Limin Times

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Now in its 27th Year! dec 4 -10, 2014 Vol.27, No.13

Your Free Guide

to our islands’ happenings

Style BVI 2014 Sunday, December 7th Special Guest Performance by

Melanie Amaro Also this week: trellis Bay Full Moon Party • BVi steelman • eshs Christmas Concert • save the seed Anniversary

This Week’s Feature Story by Jan Critchley

A Virgin Islands’ Christmas Special Boys Choir of the BVI will be singing their carols from 6pm on Friday evening. Following them at around 7pm, the BVI Dance School, featuring 20 dancers between the ages of 11 and 18 will take to the stage where they will perform a modern and traditional combination of crowd-pleasing dance routines that will include modern pop (think Bruno Mars), jazz and a sprinkling of traditional Christmas with a Hawaiian Christmas “Hula” dance. Not to be missed. Artists and artisans of the BVI will also be given plenty opportunity to display their talents, and displays will be placed throughout the area for everyone to enjoy. There will be all the traditional hallmarks of previous years. The stalls will feature lots of goodies such as homemade candies, toys, tree ornaments, jewelry as well as locally made West Indian dolls and other craft items. While you meander among the stalls, get a taste of traditional fare such as guavaberry wine and black cake. This is an event that kicks off the holiday season with plenty of sparkle and flair – so we will see you there!

Christmas is just around the corner and to start off the celebrations in the traditional way, make sure you get along to one of the highlights of the season, A Virgin Islands’ Christmas Special which is taking place on DeCastro Street this Friday and Saturday, the 5th and 6th December. Janis Mrs. to Speaking Braithwaite-Edwards, Co-Chairperson of the Christmas on Main Street Committee, she explained. “This year it was decided that the event would be a “Christmas Special” focusing on children and the artists of the BVI. For us to create this, with all the activities and performances we will have, we needed a location that could accommodate all. So for this year, the venue will be DeCastro Street and the community can look forward to all the traditions of years gone by and the opportunity to bring a different part of our city to light.” DeCastro Street will be transformed and become magical under the twinkling lights and this year, the kids activities take centre stage and include a waterslide and a wagon ride for kids that the parents can ride in too! The Moko Jumbies will be there, weaving their sky defying way through the crowds and the


Vol. 27, No. 13 • Dec 4 - 10, 2014

Ask Koren

Your personal E-therapist, is in the house!

Vitamin G – How Gratitude Boosts Your Life

Ask Koren

There is a vitamin out there that has not been evaluated by the FDA, but when taken, has the potential to bring vitality to your life, put a spring in your step and a smile on your face. Vitamin G for gratitude is taken daily and for some persons it is more effective taken first thing in the morning as it sets the tone for their entire day. Others take it throughout the day so they don’t succumb to stress, to ward off jealousy or envy and some take it at night, to bring on a sense of satisfaction and to enjoy an enhanced rest experience. What are some of the benefits of this vitamin? 1. It makes us happier. Being grateful for the blessing in your life and the gift of life itself can increase your happiness. Even though life is not perfect and problems come, gratitude brings a sense of optimism which helps us to see the glass as half full, rather than half empty. 2. It makes us healthier. Research has shown that people who practice gratitude consistently suffer less with stress, which as a result could help them to avoid hypertension, sleep better and have less anxiety. Mental and physical health can be improved when we are so appreciative of our minds and bodies and what they do for us, that we take care of them. 3. It improves our relationships. People are drawn to those who are positive and grateful and tend to run

Lime ... “to hang around idly” or “to go out on the town.” Source: The Dictionary of Virgin Islands English Creole by the late educator and historian Lito Valls. The Limin’ Times brings you all the news about when and where to “lime” in the British Virgin Islands. Limin’ Times Entertainment Guide

from constant complainers. We learn not to take those close to us for granted and to appreciate them for who they are and what they add to our lives. That kind of gratitude can really help to create a strong bond. 4. It changes our attitude. A healthy dose of gratitude helps us to hum a song and put a smile on our face even under the most intense pressure because we know that “everyday above the ground is a good day”. Instead of being jealous of what others have, we learn to be thankful for what we have been blessed with and we grumble and complain less. Vitamin G has no side effects, does not spike your blood sugar and is 100% fat free and low salt. However, the flavor is delicious and the scent wafts gently to linger on those close to you who are impacted by its positive effects. People are drawn to the positivity this vitamin generates. Try Vitamin G for yourself and encourage someone else to do it also.

Send your questions confidentially to or via twitter at @korennorton

While every effort is made to ensure that information is correct, we cannot accept responsibility for any errors, changes in schedules, ads or other information in this magazine, which is intended as a guide only. If you have an entertainment event coming up that you would like published, give us a call at 494-2413. Special Notice: Purchase of advertising space in this publication does not guarantee editorial coverage of any event.


