Little Miss Lobotomy’s
Issue #6
You are here
About the Zine
Aberrant Behavior
MOCA hangout
ID, Please
Book of the Month
Comic of the Month
Exploring …
Get My Look
The Little Death
Magic & Laughs
The team
A Letter from the Editor Hello, Please enjoy the 6th issue of LML. This magazine is a passion project that is brought to you by people who like to explore. Ruth
Currently, the major Little Miss Lobotomy focus is bringing a film to life. Find out more about it on patreon! To become a patron, scan the QR code.
Little Miss Lobotomy’s Editor-in-Chief: Ruth Noemi Freelance Writers: Adrian Contributor: Angel
About the Magazine by Ruth
The origin of the name: My partner’s last name is “Lobato.” Back when MYSPACE was big, he used the tag “Lobotomy,” making him Mr. Lobotomy. I, in recent years, took to using his old user moniker – it was appropriate. I wanted to change the way that people see things – I still want this. The name is apt. Why are your cards silvery? Have you heard the phrase “Not all that glitters is gold.”? It means that not everything that looks valuable is valuable. Well, not everything that isn’t gold is invaluable. Silver, much like gold, is valuable. Sometimes a shiny glass bead can be a treasure, for example. Also, I prefer silver to gold. Who does your graphics? I do. Can we hang out? Sure. Follow the calendar on my website to attend events with me. Keep an eye out for standup comedy ticket sales. What does this magazine contain? You’ll likely not find news pieces here, who knows, I might change my mind. There are plenty of those though, aren’t there? I think The Daily Show with Trevor Noah & Last Week Tonight with John Oliver are two great examples of good news sources (though neither is done in print). How accurate is the information in this thing? Everything is fact checked. Mind you, just about everything is filtered through a lens skewed by how I or my team see the world. Why are you writing about these things? I think they are neat, so they are worthwhile. Mind you, this is not because I think highly of myself, but because a lot of things hold no interest for me. If I find it interesting, I am sure other people will too – being part of fandoms has taught me this. Who is your audience? I know there are people out there who are like me. This is for them. I know there are even more people out there that are not like me than those who are like me. This is for them as well. What does that mean? Not everyone has the chance to go out and explore the city or expand on what they know, so why not have interesting things brought to their attention – from the comfort of their own choosing. Just because you can’t attend something or haven’t heard about something, doesn’t mean you don’t want to read about it. I want more than some writing; will you make videos? I’d love to take you along on my little adventures. If you don’t mind low resolution stuff, check out my Instagram. To bring you better quality stuff, I’ll need to save up some money. Your patience would be appreciated, I’m working on it for you. Can I help speed up the video process? I am working on a film for ya (with a script and everything!). You can read more about it on Patreon.
Aberrant Behavior(AB), you know, the electro duo (Adora Batbrat & Benjamin Plague)? The duo that makes music to make the listener feel upset, disgusted, & horny? Ringing a bell? If nothing about them comes to mind yet, you should check them out. AB met in 2016, at the Amphi festival in Cologne, Germany over shots. Ms. Batbrat suggested the collaboration after the festival, over messenger, “We look so good together. We should start a band[,]” and the rest is history. The Amphi festival is a two day festival that has a focus on alternative, electronic, & dark music.
Disorder by Aberrant Behavior: Aberrant Behavior’s Facebook Impressum:
Aberrant Behavior is the project of Swedish Goth Queen and icon Adora BatBrat and talented musician and pretty boy Benjamin’s Plague from the Netherlands. The idea of the band is sleazy, sexy well produced loud synth music combined with obscene, twisted, over the top perverse lyrics. Aberrant Behavior will bring you a good dose of dominant electronic music, forcing you to submit to the beat. ----------------------------------Buy music By Aberrant Behavior here:
Photographer info:
This is a screenshot from the MOCA website. You now have the information you need so you can plan a trip.
