Limin Times

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'1*$". 1&"Don’t miss the latest show from The Cada Players, who are staging yet another live, original and sparkling production called “African Dream.” %pening nights are this Saturday, 26th April at pm and Sunday, 2 th April at 6pm – all at the Sir Rupert Briercliffe Hall in Road Town, where new lighting, a pro7ection system and creative staging welcome you to “sit back and en7oy”. The performance is based on a $igerian folktale that seeks an answer to “who’s the greatest – wind, fire or rain7” The story is brought to life through vibrant dance, earthy humor and original live music. Producer, oanne Penney, tells us “This is our th episode of “acting up” for the greater good, as we continue to help develop performance art here in the B+I and raise money for the children in Haiti supported by our sister group, Hands %n +olunteers.” The show is directed by oanne’s daughter and trained dancer, Sarah Penney, who said, “,e have !amau Neorges, Dylan Penn, Akim ohnson, Dalan +anterpool and Dame Peters creating music for a spectrum of dance styles including ,est African trib-

al dance, modern African Hip Hop, Samba, Lyrical azz and more. There is also lots of mischief in the storytelling and we are very proud of our new production.” Sarah continued, “ or most of the dancers, the genres we’re showcasing are new and the development has been challenging! but so very rewarding. or the past four months, rehearsals have been several days a week for the show’s 20 dancers, siE musicians and countless behind the scenes helpers. The hours and hours of rehearsals really show in the final product, and the fact that we are dancing for a greater cause and furthering the creative arts here at home is a double win ” The Cada Players was created in and, through shows such as this, the group raises the funds needed to feed, house, clothe and educate the children of Harmony House in Port au Prince, who are all orphans of poverty from the earth>uake in 20 0. So, grab your tickets today at +anterpool’s, Tortola EEpress or the ,atering Hole, or buy online at urther performances for “African Dream” are slated for May rd and th, for more information call -2 2 .

Vol. 26, No. 32 • Apr 24 - 30, 2014

Ask Koren ; 1*& *.; ; &1 ; /23 C)*,; Ask Koren Dear !oren,

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My cousin lost her child about four months ago and she is not getting over it. I think this whole thing will affect her permanently because she is angry and saying nobody helped her with the child. The child was born sick and she knew the child wouldn’t live long. It’s hard on everybody but I think she is making it harder on herself. How can we as a family really help her to stop stress herself out before she get sick7 –Cousin

she won’t be overprotective of any other children she has or maybe even be afraid to have more children. There is no timeline for grieving, so do not pressure her. Rather, try to be supportive by listening to her vent, being there for her when she needs you and offering to help her to preserve the memories of her child in some special way. Anger is a normal part of the grieving process, but if you feel like her loss is really affecting her life and her emotional or mental health, then ask her permission to speak with a pastor or professional counselor and accompany her to the first visit if that will help. The entire family might benefit from such an intervention. $othing is wrong with admitting we need help. If there are other children in the home, please make a special effort to ensure that they do not feel that the child that is gone is all that matters and they are being ignored. Ensure that they are shown love and attention because they are the survivors who can help to bring some 7oy back to the family. Continue to be as understanding as you can and support each other during this difficult time.

Dear Cousin, - our willingness to help your relative as she grieves for her child is very good but you must understand that losing a child is a very traumatic eEperience and one that many persons will never “get over”. Most mothers have a protective instinct so that when she loses a child, she feels a sense of helplessness and feels like enough was not done – because really and truly, what is considered enough when you have a child who is sick and whose life is hanging in the balance7 It is sad. She had to watch her child struggle and eventually die and yes it will affect her for a long time and maybe even permanently because she will never forget. The ideal goal is that she reaches a point of acceptance and continues to have a fulfilling life. That doesn’t mean that occasionally she won’t cry or that

Lime ... “to hang around idly” or “to go out on the town.” SourceQ The Dictionary of +irgin Islands English Creole by the late educator and historian Lito Valls. The Limin’ Times brings you all the news about when and where to “lime” in the British Virgin Islands. : Yc Yd’ HYc Ti 5dkThkPYdc Tdk 7 l YST

Send your >uestions confidentially to askkorenQ or via twitter at Q korennorton

,hile every effort is made to ensure that information is correct, we cannot accept responsibility for any errors, changes in schedules, ads or other information in this magazine, which is intended as a guide only. If you have an entertainment event coming up that you would like published, give us a call at -2 . Special $oticeQ Purchase of advertising space in this publication does not guarantee editorial coverage of any event.


