Lancaster June 2014

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June 2014

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HALTON FESTIVAL 2014 ------------Fathers Day



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------------Cover by Jason Connolly

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SUMMER is here!! Long may it last, and with lots of events going and jobs to do around the house, youโ€™ll find plenty of events and businesses inside to help you this month - as well as over 1200 more in our online directory. Weโ€™ve just launched our NEW Blackpool Central magazine with up to 20,000 copies in the FY1 postcode section. This takes our total coverage to over 180,000 free copies a month, as we reach more doors than any other local media. This is our biggest ever June issue with a 25% growth on last year. Why? Because we offer a service that people come back to again and again - and we deliver results. But donโ€™t just listen to us! Check out our testimonials inside... Well done to last monthโ€™s winner: Janet Carney for the Where Am I? ยฃ50 is on its way, and also to Rat Pack Vegas Spectacular Ticket Pair Winners: S Wharton and Alison Whitehead. Now is the best time to get involved, and we hope you do!

Enjoy the read and see you next month!

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When you are separating from your spouse or your partner what is the key to answering the following questions: With whom will the children live? How much contact will your ex partner have to the children? What happens to the house? How much maintenance should be paid? How are the assets divided? Will I have enough money to live on?


The key is to choose the right solicitor. The family law team at JWK Solicitors are all very experienced, specialist family lawyers, well placed to be able to give you the answers to all the questions you may have and help you each step of the way towards a new start.

Michele Wright is a senior solicitor with 27 years experience dealing with family cases and is a Member of Resolution (whose members work to a code of conduct placing emphasis on a constructive approach to reaching a settlement in family cases to avoid unnecessary acrimony and expense for all concerned).

Charles Wilson is a Director of JWK Solicitors and has a wealth of experience dealing with family cases and is a trained collaborative lawyer [collaborative lawyers work together with their clients to reach agreed solutions following a separation/divorce and commit to avoiding a drawn out and costly court dispute]. Charles is also a member of Resolution.

We offer a reduced fee first appointment when we can advise on your options, answer your questions and deal with your concerns.

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The evenings are getting longer and warmer, and this simple salad is quick to prepare, which means less time in the kitchen and more time in the garden. Pour a glass of red wine, and enjoy!

Serves 4 Level of difficulty: Easy Preparation time: 15 minutes ๏€๏€‚๏€ƒ๏€„๏€…๏€†๏€‡๏€…๏€‚๏€ˆ๏€‰ 1 cucumber 400g broccoli, cut into small florets 1 head of lettuce (or combine two varieties of lettuce) 1 pepper 8 cherry tomatoes 50g pistachios (or try walnuts, sunflower seeds, pine nuts ...) 100g of Iberico ham ๏€Š๏€‹๏€„๏€Œ๏€ˆ๏€๏€…๏€Œ๏€Ž๏€‡๏€‚๏€๏€‡๏€ƒ๏€„๏€…๏€ˆ๏€ˆ๏€…๏€๏€Œ 6 tbsp olive oil 2 tbsp sherry vinegar 1tsp smooth mustard 1 tsp runny honey 1 clove garlic, crushed Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste ๏€‘๏€„๏€…๏€’๏€๏€„๏€๏€ˆ๏€‡๏€‹๏€‚ Cut the cucumber into thin slices using a peeler. Line the inside of four presentation rings with the cucumber slices. Place each on a plate and fill the rings with lettuce right up to the brim. Cook the broccoli in boiling water for up to three minutes until just tender Chop the peppers and tomatoes into small pieces and place on top of the lettuce along with the broccoli florets. Sprinkle the pistachios on top and add a few shavings of Iberico ham. Mix together all the ingredients for the vinaigrette and dress the salad. Then very slowly remove the rings to prevent the salad falling apart.๏€

๏€๏€๏€œ๏€๏€†๏€Œ๏€‹๏€—๏€Œ๏€ž๏€‹๏€๏€‰๏€ˆ๏€…๏€†๏€Œ๏€ž๏€…๏€†๏€Œ ๏€‘๏€…๏€’๏€’๏€…๏€„๏€‰๏€Œ๏€๏€‚๏€†๏€Œ๏€๏€๏€„๏€†๏€‡๏€‚๏€…๏€‰๏€Œ

Rich in vitamins and minerals, this Mediterranean๏€ต inspired dish makes for a quick and colourful supper. Perfect with warm crusty bread and a glass of wine!

Serves 4 Level of difficulty: Low Preparation time: 60 minutes ๏€๏€‚๏€ƒ๏€„๏€…๏€†๏€‡๏€…๏€‚๏€ˆ๏€‰ 8 red peppers (can also be green or yellow) 8 canned sardines (in oil) Salt and black pepper, to taste For the vinaigrette: 3 tbsp olive oil 1 tbsp sherry vinegar 1 small sweet onion, finely diced 1tbsp finely chopped parsley Balsamic glaze to decorate ๏€‘๏€„๏€…๏€’๏€๏€„๏€๏€ˆ๏€‡๏€‹๏€‚ Place the peppers on a baking tray at roast at 220ยฐC for 20๏€ต30 minutes or until the skin in black. Cover with a clean wet cloth and allow them cool. Once the peppers are cool peel off the skin and remove seeds. Slice the peppers into strips. ๏€“๏€‹๏€Œ๏€”๏€๏€•๏€…๏€Œ๏€ˆ๏€๏€…๏€Œ๏€†๏€„๏€…๏€‰๏€‰๏€‡๏€‚๏€ƒ๏€๏€Œwhisk the olive oil, vinegar, onion, salt, black pepper and parsley. Slice the sardines in half lengthways and remove bones. To serve: arrange the peppers on a place, top with the sardines and then spoon over the dressing. Decorate the plate with balsamic glaze. ๏€–๏€๏€…๏€—๏€˜๏€‰๏€Œ๏€ˆ๏€‡๏€’๏€๏€ŒFor this easy recipe, it is important to use high quality ingredients such as virgin olive oil. For an extra special touch use a balsamic glaze to decorate the plate (available in most supermarkets).

