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November 2009 Contents 

Where Am I?

Care in the Community


Advert Rate Card




Our new magazines in Cleveleys & Bispham have been received with open arms and people have said how good it is to see the FIRST magazine dedicated to their area, remember its your magazine now so make sure you contribute by sending us details of events, what you like to see in the magazine and support the local businesses that have taken the time to let you know about themselves.

Leaflet Distribution


Just for Kids


Jokes - How the Fight Started


Christmas Craft Fair

Health Issues

Congratulations LINK-Spotter Mr B Devlin who won our where am I competition, now increased to £50.

BJJF Football Updates


Football For All


Volunteers Needed


What's On


Useful Numbers




Trades & Services



Editors Letter I hope you had a great Halloween and you attended some of the brilliant fireworks displays this month, our thoughts now turn to Christmas once more! What a really nice time of year for communities to get together.

We support Bispham Juniors Football Federation Club as well as the local community and local businesses, we pride ourselves on offering low cost quality advertising with reliable distribution and if you do miss a copy you can view them all online. We are also looking for reliable distributors across all our areas , we pay proper rates, so get in touch. If you have an event, function, business or something to say, contact us now to get yourself into The BEST dedicated local independent magazines.


15 16-19



Martin Gardner - Editor

Copy Deadline 20th November


Publisher: LINK-Magazine Editor: Martin Gardner Sales & Marketing: Shaun Hartley Telesales: Allison Butterworth Artwork: In House Photography: In House & Craig Sparks EDITORIAL: 01253 777545 ADVERTISING: 01253 777545 EMAIL: WEB:

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WIN £50


NEW Where Am I? Expanded to all areas including greater PRIZE! Can you guess where I am this month LINK-Spotters? CONGRATULATIONS Mr B Devlin who won last months competition Another great response online and post thanks LINK-Spotters. Last Month Answers - Bispham Hotel, Water Tower and Bispham Parish Church See if you can spot where we are this month? also enter online at Do you have any local images email them us through.

Entries online: or, post or drop into 32 Rowntree Ave, Fleetwood, FY7 7HE

………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Where Am I? Competition Answer 1 …………………………………………………………………………………………….… Answer 2 ………………………………………………………………………………………………. Answer 3 …………………………………………………………………………………………….… Name ………………….............. Street Address………………………….....………….....…… Email .......................................................................Tel..............................................................

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How important are the Title Deeds to your home? Some time ago, I wrote in these pages about the difficulties encountered when the will of a deceased person cannot be found – not as uncommon as you might think. “I know my father made a will but it is not where we thought he had stored it!” However, the will is not the only document whose disappearance can cause real problems when dealing with a deceased person’s estate. For the majority of people making a will, their home is their main asset. In order to sell a deceased person’s property the executor needs to be able to show proof of ownership. This is usually straightforward for anyone who has lived in their house for less than 20 years as the ownership of their property will be registered at the Land Registry and the original Title Deeds are not required. It doesn’t cause a problem if they are lost. Mortgage lenders no longer hold on tightly to Title Deeds as they used to. However, anyone who purchased their home more than 20 years ago may well not be registered and the Title Deeds will need to be produced when selling their property. There are many elderly people who have been living in their homes for many years before Land Registration became compulsory. I have come across several cases during recent months of home owners who were not registered and they were unsure where their Deeds were kept. They are usually tracked down either at their bank, their solicitor or with their final mortgage lender. They are sometimes on top of the wardrobe…. Shudder! Anyone with elderly parents who have lived in the same house for many years would be wise to check if the property ownership is registered and, if not, find out where they think their Title Deeds are kept. Then check that they are there. This could save a lot of stress and expense running around at a later date when your parents are no longer able to be consulted. A search to find if a property is registered can be done online at The In-Home Legal Services stand will be back in the Teanlowe Centre in Poulton on Monday 2nd November.

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How Fights Start

My wife sat down on the settee next to me as I was flipping channels. She asked, 'What's on TV?' I said, 'Dust.' And then the fight started... ................................................................................ My wife and I were watching "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire" while we were in bed. I turned to her and said, "Do you want a cuddle?"

When I got home last night, my wife demanded that I take her some place expensive... So, I took her to a petrol station. And then the fight started... ..................................................................................... My wife and I were sitting at a table at my school reunion, and I kept staring at a drunken lady swigging her drink as she sat alone at a nearby table. My wife asked, 'Do you know her?' 'Yes,' I sighed, 'She's my old girlfriend. I understand she took to drinking right after we split up those many years ago, and I hear she hasn't been sober since.'