Published weekly by Island Publishing Services. Caribbean Printing Company Limited, Pasea Estate, P.%. BoE , Road Town, Tortola, B.+.I. arlenaQ, I 20 Publisher Q EditorQ Claudia Colli Associate EditorQ Arlena St. Hilaire ,riter Q Editorial AssistantQ an Critchley TelQ -2 ! aEQ -6Q


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; ; ; ; ; *; ; rom Director, Ridley Scott, A Q ood - ear Q 2006Q is a heartwarming story about aggressive, bond trader MaE Skinner Q Russell CroweQ , who upon hearing about his Q ncle Henry’s death – learns that he has inherited a chateauE and vineyard in Provence, rance. Initially, he travels to Provence to prepare the property for a >uick sale, but fate steps in and after a catalogue of disasters which includes knocking local cafHowner, anny Chenel Q Marion CotillardQ and her bicycle off the road, he misses his flight and his company suspends him for a week. So, he decides to stay in rance and make the property ready for sale. He must also deal with rancis Duflot Q Didier BourdonQ who fears that the sale of the property will separate him from his precious vines – so rancis pays the vineyard inspector to tell MaE that the soil is bad and the vines worthless. They are all surprised by the arrival of the young Christie Roberts Q Abby CornishQ who is backpacking through Europe and presents herself as Henry’s illegitimate daughter, looking for her long lost father. MaE is also enamored by the very beautiful yet feisty local cafHowner anny Chenal, and although he does charm her into spending the night with him, she leaves early the neEt morning eEpecting MaE to return to his life in London. Christie, having learned that MaE intends to sell the chateau and betray

: Yc Yd’ HYc Ti 5dkThkPYdc Tdk 7 l YST


Henry’s passion also leaves, so MaE sells the estate and returns to his life in London. However, he feels differently about his life now and his company offers him a choice, whereby he can take a settlement including lots of zeros or take a partnership in the trading firm where he would be “made for life.” MaE, having seen how different life can be, chose the former and cleverly negates the sale of the estate by orchestrating through a forged letter from Henry that Christie has a valid claim on the property. He puts up his London residence for sale and returns to Provence, enters into a relationship with anny, while Christie and rancis work happily together running the vineyard. This is a great, feel-good movie about someone who thinks he has it all – but when faced with a different kind of reality, has the courage to change his life for the better.



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3hTPkYdV Gc YbTi Q ive your children a special treat and help other children in need. Q n Saturday, 26th April, kids aged between Q and Q Q years old can swim with the dolphins at Dolphin Discovery for free by donating a toy that is new or in good condition. Children under eight can also swim for free with an accompanying adult who would pay the reduced price of Q 2Q . This offer applies to all Dolphin Discovery operations and the toys are donated to a local children’s charity. or more information and reservations call Q Q Q -Q 6Q Q today.

tions and barriers Q create clarity, purpose and positive change in their lives.” The first workshop is on Tuesday, April 2Q th from Q -Q pm in The Moorings conference room and is entitled, “Q etting Q nstuckQ Moving orward” and three more will follow Q see Ad on Page Q Q for dates, prices and topicsQ . - ou can choose any combination of sessions that are right for you – or register for all four and save Q Q Q . To register, e-mail LyndaQ or call her on Q Q 2-Q 2Q 6.

