Little Miss Lobotomy's Issue #8

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Magic & Laughs


Flip Out




Living in LA




Rock Out Goth Out


Explore the Dark


Check this out!


Book of the Month


Accessories & more

A Letter from the Editor Salutations, It’s been a year since LML started. If you’re new, know this: you’ll see and read at least one cool thing each issue. Thank you for reading.

-Ruth This issue of Little Miss Lobotomy’s is brought to you by my patrons on Patreon. Patrons, thank you for your support To become a patron, scan the QR code.

Little Miss Lobotomy’s

FAQ The origin of the name: My partner’s last name is “Lobato.” Back when MYSPACE was big, he used the tag “Lobotomy,” making him Mr. Lobotomy. I, in recent years, took to using his old user moniker – it was appropriate. I wanted to change the way that people see things – I still want this. The name is apt. Why are your cards silvery? Have you heard the phrase “Not all that glitters is gold.”? It means that not everything that looks valuable is valuable. Well, not everything that isn’t gold is invaluable. Silver, much like gold, is valuable. Sometimes a shiny glass bead can be a treasure, for example. Also, I prefer silver to gold. Who does your graphics? I do. Can we hang out? Sure. Follow the calendar on my website to attend events with me. Keep an eye out for standup comedy ticket sales. What does this magazine contain? L.M.L.’s contains more writing & less photos than most popular publications. You’ll likely not find news pieces here, who knows, I might change my mind. There are plenty of those though, aren’t there? I think The Daily Show with Trevor Noah & Last Week Tonight with John Oliver are two great examples of good news sources (though neither is done in print). How accurate is the information in this thing? Everything is fact checked. Mind you, just about everything is filtered through a lens skewed by how I or my team see the world. This still doesn’t explain what the magazine contains. You’ll get exclusive interviews & find out about neat little places around Los Angeles. Some of the things you’ll find here include (but are not limited to): A dedication, information about the cover, a band, a traditional novel, a graphic novel/manga/comic book, a video game, a show that is off the air, a show that is ending/should end, an ongoing show, a museum, a theatre production, a piece about etiquette, a piece on clothing, an eatery, a dessert place, a special event (month appropriate), a performer, a venue/location, transportation, comedy/comedian, BDSM shop/topic, Adult toy store, Film Calendar, Life skills/adulting, final arrangements, event calendar, brief history calendar, & a short comic strip section. Sometimes there will be a theme, like this month’s theme is Pleasure & Love. ‘Tis the season for giving, right? Why are you writing about these things? I think they are neat, so they are worthwhile. Mind you, this is not because I think highly of myself, but because a lot of things hold no interest for me. If I find it interesting, I am sure other people will too – being part of fandoms has taught me this. Who is your audience? You. What does that mean? Not everyone has the chance to go out and explore the city or expand on what they know, so why not have interesting things brought to your attention – from the comfort of your own choosing. Just because you can’t attend something or haven’t heard about something, doesn’t mean you don’t want to read about it. How do I help the magazine keep going? By purchasing this magazine, you are already helping it to keep going. If you would like to make a bigger contribution, go to , then click the "become a patron" button & Patreon will help you get set up (if you are not yet a patron). I want more than some writing; will you make videos? To bring you better quality stuff, I’ll need to save up some money. Can I help speed up the video process? Yes! Become a patron at a value you can afford. Please remember to read each tier. Little Miss Lobotomy’s


Etiquette Every month I will include a new tidbit about etiquette. No two months should be the same. Some will be short, others may require multiple pages. Etiquette is a set of rules that cover all types of social interactions. What do you mean all type of social interactions? What do you mean rules? Well, for all social interactions, there are social rules. These rules cover the proper way to speak – be it at work, on the phone, in school, or elsewhere – how to behave, how to ask for help, how to shop in a store, and anything else that requires you to interact with anyone or anything. In other words, if there is a situation you can think of, there is a set way to behave that is construed as socially correct. Etiquette : noun : et·i·quette pronounced: \ ˈe-ti-kət , -ˌket \ Definition: The conduct or procedure required by good breeding or prescribed by authority to be observed in social or official life. (Miriam Webster Dictionary) Example: It is rude to cut in line, but it is done every day. It causes people to feel that you think yourself above them. Sure, maybe your friend held your place in line while you parked the car. You were being practical – you were thinking ahead! To the people who have spent their time in line while your friend waited in line for the two/more of you, you are rude. We have a set amount of time on this plane of reality. We don’t know how long we have. You have made it seem as though you are looking down on them. Synonyms: manner, form, mores, proprieties

