LINK-Fleetwood Magazine Jan 2010

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January 2010


One Week FREE Gym Trial


Editors Letter

Fleetwood Fireplace Sale


HAPPY NEW YEAR! Hope you all have a great 2010!

Where Am I?


Start of a fresh year for LINK-Magazine and we are off to a great start with all the team raring to go once again. We have lots planned to help local business reach their customers and lots of ideas for our readers to. If you would like to see anything at all in our magazines then please get in touch. As well as being the largest monthly advertising media in the area, we also want to make it the most useful as well - so if you can help get in touch.

Discount Motoring


Where Am I?


NEW Waste Bin Changes


fi yuo cna raed tihs,




Congratulations LINK-Spotter B Rutter of Fleetwood who won our where am I competition, now increased to £50.

Tramway Upgrade Feature




LINK-Cash Ads


Kids Page


What’s On


Fleetwood Churches Events


Fleetwood Library Events


Fleetwood Town FC News


Word Search


Useful Numbers


Trade Directory


This month we have some great offers for those wanting to get fit, shed off the Xmas turkey and get on track with new year resolutions, and much more inside. Why not use our LINK-Cash ads to sell those unwanted Xmas gifts. We are also looking for reliable distributors across all our areas , we pay proper rates, so get in touch. If you have an event, function, business or something to say, contact us now to get yourself into The BEST dedicated local independent magazines.


Martin Gardner - Editor LINK-Magazine

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Secretary of Fleetwood Chamber of Trade and Commerce

Copy Deadline 22nd January Publisher: LINK-Magazine Editor: Martin Gardner Sales & Marketing: Shaun Hartley Telesales: Allison Butterworth Artwork: In House Photography: In House EDITORIAL: 01253 777545 ADVERTISING: 01253 777545 EMAIL: WEB:


Whilst every care has been taken to ensure that the

Fleetwood, Thornton, Cleveleys, Bispham & Poulton Le Fylde

from negligence, accident or any other cause. Link-


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data in this publication is accurate, neither the publisher nor its editorial contributors can accept, and hereby disclaim, any liability to any party to loss or damage caused by errors or omissions resulting Magazine does not officially endorse any advertising material included within this publication. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in any retrieval system, or transmitted in any form electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without prior permission of the publisher.

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WIN £50


NEW Where Am I? Expanded to all areas including greater PRIZE! Can you guess where I am this month LINK-Spotters? CONGRATULATIONS B Rutter of Hatfield Ave, Fleetwood who won last months competition Another great response online and post thanks LINK-Spotters. Last Month Answers - St.Peters Church Fleetwood, Wyre Light of Fleetwood, Bispham Tram Station See if you can spot where we are this month? also enter online at Do you have any local images email them us through.

Entries online: or, post or drop into 32 Rowntree Ave, Fleetwood, FY7 7HE

………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Where Am I? Competition Answer 1 …………………………………………………………………………………………….… Answer 2 ………………………………………………………………………………………………. Answer 3 …………………………………………………………………………………………….… Name ………………….............. Street Address………………………….....………….....…… Email .......................................................................Tel..............................................................

SEND TO - LINK-Magazine, 32 Rowntree Ave, Fleetwood FY7 7HE

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Important changes to waste collections in Wyre Get out your calendars and circle 15th February 2010. That's the message being spread repeatedly throughout Wyre during the next few months. From this date simple, but important, changes will be made to the collection of recyclable waste from people's homes. Firstly, from 15 February 2010, cardboard will no longer be accepted in the green waste bin. This should instead be placed into the blue bin alongside paper. The second change will come from around August 2010 when food waste should be wrapped in paper and placed into the green waste bin for composting, thereby diverting up to one third of the grey bin (residual) waste from landfill. But don't put food into your green waste yet, we will let you know when this can start. Residents on black sack collections will be unaffected by the changes for the time being. Both of these measures are a result of the new waste treatment facility that opens in Thornton next year. All of Wyre's waste will be transferred to this exciting new facility, which will create further opportunities for recycling and reducing our reliance on landfill.

