June Edition, 2016

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EDITION: June, 2016


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Kutoka kwa Mhariri




Msimu mpya wa SABA SABA na NANE NANE umewadia tena. Je! Umejiandaa vipi kuhakikisha biashara yako inapata kujulikana na kufikia wengi? Jarida lako pendwa la LIMA limeandaa OFA Maalum kwa ajili yako,kwa kipindi hiki chote cha sikukuu hivyo ni fursa kwako wewe mfanyabiashara kutumia msimu huu wa biashara na masoko kupata kutambulika zaidi ndani na nje ya nchi. Vile Vile unaweza kututembelea kwenye ofisi zetu zilipo chini ya kampuni ya KILIATIVE SOLOTIONS E.A LTD ambapo tumeandaa punguzo maalum kwa ajili ya bidhaa za promosheni kama vile mabango, vipeperushi, T-shirt, kofia n.k

DISTRIBUTION CHANNELS Kibo Palace Hotel | Le patio | Kase Store | SIAN’GA INTERTRADE | MAMS | Meru Agro | Fifi’s Arusha | Africafe’ | Njiro Complex | Riverside Offices | Mchaki Agro & Pet care | Mohan’s Drinks Ltd | Kibo Seed | Roll Agrovet | TFA | Nakumatt Arusha | MOSHI | SINGIDA | BABATI | KILIAD SOLUTIONS - Nairobi | CAS - Monduli | MOROGORO | IRINGA Others: Agrovets, Restaurants, Hotels, Airports, Supermarkets, Airlines & Shops. To be appointed a distributor, or for a copy please call or email us. +255 764 515 222 limamagazine@kiliativegroup.com



Magazine | June’16

Kwa kumalizia tunapenda kutoa shukrani zetu za dhati kwa wadau wetu wote kwa ushirikiano mkubwa tunaopata kutoka kwenu mpaka sasa. Tukiamini kwa namna moja au nyingine kama msomaji unazidi kuelimika juu ya maswala mbali mbali kuhusu kilimo na dondoo mbali mbali zinazohusu jamii kwa ujumla. Ramadhan Kareem kwa ndugu zetu waislam. Amani na upendo uzidi kudumu kote ulimwenguni.

Pauline Kimambo

PUBLISHER & PRINTER Kiliative Solutions (EA) Ltd P.O. Box 16027 Arusha, Tanzania Meru View Business Park, Kaloleni near New NSSF Building, Tel: +255 784 712 303 +255 754 226 116 E-mail: marketing@kiliativegroup.com Web: www.kiliativegroup.com



irrigation system | greenhouse farming

“ grow what you want when you want “ Daymo Trading Co. Ltd, ni kampuni inayojishughulisha na utoaji wa huduma na uuzaji wa vifaa kwa ajili ya kilimo cha umwagiliaji wa kisasa kwa wakulima wadogo, wakati na wakubwa. Tunafunga mifumo ya umwagiliaji wa matone (Drip irrigation system), na Sprinkler irrigation system,

GREEN HOUSE Kwa kilimo cha mboga mboga, Green house zinasaidia sana kuzuia mimea kushambuliwa na wadudu, pia kutoa mazao yaliyo na ubora wa juu kwa kiwango kikubwa cha uzalishaji katika eneo dogo. Daymo Trading co. ltd tunatengeneza green house za special(za chuma) na za local (za mbao) kwa gharama ya chini.



Daymo Trading co.ltd tunajenga mabwawa ya maji kwa ajili ya uvunaji wa maji na ufugaji wa samaki, pia tunauza Geomembrane plastic (1mm & 0.5mm) kwa bei nafuu sana.

Umwagiliaji wa matone ni mfumo unao mpatia mkulima manufaa makubwa kwa eneo dogo na uhakika wa mazao bora pia kwa gharama nafuu za uendeshaji. Daymo Trading co. ltd, tunafunga mifumo ya drip irrigation kwa wakulima wadogo na wakubwa kwa bei nafuu sana, pia tuna uza vifaa vyote vya Irrigation systems.

