Now in its 26th Year! July 31 - Aug 13, 2014 Vol. 26, No. 46-47
Your Free Guide To our islands’ Happenings
al Speci l a Festiv e Doubl Issue
This Week’s Feature Story by Jan Critchley
Cultural 60th Anniversary of Festival This year is the 60th Anniversary of Festival and
Razor Blades and enjoy storytelling, dancing and other
more than ever the celebrations are plentiful with
something for everyone to enjoy. There are some new
The Freedom March will start at 3pm on Sunday,
features this year as well as old favorites, such as the
August 3rd from opposite Government House and will
Carrot Bay Cultural Fiesta, which draws on our history
wind down Waterfront Drive to the Sunday Morning
and helps to keep important traditions alive.
Well, where at 4pm, the annual Emancipation Service will be held.
Lynette Harrigan, Niché Marketing Manager for the
The Rise and Shine
BVI Tourist Board said, "The
Tramp begins at 4am on
60th Anniversary of Festival
Monday, 4th August fol-
is a significant milestone for
lowed by the Sunrise Service
the BVI and we welcome
at the Admin Complex at
everyone to come out and
7am. At around 11am, one of
share in this celebration of
the most anticipated August
our rich culture and tradi-
Monday Parade’s in recent
history will begin with over 60 entries this year. This
Not to be missed is the Cultural Food Fair on Friday, 1st August at the Noel
grand and colorful parade will feature many troops as
Lloyd Park where vendors will be selling delicious local
they dance their way along Waterfront Drive to Festival
food, such as doved pork, whelk stew, steam fish and
Village where more live entertainment awaits.
coconut dumplings, local drinks and other treats.
On Tuesday, 5th August, after the Rise and Shine
Wander through the stalls to the live sounds of the
Tramp, head to the QE11 Park for lots to eat and free Cont. on page 17
Vol. 26, No. 46-47 • July 31, 2014 - Aug 13, 2014
Ask Koren Your personal E-therapist, is in the house!
Use To Plenty Women Ask Koren Dear Koren, I’m a 43 year old man and I’ve never dated less than three persons at a time. Now I’m ready to settle down and I’m dating a nice woman for the past eight months and I’m getting restless and noticing other women. I cheated on her once and she gave me an ultimatum so I’m trying to stay faithful but it’s hard. Whenever she is not available, I start thinking of who I can call to be with. I considered counselling, but I’m not sure that will help. Any suggestions? –Shaft
have a high score, then you definitely would want to speak with a professional counselor. Consider what you stand to gain or lose if you continue along this path. While you might gain some temporary companionship, is it worth it to lose your self-respect, hurt someone and lose a potential life partner? You also run the risk of catching STD’s, being hunted down by another woman’s partner and setting a bad example for the young men around you. Consider if you have a daughter or sister, what kind of man would you want for them and try to be such a man. Delete all those numbers of exes or play-partners. If this has become a bad habit, it will not be easy to break, but it is very possible for you to change and enjoy more meaningful relationships.
Dear Mr. Shaft, Maybe you do need to consider counselling if you cannot help yourself. You might be trying to stay faithful, but you find yourself unable to control your thoughts or your behavior, then you need to seek professional help. Sociologically, some men are wired to believe that a man having plenty women and being a stud was a sign of his virility and men enjoyed boasting to their friends about their conquests. Maybe subconsciously, that is how you think. However, after a while this kind of lifestyle loses its appeal because there is a need for something more lasting and a strong commitment, but the old habits are hard to break. Maybe you have a love or sex addiction that needs to be addressed; you could find a simple assessment online and give yourself a private mini test and if you
Lime ... “to hang around idly” or “to go out on the town.” Source:The Dictionary of Virgin Islands English Creole by the late educator and historian Lito Valls. The Limin’ Times brings you all the news about when and where to “lime” in the British Virgin Islands. Limin’ Times Entertainment Guide
Send your questions to or follow us on twitter @korennorton and a response will be provided
While every effort is made to ensure that information is correct, we cannot accept responsibility for any errors, changes in schedules, ads or other information in this magazine, which is intended as a guide only. If you have an entertainment event coming up that you would like published, give us a call at 494-2413. Special Notice: Purchase of advertising space in this publication does not guarantee editorial coverage of any event.
