LINK-Bispham Magazine Feb 2010

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February 2010 Contents

LINK-Bispham •

Discount Motoring


Up To 70% off A&S Tiles


It’s February, time for feeling a little amorous for Valentines Day on the 14th, treat your better half to treatments at Euphoria Hair or The Beauty Room If not I hope your pancake isn’t too flat the following Shrove Tuesday!

Learn Spanish


Chaseley Care Home


Where Am I?


Our readership is growing, with over 60,000 readership across our magazines and with a new magazine starting next month, our website nearing completion and more bookings this month than ever before, LINK-Magazine is growing from strength to strength - so thank you for supporting us!

Pancake Recipe Shrove Tuesday


Winter Meal Offers at Twelve


North Fylde Business Forum


Health Focus - Derma Roller


Health Focus Atlas Profilax


20% TEN Hair & Beauty Salon


Holistic Health Care


Pam Tribick Time for Exercise?


BJFF News & Updates


What’s On




Just For Kids


Many Thanks

Useful Numbers

Martin Gardner - Editor

Trade Directory & Classified

Editors Letter

Congratulations LINK-Spotter Derek Mayes of Thornton who won our where am I competition £50 on its way to you! Just like to say thanks to all our committed distributors who in Jan despite the freezing conditions and snow made sure we delivered your magazine as normal. We are also looking for reliable distributors across all our areas , we pay proper rates so get in touch. If you have an event, function, business or something to say, contact us now to get yourself into The Wyre’s BEST dedicated local independent magazines.

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Secretary of Fleetwood Chamber of Trade and Commerce

ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS NOW IN Fleetwood, Thornton, Cleveleys, Bispham, Poulton


Copy Deadline 25th March Publisher: LINK-Magazine Editor: Martin Gardner Sales & Marketing: Shaun Hartley Telesales: Allison Butterworth Artwork: In House Photography: In House & Cover Fotoxcel EDITORIAL: 01253 777545 ADVERTISING: 01253 777545 EMAIL: WEB: Whilst every care has been taken to ensure that the data in this publication is accurate, neither the publisher nor its editorial contributors can accept, and hereby disclaim, any liability to any party to loss or damage caused by errors or omissions resulting from negligence, accident or any other cause. LinkMagazine does not officially endorse any advertising material included within this publication. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in any retrieval system, or transmitted in any form electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without prior permission of the publisher.


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WIN £50


NEW Where Am I? Expanded to all areas including greater PRIZE! Can you guess where I am this month LINK-Spotters? CONGRATULATIONS Derek Mayers of Thornton who won last months competition Another great response online and post thanks LINK-Spotters. Last Month Answers - Marsh Mill Village, Cleveleys Prom, Lower Lighthouse


See if you can spot where we are this month? also enter online at Do you have any local images email them us through.

Entries online: or, post or drop into 32 Rowntree Ave, Fleetwood, FY7 7HE

………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Where Am I? Competition Answer 1 …………………………………………………………………………………………….… Answer 2 ………………………………………………………………………………………………. Answer 3 …………………………………………………………………………………………….… Name ………………….............. Street Address………………………….....………….....…… Email .......................................................................Tel..............................................................

SEND TO - LINK-Magazine, 32 Rowntree Ave, Fleetwood FY7 7HE

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NORTH FYLDE BUSINESS FORUM Why not come along to one of our meetings which are held on the last Thursday of every month at 12 Restaurant at Marsh Mill between 12 and 2pm. A group of us meet to discuss the possibility of raising the profile of the attendee’s respective businesses. and to obtain referrals from other participators. The purpose of the forum is to promote the business of all its members and actively endeavour to generate business for every member. As a secondary aim the forum could work together for the grater good of the North Flyde. There is no fee no hard sell, it is just to give you the opportunity to sell your business to others, no matter how big or small your business is. We have been established for over a year and have around 40 members all from various different businesses from bank manager to window cleaner. From time to time we have a guest speaker who comes along to give a talk on various topics, also once a month a member of the forum offers to give a presentation about their business which is available

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to do via power point at the restaurant. So if you have a between one and two hours to spare over lunchtime once a month please come along to 12 where Caroline the owner will lay on a buffet for those who attends for just ÂŁ4 per head. Please could you either call Yvonne on 01253 200418 or email to register your place. Looking forward,to seeing you at the next meeting which is on 25 February. th

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produce more new collagen and elastin, it also generates the skin cells to literally ‘repair’ itself. The skin becomes thicker, plumper and more youthful. It Keen to make the most of your appearance? Want to also enhances the natural blood supply - so you get continue to look as young as possible for as long as a natural ‘glow’. possible?


