Limin Times

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Now in its 26th Year! sept 11 -17, 2014 Vol.27, No.1

YoUr Free GUide

to our islands’ happenings

Also this week: sombrero Party @ sharky’s• tCi street Jam ee/ll Festival Grounds • Cil & UMi Fashion show

This Week’s Feature Story by Jane Bakewell

Breaking Out 2014 There is a Street J.A.M. this weekend you don’t want to miss! Grab your family or friends and head over to the East End/Long Look Festival Grounds on Sunday the 14th for a full day of music, ministry and amazing free giveaways. Transformation Church International under the leadership of Apostle Curnal P. Fahie has decided it is time for the church to “break out” of the four walls and reach the community in what he characterizes as Jesus Anointed Ministry (J.A.M.). “Jesus walked the streets and interacted with the people, meeting all their needs. We hope to model that in giving back to the community,” Apostle Fahie explained. As a part of TCI”s 5th year anniversary celebration, the church will be out in full force on Sunday beginning at 10am with tents lining the festival grounds offering FREE clothes, men’s haircuts, hair braidings and more. A FREE ticket at the gate entitles you to a plate of delicious local food and a drink. An all-day concession stand will have snacks for sale. For the kids there will be a Bouncy Castle, a Game Tent and Face Painting. From the stage will be ongoing music ministry including the TCI Choir, “Garment of Praise,” exciting worship dance presentations and sermonettes

throughout the day. There will also be a Prayer Tent for all who have a need. However, there’s more! All week long TCI will be hosting a conference featuring international speakers under the theme: “Spirit of the Father – Raising up Sons & Daughters.” There are four sessions daily from 9am to 3pm Monday through Thursday. Registration is $99 per person. Evening sessions are free and begin at 7:30pm. All conference sessions will be held at the church’s location above the Riteway Supermarket in East End. The week is capped off on Friday the 19th with a Business Trade Show held in Noel Lloyd Park encouraging Christian entrepreneurship from 10am to 6pm followed by an exciting Live Concert, kicking off at 7:30 pm with Jamaican Psalmist, Lester Lewis and Company. Other anointed singers include Psalmists’ Judy Turnbull from St. Thomas and Samuel “ Muziq” Medas from Guyana as well as TCI’s own Garment of Praise and dance teams. For more details or if interested in a tent for the trade show contact TCI at 340-8242 or email or check the church’s Facebook link


Vol. 27, No. 1 • Sept 11 - 17, 2014

Ask Koren

Your personal E-therapist, is in the house!

Daughter Keeping Secret from Dad

Ask Koren

Dear Koren, Is it okay to keep a secret from my husband if my daughter asked me to? She is 24 years old and she is dating a guy and doesn’t want her father to know as yet because he will start questioning the guy and might frighten him off. I’m just worried how he will react when he finds out eventually. – Conflicted Dear Conflicted, You know your husband and you know what the

own time when she is comfortable. When that hap-

“rules’ of your marriage are so you will have a much

pens and he finds out that you knew, let him know

better idea of how he will react. Did you ever make a

that you were respecting your daughter’s right to pri-

pact with him that there will be no secrets in the mar-

vacy the same way you would respect his if asked. I

riage? If yes, and you feel a strong sense of obliga-

hope you are not afraid of him or his temper. That

tion to him, then when your daughter tells you her

would not bode well for your relationship.

stories, give her a disclaimer that you will discuss it

On the other hand, you might mention to your

with her father, so she knows that telling one is just

daughter that maybe it’s not such a bad thing for her

as good as telling the other.

father to meet this guy. That way, she knows that she

However, you have a right to decide what you

has the full backing of her parents if he decides to

want to share and with whom, he should not control

play the fool. Men are less likely to mess with a

that. While too many secrets are not good in a mar-

woman if her big daddy is around looking all mean

riage, if your daughter is over 18, she has a right to

and intimidating.

her privacy and you as a mother should respect her

Send your questions confidentially to or via twitter at @korennorton

request for confidentiality. Allow her to tell him in her

Lime ... “to hang around idly” or “to go out on the town.” Source: The Dictionary of Virgin Islands English Creole by the late educator and historian Lito Valls. The Limin’ Times brings you all the news about when and where to “lime” in the British Virgin Islands. Limin’ Times Entertainment Guide

While every effort is made to ensure that information is correct, we cannot accept responsibility for any errors, changes in schedules, ads or other information in this magazine, which is intended as a guide only. If you have an entertainment event coming up that you would like published, give us a call at 494-2413. Special Notice: Purchase of advertising space in this publication does not guarantee editorial coverage of any event.


