destination, only 20 minutes from Phuket International Airport, the resort is an oasis of style, luxury and comfort shrouded by lush green walls. Eco-friendly in design and showcasing ultra-modern amenities, Dream Phuket Hotel & Spa offers 171 well-equipped guest rooms, suites and villa all featuring floor-to-ceiling window and spectacular views.

At the heart of Dream is the stunning swimming pool with plenty of sun loungers and private cabanas to enjoy. Guest can cool off with iced cold beverages amidst friendly company at the swim-up pool bar. On-site venues entice with the promise of fantastic culinary and entertainment experiences, from our signature restaurant, Trilogy, serving up first-class gourmet dishes to Vu Rooftop Pool & Bar that is the perfect place to enjoy a Phuket sundowner in style.

Situated on Layan Beach surrounded by palm trees with direct access to the tropical sands and warm turquoise waters of the Andaman Sea. Only a 5-minute transfer from the hotel. Dream Beach Club offers a unique lifestyle experience and an ideal destination to relax and party under the sun.

A premiere multi-functional event space specializing in weddings, social parties, and corporate events, the venue features 2 pools, indoor and outdoor alfresco dining area and 4 bars.

Unwind and relax with the Five Elements spa treatments at Sanctuary, sure to boost energy and nourish the body’s core essence.

At Dream Phuket Hotel & Spa, we invite you to discover the other side of yourself.

Rooms / Villas: 171 rooms, suites, and villa

Pools / Beach: 2 Pools – Main and Rooftop

Spa: Five Elements spa treatments at Sanctuary

Restaurants & Bars: Trilogy; Pool Bar; Vu Rooftop Pool & Bar, Indulge

Fitness: State-of-the-art cardiovascular and weight-training equipment

Fun Facts: Dream Beach Club and Level One - the ultimate beach club dedicated To creating a unique lifestyle experience. Located on Layan Beachfront Just 5 minute away from the hotel.

Tel: +66 (0) 76 609 888



M00 6, Soi Koktanod 12, Cherngtalay, Thalang, Phuket, 81150 Thailand

JW Marriott Phuket Resort & Spa

An award-winning luxury resort, the JW Marriott Phuket Resort & Spa, just 15 kilometers north of the Phuket International airport, offers picturesque scenery on Phuket’s beautiful Mai Khao Beach. The resort provides 261 elegantly-appointed deluxe rooms, suites and pool suites overlooking a stunning Andaman Sea and tropical gardens.

The resort also offers an extensive selection of world-class facilities and diverse recreational activities. Relax by three magnificent swimming pools , or indulge in the award-winning Mandara Spa. Use the health club with fitness equipment, sauna room, watersport center, Kid’s Pavilion, tennis courts. Take time to visit the Mai Khao Marine Turtle shelter and education center.

Nearby are the Mai Khao Village boutique shopping center and a renowned 36-hole championship golf course. For a culinary journey, guests will be delighted with 10 restaurants

and bars, highlighting a wide range of cuisine featuring Thai, Italian, International and Japanese, in addition to Ginja Cook, our premier culinary school where you can learn the intricacies of fine Thai cooking.

Marriott has a stellar reputation for hosting successful meetings and events. Either an intimate or extravagant group at sophisticated 10 meeting rooms with a total of 770 square meters of flexible space and capacity for 400+ participants, with audio-visual technology, wired and wireless internet throughout the resort.

For an evening function, poolside dining accommodates up to 400 people in a tropical setting, banquet seating for 400 with superb catering options and classroom-style meetings for 350. A crafted team building combines with Corporate Social Responsibilities initiative programs.

Rooms & Suite: 261 – Deluxe Rooms, Jacuzzi Suite, Pool Suites and Villa (340 sqm)

Pools / Beach: 3 pools / 7 km long on Mai Khao beach

Spa: award-winning Mandara Spa

Restaurants & Bars: 10 (Thai, Italian, Japanese, International Seafood...)

Fitness: yes, Health Club, gym, tennis courts, watersports, biking, sport activity programs

Fun Facts: Mai Khao Marine Turtle Foundation (the Turtle Shelter) is located on-site

Tel: +66 (0) 76 338 000 l Fax: +66 (0) 76 348 348


231 Moo 3, Mai Khao, Thalang, Phuket, 83110 Thailand

Kalima Resort & Spa, Phuket

Talk about great location, glorious sunsets and giddy heights. Whew! This soaring, lofty, contemporary resort grips the steep acclivity of a terraced, eight-acre cliff over-hanging Kalima Beach and tiptoes dramatically up the mountain hovering over the Andaman Sea. What a view. And the views are splendid throughout. Particularly from the Private Pool Villas (361 sqm) at the top of the property – with a putting green beneath. Luxury accommodations are elegantly appointed. Starting at a generous 46 sqm, all rooms are spacious and most boast those lovely sea views.

From all of its 190 rooms – seven suite options include the Grand Deluxe Seaview (51 sqm); Family (with bunkbeds – 72 sqm); Honeymoon; Pool Duplexes; Private Pool Villas – you see the Sea. Sea view elevators and countless stairs ascend to the infinity pools, a fitness center, Kids’ Room and the Busaba Spa.

Indulge at Malika Terrace, the rooftop restaurant (with lovely breezes and 220-degree views) which focuses on panoramic Patong Beach and the arcing shoreline stenciled with beachfront architecture. This is romantic. The phenomenal vistas and delicious cuisine are a delightful combination.

Kalima Resort &Spa has activities for everyone from rejuvenating spa treatments to fun mini-golf. Whether you seek a paradise escape over a weekend, a special venue for your honeymoon, a family retreat, or a place for friends to reunite, Kalima provides an exceptional experience. A wide choice of facilities can keep you active, or simply help you relax. Try cultural experiences such as Thai cooking, traditional Thai massage and Muay Thai boxing. Or play mini-golf and chill out at the huge infinity pool. A Handy smartphone is available for your personal use during your stay.

Rooms & Suites: 190 rooms

Pools / Beach: the dramatic infinity pool

Spa: Busaba Spa (with beauty therapies)

Restaurants Malika Terrace : Open-air with the best views in Phuket (international and local food) & Bars: Malika Sky Bar, Lima Rock, Trio’s Pool Bar

Fitness: well-equipped fitness center overlooks the infinity pool

Fun Facts: Artificial Sand Beach, Mini Golf, Kids Club

Tel: +66 (0) 76 358 999 l Fax: +66 (0) 76 358 988


338/1 Prabaramee Road Patong Beach Kathu Phuket, 83150 Thailand

Mövenpick Myth Hotel Patong Phuket

An inspiring new landmark on Phuket’s western shores, Mövenpick Myth Hotel Patong Phuket transports guests back in time to an era of elegance, refinement and style.

Weaving King Rama V’s legacy with the island’s Sino-Portuguese history, the hotel is a celebration of Thailand’s diverse cultural influences – a richly-crafted journey of classical luxury, natural beauty and beguiling charm. It was designed to commemorate one of Thailand’s most renowned, historical eras.

With Sino-Portuguese influences at the essence of its design, the resort aims to enchant guests with the majestic presence, mythical storytelling and radiating splendor.

Situated at one of Patong’s most vibrant roads, Mövenpick Myth is truly a pampering, delightful shelter that exudes both character and luxury. It features 235 well-appointed rooms

and suites, an art-deco inspired restaurant and lobby bar, and a majestic swimming pool at the heart of the hotel.

Five categories of rooms and suites are offered: Classic (40 sqm); Deluxe (43 sqm); Deluxe Room Pool Access (43 sqm) – providing private jacuzzi with swim-up access; Two-Bedroom Family Suite (62 sqm) – ideal for families seeking both comfort and privacy; The Heritage Suite (81 sqm) with lavish and meticulously accentuated, Sino-Portuguese inspired decor, oversized and luxurious King bedding, a separate, plush living room, a dedicated work area, as well as a kitchenette with a host of amenities.

Mövenpick Myth Hotel Patong Phuket is truly a gem that aims to invigorate the senses and…the imagination of all guests, delivering a truly memorable experience.

Rooms & Suite: 253 rooms and suites

Pools / Beach: An enthralling, era-inspired swimming pool experience with swim-up bar

Spa: A vida spa and wellness

Restaurants Átrio (Thai and Western), & Bars: Barrocco, Azure pool bar

Fitness: yes

Fun Facts: back in time to an era of elegance, refinement and style

Tel: + 66 (0) 76 372 899 l Fax: +66 (0) 76 372 888

email: phuket/myth-hotel-patong-phuket/ 27/9 Rat-U-Thit 200 Pee Road, Patong, Kathu, Phuket, 83150 Thailand

Mövenpick Resort Bangtao Beach Phuket

The Mövenpick Resort Bangtao Beach Phuket offers a magical combination of Swiss efficiency and Thai hospitality. This spacious resort has 40 luxurious residences across from the golden sands of Bangtao Beach. Here you can relax, taste some of Phuket’s best cuisine in the restaurants and bars and enjoy unparalleled service, delivered, as always, with a smile.