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Cloudy2Clear Windows โ€“ Service With A Smile!

Itโ€™s been a crazy few months for Cloudy2Clear Windows. The company which specialises in repairing windows which are steamed up, broken or damaged by replacing the panes โ€“ not the frames has grown rapidly as homeowners take advantage of their services. Branch Manager Roger Bonnick feels that itโ€™s all about service. โ€˜Our product is simple. If your double glazing is misted up we can replace the glass at a fraction of the cost of a new window, in any type of frame, and with a new 5 year guarantee. But itโ€™s not just about saving people money, although that obviously helps. Many

tradespeople have struggled since last year and I honestly feel that during the good times a minority perhaps didnโ€™t focus on customer care as much as they should have done. We make sure we turn up when we say we will, do the job the customer requires and leave their house as clean as a whistle. I often get comments back from customers on how they really didnโ€™t expect that sort of service which, in a way, is very sad for the service industry as a whole.โ€™ Cloudy2Clear service the Lancaster, Morecambe & Carnforth areas and Roger is finding that his approach is a major factor

in his success. โ€˜The truth is that itโ€™s not just the personal satisfaction that I get from doing a good job but also it makes good business sense. I get a huge amount of business from friends and family of people Iโ€™ve done work for,

which just goes to show how much a little bit of effort is appreciated.โ€™ So, if your windows are steamed up, broken or damaged give Roger a call for a free quotation on 0800 61 21 118 and heโ€™ll be happy to help!

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Where Am I? WIN ยฃ50

-------------------------------------------------1 WIN ยฃ50 by finding out Where Am I?. Congratulations last months winner: Janet Carney ยฃ50 is on its way! MAY Answers: 1. St Walburgeโ€™s Church, Preston 2. North Pier, Blackpool 3. Beach Huts, Fleetwood


Enter on our website under competitions at 3

Closing date 12th of each month. All correct entries will be selected at random on the closing date. Winner will be notified using details supplied within 30 days of draw. Only one entry per person will be accepted and editor has final decision. Terms & conditions may apply.

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Rosemere Cancer Foundation Effective treatment remains a priority within the NHS but it is expensive and there is little left over for non-essential items and facilities that may make all the difference to a patientโ€™s experience of the treatment process. The Rosemere Cancer Foundation, founded in 1997 when the cancer centre opened exists to provide those extras wherever possible. It is your local cancer charity. Rosemere supports the regional specialist cancer centre at Royal Preston Hospital, as well as all the local cancer units across this part of the North West. Cancer patients from the Lake District can all benefit from the services that Rosemere provides. Rosemere supports patients during treatment by providing additional facilities and services in a clinical setting wherever they are being treated. Rosemereโ€™s target is to raise ยฃ800.000 in 2014 to help fund research, patient welfare projects, additional equipment and training right here on your door step, to help give these cancer patients the best possible care.

Cash Ads

The Rosemere Foundation Morecambe Bay walk will take place on Saturday 6th September at 3.15 pm, application details are on the next page

A few projects recently funded in the Morecambe Bay area were: โ€ข Research into prostate cancer - ยฃ150,000 โ€ข Creation of a Breast Cancer Survivorship Scheme - ยฃ11,300 โ€ข Olympus Scope Guide Position Detecting Unit - ยฃ30,000 โ€ข The Grizedale Unit at Westmoreland Hospital -ยฃ100,000

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FREE Cash Adverts page for items under ยฃ250, all adverts must be sent by email to in FULL CAPS Max 20 words with telephone, please specify magazine area.

All listings may be subject to editing and included space permitting. Listing will appear in area of magazine specified. All listings over ยฃ250+ will be charged at ยฃ5 per area insertion. LINK-MAG is not liable for any inaccuracies within the listing supplied. RH. L SHAPED CORNER SOFA 2 YEARS OLD SHADES OF BROWN, CUSHIONS INCLUDED, WILL ACCEPT ยฃ200 TEL. (FLEETWOOD) 01253 870071 ................................................................... BEASY TRANSFER SLIDE WITH ROTATING SEAT. USED ONCE. CHAIR TO WHEELCHAIR, WHEELCHAIR TO CAR TRANSFERS ETC. ยฃ294 NEW. COST ยฃ175. TEL (FLEETWOOD) 01253 829921 ................................................................... LARGE LOGS, CUTTING REQUIRED ยฃ1 EACH. T: (FLEETWOOD) 01253 770525 ................................................................... SAT NAV (TOM TOM) HARDLY USED. ยฃ40. T: (FLEETWOOD) 01253 776559