Contact us P.O. Box 387 Arusha, Tanzania TFA Building near Nakumat Tel: +255(0) 758 261 111, +255(0) 788 537 354 E-mail: info.daymo@gmail.com

Umwagiliaji wa matone

Marketing Tips by: Jennifer Ayoti

SUNSHINE & Vitamin D

This fact might shock you...with such a high exposure of the sun in Africa, would you believe that a high percentage of the people have vitamin D deficiency? Here is another scary fact; Those who are overweight have an even greater chance to be deficient! I will explain the reason why shortly, so stay with me. Sadly, this Vitamin D deficiency is linked with increased risks of developing common cancers, autoimmune diseases, hypertension, and various infectious diseases, too. Ladies and gentlemen, the importance of this vitamin cannot be ignored. Let us first understand what vitamins are in general and their role in our bodies. The main vitamins that the body needs are A, B group, C, D, E and K. Vitamins occur naturally in all living things, and are therefore organic. Their role within the body is to: • Regulate certain bodily functions • Help in the building of body tissues, bones and blood • Help the body metabolize fats, carbohydrates and proteins which enables the body to obtain energy from the food we eat There are two kinds of vitamins: • Fat soluble vitamins • Water soluble vitamins Now back to Vitamin D which is a fat soluble vitamin and is stored in the liver and fatty tissues. If the body has more of a fat soluble vitamin than it needs at any one time, the vitamin can be stored in the body fat and the liver for use when it is needed at a later date. Here is the reason why obese people have a high deficiency in vitamin D. This is solely because Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin, which means that increased body fat has the ability to absorb Vitamin D and keep it from being used within our body.



Magazine | June’16

So if you are obese, this fact alone should tell you that it’s a high time you dropped that body fat.

However, the RNI(Reference Nutrient Intake) is around 0.01mg/day or 400iu, others say 600IU/day.

Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium, so it is vital for bone and tooth health. In recent times it has also been found to have a significant role in regulating cell growth, supporting immune function and the production of insulin. It is also known as the ‘sunshine vitamin’ as the most common and natural source of vitamin D is sunlight.

There is no way to know the exact amount that’s best for you without a blood test and that’s why I highly recommend you get tested. When you visit the doctor, please request for the 25-hydroxoyvitamin D test done, sometimes also referred to as the 25-OH vitamin D test-it is the most accurate blood test to measure how much vitamin D is in your body.

Many of us assume that the best way to acquire Vitamin D is through nutrition- drinking milk, eating fish, or even taking supplements like cod liver oil. However, direct exposure to the sun is actually the best way to absorb Vitamin D. People at risk from a vitamin D deficiency include those who do not go outside very much, or cover most of their body with clothing while they are outside. I am aware that many women (me included) wear sunscreen when they go for walks in the morning and/or afternoon because they fear the effects of direct sunlight on their beautiful skin. If you really have to wear sunscreen on your face and hands, then ensure your limps are exposed so as to absorb enough sunlight. The other category of people at risk from a vitamin D deficiency is those who restrict their diet not to include liver or oily fish. (Be aware that too much liver can result in an overdose of vitamin A.) In children, a deficiency in vitamin D can result in rickets (soft bones) due to the lack of calcium absorption in the body. In adults, vitamin D deficiency may contribute to osteomalacia, which can lead to Osteoporosis (fragile and brittle bones from loss of tissue). How much vitamin D does the body require you may ask? There is contention amongst experts regarding the recommended intake levels and blood serum levels.

When your doctor performs a blood test and gives you the results for your Vitamin D levels, keep these numbers in mind: • 50+ equals a good level of Vitamin D • 30-50 means that you will want to be supplementing Vitamin D, working on spending more time in the sun and adding in Vitamin D rich foods to your diet. • Less than 30 means that you are very deficient and you will definitely want to take immediate action to bring those levels up!

I hope you now know how important this vitamin is and if you are obese, I wish you all the best as you shed off that body fat- let us know if you need any tips. Here is great tip you can use to know if the sun is creating Vitamin D in your skin: look at your shadow when outside and if you see that it’s shorter than you are; this means that the sun is high enough in the sky and strong enough to convert Vitamin D in your skin! Goodbye indoors, hallo outdoors!

