Liverpool Community College - Annual Report 2009/2010

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Our Mission To provide high quality education and training which is inclusive and successful and matches the needs of our diverse range of students, the economy and the community For our students - students gain the skills, confidence and knowledge to make a successful transition into work, the next stage of their career or their educational choice For the economy - employers and communities have the skilled people they need to create and develop healthy organisations, now and in the future For the community - the creation of vibrant, prosperous and inclusive communities The college will provide excellent value for money in achieving these ends.

Liverpool Community College had a turnover of ÂŁ47.3 million in 2009/10

Foreword by Principal Liverpool Community College is one of the largest providers of education and training in the North West. We work closely with schools and employers from all sectors to ensure we are delivering the skilled workforce businesses need in an ever changing economic environment.

providing institutions with highly skilled, motivated undergraduates.

We are continuing to develop partnerships with universities to create opportunities for more students than ever before to have clear progression routes into higher education,

Maureen Mellor MBE Principal

This report highlights the college as a key player in the city and the role it plays in developing opportunities to secure the economic future of our region.

The college is recognised nationally for outstanding teaching and learning in Skills for Life

V Talent Year

Skills Pledge

Providing Top Skills

The college launched the vtalentyear project in August, recruiting fifteen enthusiastic 16-25 year olds to promote volunteering opportunities to students and encourage involvement in events across college.

Catering and hospitality industry members sign the Skills Pledge.

The success of the college’s apprenticeship programme became the focus in April when James Rush, general manager of restaurant Jury’s Inn, nominated 15 year old modern apprentice Katie White for a Liverpool Ambassador award. Katie went on to win first prize in the Young Person of the Year category.

It is part of the college’s aim to ensure students get the most out of their college experience, gaining life skills and knowledge that will benefit their future career.

In September, Merseyside’s catering and hospitality managers visited college to find out about government funding available to them. They were invited to make a commitment to training that will improve the skills of their staff.

James praised Katie as being “quite simply outstanding in her job.”

Over 18,000 students studied at Liverpool Community College in 2009/10


Talent pipeline

World class facilities

Lecturer turns Student in Starck Competition College lecturer Ilsa Parry won the BBC show Design for Life in autumn. Her prize was the unique opportunity to work with the show’s host, top French designer, Philippe Starck, for six months at his workshop in Paris.

Creative and Media

Creative and Cultural

The college’s partnership in Skillset Media with Liverpool John Moores University and the BBC established a 'talent pipeline' for creative media students to progress into university.

Creative & Cultural Skills Group CEO and National Skills Academy (NSA) Board Director, Tom Bewick, visited the college in September to see why the college is at the forefront of training for the creative and cultural industry.

The industry will have access to top class talent needed to take the sector into the digital future. It will also maintain the region’s growing needs in Salford’s evolving Media City.

He said: “I quickly saw why this founder member is an outstanding college. The facilities and faculty centre are world-class; teaching staff and students simply love the place.”

In 2009/10 almost 5,000 students aged 16-18 studied at Liverpool Community College

Restaurant Manager of the Year The UK’s top restaurant manager visited the college in October to encourage managers from the hospitality and catering industry to upskill its workforce. Former college student Peter Avis manages Virgin founder Richard Branson’s Babylon Restaurant in London and was crowned UK Restaurant Manager of the Year 2009.

Skillfast UK

Industry Day

In March, the North West Regional Skills Headquarters was launched to deliver industry specific skills training to clothing businesses in the region. It aims to bring together businesses to share good practice and create a unified approach to securing the future of the fashion and textiles industry in the North West.

The college collaborated with local schools and large employers in the region to raise awareness of careers in construction and the arts. Employers from both sectors presented workshops and master classes for pupils from across the city. It provided young people with a taste of the jobs available and the educational routes needed for specific careers.

79% of students at Liverpool Community College received widening participation funding

Band Night in Liverpool venue College students gave their time back to the community by raising funds for a children’s charity. Sophie Chim Mather and Megan Gantley organised a gig at the city’s O2 Academy arena as part of their college citizenship class. The event raised more than £2,000 for local charity Liverpool Unites which helps communities on Merseyside improve the lives of underprivileged children and young people.

