Gene therapy in muscular dystrophy

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Genetic modifiers in DMD

Kevin Flanigan, MD


Outline The DMD gene and the dystrophin protein

New insights into BMD from “DMD” mutations •Altered protein translation initiation •Nonsense-associated splicing New insights into other genetic modifiers


Dystrophinopathies: Clinical diagnosis Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD): Onset age 3-5 Pelvic girdle weakness Tight heel cords CK 50-100X normal Loss of ambulation by age 12 (range 7-12) Death by age 20 (historically)

Becker muscular dystrophy (BMD): Classic definition: loss of ambulation > age 12 Alternatively: “intermediate muscular dystrophy� for loss of ambulation ages 12 through15 BMD for loss of ambulation >age 15

Limb-girdle syndromes in adulthood Muscle aches (myalgias) Isolated cardiomyopathy

Dystrophin Mutations 

Dystrophin gene (Xp21.1) is huge:  

2.4 million nucleotides 79 exons and 8 promoters

Large deletions (≥ 1 exon) account for ~65% of DMD/BMD patients

~5% have duplications ~15% of boys have nonsense mutations Remainder are frameshifting insertions/deletions, splice site mutations, missense mutations

 

X Roberts, Genome Biology, 2001

Dystrophin mutations: Duchenne vs Becker   

Size of deletion does not correlate well with phenotype Best correlation is whether the deletion is “in-frame” or “out-of-frame” In-frame deletions are more likely to result in translation of a protein with partial function  (i.e.,

out-of-frame deletions are DMD ~90% of the time)

Roberts, Genome Biology, 2001




N Dystrophin (427 kd)


Antisense oligomer

van Deutekom et al, N Engl J Med. 2007 Dec 27;357(26):2677-86

One type of “modifier”: specific mutations at the DMD gene locus itself BMD from “DMD” (nonsense) mutations: Potential molecular mechanisms of phenotypic amelioration 

Altered translational initiation (in exon 1 point mutations)

Nonsense mutations and exon skipping

p.Trp3X BMD Pedigrees 12/6/2006


Family 1

Proband = 62 yr. old male, mild BMD, still ambulatory Utah

Family 2

DC 145


















Proband = 3.5 yr. old male, incidental to elevated CK levels, Younger brother CK = 5080 iu/L Michigan 43043

Concordant resequencing haplotypes across the DMD gene


• Family 3: patient 43800; Kansas City,Missouri

– presented at age 7 years with bilateral calf pain and elevated serum CK level (8,000-24,000 iu/L). Muscle biopsy showed degenerating and regenerating fibers and reduced N-terminal, rod, and C-terminal dystrophin antibody staining.

• Family 4: patient 43676; also from Kansas City

– incidentally found at age 4 years to have an elevated serum CK level (4558 iu/L and 14,559 iu/L on separate occasions).

• Family 5: patient 43831; Milwaukee, Wisconsin

– presented in childhood with myalgias but no weakness; an elevated serum CK led to a muscle biopsy with decreased amino-terminal and rod domain dystrophin antibody staining.

• Family 6: patient 43889; Philadelphia, PA

– presented at age 13 years for evaluation of “hyperCKemia” found incidentally during an evaluation of short stature. His serum CK ranged from 5877 iu/L when active to 712 iu/L when more sedentary. Maternal grandfather (73 yrs) also Trp3X.

Evidence for functional rescue of 5’ mutations from a DMD founder allele mutation (p.Trp3X) • Associated with childhood hyperCKemia, with or without myoglobinuria • Compatible with no significant weakness at age 70 • No effect on reproductive fitness

DMD control

Mandra1 ex.66-79 (C-term)

Dys3 ex.10-12 (N-term)

Manex7B ex.7-8 (N-term)




Gurvich et al, 2009; Hum Mutat 30:633-40








WT 74kDa

Alternate initiation from at least two exon 6 ATG sites contributes to the amelioration of the disease phenotype, and may be a general mechanism of rescue for early (exon 1-5) mutations. Hypothesized that initiation is driven by an internal ribosome entry site (IRES) in exon 5. Gurvich OL Human Mutation 2009

What is an IRES?