The MOCA is the only contemporary museum in Los Angeles. MOCA receives very little, in government funding, and does not have a steady source of cash, leaving it to rely on donors to pay about 80% of the museum’s expenses. A tip for you, if you are uncomfortable when you make loud noise unintentionally in a public place, be sure to wear “quiet” shoes. I want you to enjoy a time out, not to run away before you get to enjoy the place.
(Adam Hunter - photo credit unknown) Do you like comedy & live in Los Angeles? You should check out the Dime Bar on Monday & Tuesday nights. There is a Comedy show put on by Adam Hunter every week. The show starts at 8pm (or a little past 8) & goes until 10pm. It’s Los Angeles’s best kept secret. You never know who will be a surprise guest & there is no cover cost. Beware the parking signs. May the empty parking spaces be ever available when you arrive.
Adam has a self-professed mission to make the world a better place through laughter. Check Adam Hunter’s Videos, Schedule and More at:
C/MPLY By Ruth
I lost my ID in Little Tokyo recently. It was a scary moment. It’s not the first time that I’ve lost my ID, but it was the first time that going to the DMV was daunting. I didn’t used to find the experience of going to the DMV daunting, though I did think of it as the type of thing that takes maybe two hours. The DMV went through some major changes recently. I thought I knew what the changes were, having gone to the DMV 3 months ago to renew my car registration. I went back four times before I was able to get my car registration renewed. Two of the times that I tried to get my registration renewed, I was unable to get inside of the DMV office. The system was down. The line wasn’t budging (it couldn’t). THE DMV employees came out & announced that the system was down. Once was odd enough, twice? I thought something might be up. When I was finally able to get inside of the building, on my 3 rd attempt, I found that sign in was different. You were to wait in the outside line & fill out a little pink slip before you made it to the “Start Here” window. After a 2 ½ hour wait in line to get to the “Start Here” window, I realized it would be another couple of hours before my number was called. I figured I could go back another day (early in the day) & get it squared away quickly, so I did. On my 4th attempt, I arrived early, before the DMV opened, filled out my little form, & was in the DMV office itself (after the DMV opened) for about 15 minutes. Having gone through the car registration renewal, getting my ID replaced was daunting. Off to the DMV I went, early in the day. It would be 3 ½ hours before I was able to finish the new process of getting my ID, an ID that will soon be obsolete. The new process of check in (they no longer have you fill out a little pink form while you wait in the first line) requires that you give the person at the “Start Here” window your first name, your last name, & your phone number. The person at he “Start Here” window will then write a couple of codes on the paper, circle the type of service you are there for, apply a sticker with your customer service #, then send you to the written driving test area. Once you arrive at the written driving test area, you’ll be taken to a computer station where you will fill out a form with your information, including your name, your address, your social security number, your ID # (even if you lost your ID & don’t have the number memorized), & a voting question. Once you are done filling out the questions, you’ll be given a confirmation # by the computer system. You’re to write this confirmation # on your little sheet of paper. You can skip whatever questions you want when you are at the computer by yourself. When your customer service # is called, anything you left blank or declined to answer, you’ll be required to answer. You won’t be able to get your ID otherwise. The IDs we have used in California up until now will no longer be sufficient identification in all places in a little over 2 years. As of today, Californians have until October 1st, 2020 to get their Real ID.
by Ruth
Are you REAL ID compliant or Federal Non-Compliant? As of January 22, 2018, California’s DMV has been offering federal compliant REAL ID driving licenses & ID cards. Effective October 1st, 2020, Californians will be required to have a REAL ID if they would like to continue to have access to certain things. Real ID is the 2005 Federal response to 9/11 & is meant to make ID docs more consistent & secure. It is not a national identification card, nor is it the sole means of identification that will be required by TSA to travel. Children (minors, under 18 years old) are not required to provide identification when travelling with a companion that has acceptable identification.
Photo is a screen shot from the USA Homeland Security website.