Published weekly by Island Publishing Services. Caribbean Printing Company Limited, Pasea Estate, P.O. Box 133, Road Town, Tortola, B.V.I., © 2013 Publisher & Editor: Claudia Colli Associate Editor: Arlena St. Hilaire Writer & Editorial Assistant: Jan Critchley Tel: 494-2413; Fax: 494-4413 Festival Double Issue
Thursday, July 31
Cultural Night, Prime Time-Da Squad, Hard Core Band, Stylee Band (RT Festival Village)
Friday, August 1
Cultural Food Fair (Noel Lloyd Park), International Music Mix, lashing Dogs, Local Artists (Music Alliance), Sizzla, Jah Cure, Showtime (RT Festival Village)
Saturday, August 2
BMSA Car Show, Festival Sloop Shoot Out & Heritage Regatta, International Soca Explosion, Razor Blades, Carimi, Poorsa, Chalkdust, Mr. Chucky, Glama Gurl, Calypso Monarch 2014, Soca Monarch 2014,Skinny Fabulous, VIBE (RT Festival Village)
Sunday, August 3
Beach Bash & Boat Races (EE/LL), Freedom March 3pm (Government House), Emancipation Service (Sunday Morning Well 4pm); Miss BVI Pageant 8pm (Multi-Purpose Complex); Village Entertainment: Small Ax, Splash Band, WCK (RT Festival Village)
Monday, August 4
Rise & Shine Tramp 4am; Sunrise Service 7am (Admin Bldg) ; August Monday Parade 11am; Village Entertainment: Final Faze, Cool Session Brass, Evolution Band, Xtreme
Tuesday, August 5
Rise & Shine Tramp 4am; Aquatic Sports (QE Park II); Horse Racing (Sea Cows Bay); Festival Sloop Shoot-Out & Heritage Regatta; Opening of Ifield “Spike” Lettsome EE/LL, DJ Birch, Xtreme Band, Winston Soso, Baron, Stylee Band & Mavado & The Gully Band (EE/LL Festival Village)
Wednesday, August 6
Rise & Shine Tramp 4am; August Wednesday Parade; DJ Renegade, Razor Blades, Leon & the Hot Shots, Showtime Band & New Vybez (EE/LL Festival Village)
Thursday, August 7
Bernardo “Nalo” Leonard Fisherman Tournament; Torchlight Procession, Opening Ceremony Carrot Bay Cultural Fiesta, Plat Pole & Cultural Program; Serenaders, Tripple Kay, Showtime, Becket, Kerwin Du Bois & Pumpa & the Unit (Carrot Bay Festival Village)
Friday, August 8
Carrot Bay Cultural Day – Donkey Races, Tug of War, Three Leg Race; Entertainment: Prime Time Da Squad, Xtreme, VIBE, Machel Montano HD, Patrice Roberts & Farmer Nappy (Carrot Bay Festival Village)
Saturday, August 9
Festival Last Lap – Distribution of Prizes, Iwer George, A-Team Band, Tessanne Chin, Road March Champions 2014, Fireworks (RT Festival Village)
Vol. 26, No. 46-47 • July 31, 2014 - Aug 13, 2014
By Amanda Putley
Learning to Drive – BVI Style As a young person in the BVI I quickly learnt that having my driver’s license would be the gateway to independence. For a while I have depended on hitching a ride or carpooling as a means of getting around the island but ultimately I knew that I needed to get my license; not only for convenience but also as a rite of passage. Initially, the process of getting a license seemed rather complex. There are three parts: a written test covering the rules of the road; a cone test which assesses your maneuvering skills and finally the road skills test. I breezed through the first two tests and now it’s nearly time for the road skills test. According to my instructor I have to alert all pedestrians that I am approaching in the vehicle by using my horn. Yes, ALL pedestrians, on both my side and the opposite side of the road. Now, you can imagine that practicing in rush hour is very noisy and many people look startled and annoyed at my approach, which fills me with embarrassment. The hard part is that I have to also be aware that I shouldn’t use the horn near hospitals, schools, courts, and churches (which are everywhere!). I have to focus on alerting pedestrians (every single one) and identifying the no horn zones. In the end I find myself with excellent knowledge of Road Town’s many religious denominations, judicial buildings and the various levels of education but not actually focusing on my driving. My second challenge is to use hand signals for turning, slowing down and stopping. I have to indicate left or right, then use my hand signals out of the window, while braking and steering. Every time I come to an intersection I look like a frantic mess with noodle arms flailing in all directions trying to coordinate all of the things I have to do before turning the car. It’s safe to say that turning is Limin’ Times Entertainment Guide