LADIES BROWN LEATHER KNEE LENGTH HIGH HEEL BOOTS. SIZE 7. ยฃ18. LADIES EVENING FUR CAPE. ยฃ20. T: (FLEETWOOD) 01253 770525 ................................................................... FLUSH CEILING LIGHT WITH 3 ARMSIN BRASS. VGC. ยฃ20. T: (FLEETWOOD) 01253776559 ................................................................... ANTI COAG SELF TESTING KIT. METER-PEN- 5 STRIPS-HUNDREDS OF NEEDLES-DVD. FULL INSTRUCTIONS. TEST YOURSELF,NO NEED FOR VISITS TO ANTI COAG CLINICS. COST ยฃ300.00 SELL FOR ยฃ150.00 USED 12 TIMES. (FLEETWOOD) 01253 874906

15 PIECES PINE WOOD, LENGTHS 10FT X 3INS. SUITABLE FOR MAKING GARDEN GATES. ยฃ15. T: (FLEETWOOD) 01253 770525 ................................................................... MICROHPONE, SENNHEISER E845. HARDLY USED. INCLUDES JACK LEAD. ยฃ50. T: (FLEETWOOD) 01253 776559 ...................................................................

Your advert will reach over 25,000 homes and sometimes appear in our other magazines, sell your unwanted items.

Advertise your business call 0800 970 7687 or email

Registered Charity 1131583

cross bay walk

Saturday 6th September 2014 โ€“ 3.15 p.m. start An unforgettable experience and a perfect activity for a summerโ€™s day for all the family. This beautiful and exhilarating walk leads you from the shore at Arnside to Kents Bank accompanied at all times by a team of expert Bay Guides led by the Queenโ€™s Guide Cedric Robinson. This walk is on average between 7/8 miles long. The walk is suitable for children and dogs are welcome. Support vehicles will be on hand should any walker feel too tired or unable to complete the walk.

Entry Fee: ยฃ10.00 per person (Cheques payable to: Rosemere Cancer Foundation) Entry To: Rosemere Cancer Foundation,

Radiotherapy Department, Royal Preston Hospital, Fulwood, Preston PR2 9HT

Tel: 01772 522913


If you have a personal reason for taking part in this event and are willing to share it with the local press, please give brief details and we may contact you. (This will help us generate more publicity for the event in your area).


Date of Birth:

Address: Postcode: Email address: Declaration: I declare that I will take part in the event at my own risk and will not hold the organisers responsible for any loss, injury or sickness as a result of my taking part. Signed:

cross bay walk Saturday 6


Sept 2014 - 3.15 p.m. start

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f your dad wants to make the most of the garden in so-called 'flaming June' and beyond, then you can make his Father's Day by buying him a gift which will make his job easier or simply make him smile.

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Lancaster News

August Fest line up announced Live music, family fun and great food and drink combine once again at this yearโ€™s Halton Festival. Now in its second year, the event attracted over 1,000 people in 2013, and organisers are inviting everyone back for another summer celebration on Saturday August 9th. The playing fields at the Centre will be the setting for the free daytime event, featuring up to 20 stalls, kids activities, international food, hand crafted local ale and plenty more besides. The festival also hosts the annual skate competition on one of the best skate parks in the north west. BMX, scooter or skateboard โ€“ a ยฃ5 entry fee gets you in the running to compete for some great prizes. The outdoor stage will play host to bands and singers from the Lancaster area, including sets from Killer Bunny, Stripped Back, Charlie Galloway, Blackheart Afterglow, Schooltrip and The Intensely Staring Cats. In the evening, the fun moves inside The Centre with music from Morecambe indie rockers Joe McCorriston and the Blockbuster Blues, York genre hoppers Grinny Grandad, and Manchesterโ€™s award winning reggae/rock/ska four piece Jeremiah Ferrari. Entry to the evening show, from 8pm, is ยฃ10. Co-organiser Adam Lucas said: โ€œThe response to last yearโ€™s festival was fantastic, so we couldnโ€™t resist doing it again. โ€œWhether youโ€™re kicking back with a beer and a burrito enjoying the live music, browsing the independent stalls which offer arts, crafts, cakes and cards and more besides, or braving the rodeo, youโ€™re bound to find something you like. โ€˜Weโ€™re really pleased with our hand picked music line-up as well, with acts weโ€™ve enjoyed seeing at other gigs and festivals. We want everyone to get into the festival spirit, relax and soak up the atmosphere before the party continues into the evening.โ€™


Jeramiah Ferrari fuse reggae, rock, ska, punk, and more to create a sound influenced by the likes of Bob Marley and Sublime, yet unique enough to call their own. The band has been touring heavily across the UK, supporting reggae and ska heavyweights The English Beat, The Blockheads and Neville Staple. Their release last year of The Dubby Rock EP received strong radio support across the UK and reached number 4 in the Itunes Reggae Charts. 2014 will see them playing The Willowman Festival with The Wailers and Craig Charles Funk and Soul Show, and weโ€™ve managed to secure them in Halton as well. BBC 6 Musicโ€™s Tom Robinson described then as an โ€˜extraordinary bandโ€™, and their single The Good Girl has had over 30,000 hits on Youtube.โ€ Other highlights at the event will be Greenlands Farm, The Apothecary cocktail bar, bouncy castles, site art, a dance display, Go Burrito, and Enjoy A Ball. Mr Lucas added: โ€˜We very much welcome volunteers who can help set up and break down the festival and help out on the day, so if you can spare a few hours weโ€™d love to hear from you. We also have spaces left for stalls so if you think you can bring something unique to the festival, email us onโ€™ More information about the festival can be found on Facebook. The daytime event runs from 11am until 6.30pm and entry is free of charge. Tickets for the evening show will be available from June from The Greyhound Pub in Halton, the Coffee Shop at the Centre (during opening hours), and Go Burrito in Lower Church Street, Lancaster.

