Little Miss Lobotomy's #11

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Woori Optical

From the Editor

Endless Night

Hello, If you’re reading this, that means that everything uploaded. For some reason the zine keeps getting reformatted when I upload. I’m just happy to share stuff with you.


Short Story excerpt


Book of the Month

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Comic of the Month

Music Stuff

Woori Optical by Ruth

If you wear corrective lenses, you know how painstakingly difficult it can be to find eye care that you like. Finding a place that is open when you are available, to give you an exam, that is affordable, that isn't going to stick you with a large price tag to get a pair of glasses that look like they were strictly a fashion choice (and are functional) is a dream. Woori Optical is as close to perfect as I've found in Los Angeles - and I have gone to independently owned shops along with franchise shops. What makes Woori Optical, a female owned shop that is conveniently located inside of the Little Tokyo shopping mall, special, is their customer service, their care, their selection, their prices, and their turn around time. That's a lot, I know! With frames starting at only $30 and turn around time being as little as 20 minutes or as much as 4 business days (although Woori Optical is open 7 days a week - even holidays - lens suppliers aren't). Be sure to bring your prescription with you! I first started going to Woori Optical years ago. I was on a quest to find a new place to go. The big name place I'd been going to told me that what I wanted wasn't possible (I was 18 and refused to look like poor fashion on my face was all I'd ever have). They wished me good luck on finding

a place that would do what they were not willing to do. I don't know if they were bluffing or if they really thought that what I was asking for was not possible. What I wanted was to get my prescription into a pair of vintage pair of firetruck red Ray Bans that were sunglasses. Woori did it and didn't damage the integrity of the frame. See, I was told no because there was no screw holding the lenses in. After this, I'd get my eye exam at whatever place I was close to (once a year), then drive over to Woori Optical to fill my prescription. I've had some unusual requests over the years, but the owner at Woori has delivered each time. I'm genetically predisposed to have poor vision and have both myopia (being nearsighted) and astigmatism (an irregular curve). It's not unusual to have astigmatism if you have myopia. Having someone who can make my eye wear look like a choice without spending all of my savings is great. If I had the convenience of going to any old shop (the 99¢ store, a joke shop, etc.) to get glasses, I wouldn't have found this place. As it is, I'm happy about my poor vision because Woori Optical is a treasure.

• No appointment necessary. • Prices conveniently displayed. • Bring your current prescription in with you.

The Endless Night Vampire Ball 2019 The Endless Night Vampire Ball is a great dressy event with good music. If you’ve never been to an Endless Night event, there are three things you need to know : 1. Father Sebastian and the Sabretooth clan are the hosts. 2. Dress comfortably and fashionably (if you’re thinking formal wear from the 1800s, you’re on the right track!) .

3. Don’t be a jerk. The 2019 Endless Night Vampire Ball in Los Angeles took place at the Globe Theatre in DTLA. With three floors available to enjoy, the fun was packed in to every inch of the space. If you missed out, don’t worry – the next Endless Night event is right around the corner. You can scan the QR code or go to: (Yes, this is the right link.) *The photo is from the best dressed contest.

Short Story Prologue: Name Unknown By Donovan Freberg (yes, that one) The aliens on this compound have invented a typewriter that connects to a tv/vcr and it can act like a word processor, and even hold data using a floppy “disc”. I just found one in the trash behind the post apocalypse shelter! IF I can get my gasoline powered generator to power it, I MIGHT be able to re-access my Compuserve account, and eventually play Zork. I can’t be seen, or I will have to go back to my storage space sleep pod. Wish me luck! This is my first escape since 2345.

Donovan Freberg is a photographer who specializes in natural light portraits, headshots for working actors, and storybook weddings. He does his best to enjoy each day.

Etiquette Every issue includes a new tidbit about etiquette. No two months should be the same. Some will be short, some may require multiple pages. Etiquette a set of rules that cover all types of social interactions. What do you mean all type of social interactions? What do you mean rules? Well, for all social interactions, there are social rules. These rules cover the proper way to speak – be it at work, on the phone, in school, or elsewhere – how to behave, how to ask for help, how to shop in a store, and anything else that requires you to interact with anyone or anything. In other words, if there is a situation you can think of, there is a set way to behave that is construed as socially correct.

Etiquette : noun : et·i·quette pronounced: \ ˈe-ti-kət , -ˌket \ Definition: The conduct or procedure required by good breeding or prescribed by authority to be observed in social or official life. (Miriam Webster Dictionary) Example: It is rude to look over the shoulder of a person who is either reading or writing, but it is done every day. Synonyms: manner, form, mores, proprieties When hosting a birthday Party, what is the etiquette for cutting the cake and hitting the piñata? Before cutting the cake or breaking a piñata, you should take photos with both (separately & with the person who is celebrating their birthday). Be sure to always sing a birthday song of your choosing, but be sure everyone knows what the song of choice is (Australia, I’m looking at you). Be sure you have a good cake to plate and fork ratio. Sometimes it takes a bit of math in your head to make sure everyone gets a slice. Be sure to have the piñata set up ahead of time as this can eat away at your time and having your guests stand around while you prep the piñata can be avoided. Take the number of guests who want to hit the piñata and the number of piñatas available into consideration before you decide how long everyone has to hit the pinata. Be sure to start with the smallest/least physically abled person and work your way up to the strongest so that the chances of everyone participating are greatly increased.

Author: Ronda Thompson Pages: 352 Published: October 2nd 2007 Publisher: St. Martin's Paperbacks The author died July 11th, 2008. There will never be a sequel to this.

On the back cover: “Supermodel Lou Kipinski seems to have it all. But beauty is only skin deep— and sometimes Lou's porcelain complexion can get a bit hairy. The only thing worse than a furry fashion faux-pas? Fangs in her million-dollar smile. That's what happened six months ago, when Lou had her first outbreak. But now that she's at the height of her career she absolutely must find a cure...So what's a single werewolf gotta do? Then a sexy detective comes knocking on her door. Two women who bear an eerie resemblance to Lou have been killed— something with teeth and claws tore them apart. Is it a coincidence that the grisly murders have taken place during the same time as Lou's own outbreaks? With a killer at her heels and another outbreak just a concealer-wand's distance away, Lou is soon in a race to discover truths about her own murky past. And before it's all over she may be forced to show the world that her bark is nothing compared to her bite...”

Music Stuff There’s always music stuff going on. Here are a couple of Local (to Los Angeles) bands to check out:

Criminal Hygiene Members Michael Hiller Michael Fiore Birdman



Rock and Roll Dangerbird Records, Small Smile Records, Cultist, Summer Bummer, New Professor Music

Photo is the property of Cryminal Hygiene, no copyright infringement intended.

Manager: Veronica Pulcini Email: Booking agent: Instagram: @criminalhygiene Website:

“The Faint Endless” is a glam punk band known for their theatrical live performance. the bands sound includes elements of glam rock and pop punk to express stories of salvation, doomed romance, and all things that make life worth living.” ~ The Faint Endless facebook

The Faint Endless Genre Members

Rock/Alternative Alexander De Ville (vocals), Ven Adams (guitar), Kate Panik (guitar), Andrew Warfield (bass), and August (drums)

Photo is the property of The Faint Endless, no copyright infringement intended.

Contact Instagram: @thefaintendless Website:

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