There are two types of REAL ID Cards, compliant & non-compliant. Real ID Compliant Driver Licenses/Identification cards will allow applicants to board an airplane, enter military facilities, & most federal facilities. The Non-Compliant cards will not allow you to board domestic flights, visit military bases, nor certain federal facilities, once the effective date arrives.
Photo is a screen shot from the DMV website. Credit to creator.
According to the DMV website, a Federal Non-Compliant Driver License/Identification card will be received by anyone who does not apply for a federal Compliant Real ID card. Confusingly, the website also states that “if you renew or apply for a Federal Non-Compliant driver license of ID, you will receive a card with “Federal Limits Apply.” Though the website states that anyone who does not apply for the Real ID will receive a Federal Non-Compliant one, it also seems as though a Federal Non-Compliant ID must be applied for. The Homeland Security website states that “[i]ndividuals with approved Deferred Action, valid EADs and valid SSNs may continue to hold temporary (limited-term) REAL IDs until their expiration. In any case, REAL ID compliant states may continue to issue noncompliant licenses and IDs to individuals with or without lawful status, including deferred action, as defined under the REAL ID Act.” If you are a documented or undocumented individual, it appears that REAL ID is open to you as an option, but that restrictions apply (federal, travel, & case per case). Individuals can apply for a duplicate REAL ID remotely. To apply for an original REAL ID driver license or identification card, an in person trip to the DMV is required. Making an appointment for your REAL ID card is suggested. There is a fee for a REAL ID card, just like there is a fee for a normal ID card. You can have either a REAL ID driver license or a REAL ID identification card. You cannot have both a REAL ID identification card and a REAL ID driver license. Individuals applying for a REAL ID will require the following: 1. I.D. Doc 2. Name change doc (if applicable) 3. Residency doc 4. Social Security Doc NOTE: The following is a comprehensive list of what these four documents that are needed can be. Using the check list here doesn’t guarantee that you qualify for a REAL ID card. The documents submitted to the DMV must be valid, meaning that each document is either an original, a certified copy, or unexpired.* • Residency Document o Utility bill o Cell phone bill o Rental or lease agreement with signatures of landlord resident o Deed or title to residential real estate property o Mortgage bill o School Docs o Medical docs o Employment Docs o Insurance Docs ▪ Medical ▪ Dental ▪ Vision ▪ Life ▪ Home ▪ Rental ▪ vehicle o IRS or FTB forms o Change of Address Confirmation by U.S. Postal Service
o o o o o o o
Property Tax Bill Faith Based docs with name & address of org Bank record Voter Registration Letter Court docs with applicant listed as a resident of the state Proof of payment at a public institution of higher education Letterhead ▪ Homeless shelter ▪ Shelter for abused women ▪ Non profit entity ▪ Faith based organization ▪ Employer ▪ Government o Doc with PO Box must include physical address o State certificate of vehicle or vessel title/registration o Signed No Fee DMV ID card eligibility Verification (DL 933) • Proof of Identity o Certified Copy of U.S. birth Certificate o Certified Copy of U.S. Territory birth certificate o Certificate of Naturalization o Certificate of U.S. Citizenship o Valid (unexpired)U.S. passport o Valid (unexpired)U.S. passport card o Valid (unexpired)Employment authorization form (EAD) o Valid (unexpired)Permanent resident card(I766) o Valid/expired EAD Card with Notice of Action (I-797 C) o Foreign passport with approved I-94 • Proof of Social Security # o SSN o W-2 o Paystub with full SSN Individuals with a change in name in their history may be asked for supplementary information such as: • Adoption forms with legal name as result from adoption. • Name change doc with pre & post name change indicated. • Marriage Certificate. • Domestic Partnership Docs. • Dissolution of union docs (court forms) with names indicated. Minors under foster care who qualify may require the following forms approved by DoSS as a residency doc: • Agency – Group Home Agreement (Form SOC 154) • Agency – Foster Parents agreement (Form SOC 156) • Placement Agency – Foster Family Agency Agreement (Form SOC 154A)
*The information contained in this article was obtained from the DMV & Homeland Security. If you spot an error in the information, please email so it may be update. Thank you.