much more complex, BVI style! Lastly, I have to keep an eye on my speedometer regularly to make sure that I do not surpass the speed limit of 20mph while driving through town. The difficult part isn’t obeying the speed limits but rather dealing with all sorts of angry horns, disgruntled and irritated drivers who zoom by, with an occasional wagging fist appearing from a front window. It is apparent that learner drivers get a very tough time on the roads. I receive a lot of abuse from other drivers who cut in front, overtake or tailgate. All the while I’m keeping a steady hand and a steady pace, crawling along the dual carriageway at a solid 18.5 miles an hour. Ultimately all of these little challenges are not too hard to overcome and (I surmise) are put in place to ensure road safety. I think practice is a critical part of the process and I now confront the biggest hills fearlessly. As with many things in the BVI, the process of obtaining a driver’s license reminds me how quaint island life is. Oh, and as a final thought. To all road users, please be understanding and patient with learner drivers. Remember, you were there once. 6
Festival Double Issue
Vol. 26, No. 14-15 • Dec 19, 2013 - Jan 1, 2014
Limin’ Times Entertainment Guide
Festival Double Issue
By Arlena Smith
The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Andrew Garfield returns as Peter Parker, a high school senior who’s late for his own graduation, and it’s all because of his responsibilities as Spider-Man. In The Amazing Spider-Man 2, Peter Parker has settled into his hectic double life of battling crime on the streets of New York as Spider-Man and being an awkward teenager. In the opening scene Spider-Man swings in to thwart a heist masterminded by Russian, tattooed tubby Aleksei Sytsevich (Paul Giamatti). Along the way to stopping Sytsevich, he saves psychologically unstable Oscorp-employee Max Dillon (Jamie Foxx) from getting hit by a car, thereby turning him into Spider-Man’s biggest fan. Peter is struggling with his feelings for Gwen (Emma Stone) and the promise he made to her late father that he’ll keep her away from his life of crime fighting. He eventually insists they break up, only to have their paths cross after Gwen discovers her colleague Max Dillon has been transformed into the supervillain Electro after an unfortunate mishap involving electric eels at Oscorp. As Peter contends with this threatening new adversary, he reconnects with his old pal Harry Osborn (Dane DeHaan), who’s become head of the mega-corporation Oscorp in the wake of his own father’s death. Desperate for a cure to the degenerative and hereditary
disease that killed his father and not threatens his own life, Harry discovers that Peter’s father developed a pioneering serum that could save his life. This leads Peter to learn more about his parents’ disappearance so many years ago, while starting to uncover the truth about what is going on behind closed doors at Oscorp Industries. Spider-Man appears to be the beneficiary of the serum, but when Peter refuses to put Harry in touch with the crime fighter the two friends become enemies, and Harry teams up with Electro to take his revenge. The Amazing Spider-Man, is a film at odds with itself. One-half is director Marc Webb’s grittier retelling of Peter Parker’s original story, while the other half is a comic book movie blockbuster, mirroring how young Peter has changed from gawky teenager to a more confident young adult between movies.