Derma Roller - An ideal cosmetic treatment that can produce natural skin regeneration and scar repair resulting in smoother, brighter, healthier, and younger skin without surgery or the need for a significant recovery period after your treatment.

The production of collagen occurs for up to 6 weeks after the treatment so not all visible signs of improvement are immediate, this process will continue over time providing a gradual and long lasting enhancement.

The Derma Roller is a medical roller that is manufactured with many small high quality microsurgical precision needles mounted around the rolling device. These tiny needles are rolled over the area to be treated and will pierce the skin to a dept of 1.0mm, 1.5mm or 2.0mm.

The treatment can be repeated if necessary, however you will most definitely notice an improvement with one treatment, but you may decide to have a course of treatments.

What is it used for? Derma Roller Therapy can significantly improve the appearance of lines and wrinkles on your face and decollete. An excellent treatment for stretch marks and loose skin on thighs, arms and tummies. A brilliant way to improve the appearance of acne scars. The derma roller also tightens the skin and reduces pigmentation and sun marks.

A Derma Roller course takes 3-4 sessions every 4-6 weeks, depending on how damaged your skin is, and costs between £100-£150 per session. (A recently featured article in the Daily mail quoted a price of £300 per session). The specific number of sessions required will depend on the area being treated and the severity of the indication, as well as the level of natural response from the individual’s body.

The treatment Thirty minutes before the procedure, your skin is numbed with a topical anesthetic. The Derma Roller is rolled backwards and forwards across your face or area on the body that is to be treated in small sections. The roller is covered with 190 to 220 minuscule ‘micro-medical’ needles that penetrate the skin, creating lots of tiny ‘wounds‘. The treatment takes approximately an hour, and afterwards you will look as though you have sunburn on your face or the part of the body that has been treated, but it is not pain full. The actual treatment is ‘uncomfortable’, the only painful area maybe found when treating the upper lip area on the face. The individuals’ pain threshold is also taken into consideration. How Does it work? The Derma roller works by producing thousands of microscopic needle columns in the dermis of the skin. The tiny needles mounted in the roller cause an initial trauma and wound healing response within the dermis. Which in turn encourages the body to

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London Practitioner in Blackpool Monthly Please Call to BOOK an appointment. Many Clients in Blackpool have been treated successfully. DON’T MISS IT

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BE UPRIGHT, CONNECTED and TRULY HEALTHY GET RID OF BACK PAIN, STIFF NECK, HEADACHES, TRAPPED NERVES, DISPLACED PELVIS, KNEE PAIN, ETC… Did you know that the Atlas bone (First cervical vertebra at the top of the spine) is misaligned (or luxated) in most humans? We define the Atlas as misaligned when the convex bony formations (occipital condyles) on the sides of the hole in the base of the skull (foramen magnum) do not properly fit into the convex receptacles on the top of the Atlas (superior articular facets). Furthermore, one side of the Atlas (transverse process) is inappropriately locked in front of another bony formation of the skull (styloid process of the temporal bone). This condition leads to a variety of physical and psychological ailments and illnesses. Fortunately, it is now possible to relocate the Atlas to its correct position using the AtlasPROfilax method. This technique was discovered and developed in Switzerland between 1993 and 1996 by RenéClaudius Schümperli (who was himself painfully affected by a misaligned Atlas).

spinal cord, cranial nerves and other nerve tracts under constant pressure. The reduction of the opening of spinal canal (foramen magnum) affects the proper communication between brain and organs. It may also result in neurological disorders due to the pressure on the lower part of the brain stem which deals with vital functions. Also, due to the connection of our vertebrae to the energetic pathways of our internal organs and emotional patterns, such a twist of the spine is able to unbalance the psyche. How is this different from chiropractic work? The Atlas correction is a unique, effective, nonmedicinal method and requires no cracking neck or manipulations. It is not an adjustment but a powerful relocation of the Atlas. We massage the tight muscles around the base of the skull where the Atlas is trapped and release it. The atlas moves into full location in one session. We do not require more treatment, only a follow up to make sure it is stabilized and to offer additional support for the selfhealing process. How do we relocate the Atlas?