Published weekly by Island Publishing Services. Caribbean Printing Company Limited, Pasea Estate, P.O. Box 133, Road Town, Tortola, B.V.I., © 2014 Publisher & Editor: Claudia Colli Associate Editor: Arlena Smith Writer & Editorial Assistant: Jan Critchley Tel: 494-2413; Fax: 494-6589


Vol. 27, No. 13 • Dec 4 - 10, 2014

Limin’ Times Entertainment Guide


Your Guide to British Virgin Islands Events By Jan Critchley

Trellis Bay Full Moon Don’t miss one the BVI’s top cultural events of the month, the Trellis Bay Full Moon beach party, this Saturday, 6th December. Fungi band, The Razor Bladez will be headlining and the famous fireballs will be lit around 9pm. Come early for the amazing Caribbean buffet, see the sky high Moko Jumbies dance through the crowd. Don’t miss this one of a kind party where there is something for all the family.

Save The Seed Anniversary Come along and celebrate Save The Seed’s sec-

on saxaphone and a special guest performance by Melanie Amaro. Tickets are $25 in advance from

Hazem’s Beauty Supplies or $30 on the door.

ond anniversary and customer appreciation day on Saturday, December 6th from 9am. There will be an

Give Peace a Chance

open house at The Energy Gym with FREE classes.

Take a stand on International Human Rights Day,

Also get 20% off annual gym membership and first 50

Wednesday December 10th 2014 and join the March

new members get a free T-shirt! You can also bowl all

Against Violence that will begin at 4pm from the

day for $2 per game & $2 shoes. Call 494-7353 for

Governor’s House Parking Lot to the Noel Lloyd

more information.

Positive Action Park. Once there, a balloon release will

Style BVI 2014

take place and the Celebration of Life Concert will take place between 5pm and 7pm.

Singer, Melanie Amaro, X-Factor Winner will be the guest star at Style BVI 2014 this Sunday,

2014 BVI Steelman

December 7th from 4pm at UP’s Crystal Ballroom. This

It’s the last triathlon of the year – BVI Steelman,

event showcases hair and beauty salons across the

taking place on Beef Island this Saturday, December

BVI and has competitions in seven categories includ-

6th at 2pm. The event comprises a 1500 metre swim

ing the $1000 cash prize for the most outrageous

in Well Bay, a 40k bike leg lapping the road from the

style. The celebrity judge for the evening is Glenda

airport to the ramparts of Beef Island Bridge, and

“Ms J” Jemison who stars in a reality show on the

ends in a 10k run along the roads and trails of Beef

Oprah Winfrey Network, Houston Beauty. In addition,

Island. The event is open to teams and individuals and

there will be a fashion show and entertainment by

registration is at the Tortola Sports Club on Friday

Soca Monach 2014 winner - BMore, Glenroy Charles

from 5:30pm to 6:30pm. 7

Vol. 27, No. 13 • Dec 4 - 10, 2014

live music • events • concerts •


ELMS BEACH BAR — Beach BBQ w/ the


Elm Tones

PUSSER’S — Daily Happy Hour from 5-7pm




MYETT’S — Candyman Live at Sunset Happier

PUSSER’S — Daily Happy Hour from 5-7pm

Hour 5-7pm

THE MOORINGS — Market Day 7am-2pm


Limin’ Times Entertainment Guide

DECASTRO STREET — 16th Annual A Virgin


Islands’ Christmas Special

PUSSER’S — Daily Happy Hour from 5-7pm

SAVE THE SEED — 2nd Anniversary Celebration


with lots of activities and discounts!

Registration 5:30-6:30pm


DECASTRO STREET — 16th Annual A Virgin

Come for Curry! from 7pm

Islands’ Christmas Special



Concert 7:30pm

NANNY CAY — Registration for Gustav Wilmerding

TORTOLA SPORTS CLUB — Festive Fashion Fayre

Challenge at 6pm

from 11am - 3pm



PUSSER’S — Daily Happy Hour from 5-7pm. Live

NANNY CAY — Gustav Wilmerding Challenge

music by saxophonist Glenroy Charles 7-9pm

at 10am



MYETT’S — Sunset Happy Hour 5-7pm. Tortola’s

MYETT’S — Sunset Happier Hour 5-7pm w/

own Evolution Band 7pm. Limbo Contest 8pm

Awesome Crew Band Live 7pm. Limbo Contest 8pm.