Vol. 26, No. 46-47 • July 31, 2014 - Aug 13, 2014
Limin’ Times Entertainment Guide
Festival Double Issue
By Jan Critchley
Miss BVI Pageant
Vanterpool will be playing saxaphone live on the beach from 6-8pm and fungi band, the Razor Blades will play from 8-12pm. Get there early for the incredible Caribbean Buffet and watch in awe as the sky defying Moko Jumbies wend their way through the crowd. There will also be fire juggling, three bars and the fire sculptures are lit around 9pm.
This festival favorite takes place at the MultiPurpose Complex on Sunday, August 3rd where five talented young ladies will compete for the crown and a chance to be the 60th Festival Queen and Miss BVI 2014. The show starts at 8pm sharp.
Soca Explosion
Sharky’s Pizza Delivery & More
Don’t miss this great festival night with the International Soca Explosion at the Iris Freeman Festiville on Saturday, August 2nd. The winner of the Soca Monarch 2014 will perform alongside the local Calypso Monarch 2014, the Razor Blades, VIBE, Carimi out of Haiti, Poorsa and Skinny Fabulous from St Vincent and from Trinidad, the reigning Monarch Mr Chucky and Chalk Dusk. The BVI’s own Glama Gurl, Mrs. Arlene Penn will also be on stage as she returns to the performing scene.
If you enjoy a great pizza delivered straight to your door, then look no further as Sharky’s has introduced its new delivery menu to bring fresh food to you fast. However if you would like to eat out on a great breezy patio with lovely ocean views, then stop by Sharky’s and relax while browsing through the delicious menu with great, fresh Mexican food, steaks, burgers and much more. Specialty beers include Dos XX, Sam Adam’s, Yuengling, Beck’s and beers from Virgin Island Brewers. Even better, they are open Festival Week. See the ad in this issue of the Limin’ Times.
Road March 2014 Calling all local bands for the 2014 Road March competition. The Road March is a musical composition played most often at designated judging points along the parade route and judging is conducted during the grand Festival Parade on August Monday. Bands must pre-register and are allowed to perform up to two minutes of the songs entered in the Road March competition. The winner takes home $5000, a trophy and of course braggin’ rights. Showtime Band has copped the Road March championship for the past seven years. Who will grab the converted title this year?
Music on the Beach If you like to dance under the stars with the sand between your toes then head over to Quito’s in Cane Garden Bay on Sunday, August 3rd for Music on the Beach with Quito and the Edge and Primetime Squad. The entrance fee is $15 and for more information you can call 495-4837.
25th Anniversary Gala The Social Development Department invites you to celebrate its 25th Anniversary Gala, on August 2nd at Maria’s by the Sea from 6pm where you can look forward to an evening filled with fun, food and dance. Entertainment will be provided by Stanley and the Ten Sleepless Knights. Tickets are available from J&C Trading
Trellis Bay Full Moon Party Head to Trellis Bay for the family Full Moon Party on Sunday, August 10th. This month’s full moon is known as the Sturgeon Moon or Red Moon due to its reddish appearance through the hazes of August. Dalan 11
Vol. 26, No. 46-47 • July 31, 2014 - Aug 13, 2014
live music • events • concerts •
FESTIVAL EVENTS — Carrot Bay Village: Cultural
PUSSER’S — Daily Happy Hour from 5-7pm.
Day (Donkey Races, Grease Pig & More) w/ Machel Montano, Patrice Roberts & Farmer Nappy (Aug 8
SHARKY’S — Happy Hour Mon-Fri 5-7pm. RT FERRY DOCK — BVI Ports Authority Cultural Food & Fete 11am to 7am (July 31 Only)
Only) CANE GARDEN BAY MYETT’S — Sunset Happier Hour with Candyman
RT FESTIVAL VILLAGE — Cultural Night w/ Prime
5-7pm. Evolution Band 7pm.
