LiMA Sept'17

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Kutoka kwa Mhariri

Wakati nchi za Afrika mashariki na kati zikikabiliwa na ongezeko la ukosefu wa ajira, hususan kwa vijana, sekta ya kilimo inabaki kuwa mkombozi pekee aliyebakia. Kilimo ni biashara ambayo ukiifanya kwa njia za kisasa na kufuata ushauri wa kitaalamu una faida kubwa sana kulinganisha na biashara zingine kwani hata hivyo biashara karibu zote kutoa kilimo ni biashara za msimu ambapo kuna wakati biashara hizo hazina ulazima katika maisha ya mwanadamu. Hapo zamani watu walidhani kilimo ni kazi ya watu waishio kijijini na waliokosa ajira zingine lakini sio kweli na wengi wetu sasa tumeelewa na kutambua siri ya mafanikio katika sekta ya kilimo na baadhi tayari wameshajikita katika sekta hii na tayari wameshapata mafanikio makubwa ingawa uhaba wa mvua unaweza kuzua utata kwenye sekta ya kilimo. Kuna njia mbalimbali za kuzuia tatizo hili ambapo ni kama kilimo cha umwagiliaji, kilimo cha mzunguko (ambapo utalima kulingana na hali ya hewa iliyopo kwa kipindi tofauti) Kwa matokeo ya kilimo biashara yanayoonekana kwa waliokubali swala hili ni dhahiri sana kwamba kilimo ni biashara nzuri sana ya kufanya na ina manufaa makubwa sana kwa mkulima.

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Wellness Tips: 04 | Embrace your Vitamins

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Makala 08 | Ufugaji wa Ng’ombe

15 | Makala Umuhimu wa mkulima kujifunza mbinu mpya za kilimo cha kisasa


September, 2017

Are you Looking for Heightened &


sustained levels of EnergY? EMBRACE YOUR VITAMINS. by: Jennifer Ayoti - Wellness Coach, Nutritionist

Did you know that lack of Vitamin B6 or Pyridoxine leads to loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, irritability, convulsion and dermatitis? Well, if you did- well done. If you didn’t, don’t worry, many of us don’t realize what role vitamins play in our well-being. When was the last time you had your vitamin levels checked? Here is a quick summary of why you should be aware of the vital role vitamins play in your body. The main vitamins that the body needs are A, B group, C, D, E and K. Vitamins and minerals are often referred to collectively as micronutrients. Micronutrients often work together to perform a job within the body. That is why it is so important to eat a varied balanced diet so that a good range of vitamins and minerals can be obtained. The role of Vitamins within the body is to regulate certain bodily functions, help in the building of body tissues, bone and blood and to help the body metabolize fats, carbs and proteins which enables the body to obtain energy from the food we eat. So if you are a high performer looking for heightened and sustained levels of energy, you now know what to eat! Today, let’s see how the Vitamin B group contributes to our energy and well-being. The B group of vitamins consists of vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 and B12. Vitamin B1- Thiamine This is a water soluble vitamin, so cannot be stored in the body and therefore needs to be topped up daily. It acts as a coenzyme to release energy from the carbohydrates, fats and alcohol that is put into the body. It is also involved in the transmission of nerve signals and the formation of collagen in the skin. It’s also a mild diuretic. Deficiency of B1 can result to the conditition; Beri beri and it is sometimes seen in alcoholics as a form of dementia. Some of the symptoms include; • Fatigue • Depression • Headache • Insomnia • Irritability • Anorexia


