Livestock Plus, Inc.

Page 1

The Publication for Cowboys and Kids

January 1, 2015, Vol. 20 Issue 1

lOT 1 - MaIne-anjOu OnlIne bull Sale SIReD haRD DRIVe.OnlIne bull Sale lOT 1 -byMaIne-anjOu SIReD by haRD DRIVe.

lOT 1 - SIMMenTal OnlIne bull Sale SIReD by bROkeR. lOT 1 - SIMMenTal OnlIne bull Sale SIReD by bROkeR.

Feb. 10Th • Feb. 12Th • Feb. 17Th • Feb. 19Th • CwCaTTleSaleS.COM Feb. 10Th • Feb. 12Th • Feb. 17Th • Feb. 19Th • CwCaTTleSaleS.COM

ONLINE maINE saLE • Offering yearling Maine-Anjou bulls. PB, 3/4 & 1/2. ONLINE maINE saLE • Sired by industry leaders like Beast, Hard Drive, I-80, • Offering yearling Maine-Anjou bulls. PB, 3/4 & 1/2. Drive On Driver, Unstoppable and more! • Sired by industry leaders like Beast, Hard Drive, I-80, • All bulls are black & predominantly polled. Drive On Driver, Unstoppable and more! • 20 head sell. These are PERFORMANCE type bulls! • All bulls are black & predominantly polled. • 20 head sell. These are PERFORMANCE type bulls! FEBruary 10th • CWCattLEsaLEs.COm FEBruary 10th • CWCattLEsaLEs.COm

ONLINE sImmENtaL saLE • Offering yearling Simmental bulls. PB & Percentage Simmental. ONLINE sImmENtaL saLE • Sired by industry leaders like Built Right, Steel Force, Broker, • Offering yearling Simmental bulls. PB & Percentage Simmental. High Regard and No Remorse. • Sired by industry leaders like Built Right, Steel Force, Broker, • 8 head sell. A stout set of bulls! High Regard and No Remorse. • 8 head sell. A stout set of bulls!

FEBruary 12th • CWCattLEsaLEs.COm FEBruary 12th • CWCattLEsaLEs.COm

ONLINE hErEFOrd saLE ONLINE CLuB CaLF saLE • Offering yearling Hereford bulls. • Offering yearling calving ease & club calf raising sires. ONLINE hErEFOrd saLE ONLINE CLuB CaLF saLE • Sired by industry leaders like Who Maker, About Time, S109, • Sired by industry leaders like Ready 2 Rumble, beast, • Offering yearling Hereford bulls. and Harley Davidson. • Sired by industry leaders like Who Maker, About Time, S109, • 8 head sell. These are PERFORMANCE type bulls! and Harley Davidson. • 8 head sell. These are PERFORMANCE type bulls! FEBruary 17th • CWCattLEsaLEs.COm

• Offering yearling calving ease & club calf raising sires. excel, I-80, ali 2 and more. • Sired by industry leaders like Ready 2 Rumble, beast, • 9 head sell. Deep in quality! excel, I-80, ali 2 and more. • 9 head sell. Deep in quality! FEBruary 19th • CWCattLEsaLEs.COm

FEBruary 17th • CWCattLEsaLEs.COm

FEBruary 19th • CWCattLEsaLEs.COm

lOT 1 - heReFORD OnlIne bull Sale SIReD by whO MakeR. lOT 1 - heReFORD OnlIne bull Sale SIReD by whO MakeR.

Bushy Park Farm 40281 260th StreetPark • Mitchell, SDFarm 57301 Bushy Fax: 605-996-0721 • Toll Free: 888-502-7322

40281 260th Street • Mitchell, SD 57301 Steve Robinson, Owner Fax: 605-996-0721 • Toll Free: 888-502-7322 Cory Thomsen, Steve Robinson,General Owner Manager, 605-730-2397 Cory Thomsen, General Manager, 605-730-2397

On-line at: Visitors welcome! On-line always at: Visitors always welcome!

27thAnnual Bull Sale Ogallala Livestock • Ogallala Nebraska 1:00 mst BW -.5 WW +73 Milk +30 YW +121 $B +91.04

SAV Platinum 0100 #16687592

Selling 100 Registered Angus Bulls SAV Platinum 0100 • KM Broken Bow 002 TC Vance 011 • EXAR Upshot 0562B Basin Excitement • VAR Reserve 1111 SAV Final Answer 0035 • Sitz Upward 307R

BW -.2 WW +73 Milk +21 YW +130 $B +87.80

Martin Ranch sired Steer mates harvested Graded

Basin Excitement #16047404

BW -.8 WW +60 Milk +27 YW +103 $B +97.94

100% Choice or Higher 39% Prime 52% CAB® 100% PREMIUMS PAID

Large Selection of New Genetics Heifer Bulls!

KM Broken Bow 002 #16764044

BW +.8 WW +55 Milk +31 YW +99 $B +79.84

Replacement Bred Heifers Broody • Deep Ribbed • Cowboy Kind www CATTLEUSA com

TC Vance 011 #16734345

Genomic Profile on all Sale Bulls by TJ, KRISTY, TANNER & TY MARTIN 100% Proven AI SIRED 1361 Keystone Sarben N Rd • PO Box 260 Large Selection of Half & Three quarter Blood Brothers Keystone NE 69144 FIRST BREEDING SEASON GUARANTEE • Volume Discounts Office (308-726-2855) • Cell (308-883-2333) Free Feed Free Delivery Ranch located 11 miles east of Lake McConaughy Updated EPD’s, Weights, Scrotal Measurements Visitors Always Welcome! & Ultrasound Data available sale day EPD’s as of 11-18-14


Livestock Plus Inc.

January 2015

NEW LOCATION! AT THE RANCH 27262 424th Avenue Emery, South Dakota 57332

Join us on Tuesday,

FEBRUARY 10th Sale starts at 12:30 PM

SELLiNg 40 SoNS of LoCK N Load

036B SimAngus™

Remington Lock N Load x SAV Pioneer

SELLiNg 8 SoNS of LoCK doWN

221B SimAngus™

W/C Lock Down x Mohnen Density 730

Selling 210 Head! 150 PERfoRMaNCE BuLLS 130 YEaRLiNgS 20 StRoNg agEd BuLLS 60 REgiStEREd BREd HEifERS

SELLiNg 15 SoNS of uNitEd

8543B 3/4 Simmental Our deepest and most explosive growth offering ever! Many large sire groups & embryo transplant brothers. Let our balanced trait approach and over 40 years of selection work for you!


Cattle Company

W/C United 956Y x Dream Catcher


SELLiNg 10 SoNS of WidE tRaCK

32B Purebred Simmental W/C Wide Track x Dream Catcher


33B Purebred Simmental

9703B Purebred Angus

366A SimAngus™

3300A SimAngus™

Remington Lock N Load x Dream Catcher

GDAR Game Day x SAV Bismarck

27262 424th Avenue, Emery, SD 57332 Home: 605-825-4219 • Dale 605-661-3625 Scott 605-682-9610 • Jared 605-933-1661 Call or email for a sale book, or visit Eberspacher Enterprises Inc. Val & Lori Eberspacher 507-532-6694 Val Eberspacher Cell 612-805-7405 Kelly Schmidt Cell 406-599-2395 Email: 2904 County Road 6, Marshall, MN 56258