ts • parties • sports • movies and more



TRELLIS BAY — Trellis Bay Full Moon Party w/ the

MYETT’S — Margarita Mexican Monday. Specials

Razor Bladez, Mocko Jumbies & Fireballs at 9pm

5-7pm. Chef Al on stage 7pm

BEEF ISLAND — BVI Steelman Triathlon at 2pm

ELMS BEACH BAR — Stoli Happy Hour 4-6pm


w/ House Music





THE MOORINGS — Market Day 7am-2pm

MYETT’S — Sunset Happy Hour 5-7pm mention

U.P’S — Style BVI 2014 w/ BMore, Glenroy Charles & special appearances by Melanie Amaro & “Ms J”

Limin’ Times & buy one dinner & get one 1/2 price. ELMS BEACH BAR — Elms House Rum “GS” Happy Hour Rum Punch Specials 4-6pm

BRIERCLIFFE HALL — 3rd Annual Clash of the Carolers at 3pm WEST END


PUSSER’S — Daily Happy Hour from 5-7pm. Live

GOV. HOUSE — March against Violence at 4pm to

music by saxophonist Glenroy Charles 7-9pm.

Noel Lloyd Park.


NOEL LLOYD PARK — Celebration of Life Concert 5-7pm

MYETT’S — Sunday Brunch Menu & Bottomless

CRUISE PIER — BVIPA Shining Stars Chorale

Mimosas. Sunset Happier Hour 5-7pm. DJ Jephet.


ELMS BEACH BAR — Beach BBQ w/ the Elm Tones

MYETT’S —Sunset Happy Hour 5-7pm. Dinner


& Dance w/ Too Smooth 7pm


ELMS BEACH BAR — Pizza & Shepherds Pie

PUSSER’S — Daily Happy Hour from 5-7pm

Night & other local dishes w/ entertainment

Tarrus Riley Dec 13 The Island Last Resort Opening Party — Dec 12 A Type of Toad @ Coco Maya — Dec 13 Christmas in Spanish Town — Dec 12 & 13 Commodore’s Cup — Dec 13 Art Festival @ Myett’s — Dec 14 & 28 HLSCC Christmas Concert — Dec 13 Guavaberry Contest @ Myett’s — Dec 21


Vol. 27, No. 13 • Dec 4 - 10, 2014

(contd. from page 7)

ESHS Christmas Concert The Elmore Stoutt High School invite you to their Annual Christmas Concert on Saturday, December 6th at 7:30pm at the Sir Rupert Briercliffe Hall. There will also be performances by the HSHS Choir, Steel, Jazz, Fungi and Concert bands. Tickets are $15 adults and $5 for ESHS students and children 16 years and under.

Hurry, Hurry - Come for Curry! The Catholic church invites you to come out and support their annual, “Hurry, Hurry - Come for Curry” on Saturday, December 6th at 7pm at St. William’s Church Hall. There will be entertainment, door prizes and an array of delicious curry dishes from the Caribbean and beyond. Tickets are available on the door, $20 for adults and $10 for children.

Limin’ Times Entertainment Guide


By Arlena Smith

Ferry Frustrating Living in the BVI, we sometimes need to, as we locals say, “Get off the Rock” whether for medical reasons, to do some shopping or simply to clear our minds and relax. Well I recently went for my daily dose of relaxation and I had a wonderful time until I got to St. Thomas and it took me four hours to get home. After what was already a long day of traveling my ferry ride home made my day that much longer. At first I was delighted to hear that the ferry was running a bit late and that meant I would be able to make it home and not have to spend the night in St. Thomas but soon my delight turned to despair and frustration. You see, the ferry wasn’t just a few minutes late it was two hours late. I know that we have come to accept that the ferry system in the BVI can be unreliable at best but this is the worst experience I have had in all my years living here. Many angry passengers wanting to know the status of the boat, or if it was even coming at all? Finally, the long awaited vessel arrived. Then there was another 40-minute wait because the luggage had to be loaded first. Once this was all done we were on our way. We made good time to Tortola but once we got to the dock that’s when the real drama started. Among all the frustrated passengers were a group of guys who seemed to be having the time of their lives. It looked like they were coming from a bachelor party or golf tournament or something because they were all wearing medals and most of

them were clearly intoxicated. I mean they were drinking and singing the whole time in the terminal in St.Thomas, so I knew this meant the long wait plus more drinks could only make things more interesting. I was not wrong, after such a long wait it is understandable that tempers begin to flare. However, when we arrived at West End, I thought, “Great we’re here at the dock – we can disembark, clear customs and wait for our luggage to be off loaded.” Well that wasn’t to be the case as it took another 30-minutes once we arrived before we were allowed to disembark the boat and a few passengers at this point had had all they could take. After all the long lines, the long wait and all the drama we decided that next time we would just sleep in St. Thomas and take the first ferry in the morning. Hopefully we won’t run into any angry mobs and drunk passengers.