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Councillor Vivien Taylor, the council's Living Places Portfolio Holder, reiterated that disruption to residents usual routine would be kept to a minimum. She said: "By transferring cardboard from one bin to another we are making these changes as simple as possible. "People can expect to see reminders about them everywhere they look in their community and there will be plenty of opportunity to ask questions and raise concerns in the run-up to February 15." "Currently up to 33 per cent of rubbish that ends up here is kitchen waste that from August can be recycled. Left on landfill it releases gases such as methane and carbon dioxide as it breaks down, which is harmful to the environment. "This is unacceptable and goes against our pledge to combat climate change in Wyre. The new facility will go a long way to helping us achieve our targets." Councillor May Gandhi, Climate Change Champion for Wyre Borough Council, explained: "Like all districts in Lancashire, Wyre is committed to significantly reducing the amount of waste sent to landfill by 2020.

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If you can read the following paragraph, try it on to your friends and family its even stranger when you read it fast Only great minds can read this This is weird, but interesting! fi yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid too Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can. i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!

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January Sudoku

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Blackpool to Fleetwood Tramway Upgrade It is proposed to invest over £100m on totally upgrading the tramway, bringing the service straight into the 21st Century. Key features will include : 16 new 32m Bombardier trams featuring low floors, accessible for all users including passengers with disabilities. New Tram stops featuring level access compliant with Disability Discrimination Act. Replacing 8km of track. Installing 14 priority signals at highway junctions to improve journey times. New Tram Depot at Starr Gate. Faster Journey Times. Trams have been operating in Blackpool since 1885 and through to Cleveleys and Fleetwood since 1898. The trams carry millions of passengers every year and form a key local tourist attraction. The Tramway, which is owned by Blackpool Council runs from the town along the Fylde Coast into Lancashire, serving Cleveleys and Fleetwood. The line is a key transport asset to Coast and it is essential that the tramway is upgraded to ensure the service continues to operate for future generations.

the Fylde

To maximise its potential it is proposed to provide the latest "State of the Art" trams and to dramatically accelerate the quality of service. This will include new easy access tram stops and to provide significantly quicker journey times making the service far more attractive for local travel along the Fylde Coast. Key objectives of the project are to provide a modern light rail tramway which is accessible to all. Passengers will no longer have to clamber aboard there will be level boarding at new tram stops along the full length of the tramway from Starr Gate to Fleetwood. This investment £68.3m from the Department for Transport; £17.7m from Blackpool Council; £15.2m from Lancashire County Council and £0.4m from INTERREG North West Europe Programme will build on the current regeneration of the town whilst improving access to the Fylde Coast. Key aims -To provide a high quality transport facility along the Fylde Coast fit for the 21st century. -To provide quicker journey times for passengers. -To provide level boarding for all passengers greatly assisting people travelling with pushchairs; heavy shopping as well as assisting the less mobile. -To encourage use of public transport. -To assist regeneration along the Fylde Coast.

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The £100 million pound upgrade of the Blackpool to Fleetwood Tramway is a key economic regenerator for the whole of the Fylde Coast and will deliver significant benefits to both Cleveleys and Fleetwood. A brand new fleet of state of the art trams combined with a major track and infrastructure upgrade will transform the current tramway system into a modern, efficient and speedy Light Rapid Transport System fit for the 21st Century and beyond. Major construction works will begin in earnest in January 2010 centred on Lord Street, Fleetwood and while there will clearly be some disruption, Lord Street will still be very much 'open for business'. Acknowledging the rich history of the tramway and recognising its importance; a small fleet of heritage trams will be retained and used for special events and summer services to complement the new services which will commence in Easter 2012. Mike Sanderson Chairman of Fleetwood Chamber of Trade & Commerce FCTC said " I would like to thank Andy Whitlam of Lancashire CC for giving Fleetwood Chamber of Trade & Commerce the opportunity to be involved at an early stage of the project. We have been assured that all business's directly affected by the work will be visited by the contractors in order to ascertain their individual needs for deliveries etc during the road closures". Any Fleetwood business requiring further information can contact Martin Gardner Secretary Fleetwood Chamber of Trade & Commerce Email Sections and times of works for Fleetwood. Fishermans Walk to Preston Street, 11th Jan-6th April 2010 Preston Street to Warren Street 4th April-4th May 2010 Warren Street to Albert Square, 26th May– 21st July 2010 Albert Street to Kent Street 10th Jan-25th Feb 2011 Kent Street to Bold Street 28th Feb-15th April 2011 Esplanade, 25th May-29th June 2011 Pharos Street, 11th April-8th June 2011 Fishermans Walk, 5th March-1st April 2010 Leaflets with further information about the works are available at Cleveleys Library and Fleetwood Library. Alternatively • contact BAM Nuttall Project Liaison Officer ~ Mark Armstrong on 07920 077759. • visit our webpage on: tramwayupgrade • e-mail us at: • Contact us by post at Lancashire County Council, Strategic Planning and Transport, PO Box 100, County Hall, Preston. PR1 0LD.

