Little Miss Lobotomy's Issue #7

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About the Zine


On the Cover Comedy Terra Naomi Book of the Month Comic of the Month MOCA Magic & Laughs Etiquette Gossamer Daze LML’s 1st WS

From the Editor


Hello, This zine is passion project. Thank you for taking a look. If you would like to help keep it going, become a patron on Patreon.

Ruth Currently, the major Little Miss Lobotomy focus has been bringing a short film to life. We’re at the end of the editing phase. It has now been submitted to Sundance – find out more about it on patreon!

Pre-planning T.V. Voting

Anime Recycling Exercise Dating Ads The team

To become a patron, scan the QR code.

For a chance to win a burger massager, become a patron on Patreon. MUST be 18 yrs or older to qualify to win!


Little Miss Lobotomy’s

About the Magazine (mini Q & A with Ruth)

Q. What is the origin of the name “Little Miss Lobotomy”?: A. My partner’s last name is “Lobato.” Back when MYSPACE was big, he used the tag “Lobotomy,” making him Mr. Lobotomy. I, in recent years, took to using his old user moniker – it was appropriate. I wanted to change the way that people see things – I still want this. The name is apt. Q. Why are your cards silvery? A. Have you heard the phrase “Not all that glitters is gold.”? It means that not everything that looks valuable is valuable. Well, not everything that isn’t gold is invaluable. Silver, much like gold, is valuable. Sometimes a shiny glass bead can be a treasure, for example. Also, I prefer silver to gold. Q. Who does your graphics? A. I do. Q. Can we hang out? A. Sure. Follow the calendar on my website to attend events with me. Keep an eye out for standup comedy ticket sales. Q. What does this magazine contain? A. L.M.L.’s contains more writing & less photos than most popular publications. You’ll likely not find news pieces here, who knows, I might change my mind. There are plenty of those though, aren’t there? I think The Daily Show with Trevor Noah & Last Week Tonight with John Oliver are two great examples of good news sources (though neither is done in print). Q. How accurate is the information in this thing? A. Everything is fact checked. Mind you, just about everything is filtered through a lens skewed by how I or my team see the world. Q. Why are you writing about these things? A. I think they are neat, so they are worthwhile. Mind you, this is not because I think highly of myself, but because a lot of things hold no interest for me. If I find it interesting, I am sure other people will too – being part of fandoms has taught me this. Q. Who is your audience? A. I know there are people out there who are like me. This is for them. I know there are even more people out there that are not like me than those who are like me. This is for them as well. Q. What does that mean? A. Not everyone has the chance to go out and explore the city or expand on what they know, so why not have interesting things brought to their attention – from the comfort of their own choosing. Just because you can’t attend something or haven’t heard about something, doesn’t mean you don’t want to read about it. Q. How do I help the magazine keep going? A. Go to , then click the "become a patron" button & Patreon will help you get set up (if you are not yet a patron). Q. I want more than some writing; will you make videos? A. I’d love to take you along on my little adventures. If you don’t mind low resolution stuff, check out my Instagram. To bring you better quality stuff, I’ll need to save up some money. Your patience would be appreciated, I’m working on it for you. Q. Can I help speed up the video process? A. Sure. Become a Patron on Patreon. Little Miss Lobotomy’s


(Adam Hunter - credit unknown)

The Dime Bar on Monday & Tuesday nights is the place to be if you like comedy. Adam Hunter puts on a show every week, with a different line up. The show starts at 8pm & goes until 10pm. This is Los Angeles’s best kept secret. Surprise guest & no cover fee, what else could you ask for? Adam has a self-professed mission to make the world a better place through laughter. Check Adam Hunter’s Videos, Schedule and More at:

Beware the parking signs. May the empty parking spaces be ever available when you arrive.


Little Miss Lobotomy’s

(Photo by Terra Naomi)

Hearing Terra Naomi for the first time is like waking up on a boat & being hit with the reality that you’re on a river about to go over a waterfall – you’re in for an amazing ride that’s unlike anything you’ve done before. Maybe you know the feeling. Terra Naomi is a name you might have come across before – maybe in the early days of YouTube, maybe more recently at a concert. Her song “Say It’s Possible” won the first ever YouTube Video Award in “Best Music,” in 2007. She remarketed music for the new age & was a YOUTUBE pioneer. Today, she continues being a pioneer & has joined PATREON. PATREON is a platform that helps artists to connect with their fans who would like to support their craft in a more direct way. If you haven’t heard her music yet, go take a listen. You won’t regret it. [5]

