Now in its 27th Year! July 2 - 8, 2015 Vol.27, No.43
Your Free Guide to our islands’ happenings
Bashtonbury Festival
@ The Island Last Resort
Saturday, July 4th
Also this week: sunset Party @ Bamboushay lounge • Firecracker 500 @ Fish N’ lime • Peter haycraft t20 Cup
This Week’s Feature Story by Jan Critchley
Bashtonbury Festival Other Bashtonbury “Mainstage” artists include Don’t miss one of the hottest music line-ups this James Morrin, The “Paul Revere” Dancers, A Type of summer at the Bashtonbury Festival 2015. Building on Toad, a Fire Dancers show and DMC mixmaster chamthe success of last year’s BASHFEST, this year’s pion DJ Jay Negril who will close the night, scratching sequel on Saturday, July 4th promises to be bigger and sampling his way through some blistering sets. and better than ever with lots of live music, dance perHot Sauce founder, Al Broderick said, “We are formances, live art canvas painting, great food and really excited to have such an eclectic line up for drink and arts and crafts on display. You can even Bashtonbury Festival, so come one, come all, and bring your own tent and camp to really bring on the support the musicians, performfestival vibe! ers and artists that have collaboBrought to you by BASH, rated for everyone’s enjoyment Bounce and The Island Last and to make this festival one to Resort, wear your favorite wig for remember. And, to the performthis eclectic evening and get ers, have a great time, play from ready for an evening that comthe heart and let’s make this the bines a little island music with an best annual music and arts event arts festival for a night of music, of the BVI! dance and intense revelry that The doors will open at The will have you strutting your funky Island Last Resort at 4pm, with stuff till dawn. Hot Sauce - Live at Bashtonbury Festival. bands playing live from 5pm. There will be something for There is a $25 entry fee that includes a welcome drink, all musical tastes, including favorites such as MJ all performances and a free boat ride every 30 minBlues who will be playing a Jimmy Hendrix tribute set, utes from the dock in Trellis Bay. the sultry tones of Alyssa Harrigan, Ruben’s Latin Jazz For more information, and tickets contact BASH Combo – an excellent seven-piece jazz band, the everon 542-0108, Bounce on 541-4416 or e-mail info@laspopular Al Broderick & Hot Sauce and Dalan Vanterpool who will be working his magic on sax.
Vol. 27, No. 43 • July 2 - 8, 2015
By Arlena Smith
Kingsman: The Secret Service After losing his father at a young age, Gary “Eggsy” Unwin (Taron Egerton) grows into a troublesome but highly intelligent young man from South London – with a strong desire to protect the people he loves but no clear direction in his own life. Eggsy spends the majority of his days with a chip on his shoulder, defying authority figures, and blaming stuffy aristocrats for the death of his dad, believing that silver spoon politicians callously sent Lee Unwin into military combat with no concern for his safety or the potential ramifications. However, unbeknownst to Eggsy, his father was actually a member of the Kingsman – a privately funded spy agency that operates outside of bureau-
Kingsman, is the ultimate spy movie but a spy
cratic motivations, investigating and disarming glob-
movie is only as good as its villains and the com-
al threats. Lee was killed in the line of duty, saving the
bined pairing of Samuel Jackson and Sofia Boutella
lives of his fellow Kingsman – including Harry Hart
are a fun set of opponents for Firth and the
(Colin Firth), the organization’s top agent. In appreci-
Kingsman. Unsurprisingly, Jackson is a scene-stealer
ation for Lee’s sacrifice, the Kingsman have kept a
as Valentine injecting laughable quirks that punctu-
close eye on Eggsy over the years and, when the boy
ate the character’s contagious charm and unrepen-
finally lands himself in significant trouble with the
tant insanity. With a strong cast in place Kingsman kicks butt,
law, Hart bails him out and presents him with the
and a whole lot of it, nothing more, nothing less.
opportunity for a better life – as a Kingsman.