Advertise your business call 0800 970 7687 or email

Advertise your business call 0800 970 7687 or email


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Lovely Eggs performing during last years festival. Photo courtesy of Lancaster Music Festival

Lancaster Music Festival 2014 Now in its 6th year, Lancaster Music Festival is being extended by 2 days to take place from 9th to 13th October 2014. The festival will kick off with a launch party on the Thursday evening! Despite efforts in previous years to try to wrap up LMF on Sunday night we have found that it continues into the week, so we now officially give up and accept this city now has its own unofficial Bank Holiday weekend! So come along to a huge variety of performances from local, regional, national and international acts. Already more venues, more acts, more of the time, more music, more madness!

Virtually all the shows are free. The ales are not free but are super. There will be a Festival Ale courtesy of Thwaites Brewery and brand new for this year an special blend of Festival Coffee, courtesy of Atkinsons Coffee Roasters. For more information about the festival, including details of how to apply to perform, visit our website or contact us via email, phone or social media using the details below. CONTACT DETAILS: Email: Facebook: Twitter:

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Lancaster News

Put A Spring In Your Step and Enter Race For Life In Lancaster WITH warmer weather and lighter evenings on the horizon, women in Lancaster are being urged to put a spring in their step by entering Cancer Research UKโ€™s Race for Life. Taking part in Race for Life at Lancaster University is a great way for women of all shapes and sizes to enjoy the outdoors and get a little more active as they prepare for their 5k event. Committing to take part, and encouraging their mums, grans, daughters, sisters and friends to join them, gives participants a target to aim for, in terms of getting a bit fitter and raising money to beat cancer sooner. This year, Race for Life in Lancaster takes place on Sunday, July 20 with the 5k event. Jennifer Ward, Cancer Research UKโ€™s Lancaster Event Manager, said: โ€˜Race for Life is not competitive and itโ€™s not about being fit or fast. Itโ€™s about thousands of women coming together to show cancer whoโ€™s boss. You donโ€™t need to pound the pavements or be decked out in lycra to do your bit. Participants can choose to walk, jog, run or even dance their way around the course. Whichever way they reach the finish line, they are united by their determination to beat cancer.โ€™ Cancer Research UKโ€™s Race for Life, in partnership with Tesco, is an inspiring women-only series of 5k events which raises millions of pounds every year to fund research to help beat 200 types of cancer. Although the number of people being diagnosed with cancer is going up - largely due to the fact that people are living longer and cancer is predominantly a disease of old age - the


good news is that, thanks to research, survival rates have doubled in the past 40 years. More people across the North West are now beating the disease than ever before. Last year, 905 women took part in Race for Life in Lancaster and raised a fantastic ยฃ45,108. This year, organisers need 1000 women and girls to stride out to help raise ยฃ40,000. Jennifer added: โ€˜You donโ€™t need to embark upon a tough training regime โ€“ unless you really want to! A gentle walk is a great form of exercise, and with lighter evenings on the way, itโ€™s the perfect time to enjoy the fresh air, get fit and gear up for the Race for Life experience. The atmosphere and excitement on the day will get everyoneโ€™s blood pumping! Becoming more active has benefits that continue well after the event, as research shows that even regular, moderate physical activity can help reduce the risk of cancer. Not only does it help to maintain a healthy body weight but it also has a protective effect in itself.โ€™

To enter Race for Life events in the North West, visit or call 0845 600 6050. Race for Life events in the North West Blackpool : 5k on Wednesday 9th July at 7.30pm at Blackpool Promenade Lancaster: 5k on Sunday 20th July at 11.00am at Lancaster University Preston: 5k on Sunday 15th June at 11.00am at Moor Park

