Panther Creek Ranch 30th Annual Production Sale

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Mike and Kati McClelland Family 375 N Co Rd 2400, Bowen, IL 62316

Mike McClelland...............................217-430-9356

Tristan McClelland............................217-617-5314

Cydnee McClelland...........................785-217-5712

John Mrozinski..................................765-427-4551

Bailey Mrozinski................................217-430-9357

Brandt Henness................................309-224-4276

Kolby Henness..................................217-430-1220

Steve and Valerie Peterson Family

Steve Peterson..................................217-430-9796

Jordan Rauch.....................................217-440-3154

Shelby Rauch.....................................217-740-7704

Isaac Taber........................................309-335-8081

Kayla Taber.......................................217-440-4765


At the ranch, located 1 mile east of Bowen, IL on Hwy 61, then 2 miles north, look for signs.


Sale Managed By CK6 Consulting

Chris Earl 630-675-6559 • Wes Tiemann 816-244-4462

Kody Fleeman 573-881-0117 • Amanda Radke 605-999-4300


Bob Dwyer........................................309-337-1404

Nick Dwyer........................................309-337-6404

Auctioneer – Cody Lowderman..........309-313-2171

American Angus Association Regional Manager

Casey Jentz........................................608-234-1998


Roger Holmstrum............................309-635-5159

Kerry Johnston.................................217-370-6033

Shane Ryan.......................................309-371-7490

APRIL 5, 2025



“The Workin’ Kind ”

Panther Creek Ranch will keep all bulls free of charge until May 1st at the buyers risk. Bulls become property of the new owners as soon as they are sold. If you are planning on leaving your bulls, mortality insurance will be available sale day. If your bull leaves before April 7th, you will receive a $100 credit sale day.


Cattle may be viewed anytime prior to sale day, just give us a call. Each lot will also have a video 10 days prior to the sale you may view on DVAuction.


Cattle will sell under terms and conditions suggested by American Angus Association. Check, cash, or money wire will be accepted.


Interstate health papers will be furnished.


Free delivery up to 500 miles or nationwide on purchases of $15,000 on bulls. Trucking Available from Will Kiesewetter 319-471-1813


All persons attending this sale do so at their own risk, legal or otherwise for their safety of the behavior of the animals. Owners, nor sale staff assume liability for property loss, damage or accidents that may occur.


From the block or update sheets will take precedence over this printed material.


Jeanne Conover 515-491-1335


Will be served on the sale site at 11:30.


We guarantee that all cattle sold in this sale are fertile to the best of our knowledge. All bulls sell with a breeding guarantee that is if a bull is to be found functionally infertile during the first breeding season we will provide you with a replacement of equal value or issue you a credit minus the salvage value of $2,000 in a future sale. Your bull is an investment and should be treated as such. Overworked, undercared for, or mismanaged bulls can not be replaced. Fall calving females in this sale have been pregnancy tested and will be guaranteed pregnant sale day. Claims on open fall calving cows will need to be made by May 1st, 2024.


3% on 3 bulls, 4% on 4, 5% on 5, graduating up to 10% on 10 bulls

welcome to the sale!

Welcome to our 31st annual “Workin’ Kind” Bull and Female Sale! This marks our 72nd consecutive year of breeding and selling Angus cattle. We are incredibly grateful to be part of a business that allows our entire family to be involved, and it continues to grow year after year. The Angus industry has created a deep bond within our family—one that feels almost addictive. We are passionate livestock people, and the pursuit of raising quality cattle is in our blood. Watching our grandkids interact with the livestock, it’s clear they have that same passion. They love being out with the cattle, just as we do.

As you all know, ranching is a tough life, but the rewards are immeasurable. It’s incredibly fulfilling to see our kids grow up with a deep love and passion for the livestock. This same passion drives us to provide you with quality genetics to help your operations succeed. We are truly fortunate to work with the best people in the world—you, our customers. Thank you for giving us purpose and motivation to continually strive to make the best breeding decisions that will benefit all of us in this industry.

Since I last wrote this letter, another year of new births has passed. Right after last year’s sale, we were blessed with the arrival of Briggs Tucker Rauch on April 9, 2024. Then, on October 5th, Ruth Elizabeth Mrozinski joined our family. Late breaking news, as of this morning March 6th, Brandt and Kolby welcomed a little girl, Oakley Rose Henness, into our family as well! There’s nothing more beautiful than witnessing the Lord bless us with these precious children and another generation of Angus enthusiasts.