The AtlasPROfilax method is unique worldwide and corrects a misaligned Atlas with only one application, accurately, safely and permanently. The AtlasPROfilax application consists of a safe, The Atlas carries not only the skull, but also facilitates SUSPENSION, BALANCE, and CONTROL strategic, non-chiropractic massage to the short muscles of the neck, to loosen the tension and allow of the human spine and skeletal system. Extensive research demonstrates the importance of the upper the Atlas to return to its natural position. A subsequent appointment to recheck the Atlas and neck concerning our health and emotional balance. offering additional support for the self-healing The Atlas is, in many cases, out of place, rotated process is essential. forward and left, thus causing a variety of problems. A luxated Atlas can cause significant adverse changes to the posture. The spine can be compared Why does a self-healing and regeneration process start after the to a chain. When the first link is twisted each link relocation of the Atlas? down to the last turns thereby disrupting the rest of the chain. The whole back bone tries to compensate When the Atlas is in its correct position, the brain can for such imbalance causing significant adverse function undisturbed. This promotes a feeling of changes to the posture. The results are symptoms harmony, setting self-healing and regenerative such as recurring headaches/migraines, neck pain, processes on course through-out the body. The stiff neck, back pain, lumbago, herniated disc(s), entire human organism begins to function to its fullest scoliosis, jammed spinal nerves, scoliotic pelvis, hip potential. In addition, other treatments and therapies joint pain, maladies of the knee, difference in leg will be more effective as a result of a corrected Atlas. length, meniscus, and a variety of other symptoms. Body cells and organs do not, however, regenerate Also when the Atlas is misaligned and the spinal overnight. After the relocation of the Atlas by the column unbalanced, the central nervous system is AtlasPROfilax Wellness treatment, a person not able to function at its best. The neck is the responds according to their individual physical and passage for the nerves, veins, arteries, cerebrospinal psychological condition. Healing is immediately fluid and the spinal canal through which are initiated and for many, symptoms are relieved. While transmitted all information between the brain and the others, especially those whose bodies have never various organs. Dislocation of the Atlas may thus, functioned correctly or with full capacity, may require according to its degree of misalignment, put the more patience. How does a luxated Atlas affect the body?

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Is this treatment for children and elderly?

“I‘ve had no back pain or migraine, this is phenomenal” – C.H, 41yrs old

Most of the time, we take care of our health only when pains and problems are already at a very advanced stage and no longer bearable. The repositioning process of the Atlas is a simple and safe procedure providing life lasting advantages. Children can especially benefit from this treatment as a preventative measure, allowing them to grow up healthily and develop their potential to the fullest. The treatment of children is particularly recommended because of the ease of execution, resulting from the near-absence of muscular contractions and the greater capacity for adaptation. Newborn from 4 months old, children, teenagers, adults and older people, have been successfully corrected applying the AtlasPROfilax technique.

“Vertigo has disappearedN my hearing has drastically improvedN I can now move my head normallyN I used to zigzag and struggled walking straight. I now have a perfect balance and I can walk straight” – P.C, France

HOW DID THE ATLAS GET MISALIGNED IN THE FIRST PLACE? Birth could be very traumatic for babies (forceps, caesarean, prolonged labour, suction), sometimes also the position of the foetus is not quite right in the mother’s womb. Interestingly, a lady who has her Atlas corrected before conceiving a baby, passes on that full alignment of the Atlas bone to the child. However, we observed that even babies born by caesarean could have their Atlas out of place. There are other contributing factors like the tremendous stress children undergo (falls, knocksN) in their early age, when they learn how to walk or ride a bicycle. Later on, additional traumas could aggravate the situations in the event of car crashes, sport or work injuries, bad sleeping conditions, whiplash, etcN Unproven theories suggest that the earth is 23.3° tilted and so is the Atlas either that or our DNA has possibly been modified.