Little Miss Lobotomy’s

SAY IT’S POSSIBLE by TERRA NAOMI I see the lights are turning and I look outside The stars are burning through this changing time It could have been anything we want It's fine, salvation was just a passing thought It was just a passing thought Don't wait, act now This amazing offer won't last long It's only a chance to pave the path we're on I know there are more exciting things to talk about And in time we'll sort it out And in time we'll sort it out And though they say it's possible To me, I don't see how it's probable I see the course we're on spinning farther from what I know I'll hold on Tell me that you won't let go Tell me that you won't let go And the truth is such a funny thing With all these people Keep on telling me They know what's best And what to be frightened of And all the rest are wrong They know nothing about us They know nothing about us And though they say it's possible To me, I don't see how it's probable I see the course we're on spinning farther from what I know I'll hold on Tell me that you won't let go Tell me that you won't let go I'm not alright And though they say it's possible To me, I don't see how it's probable I see the course we're on spinning farther from what I know I'll hold on Tell me that you won't let go And though they say it's possible To me, I don't see how it's probable I see the course we're on spinning farther from what I know I'll hold on Tell me that you won't let go Tell me that you won't let go This could be something beautiful Combine our love into something wonderful But times are tough I know And the pull of what we can't give up takes hold Little Miss Lobotomy’s


BOOK OF THE ISSUE: How to Survive a Robot Uprising: Tips on Defending Yourself Against the Coming Rebellion (2005) If You’re in Los Angeles, you can get it at The Last Bookstore or a Barnes & Noble. If you don’t want to venture outside to buy it, you can get it online (as in purchase and read it online or buy it online so that it is delivered to you in person).


“Meet Nemi Montoya, the vegetarian, cynical/romantic, hilariously honest twenty-something goth, in this brand new collection from artist Lise Myhre! Hang out in the pub with Nemi and her friends, including her flatmate, the blue-haired Cyan; hear her opinions on romance and dating; watch her watch TV in her untidy flat; learn how she feels about birch trees, spiders and blondes; and generally experience the highs and lows of being Nemi in the modern world!” ~ from the back cover [7]

Little Miss Lobotomy’s

This is a screenshot from the MOCA website. You now have the information you need so you can plan a trip. The MOCA is the only contemporary museum in Los Angeles. MOCA receives very little, in government funding, and does not have a steady source of cash, leaving it to rely on donors to pay about 80% of the museum’s expenses. A tip for you, if you are uncomfortable when you make loud noise unintentionally in a public place, be sure to wear “quiet” shoes. I want you to enjoy a time out, not to run away before you get to enjoy the place. Check my website to see about joining the free monthly group outing. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE TO YOUR TRANSPORTATION, SNACKS, & PARKING COST. Little Miss Lobotomy’s


Etiquette Every issue includes a new tidbit about etiquette. No two months should be the same. Some will be short, some may require multiple pages. Etiquette a set of rules that cover all types of social interactions. What do you mean all type of social interactions? What do you mean rules? Well, for all social interactions, there are social rules. These rules cover the proper way to speak – be it at work, on the phone, in school, or elsewhere – how to behave, how to ask for help, how to shop in a store, and anything else that requires you to interact with anyone or anything. In other words, if there is a situation you can think of, there is a set way to behave that is construed as socially correct.

Etiquette : noun : et·i·quette pronounced: \ ˈe-ti-kət , -ˌket \ Definition: The conduct or procedure required by good breeding or prescribed by authority to be observed in social or official life. (Miriam Webster Dictionary) Example: It is rude to look over the shoulder of a person who is either reading or writing, but it is done every day. Synonyms: manner, form, mores, proprieties Q. How do you put gas in a vehicle? A. Follow the directions at the fuel station. Ask the attendant, if the directions are unclear. Q. How do you know what side of your vehicle is the side to refuel? A. Your car has a dashboard on which there is a fuel area with an arrow. Q. What is the difference between the 87, 89, & 93? A. If your car manufacturer requires premium, get it, otherwise, the other two are fine. Higher Octane prevents high compression engines from pre igniting fuel & damaging the motor.

87 is Unleaded 89 is Plus Unleaded 93 is Premium Unleaded Q. What is Diesel? A. Diesel is a type of fuel. Diesel run vehicles compress air, then inject fuel. What happens if I accidentally put the wrong fuel in my vehicle? A. If you put diesel in instead of gas, get your car towed. Do not attempt to drive. If you know nothing about cars, do not attempt to syphon out the diesel yourself, have a mechanic do it. Explain to hem what happened. Not getting this fixed immediately will cause a multitude of damage to your vehicle because the wrong fuel will have circulated in the wrong way needed. Q. I pulled away with the gas nozzle, what now? A. Stop the vehicle, assess the damage, take photos, file a report, proceed form there. I accidentally damaged part of the gas station, now what? A. Stop the vehicle, assess the damage, take photos, file a report, proceed form there. While pulling away, I was in an accident, can I demand their camera footage? A. Stop the vehicle, assess the damage, take photos, exchange information, file a report, proceed form there. You are not entitled to video footage. Get a dash cam. [9]