"No," she answered. I then said, "Is that your final answer?"

'My God!' says my wife, 'who would think a person could go on celebrating that long?'

She didn't even look at me this time, simply saying, "Yes."

And then the fight started... .....................................................................................

So I said, "Then I'd like to phone a friend."

I took my wife to a restaurant. The waiter, for some reason took my order first. "I'll have the steak, medium rare, please."

And then the fight started.... ................................................................................ I rear-ended a car this morning. So, there we were alongside the road and slowly the other driver got out of his car. You know how sometimes you just get soooo stressed and little things just seem funny? Yeah, well I couldn't believe it.... He was a DWARF!!! He stormed over to my car, looked up at me, and shouted, "I AM NOT HAPPY!!!" So, I looked down at him and said, "Well, then which one are you?" And then the fight started..... ............................................................................... My wife was hinting about what she wanted for our upcoming anniversary. She said, 'I want something shiny that goes from 0 to 150 in about 3 seconds.' I bought her a bathroom scale. And then the fight started... ...................................................................................


He said, "Aren't you worried about the mad cow?"" Nah, she can order for herself." And then the fight started... ..................................................................................... A woman was standing nude, looking in the bedroom mirror. She was not happy with what she saw and said to her husband, "I feel horrible; I look old, fat and ugly. I really need you to pay me a compliment.' The husband replied, 'Your eyesight's damn near perfect.' And then the fight started..... ..................................................................................... If you have any clean jokes that you would like to send us and join in the laughter, well do our best to print them email only thanks.

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BE UPRIGHT, CONNECTED and TRULY HEALTHY GET RID OF BACK PAIN, STIFF NECK, HEADACHES, TRAPPED NERVES, DISPLACED PELVIS, KNEE PAIN, ETC… Did you know that the Atlas bone (First cervical vertebra at the top of the spine) is misaligned (or luxated) in most humans? We define the Atlas as misaligned when the convex bony formations (occipital condyles) on the sides of the hole in the base of the skull (foramen magnum) do not properly fit into the convex receptacles on the top of the Atlas (superior articular facets). Furthermore, one side of the Atlas (transverse process) is inappropriately locked in front of another bony formation of the skull (styloid process of the temporal bone). This condition leads to a variety of physical and psychological ailments and illnesses. Fortunately, it is now possible to relocate the Atlas to its correct position using the AtlasPROfilax method. This technique was discovered and developed in Switzerland between 1993 and 1996 by René-Claudius Schümperli (who was himself painfully affected by a misaligned Atlas).

How does a luxated Atlas affect the body? The Atlas carries not only the skull, but also facilitates SUSPENSION, BALANCE, and CONTROL of the human spine and skeletal system. Extensive research demonstrates the importance of the upper neck concerning our health and emotional balance. The Atlas is, in many cases, out of place, rotated forward and left, thus causing a variety of problems. A luxated Atlas can cause significant adverse changes to the posture. The spine can be compared to a chain. When the first link is twisted each link down to the last turns thereby disrupting the rest of the chain. The whole back bone tries to compensate for such imbalance causing significant adverse changes to the posture. The results are symptoms such as recurring headaches/migraines, neck pain, stiff neck, back pain, lumbago, herniated disc(s), scoliosis, jammed spinal nerves, scoliotic pelvis, hip joint pain, maladies of the knee, difference in leg length, meniscus, and a variety of other symptoms. Also when the Atlas is misaligned and the spinal column unbalanced, the central nervous system is not able to function at its best. The neck is the passage for the nerves, veins, arteries, cerebrospinal fluid and the spinal canal through which are transmitted all information between the brain and the various organs. Dislocation of the Atlas may thus, according to its degree of misalignment, put the spinal cord, cranial nerves and other nerve tracts under constant pressure. The reduction of the opening of spinal canal (foramen magnum) affects the proper communication between brain and organs. It may also result in neurological disorders due to the pressure on the lower part of the brain stem which deals with vital functions. Also, due to the connection of our vertebrae to the energetic pathways of our internal organs and emotional patterns, such a twist of the spine is able to unbalance the psyche.