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Lancaster News


๏€๏€‚๏€ƒ๏€„๏€„๏€…๏€ƒ๏€‚๏€†๏€‡๏€‡ ๏€ˆ๏€‰๏€Š๏€‹๏€Œ๏€Œ๏€ ๏€‚๏€ƒ๏€๏€„๏€…๏€†๏€‡๏€ˆ๏€‰๏€๏€Š๏€‹๏€Œ๏€๏€ ๏€Ž๏€ƒ๏€๏€๏€…๏€†๏€๏€๏€Š๏€Ž๏€๏€ ๏€‘๏€ƒ๏€๏€’๏€…๏€“๏€”๏€๏€Š๏€•๏€๏€ ๏€‹๏€–๏€ƒ๏€๏€—๏€˜๏€…๏€™๏€๏€Š๏€š๏€๏€ ๏€‹๏€›๏€ƒ๏€๏€œ๏€…๏€๏€™๏€…๏€˜๏€ˆ๏€๏€”๏€๏€Š๏€š๏€๏€ ๏€‹๏€•๏€ƒ๏€๏€ž๏€Ÿ๏€”๏€๏€๏€Š๏€š๏€๏€ ๏€‹๏€š๏€ƒ๏€๏€ ๏€˜๏€ก๏€๏€†๏€๏€™๏€…๏€†๏€ข๏€๏€Š๏€š๏€๏€ ๏€‹๏€Ž๏€ƒ๏€๏€„๏€ฃ๏€ค๏€ค๏€๏€Š๏€•๏€๏€ ๏€›๏€–๏€ƒ๏€๏€ฅ๏€”๏€ค๏€ค๏€…๏€†๏€ข๏€๏€Š๏€Ž๏€๏€ ๏€›๏€›๏€ƒ๏€๏€„๏€…๏€†๏€๏€ฃ๏€“๏€ฆ๏€๏€Š๏€‹๏€Œ๏€๏€ ๏€ ๏€†๏€‹๏€๏€Ž๏€ ๏€‹๏€ƒ๏€๏€ง๏€ก๏€‡๏€…๏€˜๏€๏€Š๏€Ž๏€๏€ ๏€›๏€ƒ๏€๏€—๏€…๏€™๏€๏€Š๏€š๏€๏€ ๏€Œ๏€ƒ๏€๏€จ๏€ฃ๏€“๏€ฉ๏€๏€Š๏€•๏€๏€ ๏€•๏€ƒ๏€๏€ช๏€๏€๏€“๏€ฃ๏€™๏€”๏€๏€Š๏€Ž๏€๏€ ๏€ซ๏€ƒ๏€๏€ฌ๏€ฃ๏€ฉ๏€ฉ๏€ค๏€”๏€๏€Š๏€š๏€๏€ ๏€š๏€ƒ๏€๏€จ๏€…๏€‡๏€ฆ๏€“๏€”๏€๏€Š๏€•๏€๏€ ๏€‹๏€‹๏€ƒ๏€๏€ญ๏€”๏€†๏€Ÿ๏€…๏€๏€”๏€๏€Š๏€Ž๏€๏€ ๏€‹๏€Œ๏€ƒ๏€๏€๏€”๏€ˆ๏€™๏€”๏€“๏€†๏€ข๏€…๏€Ÿ๏€๏€Š๏€Ž๏€๏€ ๏€‹๏€ซ๏€ƒ๏€๏€ฎ๏€ˆ๏€๏€™๏€๏€Š๏€š๏€๏€ ๏€‹๏€‚๏€ƒ๏€๏€ฏ๏€ˆ๏€๏€ข๏€”๏€“๏€๏€Š๏€š๏€๏€ ๏€‹๏€‘๏€ƒ๏€๏€ญ๏€ˆ๏€ฐ๏€”๏€๏€Š๏€•๏€๏€ ๏€›๏€‹๏€ƒ๏€๏€จ๏€ก๏€ก๏€๏€ข๏€๏€Š๏€•๏€๏€ Advertise your business call 0800 970 7687 or email


Whatโ€™s On

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Number 1 choice for FREE whatโ€™s on listings in your area. Sent in by email each month and delivered to more doors than any other local media. All listings may be subject to editing and included space permitting. Listing will appear in area of event or magazine specified. Free listings for local charity events, groups, annual events held at community buildings i.e. churches, centreโ€™s etc, will be included. All other listing may be subject to lineage or space charge. LINK-MAG is not liable for any inaccuracies within the listing supplied.

C ommunity O


LANCASTER VISITOR INFORMATION CENTRE The Storey, Meeting House Lane, Lancaster, LA1 1TH. Opening hours: Monday to Saturday 9.30am-5pm. 01524 582394

MORECAMBE VISITOR INFORMATION CENTRE Old Station Buildings, Marine Road Central, Morecambe LA4 4DB. Opening hours: Monday to Saturday 9.30am-5pm. 01524 582808 LANCASTER CITY COUNCIL How to contact us By phone (8am to 5pm Monday to Friday) Please note that our Customer Service phone lines are closed every Wednesday from 9am to 10am to allow for essential staff training. You can still contact us via email or in person during this time. โ€ข General Enquiries 01524 582000 โ€ข Out-of-hours Emergencies 01524 67099 โ€ข Domestic Waste and Street Cleaning 01524 582491 โ€ข Housing Standards and Homelessness 01524 582257 โ€ข Residents Parking 01524 582972 โ€ข Elections 01524 582905 โ€ข Ideal Choice Homes 01524 582005 โ€ข Tell Us Once 01524 582000 In person (9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday)Customer Service Centre (Lancaster) Town Hall Dalton Square Lancaster LA1 1PJ Customer Service Centre (Morecambe) Town Hall Marine Road East Morecambe LA4 5AF Email (24 hrs): LANCASTER LIBRARY Adult learning at Lancaster library โ€˜Learn my wayโ€™ computer courses, covering computer basics, email, internet and on-line shopping, Every Monday and Thursday 2.00-4.00 pm. No booking required. Scrabble club for all abilities, scrabble boards provided. Every Monday afternoon from 2.00-4.00 pm. English Conversation group, practice your English in a small friendly group. Every Tuesday 10.00-12.00. 24

Book group come and talk about books you have enjoyed reading, friendly informal group runs First Tuesday each month. Job club run by the adult college, practical guidance and help for writing cvโ€™s and applying for jobs, every Wednesday 9.30-12.30. Coffee and craft sessions, all people and crafts welcome at this friendly group. 2nd and 4th Thursday each month. 10.00-12.00. Local and family history sessions, run by staff and volunteers in the community history library, learn about the local and family history resources collection and on-line resources, every Thursday 10.0012.00 Family Events Storytime for pre-school children, every Monday 10.0010.30. Toddler Rhyme Time, singing, rhymes and stories followed by refreshments, every Wednesday 11.0012.00. Baby Bounce and Rhyme fun songs with actions and rhymes followed by refreshments, every Friday 11.00-12.00. Saturday club open to all age children. Themed craft activities and stories, every Saturday 11.30-12.30 One off events in June Every Saturday in June from 10.00-12.00pm. The Lancaster and District Family History Group are available to help people research their families military past. 10th June - 8th July Exhibition of paintings by artist David Hartnup on the battlefields of WW1 and WW2. 20th June Summer concert by the Lancaster and District Male Voice Choir 7.30 pm. Tickets will be shortly available from the website-www. and can also be bought in the library from the end of May. 26th June โ€˜Lancashire Garlandโ€™ by Sid Calderbank at 1.30 pm. Talk about Lancashire dialect using stories and poetry.