Kwa wakulima wadogo kutoka kwenye kilimo cha kujikimu kwenda kilimo biashara, kuna haja ya wao kutumia mbinu bora za kilimo ikiwemo matumizi ya pembejeo bora na kupunguza upotevu wa mboga. Mabadiliko haya yanawezekana endapo wakulima watabadilisha tabia zao na kuanza kuandaa bajeti ya muda na fedha zao, kuweka akiba kwa matumizi ya baadaye na kukopa kwa ajili ya kukuza miradi yao. Mambo haya matatu (bajeti, akiba na mikopo) ndiyo mada za mafunzo yaliyotolewa na wakufunzi kutoka benki ya Equity, Tanzania kwa wakulima 25 wa mradi wa VINESA kutoka kijiji cha Manyata tarehe 19 – 20 Mei 2016 katika taasisi ya mboga kimataifa, Arusha. Hadi sasa Mradi wa VINESA Tanzania imeshajengea uwezo wakulima vijana wapatao 100 kati ya wakulima 120 wanaokusudiwa kufikiwa na mradi huu wa kuboresha lishe na kipato kwa kuboresha kilimo na masoko ya mboga.

Kuwajengea Vijana wa VINESA Utamaduni wa Kuandaa Bajeti, Kuweka Akiba na Kukopa Wakulima pia wanahimizwa kuweka akiba kwa ajili ya kuwasaidia inapotokea majanga kama vile ukame, mafuriko na mashambulizi ya visumbufu vya mimea. Akiba ambayo ni kitu chochote chenye thamani ambacho huhifadhiwa kwa matumizi ya baadaye, husaidia wakulima wakati wa dharura, kuongeza kiasi cha uwekezaji na kujenga nidhamu ya matumizi ya fedha. Hata hivyo baadhi ya wakulima huhifadhi akiba zao majumbani au kwa njia zingine zisizo salama na kusababisha kupotea. Katika kuondokana na hilo benki ya Equity iliwasaidia wakulima 20 kufungua akaunti zao kama njia salama ya kuhifadhi akiba. Benki ya Equity, ikiwa na wigo mpana wa mikopo ya kilimo, haina gharama ya kila mwezi yakuendesha akaunti na ufunguzi wa akaunti ni bure. Mikopo yake pia ina riba nafuu ukilinganisha na taasisi zingine za kifedha likilenga kunufaisha wajasiriamali wadogo na wa kati hasa katika sekta ya kilimo na mifugo.

Picha ya pamoja ya wakulima wa VINESA na wakufunzi kutoka benki ya Equity

Bajeti ya shamba, ambayo ni makadirio ya mapato na matumizi ya shamba kwa muda fulani, humsaidia mkulima kufahamu iwapo kuna haja ya kukopa au la, kiasi gani aweke akiba na kujua kama afanya kazi kwa faida au hasara. Akisisitiza umuhimu wa kuandaa bajeti Ndugu Kaaya Kumbael, kutoka benki ya Equity, alisema “ingawa kuandaa huchukua muda, lakini humsaidia mkulima kuepuka matumizi yasiyo ya tija ya fedha zake ambazo hupata kwa shida na hazitoshi, na kumwezesha kuishi ndani ya kipato chake”. Wakulima wengi hupuuza tabia ya kuandaa bajeti na kuona isiyo ya maana kwa kukosa ujuzi na maarifa. Wakufunzi wengine kutoka benki ya Equity walikuwa Raphael Kimaro, John Masao na Zebedayo Mwafakabedo.

Ndugu. Bella Mushongi, Meneja wa benki ya Equity tawi la Arusha akipokea fomu ya kufungua akaunti kutoka kwa mkulima wa VINESA

Akifunga mafunzo ya siku mbili, Ndugu Mushongi, meneja wa benki ya Equity tawi la Arusha, aliwahakikishia wakulima kwamba “maamuzi ya kuuza mali ya mdaiwa baada ya kushindwa kulipa mkopo ni hatua ya mwisho – tunatakiwa kuwaelimisha wakopaji ili waweze kufanya maamuzi sahihi ya kuchukua mkopo au kutochukua na wapi akope”. Ndugu Bela alifafanua kwa nini baadhi ya wakulima hushindwa kulipa mikopo yao hata kama walichukua kwa miradi inayolipa – ni kwa sababu ya kushindwa kuandaa bajeti ya biashara, ukosefu wa utamaduni wa kuweka akiba na kushindwa kutumia mkopo kwa lengo lililokusudiwa”. Iwapo wakulima watafanya mambo haya matatu (kuandaa bajeti, kuweka akiba na kuchukua mkopo) pamoja, hakuna mashaka kwamba baada ya misimu michache, wakulima hawa wanaweza wakanufaika kutokana na uwekezaji wao kwenye miradi ya kilimo.