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LINK-Magazine Fleetwood Cancer Research Committee are holding a Coffee Morning at St David's Church Hall on Friday 22nd January 10AM12noon, admission £1. There will also be a Bring & Buy Stall. Please come along and support us. The Christmas Coffee Morning held at the Trafalgar Restaurant on Friday 11th December was a great success. We would like to thank everyone who supported us and helped to raise £759. Many thanks for your help. Wishing all the staff and their families at the Link Magazine a very merry Christmas and best wishes for 2010. Can I also take this opportunity of thanking you for your continued support. Regards Kathy Fleetwood Cancer Research Committee are holding a Coffee Morning at the Savoy Hotel in Fleetwood on Friday 26 February from 10AM12noon, admission £1. There will also be a Bring & Buy Stall Please come along and support us. ................................................................................... Myerscough College Open Morning Saturday 9th January 2010 An excellent opportunity for prospective students to meet the staff, tour the campus and find out more about the college and our courses. 10am - 12.30pm. Myerscough College, St Michaels Road, Bilsborrow. Further Information: 01995 642222 ................................................................................. Thornton Cleveleys Horticultural Society Lecture & Slideshow Thursday 14th January 2010 Bees and Bee Keeping - Bill Poole from Marton. Held at Thornton Little Theatre, Four Lane Ends, Thornton from 7.30pm - 9.30pm. Cost: Nonmembers £2.00, Members £1.50. Further Information: Mrs Judith Schofield 01253 826562 .....................................................................................

Notice Board / What's On Wyre Home Organ Society Thursday 21st January 2010 Electric organ concert given by a professional guest player at Ashley Conservative Club, Victoria Road East, Thornton. Time: 7.45pm to 10.30pm. Members £4.00, Visitors £5.00. Further Information: Margaret Marsden 01995 605244 ..................................................................................... Wyre & Myerscough Hedgelaying Competition Saturday 23rd January 2010 A countryside craft demonstration and workshop for beginners. Spectators will be able to watch professional and amateur hedgelayers compete to be the best in the Lancashire and Westmorland style of hedgelaying. Free event. Booking is essential for the workshop. Further Information: 01995 602125 ..................................................................................... For 1 Night Only Friday 29th January 2010 - Saturday 30th January 2010. Come along to Cockerham Village Hall and enjoy a fun packed evening of local entertainment with a local variety performance for all the family. 7.15pm both evenings. Adults £5, Children £2 (under 5's FREE). Please ring to order tickets in advance, log onto the website or send us an email Further Information: Ian Ellison 01524 791882 ..................................................................................... Fashion Show Friday 5th February 2010 A fashion show by Juniper held at Red Marsh School, Holly Road, Thornton Cleveleys to raise funds for the students at Red Marsh. The clothes are all seconds from well known brands. 6.30pm - 9pm. Entry: £2. Further Information: Jean Harrop 01253 868451 .....................................................................................