Lime ... “to hang around idly” or “to go out on the town.” Source: The Dictionary of Virgin Islands English Creole by the late educator and historian Lito Valls. The Limin’ Times brings you all the news about when and where to “lime” in the British Virgin Islands. Limin’ Times Entertainment Guide
While every effort is made to ensure that information is correct, we cannot accept responsibility for any errors, changes in schedules, ads or other information in this magazine, which is intended as a guide only. If you have an entertainment event coming up that you would like published, give us a call at 494-2413. Special Notice: Purchase of advertising space in this publication does not guarantee editorial coverage of any event.
Published weekly by Island Publishing Services. Caribbean Printing Company Limited, Pasea Estate, P.O. Box 133, Road Town, Tortola, B.V.I., © 2015 Publisher & Editor: Claudia Colli Writer & Associate Editor: Arlena Smith Writer & Editorial Assistant: Jan Critchley Tel: 494-2413; Fax: 494-4413
Vol. 27, No. 43 • July 2 - 8, 2015
Limin’ Times Entertainment Guide
By Jan Critchley
A Cracking Good Race Don’t miss the 24th annual Firecracker 500 and Chili Cook-off, brought to you by the Loyal West End Yacht Club this Saturday, July 4th at the Fish ‘n’ Lime, Soper’s Hole. Register your boat on Friday night or early on Saturday morning at the Skippers Meeting at 9am. The first start is at 10am with the Awards Ceremony at 6pm and the Chili Cook-off in the afternoon - bring along your best chili and win prizes! All proceeds go to supporting our Olympic Sailors! For more information contact or Fish ‘n’ Lime on 495-4276.
Senior Fun The Social Development Department is inviting the public to the Senior Summer Fun Camp from July 6 to July 31, 2015. The senior camp will be held at the Sea Cow’s Bay Community Centre from 10am to 3pm. Activities will include basket and jewelry making, floral arrangement, karaoke, arts and craft, fishing and zumba. Registration is $20, please contact the Social Development Department on 468-3650 for more information.
DJ Jay @ Bamboushay Make sure you get along to Bamboushay Lounge this Friday, 3rd July for their Sunset Party from 6pm to 9pm featuring DJ Jay Negril and friends playing lounge/house music all night. There will be champagne specials and spirited hors d’oevres! Perfect for a Friday night.
Beach & Bush Camp Summertime is here again! Which means the Beach & Bush Camp crew are getting ready for some serious fun. Run by Surf School BVI and Groundsea
Adventures – the daily activity camp is based at Josiah’s Bay for children 7-12 years of age (who must be competent swimmers). Starting on June 29th, the camp runs all summer (until 28th August) from 8:45am till 3pm and includes adventure, play, ocean and bush skills. Kids can go for $50 per day or $250 for the week. Book now on 343-0002 or 499-1620.
Celebrity Basketball Camp Treat your kids to the thrill of the Celebrity Basketball Camp from July 6th until July 10th from 9am till 3pm. On July 6th the camp will be held on Virgin Gorda, then from July 7th to 10th the camp will be held at the Save The Seed Centre, except for the Youth Conference that will be held on July 9th at 7pm at the New Life Baptist Church. On the 10th July there will be the 1st Annual Celebrity Games and Dunk Contest and there will be motivational speaking engagements every day. So call today to register on 494-7353.
Peter Haycraft T20 Cup Make your way to Greenland East End this Sunday July 5th for the Peter Haycraft T20 Cup and watch Grenada Cricket Club vs. Royal Knights Cricket Club at 11am. Then watch the Vincy team take on the Vikings at 3pm. There will be lots of giveaways, drink specials and entrtainment by Jalene, Capable & Primetime Band. Kids enter free and $3 for adults come out and support your favorite team! 7
Vol. 27, No. 43 • July 2 - 8, 2015
live music • events • concerts • p
MYETT’S — Sunset Happier Hour w/ Candyman 5pm. $2 Carib & Coors Light w/ special priced bar menu
FISH ‘N’ LIME — Registration for Firecracker 500
PARADISE CLUB — All day happy hour with 2 for 1 Island Cocktails. Fresh made to order pizzas - everyday!
Race 9am. First start at 10am. Chili Cook-Off and Prize Giving at 6pm. CANE GARDEN BAY
MYETT’S — No cruise ship beach day! Volleyball & beach games. Watersport rentals. Beach bar open with specials. Happier hour 5-7pm w/ $2 Carib & Coors Light with special menu. Awesome Crew Band Live at 7pm.