There is plenty to do around the resort and further afield you can enjoy island hopping, fishing trips or see the undersea life by scuba diving or snorkelling. Children will love the Kids’Club with its indoor mini-golf course and games. At the other side of the lagoon behind the hotel, the 18-hole par-71 golf course offers a truly challenging venue for all players.

With 40 residences (including Penthouses and Suites), this superb resort offers a tranquil, private get-away from the cares of the world. With its large pool and Jacuzzi Penthouses,

many with up to three bedrooms, the Mövenpick Resort Bangtao Beach Phuket is ideally suited for families and groups of friends who want to holiday together.

In the main building, you will find the classic and premier rooms, which enjoy wonderful views over the gardens and the pool, as well as being close to all of the amenities.

But for the ultimate in privacy, look to the shaded tropical gardens of the resort where you’ll find the residences, suites and penthouses. The rooms are worlds to themselves, with kitchen and dining areas where you can prepare sumptuous meals.

Many have large terraces where you can sit out and enjoy the scented breezes from the Andaman Sea and perhaps take in one of Phuket’s famous sunsets, or enjoy a dip in the private plunge pool.

Rooms & Suite: 40 rooms & Suite

Pool / Beach: outdoor salt-treated Jacuzzi pool with 48-metre long lap pool amid tranquil gardens, and 12 private pools (22 sqm) / steps away

Spa: Blossom Spa

Restaurant & Bars: Palm Cuisine, Palm Terrace (gourmet seafood and oriental cuisine)

Fitness: Technogym Excite equipment and free-weights,resistance machines, steam, sauna, dip pools and outdoor pool with Jacuzzi

Fun Facts: Less than 3-minute walk to beach

Tel: + 66 (0) 76 310 400 l Fax: +66 (0) 76 310 430


35 Moo 4, Cherngtalay, Phuket, Thalang, 83110 Thailand

MAI HOUSE Patong Hill

A journey to Mai House offers style, space and tropical elegance on the western edge of Phuket. Situated high on a lush hillside overlooking Patong Beach and the sparkling Andaman Sea, Mai House Patong Hill is an oasis of warmth and culture. Stunning views and some of the island’s best sunsets provide memorable moments and romantic evenings.

The tastefully designed resort offers an exciting getaway to a world of exotic culture and genuine Thai hospitality, featuring lush gardens and Sino-Portuguese style guestrooms intertwined with modern five-star facilities. The fascinating architecture, exceptional food and legendary service are highlighted along the journey, while the 79 guest rooms are offered in six categories: Deluxe, Grand Deluxe, Family Room, Family Suite, Grand Deluxe Jacuzzi and Mai Suite Pool Access. Outside, cascading swimming pools meander

gently throughout the resort, while a shallow bubble pool for the younger guests sits near Pirates Play House and offers parents a chance to unplug and reconnect with the family.

The authentic architectural design and unobtrusive service provide travelers with remarkable experiences, atmosphere and inspiration to take back home.

Dining at Mai House is a delight and guests can enjoy wholesome sharing platters and upbeat service at Kathu Mining Co., sip exotic drinks poolside at the Opium Den, or touch the sun from Mai Sky open-air rooftop lounge. Find relaxation and rejuvenation at Four Elements Spa. Enjoy vacation excellence and a truly unique personal journey at Mai House Patong Hill, where our house is your home.

Rooms & Suites: 79

Pools / Beach: 2 outdoor swimming pools. Mai Suite has direct pool access.

Spa: Four Elements Spa

Restaurants & Bars: Kathu Mining Co. (Savory BBQ, international and Thai cuisine) The Opium Den, Mai Sky Rooftop Bar Fitness: Open 24 hours

Fun Facts: Enjoy complimentary minibar in room

Tel: +66 (0) 76 637 770 l Fax: +66 (0) 76 637 880


5/5 Phrabarami Road, Patong, Kathu, Phuket, 83150 Thailand

Nook Dee Boutique Resort By Andacura

The Charms of Thailand. Nook Dee is located on Kata Beach, Phuket with solid mission and concept in design and service. Cosy, comfortable and cleverly designed, Nook Dee emphasized in making memories and experiences for all guests.

The resort is home to 77 Sea View rooms focus on a cozy Thai design to ensure our guest will feel very comfortable. The famous Panorama Corner rooms offer sea view pictures on both sides of the corner, the Nook-Dee’s Stunning Sea View Deluxe Villa is the perfect place for honeymooner or people who prefer privacy.

Guests can enjoy infinitty pool with soft background music. Avoid the crowded viewpoint to enjoy amazine sunset of Kata beach and Karon beach view at the rooftop to complete your day.

The ‘Roy-Dee’ Restaurant is focusing on authentic home-cooking using the best of grannies recipes and secret tricks together with fresh organic ingredients and herbs.

Besides amazing RoyDee Restaurant, the resort have the most stunning 360 degree sky bar at Phuket, an amazing meeting room and spectacular themed BBQ’s.

Sook-Dee Asian Wellness Center, ‘Simply Feel Good’ is the motto @ Sook-Dee wellness center. The focus is on anti-aging, natural beauty, herbs and of course Thai massages and beauty treatments.

All this is presented in a very ‘boutique’ way with a fine-dining concept.

Rooms / Villas: 77 rooms all sea view

Pools / Beach: Swimming pool with amazing view

Spa: Sook Dee wellness

Restaurants & Bars: Roy Dee Restaurant, Yadong Pool Bar and 360 degree sky bar

Fitness: Rang Dee fitness

Fun Facts: Friday night BBQ buffet, W edding ceremony, Wedding propose , Talung Meeting room 50 pax ma x, infinity pool and Banquet

Tel: +66 (0) 76 688 888 l Fax: +66 (0) 76 688 818


216 / 9 Koktanod Road, T. Karon, A. Muang Phuket, Phuket, 83100 Thailand

Pullman Phuket Arcadia Naithon Beach

Perched on the headland of Naithon Beach overlooking the Andaman Sea, Pullman Phuket Arcadia Naithon Beach is an idyllic Phuket getaway. Set against the backdrop of panoramic ocean view, blurring the lines between the pool, sea and sky. Guests have direct access to Naithon Beach, named one of the best beaches on the west coast of Phuket, where you can soak up the sun, sea and sand in your own oasis.

Only 15-minute drive from Phuket International Airport, the resort offers a cosmopolitan sensibility to a seaside setting where guests can “check in and chill out”. Renowned for the elevated position and peaceful surrounding, all 270 rooms and 7 luxury pool villas bring the perfect balance of sophisticated and contemporary design for a tranquil escape in Phuket.

Dhatri Spa combines traditional Asian treatments with the modern beauty therapies, giving guests a wide range of relaxing, balancing, revitalizing and purifying treatments.

The resort offers two restaurants, three bars and Bakery & Deli – all with creative menus mixing traditional Thai and Western cuisine. Vero, the Italian Trattoria and wine bar, offers an array of wonderful Italian dishes, and is recognized as one of the best Italian restaurants in Phuket. Elements offers a spectacular buffet breakfast with traditional favourites, Asian selection and healthy choice corner. For Lunch, the restaurant offers an extensive À La Carte menu filled with variety for all palates. At dinner, Elements comes alive with both an À La Carte menu and Buffet dinner on selected nights.

For business pleasure, plan flawless events and conferences that resonate with your style. Menus and décor are personalized, coupled with discreet and innovative technology. Pullman Phuket Arcadia’s tropical location makes a perfect backdrop of galas, intimate occasions and creative breaks giving the attendees a chance to recharge their energy and stay focused.

Rooms / Villas: 270 rooms (Deluxe, Grand Deluxe, Ocean, Ocean Grand & Family Deluxe)

7 Luxury Ocean Pool Villas

Pools / Beach: 2 swimming pools / private stair access to Naithon Beach

Spa: Dhatri Spa

Restaurants & Bars: Elements (all-day dining), VERO Trattoria & Wine Bar (Italian), Azur bar, C-bar and Float pool bar

Fitness: Fully-equipped with Kinesis stations at Fit Lounge, Aqua Aerobics, biking, snorkeling, sport activities programs

Fun Facts: Perched on the headland of Naithon Beach one of the best kept secret beach of Phuket with 180-degree views of the Andaman Sea

Tel: +66 (0) 76 303 299 | Fax: +66 (0) 76 303 270


22/2 Moo 4 Tambon Saku, Amphur Talang, Phuket, 83110 Thailand

Renaissance Phuket Resort & Spa

Set amidst tranquil, endless Maikhao beaches, sparkling Andaman waters and delicate natural beauty, the Renaissance Phuket Resort & Spa is the ultimate retreat for guests looking for relaxed luxury. Whether you’re here for a vacation, a dream wedding, or a business retreat, the award-winning resort welcomes you to experience the beauty of Thailand.