Mkufunzi, Ndugu. Mwafakabedo akielezea wakulima kwa nini ni muhimu kuweka akiba sehemu ya mapato yao



Magazine | June’16

A great delight as ISSHSP Project exceeds its intended targets The Institutional Strengthening and Support to Horticultural Sector Program (ISSHSP) was four ago, December 2012 awarded to TAHA through a grant by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) as part of the Feed the Future (FtF) initiative - a global hunger and food security program implemented by the US Government to Sustainably Reduce Global Poverty and Hunger.

Mr. Amani is only among thousands of farmers (men, women and youth) who achieved their desired dreams through horticulture.

This grant was aimed at strengthening TAHA’s institutional capacity to drive horticultural development in Tanzania and improve the quality and a range of services that TAHA members and other value chain actors receive. The project’s interventions included addressing key challenges around the business enabling environment, demonstrating and advocating good agricultural practices through technical support services to the industry, facilitating access to markets including provision of reliable real-time market information, logistics and finance in order to maximize growth in the horticultural industry. Throughout the 4 years, TAHA having initially set aside 13 policy priority areas to focus on ended up addressing and changing 18 key policy impediments making business environment more conducive. This as a result contributed to increased investments as more subsistent farmers graduated into commercial. One such is Mr Goodwork Amani a 46 years old farmer from Midawe in Arusha region. Back in 2011 Mr. Goodwork was subsistent farming on three quarter of an acre on maize and bananas which were hardly earning him significant amounts sufficient enough to feed his family of 2 children of then. In 2012 TAHA through its farmers’ mobilization activities engaged Mr Amani with a group of 60 farmers in the same village and assisted with export market standards certification and linked tem with exporters. He quickly rose from a subsistent farmer to earning over 3 million TZS in one production season of snowpeas. His life changed for the better as he could now afford private school education for his children costing approximately TZS300,000 annually; a thing impossible in the past. He eventually scaled up production to 1.2 acres and doubled his profits due to improved quality and thus an increase in market demand. Just last year Mr Amani moved into a new 4 bedroom bricked house, his dream home as he calls it. “My first born got thrilling results in his final form four exams and I am happy that I could afford to pay his fees throughout the 4 years of his secondary education. I could not have even dreamt of achieving this if it wasn’t for snow peas and TAHA's assistance and I can now confidently say that I will be able to put him through high school and later on, university” narrates Amani. Horticulture industry has for the last 4 years of the program has witnessed escalating trends in exports from USD 374 million (2012) to USD 552 million in 2015 and most fruit and vegetable exporters source from small holder farmers in out-growers scheme.



Magazine | June’16

Mr.Goodwork Amani showing off his brick house The 4 year project did not only change the lives of the likes of Mr. Amani but also through capacity enhancement on technical support services, more than 14116 small scale farmers recorded improved productivity through adopted Good Agricultural Practices, a number that surpasses the project target of 8,000 by far. One such is Tupendane women group from Babati, in Manyara region. The 4 member group that owns 10 acres of farm land collectively has been engaging in watermelon production since 2015. In just one production cycle they managed to increase yields from 30 ton per acre to 52 tons. Tupendane Women Group is among the beneficiaries of TAHA technical support and marketing services who have adopted improved farming practices and managed to increase their output. The marketing department at TAHA has also intervened and linked the group with stable and profitable markets at the time when most farmers are faced with unstable and declining market prices. Initially, the women group used to sell the watermelons collectively to market agents (Dalalis) at Tshs 200/kg at farm gate. These Dalalis would then transport the produce to main markets in Arusha and Dar es salaam and make enormous profits of between Tshs 200/kg to Tshs 400/kg. After TAHA intervention to link the farmers directly to the markets and exclude the market agents in the chain, the group recently sold the melons at Tshs. 400/kg, a doubling price in comparison to the one previously offered by the market agents. Before TAHA’s intervention the group was making up to Tshs. 6 million from 30 tons of harvest at farm gate by selling through middlemen. After TAHA’s technical and marketing interventions, the group earned Tshs 20.8 Million from 52tons harvest. This is a vast increase in sales; by over 300% (or Tshs 14.8million) in just one production season compared to the revenues the group earned when they were selling through the middlemen. As a result of this achievement, the group members have acquired 6 more acres and planted cabbage and onion. Most of the members have also been able to pay for school/college fees for their children.