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LINK-Magazine January Events at Fleetwood Library Monday 11th: 3.45pm – 4.45pm 12 Up Club. A monthly Reading Group for ages 12 and upwards. Tuesday 12th: 2.15pm – 3.15pm Adult Reading Group. Join us for an informal chat over coffee. The book for discussion this month is Amateur Marriage by Anne Taylor. Thursday 14th: 2.00pm – 3.00pm Get fit with the YMCA. New Year, New You? Kickstart your new fitness regime with the help of the YMCA Leisure Centre. Find out how? Monday 18th: 3.45pm – 4.45pm Chatterbooks. A Reading Group for 8 to 11 yr olds. Tuesday 26th: 5.30pm – 6.30pm Business PACT Surgery. If you are a local business owner, chat to your neighbourhood policing team at this Police and Communities Together event. Wednesday 27th: Holocaust Memorial Day. exhibition Holocaust Memorial Day, held each year on the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz. Wednesday 27th: Computers for Beginners. A new eight-week course to be held on Wed at Fleetwood Library, 9.30am – 11.30am. The fee is £58.40, financial assistance may be available subject to eligibility. For further details and to enrol, contact The Adult College on 01524 581269. Ongoing Events Baby Bounce and Rhyme Friday mornings: 11.30am – 12noon. Songs, actions, rhymes and a lot of knee-bouncing! Toddler Rhyme Time Wednesday mornings: 10.30 am – 11.00am, and Friday afternoons: 2.30pm – 3.00pm. Join in with fun, action rhymes and enjoy a short story. Story Time Thursday afternoons: 2.15pm – 2.45pm. Story times for toddlers and pre-school children. Enjoy stories and lots of fun activities. For further information, contact 01253 775800, or follow the Library Twitter updates at Fleetwood Library and Information Service Information Desk North Albert Street, Fleetwood, Lancashire FY7 6AJ Tel 01253 775 806 Fax 01253 775 804 Email

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Fleetwood Library & Church Events Fleetwood Churches Together The Churches Together in Fleetwood wish you all a very happy, prosperous and peaceful New Year. ST. PETER'S Lord Street - COFFEE MORNINGS and CHRISTIAN BOOK SHOP will be up and running again on Tuesdays and Fridays from 5th Jan. Coffee is available from 9.30am onwards. The Christian Book Shop is open from 10.00am to 12.30pm. ST. DAVID'S, Larkholme Lane/Fleetwood Road BREAKING BREAD will resume on Tues from 5th, at 12.00noon, cost £2.50 per person. YOUTH WORKER ST. PETER'S and ST. DAVID'S are pleased to inform everyone that they have, jointly, together with Rossall School, employed the services of Father Steve McMahon as Chaplain to Rossall School and Youth co-ordinator for the two Churches. He will be moving back to Fleetwood at the end of December to take up these roles, and will be formally Instituted in Rossall School Chapel on Friday 15th Jan. We welcome him and his family most warmly, and wish him well in his mission. UNITED REFORMED CHURCH, Agnew Road - There is to be a COFFEE MORNING in their hall on Dronsfield Road, on Wednesday 20th January 2010, from 10.30am to 12.00 noon. The cost is 50p and you are asked to bring along unwanted Christmas gifts for the "Bring & Buy" stall. The shop will be open and refreshments will be available. TRINITY BAPTIST CHURCH, Poulton Road - Wed 20th Jan at 7.00pm, KENYAN EVENING. See pictures, videos and share in the experiences of those who went to Kenya, and set up a library for Kosawo Primary School, Kisumu. Come along and hear the wonderful stories. Everyone is most welcome. FRIENDS OF TRINITY HOSPICE are hosting a concert by BLACKPOOL MALE VOICE CHOIR, at UNITED REFORMED CHURCH Agnew Road, on Fri 29th Jan at 7.00pm. Tickets are £4.00 each. There will be a raffle, and refreshments will be served during the interval. All proceeds are for Trinity Hospice. CHILDREN/PRE-TEEN PARTIES. If you are looking for a venue to hold a such an event, at a reasonable cost (£25.00), look no further than ST. DAVID'S HALL on Larkholme Lane. There is plenty of room to run about safely, a beautiful kitchen for serving food, tables and chairs can be set up as required, and it will hold about 60 people. Info Mrs Helen Morley on 01253 872363. Let us continue to work together in God's love. God Bless

