Ridiculous Harmony: 重慶南路一段48號

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Ridiculous Harmony: 重慶南路一段 48 號 劉和宣

Ridiculous Harmony 重慶南路一段 48 號 + 作者:


+ 指導老師:


+ 基地位置:

台 北 市 中正 區 重 慶 南 路 一 段 4 8 號

No. 48, Section 1, Chongqing South Road, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City

+ 設 計 試 圖 以 觀 念 去 切 入 建 築,換 一 個 視 角 去 看 待 都 市 現 象 # 戴上你的# 有色眼鏡

“荒謬” 是一種對末端現象的描述,來自於辨識事物的過程中產生的理解差異。 我的觀念從一張影像開始,我在畫面中看見了有張力的並置,那看似無關卻又合 理的組合關係,你無法說明是誰被放錯了位置。 我用一系列影像實驗思考這樣荒謬的關係從何而來,意圖藉由 " 拆解 " 來創造新 的空間經驗。 "Ridiculous" is a description of terminal phenomena that arise from differences in the process of recognizing things.

My concept begins with an image. I see a tension in the juxtaposition, a seemingly unrelated but reasonable combination. You can't tell which is in the wrong place.

I use a series of video experiments to think about where such absurd relationships come from, with the intention of creating new spatial experiences through "disconnect".

若拆解了書本的裝楨,他在看書嗎 ? 好像是又好像不是 If a book is unwrapped, what is she doing? Is she reading?

〈What are you doing?〉, Ho Hsuan Liu, 2021



拆解也是創造的一種,當既有的事物的因果關係被拆解、重組,被拆解的個體將不再是原先的 意義,他將同時具有舊秩序與新秩序的特質。 若拆解了書本的裝楨,它還會是書嗎 ?

〈What are you doing?〉, Ho Hsuan Liu, 2021

Disconnecting is also a kind of creation. When the existing relationship is disconnected and reorganized, the disconnected individual will no longer be the original version, but having the characteristics of the original and the new order at the same time. If a book is unwrapped, will it still be a book?

觀察 Observation 因與果 大與小 前與後 寬與窄 內與外 高和低 街與巷 在都市裡 都只是狀態的描述 不再具有從屬關係 引用東京製造的觀念,認為”不是城中區成就了這些建築,是這些現象及結起來形成就了城中區” 我向都市學習,我的設計就如東京製造中所說的 " 濫建築 " 一樣,以低調的姿態融入成為城中的 一部分。 # 不是要發明 # 而是要發現

"Cause and Effect, Big and Small, Front and Back, Wide and Narrow, Inside and Outside, High and Low, Street and Alley." In the city, they're just a description of the phenomena, no longer affiliated.

Citing the concept of <Made in Tokyo>, and believed that "it is not the city that makes these buildings, but the phenomena and the combination that forms the city." I learned from the city, My design is just like the "indiscriminate architecture" said in <Made in Tokyo>, and integrates into the city with a low-key attitude. 台北 城中區 巷弄內部 Taipei, inside the alley

#not to invent #but to find out

基地觀察 Site Observation

物件擴張 Object Expansion

拆解來看,是鐵架與玻璃,回到整 體,他已不再只是窗戶,關係已將 鍋碗瓢盆納入討論,賦予了這一扇 窗內部的特質。

持續擴張 跳躍建築形成場域 From object to field

看似無邊際的小吃店街在巷弄中 出現,原先 48 號的後側外牆變成 了小吃店的廚房,定義了新的立 面。

跨街樓 cross street building

立面背面黏著一棟跨街樓 跨街樓 位於巷弄上方,底下由桁架撐起, 緊貼著左右鄰房的立面,從巷弄 的角度觀看,他像是一棟獨立的 建築,不屬於左 也不屬於右。

進入了裡面 ? 還是進入了外面 ? enter or go out?