We are more excited about this offering of cattle than we’ve ever been before! This year, we’re offering the largest and most impressive group of bulls in our 72-year history. We look forward to your visual appraisal of them. For the first time in several years, we’ve included three elite open heifers—these are from the very top of our replacement pen. Heifers like these have never been sold off this ranch, so be sure to check them out! Additionally, we’re offering a proven donor, flushes, embryos, and a large selection of high-quality young females that are perfectly suited for the times.

The cattle are available for viewing at the ranch anytime, and we welcome you to stop by at your convenience. Videos of the sale cattle will be posted at least two weeks prior to sale day on DV Auction. The spring-calving cows were filmed the first week of January before calving began, and they’ve come a long way since then. As in previous years, we won’t be running cattle through the sale ring. Instead, it will be a video sale, with the cattle penned outside the sale barn as usual.

In closing, we want to extend our heartfelt thanks to you for allowing us to meet your needs with quality Angus seedstock. These cattle are raised on fescue pastures and are treated just like commercial cattle. They’re built to perform well anywhere across the country. We look forward to seeing you at the ranch on sale day, where you can enjoy great food, fellowship, and top-notch Angus cattle!

Thanks for giving us a look!

Mike & Kati McClelland family – John, Bailey, Eleanor & Ruth Mrozinski, Brandt, Kolby, Ivy, & Oakley Henness, Tristan, Cydnee, & Pistol McClelland
Steve & Valerie Peterson family – Isaac, Kayla, & Blaine Taber Jordan, Shelby, Landry, Tripp, & Briggs Rauch

Yearling Angus Bus


HeiferBull-ThesecondbestHPEPDbullinthesale. Lot 2 brings a ton of positive attributes to the table. Weaning at nearly 900 pounds along with a 120 weaning weight ratio in a calving ease package. This guy did everything we could hope for on the hoof and then throw in weaning weight, yearling weight and heifer pregnancy EPDs in the top 5% of the breed and over a 300 $C makes him a unique individual.

ISABEL G1173 Dam of Lots 3-4


HeiferBull-ThebiggestspreadfromBWtoWWEPDbullinthesale. Lot 6 is a long bodied, stout featured bull that is an athlete on the move. Looking on paper he’s a curve bending calving ease sire. He ranks in the top 4% for CED and top 10% for BW while still being in the top 15% for both WW and YW. Add to your bottom line with this Showcase son.



GuardedHeiferBull– Lot 16 is a true combination bull. His power and shape is truly impressive and yet he’s a sure footed bull that travels with flexibility and athleticism. Look for him to add value to your calf crop with a balanced set of traits and high ranking $Value columns. He charts in the top 3% for $M, top 10% for $W, and top 15% for $C. Take advantage of this great opportunity.



“The Pistol” William McClelland


Lot 27

I have worked in the purebred Angus business for more than three decades and have been blessed to connect with tens of thousands of people. The people in this business is truly what keeps me inspired to press forward. When a combination of great people, a cowboy work ethic, and attentiveness to genetics combines into a program, I become very interested in helping any way I can. That is what can be found at Panther Creek, and it’s an honor to work with this great program.

Over 70 years of breeding cattle, working the land, and growing their family — that is what they do and who they are. Mike and Steve are a unique brother and brother-in-law combo that make a great team because they are just at-good people. I often tell people in the business if the co ee shop talk is good, you are good. Everywhere I go and hear about Panther Creek, it’s all good. The cowboy way is exactly what you nd in this unique program in southwestern Illinois. The country gets rugged; the cattle are made to work; and the hours get long. But through all that a tremendous product is produced and has covered and expanded into countless programs. The o ering this year, is frankly, a re ection of a program that keeps pushing to be better. Sire selection, embryo transplant, etc. has been a keen focus to meet the needs of the neighbors and to become nationally competitive.

The bulls are even, thick, good-footed, and ready to go anywhere. The predictions for genetic expression are re ective of what I think are their best set to date. The o ering covers a large section of females and bulls, and there is absolutely no better time to gain quality inventory and turn grass to marbled red meat.