September, 2017

Vitamin B1 is found in; Lean pork, unrefined cereals, Nuts, seeds and nuts. Vitamin B2/ Riboflavin It is also a water soluble vitamin and has to be topped up daily. All the B vitamins are water soluble. As with B1, vitamin B2 also acts as a coenzyme. It helps the body use and digest carbohydrates and proteins. It also acts as an antioxidant. It also protects the mucous membranes. Although acute deficiencies in B2 are rare, symptoms that suggest a person is not receiving enough B2 are; • Cracks around the nose and mouth • Fatigue and • Depression. Absorption of calcium, iron and zinc may also be affected during deficiency. The people most at risk of deficiency are older people, who may not absorb the vitamin efficiently from their food. Vitamin B2 is found in most foods of animal origin, E.g. Eggs, Milk, Fish, Meat, it is also found in whole grain products and dark green leafy vegetables. Vitamin B3/ Niacin As a water soluble vitamin, excess B3 is eliminated from the body in urine. B3 is involved in energy production, DNA repair, fatty acid synthesis and antioxidant functions. It also helps regulate blood glucose. Therapeutically, nicotinic acid, a form of niacin, can be used to lower cholesterol levels. Deficiencies in vitamin B3 can cause: • Irritability • Fatigue • Depression • Anxiety • Sore patches on the skin • Sore mouth and tongue Vitamin B3 is found in; Liver, Nuts, Tuna, Chicken, Halibut, Mushrooms. Please note if you are going to supplement B3, High doses of niacin supplements can cause uncomfortable flushes on the hand Supplements consisting of niacinamide are less likely to cause flushes.

Vitamin B5/ pantothenic acid The active form of B5 is coenzyme A which is vital for life. It is involved in energy production and the synthesis of hormones, fatty acids, proteins and neurotransmitters (chemical messengers) Although deficiencies are generally thought to be rare, Some Symptoms of deficiency include: • Fatigue • Headache • Depression • Insomnia • Muscle aches • Anemia • Numbness and burning in lower legs and feet Vitamin B5 is found in many foods. Good sources include; Chicken, Beef, Potatoes, Oats, Tomatoes, Liver, Kidney, Yeast, Egg yolk, Broccoli, Whole grains. Vitamin B5 is also manufactured by the beneficial bacteria in the colon. Vitamin B6/ Pyridoxine As a water soluble vitamin, excess B6 is eliminated from the body in urine. Vitamin B6 helps the body process and release energy from proteins and fats. It’s essential in ensuring that the body gets the energy and nutrients it needs from food. It also helps the body to form hemoglobin- substance that carries oxygen around the body. It is also key to sex hormone function and is often prescribed for menstrual difficulties including PMS.

Vitamin B12 helps the nervous system run smoothly and keeps it healthy. It helps release energy from food, and is essential in processing folic acid in the body. Vitamin B12 also helps the body manufacture red blood cells. Deficiencies in vitamin B12 can cause; • Anaemia • Nerve damage. Vegans and vegetarians are likely to become deficient in vitamin B12, as this vitamin is only found in animal products. B12 deficiency is also common in the elderly. • As B12 is needed for the metabolism of homocysteine, deficiency can contribute to the risk of developing cardiovascular disease. Here is a summary;

Deficiencies in vitamin B6 can • Cause skin rashes • An upset stomach, and • Damage to nerves in infants. • Convulsions • Anemia

• All B vitamins are water soluble. This means they cannot be stored in the body. If there is an excess of a water soluble vitamin in the body, it’s simply eliminated in urine. Vitamin B12 is the exception because it can be stored in the liver long term.

Milder deficiency symptoms include: • Depression • Irritability • Anxiety • Sores at the corner of the Mouth • Mouth ulcers • A sore tongue

• Most of the vitamins needed by the body are not created in the body, but are gained from food therefore eating a well balanced, healthy diet is important to keep the body in tip top condition.

Vitamin B6 is found in: Chicken, Pork, Lamb, Fish, Liver, Eggs, Whole grains, Beer, Milk, Brown rice, Soya beans, Potatoes, Nuts and Dark green vegetables.

• As vitamins and minerals work in synergy together it is always best to ensure that you do not supplement single vitamin or mineral supplements. Supplementing single vitamin and mineral supplements can be dangerous. For example taking single supplements of the antioxidant vitamins A and E without adequate vitamin C is particularly dangerous as it may result in more free radicals being created in the body resulting in more damage to cells.