Book of the month!
Comic of the Month!
Exploring By Adrian
I grew up in Boyle Heights. I drive for a living. I’ve seen LA. I’ve lived LA. There’s a lot to LA, but I’m pretty used to the city. Nothing fazes me. Everything is every day, it was, anyway. I recently went to Bar Sinister for the first time with some friends. It was different. I’ve never gone to a club like Bar Sinister. To prepare, I read Yelp reviews about it & went shopping. Yelp, the photos on social media, & shopping made me think that I was ready for Bar Sinister. I was not.
I have clothes, but I went shopping because I wanted to embrace the experience. I don’t usually like to shop, it’s boring, but I went with a friend. We went to a few places to get the right look. I wanted to color coordinate with our other friend. So, we didn’t start shopping blind, there was a goal. We found a pair of black jeans & a burgundy shirt that looked good at H&M. Then we hit up a shoe store & found a nice set of Doc Martins that matched the shirt & boots. I thought we were done, that my outfit was complete, but I was wrong. I needed accessories. We went to the Stockroom. The employees at the Stockroom were very helpful. I’ve been to the Stockroom before. I used to deliver to them on my old work route, six years ago. I still remember their old location, I didn’t know that they had moved. I thought they had cool stuff when I would deliver packages, but I never went in there to shop. In my head, the Stockroom was a cool place because it looked cool. I didn’t know the Stockroom pricing. All I knew, was that they were a specialty shop & that my shopping buddy recommended the place. When my buddy said that they saw an item that they wanted to save up their money for, I rolled my eyes. When one of the employees said that they love the items and wished that they could afford to buy everything that they thought was really cool, I thought it was an odd thing to say. I tried on a couple of harnesses & was definitely going to purchase a really cool looking leather harness with under arm pockets and belt clips, then I looked at the price tags. I looked at the price tags to compare the items I liked & learned what the fuss was about. Now I knew why the quality of work & the quality of material was so important. These aren’t “every day” accessories. These are accessories that are durable and will last a long time. I purchased one that was a comfortable fit & in my price range.
Harnesses start at about $45 & can cost well over $400. With a new outfit & accessories, I looked like I would fit right in & looked forward to Saturday. There were a few things that stood out about Bar Sinister. For one thing, no one was rude, for another, there were girls in pasties walking around, comfortably. No one tried to grope or harassed the girls wearing pasties. The only places I had seen girls wearing pasties before were strip clubs, but this wasn’t a strip club, & they weren’t strippers. There were people there that weren’t just one age group. Some people looked very young, and others, well, I couldn’t tell their age, but I could tell that they were definitely not “barely legal.” A couple of people there even had canes. A few people had naturally white hair. It was fun & nice & different. I can’t get over how different it was. It was normal, except it wasn’t. I had never gone to a themed club. For those of you who don’t know, Bar Sinister is a themed club. Reading about that, yeah, it’s not the same. There was a girl with a dog mask, but it wasn’t a dog mask. It was really cool. She had a whole outfit & a collar with leash & someone who was walking her. No one was rude about it. For all that I was surprised, I found myself being supportive about it. Then I explored upstairs. That’s when I learned what wasn’t online. There is a cool lounge area that has to be experienced in person. I recommend it. I definitely want to go again. Now that I know what to expect, I look forward to going again. I’m even open to going to different themed clubs, not alone, but, you know, little steps. It’s really nice community, and I mean nice. There are so many pleasant people, I didn’t prepare for that. It was fun to explore.
Get my look:
The Contender Harness…………………………………………………………$45 Stockroom description: This 2-strap leather shoulder harness is perfect for the man who wants a minimalist fetish harness without a lot of bells and whistles - or buckles!