Time - Da Squad, Hardcore Band & Stylee Band (July
QUITO’S — Happy Hour 5-7pm w/ Ras Rio. Quito &
31 Only)
the Edge 9:30pm
FESTIVAL EVENTS — Carrot Bay Village: Bernardo
“Nalo” Leonard Fishmermans Tournament, Torch Light
PUSSER’S — Daily Happy Hour from 5-7pm
Procession, Opening Ceremony & Cultural Program w/ Triple Kay, Kerwin Du Bois & Pumpa (Aug 7 Only)
MARIA’S BY THE SEA — Social Development Dept. 25th Anniversary Gala 6pm ( Aug 2 Only)
CANE GARDEN BAY QUITO’S — Happy Hour 5-7pm. Dinner from 6:309:30pm feat. Quito solo at 7:30pm
RT FESTIVAL VILLAGE — International Soca Explosion w/ Calypso Monarch 2014, Soca Monarch 2014, Chalk Dust, Mr. Chucky, Skinny Fabulous & More
MYETT’S — Simm plays live Sunset Happier Hour
(Aug 2 Only)
5-7pm. Awesome Crew band 7pm RT FESTIVAL VILLAGE — Festival Last Lap w/
FRIDAY - AUG 1 & 8
Limin’ Times Entertainment Guide
2014 Road March Champions, Iwer George, Tessanne
Chin & Fireworks (Aug 9 Only)
PUSSER’S — Daily Happy Hour from 5-7pm
NOEL LLOYD PARK — Cultural Food Fair ( Aug 1
MYETT’S — Sunset Happier Hour 5-7pm with Sim
and Awesome Crew at 7pm.
RT FESTIVAL VILLAGE — International Music Mix w/
QUITO’S — Beach BBQ Happy Hour 5pm with Too
Lashing Dogs, Showtime, Sizzla & Jah Cure ( Aug 1 Only)
Smooth, dinner 6:30-9:30pm.
ts • parties • sports • movies and more
SUNDAY - AUG 3 & 10
QUITO’S — Open at 3pm. Happy Hour 5-7pm half
price drinks & apps. Dinner from 6:30-9:30pm w/
FESTIVAL EVENTS — Opposite Gov. House: Freedom March 3pm. Sunday Morning Well: Emancipation Service 4pm. Multi-Purposes Complex: Miss BVI 8pm. (Aug 3 Only)
Farm to Table & Pizza Menu Specials
NORTH SHORE SEBASTIANS — Jamaican Sunday Brunch from 11am with $3 Red Stripe
TUESDAY - AUG 5 & 12 ROAD TOWN FESTIVAL EVENTS — QEII Park: Aquatic Sports. Ellis Thomas Downs: Horse Races. EE/LL: Opening of Ifield “Spike” Lettsome Village w/ Mavado & the Gully Band (Aug 5 Only)
EAST END TRELLIS BAY — Full Moon Party w/ Dalan Vanterpool on Sax, Razorbladez & More (Aug 10 Only) CANE GARDEN BAY MYETT’S — Special Brunch Menu & Bottomless Mimosa’s. Steel Pan Vibes 1-4pm. Sunset Happier Hour 57pm. Surprise live Musician 6-8pm
CANE GARDEN BAY QUITO’S — Happy Hour 5-7pm half price drinks & apps. Dinner 6:30-9:30pm. Quito solo from 7:30pm MYETT’S — Simm plays live during Sunset Happier Hour 5-7pm. Awesome Crew 7pm.
QUITO’S — Music on the Beach w/ Quito & the Edge & Prime Time Da Squad (Aug 3 Only)
MONDAY - AUG 4 & 11
ROAD TOWN PUSSER’S — Daily Happy Hour from 5-7pm
FESTIVAL EVENTS — Rise & Shine Tramp 4am &
FESTIVAL EVENTS — Rise & Shine Tramp 4am. Admin Bldg: Sunrise Service 7am. August Monday Parade (Aug 4 Only)
Awesome Crew & Tortola’s Own 3D Band.