+ 在都市裡,所有事物都是不斷變動的,來來去去,不斷為都市帶來新的關係,疊加定義,現在 的我們,也不過是過程的一環。 + 他是誰 ? 那是什麼 ? 在都市裡似乎並不重要,最後留下的 會是把不同使用組合在一起的空間架 構、運作模式。

是鞋店 ? 還是服飾店 ? 還是興發五金行的玄關 A shoes store or an enterance?

是巷弄 ? 還是小吃店內部 ? 還是紅樓夢裡廳的玄關 ? An alley or a kitchen?

In the city, everything is constantly changing. Coming and going, constantly bringing new relationships and superimposing definitions to the city. Everything we see are just a part of the process. Who is he? What is that? It doesn't seem to be important in the city. What remains in the end is the spatial structure and operation mode that combines different uses.

1F North wing

操作 operation + 我在平面上創造了三個結構核心,位於中線但不具有絕對的中心性 + 結構核的意義不僅只是聚合,它其實也是在描繪周圍的邊緣 + 是外的 又是內的 是前面 又是後面

1F South wing

I created three structural cores on the plane, located on the midline but not with absolute centrality. The meaning of the structural core is not only enclosing, but also delineating the surrounding edges. It's outisde, also inside. It's the front, also the back.

2F South wing

4F South wing

RF西南側 +1465






4F西南側 +1045



RF東南側 +1465

4F東南側 +1080




RF南側 +1465

4F南側 +1060

3F南側 +640


2F東南側 +360 2F西南側 +325



2F南側 +340

1F南側 +10 GF +0

南側空間長剖面 S=1:100

先經過核心內部再進到廁所,體感上卻是重新由外進入內, 在這裡,序列讓他像是一個獨立的房間 。

進入前 他是一道門,進入後,他是一扇窗," 我從窗戶走進廁所 ",或許你可以這麼說。 Before entering, it is a door. After entering, it is a window.

外部 outside

+ 利用結構系統產生的樓板厚度差異去創造關係上的對角線

+ 南與北沒有絕對的高度關係,大與小 小與大不段來回錯置 樓板厚度與牆面厚度也呈現相反、 無絕對圍合的狀態 西側核心短剖 iso

+ 它是圍合,同時它也是在描繪周圍的邊緣

3f South Wing

RF西北側 +1510


RF西南側 +1440

4F西南側 +1045

+1045 4F西北側 +1020


3F西北側 +700


3F西南側 +640


2F西南側 +325

+325 2F 西北側 +300


1F 西北側 +40

+40 +10

GF +0

1F 西南側 +10

西側核心短剖面 s=1:100 西側核心短剖面 S=1:100 是門還是窗 ? 是椅子還是階踏

A door or a window? A chair or a step?


北側跨街樓剖面 s=1:200

內部 Inside

+ 跨街樓與巷弄,都是內部的一部分

3f North Wing

是巷弄的外部 ? 還是窗戶外的外部 ?

+1515 RF東北側 +1465 RF東南側 +1440

4F東南側 +1080



4F東北側 +1020

3F東北側 +665

+665 +640

3F東南側 +640


2F 東南側 +360

2F東北側 +300


1F 東北側 +40

+20 +5


1F 東南側 +10

GF +0

東側核心短剖面 S=1:100

2f South Wing

2f South Wing

透過物件的擺放與重新定義,窗戶與窗簾的縫隙被拉開 形成了一個延伸空間 ,是內還是外 ?

Through the placement and redefinition of objects, the gaps between windows and curtains are opened to form an extended space, is it inside or outside?