Catalog also online at

Yardley Utah x Brickhouse Safe to W/C No Remorse

Yardley High Regard x Angus Safe to W/C Lock Down


The Magazine for Cowboys and Kids

MIKE SORENSEN ~ SALES 641-745-7949

Greetings, As I write this, Christmas is just around the corner. Dad is still in the hospital in Des Moines and improving slowly, sale season is running full force, Heidi and Matt are getting married January 1, and our roommates (Bubba, Maria, Indie, and Michael) are staying with us until their house is done. Life is never dull here at MSF. Have you ever been awake at three o’clock in the morning, I mean wide-awake like you should be getting up? Well, then you turn on the television and find some dude in a kitchen just cooking up a storm. Obviously, most of it has been precooked for TV sake to save time, but the bad part is, it looks great. It makes you hungry and then you want to buy the cookware that they are selling. Well, I found a guy that can put that TV guy to shame, and he wasn’t selling anything! Well, I take that back, but we will get to that later in the article. My son asked me to go with him on a double speaking engagement. We landed first at Armstrong High School. I have to say that

even if it is my son, I still thought he did a nice job of delivering a Veterans Day presentation. We were then asked to go to dinner with a guy that is on the committee for the Freedom Rock in Emmet County. We toured the town, looked at the rock, and then went to his house for lunch. We visited about this and that, then Bubba said I have to be in Estherville in one hour and 15 minutes. This is when it all started. I have never seen a man move like this, he didn’t waste a move. Remember we had one hour and fifteen minutes total and nothing on the stove or table. He started peeling potatoes. I have never seen a person peel potato’s so fast and keep all his fingers. He then started preparing the Danish Frikadeller. A Frikadeller is like a small meat ball with beef, pork, egg, onion, salt pepper, and God knows what else in a special sauce. It was awesome. As that was all cooking, he peeled apples, bananas with whipped cream, and put on the corn with what looked like milk in it. He then started making gravy along with homemade bread that was already done. Then he had pre-made apple crisp that he heated while we were eating dinner, and he got out the ice cream to top it all off. He did all this, put it on the table, said a prayer, and we still had fifteen minutes left to get to Estherville. You can say what you want, I’ve seen groups of women work all morning to do stuff like this, he did it in less than 45 minutes. Masterful to say the least, and a meal this Ol’ Dane will remember for a long time. And now, the rest of the story on this guy. As most of you know, I probably would not be classified as sophisticated, prim and proper kind of guy. More, the rough neck, country kind. Well, this same masterful chef that cooks like a speed demon pulls out "Greetings" continued on pg 86


Livestock Plus Inc.

January 2015

RANDY RASBY ~ SALES 308-539-6195



BRIAN MERICLE ~ SALES 660-342-4675

AUSTIN BRANDT 712-621-1829

DESIGN OFFICE Linda Luppen Ph.: 515-851-0304 Fax: 641-587-2263 Ad deadline is the 12th of the month. Livestock Plus is mailed the first of every month. Email all ads and ad copy to the Design Office. Please call for specs. Livestock Plus is published January, February, March, April, May, June, August, September, October, November, December. Subscriptions are free. Direct subscription requests to Livestock Plus Inc., c/o Mary Allen, 8840 Deer Ridge Lane, Bloomington, MN 55438. Articles published in LIVESTOCK PLUS, INC. are not nec­essar­ i­ ly the views or opin­ ions of the pub­lish­er or staff. TERMS: All partnerships billed to one person. Due upon receipt.


Mohnen Angus

Selling half interest and no possession.

Power of Genetics “Annual Bull Sale”

Friday, February 13, 2015 • 1 p.m. • At the Ranch 113 Stout Yearling Registered Angus Bulls 10 Rugged Fall Bulls 25 Massive Sim-Angus Bulls

Mohnen South Dakota 402

Sam of o ple Den ur Car ver load

BW +3.5; WW +64; YW +114; Milk +32; Marb +.33; REA +.16 BW 96 • ADJ. 205-day Wt. 818 Half brother to $160,000 Mohnen Impressive 1093 Dam is a Pathfinder® with progeny ratios of WR 4@104 and YR 3@109.


Mohnen Rancher 304

Mohnen Custer 504

BW +4.2; WW +77; YW +121; Milk +27; Marb +.21; REA +.61 BW 95 • ADJ. 205-day Wt. 876 Dam has progeny ratios of WR 2@104 and YR 1@112.

BW +1.2; WW +76; YW +116; Milk +29; Marb +.42; REA +.45 BW 80 • ADJ. 205-day Wt. 900 Dam progeny ratios of WR 1@112


EPDs as of 12/8/14

BW +4.4; WW +77; YW +122; Milk +31; Marb +.39; REA +.52 BW 82 • ADJ. 205-day Wt. 927 Dam is a Pathfinder® with progeny ratios of WR 3@112 and YR 3@113.

17843930 Mohnen Badlands 2524

BW +2.8; WW +80; YW +126; Milk +31; Marb +.42; REA +.44 BW 92 • ADJ. 205-day Wt. 928 Dam has progeny ratios of WR 3@107 and YR 2@101.

Raising Quality Cattle is not our job – it’s our life!

Sale Consultant: Chris Effling • 605-769-0142 Livestock Plus Inc.

BW +3.9; WW +80; YW +127; Milk +24; Marb +.51; REA +.43 BW 95 • ADJ. 205-day Wt. 899 Dam progeny ratios of WR 2@108 and YR 1@106


Auctioneer: Seth Weishaar • 605-210-1124


17843866 Mohnen East River 574

Mohnen Big Valley 1244

BW +1.6; WW +70; YW +115; Milk +29; Marb +.52; REA +.47 BW 82 • ADJ. 205-day Wt. 862 Dam has progeny ratios of WR 2@106 and YR 2@105.

BW +3.1; WW +67; YW +116; Milk +29; Marb +.66; REA+.52 BW 94 • ADJ. 205-day Wt. 918 Maternally related to the $120,000 Mohnen South Dakota 402 and the $160,000 Mohnen Impressive 1093. Dam is a Pathfinder® with a WR 4@107 and YR 4@104.

Mohnen Sandhills 1454

BW +3.9; WW +84; YW +130; Milk +26; Marb +.44; REA +.40

Mohnen Deadwood 1114

Mohnen Global 1274


Selling 30 sons!



Justin Dickoff: (605) 290-0635

January 2015

Mohnen Angus

25770 370th Ave. White Lake, SD 57383 Josh: 605-680-0125 • Steve: 605-680-3063 John: 605-680-2063 Home: 605-249-2719



Livestock Plus Inc.

January 2015



Livestock Plus Inc.

January 2015



Livestock Plus Inc.

January 2015

American Maine-Anjou Association - P.O. Box 1100 - Platte City, MO 64079 (816) 431-9950 - or

Bright Lights Maine-Anjou Sale - Denver, CO - January 17, 3 p.m. (MST)

Bulls & Females like these pictured will run deep in this exclusive offering brought to you by the most progressive Maine-Anjou breeders in the US & Canada!


There is no better place to be than the 2015 Bright Lights Maine-Anjou Sale on January 17, 2015 at 3 p.m. (MST)

sale catalog will be posted on


Your Choice of C-Bar Eldorado or LSF JBOB Expectation embryos by this super Stony cow sell!!

Feature Lot 1

Pure Power

Red Blair’s

Reg. #: 1707794 | Birth Date: 2/22/2014 Sire: RED SOO LINE POWER EYE 161X MGS: BIEBER MAKE MIMI 7249

SSS Soldier embryos by this amazing Crescent Creek Chief daughter sell !!

— Selling Choice —

— These flushmate sisters by C-Bar Evolution and the famed DAMAR Mimi W085 sell!! —

Sale management by:

Jr. Red Angus Show: January 10, 2015 • 8 a.m. Pen Show: January 11, 2015 • 11 a.m. National RAAA Open Show on the Hill: January 12, 2015 • 8 a.m. View this catalog online at:


Livestock Plus Inc.

Breed leading embryos sired by Bieber Rouse Samurai and the Abigrace cow family sell!!

January 2015

Sale sponsored by the Colorado Red Angus Association

Western The


LOT 34 A truly ONE OF A KIND Yellow Jacket daughter bred to calve in the Fall of 2015.


Saturday, January 17th, 2015 During the National Western - In the Yards - 5:00 p.m.

From theCountry’s Top Producers,

LOT 5 A perfect constructed Silver Baldy by Alias, Safe to Man Among Boys. Big time Donor Candidate.

forClubCalf & Maternal Genetics!


LOT 3 A four year old Hired Man daughter safe to Maternal Perfection. Just imagine the possibilities!


LOT 37 Big Time Donor Potential!!! LOT 35 A Full Sister to Last Years Feature Bull “Night Train”. Monopoly She’s a Monopoly out of a Meyer Granddaughter. Safe to I80. x Alias. Safe to Total Solution 3.

LOT 36 Pure Power and Balance!! A Monopoly x Silver Bullet. Safe to Total Solution 1.

LOT 11 The very best three year old at Duello’s. An Irish Whiskey x Hans safe to Rodger That.

LOT 2 A Proven Donor at Duello’s. Sired by a Meyer x Anchor Son - She is the stoutest built one with that pedigree in existence. Safe to I 80.

Sale CatalogOnline at For a hand mailed copy text your name and address to (516) 366-0734 COMPLETE CATALOG AND VIDEOS OF ALL LOTS ONLINE before January 1st - Extensive Coverage

Dave Duello (307) 220-3645 and the Partners of the Western Elite Sale

LOT 46 A great Purebred Charolais from B3. She’s a Wyoming Cowboy x Madrid Safe to Big Time...For a big Return.



Livestock Plus Inc.