Wasiliana nasi kwa mahitaji yote ya:

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Magazine | June’16

12:30 Asubuhi 09:30 Asubuhi 01:00 Asubuhi 11:30 Asubuhi


ARS - GALAPO 4 - 9 12:00 Asubuhi 02:00 Asubuhi 03:30 Asubuhi 11:50 Asubuhi


02:00 Asubuhi 04:00 Asubuhi 06:30 Mchana

Je, upo tayari kujiunga na chuo? MAKTABA VITABU | MADARASA VIFAA VYA KUJIFUNZIA ni vya kutosheleza. Kwa watakao soma kozi ndefu, Kompyuta na Kiingereza ni BUREE!

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TUTEMBELEE LEO: Sakina Kibanda cha maziwa upande wa kushoto ukitokea Arusha mjini. (Mita 600 kutoka barabara kuu, Arusha - Namanga)

MAONESHO YA KILIMO BIASHARA NA MNYORORO WA THAMANI TANZANIA. TAREHE 24 ± 25 JUNI 2016 Kauli Mbiu: “Chochea ubunifu katika kilimo biashara kupata masoko ya uhakika” Waandaji/Organizers:


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Mambo ya muhimu ya kuzingatia katika kuvutia wateja katika biashara Tambua Kwamba Kinacholeta wateja katika biashara, siyo bidhaa tu! Ni pamoja na huduma nzuri na ubunifu wa Mfanya Biashara. Ni muhimu kuboresha huduma yako na uwe karibu na wateja wako. Pili uwe mbunifu kwa kuongeza huduma za ziada na pia bidhaa nyingine ambazo zitakuwa kivutio kwa wateja. Kama Biashara yako inamwezesha mteja kupata bidhaa nyingi pamoja na huduma bora kwa bei nzuri, utaweza kushindana bila wasiwasi. Mambo Muhimu ya Kufanya ili uweze kumvutia Mteja katika Biashara yako: 1. Boresha Huduma yako. Fahamu kuwa hakuna biashara kama hakuna wateja, lakini pia hakuna wateja kama hakuna bidhaa wala huduma inayohitajika ambayo unaitoa. Tambua kwamba ubora wa bidhaa na huduma unazozitoa ni muhimu sana kuzingatiwa. wateja wananunua faida zitokanazo na bidhaa na huduma zenu na sio bidhaa zenyewe pekee ili kuendana na ushindani na mabadiliko ya tabia za watumiaji ni vyema kufanya utafiti wa mara kwa mara ili kuona ushindani unafanyaje na kuhakikisha mara zote bidhaa na huduma zenu zinaendana na mabadiliko hayo. 2. Ongeza uhusiano wako wa karibu na wateja. Fahamu Kuwa na uhusiano wa karibu na wateja wako ni suala kubwa na la muhimu sana, ambalo linasaidia kuongeza asilimia ya ongezeko la mauzo katika biashara yako. Hivyo basi unahitaji kudumisha na kujenga urafiki wa karibu na wa kudumu dhidi ya wateja wako wa aina zote. Fanya hivyo sasa ili kuwafanya wateja wako waipende na kuithamini biashara yako 3. Kuwa Mbunifu. Ili uweze kumvutia mteja katika biashara yako ni lazima pia kuwa Mbunifu katika biashara yako, Na Kama unataka kufanya Ubunifu , lakini mawazoni mwako unapata ukinzani wa kutaka kufanya kama fulani, basi ujue hapo kuna tatizo. Sisitiza kuwa na upekee, na upekee tuu ndio utakaoleta maana haswa katika ubunifu wako, hata mbele za wateja. Hata hivyo hii haimaanishi kuwa hautakiwi kuangalia wengine wamefanya nini, hapana, angalia wengine kwa lengo la kujifunza, na kutambua mapungufu.