This Marriott Luxury and Lifestyle Hotel, a scant 15 minutes north of the Phuket International airport, is steps away from the sea.

Spacious, 5-star accommodations showcase elegant design, pillow-top bedding and sleek bathrooms; and sweeping, capacious villas that boast luxury accoutrements (private plunge pool).

The deluxe guest rooms and private villas boast sophisticated decor, plush bedding, and modern technology; many of accommodations feature breathtaking beach views, and some even include plunge pools. The elegantly styled guest bathrooms offer amenities such as

a separate walk-in shower and oversized tub. The resort features Tokyo Milk bath amenities, delivering an exquisite experience and taking all guests to places of wonder and delight.

The resort features a variety of superb dining options, including a Thai restaurant, a coffee house and a cozy bar. The Quan Spa encourages total relaxation, with a full menu of treatments.

Consider hosting your wedding, meeting or social event with flexible indoor and outdoor spaces, as well as comprehensive planning and catering services.

Phuket island is yours to explore during your stay – from unique mangrove forests to the exhilaration of nightlife in Patong. Spend a day relaxing on the surrounding beach, or visit the adjacent Sirinath Marine National Park and protected sea turtle habitat.

Rooms / Villas: 180 Rooms & Villas

Deluxe & R Deluxe Rooms (46 sqm)

One Bedroom Suite (67 sqm)

Pool Villa & Oceanfront Pool Villas (337 sqm)

Pools / Beach: Beach front Pool and Family Pool

Spa: 7 treatment rooms

Restaurants Takieng (Thai), Loca Vore (International), Doppio (coffee shop) & Bars: The Lounge (Drinks & Bites), Sand Box (Pizza & Grills)

Fitness: Complete with fitness services and classes – body weight workouts, Aqua aerobics, Yogilates, Thai boxing, yoga basics, Pilates

Fun Facts: An array of activities – bike tours, Petanque, darts, beach volleyball, paddle board. Kid’s club with indoor recreation area and pool.

Tel: +66 (0) 76 363 999

email: 555, Moo 3, Mai Khao, Talang Phuket Island, 83110 Thailand

The Racha

Modern and eco-luxe, The Racha resides by a glittering bay in one of the Andaman Sea’s most beautiful islands.

Guests arriving at Phuket airport are whisked away in a Mercedes E-class limousine to The Racha’s Chalong Bay Lounge for check-in.

Then it’s onboard one of the resort’s speedboats and a 30 minute ride to the tiny island of Racha Yai. Upon arrival at Batok Bay, guests are rewarded with postcard-perfect views of azure waters and a powdery-white coral sand beach.

Spread over 20 acres of verdant tropical grounds and built in low-rise harmony with the environment, The Racha’s 85 serene whitewashed villas of eight category types provide for every creature comfort. All accommodations feature private terraces, spacious bathrooms, enclosed/open-air rain showers, indoor/outdoor daybeds, and every desired modern convenience. Pool Villa guests luxuriate in ozonated (not chlorinated) water - gentle on the skin and easy on the environment.

The Racha serves up unique culinary experiences. The all-day dining contemporary Earth Cafe, hosts an expansive breakfast buffet complete with sparkling wine. Seating is indoors or alfresco with sublime views of the bay. The romantic Fire Grill, by the resort’s stunning infinity pool, plates up Mediterranean fare indoors or under the stars. For a beachy vibe, there’s the casual Sunset Beach Restaurant right by the sand. Evenings, this is the go-to place for the catch of the day, barbequed just right. Fresh greens are delivered daily to all dining establishments from the resort’s Hydroponic Farm.

The five-star Racha Dive Center provides personalized scuba instruction and trips to the Andaman Sea’s most beautiful sites. The Water Sports Center assists guests with guided land and sea exploration, sports and craft classes. Not to be missed are the exquisite treatments at the world-renowned Anumba Spa.

All this, and more, in an awarding-winning environmentally protected space.

Rooms / Suites: 85 villas spread over 20 acres

Pools / Beach: 3 signature ozonated pools with underwater music

Spa: 25,000 sq ft Anumba Spa

Restaurants: Earth Cafe • Sunset Beach Restaurant

Fire Grill • Gerardo’s Gelato • Themed Buffets

In-Villa Dining/Barbeque • Ultimate Dining & Bars Ice Bar • Lobby Bar

Fitness: Oceanfront Gym • 5-Star Racha Dive Center

Flood-lit Tennis & Basketball Courts • Hikes

All-Terrain Vehicles/Bikes • Yoga

Water Sports Center • Kayaks • Paddleboards

Fun Facts: A favourite venue for wedding couples

Tel: + 66 76 355 455 Fax: +66 76 355 637


42/12-13 Moo 5, Rawai, Muang, Phuket 83130 Thailand


Escape to the hidden paradise of our extraordinary luxury hotel. The Naka Island, a Luxury Collection Resort & Spa, Phuket is tucked away on a secluded island just off the east coast of Phuket, Thailand. Journey to our boutique resort by speedboat and take in the enchanting beauty of rich coconut groves, ivory sandy beaches and limestone cliffs as you bounce along the waves surrounding Naka Island. Once you arrive, taste unexpected flavors at one of our hotel’s beachside restaurants, My Grill and Tonsai, or unwind with a cocktail at the waterfront Z Bar.

Our exclusive hotel has transformed island living with 80 uniquely designed rooms and villas accompanied by numerous amenities, from state-of-the-art technology, including Wi-Fi and LCD TVs, to a relaxation sala with an outdoor soaking tub. Whether you are here for a rejuvenating spa getaway or adventurous Thailand expeditions, find what you need at The Naka Island, a Luxury Collection Resort & Spa, Phuket.

Define luxury vacation in Thailand’s villas featuring private pools, beach access and spa services at The Naka Island, a Luxury Collection Resort & Spa, Phuket.

Breathtaking ocean views, ivory beaches, and luxury villas make for an exclusive destination at The Naka Island, a Luxury Collection Resort & Spa, Phuket. Located off the east coast of Phuket, our resort hotel is the only property on the secluded island, making it your ideal tropical getaway. Top attractions, such as feeding elephants at Phuket Elephant Park, kayaking around James Bond Island, and swimming between the limestone cliffs of Maya Bay, are just a short boat ride away.

Explore the seas of Thailand before retreating to your private, beachfront villa equipped with complimentary Wi-Fi, inviting linens and spacious al fresco areas for relaxing after an adventurous day in Phuket.

Rooms / Villas: 67 villas and 13 rooms

Pools / Beach: in-villa private plunge pools and an infinity pool / tranquil beach

Spa: 6 treatment rooms, sauna room, steam room, ice room, and unique Watsu pool

Restaurants & Bars: Tonsai, My Grill, Z Bar and Pool Bar

Fitness: 24-hour, fully-equipped gym (with great views)

Fun Facts: non-motorized water activities kayaking around the Naka Island to explore mangrove area and secret beaches

Tel: +66 (0) 76 371 400 | Fax: +66 (0) 76 371 401


32 Moo 5, Tambol Paklok, Amphur Thalang, Naka Yai Island, Phuket, 83110 Thailand

The Nai Harn Phuket


Originally launched in 1986, The Nai Harn Phuket underwent an extensive remodeling programme in 2016 to restore the legendary resort to the pinnacle of luxury hospitality. Situated in a peaceful location on the south end of tropical Phuket Island, The Nai Harn overlooks Nai Harn beach and the spectacle of the Andaman sea and is only a few minutes away from the dramatic promontory of Cape Promthep - the most famous viewpoint in Phuket.

Settle into your own private sanctuary complete with cutting edge technology, designer amenities and comfortable furnishings.

The only member of elite Leading Hotels of the World in Phuket, The Nai Harn provides 130 rooms & suites open onto private terraces overlooking stunning ocean or island views. Each of the luxurious guestrooms and suites offers an exclusive tropical retreat enhanced by world class facilities, personal services, exceptional food and a choice of engaging activities.

The resort is also the perfect venue for both destination weddings and small meetings and incentives.

Inspiring contemporary cuisine is created at The Nai Harn using the freshest local and imported ingredients, served in an amazing seaside setting at one of the hotel’s world class restaurants: Rock Salt, PRIME @Rock Salt, Cosmo, Hansha Rooftop Sushi Bar, and Reflections.

The Spa at The Nai Harn offers bespoke health and wellness programs designed to refresh and rejuvenate the body and soul. All custom Spa Voyages are inspired by the elements: the purity of the Andaman, the softness of a gentle sea breeze, the warm radiance of the sun and the nurturing cradle of the earth.

Here at The Nai Harn, we are truly dedicated to providing you with memorable experiences with the perfect blend of romance, adventure, indulgence and a genuine sense of heritage.