PARADISE CLUB — Dance Party with DJ Got Milk.
BAMBOUSHAY — Sunset Party 6pm to 9pm with DJ Jay Negril & Friends. Champagne & spirited hors d’oevres!
All day Happy Hour with 2 for 1 Island Cocktails. Fresh
ELM’S BEACH BAR— Lunch Daily 11am-4pm. Happy Hour 4-6pm. Serving Caribbean Fusion Dinner 6-9pm
made to order pizzas - everyday! ELM’S BEACH BAR— Lunch 11am-4pm. Happy Hour 4-6pm. Serving Caribbean Fusion Dinner 6-9pm
SOPER’S HOLE FISH ‘N’ LIME — Registration for Firecracker 500 Race
Festival 2015. Doors open 4pm with live music from
MYETT’S — Sunset Happier Hour 5-7pm. $2 Carib & Coors Light w/ special priced bar menu. Speciality Pizza Night. Evolution Band 7pm. Dance contest.
5pm. Featuring MJ Blues Hendrix Tribute, Ruben’s Latin
Jazz Combo, Hot Sauce, A Type of Toad, Dalan Vanterpool, DJ Jay Negril plus the Paul Revere Dancers,
Limin’ Times Entertainment Guide
PARADISE CLUB — Feel Good Fridays. Groovy House Music - FREE Picnic Table Rides, All day Happy Hour with 2 for 1 Island Cocktails. Fresh made to order pizzas - everyday!
arts & crafts, fire-dancers and much more.
ELM’S BEACH BAR — Lunch Daily 11am-4pm. Beach BBQ w/ Live Music. Serving Caribbean Fusion Dinner 6-9p
MYETT’S — Sunday Brunch w/Bottomless Mimosas. Volleyball & Beach Games. Watersports Rentals. DJ Jephet at Beach Bar 4-6pm. The Oren Hodge Experience from 7-9pm.
s • parties • sports • movies and more
PARADISE CLUB — Beach Bum Bingo-12-sunset. Games for all ages. BBQ on the beach. All day Happy Hour with 2 for 1 Island Cocktails. ELM’S BEACH BAR — Lunch Daily 11am 4pm.Beach BBQ w/ Live Music. Serving Caribbean Fusion Dinner 6-9pm GREENLAND EAST END PETER HAYCRAFT T20 CUP — Cricket Action from 11am with Grenada vs Royal Knights, 3pm with Vincy vs Vikings. Entertainment by Jalene, Capable & Primetime Band. Giveaways, drink specials and more.
CANE GARDEN BAY MYETT’S — Sunset Happier Hour with Carib & Coors Light w/ special priced bar menu. Live music by Oren Hodge. PARADISE CLUB — Open Jam Night with the one and only Al Broderick. Come play along with one of the island’s favourite musicians. Drink Specials, fresh and fantastic pizza! ELM’S BEACH BAR— Lunch Daily 11am-4pm. Happy Hour 4-6pm. Serving Caribbean Fusion Dinner 6-9pm
COMMUNITY CENTRE — Senior’s Summer Fun Camp 10am till 3pm - July 6th till July 31st. Call 468-3650.
SAVE THE SEED — Celebrity Basketball Camp w/ motivational speakers daily - 9am till 3pm. Call 494-7353.
MYETT’S — Margarita Mexican Monday w/ 2 for 1 speciality margaritas & munchies. Happier Hour w/ Candyman at 5pm. Singing Chef Al Show 7:30pm.
AUDRIANNA’S REST — Salsa Night 7:30pm
PARADISE CLUB — Now open at 5pm. Fresh made to order pizzas - everyday!
CANE GARDEN BAY MYETT’S — Carib & Coors Light w/ special priced bar menu. Live local entertainment by 3D Band Dinner & Dance 7pm
TUESDAY - JULY 7 ROAD TOWN MATCHAS — $5 Tuesdays w/ Hennessy drink specials, 2 for $ Coors Light & music by DJ Krusha & Phenom DUFF’S BOTTOM SAVE THE SEED — Celebrity Basketball Camp w/ motivational speakers daily - 9am till 3pm. 494-7353.