January 2015


ANGUS MEANS BUSINESS. A reliable business partner is difficult to come by. At the American Angus Association®, a team of skilled Regional Managers can guide your operation toward success. Contact a Regional Manager to locate Angus genetics, select marketing options tailored to your needs, and to access Association programs and services. Put the business breed to work for you. Visit to locate a Regional Manager nearest to your farm or ranch.

3201 Frederick Ave. • St. Joseph, MO 64506 816.383.5100 • To subscribe to the Angus Journal, call 816.383.5200. Watch The Angus Report on RFD-TV Monday mornings at 7:30 CST. © 2014-2015 American Angus Association


Livestock Plus Inc.

January 2015

35th Annual

Thursday, February 19th 12:30 p.m. MST • At the Ranch • Gordon, Nebraska Featuring the Best in Krebs Ranch Angus & SimAngus Genetics!

250 ANGUS BULLS 35 SIM x ANGUS BULLS 200 FANCY COMMERCIAL ANGUS HEIFERS …Every bull carries the predictable, trusted & proven performance genetics of Krebs Ranch sires!


Barstow Cash

Sitz Dash x Final Answer

K Bar D Joe Canada 18Y

Soo Line Alternative x Traveler 004

CFCC Black Jack 001

Silveiras El Capitan x Vermilion Dateline

HF Simulator 62Z

MCATL Pure Product x HF Tiger 5T

Selling 485 Head Call or email for a sale book!

308-282-2021 day • 308-282-2479 night 1780 690 th Road, Gordon, Neb. 69343 • 308-360-1949 Eldon Krebs 308-360-1972 Ty Krebs • 308-360-3223 Jake Scott


JANUARY 31, 2015 Just a few of the exceptional offerings in this sale! All bulls sell with first breeding season guarantee. All are tested negative BVD and will be ultrasound for carcass traits.

80 Bulls, Selling with first season breeding guarantee

60 Bred Heifers 25 Fancy Open Heifers

FF MS Mission State A1058 • 3/8 SM 5/8 RA by Mission Statement EPD’s: CE 12, BW -.09, WW 66, YW, 103, MCE 5, MM 14, MW 47, MARB .82, REA .72, API $146, TI $ 83 Bred to WS Prime Beef on 5/12/2014

FF MS Final Product A095 1/2 SM 1/2 AN by Final Product EPD’s: CE 9, 1.0, WW 74, YW 122, MCE 9, MM 36, MW 73, MARB 0.17, REA .92, API $112, TI $73 Bred to SAV Brilliance on 5/22/2014

FF MS Upshot B905 1/2 SM 1/2 AN by EX Upshot by Upward EPD’s: CE 14, BW 0.9, WW 71, YW 119, MCE 11, MM 33, MW 68, MARB .54, REA .84, API $148, TI $ 81

FF MS Dominator A1178 PB SM by Ellingson Dominator Bred on 5/22/2014 to Bennett Absolute EPD’s: CE 15, BW 1.4, WW 67, YW 97, MCE 14, MM 19, MW 52, MARB .30, REA .84, API $135, TI $75 FF Rushmore B882 3/4 SM 1/4 RA by Traxs Rushmore EPD’s: CE 10, BW 0.7, WW73, YW 108, MCE 13, MM 21, MW 57, MARB .21, REA .69, API $ 127, TI $72

FF Paramount A631 1/2 SM, 1/2 AN by GW Paramount EPD’s: CE 14, BW -0.8, WW 65, YW 103, MCE 12, MM 29, MW 62, MARB .36, REA .94, API $142, TI $74 FF Upshot A776 1/2 SM 1/2 AN by EXAR Upshot EPD’s: CE 13, BW 2.3, WW 70, YW 122, MCE 8, MM 32, MW 66, MARB .53, REA 1.07, API $136, TI $ 78


Livestock Plus Inc.

January 2015

FF Tuition B1043 1/2 SM 1/2 AN BY TNT Tuition by SAV Final Answer EPD’s: CE 12, BW 0.9, WW 73, YW 114, MCE 8, MM 24, MW 60, MARB .46, REA .53, API $136, TI $79

AAR Ten X 7008 5A

DB Carhartt 227

m a Reputable A g Genetics fro ngus n i d a e Fam L d e ily e r B Annual Bull Sale

Tuesday CED BW WW YW Milk MW •¬February MARB REA $B CED BW WW YW17, Milk MW 2015 MARB REA $B Acc Acc Acc Acc Torrington, Acdic ngAccGeAcnc etAciccs from aWyoming AcRc epAcuc taAccbleAccAnAcgc uAcc Acc Acc All aBulls Have Been HD 50K Tested s e F L d +7 B+.4ree+69 +131 +24 +32 +1.38 +.85 +131.80 +7 +.4 +51 +98 +33 +53 a+.3m6 i+.l7y0 $84.31

.91 .96 .94 .92 .65 Annual .70 .56 .52 Bull .50 .62Sale .50 .34 .23 .35 .35 .30

Tuesday •¬February 17, 2015

Douglas BoothTorrington, Family Angus Wyoming # 17160560

EXAR Denver 2002B

CED Acc +10 .75

BW Acc +2.9 .90

WW Acc +72 .85

YW Acc +123 .39

Milk Acc +22 .24

MW Acc +49 .36

MARB Acc +.90 .37

# 16710463

Koupals B&B Identity

REA $B Acc +1.12 $117.52 .34

CED Acc +3 .73

BW Acc +1.9 .91

WW Acc +67 .87

YW Acc +125 .77

Milk Acc +37 .46

MW Acc +78 .39

All Bulls Have Been HD 50K Tested

Doug & Carolyn

AAR Ten X 7008 5A

BW Acc +.4 .96

WW Acc +69 .94

REA $B Acc +.95 $106.23 .41

Dudley & Jennifer

7618 Rd 41 • Torrington, WY 82240 4156 Rd 82 • Torrington, WY 82240 (307) 532-5830 (307) 532-6207 dbooth@scottsbluf .net • Visit our website: CED Acc +7 .91

MARB Acc +.41 .40

YW Acc +131 .92

Milk Acc +24 .65

MW Acc +32 .70

MARB Acc +1.38 .56

DB Carhartt 227

REA $B Acc +.85 +131.80 .52

CED Acc +7 .50

BW Acc +.4 .62

WW Acc +51 .50

YW Acc +98 .34

Milk Acc +33 .23

MW Acc +53 .35

MARB Acc +.36 .35

REA Acc +.70 .30

$B $84.31

Douglas Booth Family Angus Doug & Carolyn

Dudley & Jennifer

7618 Rd 41 • Torrington, WY 82240 4156 Rd 82 • Torrington, WY 82240 (307) 532-5830 (307) 532-6207 • Visit our website:



BW 87 WW 682

BW 89 WW 817

1216B Trinity Son – 1/2 Simm 1/2 Angus

134ZB Final Answer Son – 3/4 Angus 1/4 Simm

BERGER’S HERDMASTER SIMM-ANGUS HYBRID BULL SALE Saturday, February 14, 2015 1:00 p.m. CST North Platte, NE

100 Black Angus X Simmental 70 Red Angus X Simmental 25 Calving Ease Bulls–Black & Red BW 89 WW 690

Tyrell Rousey - Herdsman 308-530-9279

669XB Trinity Son – 9/16 Angus 7/16 Simm

BW 95 WW 723

BW 80 WW 646

R963B Boxed Beef Son – 11/16 Red Angus 5/16 Simm

504B Oly 554T Son – 3/4 Red Angus 1/4 Simm

Loren & Peggy Berger 9339 E. Autogate Rd Stapleton, NE 69163 308-532-0939-H 308-520-3836-Cell

See more pictures & videos at: 22

Livestock Plus Inc.

January 2015

Triangle J Ranch Triangle J Ranch Triangle J Ranch Lot 91--Hoover Dam Son

25th Annual Bull Sale

January 25, 2015 1:00 pm (CST) Nebraska’s largest source for Homzygous BlackHomozygous Polled SimAngus genetics

Selling 190 Angus, Simmental and SimAngus Bulls

Triangle J Ranch

Lot 47--Cowboy Cut Son

Lot 103--Final Answer Son

January 25, 2015 At the Ranch, Miller, NE

All bulls are born, fed and raised from one ranch, giving you the most accurate comtemporary group possible.

Lot 52--Cowboy Cut Son

Bulls will be performance tested, carcass ultrasound tested, fertility tested, and will have all performance information and EPDs available. Call us today so that you can be placed on our mailing list for a Janaury sale book.