Rooms / Villas: 130 rooms and suites

Pools / Beach: Swimming pool with stunning views over the bay/ sandy beach

Spa: The Spa at Nai Harn

Restaurants & Bars: Rock Salt, PRIME @Rock Salt, Cosmo, Hansha Rooftop Sushi Bar, and Reflections

Fitness: Fully equipped

Fun Facts: While in your Suite, use the ‘Press for Champagne’ button and your butler will set it up for you within minutes!

Tel: +66 (0) 76 380 200 10 | Fax: +66 (0) 76 388 211


23/3 Moo 1, Vises Road, Rawai, Muang District, Phuket, 83130 Thailand

Villa Zolitude Resort & Spa Phuket

Villa Zolitude Resort & Spa Phuket,a best-kept secret, is a luxury rainforest retreat nestled high atop a lush mountainside with panoramic views overlooking the lowlands and the picturesque Bay of Chalong on Phuket’s southeast coast. This romantic hideaway – hidden among the treetops – is just 20 minutes from Nai Harn, Kata, Karon and Patong Beaches; several championship golf courses; the historic Old Town and shopping and dining in Phuket town. The airport is a 45-minute drive.

This luxury pool villa resort and spa covers more than 10 acres of elevated forestland with each of the 45 stylish private pool villas carefully positioned to afford maximum privacy.

Nature surrounds and magnificent sunrises brighten each villa, which are designed to blend harmoniously with the tropical landscape. They feature natural materials and inspiring design features with meticulous attention to detail creating a unique, distinctively Thai ambiance.

The 45 feature four categories ranging from cozy treetop hideaways to spacious open-plan retreats with terrace gardens. Each exclusive cottage boasts an exotic fusion of earth and Moroccan luxury.

The wide-open grand lobby is an impressive place to lounge and read. Fine dining is available all day at Bambu Restaurant.The comforting Zense Spa features quintessential pampering and service in the exotic Moroccan inspired spa. You can revel in t reatments ranging from original Thai massage, herbal compress to a relaxing facial.

Enjoy the fitness room, pool table at the games pavilion, and an elegant Sino-Portuguese style function room is available for and privat e parties. Here you have the luxury of time: to stay in place, sleep peacefully and disconnect from the world and dwell in relaxation. It’s a sanctuary and a retreat.

Rooms / Villas:

Pool / Beach:


Restaurants & Bars:

45 spacious pool villas

Communal infinity-edge pool

Zense Spa, a serene sanctuary hidden in the forest

Bambu Restaurant (all day dining), Romantic Candlelit Dinner and In-Villa


Fitness: Fun Facts:


Pool Table , Cooking Class

Tel: +66 (0) 76 521 333 l Fax: +66 (0) 76 521 330 Information:

53/25 Moo 5 Soi Bann Nai Trok, Chaofa West Rd, Chalong, Muang, Phuket, 83130 Thailand

Dusit Thani Krabi Beach Resort

Set in the exotic landscape of Krabi province and commanding a prime location on the magnificent shores of Klong Muang beach, the Dusit Thani tiptoes up to mountainous cliff formations, lush forests, mesmerizing waterfalls and caves.

Seamlessly blending into an exotic landscape, with sweeping views of the impeccable beachfront and crystal-cerulean waters of the Andaman Sea, the resort is set among an immaculately manicured landscape with direct access to nearly two kilometers of the idyllic white-sand beach.

Contemporary interiors provide a perfect balance of beach-inspired elegance and modern luxury. Relish tropical bliss with two inviting beachfront pools, a variety of restaurants and a spa that is truly world-class, or explore the areas endless array of natural wonders.

The resort’s 240 guest rooms and suites (seven categories ranging from 42 to 150 sqm) are set among 40 lush acres with direct access

to exquisite white-sand beach. Comprised of eight low-rise buildings, the resort ensures a tranquil experience that effortlessly blends with the property’s natural beauty.

“We have completed major renovations, which now showcase our wonderful contemporary interiors – a perfect balance of beachinspired elegance and luxury,” says John Kendes, the enthusiastic GM. “The refurbished fitness center, DFiT, is the largest in Krabi and features a Muay Thai boxing ring, as well as renovated tennis and badminton courts.”

The Water Sports Centre offers snorkeling, kayaking, wind-surfing and sailing. A Kid’s Club will keep the family happy. The Dusit Club Lounge is an upscale experience with indoor and outdoor seating granting guests sweeping, postcard views of the Andaman Sea.

Four distinguished (also, refurbished) restaurants, four bars and a world-class spa all add to the polished luxury.

Rooms / Suites: 240 rooms and suites

Pools / Beach: two / 1.8k of secluded, white-sand on the Andaman Sea

Spa: Linger Longer Spa

Restaurants: Mangosteen’s (Pan-Asian, International); Limoncello (Italian); Malati (Thai and Indian) & Bars: Martinis, Malati (beach), CocoVida (pool)

Fitness: DFiT Fitness Centre, fully-equipped, 6.00 a.m - 10.00 p.m

Fun Facts: gorgeous landscape with direct access to an exceptional beach

Tel: + 66 (0) 75 628 000 I Fax: +66 (0) 75 628 028


155 Moo 2 Nong Thale, Muang Krabi, Krabi 81180

Layana Resort & Spa

Ahh… indulgent romance. Koh Lanta, in the southernmost district of Krabi Province, consists of two idyllic islands. Koh Lanta Noi, the smaller, is without tourist facilities. Koh Lanta Yai has become a vacation haven with: 40 kilometers of coastline, cascading, forested hills, home to a host of arboreal mammals (tree shrews, macaque monkeys) and over 50 nesting and migrant bird species.

The Layana Resort & Spa, tucked away on the west coast of Koh Lanta on the white sand Phra-Ae Beach, showcases an exquisite shoreline and beach with mountain backdrops, and offers sophisticated repose and luxurious privacy – as well as a manicured, gardened courtyard; two saltwater infinity pools; and spectacular sunsets. Elegant and tranquil.

Ansgar Schlemmer is the hands-on GM of this cosseting retreat: “Ours is an adults-only resort [note: no children allowed] with an incredible, private beach. We provide enveloping peace and relaxation – pampered indulgence,” he smiled. “Intimacy. It’s an ideal choice

for couples who desire a long, luxurious, romantic sojourn!” (TripAdvisor had dubbed it the #2 hotel for Romance in Thailand).

The beachfront restaurant and the bar offer first-class cuisine and service and relaxing views.

The resort features 57 plush, contemporary Thai-style guestrooms, suites and villas boasting well-appointed, indigenous accoutrements: goose down duvets, elegant terracotta tiles, lush silk and hardwood furnishings and balconies offering sweeping views over the resort’s lawns, the mountain and ocean.

“And we have La Maison, a 265-sqm private pool villa with the largest private pool in Koh Lanta. It is the most luxurious villa on the island with pure 24-hour butler service.”

Make your reservations early. December through April hosts years of returning guests.

David Lihn

Rooms / Suites: 44 Garden Pavilion (49 sqm);

4 Grand Garden Pavilion (55 sqm);

2 Terrace Suites (60 sqm); 3 Beach Villas (59 sqm); 3 Ocean Deluxe Villas (100 sqm); La Maison (265 sqm)

Pools/Beach: infinity salt water pools, and poolside

Jacuzzi / 3k of sweeping and private sand

Spa: Linger Longer Spa

Restaurants & Bars: Seasky Restaurant; Sundowners

Bar & Lounge; The White Bar

Fitness: new, compact, fully-equipped

Fun Facts: surrounded by gardened landscaping, mountain backdrops

Tel: + 66 (0) 75 607 100 l Fax: +66 (0) 75 607 199


272 Moo 3 Saladan, Phra-Ae Beach, Koh Lanta, Krabi, 81150 Thailand

Oriental Residence Bangkok

CITY Hotels

The Sukosol Hotel, Bangkok

Amari Watergate Bangkok

Bangkok is a city steeped in wonderful history and unique neighbourhoods to discover. This growing metropolis is also known as the “Venice of the East” for its intricate canal systems created to support the city’s commerce and transportation dating back to its foundation.

This network of canals still plays an equally important role today and the area known as the Pratunam or in English, Watergate, and home to the Amari Watergate Bangkok, is part of this important system in the middle of one the city’s most bustling commercial district.

Ideal for both business and leisure travellers, Amari Watergate Bangkok offers 569 rooms ranging from deluxe rooms to the presidential suite, all with panoramic views of the city skyline.

For an extra touch of comfort, guests staying in the executive rooms, executive suites or presidential suite will enjoy the benefits of a dedicated executive lounge offering a private reception for easy check-in and check-out, exclusive breakfast area and a roof terrace offering breath-taking city views.

Start your morning with fresh dishes at Amaya Food Gallery, our signature dining that features live cooking stations.

Revitalise and awaken the senses amongst the lively energy of the Thai capital at Breeze Spa or take pictures of the sun sinking beneath the skyscrapers at the outdoor garden terrace. Sit back and relax after a long day sipping beverages and pastries at the Lobby Lounge.