VITAMIN B9/FOLIC ACID or Folate Folic acid is vital for fetal growth and the development of healthy nerves, cells as well as protein metabolism. Folic acid alongside B6 and B12 is needed for the metabolism of homocysteine- An Amino acid that is produced by the human body usually as a byproduct of consuming meat. A deficiency may contribute to a greater risk of heart disease. Deficiency can also contribute to some forms of anemia. Deficiencies in folic acid famously cause birth defects in babies such as spina bifida. This is one of the main reasons why pregnant mothers are advised to take folic acid by their doctors. Folic acid is found in; Green leafy vegetables, Nuts and seeds, Fortified cereals and milks, Wheat germ and Eggs VITAMIN B12 As a water soluble vitamin, excess B12 is eliminated from the body in urine.

• B vitamins have a lot of important functions including providing energy to our cells. They control immune function, hormones, mood, sleep, nerves, circulation and digestion. Vitamin B12, for example, supports the production of white blood cells, which are essential components of the immune system. When your body is low in Vitamin B12, the white blood cell count is lowered, which in turn weakens the immune system, making it more inclined to mistakenly attacking its own cells- rogue immune system = Auto immune conditions Deficiency in most of the discussed B vitamins, lead to Anemia and fatigue among other energy draining symptoms. If you are seeking for heightened and sustained levels of energy (high performance) be sure to have your B vitamins in check! September, 2017



UFUGAJI WA NG’OMBE Ng’ombe wanafugwa kwa ajili ya nyama na maziwa lakini pia hutoa mazao mengine kama ngozi,mbolea na hutumika kama wanyama kazi. Zaidi ya asilimia 95 ya ng’ombe wanaofugwa hapa nchini ni wa asili ambao huzalisha nyama na maziwa kwa kiwango kidogo ikilinganishwa na wale wachache walioboreshwa.

mifugo. Ng’ombe watengwe kulingana na umri wao. • Zizi lifanyiwe usafi mara kwa mara na • Liwe na sehemu ya kukamulia (kwa ng’ombe wa maziwa), stoo ya vyakula, sehemu ya kutolea huduma za kinga na tiba, eneo la kulishia na maji ya kunywa.

Ng’ombe walioboreshwa wamegawanyika katika makundi mawili, wale wanaofugwa kwa ajili ya nyama na wanaofugwa kwa ajili ya maziwa. Ili kuwawezesha ng’ombe kuzalisha mazao bora ya nyama, maziwa na ngozi mfugaji anapaswa kufuata kanuni za ufugaji bora ambazo ni pamoja na:-

ZIZI BORA Zizi lijengwe sehemu ya mwinuko isiyoruhusu maji kutuama mbali kidogo na makazi ya watu na liwe na sifa zifuatazo:-

• Kufuga ng’ombe katika eneo kwa kuzingatia uwianao wa idadi ya ng’ombe na malisho katika mfumo wa ufugaji huria. • Kujenga banda au zizi bora. • Kuchagua koo/aina ya ng’ombe kulingana na uzalishaji (nyama au maziwa). • Kutunza makundi mbalimbali ya ng’ombe kulinga na umri na hatua ya uzalishaji. • Kudhibiti magonjwa ya ng’ombe kama inavyoshauriwa na mtaalamu wa mifugo. • Kuvuna mifugo katika umri na uzito muafaka kulingana na mahitaji ya soko. • Kuzalisha maziwa, nyama na ngozi zinazokidhi viwango vya ubora na usalama. • Kutunza kumbukumbu za uzalishaji na matukio muhimu ya ufugaji. BANDA/ZIZI BORA LA NG’OMBE BANDA BORA Banda lijengwe sehemu ya mwinuko mbali kidogo na makazi ya watu na liwe na sifa zifuatazo:- Uwezo wa kumkinga ng’ombe dhidi ya mvua, upepo, jua kali na baridi. • Kuta imara zenye matundu au madirisha kwa ajili ya kuingiza hewa na mwanga wa kutosha, • Sakafu yenye mwinuko upande mmoja ili isiruhusu maji na uchafu kutuama. • Lijengwe katika hali ya kuruhusu kufanyiwa usafi kwa urahisi kila siku, na sakafu ngumu ya zege au udongo ulioshindiliwa na kuweka malalo. • Paa lisilovuja Aidha kwa wafugaji wanaofuga katika ufugaji huria ambako mazizi hutumika, inashauriwa kuzingatia yafuatayo:• Zizi likae mahali pa mwinuko pasiporuhusu maji kutuama. • Zizi liweze kukinga mifugo dhidi ya wezi na wanyama hatari. • Ukubwa wa zizi uzingatie idadi na umri wa