Premium Cotton Shirt (in Burgundy)………………$29.99 H&M description: PREMIUM QUALITY. Long-sleeved shirt in textured, woven premium cotton with a cutaway collar. Contrasting fabric inside cuffs and collar. Slim fit – narrow, tailored cut for a close-fitting silhouette
Skinny Jeans…………………………………………………………………………$19.99 H&M description: 5-pocket, low-rise jeans in washed stretch denim with a button fly and skinny legs.
Dr. Martens Pascal 8-Eye Boots, Cherry Red Antique Temperley………………………$154.99 Dr. Martens description: This style tends to run large. For an accurate fit we recommend purchasing a 1/2 size smaller than you typically purchase. For example, if you normally purchase a size 7 1/2, we recommend purchasing a size 7.
The Little Death By Ruth
“The little death” is a euphemism for an orgasm, it’s French ("Le Petit Mort"). Neat, right? Here are 3 places you should check out, if you haven’t already. All 3 of these places have parking available. 1. The Pleasure Chest (7733 California State Route 2, West Hollywood, CA 90046) Open 7 days a week: Sun. – Thurs. from 10 AM to midnight, Fri. & Sat.10AM – 2AM
If you’re interested in sex education and are in Los Angeles, you should check out The Pleasure Chest. Here you’ll find everything from novelty birthday cards to complementary classes (classes are Wednesday nights. Don’t be shy, everyone at the store is kind and helpful.
Photo by Ruth, taken at the Please Chest
2. Romantix (3147 N San Fernando Rd, Los Angeles, CA 90065) Open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
If you’re looking for a place that is constantly changing & has employees that won’t become frustrated that you need assistance, definitely go to this place. It is the best ROMANTIX in all of Los Angeles. They have everything from swim suits to novelty gifts.
Photo is a screen shot from the Romantix Google Search.
3. The Stockroom (1769 Glendale Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90026) Open 7 days a week from noon – 11PM A BDSM specialty shop with adult toys & several changing rooms, you can’t go wrong visiting this place. Be prepared to spend upwards of $45.
Photo by Ruth, taken at the Stockroom
Magic Castle Magician Micah Cover performs unforgettable magic where YOU and YOUR GUESTS are the STARS! Close-Up, Strolling, Parlour and even Private Lessons - House Calls or Skype!
Contact him TODAY to bring some magic into YOUR life! (818)281–5780 e–mail
inquiry :
Hosting free comedy shows every Monday & Tuesday night. * The show starts at 8pm & goes until 10pm. It’s Los Angeles’s best kept secret. You never know who will be a surprise guest. *This is not an open mic. If you are interested in performing, contact Adam Hunter.
442 N Fairfax Ave Los Angeles, California
Affordable jewelry for goths, punks, geeks, metalheads, and pretty pretty princesses. It's not your mother's jewelry...unless she's a badass. w w w .t h e c o n t r a r y d a m e. c o m
Instagram: @contrary_dame
Representing local family owned & operated funeral Homes.
We help families in a special and unique way. Have you left instructions for your burial or cremation wishes? Do you know you can lock in your funeral costs at today’s prices by arranging for your funeral in advance? Do you know that you can prepay your services & still qualify for Medicaid/SSI assistance? Would you like complementary information regarding veteran’s burial benefits, funeral/cremation/cemetery information, or your very own FREE personal planning book? If you are in the Los Angeles, San Diego, or San Francisco area, contact Ruth Mendez for more information. * *We are unable to send information via email or snail mail. Pre-planning, much like arranging the services of a loved one who has passed, requires some face to face time in person. This is an industry of caring. It is our responsibility to make sure you understand the information being provided to you. Worldwide Family Associates 17057 Bellflower Blvd. Suite 202 Bellflower, California Office: 800-779-7526 Cell: 626-409-1556 Ask for Ruth
Photo by Angel Peralta
The Team! Ruth