Little Miss Lobotomy’s

Magic Castle Magician Micah Cover performs unforgettable magic where YOU and YOUR GUESTS are the STARS! Close-Up, Strolling, Parlour and even Private Lessons - House Calls or Skype! Contact him TODAY to bring some magic into YOUR life!



inquiry : Hosting free comedy shows every Monday & Tuesday night. * The show starts at 8pm & goes until 10pm. It’s Los Angeles’s best kept secret. You never know who will be a surprise guest. *This is not an open mic. If

you are interested in performing, contact Adam Hunter. 442 N Fairfax Ave Los Angeles, California

Little Miss Lobotomy’s

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Little Miss Lobotomy’s

Gossamer Daze By Ruth Noemi

As you’re aware, Little Miss Lobotomy’s has been on hiatus for longer than anticipated time. We were away working on a short film! We are excited to inform you that the short film was completed & an early edit draft was submitted to Sundance. Rejection pending. Filming was a novel experience. There’s much to be said about working with an almost non-existent budget with people who want to bring a vision to life through passion, sweat, anger, tears, long days, long nights, & determination. Too much to fit here, really, so I’ll keep this short. About the Film: Gossamer Daze is a 2018 American film written, directed, & produced by Ruth Noemi. The film stars Lika Miletic.

Actors Lika Meletic Mark White Donnie Rex Mario Mabe Hugo Sanchez

Orva Lefurgey is a young woman of mixed origins who was born & raised in Los Angeles by her Venezuelan mother & French father. Having invested her pocket money well, after graduating high school early, she has a lot of free time. A typical quiet morning quickly spirals into an anxiety fueled few days after receiving a voice mail from a stranger. Sarin, Orva’s cousin pops by, with his go bag, to lend quiet support. Days blur together as Orva struggles to pull herself from the depths of anger & despair that she finds herself in. Ditching out on an important social event to have a picnic at the drought touched Elysian Park can’t make things worse at this point.

Little Miss Lobotomy’s

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Little Miss Lobotomy’s 1st Word Search

How to play: Step 1: Figure out the 11 song titles. Step 2: Find the song titles in the word search. Note: All of the answers are song titles.

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Little Miss Lobotomy’s

1. Word (1) Hint 1: I want to see you suffer. Hint 2: To be saint like. 2. Words (2) Hint 1: Pater Noster Hint 2: Our Father 3. Words (3) Hint 1: Metal Teeth, a diamond smile. Hint 2: Divine Inferno. 4. Word (1) Hint 1: Eternal Revolution Hint 2: Cultish and Anthemic 5. Words (2) Hint 1: Mankind is dying. Hint 2: Enjoy the silence. 6. Word (1) Hint 1: Sweet Tasting Rabies. Hint 2: Set me Free. 7. Word (1) Hint 1: Ministry Hint 2: Too Simplistic. 8. Words (3) Hint 1: God Module Hint 2: All the faces on the pumpkins come to life. 9. Words (3) Hint 1: Obey. Hint 2: No Way Out 10. Word (1) Hint 1: I can send myself roses. Hint 2: In love with myself. 11. Words (2) Hint 1: Like the FBI Hint 2: Doris Day

Little Miss Lobotomy’s

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Alert! The Wireless Emergency Alert System is a way to get urgent information out to the masses in the USA. The alerts come from: Presidential alerts (PA) is meant to inform of imminent threats to an attack or natural disaster (mandatory alert that you are unable to block). Civil Emergency Message (CEM) is meant to inform on a public safety threat that is looming or occurring (you can block these messages). Amber Alert is meant to inform you of an abducted child (you can block this). Extreme Alert is meant to warn of tsunamis, tornados, extreme winds, hurricanes and typhoons. A Severe Alert is a warning system for flash floods & dust storms.

Answer Key

If you liked the puzzle, consider contributing on PATREON!

Kaitlin Robb’s Wheel

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Little Miss Lobotomy’s

In Los Angeles you are considered low income if you make $54,250 a year. Estimated rent (per month) can start at $600 & can be $3,000+ for a 1 bedroom. Add utilities, food, transportation cost (uber, lyft, metro, or private transport + insurance + gas + maintenance), & other bills you may have, to your rent, & your check starts to look pretty slim. If you have money to go out after that, then you’re in pretty good shape. Raising a baby can cost upwards of $10,000 a year (not including birth or medical costs). Children are a serious responsibility. Roo Roo the Clown approves this message.

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