September, 2017

• Liweze kuhakikisha usalama wa ng’ombe. • Ukubwa wa zizi uzingatie idadi ya mifugo. • Liwe na sakafu ya udongo ulioshindiliwa vizuri na kufanyiwa usafi mara kwa mara • Zizi la ndama liwe na paa na lijengwe kwa vifaa madhubuti na visivyoharibu ngozi. UCHAGUZI WA KOO NA AINA YA NG’OMBE WA KUFUGA Kwa ufugaji wenye tija, mfugaji anashauriwa kuchagua koo na aina ya ng’ombe kwa kuzingatia malengo ya ufugaji (nyama au maziwa). NG’OMBE WA NYAMA Ng’ombe wanaofaa kufugwa kwa ajili ya uzalishaji nyama ni wale wanaokua kwa haraka na kuweka misuli mikubwa iliyojengeka vizuri. Baadhi ya koo zenye sifa hizo ni pamoja na Boran, Mpwapwa (nyama na maziwa), Charolais, Aberdeen Angus, pamoja na chotara wao. Hata hivyo, nchini Tanzania ng’ombe aina ya Zebu (mfano Ufipa,Gofo, Masai, Sukuma, Tarime, Iringa red), Sanga (Ankole) na chotara wao ndio hutumika kama ng’ombe. NG’OMBE WA MAZIWA Sifa za ng’ombe wa maziwa zifuatazo:• Umbo lililopanuka kwa nyuma na kupungua kuelekea kichwani. • Mgongo ulionyooka kuanzia mabegani kuelekea mkiani • Miguu ya nyuma mirefu iliyonyooka, minene yenye kuacha nafasi kwa ajili ya kiwele na kwato imara. • Kiwele kiwe kikubwa chenye chuchu nne, ndefu na unene wa wastani • Nafasi kati ya chuchu na chuchu iwe ya kutosha na Endapo ng’ombe anakamuliwa awe na kiwele kikubwa kilichoshikamana vizuri mwilini, na mishipa mikubwa kwenye kiwele iliyosambaa. Aina ya ng’ombe wa maziwa wanaofugwa kwa wingi nchini ni pamoja na Friesian, Ayrshire, jersey, Mpwapwa, Simmental na chotara watokanao na mchangoayiko wa aina hizo na Zebu.



Habari rafiki na mpenzi msomaji wa Jarida la LIMA. Katika Makala yetu ya leo tunaangalia namna au jinsi ya kuendesha kiimo cha kisasa kilicho bora kwa madhumuni mbalimbali ikiwemo kukabiliana na changamoto mbaliimbali zinazoikabili sekta ya kilimo ambapo kama mkulima utaweza kukabiliana nazo na kuondokana na umaskini unaotajwa juu ya watu wanaojihusisha na kilimo. Kuna aina mbili kuu za kilimo, aina ya kwanza ni kilimo cha nje yaani outdoor farming hiki ni kilimo ambacho hutegemea mvua au umwagiliaji ambapo mkulima anaejihusisha na kilimo hiki hana uwezo wa kutawala kiwango cha maji au jua. Aina ya pili ni kilimo cha kitalu nyumba yaani greenhouse farming. Kilimo hichi hufanyika ndani ya nyumba maalumu iliyotengenezwa aina maalumu ya vifaa vinavyoruhusu mwangaza kupenya kwa ndani, na pembeni huwekwa nyavu zinazoruhusu hewa kuingia na kutoka na chini huwekwa mpira ambao ni maalumu kwa ajili ya kufanya umwagiliaji wa zao lako Kuna faida nyingi za kulima kilimo cha kisasa na kilimo hiki hutofautiana kulingana na mazao yanayolimwa. Tuangalie kwa kina faida za kilimo cha kisasa kwa aina ya pili ya kilimo (kitalu nyumba) ambazo baadhi yake ni kama • Kilimo cha kitalu nyumba haihitaji gharama kubwa • Kilimo hiki sio kilimo cha msimu, mazao yake unaweza kuyavuna kwa mwaka mzima • Mazao yako hayaliwi na wadudu wala magonjwa • Unapata mazao mara 10 ya anayelima kwenye shamba la kawaida kwani unachokiotesha hakitashambuliwa na wadudu, hakitaunguzwa na jua wala kuozeshwa na maji mengi. Ikumbukwe kwamba ili mkulima aweze kupata faida anapaswa kupata mavuno mengi kwenye eneo lake ambapo pia atahitaji kuyauza kwa bei ambayo itamrudishia gharama alizotumia na kupata faida zaidi.