Lot 21--TJ 141--Maker’s Mark Son Lot 206Y Son

Other Sires Include: SAVE Final Answer SAV Bismarck Hoover Dam TJ Payoff SAVE Pioneer Visit our websitre

Cowboy Cut TJ Makers Mark Surebet Upgrade TRIANGLE J RANCH SDS Inforce

35355 Arrow Rd • Miller, NE 68858 Phone/Fax: 308-457-2505 at for pictures and videos Cell: 308-627-5085 TRIANGLE J RANCH

TRIANGLE J RANCH 35355 Arrow Rd • Miller, NE 68858

Lot 40--Upgrade Son

35355 Arrow RdPhone/Fax: • Miller,308-457-2505 NE 68858 Cell: 308-627-5085 Phone/Fax: 308-457-2505 Cell: 308-627-5085 Lot 4--Cowboy Cut son Lot 105--Final Answer Son



Livestock Plus Inc.

January 2015

Newton, Iowa



Monday, Feb. 9, 2015

Sale: Monday at 1:30 p.m. Show: Sale: Monday Sunday at 1:30 p.m.atShow:2Sunday p.m. at 2 p.m. Iowa State Fairgrounds, Des Moines, Iowa State Fairgrounds, Iowa Iowa Sale: Monday at 1:30 p.m. Show: Sunday atDes2Moines, p.m.

Iowa State Fairgrounds, Des Moines, Iowa LaFraise Kyra 693Born: 4-11-13 Fancy Creek Graham x Fire Water Bred 7-14-14 to LT Ledger 0332 P LaFraise Farms, Flanagan, Illinois

: 3-15-14 Assertion

CD Rio Alamos 4000 ET 9, M: 12, TM: 25 Born: 1-15-14. LT Rio Bravo 3181 x SFC Babe 304 BW: 92, AWW: 744 EPD’s: BW: 0.9, WW: 30, YW: 57, : 3-15-14 M: 11, TM: 27 Cannon-Deutsch Charolais, Assertion Newton, Iowa

BCC5 Contessa TW Born: 5-1-14 MLL Koolwater 403 P-Born: 3-15-14 VCR Special Edition 1354-Born: VCR Special 9-16-13 Edition 1354-Born: 9-16-13 TR Mr Fire Water 5792R ET LT Assertion Keys 38 Special 38Y xx HC Rhinestone Keys x38FiSpecial 38Y x HC Rhinestone Rai l e 2250 T077 r e Water BW: 86, AWW: 632 BW: 84, AWW: 772 BW: 84, AWW: 772 EPD’s:0.7, BW: 0.9,WW: WW: 26, YW: 49, M:YW: 12, TM: 2566, EPD’s: BW: 36, M: EPD’s: BW: TM: 0.7, Bul l a rd Cattl e Co.,9,Cornel l, IllWW: inoi27 s 36, YW: 66, M: 9, TM: 27 MLL Charolais, Monroe, Iowa Dodge Charolais, Newton, Iowa Dodge Charolais, Newton, Iowa


Selling 50 bulls Bulls over 15 months will be semen tested S a l e : Monda y at 1: 3 0 p. m . S h ow: S u nda y at 2 p. m . All sell with breeding guarantee and 30 heifers Monday, Feb. 9, 2015Most are polledIowa Sta•teAllFairgareroundshalter, Des Moibrokenes, Iowa

, M: 12, TM: 25

VCR Special Edition 1354-Born: 9-16-13 Keys 38 Special 38Y x HC Rhinestone BW: 84, AWW: 772 EPD’s: BW: 0.7, WW: 36, YW: 66, M: 9, TM: 27 Dodge Charolais, Newton, Iowa

LaFraise Kyra 693Born: 4-11-13 Fancy Creek Graham x Fire Water Bred 7-14-14 to LT Ledger 0332 P BCC5 Contessa TW LaFraise Farms, Flanagan, Illinois

Born: 5-1-14 Raile 2250 T077 x Fire Water Bullard Cattle Co., Cornell, Illinois

BCC5 Contessa TW Born: 5-1-14 Raile 2250 T077 x Fire Water Bullard Cattle Co., Cornell, Illinois

Selling 50 bulls and 30 heifers

r 15 months will be Bullssemen over 15 monthstested will be semen tested ell with breeding guarantee All sell with breeding guarantee re polled • All are halter Most are polled broke • All are halter broke BCC5 Contessa TW Born: 5-1-14 Raile 2250 T077 x Fire Water Bullard Cattle Co., Cornell, Illinois

r 15 months will be semen tested


Iowa Simmental Assn.

Iowa Simmental Assn.

45th Mark of Genetic Excellence

45th Mark of Genetic Excellence

Monday, February 9th at 11:30 am Iowa State Fairgrounds, Des Moines, IA

America’s Source for Bulls

AI’d to Grandmaster AI’d to One Eyed Jack AI’d to WS Prime Beef Monday, Golden February 9th at 11:30 am Iowa State Fairgrounds, DesSimmentals Moines, IA Acres Larson Bros. Heartland

Future ShowSource Heifersfor andBulls Donors America’s

Long’s Steel Shot Long’s Simmentals

Steel Force Nate & Jenny Studer

Upgrade G + B Cattle

AI’d Eyed Jack NatetoLarson &One Jenny Studer Bros.

Steel Force Force Steel Rohrberg Cattle

AI’d to Prime Beef G +WSB Cattle Heartland Simmentals

Steel Force Rohrberg Cattle

Broker JS Simmentals

Front Pasture Breds

Long’s Shot LockSteel N Load Kitzerow Cattle Co

AI’d to Grandmaster Long’s Simmentals Golden Acres

Upgrade Broker JS Simmentals

FutureFront ShowPasture HeifersBreds and Donors

Power House Genetic Lots

Lock N Load Kitzerow Cattle Co

LiveAuctions Service Sire

Power House Genetic Lots One Eyed Jack IBE


& Embryos AI’dFlush to One Eyed Jack Larson Bros.

AI’d to Grandmaster Golden Dam of One Eyed JackAcres - Flush & Embryos Tyler Loudon

LiveAuctions AI’d to WS Prime Beef

Simmentals One EyedHeartland Jack Pregnancy & Embryos Jessica Kramer/Echard Farms

Auctions LiveHeifers Future ShowLiveAuctions andLiveAuctions Donors LiveAuctions IBE




Dam of One Eyed Jack - Flush & Embryos Tyler Loudon IBE


Larry Martin Cattle Sales Cattle Sales (217)Larry 433-0242

(217) 433-0242 IBE

Livestock Plus Inc.

Live Auctions LiveAuctions LiveAuctions IBE



One Eyed Jack Service Sire Flush & Embryos


January 2015

Iowa Bull Buyers Hotline One Eyed Jack Pregnancy & Embryos Jessica Kramer/Echard Farms

Greg Miller, Wisconsin........................................... 608.778.8785 Bull Buyers Hotline MarshallIowa Ruble, Iowa ............................................. 515.231.3198 Greg Miller, Wisconsin ........................................... Jeremie Ruble, Iowa .............................................. 608.778.8785 406.581.7940 Marshall Ruble, Iowa ............................................. 515.231.3198 Jeremie Ruble, Iowa................................................ .............................................. 715.684.9222 406.581.7940 Roger Allen, Illinois Roger Allen, Illinois ................................................ 715.684.9222

Selling 135 Lots:

60 Spring Yearling Bulls

7 Bred Heifers

The cream of the crop from Iowa’s Heavy in calf and suitable for the most leading breeding programs. Each sells discriminating Angus entrepreneur. All bred The “Keepin’ Kind”. Outstanding herd with individual performance, scrotal to outstanding AI sires! replacements and potential show heifers, measurement, growth and carcass EPDs as many suitable for competition on a national reported on AHIR®. level. Remember to look up futurity eligible heifers. Last year's heifers took home Some of the best genetics that Iowa has $1,000! to offer! Packages offered that will fit any cattlemen’s program. Fall yearling and coming two-year-olds sell with complete data, semen evaluation and ready for heavy service.