The following is important information you should have about California State Law (obtained through the California Legislative Information Website) CALIFORNIA PENAL CODE PART 6. CONTROL OF DEADLY WEAPONS [16000 - 34370] ( Part 6 added by Stats. 2010, Ch. 711, Sec. 6. ) TITLE 1. PRELIMINARY PROVISIONS [16000 - 17360] ( Title 1 added by Stats. 2010, Ch. 711, Sec. 6. ) DIVISION 2. DEFINITIONS [16100 - 17360] ( Division 2 added by Stats. 2010, Ch. 711, Sec. 6. )


As used in this part, “generally prohibited weapon” means any of the following: (a) An air gauge knife, as prohibited by Section 20310. (b) Ammunition that contains or consists of a flechette dart, as prohibited by Section 30210. (c) A ballistic knife, as prohibited by Section 21110. (d) A belt buckle knife, as prohibited by Section 20410. (e) A bullet containing or carrying an explosive agent, as prohibited by Section 30210. (f) A camouflaging firearm container, as prohibited by Section 24310. (g) A cane gun, as prohibited by Section 24410. (h) A cane sword, as prohibited by Section 20510. (i) A concealed dirk or dagger, as prohibited by Section 21310. (j) A concealed explosive substance, other than fixed ammunition, as prohibited by Section 19100. (k) A firearm that is not immediately recognizable as a firearm, as prohibited by Section 24510. (l) A large-capacity magazine, as prohibited by Section 32310. (m) A leaded cane or an instrument or weapon of the kind commonly known as a billy, blackjack, sandbag, sandclub, sap, or slungshot, as prohibited by Section 22210. (n) A lipstick case knife, as prohibited by Section 20610. (o) Metal knuckles, as prohibited by Section 21810. (p) A metal military practice handgrenade or a metal replica handgrenade, as prohibited by Section 19200. (q) A multiburst trigger activator, as prohibited by Section 32900. (r) A nunchaku, as prohibited by Section 22010. (s) A shobi-zue, as prohibited by Section 20710. (t) A short-barreled rifle or short-barreled shotgun, as prohibited by Section 33215. (u) A shuriken, as prohibited by Section 22410. (v) An unconventional pistol, as prohibited by Section 31500. (w) An undetectable firearm, as prohibited by Section 24610. (x) A wallet gun, as prohibited by Section 24710. (y) A writing pen knife, as prohibited by Section 20910. (z) A zip gun, as prohibited by Section 33600. (Added by Stats. 2010, Ch. 711, Sec. 6. (SB 1080) Effective January 1, 2011. Operative January 1, 2012, by Sec. 10 of Ch. 711.)


Little Miss Lobotomy’s

Photos taken from MK’s Instagram. All rights belong to their owner. No copyright infringement is intended.

Name: Mohammed Khair M. Kourma (Also know as M.K) Beliefs: Human first, Muslim second Highest level of education: Bachelors in Environmental Science First thought in the morning: I usually have a different thought every morning, but the thing that my thoughts have in common is "How to have a productive day" Favorite saying: "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger" Languages spoken: Arabic (Mother tongue), English List of degrees & accomplishments: Certified Teacher in the state of Washington. Certified first aid. professional scuba diver. Bachelors in Environmental Science. Instagram: @mkthebest