Magazine | June’16

Hauhitaji kila mtu kuwa mteja wako kufanikiwa katika biashara yako Mara nyingi jambo hili huwatatiza wajasiriamali wengi, na haswa wajasiriamali wadogo wadogo.Ni kweli kwamba,hofu moja wapo waipatayo wajasiramali wadogo ni jinsi gani watakavyowashawishi watu wengi kadiri iwezekanavyo kuvutiwa na hatimaye kununua bidhaa zao,kwa imani yao mafanikio hutokana na wingi wa watu.Pamoja na ukweli kwamba kwa biashara yeyote kufanikiwa namba ya watu wanayoiunga mkono ni ya muhimu sana,ukweli mwingine ni kwamba hakika hauhitaji watu wote au watu wengi kama wengi wanavyofikiri,kuna sababu kadhaa; Kwanza; watu au wateja wanamahitaji na vionjo vingi na tofauti sana[diverse needs and tastes) hivyo kiuhalisia si rahisi kwako kukidhi matakwa ya wote hao kwa kiwango cha kuridhisha na kitakachowapendeza wote na wakati huo huo kufanya biashara yako ikulipe na kuwa endelevu. Jambo la pili ni kwamba mara nyingi, kama si zote, hatuna rasilimali za kutosha kuhudumia kila mtu. Kwa msingi huo basi busara itakuelekeza kujikuna pale unapofikia yaani kufanya lile tu uwezalo. Vilevile aghalabu, biashara huanzishwa aidha kutatua tatizo fulani au kuboresha maisha katika sehemu fulani ya jamii kwa mfano kwa mtu mwenye biashara ya zana nafuu za kilimo, wateja wake si tu ni wakulima bali ni wakulima wadogo wasio na uwezo wa kumiliki zana kubwa za kisasa ambazo aghalabu huwa ghali zaidi. Hivyo basi kama mfanyabiashara utaelekeza nguvu zako kwa hao tu na wala si kwa kila mkulima. Lakini jambo la mwisho ni ukweli kwamba watu hufanya biashara na watu wanao wapenda na kuwaamini, hivyo ni ukweli usiopingika kwamba hata ungalikuwa na biashara/bidhaa nzuri kiasi gani, yenye ubora wa kimataifa na huduma za kipekee bado hutaweza kumvutia kila mtu, kwani bado watakuwepo wale wasiokupenda/wasiokuamini kwa sababu zozote zile za msingi au zisizo za msingi hivyo busara ni kushirikiana tu na wale ambao mnaendana. Wale ambao wako tayari kukuunga mkono na ambao wewe upo tayari kukidhi matakwa yao. Hivyo basi wateja wako ni wale tu, ambao wanakufahamu wewe na wewe unawafahamu.Ni wale ambao wako tayari kukosoa biashara/huduma yako na kukupa ushauri wa kuboresha.Ni wale ambao wanapopata nafasi watatangaza biashara yako kwa ndugu,jirani na marafiki zao.Ni wale ambao wanashauku yakujua ingizo lako jipya sokoni na wapo tayari kukusaidia kufanikiwa kwa kukutia moyo haswa pale mambo yanapokuwa magumu.Jamii hii,ambayo aghalabu ni ndogo ndio haswa ambayo unahitaji kushughulika nayo,kuwajali,kuwapa huduma safi,kuwatengenezea utaratibu mzuri wa kuwasiliana nao,kujenga mahusiano na urafiki ili hatimaye wote kwa pamoja kufika kwenye malengo ambayo kila mmoja amejiwekea. Ni kwa msingi huu basi, nawaasa wajasiriamali kutopoteza muda wao kujaribu kumfikia kila mtu wakiwa na imani kwamba kufanya hivyo ndio muarobaini wa mafanikio yao ya kibiashara,kwani dhana hii ni potofu na si tu kwamba itawachelewesha kufikia malengo yao bali kufanya hivyo kutawafanya wapoteze hata wateja wao walio waaminifu.