In closing, I am still a fan of getting in your vehicle to see the program; meet the people; and evaluate the stock on the hoof. If you decide to do that with Panther Creek Ranch, you will meet friends for a lifetime and see cowboys excellent at what they do. I hope you decide to go visit or come to the sale. I look forward to meeting you in what is shaping up to be one of the most exciting springs in the history of rural America and our country.

God Ble - Chris Earl

John, Bailey, Eleanor & Ruth Mrozinski
Tristan, Cydnee & Pistol McClelland
Brandt, Kolby & Ivy Henness


on this impressive herdsire that checks a lot of boxes.

ThetopHPEPDbullinthesale.Outofthehighestindexingcowwith7WW@108. Lot 33 represents good cattle. This Jet Black son is hard to poke a hole in, he’s great structured and big bodied. His kind is what we think generates good cows and more dollars for you in the future. He also charts in the top 3% for $M and top 15% for $C. The $M is no joke on this guy as his mother is one of the most productive cows on this ranch.

Yearling Angus Bus


Oakley Rose Henness born March 6, 2025
Ruth Elizabeth Mrozinski born October 5, 2024

TiedforthetopDocilityEPDbullinthesale. This 1330 son is sure to inject growth and pounds into his progeny. He ranks in the top 10% in both WW and YW as well as the top 15% for RADG. Phenotypically, Lot 46 is impressive. He’s a big outline bull that’s square

and good looking. Study his feet and legs, he’s got extra athleticism and stoutness at the

to compliment cows within the breed.

Yearling Angus Bus


Thespringyearlingbullsandthefallbullsweremanaged totallydifferentsodonotcomparetheirperformanceto eachother.Theyearlingbullswereweanedandputona TMRrationimmediatelyconsistingofchoppedtriticale,corn silage,groundhay,andwetdistillers.Thefallbullswere weanedandturnedoutongrassandhandfedaverylimited amountofgrainallsummer.Aftertheiryearlingweights weretakentheywerebroughtinandputonthesame TMRrationastheyearlingbullstogetsaleready.Wefeel bothsetsofbullswerehandledinawaytomaximizetheir longevityandhoofquality.

A Jet Black son who has a commanding look and presence. Extremely well balanced, athletic made bull who’s deep and extra three-dimensional in his rib design and offers more growth potential than most. Top 4% for both WW and YW and boasts a $W that ranks him in the top 2% of the breed. Put an outstanding load of feeder calves together out of Lot 59 and keep back a quality set of easy fleshing daughters.

HeiferBull–Thesecondhighest$Windexingbullinthesale. Heifer bull alert! Lot 66 is a sleep easy herdsire that boasts an impressive set of maternal figures. Pair that with his added body, fleshing ability and structural quality, this Prolific ought to be able to sire a practical set of replacements without sacrificing growth.

TiedforthetopWWEPDinthesaleandisthetopCWEPD. This Prolific son has the look of a true herd bull. Extra long spined, big bodied heavy muscled individual that’s built on a really solid foot and flexible foundation. Not a coincidence that he’s in the top 5% for both Claw and Angle. A foot improver that charts in the top 3% in both growth

and has the look and phenotype to match.


A flush brother to lot 70, 71 ranks in the top 1% of the breed for Angle with very good growth figures. Physically, he’s a long strided, sure footed bull that is thick-ended and impressive from behind.


GuardedHeiferBull– A true phenotypic

and athletic build that’s geared for the long haul. If you’re thinking about keeping back daughters, we’d bet on him to be able to send a high percentage to the keeper pasture.


Maternal Sister to Lot 81

Thank you!

A huge Thank You to

A Special Thanks to


Tristan McClelland for going above and beyond doing what needs done here!

Bob Campbell for being here with a smile on his face and helping any way he can!

Dr. Grant Holst – Holst Vet Service – for being a huge source of info. and doing anything we need!

Canton Vet Clinic – Semen checking the bulls and ultrasounding the females

Dr. Dan Goehl • Dr. David Hudson • Dr. Cody Griesbaum • Jeff Logsdon

First Bankers Trust – Jamie Whitaker - for being a great friend and banker

Cutter and Dr Michelle Duncan – for running replacement heifers and various other things

Dr. Dallas Klauser – for running replacement heifers for us

Adam Mowen & Monte Rowland – Dearwester Feed and Grain

CK6 Consulting, Chris, Wes, Kody, and Amanda – we appreciate the enthusiasm and knowledge they bring to us!