內部 inside

+ 中間的核心由上而下定義其串聯的空間為內部

+ 空間序列不再是單向,而是雙向的影響空間的關係

+ 空間中沒有絕對,前與後 內與外 高與低 都是相對的

2f South Wing

+1515 RF西北側 +1465 RF東南側 +1440

4F東南側 +1080

+1080 4F西北側 +1020


3F西北側 +700


3F東南側 +640



2F東南側 +360 2F西北側 +300



+40 +10


1F西北側 +40 GF


1F東南側 +10

中心核心長剖面 S=1:100

3f South Wing

3f South Wing balcony inside

看似是向外的陽台,空間體驗上卻是由外向內延伸的內部陽台,腦袋與身體經驗在此產生了理解差異。 我將門打開,從外面出去了。

外部 outside

+ 東側核心上方敞開為外部,從頂層延伸往下, 由上而下再次界定了新的外部 + 四樓最高層成為空間的新起點,向下串連的空間將也都將成為外部

+ 剖面上向核心內部延伸的陽台,定義上是由外到內的,形成一個向內走的陽台

3f North Wing

East Core

+1515 RF西北側 +1440

4F東北側 +1020

RF北側 +1480

RF西北側 +1500

4F北側 西北側 +1020




3F西北側 +700


3F北側 +680


3F東南側 +640



2F西南側 +360


2F 北 西北側 +300


1F西北側 +40

1F西北側 +40 1F北側 +30 GF





東側核心長剖面 s=1:100













4F plan s=1:100

4F PLAN s=1:100




+700 +680




+700 +700

+700 +640

+640 +640

3F plan s=1:100

3F PLAN s=1:100





+360 +340 +325

2F plan s=1:100

1F plan s=1:100 UP +10


UP +10



+40 +30 +20



這是什麼形狀 ?

What shape is this?

操作 operation

平面上此系統看似把空間分成了清晰的南側與北側,卻是兩側的邊緣但此核心卻和牆 面 牆後 樓板不斷以不同姿態出現,和身體的理解上產生衝突。 this system seems to divide the space into clear south and north sides on the plane, but it is the edge on both sides.

+ 對角線,來自於將一個矩形拆解,在矩形中形塑出新的形狀,看似 是切割卻讓兩個並置且等大的三角形,依著彼此互相形成整體,讓畫 面同時具有舊與新的、垂直正交與斜角的秩序,對角線與其切割出的 空間是等大、無層級的,且是互相融合的關係。 + 若把對角線也視為形狀的一部分,那它會是什麼 ? 你似乎可以指認你眼前所見,卻又無法直接明說 " 那是什麼 " 的狀態, 是我想要創造的。 + 我在平面上創造了三個結構核心,位於中線但不具有絕對的中心性, 也暗示著 : 大街與小巷是兩個等大並置的整體,並無優劣與層級之分。 + 對角線位於空間的中心,卻同時是兩側空間的邊緣,它亦內亦外, 沒有絕對。

開口與樓梯的安排創造了雙向聯通的空間序列,北通向南,南通向北 ,不再具有絕 對的前與後 公與私的關係。

The arrangement of openings and stairs creates a two-way connected spatial sequence, from north to south, and from south to north. There is no longer an absolute front and back, public and private relationship.

The diagonal line comes from dismantling a rectangle and forming a new shape in the rectangle. It seems to be a cut, however, letting two juxtaposed triangles of equal size form a whole according to each other, making the picture has the old and the new characteristics at the same time. The diagonal line and the space it cuts are equal, non-hierarchical, and integrated with each other. If the diagonal was also considered part of the shape, what would it be? The feelings of where you seem to be able to identify what you see, but can't directly say "what it is", is the goal of mine.

I created three structural cores on the plane, located on the midline but not with absolute centrality. It also implies that the streets and alleys are two equal juxtaposed wholes, and there is no distinction between pros and cons and levels.

The diagonal line is located in the center of the space, but at the same time it is the edge of the space on both sides it cuts. It is also inside and outside, there is no absolute.

三個核心皆為採光井 東側與西側的將會打通成為真正的外部,過去由下而上的序列 被轉換成也能由上而下解讀的空間經驗。

On the top of the east and west cores will be opened to become the real exterior, and the bottom-up sequence in the past will be transformed into a spatial experience that can also be interpreted from the top to the bottom.