PARADISE CLUB — All day Happy Hour with 2 for 1 Island Cocktails - Fresh made to order pizzas - everyday! ELM’S BEACH BAR— Lunch Daily 11am-4pm. Happy Hour 4-6pm. Serving Caribbean Fusion Dinner 6-9pm. 2 for 1 specials on Painkiller & Rum Punches
Emancipation Festival July 24 - Aug 9
Natural Hair Care Workshop @ 5Girls — July 11 HM Customs Masquerade Ball — July 18 Celebrity Baskeball Camp — July 6-10 Summer Glow Beach Party ft. Jamaican Dancehall Artist Alkaline @ Myett’s — July 11 Summer Sizzle Fashion & Lifestyle Weekend ft. Taraji P. Henson & Jussie Smollett — July 23 - 26
Vol. 27, No. 43 • July 2 - 8, 2015
Limin’ Times Entertainment Guide
By Leslie Cramer
Living life in 4-WD Anyone who resides on a volcanic-based island knows the drill – there are often times when a “regular” car with mere 2-WD just won't cut it. What many may call “mountain passes” are part of our everyday lives; we need to traverse these bi-ways on a daily basis, its just part of what we have to do to get from point A to point B. When the roads are dry, that's one thing. After a good rain, though, it's a totally different scenario. We've all seen and heard car tires squealing on sharp curves with frustrated – and often scared people behind the wheel – trying to hold it together, and just get up that steep curve. And the traffic stuck below them is often a tad worried that the car won't quite make it and will start the downhill slide, right into
The Elevator Road comes immediately to mind, the
them. This happened to me recently, with a car that
one that will take you from Ridge Road, straight – and
couldn't cut the mustard. This poor driver pretty much
I do mean straight – down to Nanny Cay. That road can
wore his tires right down to the belts, then had to
be downright dangerous, as it is completely up-and-
back down that really tricky part of the road that he
down, with no “flat spots” to count on to gather speed
had first attempted.
after the long, uphill battle, or the brake-burner going
Four-wheel drive will always have a place in this
downhill, the other way. I remember back in my
world. Living in Cane Garden Bay, and having to tra-
“Thomian” days, when I sported around in a hot little
verse both Cane Garden Bay Road along with Joe's
Celica, that upper Dorothea Road was totally not
Hill pretty much every day of my life, I learned quickly
doable after a rain and I'd have to instead go the real-
where the really tricky spots lie. And, how to prepare
ly long way, to avoid a road I know I'd never get up.
for them. I’m lucky that I have a little push-button on
Bottom line – know your roads, and what you and
my dashboard that will automatically kick it into gear
your car can handle, especially if your car doesn't
(pun intended) right at that last upper hairpin turn at
have 4-WD. Otherwise, be prepared for a nerve-
the top of Joe's Hill Road when it is raining or the road
wracking white knuckle wheel-spinning skid-out
is wet – or whenever I deem it necessary.
potential fish-tail. You'll be sure to enjoy that cold beverage you will most definitely pour yourself, as soon
We all have spots that we can count on to skid out
as you reach your destination.
