Young Red Angus 6th Annual Bull Sale
March 26 - 27, 2025
Bidding Opens at 1:00 p.M.On the 26th and clOses at 1:00 p.M. On the 27th
triBune, Ks Selling: 35 Red Angus Bulls

Welcome to the sAle
Welcome to the sale!
Here we are at our 6th Annual Bull Sale. This year marks a first for us. We have always raised the bulls on cover crops and supplemented a little bit of a ration after weaning. This year’s crop is the first crop of bulls that were developed completely on forage (outside of the 4 weeks at weaning). The bulls have been developed completely on a pasture of wheat and hay. We were nervous to see if they would develop as strong as years past. Once I went through the yearling weights, I was pleased to see they were very comparable to years past. The bulls are in very good condition and will be ready to preform wherever they go.
This sale will mark the first year offering sons out of YRA Casino Royal 9745-1101. Royal sons are big powerful bulls that will add extra pounds at weaning. We are pleased to offer the return of YRA Texas Hold’em 85-1103, YRA Sig Sauer 736-0104 and Wedel Cornerstone 0224H. We calved out our first Hold’em daughters this year and we are very pleased with the udder quality of these females. Sig Sauer continues to be the most consistent bull we have used as far as stamping his progeny with tremendous phenotype. This is the last year we are offering Cornerstone sons in our sale since we have kept two sons of our own.
Jay & Jerry Young Families


Wednesday, March 26th
Bidding Opens at 1:00 p.m.
Thursday, March 27th
Bidding Closes at 1:00 p.m.
Bulls can be viewed at 9:00 a.m. on sale day at the Greeley County Fair Grounds in the Ocie Room/Livestock Pavilion.
Lunch will be served starting at 11:00 a.m.
sale day phOnes:
Jay Young
Cecil Bailey
Ben Johnson..............................................................620-376-1708
VOluMe discOunts:
Young Red Angus offers volume discounts for purchasing three or more bulls. Three bulls 3% off, four bulls 4% off, up to 10% off ten or more bulls.
retaining seMen:
Young Red Angus will retain half semen interest on all bulls.
hOw are Bulls are raised:
We raise our Bulls on cover crops with their dams until weaning. Afterwards, we give a starter ration for a few weeks. This year we raised the bulls from the end of October until the sale day on wheat pasture and triticale hey. These bulls are in amazing shape and will be ready for breeding season.
First Breeding seasOn guarantee:
Our Bulls are fertility tested and pass a soundness exam before opening day. We guarantee the bull’s fertility for the first breeding season. We will also provide a suitable replacement for the bull if an injury or issue keeps the bull from breeding during the first breeding season. Please notify us immediately if a problem occurs, and we will give you are replacement bull or receive full credit minus the salvage value of the bull. Notification before the salvaging of the bull is required. Bulls going to a state that require Trichomoniases test will be tested before delivery.
We offer free delivery on Bulls within 250 miles of Tribune Kansas. Deliveries from 250-500 miles are $300. At 500 miles we will be setting up drop points that work for both seller and buyer.
Please contact us before the sale day if you are over 500 miles from Tribune Ks.
auctiOn FOrMat:
24 hour online auction through DVAuction. Buyers will be able to bid online through DVAuction or via telephone by calling Jay Young or another representative. The auction will last 24 hours. If a bid is placed within 5 minutes of the close of the auction, 5 minutes will be added to the auction until no bids are placed for 5 minutes.
We are pleased to bring you real-time bidding & a live broadcast of this sale through DV Auction. To watch or bid online, simply complete the following steps:
• Visit the DVAuction web site at www.dvauction.com
• Click on the “Register” tab.
• Enter a user name, password and your contact information.
• Click on “Apply for bidding.”

Select the sale from the list of other auctions and click “Apply”. Complete the process by filling out the banking and lending information requested. Be sure to include a personal contact at your bank, and we will contact them in order to get a credit reference. If you would prefer to be approved using your credit card, call (402) 474-5557. Please be sure to apply for bidding at least a day in advance of the sale. Every effort will be made to process your application in a timely manner.

yOung red angus yearling Bulls

YRA Casino Royal 9745-1101 - Sire of Lot 1-5
This is the first year we are offering calves out of YRA Casino Royal 9745-1101. This bull boasts the biggest weaning weight we have ever had at 781. His weaning weight EPD is in the top 6% at 86 and his yearling weight EPD is in the top 3% at 151. He scanned incredibly well with a 132 ratio for IMF, 136 for BF and 113 for Ribeye.