Bringing people together to enjoy unforgettable moments is one of the hallmarks of Amari Watergate Bangkok. Enjoy a day of shopping with family and explore the myriad of souvenir boutiques and shopping malls surrounding the hotel. Or spend an evening out on the town with friends and venture out to nearby Silom or Thonglor and discover the thriving night life scene.

Whether you’re in town for business or leisure, romance or family fun, we’ll delight you with the best that Bangkok has to offer.

Rooms / Suites: 569 rooms ranging from deluxe rooms to the presidential suite Spa: Breeze Spa

Restaurants & Bars: Amaya Food Gallery (all-day dining restaurant takes its inspiration from the street food of Asia), Cascade (an atmosphere for a morning coffee or an afternoon), Pool Bar Fitness: yes, extensive exercise equipment and fitness programmes

Fun Facts: Amaya Food Gallery a fun street market setting, inspiration from the street food of Asia, complemented by a separate Italian section

akyra TAS Sukhumvit Bangkok

akyra Sukhumvit Bangkok is a stylish, innovative luxury boutique hotel tucked away in the epicenter of Bangkok’s most dynamic tourism area. Located on Sukhumvit Soi 20, the hotel is part of a lively neighborhood known for its fine restaurants and nightlife, as well as lifestyle malls, quality spas and green recreation spaces.

The 46-room akyra Sukhumvit Bangkok offers guests 30-60 square meter accommodations with rooms and suites styled to benefit from the surrounding cityscape views and floor-to-ceiling glass doors that slide open onto generous balconies.

The stylish design combines the simplicity of natural woods with accents of modern-retro chic displayed in everything from the furnishings to the artwork, with a range of stylish interior touches that create a distinctive identity whilst retaining the charm of an intimate urban escape.

Savor a range of inspired global flavors at Siam Soul Café All-DayDining Restaurant that offers international and Thai cuisine. Escape to Rise Rooftop Bar and sip on a curated selection of beverages, Thai-inspired delicious bar bites, BBQ grilled and smoked dishes, and more substantial fare.

Spend your day discovering all that Bangkok has to offer – walk to the Terminal 21 and EmQuartier shopping complexes to browse, dine, party or see a movie; explore the vibrant Asok/Sukhumvit intersection with its copious restaurants, bars and Soi Cowboy – before retreating to your private city sanctuary that seamlessly blends Thai art and culture with contemporary design and hospitality.

Akyra is a single-use plastic free hotel (the first in Asia), using biodegradable plastic and specially-designed amenities done with rice and bamboo materials.

Rooms / Villas: 46 rooms and suites

Pool: Swimming pool with city view

Restaurants & Bars: Siam Soul Café All-day dining, RiseRooftop Bar & Dining

Fitness: yes

Fun Facts: the first single-use plastic-free hotel in Asia

Tel: +66 (0) 2 514 8124


7 Sukhumvit Soi 20, Sukhumvit Road, Khet Khlong Toei, Bangkok, 10110 Thailand

akyra Thonglor Bangkok

akyra Thonglor Bangkok doesn’t just let you holiday in Thailand – it invites you to live in the city. This modern metropolitan hotel puts you in one of Bangkok’s most dynamic districts. In fact, boutiques, bars and galleries are on the doorstep, while the popular 8 Thonglor Shopping Complex is a neighbor.

Nestled between the exciting Sukhumvit Soi 55 and Petchaburi Road, this 148-room hotel offers studio rooms, plus 1-, 2-, and 3-bedroom suites, tapping into the trendy local aesthetic with a strong, contemporary design. The boutique en-suite bathrooms are elaborately adorned with Ayurah amenity sets offering aromatic sensations that whisk away stress.

A boutique-chic look pervades. Rooms all have dark polished floors that contrast with cool base colors and clean-lined partition screens. A sleek kitchen in each and the offer of in-room dining means you can eat in after a busy day out.

A generous East-meets-West breakfast may tempt you downstairs. Whether here for a city break or conference, akyra Thonglor Bangkok opens up the capital’s cosmopolitan side. Here, street food sellers rub shoulders with designer names and sophisticated bars draw out the in-crowd.

Packed with hip bars, cool community hang-out spots and a sampling of the best restaurants in town, the upscale enclave is a heady hive of activity day and night.

To explore further afield, take the complimentary hotel shuttle to the Thong Lo BTS Skytrain station.

It’s easy to reach the Royal Palace and Bangkok’s magnificent Buddhist temples, including Wat Arun, Wat Pho and Wat Phra Kaew.

Rooms / Villas: 148 rooms and suites

Pool: expansive double infinity-edged pool that boasts 180˚ views across Bangkok

Spa: In-room massages

Restaurants & Bars: Som Tam & Chardonnay Restaurant, Otto Pool Bar, Presidente Lounge, 008 Bar

Fitness: fully equipped, open 24 hours

Fun Facts: enjoy great restaurants, shops, nightlife, and the urbane atmosphere of Thonglor

Tel: +66 (0) 2 090 9000 l Fax: +66 (0) 2 090 9090


88/333 Sukhumvit 55, North Klongton, Wattana District, Bangkok, 10110 Thailand

Hyatt Regency Bangkok Sukhumvit

During the soft-opening Sammy Carolus, the engaging GM (and a Hyatt veteran – who I first met 15 years ago at the Hyatt Erawan), smiled as he sheparded me through his lustrous, evocative lobby and uplifted me to the dazzling rooftop Spectrum Lounge & Bar. Wow! The mood was jubilant, the décor stylish and welcoming, and the views on this star-lit night – well, spectacular.

Sammy has spent his working life with the Hyatt in Asia and Thailand (he was recently the GM at the Hyatt Regency Hua Hin) and his cultural expertise and influence is highlighted in this lovingly Thai-themed hotel in the heart of the vibrant Sukhumvit area.

The hotel offers fulsome facilities and amenities: a 24-hour fitness center, free-form outdoor swimming pool (a whirlpool surrounded by lush vegetation), excellent and stylishly casual eating options, and an expansive Regency Club Lounge with 3,000 square feet of stunning views on the 27th floor.

“We are a wonderful contrast,” states Sammy. “The Hyatt Regency is in the midst of the bustle and noise of Sukhumvit, but we are a lighthouse – a beacon – with our glass, our views and interior greenery. We are refreshing and energizing.” But full of repose and comfort.

The excitement spreads across the sprawling 30th-floor rooftop Spectrum Lounge and Bar, which offers an expansive, liberating outdoor aerie perfect for a business tête-à-tête or, one flight up, a romantic interlude.

The handsome and refined Thai-accented lobby is a gateway to the 273 capacious (35 to 210 sqm) and ornamented rooms (21 suites) which showcase a “contemporary aesthetic design derived from the golden periods of Thai history”, Sammy beamed.

It’s a sleek, scenic and relevant addition to the Sukhumvit scene.


272 (21 suites) ranging from 35-37 sqm (65-210 sqm)

Pool: outdoor

Restaurants & Bars: The Lobby Lounge, Market Café, Spectrum Lounge and Bar Fitness: open 24 hours

Fun Facts: enjoy the sweeping views from the Spectrum roof deck lounge

Tel: +66 (0) 2 098 1234


1, Sukhumvit Soi 13 (BTS Nana), Bangkok, 10110 Thailand

Oriental Residence Bangkok

Boasting an enviable position on Wireless Road in the heart of Bangkok’s business and embassy district, every aspect of Oriental Residence speaks of elegance. With convenient access to a selection of exclusive shopping venues and the efficient BTS skytrain all close by, guests also have the option to arrive in style with BMW Series 5 transfers straight from the airport.

Classic elegance with modern inspiration is the order of the day, each day at Café Claire, a café-restaurant offering gourmet comfort food, made with the finest ingredients and presented with artistic flair. Offering a discerning menu of French bistro delights with an excellent wine and cocktail list to accompany breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Guests can also indulge in traditional afternoon tea, served with patisserie items and tea menu from TWG.

Experience the rarely seen side of Bangkok at the marble clad open

air lounging area at the Play Deck on the fourth floor, with plenty of cabanas and loungers for decadent relaxation. Facilities include a fitness centre and a 20 metre mosaic swimming pool.

Three distinctive function areas are ready to fulfil the needs of guests and residents alike. From intimate space to an expansive hall, host a deal closing meeting or celebrate a life changing milestone at Oriental Residence with state of the art technology, premium facilities, and delectable catering options. With many areas boasting natural daylight, the venue options can accommodate up to 100 guests.

Oriental Residence Bangkok offers distinctive serviced residences in the city’s most notable embassy and shopping district.

Unparalleled attentiveness and award-winning service await you.