N otices O

------------------------CATS PROTECTION - ADOPT A CAT We are looking for the right homes for our cats currently in foster care. If you would like to know more please contact us on 0845 177 0708 and check out our website FREE COMPUTER HELP AT HOME For disabled people. Simply phone 0800 269 545

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VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Do you have 2 hours to spare? The Baby Beat Appeal is a registered charity which raises funds for the Sharoe Green Maternity Unit at Royal Preston Hospital. We purchase vital equipment designed to monitor the unborn baby from conception to birth. We have a small shop based at the Unit which raises funds for our charity and we are desperately seeking anyone who would like to become a volunteer and help run it. All weโ€™re looking for is someone who has 2 hours to spare, whether per week, per month or on an ad-hoc basis. Despite being a โ€˜charity shopโ€™ โ€“ all our stock is brand new and you donโ€™t need experience as training will be given. If you would like to help us, we would love to hear from you. Please contact Karen on (01772) 524414. Reg Charity No: 1051194-7 VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Rosemere Cancer Foundation Coffee Shop, Royal Preston Hospital. Do you have time to volunteer in a rewarding role in the Rosemere Coffee Shop? Whether you can spare 5 hours a week or on alternate weeks or could be called upon as a reserve for holidays, please think about joining us. You donโ€™t need experience as full training is given. Marion Jackson, Coffee Shop Manager says โ€˜we give a lot but we get more in return.โ€™ give Marion a call on 01772 718252 Rosemere Coffee Shop Ltd. Registered Charity No: 113158 BAY CAT RESCUE is a new charity dedicated to improving the welfare of feral and stray cat. Wherever possible feral and stray cats will be rehabilitated and found good, loving, caring homes. Our many years of experience has proven that many cats thought to be strays and ferals often do desire and accept human care and companionship. Every cat deserves this opportunity to have a good home. We need new volunteers to help! We will be fundraising in order to pay for veterinary care and equipment. If you feel you can help in any way please get in touch, everyone is welcome, all skills and expertise will be found a use for, from media and publicity skills, to baking and crafts, to building and joinery and especially fostering - Please get in touch! Thank you. Info: 07460636565 or www. or www.baycatrescue.wix. com/bay-cat-rescueโ€™ THE CONTINUING LEARNING GROUP aims to provide opportunities for mature people to upgrade their knowledge; it is run by volunteers and based on Lancaster University. It hosts regular Wednesday Lunchtime Lectures on campus. These are given by academics and cover a wide range of topics. All are welcome, no booking is needed. The CLG also facilitates attendance at Open Lectures where members of the public have the opportunity to attend a selection of undergraduate lectures on a variety of subjects. CLGโ€™s Website ( is continuously updated; an estimated average is around 300 hits per day, 7 days per week.

ACCESS Counselling and Emotional Support Services for Families, Groups and Individuals aged 6 years and over. We are counsellors that volunteer our time to provide an affordable therapeutic service for people within the Lancaster, Morecambe and surrounding areas. Visit our website at

R egular Events O


LANCASTER PRIORY CHOIR Very good amateur choir, rehearses on these nights in the Priory; Boys Monday: 6.30 - 7.30 - Girls Wednesday 6.30 โ€“ 8.00 - Boys and Men Friday 7.15 - 8.15 and sings choral services every Sunday at 10.00am and 6.30pm plus other occasions. Telephone 01524 66204 for more details of vacancies. More information at at

ACTIVE HEALTH WEDNESDAY WALKS Salt Ayre Sports Centre Come and join us for this friendly led walk every Wednesday and experience the physical and social benefits of walking with a group. We begin at 11.00am and go for a walk around the running track. This walk lasts around an hour. To join the FREE walk, please meet at Salt Ayre Sports Centre every Wednesday. This walk is organised by the City Councilโ€™s Active Health team. For more information about the walk please contact Donna Swarbrick on 01524 847540 ext. 206. PEER SUPPORT Drop-in user-led support service for people with mental health issues. Various activities such as art, music, and relaxation. Cheap beverages and snacks. Opening times:10 AM -4PM Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Lower Hall, Trinity Community Centre, Middle Street, Lancaster, LA1 1JZ. Tel: 07875 025009, www.