GbYSTi Wen eU C bS HehkebP Don’t miss Penny Haycraft’s famous Slideshow of Q ld Tortola that will be held at Sharky’s at the BQ I - acht Club on Tuesday, 2Q th April at 6Q Q 0pm. Penny started taking photos in Q Q 60 when she first came to Tortola and since then her collection has grown thanks to the generosity of others. The earliest images are from the Tattersall family who inherited photos from the people who built the “Purple Palace” which date back to the mid-fifties. There will be food and drinks available and tickets are Q Q 0 on the door.

6Yi WOB : Yc T 1 ddYmThi Php Head to the ish N$ Lime for their Q st Anniversary Party on Saturday, 26th April. “Dive into Atlantis” is the theme and there will be prizes for the best costumes. There will be Q Q drink specials, the famous photo booth and live music from Al and Hot Sauce from Q pm. So dive in – it’s going to be one hot nightQ

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Do you feel you need some direction or clarity in your lifeQ If so, look no further as Dr. Lynda Reid, EdD ACC, an associate of Smith and Associates is here to help with The Evolution of - ou workshop series. Dr Lynda said, “The four workshops are designed to help people move beyond their limita-

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En7oy an interesting evenings entertainment with music and poems about the Sky and learn about the mysteries of the telescope at Q pm on Saturday, 26th April, at the Auditorium at HLSCC. Tickets are Q Q 0 for adults and Q Q for children and all proceeds will be used to help restore the Q bservatory at Spouthead.

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By Claudia Colli

; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; A few years ago I had the opportunity to search for rare and endangered plants with staff from the BQ I $ational Parks Trust and botanists from ! ew Nardens, the world famous botanical gardens located in London. Through the Millennium Seed Bank Pro7ect ! ew, botanists with the help of staff from the $ational Parks Trust collect seeds from endangered plants, dry and store them for the proverbial “rainy day.” Q f these half are sent to ! ew Nardens special seed bank facility in England and the other half are kept here at the .R. Q ’$eal Botanic Nardens. Many of these rare species are also propagated at the nursery at the Botanic Nardens as an insurance policy that the species will carry on, even if it is lost in the wild. It was interesting to tag along with a group of people who can spot a rare plant amongst rocks and scrub while a layman like me would waltz right past it, and in a worse case scenario, crush it underfoot. The botanists not only collected samples but using a handheld computer recorded its eEact position, which will be fed into the $ational Neographic Information System Q NISQ and can later be used by the Planning Department when considering development applications. This March, the ! ew scientists were back on Tortola to discover more rare specimens – and at a meeting at the Botanic Nardens they discussed some of their latest findings. Among these is the discovery on Anegada of new stands of the rare endemic plant known as Senna pollyphylla var neglecta, which according to the scientists will give this delicate plant with the big name a much greater chance for survival. This is a team effort, and even when the ! ew researchers are not on island, sharp-eyed staff members from the $ational Parks continue to traverse the islands looking for that special find.


After the lecture, I went out with the ! ew botanists and members of the $ational Parks Trust to look at the Botanic Narden’s Conservation Narden of rare endemic and endangered plants. Here the Senna pollyphylla is growing along with several other native plants including the lignum vitae, known for its eEtremely hard wood, the Acacia anegadensis, locally called the “Poke Me Boy” because of its thorns, and the aptly named Mad Dog Q Malpighia woodburyanaQ whose leaves irritate the skin when touched. Eventually the $ational Parks Trust hopes to feature native species throughout the garden. They also are encouraging home gardeners to plant the natives as an alternative to imported eEotics which can carry pests and disease that endanger the endemics and their habitats. Many of these rare endemics will be propagated at the Botanic Nardens and eventually offered for sale to the general public. I’m not the gardener in my family, but I do en7oy our garden as a peaceful oasis in a hectic world. I also appreciate how important preserving the earth’s rare and endangered plant life is and the efforts towards this end that are being made by the $ational Parks Trust and their partners at ! ew Nardens. ; ;

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