R: Hello MK, are you who you thought you'd be when you were little? MK: As any younger person, I wanted to be a pilot, then a police man, then a fire fighter. most of these Super Hero like jobs fade are you grow older and have a better/different understanding of life. Being a scientist was what I wanted to be around the age of 12, and I am glad that I somewhat never gave it up! R: Speaking of your accomplishments, what crosses your mind when someone underestimates your intelligence? MK: My imagination runs wild with all the comebacks and ways that I can possibly embarrass that individual. Luckily, my sense of reason and adulthood do not want to deal with the whole drama and negotiating back and forth with someone who thinks too little of people who they do not know well. Specially that intelligence is not something an individual can measure. “Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.� - Albert Einstein R: As a fully formed person who is very well rounded, what do you spend your days concerned about? MK: My main concern is to have a possibility to upgrade, to move forward and be someone better than who I was yesterday. Regardless of what it is that I upgrade or accomplish, I must find a new possible way to do something better today than how I did it before. A skill, a job, a hobby, a friendship, an information, literally anything. R: With the privilege to teach and science to back you, what is your 5 year plan? MK: Getting my masters degree, and hopefully my PhD. Moving up from a teacher to a college professor, or use my knowledge to take over and improve my father's business (Marine Construction) since I was his right hand until I moved to the USA. R: What is your end goal? Do you have an end goal? Or are you living the dream? MK: My end goal is to not have an end goal (sounds philosophical, which I am not trying to be that person) but having an end goal is a risk in my opinion. If I achieve my end goal, I will be bored and not knowing what else to do, and if I don't achieve it, I will be depressed and mad about it. My dream is to be an inspiration to others, be someone's hero, who they'd look up to. Not for their financial status or position of power, those are temporary. I was not the smartest in my class, now I am a science teacher. I was not the coolest in my school, now I am a well-known Science Entertainer and a Performer. I was not the popular kid on the block, but my hard work and achievements got everyone's attention! R: Thank you for your time MK. MK: Thanks a lot for this opportunity, it's been a pleasure and an honor to be featured here!

Magic Castle Magician Micah Cover performs unforgettable magic where YOU and YOUR GUESTS are the STARS! Close-Up, Strolling, Parlour and even Private Lessons - House Calls or Skype!

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inquiry :

Hosting free comedy shows every Monday & Tuesday night. * The show starts at 8pm & goes until 10pm. It’s Los Angeles’s best kept secret. You never know who will be a surprise guest. *This is not an open mic. If you are interested in performing, contact Adam Hunter. 442 N Fairfax Ave Los Angeles, California

Flip Out

By Ruth Noemi

Nostalgia can drive us to do many things. Just last month, I decided to use a flip phone for a month. How bad could it be? I lasted all of nine days before upgrading to a smart phone. I went from the LG Stylo 4 to the Alcatel GO FLIP to the MotoE5 (LENOVO). My relationship with my phone has changed over the years & it is no longer a sound idea for me to have a flip phone.

Features: • • • • • • •

4GB Internal Memory (ROM) / 512MB RAM 2.8-inch main display and 1.44-inch external display Bluetooth capabilities Texting Calling One photo album for everything (zoom available) Front & back facing camera

I need to be able to promptly respond to messages from work, be it via app, text, & email. Sometimes I need to walk people though a task while I am several cities away (face time, oh how you are awesome!). Sometimes I need to do photo edits while out and about and send them off immediately. One of the things I realized while I was out, was that I needed my phone to do something at the bank. The inconveniences stacked upon each other until I couldn’t take it. Honestly, the only reason it took me a week to cave was because I carried around my old phone with me (it only worked when I was not moving & connected to wifi). I did stop carrying my old phone around at day 6. I caved 3 days later.

Things I use on a daily basis that my flip phone did not have: 1. Email

2. Photo editor

3. Social media apps

4. Banking app

5. Stock app

6. Internet access

7. Music apps

8. Map app

9. Video streaming apps

Little Miss Lobotomy’s


Zubehรถr By RUTH NOEMI

Accessorizing can be hard, so keep things simple. Find something that works for you and run with it.