Baada ya kujua aina za kilimo na umuhimu wa kilimo cha kisasa kuna baadhi ya kanuni zinazoweza kutumika ili kufanya kilimo chako kua biashara, na zifuatazo ni baadhi ya kanuni hizo:• NJIA YA KWANZA NI KUUKUZA MMEA KWA HALI NZURI NA YA KISASA Ni muhimu kwa mkulima kujiuliza je katika msimu huu ni mmea gani ninastahili kupanda? Kulingana na misimu tofauti mkulima anapaswa kujua ni mmea gani wa kupanda na kwa wakati gani. Ni muhimu basi mkulima afanye makadirio ya gharama za mmea anaotarajia kupanda na kujua faida kutokana na mmea huo • NJIA YA PILI NI KUJUA WAKATI WA KUPANDA MBEGU Kwa mkulima anaejihusisha na kilimo kama biashara ni muhimu ajue je ni muda gani sahihi wa kupanda mbegu husika? Kwa wakulima wengi wanadhani muda wa kupanda mbegu ni muda wa mvua tu, La hasha! Wakati wa kupanda mbegu Fulani utatambulika vyema kwa kuzingatia mambo Fulani katika soko kama ni wakati au muda gani mmea wako utakomaa, wakati uhitaji wa zao Fulani ni mkubwa katika soko na wakati bei ya mazao ni nzuri kwa mkulima. • NJIA YA TATU NI MAHALI PA KUKUZIA MBEGU Mmea huleta mazao mazuri na kwa wingi endapo utapandwa eneo ambalo kitaalamu udongo wake utaendana na zao hilo, hivyo mkulima anapaswa kujua aina ya udongo unaofaa kwa zao husika na kwa njia tofauti aidha aupime udongo wake au aulize historia ya eneo hilo analotegemea kwenda kupanda mmea wake kwa wakati gani. Pia mkulima anapaswa kujua magonjwa yanayoikumba eneo husika , pamoja na hayo pia mkulima anapaswa kujihakikishia kua mvua ikinyesha mazao yake yatakua salama katika eneo hilo. • NJIA YA NNE NI UPANDAJI NA UKUZAJI Ili kilimo chako kikuletee manufaa na uweze kupata faida kubwa ni muhimu kuzingatia mbambo yafuatayo, UTAYARISHAJI SHAMBA ni muhimu, shamba litayarishwe lipasavyo kwa kuchimba kikamilifu, kuondoa nyasi, magugu na kuinua mchanga kimo cha sm 5. Ili kuboresha mazao na yapatikane kwa wingi ni muhimu mkulima atumie mbinu zilizo na gharama ya chini lakini apate faida kubwa . • NJIA YA TANO NI KUJUA WATEJA WAKO Wateja wa siku hizi wanajali sana ubora wa mazao na afya zao hivyo ni muhimu sana mkulima kutambua mahitaji na matakwa ya mteja/wateja wake kabla ya kupanda na kutunza mimea yoyote.

September, 2017


EVENT BY PICTURES NAIROBI INTERNATIONAL SHOW The show this year was huge! Was Fresh! The Society was running under a new theme, “Promoting Innovation And Technology In Agriculture And Trade�. Attendants were guaranteed to find the best array of Agriculture products and services, the best emerging Technologies and Innovations, advanced Equipment and a rich network of diverse business ventures among many more. The event have registered over 300 local/regional exhibitors and 120 international exhibitors from diverse industries to benefit the attendants.


September, 2017

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