重慶南路 寬 20 米

site plan


基地 Site

基地位於重慶南路一段 48 號,兩側臨路,面東側是重慶南 路,寬 20 米;北側是重慶南路一段 46 巷,寬 2.5 米,一般 我們認為巷弄是附屬於街道,但對我而言,它們不具有層級, 僅是寬與窄的差異。

N 重慶南路一段 46 巷 寬 2.5 米

重慶南路一段 48 號

The base is located at No. 48, Section 1, Chongqing South Road. It faces the road on two sides. The east side is Chongqing South Road, with a width of 20 meters; the north side is Lane 46, Section 1, Chongqing South Road, with a width of 2.5 meters. Generally, we regarded the alley as the appendage to the street. But for me, There is no hierarchy, just the difference between wide and narrow.

立面的背後藏了一條巷弄,重慶南路一段 46 巷,由立面包 裹住巷弄的秩序是從日治時期的新高旅店就開始;1960 年代, 被政府接收後成為郵局,雖然使用被置換了,而其運作及定 義的方式仍持續改變進行。 There is an alley hidden behind the facade, Lane 46. The order of wrapping the alleys by the facade started from the Japanese occupation period; in the 1960s, it was taken over by the government and became a post office. Although the use was replaced, the way it operates and is defined continues to move on.

Program + 設計偏重在描摹空間的運作狀態,我期待它成為任何東西 自由發展與擴張 成為特殊的現象。 2f North Wing

+ 他是出租空間,提供長期與短期的租用選項,空間的使用方式不限,交給租 客自行決定,它可以是學生宿舍,也可以是小型辦公室,或是做為商店使用; 創建一個彈性的空間架構,讓空間可以被多種方式組合。

+ 出租是一種運作模式,它帶來了不同的使用關係,將看似無關的事物並置成 整體,雖然看似荒謬無邏輯 ,卻也是真實的狀態;我關注的是當空間被不同 的使用者佔領時所產生的有趣的關係,同時辯證空間內與外,公與私該如何 界定。

My design focuses on describing the operation of the space. I expect it to become a special spatial experience of the non -stop changing development and expansion of the city.

It is a rental space e, providing long-term and short-term rental options. There are no restrictions on how the space can be used. It can be left to the tenant to decide. It can be a student dormitory, a small office, or a store. I create a flexible space architecture that allows spaces to be combined in a variety of ways.

"Rental" is a mode of spactial operation, which brings about different usage relationships. Juxtaposing seemingly unrelated things into a whole, although it seems ridiculous and illogical, it is what actually happened. What I focus on is what happened when two juxtaposed space is occupied by different users at the same time? It merge an interesting relationship between. I try to figure out how we define inside and outside, public and private in the space. 1f South Wing

巷弄內西側立面 s=1:100


重慶南路東側立面 s=1:100

site plan s=1:500

Site Plan s=1:1000

Ridiculous Harmony 重慶南路一段 48 號 + 作者:


+ 指導老師:


+ 基地位置:

台 北 市 中正 區 重 慶 南 路 一 段 4 8 號

No. 48, Section 1, Chongqing South Road, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City

+ 設 計 試 圖 以 觀 念 去 切 入 建 築,換 一 個 視 角 去 看 待 都 市 現 象 # 戴上你的# 有色眼鏡

物質終將褪去,而關係會留下,我希望大家想起重慶南路一段 48 號的時候, 會記得他是一個很酷又荒謬的空間; 他是城中的一份子,PROGRAM 看似無聊又現實,卻希望承載著城中發生所 有最精彩的故事,他不只很酷,還有著最特別的空間結構與空間關係。 Material things will fade away, but relationships will remain. I hope that when you think of No. 48, you will remember that it is a cool and ridiculous space. It is a part of the city. Although the program seems boring and realistic, it is the best container to carry all the most exciting stories in the city. It is not only cool and ridiculous, but also has the most special spatial structure and spatial relationship.

Ridiculous Harmony 重慶南路一段 48 號 劉和宣

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