“I am spiritually open as a person and I have felt a change in my energy immediately after the Atlas was correctedN my energy field feels open to the sourceN” – M. C, Birmingham “After his adjustment he looked alive, now walking taller, upright and straight”- C.H, East Grinstead “I have had whiplash, lot of pain in my neck (loud “cracking” noise) plus that I always had problem/pain in my left wrist and left elbowN Today, I have no pain in the neck, no pain in my wrist and in my elbow anymoreN - M.H, Danemark “Immediately my intestines started working better and are now functioning very wellN I generally feel balanced, physically, emotionally and spirituallyN In the past I have done a lot of self improvement and process work and it is just so much easier nowN J.D, Exeter “I feel very blessed to have received the Atlas adjustment, my body has been much stronger since thenN.. and feel much more optimisticN” - D. R. W, London “The treatment was quick and almost immediately my sciatica, constant headaches, lower back pain faded away. I was able to bend down and almost touch my toes, which I hadn’t be able to do since I was sixteenN” – Mark, Scotland

For more information you could search on the internet for the article “Reversing the Curse” by Jean“N I have found that my eyesight has improved as Claude Koven, about a genetic engineering that well” – L.P, 45yrs old misaligned the Atlas, limiting our potential. TESTIMONIALS: « Nothing I have experienced nor performed has given the benefits and results that this onetime treatment has. The experience to date with the AtlasPROfilax treatment is that my atlas has maintained proper alignment and function. I have felt GREAT ! The chronic pain at the base of my skull is gone. I am more balanced and empowered in my life”- Dr. Robert A. Pope, Chiropractic Physician

“N I feel an overwhelming calming peace within me, my mind and my spiritN it is amazing, overall my memory seems more wide-awake, my nervous system has remarkably improvedN I move steadily on my feet not wobbling as usual or supporting myself on shop windows or doorsN” - S.B, 85 yrs old YRS old

In no more than 25 minutes, nearly all my tensions in my back went. The feeling of relaxation was intense. Now I can watch TV in my bed without any pain in my neck” – R.B, West Sussex

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Acute and Chronic Pain

injuries, and muscular aches including pains from overwork or strained muscles.

It often is not one event that actually causes pain. Many times pain reflects other underlying conditions. Reasons for low back pain, sciatica, and arthritis, are many, often complex and include degenerative disks, osteoporosis, poor posture, weak abdominal and back muscles, poor blood circulation, and physical or emotional trauma.

Acute pain and trauma pain can usually be treated very successfully with acupuncture and herbs. Recent injuries and conditions seen in their early stages will often improve immediately. The results are often very satisfying to the patient in terms of pain relief, decrease of swelling, and return to normal functioning. Symptoms associated with arthritis and fibromyalgia, such as problems sleeping, fatigue, and Most pain problems become more complex and affect other areas of the body with time. For instance, depression can also be addressed. even after hip or knee join replacement done, if primary health problems are not treated, there still exists a great risk that further degeneration or osteoporosis will develop in another location because of its cumulative, ongoing processes. Blood stasis is one mechanism which is involved in most chronic disorders, especially when there is chronic and severe pain in fixed locations. Certain chronic disorders of the qi can lead to blood stasis. So, as time passes, most chronic physical and bodymind imbalances can create blood stasis. Traditional Chinese medicine can provide effective and long lasting relief for low back pain, sciatica, and the pain resulting from arthritis and rheumatism, tendonitis, fibromyalgia, neuralgia, headaches, repetitive motion

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WHY YOU DON’T HAVE TIME NOT TO EXERCISE by health & fitness expert Pam Tribick. As we get older, balance and co-ordination skills decrease, strength, endurance and flexibility become limited and ease of movement more difficult. The risk of falls, injury and age related disease increases significantly. This is compounded in older adults who have an inactive lifestyle. However, the good news is that this can be improved at any age and studies show that not only is exercise safe for the more mature, the less mobile or out of Email: shape, it can also have long-term health benefits. It can reduce the risk of developing some diseases EASY DOES IT, and disabilities that develop as people grow older, it can for e.g.: Easier exercise for everyone. Perfect for the fuller figure / more mature / out of shape / beginner. £3.00 Prevent or help control type 2 diabetes Protect against brittle bones, i.e. osteoporosis MONDAY 2.00 – 3.00pm Anchorsholme Methodist Reduce the risk of developing heart disease Church, corner North Drive / Luton Road. Reduce the risk of developing some name but a few. WEDNESDAY 2.00 – 3.00pm Bispham Regular, moderate exercise will also help: Community Centre, next to library. Just turn up, no need to book. Promote weight loss / prevent weight gain Ease of movement Improve balance and co-ordination PILATES with Pam Tribick. Improve sleep Mat-based exercise suitable for beginners to Strengthen your immune system advanced, all ages. Flatten your tummy, tone your Studies suggest that following a more active lifestyle whole body, prevent / ease back pain. Feel relaxed, is one of the healthiest things you can do to maintain rejuvenated and re-energised. £3.50. or improve your independence, quality and enjoyment of life. MONDAY 12.45 – 1.45pm Anchorsholme Methodist Church, corner North Drive / Luton Road, just turn Classes in particular can also be a great way to up, no need to book. socialise and make new friends whilst reaping the benefits of enjoyable exercise. In addition, exercise increases energy levels. Don't believe me? Try it! You'll be pleasantly surprised.