Published weekly by Island Publishing Services. Caribbean Printing Company Limited, Pasea Estate, P.O. Box 133, Road Town, Tortola, B.V.I., © 2014 Publisher & Editor: Claudia Colli Associate Editor: Arlena Smith Writer & Editorial Assistant: Jan Critchley Tel: 494-2413; Fax: 494-6589


Vol. 27, No. 1 • Sept 11 - 17, 2014

Limin’ Times Entertainment Guide


Your Guide to British Virgin Islands Events By Arlena Smith

Swimming Lessons Martine's Swim School is offering a back to School special that can benefit everyone. Martine Allee, who has been teaching in the BVI since 2005 and received her initial swimming teacher training from the British Swimming Federation, will be offering swimming lessons to children for a special rate of $13 for half an hour. And to provide the best swimming experience she limits the classes to a maximum of 4 children. Martine has recently completed an intensive workshop with Terry Laughlin, internationally renowned swimmer and founder of the Total Immersion method of swimming and wants to share her skills with everyone. So if you have always wanted your kid to enjoy these BVI waters safely or you feel that you can benefit from these classes yourself, feel free to call Martine at 340-1601.

Fun at Sharky’s Head on down to Sharky’s and get your sombrero ready for a night of fun & great food to celebrate Mexican Independence Day on September 16th. Make your own sombrero for your chance to win FREE drinks or dinner for 2 at Sharky’s. The Al Broderick Show starts at 7pm. But that’s not all, Sharky’s is keeping the party going all week with specials every night. Enjoy Sunday Brunch starting from 11:30am with bottomless mimosas & Mexican, English and

American food. Monday is dubbed Service Industry Night with discounts for all service industry professionals. Or maybe you’re in the mood for some dancing; Wednesday on Salsa Night from at 8pm you can dance all night. The fun doesn’t stop there grab your girlfriends on Thursday for ladies night, 50% off drinks for ladies all night starting at 7pm. For more info or reservations call Sharky’s at 494 8140 or visit See you there!

HLSCC Race Series The Annual Highland Spring/HLSCC Spring Race Series kicks off this Saturday, 13th September from the HLSCC campus in VG. The races are open to all levels and consist of onemile (under 9s only) and two-mile races, and registration is at 6:30am at the Campus. There will be races throughout the month of September & October with the last race scheduled for November 15th. So hit the pavement this Saturday and show them what you got!

Fashion Fun Fair Caribbean Insurers Ltd and UMI presents A Walk to Remember – Fashion Fun Fair and it all goes down this Friday, September 12th at 5pm at the Caribbean Insurers Courtyard in Road Town. This is a fun event featuring 20 of the BVIs finest modes. Fashion beats will be provided by DJ Dre and the fun starts at 5pm. There will be a special guest appearance by surprise Platinum Models. You definitely don’t want to miss it!

Back to School Bowling Head on down to Save the Seed Energy Center and take advantage of their Back to School Bowling Specials going on the entire month of September. Children under 18 can bowl a 10-frame game for ONLY $5 shoes included. For more info call the office at 4947353 for more info, happy bowling! 7

Vol. 27, No. 1 • Sept 11 - 17, 2014

live music • events • concerts •


music by saxophonist Glenroy Charles 7-9pm.



PUSSER’S — Daily Happy Hour from 5-7pm.

MYETT’S — Sunset Happy Hour 5-7pm.