Rooms / Suites: 41 Junior Suites, 70 One-Bedroom Suites, 30

Two-Bedroom Suites and 4 Three-Bedroom Suites

Pools: 20 metre mosaic swimming pool

Spa: No

Restaurants: Café Claire ( a French-bistro food concept ). Savelberg Thailand (modern French cuisine), The Play Deck & Bars: Oriental Bar

Fitness: Multi-system resistance equipment

Fun Facts: Luxurious rooms and suites, swimming pool, Cafe Claire, Savelberg Michelin-starred restaurant

Tel: + 66 (0) 2 125 9000 Fax: +66 (0) 2 125 9111 110 Wireless Road, Lumpini, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330

Pathumwan Princess

“Casual and comfortable luxury in the center of the city!”

So effuses Stefan Heintze, the passionate GM of the 23 year-old Pathumwan Princess, situated in the vibrant, pulsating heart of Bangkok’s shopping and entertainment district.

“This location is ideal for accessibility, transportation and enjoyment. Easy access to an abundance of vacation options. So many malls and dining choices. Cafes, bakeries, street food, cinema, entertainment, sports, exercise, temples, concerts...” Outside dining options abound – but why – with eight notable restaurant options? “We are the largest, business and leisure property in this shopping-rich Siam area. This 455-room hotel is special. It boasts the confluence of convenience and connectivity.”

The luxury to which Stefan alludes is underscored by the 85 butler-serviced suites, four of which adorn the 29th floor offering spacious outdoor terraces with elevated Jacuzzis (or gardens) and sweeping cityscape views.

“I inherited 500 employees. A remarkable 55 employees have served for over 20 years. They extend our rituals of hospitality: hands-on, attentive service. So many of our guests return because we make the experience exceptional. And we continue to commit to our luxury product. We have just begun our two-year hotel room restoration,” as Pathumwan Princess pursues its five-star bona fides.

“This is a casual alternative for the affluent, modern guest. We are not clubby or stuffy. Here is an imposing, luxury hotel in a dynamic location – yet we are convenient and comfortable.”

The 8th floor showcases the 9,000 square meter The Olympic Fitness Club, the most complete athletic facility in Bangkok (25 meter salt-chlorinated outdoor pool, 500-meter track, tennis and badminton courts, basketball, squash, table tennis, a gym, aerobics studios). The hotel is linked to the Skytrain and conjoined to the diverse (and immense) MBK Center shopping multiplex.

Rooms / Suites: 455 (four categories from 39-64 sqm; with 85 suites from 65 to 150 sqm)

Pools 25-meter, salt-chlorinated

Spa: Bangkok Anti-Aging Centre

Restaurants: CiTi BiSTRo, Kongju Korean, Terrazza, t@Lobby, Tatsumi, Ping’s HotPot, Ping’s Thai Teochew & Bars: Studio Bar

Fitness: Outstanding!! The Olympic Fitness Club

Fun Facts: MBK Center shopping mall

Tel: + 66 (0) 2 216 3700

Fax: +66 (0) 2 216 3730


444 MBK Center, Phayathai Road, Wangmai, Pathumwan, Bangkok, 10330 Thailand

Pullman Bangkok king Power

Blur the boundaries of work and leisure and make the world your playground with us today.


Featuring 354 guestrooms, consisting 4 room types including 18 Deluxe Rooms with private balcony that overlook the lush botanical garden or swimming pool, 5 restaurants and bars as well as 20 meeting rooms including 2 ballrooms ‘Eternity and Infinity’ which can cater up to 600 people. Located on Rangnam Road, next to the King Power Duty Free Rangnam Complex with easy access to BTS Skytrain at Victory Monument Station (Exit No. 2) plus complimentary shuttle Tuk-Tuk service to/from the hotel and few minutes away from Siam Square; shopping district and Chatuchak Weekend Market. Transfer to/from Suvarnabhumi Airport is about 40 minutes via the Suvarnbhumi Airport Rail Link – Phayathai Station, which is within walking distance.


Welcome to the world’s first Pullman with the brand’s global concept

‘Our World is Your Playground’ that caters to the to the new generation of mobile, hyper-connected, and sophisticated world travelers and also the first Accor Hotels property bringing this concept to life in Asia. With the inspiration of the award-winning architects and interior designers Architects 49, the new design is cosmopolitan, timeless and stimulates social interaction, offering guests and locals a complelling new choice in accomodation, show stopping events and innovative dining.


TENSHINO, a chic innovative Japanese restaurant with a touch of Bohemian chic. The restaurant serves unique Japanese dishes for dinner.

LE SPA, the haven of peace to rejuvenate your body and soul, features 8 private treatment rooms including Moroccan Hammam room, spa suite and treatment rooms with steam room and Jacuzzi.

Rooms / Suites: Pool:

Spa: Restaurants & Bars:


Fun Facts:

354 rooms and suites yes, One of the largest Bangkok Hotel

Swimming Pools

Le Spa , 8 private treatment rooms

Tenshino: Japanese Restaruant, Tenko: Japanese Restaurant, Cuisine Unplugged: Buffet

The Junction at pullman: Bar / lounge, Glen Bar, Pool Bar

Pullman Fit, The latest generation of Smith Machine and Synrgy360 Machine for a total body workout

Wellbeing program for a new generation of healthier travellers

Tel: + 66 (0) 2 680 9999 l Fax: +66 (0) 2 680 9998

email: H6323@ACCOR.COM

8/2 Rangnam Road, Thanon-Phayathai, Ratchathewi, Bangkok, 10400 Thailand


On the banks of the mighty Chao Phraya River stands one of Bangkok’s iconic five-star hotels; a true oasis in the heart of the city and a smoke-free resort. Lush, tropical gardens surround this landmark building with an authentic Thai ambience throughout. With 501 guest rooms and suites, offering a choice of eight bars, lounges and restaurants, you are spoilt for choice! Stunning views and palatial surroundings make this the ideal choice, with all the amenities one would expect of a truly ‘grand’ hotel.

Ramada Plaza by Wyndham Bangkok Menam Riverside is ideal for all events, be it a simple or lavish celebration, memorable meeting or fairy-tale wedding. Dedicated Executive Club Floors offer discerning guests the opportunity to experience life’s little luxuries, personalised services and exclusive privileges. These include welcome flowers, fruit plate and refreshment, express check in/out, afternoon tea, evening cocktails, and many other exciting treats!

Currently, the hotel holds the ‘Best of Ramada’ award for 2018 and has met the stringent standards set by Thailand Tourism and the Association of Thai Travel Agents, along with all major online booking agents.

Easy access to all major tourist attractions is assured, with the ever-popular Asiatique the Riverfront, Asia’s largest night bazaar, just 500 metres away. Also, close by, you can browse through Icon Siam, without doubt the most impressive super-mall you will ever experience! The hotel also provides a frequent complimentary shuttle boat service to central Sathorn Pier where guests can take the Chao Phraya public express boats or BTS Skytrain.

Suvarnabhumi International Airport is just 40 km (45 min) away with Don Muang International Airport at 30 km.

Rooms & Suite: 501 rooms and suites

Pools: swimming pool with river views

Spa: Massira Wellness & Spa

Restaurants & Bars: 8 restaurants & bars

Fitness: fully equipment

Fun Facts: room with river views, Asiatique the Riverfront, ICONSIAM

Tel: +66 (2) 688 1000

email :

2074 Charoenkrung Road, Bangkok, 10120 Thailand


You are SO welcome !

In a city where anything is possible, SO/ BANGKOK hotel is everything to everyone, whether you’re in Bangkok for business or leisure, party or spa, or a little bit of everything. Join us for a SO fabulous voyage in one of Luxury 5 Star Hotels Bangkok has seen and experience the vibrant Thai capital as you’ve never done before.

Drawing inspiration from neighboring Lumpini Park and Feng Shui philosophy, a collaboration of designers re-interpreted the essence of water, earth, wood, metal, and fire, coming together in an all for one, one for all celebration of individualities.

Style and elegance come together beautifully at SO/ BANGKOK, the Luxury 5 Star Hotel that’s setting a new standard for leisure hotels in Bangkok.

5 reasons for why SO/ BANGKOK is the best hotel in Bangkok:

Stunning design collaboration by Thailand’s top five designers and fashion icon Christian Lacroix

Zafiro Entertainment solution in all guest rooms, iPad use for suite guests and free Wi-Fi in all areas

Wining and dining at the hotel’s six F&B outlets, including the most gorgeous rooftop bar in Bangkok

Location, location, location: panoramic views over the lush Lumpini Park from which the hotel draws its design inspirations, and steps away to plug into the city’s MRT subway system

Come the last Saturday of the month, there’s only one rooftop swimming pool in Bangkok to be #SOPoolParty

Whether you’re looking to party it up in the Thai capital, or tone it down with a spa retreat, you’ll feel right at home and in your element at SO/ BANGKOK.