if we don't pop the car into 4WD in a timely fashion. 11
Vol. 27, No. 43 • July 2 - 8, 2015
Limin’ Times Entertainment Guide
By Dean “The Sportsman” Greenaway
Finally, it’s Play Ball!! most prepared for this tournament,” noted Allen Softball is off to its latest start in the 63-year hisSmith, known as “Woodrow” in the sport, who tory of the BVI Softball Association in what will be its relieved Aubrey Frett. “We were in control (of the shortest season with the least amount of teams in game) and comfortable but I guess after a while, the action. But, the competition will be intense with not guys got too comfortable, made a couple errors. We much room for error. fell behind, then we just had to tighten up.” It was less than three hours before the start of an The Dominicanos, who opened play on Saturday abbreviated season last Friday afternoon, electrical with a 7-2 victory over the Reds, made several errors power was finally restored to the Old Recreation on which the Pirates capitalized – especially late in the Grounds so that the tumultuous season could begin, game. “We weren’t suppose to after being rescheduled from be making those kinds of June 21 because of the power errors,” manager Otis Claxton situation. Since the turn of the noted of his team that overcame year, President, Neville Smith a 4-2 deficit with a 3-run fifth for has resigned; several plans to a 5-4 lead before giving up three elect new officers failed and the in the seventh after the Pirates April season opening plans tied the score. “That’s what cost were pushed back to May 28 us the game. But, we’re coming because of planned renovations Lots of softball action in store back. We’ll meet again and we’ll to the field. be much stronger. I’m going to make some changes in “This is a short, sweet and intense summer my defense when we meet the Pirates again.” league,” acting president and Chief Umpire, Glenford With the league ending by the end of July and the “Chappy” Maduro noted. “We got off to a slow start top two teams advancing to the championships, because of the lights but the fans are finally coming Smith – whose team beat Power Outage, 9-7 in its out and we hope to see more of them coming out as opener said there’s no room for taking chances. “My the league goes along. The ladies so far have to step goal for the first half is to get out in front, secure our up their play, but the men are looking good. Things spot, anything happens after that, relax and then just will get better as we go along.” wait for the championships,” he explained. In the first clash of unbeatens, the Pirates had topOther games saw Power Outage overpowering pled the Dominicanos 8-5 late Sunday, improving to the Mobsters 8-4, after picking up four runs in the fifth 2-0 in the league that has attracted five men and three off three hits. Defending champs Pythons whipped women’s teams. the West End Warriors, 16-6. “They had been practicing, they’ve been working Games are scheduled for Thursdays, Fridays, out, they have been here all season and they’ve been Saturdays, Sundays and Tuesdays. waiting for the tournament to start and they’ve been 13
Vol. 27, No. 43 • July 2 - 8, 2015
Ask Koren
What’s Important to One...
Your personal E-therapist, is in the house!
Ask Koren
touch with friends and expressing their feelings. Not one mentioned being more focused on career or making more money. So while those are good goals, at the end of the day, does the satisfaction that they bring trump love? Do you know that when a person is in a solid, mutually satisfying relationship, they can withstand almost anything this world throws at them? On the other hand, be in a miserable or abusive relationship and all the fancy job or money you have won’t help…you will still feel like something is not right. Relationships matter. They are important. People have many needs and being able to give and receive love is at the top of the list. It does not have to be romantic love, but love in some form; hence the importance people place on relationships. Understandably, some do become disillusioned and as a result, throw their focus and energy into work, making money or something else, but those things are a poor substitute for love. Please continue to read the columns and feel free to send in the type of questions that you prefer to see answered. That way other persons with similar interests as you could see their concerns being addressed. Your concerns are important to us.
Dear Koren, I enjoy reading your column and think you answer the questions well, but there is too much focus on man and woman story. People need to realize that there is more to life than relationships. I don’t see any topics like how they should be a better worker or how to elevate themselves in life. Women need to focus on building a career and being independent and men need to be better providers. Please use your space to focus more on helping people to improve their own self and not just for relationship talk. –GD Dear GD, Thank you for your feedback and I appreciate the fact that you take the time to read the columns. I answer what the readers ask and if there are several questions on a particular topic, I do a general post. I have received questions on money, work related issues, parenting and family, etc., and no topic gets more coverage than the other deliberately. I would also like you to consider the fact that while building a career, being independent and being a good provider are very important topics, they are not everyone’s priority. Everyone has different views on what is important to them and so they ask whatever the burning issues are in their lives. In a recent article I read about the top five regrets of persons when they are dying, people talked about being true to themselves, wishing they didn’t work as hard, wishing they had pursued happiness, kept in
Limin’ Times Entertainment Guide
Send your questions confidentially to or via twitter at @korennorton
Weekly Suduko
The objective is to fill the full 9x9 grid with digits so that each column, each row, and each of the nine 3x3 “sub-grids” that compose the main grid contains all of the digits from 1 to 9 – with no repeats within each row or column within the entire square. A partially completed grid is usually provided, which typically has a unique solution. See next weeks Limin’ Times issue for solution.