Student organises Liverpool pubs exhibition In May, fine arts student Maxwell Hornby, launched a photography exhibition to highlight the demise of Britain’s once strong community tradition. The exhibition, ‘Use it or lose it’, featured images of once thriving pubs often featured as the heart of any community. The exhibition formed part of the foundation degree students’ final year show.

Engineering student wins top national award Liverpool Community College engineering student Graham Thompson added two more accolades to his title of College Apprentice of the Year. The twenty eight year old won both Engineer of the Year and Operative of the Year in refrigeration and air conditioning at the 2010 SummitSkills National Training Awards. Graham Thompson, left

In October 2009 the ground was broken for the college’s £35 million Learning Exchange in Liverpool city centre

College of the Future


Diverse values

School pupils made their mark at a ground breaking ceremony in October for the college’s city centre flagship building: The Learning Exchange on Roscoe Street.

In July the college launched a new NHS cadet scheme for 16-18 year olds with a flair for business. The scheme gives young people the chance to develop relevant skills working alongside NHS professionals in the Liverpool Primary Care NHS Trust. Cadets work towards a NVQ in Business Administration and get the chance to see first hand some of the future employment opportunities in the NHS.

The college celebrated its annual Diversity Week in May.

The £35 million development will provide Liverpool with one the best further education colleges in the country. The futuristic four storey building, which opens in September 2011, will enhance the college’s city centre campus by providing state-of-the-art technology for its 20,000 students.

Daily workshops were arranged for staff and students covering a range of topics including deaf awareness and the challenges faced by asylum seekers. The week concluded with a Diversity Day celebration where guest speaker Bob Croxton from the Criminal Information Bureau highlighted the important role education plays in helping young people to develop confidence and new skills.

25+ year olds make up nearly 50% of the student population at Liverpool Community College

FACTS & FIGURES The Financial Position In 2009/2010 the college and its subsidiaries made an operating SURPLUS of £1,082,790 during the financial year; Under Framework for Excellence the college is assessed as "Good" by the LSC. The college incurred £10,422,515 costs on the Leamer Exchange. The college also received £1,072182 as final settlement on the CPO of Canning Place. The college undertook £1.3 million of work on 35 external projects for a variety of purposes. Local government pension schemes saw a favourable effect on valuations as they moved from RPI to CPI. The college spent £435,278 on capital equipment (The Leamer Support Fund spent £1,264,478). The Student Equipment Fund spent £212,820. £532,200 was spent on the Leaming Resource Centre. The expenditure on staff training (excluding waived course fees) was £319,949. 17 staff left under the college's severance scheme. 78% of college learners received widening participation funding. The college made procurement efficiencies of £75,297. The college's procurement policy seeks to ensure effective use of financial resources examples are core agreements for: • desk top office supplies • copier paper • I.T. supplies The college is a member of the Crescent Purchasing Consortium. The following services are contracted out: - cleaning - internal audit - payroll - refectory - security. The college was part of the Northern Collaboration Group that recently won the AOC’s Beacon award for smarter procurement. The project realised over £200,000 worth of savings.

BOARD OF GOVERNORS Chair Principal Members

Vice Chair

Ms Vivienne Tyler Ms Maureen Mellor, MBE Cllr Karen Afford Ms Louise Barry Ms Sue Carmichael Ms Sara Carthy* Mr Tony Cearns Mr Tony Cobain Ms Clare Crowther*** Ms Claire Dove, MBE Mr Matthew Fletcher** Ms Martha Harris* Ms Sue Navarro Mr Joel Petrie++ Prof Gerald Pillay Mr Shazan Qureshi*** Mr John Ritchie, MBE Ms Michele Ross+ Mr Adam Scovell Cllr Nick Small*** Mr Stuart Smith++ Mr David Wilson