MYETT’S — Mexican Monday with Specialty Margaritas, fish tacos. Candyman Sunset Happier Hour 5-7pm. Live entertainment
SHARKY’S — Quiz Night 7pm & Salsa Night 9pm
August Wednesday Parade EE/LL (Aug 6 Only)
MYETT’S — Sunset Happier Hour 5-7pm w/
QUITO’S — Happy Hour 5-7 half price drinks & apps. Quito plays solo from 5-7pm. Dinner from 6:30-9:30pm
Vol. 26, No. 46-47 • July 31, 2014 - Aug 13, 2014
(Cont.d from page 11)
Dept Store and the Social Development Dept at the Botanic Station, next to Happy Lion restaurant for $40 per person and $75 for couples. Please call 468-3650 for more details.
Summer Camps
Call 494-2413 to Advertise Today!
Kids getting bored, why not take them to the AllStar Summer program at UP’s Complex from August 11th to August 29th for ages 5-16 with cricket, volleyball, soccer, basketball, bowling, arts and crafts and more. Camp fee is $50 with T-Shirt so register today with Easypay at RTW or Bobby’s. For more info call 544-0480. Or, for a slightly younger age group, ages 3-10 try the Creative Kids Camp and Vacation Bible School at the New Life Day Care and Learning Centre in Duff’s Bottom from August 7th to August 29th. There will be drama & dance, face painting, bible lessons, cooking & baking, arts and crafts and more. Call 494-6580 for more information.
Limin’ Times Entertainment Guide
Festival Double Issue
Jan Critchley
2014 Festival Headliners Festival is a time for celebration, and at the heart of any celebration is music. For this, the 60th Anniversary of Festival – the line-up of top national and international artists is bigger and better than ever, with something for every musical taste from local Fungi Music to Jamaican Dancehall. Getting the party started on Friday, August 1st at the Festival Village are two world-renowned Jamaican Reggae artists, Sizzla and Jah Cure. Sizzla, is one of the most successful contemporary reggae artists with over 70 solo albums to his name. Sharing the stage is Jah
homeland of Trinidad and Tobago with his runaway hit,
Cure who got his first big break in the late 90s when he
Too Real. Pumpa sang dancehall in his early years
performed a duet with Sizzla for hit single King in this
before collaborating on a Soca album, Daddy Jones
Jungle. Jah Cure released his fifth album last year,
Presents from which their single Moko Jumbie became
World Cry featuring hit single, All by Myself.
an instant hit across the Caribbean.
On Tuesday, August 5th at East End/Look Look
On Friday, August 8th, don’t miss Festival
Village, get ready for Dancehall legends Mavado and The
Headliner and Soca Artist Machel Montano perform at
Gully Band. Last year, Mavado released one of his
Carrot Bay. Originally from Trinidad, Machel is constant-
biggest hits to date with Rise Up Ft. Akon & Rick Ross
ly working towards his mission of successfully ushering
and back in 2011 formed his own record label, Mansion
Soca into the realm of mainstream music and in 2012
Records. He is also the only Jamaican act to have worked
he became a Triple Crown Winner with his monster hit
with Jay Z who remixed his smash hit, On The Rock.
Pump Yuh Flag. Also performing on Friday is Patrice Roberts and Farmer Nappy.
At Carrot Bay, on August 7th enjoy a night of Soca superstars, including Triple Kay from Dominica who will
For the last lap back at the Festiville on Saturday,
be sharing the stage with Kerwin Du Bois and Pumpa &
August 9th, don’t miss Tessanne Chin, a Jamaican
The Unit. Triple Kay have produced six albums to date
recording artist who is best known for winning Season
and are probably best known for their smash hit, Please
5 of NBC’s reality TV singing competition The Voice. In
and Kerwin Du Bois has enjoyed major success this
July this year, she released her major label debut
year by winning his first Groovy Soca Monach title in his
album, Count on my Love. 15
Vol. 26, No. 46-47 • July 31, 2014 - Aug 13, 2014
Limin’ Times Entertainment Guide
Festival Double Issue
By Jan Critchley...Cont from Pg 3
Cultural 60th Anniversary of Festival bush tea and the Aquatic Sports, which promises to be
Fiesta begins with the Bernardo ‘Nalo’ Leonard
a fun-filled event with Water Bikes, Paddle Boats,
Fishermans Tournament and later is the Torchlight
Grease Pole and performances by the Heritage Dancers
Sunset Procession. Don’t miss the Cultural Races on
and the Sky Dancers.