SHARKY’S — Happy Hour from 5-7pm. Ladies’


Night 7pm-until



PUSSER’S — Daily Happy Hour from 5-7pm SHARKY’S — End of Summer BBQ (Special menu night) DUFFS BOTTOM SAVE THE SEED — Hon. Julian Fraser Basketball Tournament, call 494-7353 for games schedule

MYETT’S — Sunset Happy Hour 5-7pm.



MYETT’S — Sunset Happy Hour 5-7pm. VG &



PUSSER’S — Daily Happy Hour from 5-7pm.

HLSCC — HLSCC Race Series VG Registration at

SHARKY’S — Happy Hour from 5-7pm.

6:30am VG Campus



Remember Fashion Fun Fair in the courtyard at 5pm



SHARKY’S — “Bubbles, Breeze Sunday Brunch

SAVE THE SEED — Hon. Julian Fraser Basketball

starting from 11:30am

Tournament, call 494-7353 for games schedule



SAVE THE SEED — Hon. Julian Fraser Basketball

PUSSER’S — Daily Happy Hour from 5-7pm. Live

Limin’ Times Entertainment Guide


Tournament call 494-7353 for games schedule

ts • parties • sports • movies and more


SAVE THE SEED — Zumba Classes with Doniesha


Maduro Findlay at 7pm

Community Outreach day full of music, ministry & free


giveaways 10am

MYETT’S — Sunset Happy 5-7pm. Margarita


Mexican Monday

PUSSER’S — Daily Happy Hour from 5-7pm. Live music by saxophonist Glenroy Charles 7-9pm.


TUESDAY -SEPT 16 ROAD TOWN SHARKY’S — Mexican Sombrero Party (prizes for


the largest Sombrero) Al Broderick’s Show 7pm

MYETT’S — Special Brunch Menu & Bottomless

BVI Wine & Food Festival

Mimosas with DJ Jephet 2pm. Sunset Sunset Happy


Hour 5-7pm. Roll the dice boutique sale up to 60% off


Burger Eating Competition @ Myett’s — Sept 18

ROAD TOWN PUSSER’S — Daily Happy Hour from 5-7pm SHARKY’S — Happy Hour from 5-7pm. DUFFS BOTTOM

CANE GARDEN BAY MYETT’S — Sunset Happy Hour 5-7pm. Seafood Paella & Sangria Specials

SAVE THE SEED — Pilates Classes with Pamelah Antoine from 5:45pm


HLSCC Race Series Tortola — Sept 20 Art Festival, Wine Tasting & Farmers Market — Sept 28

ROAD TOWN SHARKY’S — Happy Hour from 5-7pm. Salsa Night

Willy T Virgin’s Cup Race— Oct 18

8pm-until CANE GARDEN BAY MYETT’S —Sunset Happy Hour 5-7pm

CIL – Soap Box Race — Oct 19 St. Ursula’s Day — Oct 20 Foxy Halloween Cat Fight — Oct 25


Vol. 27, No. 1 • Sept 11 - 17, 2014

Call 494-2413 to Advertise Today! Limin’ Times Entertainment Guide


By Claudia Colli

Did I Really Mean That? Words are an important part of our work here at Island Publishing Services, and recently, I learned a new one – one that explains the very modern day phenomenon of auto-correction. We’ve all had it happen to us. Autocorrect can change the meaning of one’s email, the gist of an article and – in a global context – has the potential to change the direction of the world. The word (and I hope that my computer doesn’t change it for me!) is Cupertino – also known as the “Cupertino effect.” What is the Cupertino effect you might ask? Well, according to, it’s “The tendency of spellcheckers to replace a word that it considers incorrect with a wholly inappropriate word. The Cupertino effect derives its name from the habit of early spellcheckers to change the word co-operation to Cupertino, the city in northern California that's home to Apple Inc.” It seems that in an early Microsoft dictionary if one typed in “co-operation” it was autocorrected to Cupertino. So an organization like the “South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation” discovered that it was now inexplicably called the “South Asian Association for Regional Cupertino.” Or, an academic paper was transformed into . . . "the presentation on African-German Cupertino.” It all sounds a bit like a Saturday Night Live skit. For instance, when I type in “Island” as in “Island in