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Round Up by Derick Thomas Pictures by Darren Clarke Jamie Blundell

FTFC UPDATES RED FALCON REMEMBERER Fleetwood Town wore black armbands at Northwich Victoria to mark the 50th anniversary of the loss of the trawler Red Falcon. All 19 hands lost when the Falcon went down off the Scottish coast on her homeward leg in midDecember, 1959. Amongst the 19 crew was George McLoughlin, 44, father of Town kit manager Barry (pic). Manager Micky Mellon said “It was the right a gesture from the team. We felt it was proper to mark the anniversary, particularly with Barry's personal loss as well. "The fishing industry was a job carried out by the toughest men and in the hardest possible conditions. It's those qualities that give the port its character today and the reason why we proudly carry the name 'Cod Army’.” An official enquiry believed it was difficult to ascertain the cause of the loss but the most probable cause was that the ship was “overwhelmed” in rough seas. The club also has a permanent tribute at Highbury Stadium. The Memorial Stand is so named to remember those trawlermen who were lost at sea and the fallen service personnel from the port whose names are carried on the nearby Cenotaph. WEMBLEY THE GOAL Fleetwood Town’s reward for overcoming Blue Square Premier Chester City in the FA Trophy on Friday is a home draw against Dover Athletic. Dover currently occupy second spot in the Blue Square South which is the Football Conference’s sister regional league to Town’s Blue Square North. Both leagues equally share promotion to,

and relegation from, the Blue Square Premier. Fleetwood centre half Steve McNulty inspired his team to trophy success at the Deva Stadium and is pleased with the home tie. Dover’s FA Carlsberg Trophy Second Round visit to Highbury is on Saturday 9th January. The league game away to Eastwood Town originally scheduled for that date has yet to be rearranged. The final will be staged at Wembley Stadium and is provisionally booked for Saturday 8th May. NEW YEARS’S EVE PARTY Come and welcome 2010 at Jim’s Sports Bar at Highbury Stadium Children welcome ! Hot pot supper Music by Greg the DJ Party games and fun Tickets are £10 adult and £5 children Book tickets by calling Julie on 07868658027 or see the raffle ticket team on match days at Highbury. The event is being organised by the Fleetwood Town Under 15 girls team. SEE IN THE NEW YEAR AT HIGHBURY Table topping clash Fleetwood Town vs Southport Blue Square North News Years’ Day kick-off 3pm Adults £10, concessions £5, 16 & under £5 These last two dates will only be seen first via our e-magazine send out before Xmas. Register at our website to always get your copy first

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Have your say on Rossall sea defences People throughout Wyre are being invited to give their views on the rebuilding of the sea defences between Rossall Hospital and Fleetwood golf course. The proposed scheme will see a comprehensive improvement to the seafront at Rossall planned to commence early in 2012. This will enhance existing facilities and create new attractions, building on the success of the ÂŁ26 million Cleveleys scheme which is now in the final phase of completion. Public consultation will commence with an exhibition giving residents and visitors the opportunity to have a say on how the promenade and lagoon should be developed. In particular the council is keen to get the public's view on the use of public open space, the importance of beach access, views on construction types and future involvement. The touring exhibition will visit several locations: - 5 to 17 January at Marine Hall, Fleetwood - 26 January to 7 February at Frank Townsend Centre, Beach Road, Cleveleys - 8 to 28 February at Civic Centre, Poulton More details are also available on the dedicated website at An online questionnaire can be completed at Councillor Vivien Taylor, Living Places Portfolio Holder for Wyre Borough Council, said: "This presents an exciting opportunity for people to influence a major regeneration project. "The public helped to shape the award-winning scheme at Cleveleys and we aim to use this to make Rossall just as successful."

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LINK-CLASSIFIED ADS - Tel 01253 777545 For JUST £15 you can advertise your business into over 8000 homes or do full year for £100 offer ends Jan 31st

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