43 Heifer Calves

10 Embryo Lots

25 Mature Bulls

Iowa IowaAngus AngusAssociation Association State StateShow ShowAnd AndSale Sale Schedule

Tuesday, February 10 February February 11 11and and12, 12,2015 2015 2:30Fairgrounds pm Annual Meeting• —•Des Iowa IowaState State Fairgrounds DesMoines, Moines,IAIA

6060 Spring Spring Yearling Yearling Bulls Bulls

Iowa State Fairgrounds Selling Selling 135 135Lots: Lots:

Wednesday, February 11 9:30 am Angus Show — Iowa State Fairgrounds 2525 Mature Mature Bulls Bulls 6 pm Social Hour 7 pm Annual Banquet — Holiday Inn Schedule Schedule Downtown, Des Moines, IA Tuesday, Tuesday, February February 10 10

77 Bred Bred Heifers Heifers

TheThe cream cream of the of the crop crop from from Iowa’s Iowa’s Heavy Heavy in calf in calf andand suitable suitable for for thethe most most leading leading breeding breeding programs. programs. Each Each sells sells discriminating discriminating Angus Angus entrepreneur. entrepreneur. All All bred bred TheThe “Keepin’ “Keepin’ Kind”. Kind”. Outstanding Outstanding herd herd with with individual individual performance, performance, scrotal scrotal to outstanding to outstanding AI sires! AI sires! replacements andand potential potential show show heifers, heifers, measurement, measurement, growth growth andand carcass carcass EPDs EPDs as asreplacements many many suitable suitable for for competition competition on on a national a national reported reported on on AHIR®. AHIR®. level. level. Remember Remember to look to look up up futurity futurity eligible eligible heifers. heifers. LastLast year's year's heifers heifers took took home home Some Some of the of the best best genetics genetics that that Iowa Iowa hashas $1,000! $1,000!(starting w/females) to offer! to offer! Packages Packages offered offered that that willwill fit any fit any cattlemen’s cattlemen’s program. program. FallFall yearling yearling andand coming coming two-year-olds two-year-olds sellsell with with complete complete data, data, semen semen evaluation evaluation andand ready ready for for heavy heavy service. service.

l 1305 wpaos a e D e r u S s n Ex Bur ng the 2014 selected duri nsively used as a and was exte breeding season. herd sire this bulls like this Look for 015 Expo!!! during the 2

4343 Heifer Heifer Calves Calves

1010 Embryo Embryo Lots Lots

Norris Blac purchased d kbird N1306 was u and is currenring the 2014 Expo donor. Look ty being used as a fo quality at thr females of this e 2015 Expo !!

2:30 2:30 pmpmAnnual Annual Meeting Meeting — — Iowa Iowa State State Fairgrounds Fairgrounds

Thursday, February 12 February 11 State Wednesday, Wednesday, 10:30 am February Angus Sale —11 Iowa 9:30 9:30 amamAngus Angus Show Show — Iowa — Iowa State State (starting w/bulls) Fairgrounds (starting (starting w/females) w/females) Fairgrounds Fairgrounds

50w5aswas 03 l 1l31 Dea Dea Sure Sure Expo Expo urns BurBns 20 2014 e 14 thgeth durin dugrin

6 pm 6 pmSocial Social Hour Hour 7 pm 7 pmAnnual Annual Banquet Banquet — Holiday — Holiday InnInn Downtown, Downtown, Des Des Moines, Moines, IA IA

Livestock Press and Ringmen

February February12 12 Iowa Angus Association ed ctle cted as a as a selese usyed used y el eliv teivns exns as te wdaswex on as as.on. andan se se ng ng di di ee ee br br theisthis rdesir herd hesir theisthis llselik bur lls bulik for fo Look Look po po!!! Ex Ex!!! 15 15 20 20 e e th th durin dugring

Iowa Angus Association

Thursday, Thursday, 10:30 10:30 amamAngus Angus Sale Sale — Iowa — Iowa State State Colby (starting (starting w/bulls) w/bulls) Fairgrounds Fairgrounds

Chris Miller, President Joe Becker , Vice President Iowa IowaAngus AngusAssociation Association Tricia and Colby Holmes Chris ChrisMiller Miller , , , Executive Secretaries Joe JoeBecker Becker , , Dave Nichols , American Angus Association® Director Tricia Triciaand andColby ColbyHolmes Holmes , ,

Nor Nri orsriBslaBck labi ckrd bird N1N 31 purc pu 03 rcse 60w6aswas ha hadse d rin du dugrin thgeth e 14 20 2014 andan Expo Expo isdcu isrrcu rrty en enbe ty be in in g us ged used dono dor.noLo as a as a r.ok Look for fo r fe fe m m al al es of es th ofisthis qual qu ality ity at th ateth e 15 20 2015 Expo Ex!!po!!

or Tricia Holmes 641-340-3419 or 641-785-2315

Iowa Angus Association State Show And Sale

Livestock LivestockPress Pressand andRingmen Ringmen Iowa Iowa Angus Angus Association Association Livestock Plus Colby Colby or or Tricia Tricia Holmes Holmes

February 11 and 12, 2015 President President

ViceVice President President

Executive Executive Secretaries Secretaries

Dave DaveNichols Nichols ,

® Director ® Director American , American Angus Angus Association Association

641-340-3419 641-340-3419 or 641-785-2315 641-785-2315 Mike Sorensenor641-745-7949

Livestock Livestock Plus Plus

Iowa Farmer Today/Midwest Marketer/ Tri Today/Midwest State NeighborMarketer/ Iowa Iowa Farmer Farmer Today/Midwest Marketer/ Mike Mike Sorensen Sorensen 641-745-7949 641-745-7949

Tri State State Neighbor Neighbor TomTriRooney 515-491-6025

Tom Tom Rooney Rooney 515-491-6025 515-491-6025

Internet Auction Service provided by: LiveAuctions.TV Internet Internet Auction Auction Service Service provided provided by:by: LiveAuctions.TV LiveAuctions.TV


Sale Sale Day Day Phone: Phone: 515-262-3111 515-262-3111 Sale Day Phone: Office Office Ext: Ext: 301 301 OrOr 304 304 • Sale • Sale Ring Ring Ext: Ext: 302 302 • Settlement • Settlement Desk: Desk: 307 307

Iowa State Fairgrounds • Des Moines, IA Office Ext: 301 Or 304 • Sale Ring Ext: 302 • Settlement Desk: 307


invites you to:

39th Annual Iowa Beef Expo Sale

ANNUAL BANQUET, MEETING AND FUNDRAISER AUCTION Saturday, February 7 6:00 p.m. Social Hour • 6:30 p.m. Banquet Walnut Center on the Iowa State Fairgrounds

SALE Sunday, February 8 2:30 p.m. North Annex 28

Livestock Plus Inc.

January 2015

Of ferin g Maine Bulls, -Anjou Fe and Em males br yos



Livestock Plus Inc.

January 2015


712.446.5507 | | 712.260.6969 |



If you want to know the end, look at the beginning.


A Little Bit About a Whole Lot of Things

We are now entering the informational meeting time of the year. Brief reports about a couple of them in eastern Iowa and in January have summaries listed elsewhere in this publication. The one in Dubuque is an overnight get-away and is located at one of by Evan Rayl the premier vacation sites in Iowa starting and ending at noon. You should take the hard working lady at your side to this one for a little There is no question that the biggest user of potatoes in the world break. Meanwhile, the one in Ottumwa is a one day event. Both is McDonald’s. So, when a new potato becomes available, the develare packed with information you can use in your cattle operation. opers try to convince McDonald’s to use it. The recent new potato By the time you get the information digested from these two, it will developed by the Simplot Company didn’t interest McDonald’s combe time for the Iowa Beef Expo or the Expo in whatever state you pany officials because the company doesn’t source GMO potatoes. live in. Shortly after that time, your cows will be having their calves, Never mind the new potato has less acrylamide (suspected to be a and soon another crop of calves will be on the ground. Very soon, human carcinogen). This potato naturally produces the chemical it will be time to start making decisions as to what bulls to use A.I. when they’re cooked at high temperatures. Another plus is the potaTime flies fast when you’re having fun! to is engineered to resist bruising, but McDonald’s officials say they will not use GMO potatoes. Company officials will do everything The beginning of knowledge is the discovery of something they can do to avoid conflict whenever possible in order to protect we do not understand. the equity of their brand name. The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing. - Walt Disney The beef packing plant at Tama, Iowa, idle since 2004, and idled several times previously, is expected to be back in production as a state-of-the-art facility by the time you read this report. It has been named, Iowa Premium Beef. After a checkered past, it is hoped, the current owners are going to be more successful. The investment this time is $48.6 million with a major share coming from the Sysco Corp., a $44 billion publicly traded food service company. $7.5 million has been spent on a new waste water system. In addition, waste water lagoons are covered with the ability to collect methane gas to cut plant gas costs by 30%. It is expected that live cattle will be sourced from a 150 mile radius around the plant. This is no shoe-string operation this time, Sysco is the main backer for this operation. The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. - Laozi The Holstein bull, “Toy Story” has died at age 13 after producing 2.4 million units of semen and positively impacting dairy herds around the world. As a comparison, the Angus bull, Final Answer, also died recently at age 14 with just a half million units produced. When Toy Story was introduced to the artificial insemination industry in November of 2005 it was noted that the bull was “The new must-have sire, whether your breeding goals are profitability or show type.” During his life, Toy Story provided a level of productivity, profitability and improved conformation that impressed producers as well as show judges across the globe. This is not to say Final Answer didn’t make an important record during his life. He is the #9 bull all time for registrations in the Angus Breed. The two bull’s lives paralleled each other and Toy Story is the all time record high semen producer for all bovine breeds. By the way, both bulls were at the Genex bull stud.