the Sun,” my computer in its infinite wisdom, automatically types in “Publishing Services” after the word “Island” – always. I may no longer be able to “bear my soul on line” Oops! I really meant “bare my soul.” Embarrassing, dangerous, humorous, auto-correction is a phenomenon of our modern techno-centric world (I’m not sure that techno-centric is a word – but then again, it wasn’t auto-corrected). We are letting ourselves be overruled by our machines. If our spelling checker thinks a word is right it must be! Creativity and language will eventually suffer as we let our machines do the thinking for us. Can you imagine if Apple decided to autocorrect some of the world’s most famous literature? Books like Pride and Prejudice, Tom Sawyer and War and Peace might sound like an Apple Operating manual. Am I brave enough to turn off my spellchecker? I’m not sure. But at least if I were to make a spelling or grammar mistake, it would be my own.


Vol. 27, No. 1 • Sept 11 - 17, 2014

Weekly Suduko

The objective is to fill the full 9x9 grid with digits so that each column, each row, and each of the nine 3x3 “sub-grids” that compose the main grid contains all of the digits from 1 to 9 – with no repeats within each row or column within the entire square. A partially completed grid is usually provided, which typically has a unique solution. See next weeks Limin’ Times issue for solution. Limin’ Times Entertainment Guide



Vol. 27, No. 1 • Sept 11 - 17, 2014

By Dean “The Sportsman” Greenaway

A Very Rare Feat Softball fans walked out of the Old Recreation Grounds on Friday, August 30 not even realizing that they had just witnessed a very rare feat in the sport. They were only concerned whether their team had won or lost. And the man behind the feat wasn’t even aware of his accomplishment until I shared it with him on Monday, Sept 8. “Oh yeah,” was Softball Coach Terry “Chino” Chinnery’s surprised response. “I didn’t even know that.” What Chino was referring to was his Power Outage Men’s team winning the 2014 BVI Softball Association Berth “Big Man” Henley League title, giving him a rare men’s and women’s title – the first time in 38 years! But, Chino waited and sweated to accomplish the feat and it’s a birthday present he’ll definitely savor. After a month’s suspense that saw his Power Outage team blowing a 3-0 lead to the Pirates and forcing a Game 7, he was finally rewarded with the 2014 title. Power Outage’s thrilling 6-5 victory over the Pirates after trailing 4-0 early in the contest – which was lengthened by the August Festival break – also gave him the first men’s title. With his Pythons team already sweeping the women’s crown from the Hawks to cap off a 59 game winning streak last month, Chinnery became the first coach to win both men’s and women’s titles since Arnold “Foxy” Barronville last pulled off the feat in 1976 with the Astros and Rivals. “The people got their money’s worth tonight and it was a very good game that started off having me worried,” noted Chino after his team fell behind. “The Limin’ Times Entertainment Guide

Terry "Chino" Chinnery, right

guys are battlers. They are a really good hitting team, whereas Woodrow (Allen Smith) pitched a heck of a game. But, after seeing him so much, it was a matter of time before we started hitting him.” Rhodni Skelton who tripled in his first at bat as part of a 3-for-3 game, got his second hit and scored in the fourth, cutting the deficit to 4-1. In the fifth Power Outage came up with five runs on five hits and key two Pirates’ errors to take a 6-4 lead. “This is awesome for me especially to win the men’s title,” Chino said. “I’ve always been involved with men’s teams since I returned and this is the first I’ve ever won a championships with them. With Young Talent, we always came up short but now this is a really good feeling and I won it on my birthday. I was worried for a little while, but the guys hung in there.” Pirates’ ace Allen “Woodrow” Smith said one couldn’t ask for a better series that involved a game seven and the league’s best two pitchers going at it yet again. “Look at the park, every stand is full and you need games like this. Neville “Sheep” Smith (the Power Outage pitcher) said he retired. I don’t know if you’ll have another matchup like me and Sheep in the next five or 10 years, but hopefully, it will get back to being good.” 14

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