Rooms / Suites: 237 rooms and suites

Pools: Infinity Pool

Spa: SO/ SPA, 11th floor

Restaurants Park Society (social dining)

Red Oven restaurant (all-day dining)

Chocolab (chocolate laboratory) & Bars: MIXO (lobby bar & HI-Tea)

The Water Club (pool bar) HI-SO (rooftop bar)

Fitness: SO/ FIT, 10th floor

Fun Facts: dine good and look good too with SO happenings

Tel: + 66 (0) 2 624 0000 Fax: + 66 (0) 2 624 0111 2 North Sathorn Road, Bangrak, Bangkok 10500 Thailand

The Peninsula Bangkok

At The Peninsula Bangkok, Peninsula luxury meets sophisticated Thai charm for the ultimate urban resort experience, from the hotel’s iconic Peninsula Green tuk tuk to an adventure down the Chao Phraya River and sumptuous authentic Thai cuisine featuring recipes used by generations of Palace cooks.

All rooms at the Peninsula Bangkok have breathtaking views of the Chao Phraya River and the city beyond. Some rooms offer landscaped balconies where guests can relax and enjoy the stunning views and the river breezes or indulge in an intimate fine dining experience, traditional and modern Thai, Chinese and global cuisines served in tropical riverside gardens.

The Spa is located in a stunning three-storey Thai colonial-style building by the river, which houses a number of private suites with steam showers and an en-suite whirlpool overlooking the

Chao Phraya River. Travel may open your eyes, but nothing awakens the senses like a world class pampering experience at The Spa.

Maintain your physical well-being at our fully equipped fitness centre or simply lounge by the pool with a nutritious Naturally Peninsula meal and relax in our sauna, steam room and plunge pools.

The Peninsula Bangkok is the perfect family holiday destination, where various choices of activities and guest experiences such as wellness activities for parents, Peninsula Academy programmes for children and cultural immersion for everyone are available and tailored to fit guests of all ages, ensuring that everyone is catered to in true Peninsula style.

Rooms: 370 (11 categories with River views)

Pools: flowing toward the River Spa: elite

Restaurants splendid: Mei Jiang, Thipara, River Café & Terrace

& Bars: The River Bar

Fitness: excellent and elaborate, personal trainers, tennis courts

Fun Facts: arrive by helicopter, Rolls Royce or tuk-tuk

Tel: +66 (0) 2 020 2888 l Fax: +66 (0) 2 861 1112


333 Charoennakorn Road, Klongsan, Bangkok, 10600 Thailand

The Sukosol Hotel, Bangkok

In a land of contrasts, The Sukosol Hotel offers a gracious and tranquil escape in the midst of a bustling modern metropolis. Five-star amenities, attention to detail, a warm, friendly and relaxing environment, and an unrivalled spirit of service are the hallmarks of the hotel.

Mixing colonial-style architecture and Asian aesthetics, The Sukosol is an exceptional choice for a uniquely Thai experience.

Located in the heart of Bangkok beside Phaya Thai Skytrain Station (BTS), the hotel is two stops from the popular and inclusive down-town shopping centers at Siam Square, Central World, Siam Paragon and MBK. Bangkok’s Suvarnabhumi International Airport is a 30 minute drive away, but conveniently connected to the hotel via the Airport Rail Link.

All rooms and suites are exquisitely designed to capture Thailand’s unique charm and to provide guests with the utmost in modern comfort and convenience.

The restaurants have long been a lure for Bangkok’s politicians, dignitaries, celebrities, socialites and gourmets when searching f or delicious dining. Lin-Fa Chinese Restaurant offers authentic Cantonese cuisine, served in an elegant atmosphere surrounded by museum-quality antiques. Patummat Restaurant serves Thai, Western and Asian cuisine for breakfast, lunch and dinner buffets with an à la carte menu available too. Soak up the Art Deco ambiance at Sapphire Bar with some of Bangkok’s most imaginative drink creations, tasty snacks and great music all day.

The hotel boasts a range of other facilities: spa, pool, fitness center, business center, beauty salon, souvenir and jewelry shops, laundry, currency exchange and transportation counter.

As a Green Hotel, environmental awareness is part of the culture at The Sukosol, with special “Green” rooms available that help guests reduce their impact on the environment. The buffets feature organic rice and vegetables and no plastic straws are offered in any outlet.

Rooms & Suite: 500 rooms (Deluxe, Premier, Executive and Suites)

Pool: yes

Spa: Lotus Spa

Restaurants Lin-Fa (Chinese), Patummat (all-day dining, Thai & Western) & Bars: Sapphire Bar

Fitness: gymnasium includes a yoga and aerobics room

Fun Facts: The hotel’s owner Kamala Sukosol is a famous Thai jazz singer and throughout the hotel you can find many of her own collection of art and antiques on display.

Tel: + 66 (0) 2 247 0123 l Fax: +66 (0) 2 247 0165


477 Si Ayuthaya Road, Thanon Phayathai, Ratchathewi, Bangkok, 10400 Thailand

Panviman Chiang Mai Spa Resort

Sibsan Resort & Spa Maetaeng

Sibsan Luxury Hotel Rimping

Mountain Hotels & Resorts

A-Star Phulare Valley 166-167

akyra Manor Chiang Mai 168-169

Panviman Chiang Mai Spa Resort 170-171

Sibsan Luxury Hotel Rimping 172-173

Sibsan Resort & Spa Maetaeng 174-175

Sukantara Cascade Resort & Spa 176-177

Sukantara Cascade Resort & Spa

A-Star Phulare Valley, Chiang Rai

A-Star Phulare Valley’s is located in the midst of the green and dewy mountains 20 miles north of Chiang Rai. The fine climate allows for year-round enjoyment as well as abundant outdoor activities including biking, trekking, ATV excursions, and walking hand-in-hand under the magical spell of the serene mountain view.

The resort offers guests categories of remarkably spacious villa accommodations: Premier Chalet (47 sqm), Pool Villa (203 sqm), Four Bed-Room Pool Villa (301 sqm), and the Four Bed-Room Mountain Villa (576 sqm)

The 91 villas were designed to provide a private setting for both intimate getaways as well as comfortable, spacious layouts for families.

Furthermore, the resort has elegant, expansive, and well-equipped banquet rooms for parties, meetings, and other social events.

Especially weddings, the holistic ambiance for romantic and unforgettable moment. With stunning views, tropical gardens and comfortable surroundings this is a great and unique choices for your honeymoon.

All-day dining at our restaurant provides “farm to table” menu with specialty which change according to the season. “Doi” means “hill or mountain”, and Ping Doi indeed provides superb view of the surrounding peaks from within a stylish and contemporary setting.

At the resort, you can enjoy stunning scenery. This is an ideal retreat for families, friends, and couples.

Above Bar is the perfect for your sit and sip mood, then enjoy your indoor and outdoor entertainment.

Rooms / Villas: 91 Units: Chalet, Premier Chalet, Pool Villa, 4-BR Pool Villa, 4-BR Mountain Villa

Pools: with stunning mountain views

Spa: Yes

Restaurant & Bars: Ping Doi Restaurant, Ping Dao Bar Fitness: Yes

Fun Facts: Activities – archery, ATV, bicycling, sheep farm, table tennis

Tel: +66 (0) 52 029 922- 4


60/14 Moo.2, Thasud Sub-District, Muang Chiang Rai, Chiang Rai, 57100 Thailand

akyra Manor Chiang Mai

akyra Manor Chiang Mai delivers an intimate five-star experience of an exclusive all-suite luxury hotel in the hustle and bustle of trendy Nimmanhemin Road. Set in the heart of the city, the hotel offers 30 urban-style suites, 23 of which are the akyra Deluxe Suite (60-sqm) which are arranged around a private courtyard.

Seven stylish and intimate akyra Manor Suites, each covering 100-sqm, include spacious private balconies, all of which brandish ultimate luxury, including the couples-sized bathtub.

Experience the innovative combination of classical Italian and Thai cuisine at Italics restaurant. Grab a glass of our signature cocktail, and indulge in the beautiful city sunsets at Rise Bar, the new rooftop hideaway overlooking the city and distant mountain silhouettes. One may not discover passion just from the luxury accommodation. akyra Manor also creates memorable experiences.

Indoor and outdoor activities include the Elephant Day Care Package, private art classes, touring the city on bicycle and hiking at Doi Inthanon mountain, not to mention local market tours with the Chef following by cooking class, or private aqua aerobics class.

Exclusive gatherings for wedding also take place here. The 3 Days-2 Nights Wedding Package has much to offer, along with our wedding planner who can make your tailor made, fairy-tale wedding, a dream come true.

Your passion is our passion, find out more surprises at akyra Manor Chiang Mai, the effortless mix of urban luxury that Chiang Mai never had.