The Karibu Travel Market Tanzania has been organized by the Tanzania Association of Tour Operators and was a 3-day International Travel Market attracting participants, business men and women and public visitors from East Africa, Central & the Southern African territories. KARIBU Travel Market Tanzania 2016 had a superb, secure, new and more convenient venue in a natural setting with ideally designed layout and new exhibition tents. This year, KARIBU Travel Market Tanzania held at the Magereza grounds opposite the International school of moshi Arusha campus. Karibu Travel Market Tanzania has since grown into Africa's second biggest tourism event of the year and one of the most competitive and most dedicated Travel Markets for the East & Central African region. Formerly the event was centered on informal networking and developing relationships amongst all stakeholders within the Tourism industry in an atmosphere similar to a fair. It now however serves a wider purpose, with intensiďŹ ed market opportunities, superior quality, increased professionalism in great surroundings that provide more services to the exhibitors, delegates, VIPs and visitors. The overriding goal of Karibu Travel Market Tanzania is to bring the whole of East Africa to one place, at the same time, providing overseas tour agents the perfect opportunity to meet and network with members of the East African tourism industry. It also is the perfect opportunity to launch new destinations, facilities and products to overseas agents.



Magazine | June’16


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Lake Natron Camp




Magazine | June’16





Physically, nothing is more reinvigorating than a deep, healthy sweat every day. Tension fades. Muscles unwind. All with good reasons; much has been said of the health benefits due to sauna bathing. Mentally, we emerge relaxed, revived and ready for whatever the day may bring. A Sauna is a small room or building designed as a place to experience dry or wet heat sessions, or an establishment with one or more of these facilities. Sauna culture has spread all over the world in modern times. This is because of the recognition of health benefits offered by a sauna session, by therapists and common people, alike. In this article, we look into some of the expected/unexpected health benefits of a sauna:-

3. Saunas Relieve Stress Heat bathing in a sauna provides stress relief in a number of ways. It’s a warm, quiet space without any distractions coming from the outside. As we like to say, "Step into a Finnleo sauna, and close the door on the rest of the world." The heat from the sauna relaxes the body's muscles, improves circulation and stimulates the release of endorphins. Endorphins are the body’s all-natural "feel good" chemical and their release provide a truly wonderful "after sauna glow”.

1. Saunas Flush Toxins One of the ways the human body removes toxins from the body is through sweat. Profound sweating is a highly effective way to remove toxins the body might have absorbed in several ways. And, sauna does just that. In the intense heat sessions in sauna, a lot of sweating can be experienced, which helps flushing toxins from the body in a great way.

4. Sauna Cleanses The Skin Heat bathing is one of the oldest beauty and/or health strategies in terms of cleansing one's skin. When the body begins to produce sweat via deep sweating, the skin is then cleansed and dead skin cells are replaced - keeping your skin in good working condition. Sweating rinses bacteria out of the epidermal layer and sweat ducts. Cleansing of the pores has been shown to improve the capillary circulation, while giving the skin a softer-looking quality. Note that Sauna usage is certainly not a cure for acne, but it can very often help - due to the deep cleansing it provides from a deep sweat: that is, cleaning the pores from the very inside out - instead of just cleaning the top of the skin.

2. Saunas Help In Weight Loss Sauna therapy is a great way for weight loss, with minimal effort. During a sauna bath, the heart rate increases substantially due to the dry heat. Scientific calibrations suggest that a 20-minute session at around 170 degrees Fahrenheit burns over 500 calories. The body’s metabolism speeds up similar to the way it does from physical exercise and is a great method to maintain weight.

5. Saunas Bring About Recreational and social Benefits. While the social benefit is rarely talked about, it's really actually quite important. The sauna can be a private, personal area of relaxation and solitude. However, it can just as easily be a relaxing environment for socializing with family, friends and soon-to-be friends. The sauna room environment is conducive to open, intimate and quiet conversation


Magazine | June’16



MAKUNDI MATANO YA VYAKULA VENYE AFYA Ufunguo wa lishe bore ni kuzingatia na kufurahia aina ya vyakula vyenye virutubisho kutoka katika kila moja ya makundi tano (5) vya chakula. Chuo cha utaďŹ ti cha lishe bora nchini Australia imefafanua jinsi makundi tano ya chakula jumuishi kwenye sahani moja na kipimo sahihi ambayo mwanadamu hasa hasa watoto wanapaswa kutumia kila itwapo leo. Kama ukila aina mbalimbali ya vyakula kutoka katika kila moja ya makundi haya, mwili wako utapata virutubisho vyote na vitamini ambayo unahitaji kufanya kazi. Makundi hayo matano ni: 1. Matunda (Fruits) Matunda huchangia kutoa vitamini, madini, nyuzi malazi (dietary ďŹ bers) na virutubisho vingi katika mimea, ambayo kusaidia mwili wa mtoto kuwa na afya.