* From December 2009 ** From February 2010

Business in the Arts: North West Liverpool Community College Liverpool City Council Merseyside Disability Federation Constructive Futures Liverpool ONE Shop Direct Group Merseyside Internal Audit Agency First for Franchising Blackburne House Group Liverpool Community College Liverpool Community College Liverpool Community College Liverpool Community College Liverpool Hope University The Rejuvenate Group Retired Toxteth Educational Trust Liverpool Community College Liverpool City Council Liverpool City Council Retired

*** From June 2010 + Until October 2010

++ Until December 2009


Audit Committee

External External External External External External External External Student Staff Staff Staff External External External External Student External External External

Finance, Estates and General Purposes Committee Remuneration Committee Search and Governance Committee

Teaching & Learning Management Group Safeguarding Management Group Learning Resource Centres Management Group Quality Improvement Management Group Equality Improvement Management Group Employer Engagement Management Group IT Management Group Marketing Management Group

LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT Senior Management Team 2009-10 Principal

Resources and Finance Maureen Mellor MBE

Brendan Ruane Vice Principal Resource Management

• • • • • •

Resource Allocation Information Services Customer Support Services Financial Services Financial Management Financial Monitoring

Mike Doyle


Assistant Principal

Corporate Services Marie Allen MBE

Sue Greenhalgh

Ann Lees

Barry Sherriff

Vice Principal Curriculum

Assistant Principal 14-19

Director of Learner Services

Assistant Principal Adult & Employers

• 10 Faculties • Equality

• Student Support • Quality

• Marketing • Planning

Irene Loh Lynn Vice Principal Corporate Services

• Human Resources • Estates


Construction and Engineering

Vauxhall Road

Business and Information Technology

Bankfield Road, Clarence Street, Duke Street and part time at all centres including many DISCs and Outreach centres

Hospitality, Sport and Health

Duke Street and Vauxhall Road


The Arts Centre, Myrtle Street

Sixth Form Studies

Clarence Street and Bankfield Road

Fresh Start

Main centres, DISCs, neighbourhood centres

Foundation Studies

Duke Street and Bankfield Road

The seven faculities above cover all fourteen ‘areas of learning’ designated by The Learning and Skills Council (now SFA/YPLA)

LEARNER PROFILE 09/10 Key Statistics


Total Number of Learners


Under 16 year old learners 16-18 year old learners 19-24 year old learners 25+ year old learners

675 4897 4013 8640

4% 27% 22% 47%

White-British learners Black/Other learners Unknown learners

15,370 2,819 36

84.3% 15.5% 0.2%


Top 3 Postcodes:


Learners with a disability and/or learning difficulty.

HEFCE funded learners FT HEFCE learners PT HEFCE funded learners

518 302 216

Total No of FT learners Total No of PT learners

6,035 12,190

Key Statistics L8 L4 L13

L1 - L36 Postcodes Other Postcodes



1,372 1,012 937 15,191 3,034

83% 17%

Learners receiving Widening Participation funding


Analysis of learners by level studied Entry Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Higher Other

P/T 7% 9% 26% 11% 3% 11% 67%

No of LSC funded learners No of FT LSC funded learners

10,435 5,880

No of PT LSC funded learners


F/T 2% 2% 9% 17% 2% 1% 33%

FINANCIAL Expenditure

Income 1.1%


1.8% 2.3% 0.2%



7.1% 5.0%

69.4% 45.6% 0.8%

11.0% 6.9% 2.1% 1.2% 3.5% 2.5% 16.9%

LSC Recurrent Funding LSC Capital Grants LSC Other Grants Education Contracts Tuition Fees

Other Grant Income Other Operating Income Other Income Generating Activities Fixed Asset Disposals

Teaching Staff Support Staff Indirect Staff Costs Premises

Transport Supplies Services & Expenditure Financing Costs

COLLEGE ESTATE The Arts Centre, Myrtle Street, L7 7JA

Clarence Street, L3 5TP

Vauxhall Road, L3 6BN

Bankield Road, L13 0BQ

Duke Street, L1 5BG

Roscoe Street, L1 9DW

One college, one community

Switchboard: 0151 252 1515 Web: Course Information Line: 0151 252 3000

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