2 minute read


Endnotes 1 Eric C. Wall (2002), ‘A Comprehensive Look at the Fair Packaging and Labeling Act of 1966 and the FDA Regulation of Deceptive Labeling and Packaging Practices: 1906 to Today’, Harvard Law School. 2 Padraig Cahill, (2016) ‘Graphic Design History Timeline’, Online Design Teacher, May 31, 2016. 3 Pinterest inspiration folder. 4 Dan Myers, ‘The Best Discontinued Snack Foods From the Decade You Were Born’, Jun 18, 2019, The Daily Mail,. 5 National Archives Catalog, ‘A Chicken in Every Pot’ political ad and rebuttal article in New York Times, October 30, 1928. 6 Susan Honeyman (2010) ‘Consuming Agency in Fairy Tales, Childlore, and Folkliterature’

Watcharatorn Pensasitorn, (2015), ‘The Use of Images in Graphic Design on Packaging of Food and Beverages’, Journal of Economics, Business and Management, Vol. 3, No. 12, December 2015, Available at: http://www.joebm.com/papers/351-B015.pdf (Accessed 21. November 2019)


Phillip B. Meggs, ‘Graphic Design In The 20th Century’, Encyclopædia Britannica, Available at: https://www.britannica.com/art/graphic-design/The-digital-revolution (Accessed 21.November 2019)

Michelle Meadows, (2006), ‘A Century of Ensuring Safe Foods and Cosmetics’, U.S Food & Drug, Available at : https://www.fda.gov/files/A-Century-of-Ensuring-Safe-Foods-and-Cosmetics.pdf (Accessed 21.November 2019)

Viktoria Alervall & Juan Sdiq Saeid, (2013), ‘Perspectives on the Elements of Packaging Design’, Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, Available at: https://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/ diva2:830523/FULLTEXT01.pdf (Accessed 21. November 2019)

‘A short history & future of packaging & labelling’, Steller Packing, Available at: https://www. stellerpacking.co.uk/short-history-future-packaging-labelling/ (Accessed 25.November 2019)

‘Early Barcodes – A Brief History of How Barcodes Changed Our Lives’, Electronic Imaging, Available at: https://barcode-labels.com/early-barcodes-brief-history-how-barcodes-changedour-lives/ (Accessed 25.November 2019)

Rose Eveleth, (2014), ‘“Sell By” And “Best By” Dates on Food Are Basically Made Up—But Hard to Get Rid Of ’, SMITHSONIAN.COM, March 28, 2014, Avaiable at: https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smartnews/sell-and-best-dates-food-are-basically-made-hard-get-rid-180950304/ (Accessed 25.November 2019) ‘Who inventet barcode? (History of Barcodes)’, Rosistem, Available at: https://www.barcode.ro/ tutorials/barcodes/history.html (Accessed 25. November 2019)

Padraig Cahill, (2016) ‘Graphic Design History Timeline’, Online Design Teacher, May 31, 2016, Available at: https://www.onlinedesignteacher.com/2016/05/graphic-design-timeline.html (Accessed 04. March 2020)

Museum of Brands, 2019, London.

A chromolithographic reproduction of a drawing by Miss O. Johnston T. G. HILL, 2011, ‘THE ESSENTIALS OF ILLUSTRATION’, Reader in Vegetable Physiology in the University of London, University College.

Dan Myers, ‘The Best Discontinued Snack Foods From the Decade You Were Born’, Jun 18, 2019, The Daily Mail, Available at: https://www.thedailymeal.com/eat/best-discontinued-snack-foodsdecade-you-were-born-gallery (Accessed 10.February 2020)

National Archives Catalog, ‘A Chicken in Every Pot’ political ad and rebuttal article in New York Times, October 30, 1928, Available at: https://catalog.archives.gov/id/187095 (Accessed 10.February 2020)

Susan Honeyman (2010) ‘Consuming Agency in Fairy Tales, Childlore, and Folkliterature(Online)’ New York, Routlegde, Available at: https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=xlQZQOACowwC&pg=PA154&dq=chicken+dinner+candy+bar&hl=en&sa=X&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=chicken%20dinner%20 candy%20bar&f=false (Accessed 10.February 2020)

Pinterst image folder, Available at: https://no.pinterest.com/camillalanghole/graphic-design-styler/ (Accessed 04.March 2020)

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