THURSDAY new class starting. Please ‘phone for details.

As well as teaching fun and friendly classes Pam is a PILATES SEATED EXERCISE with Pam Tribick. Ideal for the less mobile, people with a chronic health highly qualified Pilates Instructor, Personal Trainer condition or if you prefer more sedentary exercise. and Sports and Remedial Massage Practitioner. Also suitable if you use a walking aid, become If you would like further details or an informal chat breathless or can only do small amounts of activity. with Pam, please ‘phone (01253) 867883 or 07900 £2.00. 683 551. As well as teaching fun and friendly classes Pam is a MONDAY 30 minute class at the Anchorsholme Methodist Church, corner North Drive / Luton Road. highly qualified Pilates Instructor, Personal Trainer Please ‘phone for details. and Sports and Remedial Massage Practitioner. If you would like further details or an informal chat with Pam, please Phone (01253) 867883 or 07900 683 551.

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G Pitman & Son Electrical Contractor Est. 40yrs

♦♦ Sockets ♦♦ Rewires ♦♦ Showers ♦♦ Security Lighting

♦♦ Lights ♦♦ Consumer Units No Job Too Small

Tel Conrad: 01253 868056 Mobile 07850 773870

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Bispham, Junior FOOTBALL Federation BJFF

Football For ALL Initiative.... Following a 2-week break for Christmas, we opened our doors to our Football for ALL initiative on the first Sunday in January, and will continue to operate sessions from 10:30am - Midday every Sunday. Our sessions are aimed at new players (Boys and Girls) between the ages of 4 and 10, who want to take their first steps into football in a fun and friendly environment, as well as for squad players who need some extra training. During the winter months all sessions are INSIDE at our Club House (trainers and a drink required), moving Outside as and when the weather / conditions permit. Our Club House is on the corner of Kelvin Road and Carr Road. In 10 weeks of Football For ALL we have now welcomed over 25 children aged 4 - 10, and their parents, and they have all enjoyed themselves learning new skills and making new friends. Our sessions re-commence in the New Year, on Sunday 3rd January. If you are interested in coming along, with your son or daughter, you can simply turn up at the Club House on Sunday morning, or pre-book with our Football For ALL Lead Coordinator, Andi Whitworth (FA Level 2 coach) on 07791 137682 (or e-mail The first session is FREE, and then ÂŁ3 thereafter. Club House News.....During the early weeks of the New Year, we have seen our investment in perimeter security fencing take shape with brand new fencing surrounding our Club House and Sports Hall. The works will be completed in the first week of February, with the fitting of access gates to the front and rear. We have also commenced a Project to replace the felt roof on the Club House side of our building. We have appointed a contractor to fit corrugated roofing which will provide increased insulation and match with the Sports Hall roof. The works should be completed by the end of January. As soon as the Club House is secured, we will then move onto erecting new guttering, courtesy of our main Club Sponsor, 21st Century Windows (with thanks to John McVey and Dale Reeves), and then progress to some internal changing room renovations. Plea for Materials / Labour.....If any businesses can provide materials, for any of the jobs mentioned above, or for pitch renovations, car park flattening, paint, timber etc etc, please get in touch with our Chairman, Andy Griffiths, on 07884 476954 (e-mail Similarly, if any businesses, or local tradesmen, have some spare time, and would like to do something worthwhile for the children of Bispham, our local community, by volunteering their expertise, if you could contact Andy with how you can help, it would be very much appreciated.