Vol. 27, No. 13 • Dec 4 - 10, 2014

By Dean “The Sportsman” Greenaway

Meet Gymnast Kourtney Chinnery Despite being a small country, there’s boundless talent from offspring of sons and daughters of the soil abroad. While we are known internationally in several sporting disciplines, provided the red tape can be cut, one day we could be sitting in our living rooms watching Kourtney Chinnery handling business with the best gymnasts on the planet. Just 14, Kourtney, who lives in Virginia, is already building a name for herself. She got involved in the sport at 15 months when her mother Debra enrolled her in a gymnastics class. She fell in love with the trampoline and all the fun things she experienced there. At two years old, she enrolled in a Tumble Tots class and has been in the sport since then and has advanced through the different levels. She ended her 2011 season as the Level 9 Eastern Vault champion. Now a Level 10 Gymnast since 2012 at the World Class Gym where she trains with Coach Tami Harrison, she does all the women’s events— floor exercises, uneven bars, vaults and the balance beam. While not having a particular favorite she likes the vaults and floor exercises. She has competed in state, regional and national championships and last season she was among the top five in the USA Jr. Olympics National Championships and was the 2012 and 2013 Jr. Olympics NIT Vault Champion. “I’m now trying to qualify for elite which is international competition,” she noted. Gymnastics, Kourtney says, is fun and exciting. “There are so many people that can possibly be involved in gymnastics and can go so far in it and I think once you put your mind to it and have fun with it, you can get far in the sport,” she pointed out. “God Limin’ Times Entertainment Guide

Kourtney Chinnery

has given me this ability and so many other people and I think if anyone likes it, they should pursue it.” When asked about her biggest challenge being a gymnast, the 10th grader who kicks off her season on Dec 20, said – like in all sports there are good and rough days. “I think it’s persevering the rough days because on rough days, you really have to put your mind to it— that’s where the mental toughness comes out,” she noted. “If you can persevere and get through the rough days and train your mind that you are going to get through it, then it’s mind over matter. You have to remember that whatever your mind thinks or your heart believes your body will follow. Even on the rough days when you don’t feel like going to practice or maybe you’re having a rough time with a skill, you always have to remember that I’m here for a reason and that I can do it. You always have to remember to trust God and trust yourself.” 12

By Claudia Colli

In A World Quirky and heartwarming, In A World stars Lake Bell (who also directed and produced) as Carol Solomon, a voice coach and aspiring voiceover artist. These are the resonant and almost exclusively male voices we hear on Hollywood movie trailers. Carol lives with her father, Sam (Fred Malamed) – Hollywood’s preeminent voiceover artist, who relishes his fame and feels that there is no room for women in this closed boys club. His ego is great and his sensitivity to his daughter’s needs and aspirations is small. At the age of 30 Carol is still living at home, but when her father wants to move a much younger girlfriend in, he has Carol move out. With few options, Carol moves in with her sister Dani (Michaela Watkins) and her husband Moe (Robb Corddry) who are going through some life (and marital) crises of their own. Dani has experimented with going out with another man, although she doesn’t carry through with the intended infidelity. But that’s another story. This movie is filled with small stories and interactions that interweave throughout Carol’s life as she tries to move forward in a world that is stacked against her. In the meantime, Carol is also floundering on the romance level. In her job as a voice coach she works with Louis (Demetri Martin), the proverbial nice guy, who is clearly infatuated with her, but Carol is too myopic to see this. She instead ends up having a onenight stand in a closet filled with exotic memorabilia with Gustav (Ken Marino), a megalomaniac and the next most sought after voice-over artist in Hollywood.

Carol’s father is trying to coach Gustav to be the heir to his voice-over throne, and the cream job that he is seeking for Gustav is for Amazon Games, a Hunger Games type movie being hyped for the young teenage girl market. As Carol continues to work with her voice students, trying to turn squeaky and high pitched voices into mature and resonant tones, an opportunity comes up for her to also audition for the Amazon Games trailer. She practices and practices and even though the odds are stacked against her, she wins the job. It is a coup that is more than a win for Carol, but also one for women in general seeking to compete for jobs in male dominated fields. When her father finds out, rather than being proud and supportive, he is furious. He is up for a prestigious lifetime achievement award, but the loss of the job for his protégé Gustav, and especially to a woman, is initially a massive blow to his self-esteem and his view of his place in the world. Even though life lessons can be hard, many are learned in this lighthearted look at romance, fatherdaughter relationships and the largely overlooked profession of voiceover artists. 13

Vol. 27, No. 13 • Dec 4 - 10, 2014

Weekly Suduko

The objective is to fill the full 9x9 grid with digits so that each column, each row, and each of the nine 3x3 “sub-grids” that compose the main grid contains all of the digits from 1 to 9 – with no repeats within each row or column within the entire square. A partially completed grid is usually provided, which typically has a unique solution. See next weeks Limin’ Times issue for solution. Limin’ Times Entertainment Guide


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