How is this different from chiropractic work? The Atlas correction is a unique, effective, non-medicinal method and requires no cracking neck or manipulations. It is not an adjustment but a powerful relocation of the Atlas. We massage the tight muscles around the base of the

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skull where the Atlas is trapped and release it. The atlas moves into full location in one session. We do not require more treatment, only a follow up to make sure it is stabilized and to offer additional support for the self-healing process.

How do we relocate the Atlas? The AtlasPROfilax method is unique worldwide and corrects a misaligned Atlas with only one application, accurately, safely and permanently. The AtlasPROfilax application consists of a safe, strategic, non-chiropractic massage to the short muscles of the neck, to loosen the tension and allow the Atlas to return to its natural position. A subsequent appointment to recheck the Atlas and offering additional support for the self-healing process is essential.

Why does a self-healing and regeneration process start after the relocation of the Atlas? When the Atlas is in its correct position, the brain can function undisturbed. This promotes a feeling of harmony, setting self-healing and regenerative processes on course through-out the body. The entire human organism begins to function to its fullest potential. In addition, other treatments and therapies will be more effective as a result of a corrected Atlas. Body cells and organs do not, however, regenerate overnight. After the relocation of the Atlas by the AtlasPROfilax Wellness treatment, a person responds according to their individual physical and psychological condition. Healing is immediately initiated and for many, symptoms are relieved. While others, especially those whose bodies have never functioned correctly or with full capacity, may require more patience.

Is this treatment for children and elderly? Most of the time, we take care of our health only when pains and problems are already at a very advanced stage and no longer bearable. The repositioning process of the Atlas is a simple and safe procedure providing life lasting advantages. Children can especially benefit from this treatment as a preventative measure, allowing them to grow up healthily and develop their potential to the fullest. The treatment of children is particularly recommended because of the ease of execution, resulting from the nearabsence of muscular contractions and the greater capacity for adaptation. Newborn from 4 months old, children, teenagers, adults and older people, have been successfully corrected applying the AtlasPROfilax technique.

HOW DID THE ATLAS GET MISALIGNED IN THE FIRST PLACE? Birth could be very traumatic for babies (forceps, caesarean, prolonged labour, suction), sometimes also the position of the foetus is not quite right in the mother‘s womb. Interestingly, a lady who has her Atlas corrected before conceiving a baby, passes on that full alignment of the Atlas bone to the child. However, we observed that even babies born by caesarean could have their Atlas out of place. There are other contributing factors like the tremendous stress children undergo (falls, knocks…) in their early age, when they learn how to walk or ride a bicycle. Later on, additional traumas could aggravate the situations in the event of car crashes, sport or work injuries, bad sleeping conditions, whiplash, etc… Unproven theories suggest that the earth is 23.3° tilted and so is the Atlas either that or our DNA has possibly been modified.

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For more information you could search on the internet for the article ―Reversing the Curse‖ by Jean-Claude Koven, about a genetic engineering that misaligned the Atlas, limiting our potential. TESTIMONIALS: « Nothing I have experienced nor performed has given the benefits and results that this onetime treatment has. The experience to date with the AtlasPROfilax treatment is that my atlas has maintained proper alignment and function. I have felt GREAT ! The chronic pain at the base of my skull is gone. I am more balanced and empowered in my life‖Dr. Robert A. Pope, Chiropractic Physician « In no more than 25 minutes, nearly all my tensions in my back went. The feeling of relaxation was intense. Now I can watch TV in my bed without any pain in my neck‖ – R.B, West Sussex ―I ‗ve had no back pain or migraine, this is phenomenal‖ – C.H, 41yrs old ―Vertigo has disappered… my hearing has drastically improved… I can now move my head normally… I used to zigzag and struggled walking straight. I now have a perfect balance and I can walk straight‖ – P.C, France ―I am spiritually open as a person and I have felt a change in my energy immediately after the Atlas was corrected… my energy field feels open to the source…‖ – M. C, Birmingham ―After his adjustment he looked alive, now walking taller, upright and straight‖- C.H, East Grinstead ―I have had whiplash, lot of pain in my neck (loud ―cracking‖ noise) plus that I always had problem/pain in my left wrist and left elbow… Today, I have no pain in the neck, no pain in my wrist and in my elbow anymore… M.H, Danemark