Rooms / Villas: 30 Suites

Pool: infinity pool at Rise Rooftop Bar

Spa: in-room massages

Restaurants & Bars: Italics Restaurant, Rise Rooftop Bar

Fitness: 24 hours

Fun Facts: dining on chef’s table, city bicycles available, sunset cocktails

Tel: +66 (0) 2 514 8124


22/2 Nimman Haeminda Rd Lane 9, Mueang

Chiang Mai District, Chiang Mai, 50200 Thailand

Chiang Mai

Panviman Chiang Mai Spa Resort

Nestled high up in the hills, surounded by tropical forests, flower gardens and orchards, in Mae-rim, north-west of Chiang Mai.

The resort lodges a unique adventurous experience among the natural beauty of Northern Thailand. Distance from the city is 35 km. and will take about 45 minutes’ drive from Chiang Mai International Airport.

While at the resort, guests will feel as though they have entered into a higher plan of existence.

The Thai word “Panviman” means, in fact, “as if you are in heaven” The environments at Panviman are utterty natural and you will find yourself surrounded by evergreen and teak trees, flower and vegetables grown in the area, a farming community, and hill tribe villagers.

What’s more, the resort is endowed with cool weather, a remote location and a relaxing atmosphere. Panviman is divided into two district areas a Lanna style spa are and an Ayutthaya style resort area.

Panviman Spa … The Absolute Haven provide 8 Exclusive Private Rooms (for couple), 5 Single Private Rooms, Thai Massage Pavilion, Foot Massage Pavilion, Meditation Cave & Yogo, Steam, Sauna, VichyShower, Hydrotherapy.

Imagine a place where you are encouraged to surrender to all your senses where the spirit and the body unite for personal renewal.

Experience the wonderfully healing energies to awaken, to delight and to restore you, amid the misty mountains and valleys of Mae Rim.

Rooms / Villas: Luxuriously decorated in contemporary Thai style with modern amenities and comfort.

Pool: Large outdoor swimming pool, children pool and Jacuzzi with plenty of sunbed and umbrellas

Spa: Famous Panviman Spa offers full spa treatment and Yoga

Restaurants & Bars: Panorama restaurant open for breakfast, lunch and dinner, Spa Plus restaurants offers healthy cuisine and healthy drinks

Fitness: Open air gym, fully equipped with facilities

Fun Facts: Recreation facilities include punching bag, boxing gloves, archery, gold putting green etc….

Tel: +66 (0) 53 879 540-5 l Fax: +66 (0) 53 879 548


197/2 Moo 1, Pong Yeang, Mae Rim, Chiang Mai, 50180 Thailand

Sibsan Luxury Hotel Rimping, Chiangmai

Experience the ancient city of Chiang Mai at Sibsan Luxury Hotel on the River Ping, a luxurious Lanna Style hotel, in the heart of this invigorating city of Antiquity, Art and Culture.

Surrounded by a moat and the remnants of the original wall, explore Chiang Mai’s dozens of centuries-old temples, markets and tree-shaded lanes. A shoppers’ paradise for arts, antiques and handicrafts, Chiang Mai and its surrounding towns are a joy to explore.

After a day of sightseeing, enjoy a rejuvenating massage at Sib San Spa, followed by a cooling swim in the pool. Dining at the hotel offers Northern Cuisine, distinct dishes of spice and exotic flavors and textures, as well as European-style culinary creativity. Sib San Chiang Mai is a five-star experience. We treat our guests like our family.

The Sibsan is one of Chiang Mai’s leading five-star

boutique hotels. The luxurious getaway located on the best part of Ping River offers boundless attractions and activities to explore as it is surrounded by the Chiang Mai old city moat and walls.

The hotel has 32 rooms all of which are comfortable, spacious and well-furnished with luxury amenities and technological conveniences. All of the rooms exude a refreshing atmosphere and are just perfect for relaxation.

Within a 15-minute drive from Chiang Mai city center, you can explore and discover ancient history, fascinating cultures, hidden beauty of antiquity, and important cultural heritage sites of the largest northern city of Thailand.

The city is also a shoppers’ paradise for traditional arts, antiques and handcrafts.

Rooms / Suites: 20 Deluxe, 4 Grand Deluxe, 4 Junior Suite, 2 Executive suite, 2 Luxury Suite

Pool: Outdoor swimming pool

Spa: Kalapa Spa

Restaurant & Bars: Sibsan Royal Cuisine, Sip by the river Fitness: Fitted with TechnoGym® machines

Fun Facts: Room service, Laundry service, Free shut tle bus to city.

Tel: +66 (0) 53 110 555, +66 (0) 92 924 4249

Fax: +66 (0) 53 110 898


211 Moo. 6 San Phi Suea, Mueang, Chiangmai, 50300 Thailand

Chiang Mai

Sibsan Resort & Spa Maetaeng, Chiangmai

Located in the natural surroundings of the northern Kingdom in Mataeng, one hour due north of the historic city of Chiang Mai, Sibsan Resort and Spa Resort and Spa rests on the banks of the merging Mae Taeng and Mae Ta Man Rivers. Away from all the bustle of Chiang Mai City, Sibsan Resort and Spa is the perfect escape for repose, rest and adventure –and warm Lanna traditional hospitality.

Eight categories of private villas and suite offer tantalizing options. Bask in the tranquil mountain views from a luxury villa with private pool, or a Lanna-styled suites inspired by the region’s rich heritage. Stargaze. Enjoy the clear night sky on the veranda and experience the relax ambiance of Chiang Mai.

An enchanting evening can be spent at the Maetaeng River View Cafe and Wine Bar. Savor on our chefs iconic Lanna and international cuisine, while enjoying the panoramic

views. Glimpses of luxury can be enjoyed by the Hermes china and Lanna antiques.

Children (and adults!) can spend an entire day interacting and experiencing the unforgettable charms of the elephants at the Elephant Sanctuary adjacent to the resort. Come as dawn breaks and discover the joys of befriending these lovely, gentle giants in their natural habitat –bathing along the Maetaeng River. Go forest walking with these intelligent creatures.

Adventurers can enjoy the Forest Canopy Cable Adventure, allowing risk lovers to repel through tree tops of the regal and imposing northern forest. The exhilarating adventure will forever entrench a never forgetting memory into the hearts of thrill seekers.

Rooms / Suites: 2 Sibsan pool villa suites, 15 Executive river view villas, 8 Deluxe pool view villas

Pools : 7 Deluxe garden view villas, 24 Superior garden view villas, 8 Superior plus+ Out door swiming pool

Spa: Kalapa Spa

Restaurant & Bars: Sibsan Cuisine, Pool bar, Maetaeng river view cafe & wine bar

Fitness: fitted with TechnoGym® machines

Fun Facts: adventure tour, Elephant ridding, White water rafting, Zipline, Ox cart

Tel: +66 (0) 81 980 9070 - 72 , +66 (0) 98 924 2249


168 Moo. 2, Tambon Keudchang, Amphur Maetaeng, Chiangmai 50150 Thailand

Sukantara Cascade Resort & Spa

The boutique graceful Sukantara Cascade Resort & Spa is nestled in a forest surrounded by the gifts of nature “where birds and people share the same paradise” alongside a series of mesmerizing waterfalls that cascade through the heart of the resort.

Bestowed the impressive accolade “Hotel with Best Location” by Lonely Planet in 2016, and dubbed one of five best hotels by waterfalls, this boutique gem gives new meaning to “at one with nature.” This resort, 30 minutes north of Chiang Mai, offers a luxurious respite.

All 16 rooms and suites are positioned along the path of the waterfall. The design concept was based on working with the existing terrain, leaving a minimal footprint on the landscape and conserving as many trees as possible.

Observe peacocks, ducks and birds in their natural habitat. Wild-bird-watching with binoculars along local trails while

hiking to nearby Tad-Mok-Natural waterfalls is even more thrilling.

An excellent option is reveling in the beautiful treatment at Chiida Spa. The unique atmosphere is created by housing the spa rooms in “sala” pavilions built in the traditional Thai Tewalai architectural style, with large antique wooden doors, intricately carved by artisans in tradition of the past kingdom of Gandhara. Book massages right beside the falls.

Dinner can be enjoyed at the restaurant next to the waterfalls. The menu features authentic Lanna recipes handed down by grandmothers and sumptuously prepared for a culinary adventure. Renowned for tropical-inspired cuisine featuring the northern style menu, the restaurant was listed as one of “Chiang Mai’s 50 Best Places to Dine”.

The area is best explored by hiking, visiting nearby Karen villages, Zipline, ATV and joining elephant tours.

Rooms / Suites: 16 (Deluxe, Suite and Luxury Tent)

Pools: infinity-edge

Spa: Gold Award-Winning Chiida Spa

Restarurant: Thai and international Fitness: No

Fun Facts: trekking to Tad-Mok National Waterfall, zipline, elephant camp, ATV, monkey center, botanical garden, insect zoo and long-neck


Tel: +66 (0) 81 881 1444


12/2 M.8, T.Maeram, A.Maerim, Chiang Mai, 50180 Thailand

cascade resort & spa

Thailand Beach

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