3. Maziwa (Dairy) Vyakula katika kundi hili ni vyanzo bora vya kalsiamu, ambayo ni muhimu kuupa mwili nguvu, na afya ya mifupa. Si aina nyingi ya vyakula katika mlo wako wenye kalsiamu nyingi kama vile maziwa.

2. Vyakula nafaka ( Cereal/Grains Food) Daima chagua nafaka nzima au aina ya juu kwenye nyuzi ya mikate, nafaka, mchele, pasta (Tambi) nakadhalika. Mazao ya nafaka (kama vile keki au biskuti) vinaweza kuwa juu katika kuongeza sukari, mafuta na sodiamu.

4. Nyama, kuku, samaki, mayai na zaidi Mwili wetu hutumia protini tunayokula kutengeneza kemikali maalumu kama vile Haemoglobin Utengezaji wa damu pindi moja apopungukiwa) na adrenalin. Protini pia hujenga, hudhibiti na vile vile kutengeneza tishu katika mwili wetu, misuli na viungo (kama vile moyo).

5. Mboga, kunde na maharage Ni lazima kuifanya mboga sehemu kubwa ya ulaji wa chakula chako kila siku na katika kila mlo (ikiwa ni pamoja na vitafunio vya mara-snacks). Kwani mboga huchangia kutoa vitamini, madini, nyuzi malazi na phytonutrients (virutubisho vya kawaid katika mimea) na vile vile kusaidia mwili wako na mwanao kuwa na afya bora.



Magazine | June’16



Khan's BBQ

Le Patio


Chinese Whispers

Rivertrees Country Inn

The Fig and Olive

Mosque Street | City Centre, Arusha, Tanzania +255 754 652747

Njiro Road | Njiro road, Arusha, Tanzania +255 688 969669

The Blue Heron

Haille-Sellassie Road, Arusha, Tanzania +255 785 555127 Georges Tavern Hallie Selassie Road N 50, Arusha, Tanzania +255 782 943690

Onsea House Arusha

Baraa Road, Moshono Village, Arusha, Tanzania +255 689 103552

Haile Selasie Road, Arusha, Tanzania +255 687 701701

Arusha - Himo Road, Usa River, +255 732 971667

The River House

Haile Selassie Road Arusha, Tanzania +255 789 456321

Dodoma Road, Arusha, Tanzania +255 689 759067

Georges Tavern Hallie Selassie Road N 50, Arusha, Tanzania +255 782 943690


Kijenge Supermarket | Simone Rd Arusha, Tanzania +255 756 448585

Themi Road | Next to Tanesco Arusha, Tanzania +255 789 666518

The Baobab Restaurant 44/1 Serengeti Road Arusha, Tanzania


Kanisa Road, Plot 10A Arusha, Tanzania +255 757 009037


Boma Road, Arusha, Tanzania +255 684 746892


Simeon Road, Opp Hotel Impala Arusha, Tanzania +255 657 435464

Alpha Choice

Sokoine Rd | Nakumatt Plaza Arusha, Tanzania +255 688 813954

Sokoine Rd. | City centre Arusha, Tanzania +255 735 303030

Kilimanjaro Spur

Old Moshi Road | Serengeti Street Arusha, Tanzania +255 (27) 2543048

Mango Tree Bar & Lounge Njiro Rd | Nane Nane Area Arusha, Tanzania +255 767 186281


ZIFAHAMU SIFA ZAKE - Huzalisha matunda mengi, hadi matunda 150 kwa kila shina - Matunda yake makubwa, wastani wa gramu 130 - 150 - Matunda yana ganda nene, huwezesha usafirishaji wa soko la mbali bila kuharibika, na matunda kudumu muda mrefu baada ya kuchoma. - Huchumwa kwa kipindi cha wiki 5 - 6 - Hustawi ukanda wa chini na wa kati.

Monica F1: Hybrid



P.O. BOX 25 Arusha,Tanzania - East Africa +255 759 492 222 | +255 756 275 889


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