yra casinO rOyal 735-447M
3/23/24 Bull 4931360 Tattoo: 447M YRA Shoot First 5487-9112
YRA Black & Glorious745-9745
Advantage 3267-221Y MLK CRK
The lead off bull is a powerhouse of a bull. He ratioed 110 weaning and 108 yearling. His dam has been a good cow for us with a MPPA of 100. His foot quality is outstanding. I anticipate this bull will make amazing females and will add pounds at weaning.
This Royal son comes out of our Cleopatra cow family. These females are exceptional.


yOung red angus yearling Bulls
yra casinO rOyal 120-423M
3/02/24 Bull 4931502 Tattoo: 423M
YRA Casino Royal 9745-1101
YRA Shoot First 5487-9112
YRA Black & Glorious745-9745
Mushrush Blockchain E616
YRA Cleopatra 9120-120 YRA Red Cleopatra 5120-9120
YRA Casino Royal 120-423M would not be in the sale if he was red. 120 comes from the Cleopatra line. Her first heifer was my favorite female born in 2023. I’ve liked the moderate frame and deep body of this bull for a long time. He is a picture of the bulls I want to raise and his dam is the type of cow everyone needs more of. I can’t say enough about this bull. He ratioed 115 at weaning with a 696 adjusted weight. Dang, I love this bull!
yra texas hOld’eM 872-46M
2/23/24 Bull 4931380 Tattoo: 46M
YRA Texas Hold’em 85-1103
5L The Real Deal 1687-1438
5L Seola 1673-85
Miss Loosli Real Deal 872 Miss Loosli Saga 432
5L The Real Deal 700-183D
I put two of my favorites back-to-back. This first Texas Hold’em son does a lot. He has a solid frame along with thick muscling. He is in the top 5% for marbling and he ratioed at 128. His full sibling sister has amazing udders. His weaning and yearling ratios were 111 and 105!

YRA Texas Hold-em 85-1103 - Sire of Lots 6-15
We have loved using 5L the Real Deal. Texas Hold’em, our high-selling bull from our 2022 sale, is a son of Real Deal. We chose to AI to Texas Hold’em because of his dams moderate frame matched with an excellent udder and foot quality. We believe he will continue to produce amazing females in line with what we have seen from our own Real Deal daughters.

5L Seola 1673-85
Beckton Dominor A038 J7 MLK CRK Lakota 7136 MLK CRK Lakota 823
Genetics fascinate me. Last year lot 8’s full sibling was a moderate framed heifer
He ratioed 111 on yearling and weaning. On top of that he is out of a


yra texas hOld’eM 526-48M
This bull’s full sibling just calved a beautiful red Sig Sauer heifer. She has perfect udders and has a lot of natural thickness that you want in a young female. If you keep females this bull will work well in your program.
texas hOld’eM 3205-41M

yOung red angus yearling Bulls
yra texas hOld’eM 0806-433M

Seola 1673-85
Redman 7022 YRA Sunburst 8005-0805
Sunburst 1396-8005
yra highstaKes 213-413

YRA Sig Sauer 736-0104
Sig Sauer is the picture of consistency, constantly stamping his progeny with thickness and extra rib shape. Two years in a row, the Sig Sauer sons have averaged $1000 more than the other sire groups. We have calved out two sets of Sig Sauer heifers and the females are outstanding.
This High Stakes son combines LD Capitalist, Musgrave Aviator and Sig Sauer. His
adjusted weaning weight was impressive.

yOung red angus yearling Bulls

yra sig sauer 101-414M

Sometimes I wonder if I’m too picky. This bull’s cow is not a pretty cow but look at what she did. Her first calf’s adjusted weaning weight is 706 with an 1168 yearling weight. He was 1st and 2nd in those categories as well as a 4.64 IMF.
I named Lot 22 Colt 45 because I thought he was going to be
and he is. He
and ribeye. Dang bro what can’t you do?

yOung red angus yearling Bulls

Wedel Cornerstone 0224H - Sire of Lots 23-27
Wedel Cornerstone 0224H delivers elite marbling, spread, and fertility just like his sire Genuine, but he adds superior feed efficiency, breed-leading yield grade, superior REA, and outstanding foot structure.
yra cOrnerstOne 806-408M

WFL Frankly F8193
yra cOrnerstOne 204-402M

yOung red angus yearling Bulls

cOrnerstOne 824-437M

Ridge Admiral 3411 Grandsire of Lots 29-32
Ridge Admiral 3411 was Milk Creek’s selection from the 2014 Flat Water Gang Sale. They have used him for 11 years now, which speaks volumes about the consistency of this bull.

yra Battle cry 2218-403M
Opal 2218-2218
YRA Heidi 425-0425 KRV Hydra 425

yOung red angus yearling Bulls

Young Red Angus
558 Road D Tribune, KS 67879