T his Month O

-BLOOD - - - -DONATIONS -------------------โ€˜PLEASE CALL 0300 123 23 23 TO BOOK AN APPOINTMENT. APPOINTMENTS CAN BE MADE UP TO MIDNIGHT THE NIGHT BEFORE A SESSIONโ€™ Thursday 5th June Lancaster TA Centre, Alexandra Barracks, Caton Road, Lancaster LA1 3NY. 1.45pm โ€“ 3.45pm & 5.00pm โ€“ 7.30pm. Friday 13th June, Lancaster Town Hall, Lancaster City Council, Dalton Square, Lancaster, LA1 1PJ. 1.45pm โ€“ 3.45pm & 5.00pm โ€“ 7.30pm. Thursday 19th June Our Lady and St Edwards Church, Marlborough Drive, Fulwood, Preston, Lancashire, PR2 9UE. 1.45pm โ€“ 3.45pm & 5.00pm โ€“ 7.30pm

NORTH WEST VEGAN FESTIVAL Saturday June 7, 11 a.m until 7 p.m at Lancaster Town Hall, Dalton Square, LA1 1PJ And from 11 a.m. until midnight at The Gregson Centre, Lancaster, LA1 3PY 115 stalls, vegan beer and wine festival, films, talks, cookery demos, speed dating and meeting, childrenโ€™s activities, flea market to benefit animal related causes, aftershow.

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THE SPACE GALA BALL Friday 13th June, 7pm for 7:30pm Carriages at 1am The Villa, Wrea Green, Preston, PR4 2PE Tickets ยฃ40 each, Reception drinks, 4 course dinner and entertainment by the famous Paul Guard For tickets and further information contact Hilary on 01772 769391 MID WEEK 10K RACE Wednesday July 16th at 7.30pm Athletics Track by Salt Ayre Sports Centre near Lancaster Organised by Lancaster & Morecambe Athletics Club. Sponsored by The Runners Centre Lancaster. The race is registered under UK Athletics rules, and a medal and refreshments are provided for all finishers. There will be prizes for the first 3 men and 3 women, and prizes for each veteran category, from 35 for women and 40 for men. The entry fee is ยฃ10 for runners already in running clubs (attached) and ยฃ12 for non-attached, with an additional ยฃ2 fee for entries on the evening of the race. There is still time to pre-enter and save a ยฃ2 on the late entry fee, either by entering on-line at www.ukresults. net/ or on or by requesting an entry form from Steve Perry, 10 Parkfield Drive, Lancaster, LA1 4BU or email: steveperry10park@tiscali.

ANNUAL BABY BEAT CHARITY GOLF DAY Monday 8th September 2014 Leyland Golf Club With โ€˜Match of the Dayโ€™ pundit Mark Lawrenson. Teams of four are invited to play in this prestigious event, only ยฃ275 per team. To include Light lunch, Shotgun start, Team Stableford 2 out of 4 scores to count, Handicaps: Gents 24, Ladies 36 3/4 allowance, Longest Drive & Nearest Pin Competitions, 4 Course Dinner, Comedian Entertainment followed with the Tophy/Prize Presentations (1st, 2nd and 3rd) and commemorative photo with Lawro for every team. All proceeds to the Baby Beat Appeal (Reg charity no 1051194-7). To book or for more details contact Karen Entwistle on 01772 524414 HALTON FESTIVAL 2014 Sat 9th Aug, 11am The Centre@Halton, Low Road, Halton, LA2 6NB Lancaster, Lancashire Live Music Tent, Real Ale Tent, Family Fun, Good Food, Arts & Craft Stalls, Big Gig In The Evening, Bouncy Castles, Potterโ€™s Wheel, Kids Play Park, Skate Competition, Ball Games & much more!, email: hfest@hotmail.

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Useful Numbers

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Find a local service with our useful number section. Please notify us of any numbers no longer in use. All listings may be subject to editing. LINK-MAG is not liable for any inaccuracies.

Send listings to Community Drugs Team 01257 230452 Cruse Bereavement Help Line 0844 477 9400 Drugs Talk to Frank 0800 776600 Lancashire Fire and Rescue Heartbeat (Cardiac Rehabilitation/ 01772 862545 Support Preston 01772 717147 (Lancaster fire station 01524 60193) Help Direct 0303 3331021 Lancaster City Council Mental Health Help Line 0500 639 000 01524 582 000 Missing People 0500 700 700 (24hr) National Debt Line 0808 808 4000 Lancashire County Council National Domestic Violence 0845 053 0000 0808 2000 247 Water (United Utilities) NHS Stop Smoking Helpine 0845 746 2200 or 01925 714810 01524 845145 (Textphone 0808 143 0295) N.S.P.C.C Child Protection Electricity (United Utilities) 0808 800 5000 0800 195 4141 (Textphone 0800 458 9767) Parent Line Plus 0808 800 2222 Pathways (Mental Health Resource National Grid 0800 111 999 (electricity and gas networks) Centre) Tel: 01772 324825 RELATE (Relationship Counselling) Environment Agency Tel: 01772 717597 0800 807060 (incident reporting) 0845 988 1188 (floodline) LOCAL SERVICES (Type Talk 0845 602 6340) Lancaster City Council 01524 582 000 KEY SERVICES Lancashire Police 08451 25 35 45 (non-emergency calls in Lancashire)

Health and Safety Executive 0845 345 0055

HEALTH Acess Counselling 01524 39138 Royal Lancaster Infirmary, Ashton Road, Lancaster LA1 4RP 01524 65944 NHS Direct (24hr Service) Tel: 0845 4647 Dental Services 01253 306378 Out of hours Pharmacies Asda 01524 580780 Dalton Square Tel: 01524 32310 Bay Urgent Care Out of hours urgent care Tel: 0300 123 1144 Samaritans 01524 616666 รข€“ 01539 741444 HELPLINES Al-Anon Family Groups 020 7403 0888 Alcoholic Anonymous 0845 769 7555 Beyond Domestic Abuse 01253 405959 Child Death Help Line 0800 282 986 Child Line Tel: 0800 1111