Normal conditions

Stress conditions

Internal Ribosome Entry Sites (IRES) are cis-acting RNA sequences able to mediate internal entry of the 40S ribosomal subunit under cell stress conditions

The highly functional N-terminal truncated isoform is lacking the first half (CH1) of the ABD1 domain

Absence of the first half of the dystrophin actin binding domain may be consistent with very mild disease

Ervasti, JM, J. Biol. Chem. 2003;278:13591-13594

BMD from “DMD” (nonsense) mutations: Potential molecular mechanisms of phenotypic amelioration 

Altered translational initiation (in exon 1 point mutations)

Nonsense mutations and exon skipping

Reading Frame Rule in DMD/BMD

45%-55% of BMD patients have out-offrame mutations

Flanigan KM, et al. Hum Mutat. 2009;30(12):1657-1666.

Nonsense Mutations Do Not Always Predict DMD • Mutations predicted as nonsense mutations may instead affect exon splice regulatory signals1,2 – This results in exclusion of exons – The remaining mRNA may be in-frame 1. Disset A, et al. Hum Mol Genet. 2006;15(6);999-1013. 2. Flanigan KM, et al. Hum Mutat. 2011;32(3):299-308.

Disset A, et al. Hum Mol Genet. 2006;15(6);999-1013. ©Disset A, et al. 2006. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved.

Distribution of BMD versus DMD nonsense mutations In-frame exons (39) shaded Out-of-frame (40) unshaded p.Trp3X

p = 0.004


176 26

BMD with nonsense mutations occurs preferentially in some exons more than others i.e, Those with: The weakest aggregate splice site signals of all DMD exons Weaker competing 3’-splice site strengths than those exons that only have DMD mutations

Lower exon splice enhancer densities than those exons that only have DMD mutations


Exon splice regulatory elements alterations occur within an exon definition context described in A. Disset et al., Human Molecular Genetics 2006


Nonsense-induced exon skipping

c.4240C>T p.1414Gly>X

Conclusions (1) 1. Altered translational initiation may result in milder phenotypes in patients with nonsense mutations in exons 1-5. 2. Nonsense mutations in the central rod domain may result in BMD in a subset of in-frame exons

3. Genotype alone cannot always predict phenotype, and phenotypic predictions should be made with caution in an in-frame flanking context ………………..……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Outline The DMD gene and the dystrophin protein

New insights into BMD from “DMD” mutations •Altered protein translation initiation •Nonsense-associated splicing New insights into other genetic modifiers


• Cytokine involved in immune cell migration and survival • Implicated in fibrosis through the TGF-beta pathway


Pegoraro et al, 2011


Sgcg LGMD 2C g

mdx DMD

Mapping modifiers of muscular dystrophy E. McNally, Univ of Chicago

Membrane leak


Evans Blue Dye (EBD)

Hydroxyproline (HOP)

Using mice to map genetic modifiers Parental strains:

SgcgD2 X (severe)

Sgcg129 (mild)

F1 generation:


F2 generation


•270 F2 animals were analyzed.

LOD score

Genomewide scan for modifiers of membrane leak Locus on Chromosome 7 =DMOD1


LOD score

Genomewide scan for modifiers of fibrosis Locus on Chromosome 7 = DMOD1


Membrane permeability and fibrosis are both modified by a region of chr 7






Chromosome 7

Membrane Permeability 30.88


Fibrosis 25.24



Latent TGFb binding protein 4 (LTBP4) is within a memberthe of modifier the Fibrillin superfamily region

An insertion/deletion in LTBP4 modifies muscular dystrophy exon12

mild severe


Heydemann et al. 2009

LTBPs regulate TGFb availability




Large latent complex


TGFb receptor

Gene expression



extracellular matrix


Variability of the LTBP4 proline rich region across species

Ceco, Heydemann

Single nucleotide polymorphisms in human LTBP4

Linkage disequilibrium across LTBP4

United Dystrophinopathy Project



Does LTBP4 influence DMD phenotype? • Use loss of ambulation as a dichotomous outcome • To take an unbiased approach, we included all subjects who had a recorded loss of ambulation before age 20

• N = 254 subjects – 244 (96%) were catalogued as DMD – 8 = IMD (lost ambulation between age 12 and 15) – 2 = BMD (lost ambulation after age 15 but before age 20)