Mike and Tanner Ellison – getting the sale cattle ready

Chris Stallo – for helping with herd records, registrations and transfers

Hannah Shroyer – for putting our sale catalog together and making it happen

Adam White - Pictures of the sale cattle

Poss Blackcap 2613 - Dam of Lot 83, 84, 85A, 85B

Flush sister to 11 bulls who averaged $25,295 at the 2023 Poss Angus Bull Sale.

We feel so lucky to own 2613 as she has already surpassed what we hoped she would do with tons more potential yet to come. This donor has already generated over $60,000 in income and we have yet to sell a live animal out of her. Her first son by Rawhide sells as lot 53 in the yearling bull division in this sale. We are offering an IVF flush to her to the bull of the buyer’s choice. Work will be done at Westwood Embryo in Waverly, IA. She is open and ready to be flushed any time after the sale. Guaranteeing 6 embryos with no cap and 3 pregnancies. This female provides not only a number set to compliment any program’s direction but an overwhelming phenotype that is pure quality in the truest form.

GAR SUNRISE 2016 Dam of Poss Blackcap 2613

Power is in the blood in this exciting Showcase daughter. Stemming from the famous Baldridge Isabel Y69 cow, this February yearling female will wow you with her impressive body depth and density. Huge middled, easy fleshing female that’s very impressive from behind and yet handles all her power and mass well on the move. A unique opportunity to tie into a female with donor cow power and pedigree, and a genetic script to move the needle in any program. We reserve the right to one flush at our expense and buyers convenience.


This Craftsman daughter continues to do the right things. A good bodied, powerfully constructed female that is correct and angular in her skeleton. She’s a stout featured sure footed heifer that has the look of a future donor cow. She’s impressive in her growth and $Value columns charting in the top 4% for WW top 15% for YW and the top 1% for both $M and $W. Get on the front end of what could be the future of your program with this exciting female. We reserve the right to one flush at our expense and buyers convenience.

Cousins Briggs Rauch and Blaine Taber


In Memory of



It is hard to put down on paper anything fitting for a young man whose life was cut way too short. Tanner loved the land, the cattle, and the cowboy way of life. He managed the Moss Rock Ranch and started Williams Creek Beef Company with his twin brother Tommy and the Holst family. He had a great start and foothold in what he loved and enjoyed – the cattle business. We always appreciated him for being a great neighbor and being willing to help us get through another sale each year. Tanner had a big heart and enjoyed helping people with anything to do with cattle. He lost a battle with Leukemia but he won at being a cowboy and good person. What he was thought of was seen by the number of people that showed up for his memorial service and the 5 states they represented. All we can do is humbly say Thank You and so long till we meet again.

Heifercalfdue09/06/25toBaldridgeGrindstone A unique opportunity with this Lot 137 cow. We are going to call this a Herd Building lot by selling a 3 in 1 here as she has a Pine View Red State heifer calf at side (Lot 137A #21201535) and is confirmed AI bred and due 9/06/25 to Baldridge Grindstone carrying a heifer calf. Three AI sired females all for one

LOT 137A

Ivy Mae Henness





WhenIfirstsawWarLordIfellinlove!!OfalltheAngusbullsIhaveseeninmy lifetimeIhaveneverseenabetterone!!Heissosmoothmadewithabigsquare hip,greatfeet,andanunrealpresence.AnAngusbullwithtruemuscleand performancewithtwoofthegreatestcowsinthebreedupcloseinhispedigreeI thinkheisa“NOMISS”breedingpiece!!-MikeMcClelland

The$50,000topsellingbullofthe2025EdgarBrotherssale. This son of the very popular War Cry is a phenotype standout from every corner. He immediately grabs your attention for his complete design and eye appealing pattern. This added frame bull is very correct in his structure with a wide base and a good foot. It’s just hard to pick a hole in this bull in person as he is full in his forerib and deep in his flank while packing muscle into a larger outline. The dam of this bull is undoubtably the top producing female in the Edgar herd and War Lord’s full sister caught a lot of attention as the $95,000 top selling female in that sale. Use War Lord to improve structure, eye appeal,

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