SLIM FOR CHRISTMAS with Health and Fitness expert, Pam Tribick. Enjoyable exercise in a fun and friendly class will leave you energised and invigorated as well as burning calories. Increasing your physical activity is a great way to get fitter and lose body fat. You will also have more energy, sleep better and strengthen your immune system. Regular moderate exercise is perfect if you have a fuller figure or are more mature or out of shape. It will make you feel supple and stronger so you move more easily, improve posture, balance and co-ordination – necessary as we get older - and reduce stress and anxiety. Healthy eating habits can help you lose weight but if you also increase your physical activity it will be easier for you to achieve the shape you want. In addition, your health will benefit by reducing the risk of Coronary Artery Disease, heart attack and stroke. Evidence shows that exercise can prevent or help control type 2 diabetes, protect against osteoporosis (loss of bone density) and reduce the risk of developing heart disease and some cancers, to name but a few. Exercise also releases endorphins, the ‗happy hormones‘ which promote the feel-good factor helping to lift a low mood and lack of motivation.

―Immediately my intestines started working better and are now functioning very well… I generally feel balanced, physically, emotionally and spiritually… In the past I have done a lot of self improvement and process work and it is just so much easier now… - J.D, Exeter

As well as teaching fun and friendly classes Pam is a highly qualified Pilates Instructor, Personal Trainer and Sports and Remedial Massage Practitioner.

―I feel very blessed to have received the Atlas adjustment, my body has been much stronger since then….. and feel much more optimistic…‖ - D. R. W, London

EASY DOES IT – Movement to Music with Pam Tribick. Easier exercise for everyone, all ages.

―The treatment was quick and almost immediately my sciatica, constant headaches, lower back pain faded away. I was able to bend down and almost touch my toes, which I hadn‘t be able to do since I was sixteen…‖ – Mark, Scotland


―… I have found that my eyesight has improved as well‖ – L.P, 45yrs old ―… I feel an overwhelming calming peace within me, my mind and my spirit… it is amazing, overall my memory seems more wide-awake, my nervous system has remarkably improved… I move steadily on my feet not wobbling as usual or supporting myself on shop windows or doors…‖ - S.B, 85 yrs old YRS old

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If you would like further details or an informal chat with Pam, please ‗phone (01253) 867883 or 07900 683 551. Email:

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Bispham, Junior FOOTBALL Federation BJFF

On the fund-raising and social scene, we have a Quiz & Hot Supper night at The Red Lion pub on Tuesday 24th November, for parents, friends and families. Tickets priced at £3.50 each are available Bispham Junior Football Federation BJJ from Julia King on 07790 407286. Looking forward to During October, Bispham Junior Football Federation Christmas, we have a Kids Xmas Party (*FREE of Charge), at the Club House, on Saturday 5th (BJFF) completed a number of initiatives to improve December and an the club house facilities, with the Community Payback scheme completing their improvement works in and around the Club House, encompassing Adults Xmas Party on Friday 11th December, at Poulton Golf Club. Tickets priced £6.00 are available disabled access facilities, rendering, painting (inside from Andy Griffiths on 07884 476954 (e-mail and out) and general cleaning and tidying. We are also delighted to announce that the old kitchen has been ripped out and a new snack bar fitted with the Our Under 8's and 9's Squads will be taking over 100 latest modern equipment, to ensure we can offer children and parents to visit Fleetwood Town on wider menu choices throughout the season. We will Saturday 14th November, to watch Fleetwood Town be offering weekly specials, on a Saturday and in action against Redditch United. And into Sunday morning, as well as introducing full breakfasts, hot soup, jacket potatoes, chilli, curry and December, we have a Club trip organised for over 360 children and parents, which will see us descend more. The official opening took place on Halloween on Blackpool Tower Circus for a day of fun and to and we would like to thank all volunteers for their take in the Christmas panto "Mooky Doolittle" over support. the weekend of Saturday 19th / Sunday 20th Also on Halloween, the annual children's fancy dress December. party took place in the Club House, with lots of ghoulish goings on, and as the kids played numerous On the playing field, our Development Squad (aged 4 tricks on the parents, they were provided with plenty and 5) and Under 6's train on a Saturday morning of treats!! from 9am. Our Under 7's have a programme of fixtures and training during the month, and our Under 8's are in friendly action each Saturday during Into November, we are looking forward to the startNovember. Our Under 9's and 10's are in competitive up of our new "Football For ALL" initiative, which is action every Saturday morning (10:30 ko), our Girls designed to be a fun way of increasing participation and introducing new players to football. Aimed at 5 - Under 12's and 14's squads play on a Sunday 11 year olds, Boys and Girls, all sessions will be on a morning (10:30 ko) and our Under 11's—14's play on a Sunday afternoon (14:30 ko) Sunday morning from 10:30 - 12:00, with the emphasis on fun. Flyers will be distributed to all localprimary schools during the month of November, Our website is regularly updated with up-to-date so if you would like to bring your child along to one of information and contact details - see >> http:// our sessions (first session FREE) please contact .If you would like to bring your child down to BJFF, or would like to get involved in coaching / fundraising / voluntary work of any kind, Andi Whitworth (FA Level 2 coach in charge) on 07791 137682 (e-mail, or you are a business who could support us with our or our Chairman, Andy Griffiths on 07884 476954 (e- numerous sponsorship and advertising opportunities, please do not hesitate to contact our Chairman, mail -