Livestock Plus Inc.

Don Good, former Head of the Department of Animal Sciences and Industry at Kansas State University and a distinguished and influential livestock judge died last month. He was raised on a farm in Ohio. Very active in both 4-H and FFA, he entered Ohio State and was a member of varsity squads in both wresting and baseball. His college career was interrupted when he was called to duty in World War II, were he served in both the European and Pacific Theaters. After the War, he returned to Ohio State where he finished his B.S. in 1947. He received his M.S. From Kansas State in 1950, and his Ph.D. from U. of Minnesota in 1956. Good joined the faculty at KSU in 1957 to coach the livestock judging team. In June of 1966, he was named Head of the Dept. Of Animal Sciences. A position he held until his retirement in 1987. Just before Good became the Dept. Head, a tornado hit the north end of campus destroying several buildings. Working with producers in the state, Good formed the Livestock and Meat Industry Council to raise funds to rebuild the structures. The foundation remains strong today, funding many educational activities on campus. Dr. Good’s influence reached far beyond Kansas when he was the judge for the 1969 Chicago International Livestock Show. For his Grand Champion Steer he slapped a crossbred named “Conoco” to be the first crossbred selected as winner at a major livestock show. This decision led to the change in cattle selection from small and fat to larger performance type cattle. Dr. Good had the courage to pick the modern type steer. This represented a major type change, but Good had enough respect in the cattle industry to pull it off with very little conflict. Dr. Good, during his tenure at K-State, won three major awards from the American Society of Animal Science: Distinguished Teacher in 1973, Honorary Fellow in 1978, and Industry Service in 1982. His portrait was hung in the Saddle and Sirloin Gallery in Louisville, KY in 1987. In 1997, Good received the Livestock Publications Council Headliner Award. I am pleased to say I spent an afternoon with Dr. Good back in the 1980’s at his farm. At that time, he and his son were using “Dividend” a lot in their registered Angus herd. They were also raising hogs at that time, but I can’t remember what breed. n

January 2015

DeJong Ranch 47th Annual Online Bull Sale

Thursday, February 26, 2015 Closing time 6 p.m. CST with extended bidding

Selling yearling and 18 month old Maine, Simmental & Angus Bulls Bulls sired by: DJ I Deliver, BPF Mercedes Benz, GVC Newt, DJ Wake Up Call, DJ Yogi, BPF Drive On Driver, Boomer, Lock N Load, Brilliance, BC Eagle Eye, Final Product and Priority

GVC Newt

SAV Brilliance

DJ I Deliver

Lock N Load

DJ Yogi

Bulls are raised in the breaks of the White River without creep, with a focus on several economically important traits essential for both the seedstock breeder and the commercial producer. The bulls are not pushed for maximum gain, but developed for functionality and longevity. Rock solid performance with eye appeal backed by generations of proven genetics. Check Quality in Quantity at affordable prices.

DeJong Ranch

out our pen bulls “In the Yards� at Denver!

31842 DeJong Rd. Kevin & Katrin Van Zandbergen Wyatt DeJong Kennebec, SD 57544 (605) 869-2362 (605) 842-5683 Miles & Kim DeJong (605) 869-2329 - check out our website for updates and Bull Sale Preview Date


105 yearlings * 115+ bulls suitable for heifers.

Hoover Dam * 11 Sons & 19 Grandsons Sell

S Chisum 6175 * 10 Sons Sell


Waylon W34 * 56 Sons & Large groups of paternal brothers by Baldridge 32 Grandsons Sell CB Block Party 156 * 55 Sons Sell proven AI sires, plus exciting new young sire groups with outcross genetics

Selling 260 Registered Angus Bulls Saturday,

BW +4.2

WW +74

YW +130

MILK Marb RE $B +28 +1.29 +.97 +155.40

Wintered & delivered free nationwide after March 15 * First breeding season Baldridge Willie Y34 * 13 Sons WW YWJ59 *MI20LK Sons Marb SellRE $B & 4 Full Brothers Sell guarantee * Satisfied customers are the StylesBW+.1 Upgrade +51 +96 +30 +.72 +1.14 +107.01 foundation of our business BW +4.4

BW +.5

WW +74

YW +122

MILK Marb RE $B +34 +.53 +.99 +112.40

Bulls bred for growth with a moderate frame * Fleshing ability * Fertility & Baldrige Jennings Z064 * 9 Sons Sell scrotal size * Calving ease * Disposition

WW +60

YW +108

BW -.4

MILK Marb RE $B +23 +1.61 +.36 +133.00

Selling 155 coming 2-year-olds and 105 yearlings * 115+ bulls suitable for heifers.

WW +55

YW +95

January 31, 2015 At Lincoln Co. Fairgrounds North BW In WW YW Platte, MILK MarbNebraska RE $B

+3.2 +71 +117 +24 +.25 +.79 +112.90 Baldridge Xpand X227 * 14 Sons & 11 Paternal EPDS as ofBrothers : 12/05/2015 Sell

To request your free sale book call:

MILK Marb RE $B +35 +.51 +.88 +105.20

Hoover Dam * 11 Sons & 19 Grandsons Sell

Comprehensive performance data * Ultrasound & fertility tested * A wide selection all price ranges Wintered in & delivered free nationwide

BW +.7

Backed by over 45 years in the Angus business and a reputation cow herd Comprehensive performance data * selected for fertility, soundness, Ultrasound & fertility tested * A wide selection in all price ranges fleshing ability, longevity and good udders Backed by over 45 years in the Angus

BW +.1

WW +51

YW +96

MILK Marb RE $B +30 +.72 +1.14 +107.01

Bulls bred for growth with a moderate Baldrige Jennings Z064 * 9 Sons Sell frame * Fleshing ability * Fertility & scrotal size * Calving ease * Disposition

business and a reputation cow herd selected for fertility, soundness, fleshing ability, longevity and good udders

BW WW YW MILK Marb RE $B +1.5 +69 +124 +28 +1.20 +.82 +143.59

BW +1.5

WW +69

YW +124

MILK Marb RE $B +28 +1.20 +.82 +143.59

YW +110

MILK Marb RE $B +27 +.58 +.71 +115.67

S Chisum 6175 * 10 Sons Sell

Large groups of paternal brothers by proven AI sires, plus exciting new young sire groups with outcross genetics

after March 15 * First breeding season guarantee * Satisfied customers are the foundation of our business

WW +56

BW +3.2

Jud Baldridge • Jeff Baldridge 5329 Rodeo Rd. • North Platte, NE 69101 Home (308) 532-2100 To request your free sale book call: Cell (308) 520-2221 Fax (308) 532-8269 WW +71

YW +117

MILK Marb RE $B +24 +.25 +.79 +112.90

EPDS as of: 12/05/2015

Jud Baldridge • Jeff Baldridge 5329 Rodeo Rd. • North Platte, NE 69101 Home (308) 532-2100 Cell (308) 520-2221 Fax (308) 532-8269

For sale book & more information call (308) 532-2100 or visit our web site at: For sale book & more information call (308) 532-2100 or visit our web site at: 34

Livestock Plus Inc.

January 2015



41satl Annu

+.4 +73 +118 +30

TC FOrTHrIgHT 9284



Wednesday 12:30 PM CST

+1.3 +54 +92 +14

February 25, 2015

1 1/2 miles east of Franklin & 1/4 mile south

FLag CrOSS COuNTry 90052


+.8 +56 +101 +32

TC aberDeeN 759

TC VaNCe 011


BW +.8; WW +55; YW +98; Milk +32; Marb +.36; RE +.34

+1.7 +65 +122 +26

2015 Sale bulls sired by:

D r SIerra CuT 7404


Woodhill Explosion U280-Z85 Bruin Uproar 0070 TC Conductor 030 Tehama CC & 7 Z355 Jindra Double Vision SydGen Doc 9017 Connealy Irish 0204 TC Romeo 917 TC Touchdown 772 Vermilion Vanguard

+1.7 +73 +129 +35

SITz DOLLar uP 489z


HF rebeL 53y


Livestock Plus Inc.