The LTBP4 “IAAM” haplotype predicts prolonged ambulation in DMD

Prolonged ambulation with LTBP4 “IAAM” is not explained by DMD mutation

Steroid use with LTBP4 “IAAM” predicts prolonged ambulation in DMD

Steroid use with LTBP4 “IAAM” predicts prolonged ambulation in DMD

Haplotype analysis of nonsynonymous LTBP4 ambulatory loss for DMD patients. variants associated with age of ambulatory loss

TABLE 1. Haplotype analysis of nonsynonymous LTBP4 variants associated with age of

Haplotype VTTT IAAM


All (n=254) a Global P = 0.002 c freq score p-val 0.53 -1.51 0.1 -4 0.31 3.43 6 x 10

Steroid treated (n=137) a Global P = 0.013 c freq score p-val 0.52 -1.04 0.3 0.32 2.92 0.004

Steroid naive (n=102) a Global P = 0.12 c freq score p-val 0.52 -1.12 0.3 0.29 1.91 0.06


The haplo.stats package was used to test for association between haplotypes and age of ambulatory loss as a quantitative trait using a recessive model. b These haplotypes consist of SNPS: rs2303729, rs1131620, rs10880 respectively. c p value from the 2, df=1, distribution of the haplotype-specific score.

Mean age of ambulatory loss for “IAAM” versus other haplotypes: • In steroid-treated patients: 12.5 ± 3.3 years vs. 10.7 ± 2.1 years • In steroid-naïve patients: 11.2 ± 2.7 vs. 9.8 ± 2.0 years

LTBP4 “IAAM” fibroblasts have reduced TGFb signaling

Conclusions (2) • The LTBP4 IAAM haplotype is associated with decreased TGFb signaling. • LTBP4 genotype effect is: • seen independent of the primary mutation (truncating or not) • seen in both glucocorticoid treated and naïve DMD subjects • the magnitude of effect suggests that glucocorticoid treated subjects homozygous for the protective allele have the most improved ambulation. • Stratification for LTBP4 genotype should be considered for clinical trials. ………………..……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Genetic Modifiers of DMD 1R01NS085238-01A1; May 2014 • Update and analyze phenotypic data within the UDP cohort. – Flanigan Lab – Igor Dvorchik/Biostatistics

• Map modifier traits by high-density single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) arrays. – Robert Weiss, PhD, University of Utah – Veronica Vieland, PhD, Nationwide Children’s Hospital

• Capture rare variants by exome sequencing of individuals with extreme outlier phenotypes. – Stan Nelson, MD, PhD, UCLA

• Validate newly identified putative genetic modifiers. – Other DMD cohorts: CINRG (E. Hoffman, Children’s National/C. McDonald, UC Davis); Dutch cohort (P. Spitali, Leiden) – Other mouse-identified candidates: Elizabeth McNally, Univ of Chicago


Flanigan Lab – Adeline Vulin-Chaffiol, PhD – Nicolas Wein, PhD – Tabatha Simmons – Andrea Rutherford – Jack Kaminoh – Andrew Findlay NCH – Louise Rodino-Klapac, PhD – Kristin Heller, PhD – NCH Transgenic Core

• •

Veronica Vieland, PhD Igor Dvorchik, PhD

Ohio State University – Paul Janssen, PhD – Dan Schoenberg, PhD – Baskar Bakthavachalu, PhD University of Utah – Michael Howard, PhD – Robert Weiss, PhD Steve Wilton, PhD Alessandra Ferlini, MD Maria Sofia Falzarano, PhD Francesca Gualandi, PhD Sonia Messina, MD Giuseppe Vita, MD Chiara Passarellit, PhD Cristina Szigyarto, PhD Jim Ervasti, PhD

• • • • • • • • • •

Acknowledgements University of Chicago Elizabeth McNally, MD, PhD Ermelinda Ceco Kay-Marie Lamar

Nationwide Children’s Hospital/OSU Jerry Mendell, MD Jack Kaminoh Wendy King Washington University in St. Louis Alan Pestronk, MD Julaine Florence Anne Connolly University of Iowa Katherine Mathews

University of Utah Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Robert Weiss, PhD Richard Finkel Diane Dunn University of Minnesota Michael Howard John Day Kathy Swoboda University of California-Davis Eduard Gappmaier Craig McDonald Jay Maiti ………………..……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

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