All of our sessions are run by FA Qualified Coaches who also have their FA Enhanced CRB, Emergency First Aid and Child Protection certificates in place.


Andy Griffiths on 07884 476954 (e-mail It is very rewarding to see our children grow and enjoy themselves.

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G Pitman & Son Electrical Contractor Est. 40yrs

Sockets Rewires Showers Security Lighting Lights Consumer Units No Job Too Small

Tel Conrad: 01253 868056 Mobile 07850 773870


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LINK-Magazine Wyre Speakers Club All Hallows Church Hall, all Hallows Road, Bispham. 2nd & 4th Thurs of each month till 27May 2010.New members are welcome at any time, so if you are apprehensive about speaking in front of an audience, come along and learn techniques that will enable you to speak with confidence. Learn at your own pace, in the supportive environment of our club, you’ll meet new friends and have fun too! Interested ring Brenda Hall 01253 852977 …………………………………………………………. Savannah Jazz Band Fri 20th Nov For one night only appearing at Thornton Little Theatre. 7.30pm. Tickets: £8. (Theatre Box Office open Mon - Sat 10am 2pm. Info 01253 858529 ................................................................................ Christmas Fair Sat 28th Nov Lots of Christmas goods including toy stall with Father Christmas making an appearance at 12pm at Cleveleys United Reformed Church, Rossall Road (next to Cleveleys Library). Time: 11am - 4pm. Entry is by donation. Info: Malcolm Crawford 01253 855730 ............................................................................... Bispham Community Centre Tumble Tots Pre-school physical play program Structured play with music, action, songs and rhymes, Specially designed equipment Supervised by trained staff Great fun! Meetings: Monday Mornings 9:30 Walking - 2 years 10:30 2 - 3 years, 11:30 3 years + Contact: Karen Irving 01253-795021 01253795021 ............................................................................... Little Kickers Football Fun, Approved football training for boys & girls aged 2 to 5 years Wednesday 3:30 to 5:30 Contact Brian 01253-318019 01253318019 National Website: .................................................................................

What's On Christmas Fair ( Trinity Events ) Saturday 21st of November at the Sea Cadet Base in Bispham If you would like a stall please see Teresa or Sheila stalls are let by donation to Trinity Hospice. With special guest appearance from Father Christmas. Quiz night Monday 25th of January at The Red Lion Bispham ................................................................................

ST AIDAN'S TECHNOLOGY COLLEGE - Cargate Pressall - CHRISTMAS FAYRE. Sat 18th Nov 11-1pm Adults 50p Children Free. Come along & enjoy our festive entertainment including music from our pupils, auction, tombola, crafts & home made produce, cakes, sideshows, face painting, hot delicious food and snacks, grand raffle and of course a special visit from Father Christmas himself. Finally I would love it if you could mention our Walk on the Wyre side for Trinity - which took place in July. We now have our final monies in & have raised a massive £1660.50! Blackpool Trinity Friends group would like to send out a huge thank you to all marshals & helpers, together with the fantastic walkers, some of whom have now joined our group. Finally it could not have taken place without the wonderful Charlie Pass, Wyre side ranger. Wyre Borough Council should be very proud of him. Next year our walk takes place on 23rd May, for info or call Sheila on 867276 Many thanks for your continued support. Angie Hesketh

If you have an event of function for the community that you are wishing to include in this section please contact us to see if we can fit you in, we cover most areas of Wyre. Call Martin 01253 777545

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