+2.3 +60 +100 +23

220 HeaD

TC ranch has...

• 65 years of “Total Commitment” to the Angus Breed • 53 years performance records • A herd bull battery second to none • First-year breeding guarantee • Volume selection • Carcass and performance data • Free bull delivery


185 yearling bulls • 35 Heifer Calves 100 Commercial april Calving bred Heifers

January 2015

Dru uden 308/470-0740 (888) TC buLLS 1524 G Rd. • Franklin NE 68939 E-mail:

“Focusing Performance” Focusing on Quality with Performance Bear Mtn George W 1069 AAA# 16994581

Bear Mtn Renegade 9045 AAA# 16401313

Bull & Female Sale February 26, 2015

125 Angus/Charolais Bulls 55 Registered Females 100 Commercial Females

Selling several sons & daughters

Two Year Olds, Coming 2’s & Yearlings

Open heifers, Bred heifers & Pairs

Bear Mtn Cross Wired 9010 AAA# 16386926

Offering Bred and Open Heifers

Brian & Tiffany Stoller 35789 Highway 6 • Palisade, NE 69040

(308) 285-3313 (home) • (308) 737-6213 Email:

Service sire to the Commercial Bred Females

Bulls developed on a high roughage, non-starch diet.

Selling several sons & daughters as well as four full brothers

Other sires in use: Consensus 7229, Connealy In Focus 4925, O’Reilly Factor, Pure Product, Wisdom, Cash, Confidence, WK George


TAUBENHEIM GELBVIEH 25th Annual Production Sale

Monday, February 2, 2015 • 1 p.m. CST at The Ranch 23685 Sartoria Road • Amherst, NE

Pick Your New Herdsires From 100 Thick-Made Muscular Gelbvieh & Balancer Bulls with Growth, Balance and Great Carcass Merit 30 Open Females • 45 Bred Females Balancer Futurity

Gelbvieh Futurity

TAU Mr. Consensus 13B ET

TAU Unanimous 11B ET Sire: Connealy Consensus 7229

Balancer 38% • Double Black • Homo Polled

Sire: Connealy Consensus 7229

Balancer 38% • Double Black • Homo Polled

TAU Blackshirt 8B ET Sire: HYEK Black Impact 3960N

Purebred 94%• Homo Black • Homo Polled


TAU Mr. Final Answer 6B ET


Sire: SAV Final Answer 0335

TAU Mr. Gridtopper 43T 7B Sire: TAU Mr. Gridtopper 43T

Balancer 50% • Homo Black • Homo Polled

Balancer 63% • Double Black • Double Polled

Look for us in Denver!

TAU Mr. Harvestor 99B Sire: SAV Harvestor 0338

TAU Mr. Gridtopper 43T 21B

Balancer 38% • Homo Black • Double Polled

Taubenheim Gelbvieh

Sire: TAU Mr. Gridtopper 43T

Balancer 63% • Double Black • Homo Polled

Quality Beef Genetics Since 1980




Livestock Plus Inc.


Dale & Jeannette

23685 Sartoria Road-Amherst, NE 68812

January 2015

Mike, Renee, Justin, & Tanner 308.233.4704



Managing Bred Heifers

Dealing With Cold Stress

by Dr. Chad Zehnder, Cattle Consultant Purina Animal Nutrition,

by Layne C. Anderson Purina Animal Nutrition , Senior Cattle Specialist

In the October issue, we discussed management of the open heifer pen, so it seems logical to transition into the bred heifer pen this month. A significant investment has already been made in development of these females; the management decisions made in late gestation on through weaning in the fall may be the difference in whether or not you see a positive return on your investment. Proper pre-calving body condition is critical. This is not earth shattering science, however, under-conditioned heifers entering the calving season continues to be the biggest cause of failure in heifer development programs. Heifers need to calve in a body condition score (BCS) of 5 at a minimum with a 6 being preferred. Keep in mind the biological priority for nutrients; first is maintenance, followed by growth, then lactation and finally reproduction. It is easy to understand why some heifers fail to rebreed after calving, if ample nutrition is not supplied, reproduction is the first thing to go. I often hear the comment “if I keep my heifers a bit greener, I will have less calving trouble.” This philosophy could not be farther from the truth, heifers calving a in a BCS of 5 and 6 will consistently have less dystocia than those calving at a BCS of 4 or less. By reducing the plane of nutrition in these heifers, we also reduce their stamina, strength and muscle tone. Proper mineral nutrition is also critical pre-calving for these females. A balanced mineral program will not only help assure proper fetal development, but can also improve colostrum quality in first calf heifers. While a program should never be designed to play catch up on BCS after calving, it is often necessary. Winter weather and available feed resources often deal a hand resulting in heifers calving in less than desirable condition. If producers find themselves in this situation, a plan needs to be implemented to build condition prior to the breeding season. While this is more costly than doing so precalving, it still makes economic sense when compared to the cost of an open 2-year-old in the fall. Implementing a nutrition program that will allow a positive condition gain in a lactating first-calf heifer can be challenging and most often requires resources beyond current forage supplies. Proper use of higher energy feedstuffs, especially those containing a fat source, can have very positive results. Consulting your nutrition supplier to aid in designing an elevated nutrition program can help minimize the impact of heifers calving in lower body condition score.

Winter officially began on December 21; most would argue it arrived weeks before with a fury of snow, followed by a numbing cold snap. Winter weather brings its usual frustrations and challenges from frozen waterers to gelled machinery. As we continue into winter it is important to consider the potential for cold stress in cattle. Cattle metabolically operate within a comfort or thermal neutral zone. This is the range at which additional nutrients are not used to either dissipate or create body heat. The lower temperature of the thermal neutral zone for a cow with a heavy winter hair coat is approximately 20° F; however with a summer or wet hair coat that lower critical temperature markedly increases to 60° F. Effective ambient temperature is used to determine the lower critical temperature; therefore wind chill temperatures need to be considered. Providing wind protection can help reduce the effects of cold stress. When temperatures or wind chills fall below the lower critical temperature; maintenance requirements increase and additional energy must be supplied. In grazing or free choice forage feeding scenarios, common wisdom would suggest that cows experiencing cold stress would simply consume more to meet requirements. This is true to a point, but prolonged cold stress will actually decrease intakes and grazing time. With reduced intake and increased energy requirements, cattle will begin to use body reserves to meet energy needs. Supplementing additional energy to the cow herd in times of cold stress can help prevent cattle from losing body condition. A general rule of thumb is to increase energy supplied to the cow by one percent for every one degree below the critical temperature zone. Protein requirements are not drastically effected by cold stress, so additional energy should be the focus. However, forage digestibility has been shown to decrease during cold stress as well, providing adequate protein in the diet will help optimize forage digestibility.

Cattle being fed higher energy rations in confinement will generally increase intake before a storm. Producers need to be cautious of this increased intake and not get too aggressive with feed delivery. These cattle will increase intake before a storm with a potential drastic drop during the storm, followed by another increase in intake following the weather event. These drastic shifts in eating patterns can often lead to digestive upsets and reduced performance. Holding feed delivery to the bunk constant during storm periods and cautiously increasing deliveries after the storm will aid in keeping cattle on feed and maintain performance. In adverse weather, walking the cattle to “stir” Calving heifers 2 to 4 weeks ahead of the cow herd is common practice for most operations. Doing so allows extra attention needed them up and get them moving to the feed bunk may also help keep a more constant eating pattern. during calving. Furthermore, it allows these heifers additional days post-partum before the breeding season, resulting in more heifCold weather also brings the potential for frost bite. Lactating ers cycling at bull turn-out. One practice that is often overlooked cows are especially susceptible to frost bitten teats, which can potenthough is the time of weaning first-calf heifer pairs. In most cases, tially lead to mastitis and lowered milk production. In the bull pens, they are weaned with the rest of the cow herd, which means we reductions in fertility or even infertility are possible with frostbitten are asking them to nurse that calf for 2 to 4 weeks longer than the testicles. Providing bedding and wind protection in times of extreme mature cows. Depending on available ranch resources, this can be cold can help prevent the potential for frostbite. Providing a constant detrimental to BCS entering the following winter. Weaning these pairs ahead of the cow herd can allow additional time for improving supply of water is extremely important; restrictions to water will lead BCS going into winter and help build success in breed-back as three- to reductions in forage intake and thus reduce overall energy intake. Keep the potential for stray voltage in electrical waters in mind as year-olds. well, reductions in water consumption from stray voltage can rob the Careful consideration and implementation of a development plan cow herd of performance and lead to significant economic losses.

for replacement heifers from weaning to weaning their first calves can help assure a return on your investment. Proper investment in these females can have positive impact on the profitability of your operation for years to come. n


Livestock Plus Inc.