Friday, 8th August featuring favorites such as Donkey
The Festival also moves to East End/Long Look on
Races, Tug of War, Sack Races, Egg & Spoon and the ever-popular Grease Pig.
Tuesday, 5th August for two days and is named after Ifield “Spike” Lettsome, in his memory as one of three
The celebrations then move back to the Iris
men that originally brought the festival to East End.
Freeman Festiville for the Grand Finale on Saturday,
There will be top international and BVI artists to enter-
August 9th with great live music, the Road March
tain the crowd and the Rise and Shine tramp at 4am on
Champions 2014 and a huge firework display which will
light up the skies of Road Town – drawing a fitting close
On Thursday, 7th August, the Carrot Bay Cultural
to Festival 2014.
Vol. 26, No. 46-47 • July 31, 2014 - Aug 13, 2014
Limin’ Times Entertainment Guide
Festival Double Issue
By Dean “The Sportsman” Greenaway
Olympic Hopefuls in Action much. “The traveling opportunities and understanding Rio 2016 Olympic Games hopeful sailing duo Alec the sailing community and being able to see what we are Anderson and his teammate Chris Brockbank, recently coming up against, it was a real eye opener,” he said. spent six weeks in Europe including two weeks in trainAnderson will return to Spain in the middle of ing in Santander, Spain, where the first Olympic qualifier August to get the boat prepared and Brockbank will join will be. They also had training sessions in Germany and him later, as they compete in the World Championships Denmark for the Jr. World Championships where they a first Olympic qualifier in Santander, Spain, Sept 17-22. placed ninth, despite Brockbank coming off illness. Anderson said they are expecting about 95 com“It was the first time we had raced since March and petitors for the event. wasn’t sure how things were going to go,” Anderson “Teams will be showing up out pointed out. “We had a top 10 finish for blood and getting an Olympic and we’ll take it. It was good for our berth for their confidence moving forward and country,” he pointed out. we’re happy with the result consid“Nations will be working together ering the circumstances.” rather than individually so that they After that, they went to the can confirm a spot. The 6-8 British European’s but didn’t do well boats will be debriefing together, Anderson said. “We got a lot of lesworking exclusively as a team to sons out of it that we are going to make sure their country earns a apply,” he said. berth. Obviously, the level of comWhat did they learn from the petition is a lot higher and some European tour? argue that it’s a lot higher then the “You can’t skip any windy Olympics themselves. It’s going to days, you have to make sure you Alec Anderson, left & Chris Brockbank be extremely competitive and simiare pushing it hard every day. If it’s lar to fleet that we saw at the Europeans so our main raining you can’t stay in – that’s tough to do when you’re goal is to improve on those results and to try and secure on the road, you’re preparing all your meals, getting little a silver fleet position during the qualifying races.” sleep, going to the gym and doing all the work you While home, they’re steadfastly training and will should be putting in. it’s quite a lot,” Anderson engage in fund raising and public relations activities. explained. “You really have to stay self motivated and On Saturday, Aug 9, they will have a campaign debriefget up every morning to go out and get the most out of ing and beach BBQ from 1-6 p.m. at Yacht Club Bar at the day.” Nanny Cay. Persons can chat with the team and go for Brockbank said the campaign has been an eye a sail on the 49er. opener to the world, particularly since he hadn’t traveled 19
Vol. 26, No. 46-47 • July 31, 2014 - Aug 13, 2014
Limin’ Times Entertainment Guide
Festival Double Issue
Vol. 26, No. 46-47 • July 31, 2014 - Aug 13, 2014
Limin’ Times Entertainment Guide
Festival Double Issue