Here are 3 examples of how you can coordinate your accessories. * *this not sponsored content

Lux de Ville Elvira Coffin Clutch Wallet in Matte Pink

MotoE5 with El Lumiere Pink Phone case Pillow Talk Cheeky Massage Wand in Pink

HyperX Cloud II Gaming Headset for PC, PS4, Xbox One, & Nintendo Switch in Red

Xbox Wireless Controller in Black with Turtle Beach Ear Force Headset Audio Controller Plus for Xbox One in Black

Moto E5 with MYBAT Rubberized Tuff Hybrid CASE (TITANIUM) Red in Black

Moto E5 with “Case-Mate” Black Tough Stand Case

Xbox One Wireless Controller in Red

Hyper X Cloud Core Wired Gaming headset for PS4, PC, Xbox One, & Nintendo Switch in black with red

Living in LA

by Donnie Rex

I stay in Hollywood, so I've had to adapt (financially) in order to have a comfortable living situation. I live in a communal house – its like being in an every night sleep over. Everyone has their own room but there are community rooms such as the kitchen, the living room, and the backyard. It’s a consensus that smoking should be done outside. Not everyone in the house is from Los Angeles. We all face rent stress though - the end of the day stress of expenses just to live. We decide whether we want to live together or alone. Moving out of my parent’s place into a communal style living situation was my preferred choice though. I had the chance to get a place on my own, but I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to have roommates instead. I knew that I’d rather have some people around and make the best of it. I didn’t want to live alone. Los Angeles can be lonely. I never try forcing myself into something that I'm not into because being uncomfortable in your home is always a bad move. Respecting boundaries in all living situations should always be strived for, to realistically keep a mutual respect, of course. I try to involve myself in an organic way. After several months of living in a communal home you start to feel like a bunch of friends, if not a close group at least. It’s great to have group events together on the weekends or days off. During the holidays it's like I have two families. I’ll celebrate with my family during the day then with my roommates at the end of the day. Everyone is different. Some people probably prefer living on their own, but I'm too social to live on my own. 11

Little Miss Lobotomy’s

When in doubt, goth out. Have you seen make over shows? Tired of them? Give yourself a goth over. Don’t be afraid of black lipstick or lack of blush. Powder is your friend. You don’t have to spend through the nose for an outfit. Estate sales & thrift stores can help you find great deals.

Eyelashes were bought at a beauty shop in Alhambra.






Instagram. Press on nails are from CVS. Dress is from a thrift store. Total cost of the this look: Under $100

Model: Lana Sorry, no social media information is available.

If you can’t afford high end make up, it’s not the end of the world. Work with what you have. Don’t be afraid to practice different looks. When all else fails, take a break & start again. Remember, life is a journey – it’s not always about the destination.


Little Miss Lobotomy’s


SHAYNE of the DEAD Artist and professional Bon Vivant

Affordable jewelry for goths, punks, geeks, metalheads, and pretty pretty princesses. It's not your mother's jewelry...unless she's a badass. w w w .t h e c o n t r a r y d a m e. c o m

Instagram: @contrary_dame

ALL AGES WELCOME Your friendly, local, alternative hair salon.

Services:        


Little Miss Lobotomy’s

WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE HABLAMOS ESPAÑOL We are located in Boyle Heights. Walk ins welcome, feel free to call to schedule your appointment. All walks of life welcome.

1-323-980-9496 Ask for Noemi (pronounced: noh - eh – me)

564 S. Euclid St., Los Angeles, CA, 90063


Book of the issue:

Book 1 of the White Trash Zombie Series Angel Crawford is a loser Living with her alcoholic deadbeat dad in the swamps of southern Louisiana, she's a high school dropout with a pill habit and a criminal record who's been fired from more crap jobs than she can count. Now on probation for a felony, it seems that Angel will never pull herself out of the downward spiral her life has taken. That is, until the day she wakes up in the ER after overdosing on painkillers. Angel remembers being in an horrible car crash, but she doesn't have a mark on her. To add to the weirdness, she receives an anonymous letter telling her there's a job waiting for her at the parish morgue--and that it's an offer she doesn't dare refuse. Before she knows it she's dealing with a huge crush on a certain hunky deputy and a brand new addiction: an overpowering craving for brains. Plus, her morgue is filling up with the victims of a serial killer who decapitates his prey--just when she's hungriest! Angel's going to have to grow up fast if she wants to keep this job and stay in one piece. Because if she doesn't, she's dead meat. Literally.


Little Miss Lobotomy’s


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