Fund-Raising and Social Events.....The FundRaising and Social Team are on the lookout for new members, with their first meeting of the New Year scheduled for Monday 8th February. The Fund-Raising Team are responsible for putting on Club and Community events, and running the Club House Snack Bar. Volunteers are always welcomed, and the sense of satisfaction gained from raising money which is then fed back into the Club to develop our facilities and provide kit and equipment for all of our children, is very rewarding indeed. A programme of events for the year will be announced following the February meeting, but initial ideas are to host an Easter BBQ / Fun Day, with a Girls Football Tournament planned for June, our 3-Day Football Festival for the August Bank Holiday Weekend, and a Race Night in association with our partners at The Red Lion public house. On The Playing Field.....With the weather taking a firm grip during December and early January, there have been precious few playing opportunities, and most of our Squads have enjoyed a longer than normal Christmas and New Year break. However, during the Christmas break a couple of our Squads took part in tournaments, with the Under 8's and Under 9's entering 2 teams into the Lytham YMCA 6-A-Side tournament, and our Under 8's also entering 2 teams into a 5-A-Side tournament at The Soccer Dome on the Wirral. Some great days out over Christmas.......... With an upturn in the weather conditions, all squads are now back in training, with a full games programme scheduled for Saturday 23rd / Sunday 24th January and beyond. If you are interested in joining BJFF, we have opportunities available from our Development Squad (Under 4's / 5's) through to our Under 14's. We also have 2 Girls squads (Under 12's and Under 14's) and would like to develop an additional Girls team at Under 10's for next season, so if you are interested in joining our Club, please get in touch. Summary.....Our website is regularly updated with up-todate information and contact details - see >> http:// . If you would like to bring your child down to BJFF, or would like to get involved in coaching / fundraising / voluntary work of any kind, or you are a business who could support us with our numerous sponsorship and advertising opportunities, please do not hesitate to contact our Chairman, Andy Griffiths on 07884 476954 (e-mail

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Michelle 07775 447554 Day 01253 628130 Jan 07932 621885 Jan Text only

Email: - 1st Floor, 235 Church Street, Blackpool FY1 3PB

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What's On

LINK-Magazine BSL Blackpool Course’s

Fashion Show and Sale

Courses Available Foundation Signature level 1, Pre level 2 Signature level 2, Pre level 3 Signature level 3, Signature NVQ level 4 One to one available

Friday March 19th 7.30 pm - 9.00 pm Entry £2 High street and branded names at discounted prices. The clothes are end of lines starting at £1, no seconds. To be held at St Bernadette's Parish Hall, All Hallows Road, Bispham, Blackpool, to raise funds for the pupils at St' Bernadette's Primary School. Further Information contact Marie Edwards 07872 824258

For Details see advert on left Wyre Speakers Club All Hallows Church Hall, all Hallows Road, Bispham. 2nd & 4th Thurs of each month till 27 May 2010.New members are welcome at any time, so if you are apprehensive about speaking in front of an audience, come along and learn techniques that will enable you to speak with confidence. Learn at your own pace, in the supportive environment of our club, you’ll meet new friends and have fun too! Interested ring Brenda Hall 01253 852977 Canal side Ice Skating Thursday 11th February - Sunday 21st February Canalside "Real Ice" Skating at Guy's Thatched Hamlet, Bilsborrow, nr Preston. Lots of fun for all the family whether you are a seasoned skater or it's your first time on ice. Call for times and costs. Further Information: 01995 640010

Trinity Hospice POTENTIAL FRIENDS PLEASE COME & JOIN US We are holding an ‘information morning’ for new members of our Blackpool Friends of Trinity Groups on Saturday 27th March between 10-12 at Trinity reception Low Moor Road Bispham COME ALONG & FIND OUT HOW YOU COULD MAKE A DIFFERENCE Refreshments provided

Wyldefyre Thursday 18th February - Wyldefyre is a fun, informative day taking place at Jubilee Gardens, Cleveleys for young people aged 13-19. There will be lots of fun activities such as static paintball, jewellery making, 5-a-side football, DJ competition, face painting and much more between 11am and 4pm. There is also a chance to get information, advice and guidance in an informal setting from organisations such as the Army, Fire and Rescue and the Young People's Service. The cost of the day is £1 which includes a drink and something from the BBQ. Log onto Further Information: Yanina Beavers 01253 770378 CAMRA Beer Festival Thursday 18th February Saturday 20th February Held at the Marine Hall Waterfront Venue, Fleetwood. Thursday: 7pm - 11pm. Friday & Saturday: 12noon - 11pm. Further Information: 01253 7708

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FREE ESTIMATE Care & Repair Registered

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LINK-CLASSIFIED ADS - Tel 01253 777545 Advertise Just £15 into over 8000 homes - Full year for £100

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