101 NON-Emergency Number to Lancashire Constabulary CRIMESTOPPERS 0800 555 111 111 NON-Emergency NHS Medical Advice Number

OFFICIAL BODIES Consumer Advice 0845 04 05 06 Social Services 01772 254868 Tax Credit Help Line 0845 300 3900 TV Licensing 0844 800 6772 R.S.P.C.A 01253 873616 P.D.S.A 01253 838585

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Household Waste Recycling Centres 0845 0500957 Neighbourhood Watch CHARITY Animal Care 01524 65495

TRANSPORT Blackpool Airport - 01253 343434 Manchester Airport 0871 271 0711 UK Passport Advice 0300 222 0000 Coast Guard Services 0151 931 3343 / 0151 931 3341 Highways Agency 0300 123 5000 County traveline service 0871 200 22 33 Lancaster Tourist Information Centre 01524 582394 Lancaster Bus Station 0871 200 2233 Lancaster Train Station 0871 200 4950 Traveline Service 0871 200 22 33 National Express 08717 818 181 National Rail 08457 48 49 50 Northern Rail 0845 600 1159 Transpennine Express 0845 600 1671 Virgin Trains 08457 222 333

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What is NHW and how does it operate? NHW (Neighbourhood Watch ) is about watching and caring. Not snooping or curtain twitching. Itโ€™s about looking after each other and recreating that community spirit which we all long for

help and advice from the police, the co-ordinator will receive information about incidents likely to affect the neighbourhood. This could be information about burglars operating in the area, reports of bogus doorto-door โ€˜salesmenโ€™ etc.

When neighbours unite and act together it means that many eyes and ears are ready to pick up on anything that happens in the neighbourhood that could cause worry, concern or impact on quality of life. This in turn will assist to reduce crime and antisocial behaviour leading to increased reassurance and make the community a safer place to live. By working together, neighbourhoods can band together to improve the local environment by addressing local issues including vandalism, graffiti, fly tipping, poor lighting and a lack of local amenities.

Joining or starting a NHW scheme gives you the chance to play a vital role in your community, and to make a difference. The result is something we all want - a better quality of life. The NHW sign is not only a warning to would-be criminals. It is also the sign of a united community where people care for each other.

How does it work? Everybody who joins a NHW scheme will play an important role in making their neighbourhood a more secure, friendly and pleasant place to live in. Each scheme is run by a local โ€˜coordinatorโ€™. He or she is initially chosen by the members of the scheme and acts as a link between them, the local Neighbourhood Policing Team, the council, other Watches and community groups.

In summary, Neighbourhood Watch; Brings people closer together, Builds a stronger community spirit, Helps to reduce crime, Reduces an individualโ€™s anxieties about crime, Strengthens links with the local Neighbourhood Policing Team, Develops closer relationships with local councils, Improves the local environment, Creates a better quality of life. If you are interested in setting up a NHW scheme in your local community please contact Andy Denton, your local Watch Liaison Officer at Lancaster Police Station. Tel: 01524 596610 or contact your local Neighbourhood Policing Team

It is important that this link works in both directions. As well as reporting suspicious activity or seeking

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Business Index

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Find a local business in our magazine by service or use our online directory at - Over 1000 local businesses online.

Index is not a paid listing and is an additional guide. All listings may be subject to editing. LINK-MAG is not liable for any inaccuracies.

PLASTERER Advertise Here Tel 0800 970 7687

CHILDREN & EDUCATION Childrens Corner .......................19

HOMES & PROPERTIES Dream Doors ...........................13 UK Window Repairs ..............7 Mirage Conservatories ...........30 Cloudy2Clear South Lakes ..........11 Steamy Windows ....................31 The Bathroom & Kitchen Studio .....3

ELECTRICAL & RETAIL R Greenwood ..............................7

PET SERVICES & SUPPLIES Hacketts Saddlery .....................30

FOOD & DRINK Advertise Here Call 0800 970 7687

MOTORING & TRAVEL Car Spa ......................................7 Green Lane Garage ..................26

ROOFING Blackpool Roofing .......................2 Roofing System ...........................3

BUSINESS & PROFESSIONAL JWK Solicitors ...........................8 CARE & ADVICE Advertise Here Call 0800 970 7687

GARDENING & LANSCAPING DJC Paving Ltd .........................31 J & F Drainage .......................31 Mow Away Garden ...................31 Resin Drives ...............................32 HEALTH, BEAUTY & LEISURE Ideal Dental Care ...........................20 Jade Jewellers ................................1 Lane Ends Dental Surgery ...........28

PLUMBING & HEATING Advertise Here Tel 0800 970 7687 RECYCLING & WASTE Advertise Here Tel 0800 970 7687

SECURITY & ALARMS Advertise Here Tel 0800 970 7687 TILING & FLOORING Advertise Here Tel 0800 970 7687

TRADES & SERVICES CLEANING Advertise Here Tel 0800 970 7687 DECORATORS Advertise Here Tel 0800 970 7687 DIGITAL & AERIAL ADI Aerials Poulton ....................31 ELECTRICIAN Advertise Here Tel 0800 970 7687 HANDYMAN Advertise Here Tel 0800 970 7687 JOINERY & BUILDING Advertise Here Tel 0800 970 7687

Business Index

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Find a local business in our magazine by service or use our online directory at - Over 1000 local businesses online.

Index is not a paid listing and is an additional guide. All listings may be subject to editing. LINK-MAG is not liable for any inaccuracies.

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