Winter weather brings numerous challenges to our farming and ranching operations in the region. Recognizing the additional management and nutrient requirements of cattle during cold stress will help maintain performance. Most importantly, keep the well being of those working in the cold at the top of the list this winter. n

January 2015

get serious with accuration ® block PART OF PURINA’S SUSTAINED® NUTRITION PROGRAM

New Accuration® Block from Purina Animal Nutrition takes the games and guess-work out of beef cow nutrition supplementation. Accuration® Block includes Purina’s Intake Modifying Technology®, allowing cows to consume the nutrients they require, when they need them, while providing a balanced supplement. A part of the Sustained® Nutrition program, the Accuration® Block helps keep cows at an optimal BCS all year-round, for their best performance. _______________________________________________________________ Contact your local Purina Animal Nutrition representative to learn more about incorporating Accuration® Block into your feeding program.


AccurAtion® Block is AvAilABle in 200lB Block, 500lB Block And 200lB tuB form.

Accuration, Building Better Cattle, Sustained Nutrition, IM Technology and Intake Modifying Technology are registered trademarks of Purina Animal Nutrition LLC.


Selling 195 Head! 75 Yearling Bulls 35 Fall Bulls 50 Spring Bred Heifers 25 Fall Bred Heifers 10 Open Heifers — Show Prospects!


Hoover Bullseye N6

+2.5 +77 +133 +29 +131.37

Miss Blackcap Ellston J2 $20,000 donor dam of N68.

Hoover Bullseye N68 is the top non-parent thebreed breed when combining his OnlyN68 three non-parent bullsbull inofthe can meet or exceed top growth, carcassand andDocility Docility EPDs! his growth, carcass EPDs!

+2.0 +73 +122 +34 +110.93

WW EPD, and $Weaned WW,YW YWEPD, and Docility EPDs Calf aboveValue the above of the breed! EPD top 3%! the top 1% oftop the 1% breed! Docility




-.4 +68 +119 +22 +106.47

Hoover Excitement M402

WW the the top top 1%1% of the breed! #1 WW and and YW YW EPDs EPDs in above of the breed! adjusted weaning weight bull his at crop 870 lbs! No.1 adjusted WW bull of hisofcrop 870atpounds!

-.9 +62 +104 +30 +103.35

Hoover Inspiration N57 Tracinghishisdam’s dam’s of past the past 6 Tracing cowcow line,line, 5 of5the 6 dams ® honors! damshave haveachieved achievedPathfinder Pathfinder honors!


Erica of Ellston N62


Hoover Counselor N270

of the bulls top 26 non-parent bulls of the breedN270 for OfOne 2014-born across America with similar accuracy, is the his top “big non-parent bull+13 of the breedtowhen combining his low spread” CED +117.93 $Beef! BW EPD, top 1% RE EPD and above +1.00 Scrotal EPD!

+1.4 +62 +112 +30 +107.65

Donor maternalsister sistertoto Donorprospect prospect and and maternal Hoover in her herentirety! entirety! HooverDam Dam selling selling in

-.8 +57 +102 +30 +117.93


+1.5 +64 +110 +32 +116.14

Erica of Ellston N31

Top 1%Ribeye RibeyeEPD EPD!in From samefrom cow the family Top 1% thisthe heifer cow ® family that produced Hoover Dam! Pathfinder that produced Hoover Dam! Pathfinder dam records dam5-110 records 5-110 wean ratio!WR!

David & Joy Mc Farland (641) 772-4479 • Ellston, Iowa John & Barb Kiburz (641) 772-4439 • Tingley, Iowa Andrew & Landi McFarland-Livingston (641) 344-7684 • Ellston, Iowa MO Cattleman Assn. Wes Tiemann 816-244-4462

EPDs as of of12-5-2014 11-18-2014 EPDs as


Livestock Plus Inc.

January 2015

Hoover Dam has been among the top 10 sires of the breed for progeny registrations the past three years! He has sold over 120,000 units of semen and over 10,000 progeny are recorded through AHIR in over 1100 herds. His daughters with beautiful udders are becoming his most valuable asset. No current sire can meet or exceed Bullseye’s combination of superior Docility, $W and $B with a Scrotal EPD over +1.00! He has 7 EPDs or indexes in or above the top 1% of the breed! $Beef top 2%! Numerous features highlight our February 3, 2015 sale. 20 sons averaged $10,080 in our 2014 event.

One of only two well-proven sires in the breed with a +0 or less BW EPD that can top the +130 YW EPD mark! Excitement is a true calving ease bull without sacrificing the traits lost in typical calving ease cattle. Sons dominated the spring 2014 Hoover bull crop, with 4 of the top 5 adjusted weaning weight bull calves being sired by Excitement!

MOGCK Sure Shot Mogck Bullseye Mogck Mary 1255 #SydGen C C & 7 Miss Blackcap Ellston K97 Miss Blackcap Ellston G278

#Mytty In Focus [RDF] Mogck Black Lass 2065 #K C F Bennett Coalition SCC Mogck Mary C 1757 5 #S A F Connection SydGen Forever Lady 4087 #Woodhill Statesman 54K-90N #Miss Blackcap Ellston D154

$43,000 top-selling bull in our 2014 auction to Three Trees Ranch in Georgia. Hawkeye ranks in or above the top 1% of the breed for 8 traits! He is a thick, stout made bull that has a leg on all four corners and excels for body depth and rib shape. He is backed by 11 generations of the Blackcap Ellston cow family at Hoover Angus. The #1 sire of the breed for Ribeye EPD with his accuracy or higher! He is joined by only 15 other .85 Accuracy or better sires that can go from a +0 BW EPD or less to over +110 $B. Counselor is the #1 sire on the Maternal Index through the 2014 ABS Angus Sire Alliance and is in the top 3% for Total Profit! $56,000 top-selling bull in our 87 year history! Inspiration’s first crop of heifer calves are the most uniform sire group. Inspiration is moderate framed, extremely thick, big topped, wide based, deep ribbed, correct made and easy going, and his progeny are following his lead.


116th American Royal Livestock Show October 21 – November 1, 2015

Supporting Youth & Education Since 1899

DNA DEADLINES Market steer DNA validation deadline, postmarked on or before May 1, 2015 Market hog, lamb & goat DNA validation deadline, postmarked on or before August 1, 2015

Other Important Deadlines: Market steer ownership deadline • May 1, 2015 Market hog, lamb & goat ownership deadline • August 1, 2015 Junior heifer ownership deadline • September 10, 2015 Entry deadline • September 10, 2015 American Royal presented by

Where the best are shown!


Livestock Plus Inc.

January 2015

Livestock Show presented by


preMiuM sourced cattle third annual

Bull and Female Sale Wednesday, March 25, 2015 1:00 pM tWelve Miles north of eckley, colorado

Genetics and Partnerships for Sustainable Profitability Billy Hall 918.244.0154 bkcattle@netzero. net Trevor Tuell 970.630.4108 Roger Tuell 970.630.3290

Schiefelbein Effective 61 x RRJS Miss Legacy 615X (Upgrade’s Full Sister)

Selling 65 18-month-old Simmental Bulls Sired by:


* CCR Dream Better 3058T * GW Game Changer 823Y * Schiefelbein Effective 61 * GW Pacesetter 480W * SVF Steel Force S701 * RRTT Upgrade 611X (Upgrade’s Full Brother)




-2.6 10


64.4 35


104 25


25.8 30


.56 15


.84 15

API 167.4



81.4 10


A3032 “Cowmaker” EPD % CE





70.1 20


115.3 10


.45 30


.92 10


143.6 20


CCR Dream Better 3058T x RRTT Miss Upgrade 619X

Selling a large number of heifer bulls and many sets of full brothers. Also selling two loads of commercial pairs. Inspect the bulls anytime. Visit us while you’re at the NWSS we are 2.5 hours away!

80.7 10 A3030 “Winchester”

Reg #2921978

Schiefelbein Effective 61 x CCLC Yield Grade 1165




Selling 50 18-month-old Angus Bulls Sired by:


* Schiefelbein Effective 61




* PA Power Tool 9108










* AAR Ten X 7008 SA * Summittcrest Focus 2U66


45.51 25

* EXAR Emblazon 1779B


44.57 35

* Jac’s Anticipation 7507 * VinMar O’Reilly Factor

Reg #17922879

Livestock Plus Inc.

Reg #2921980

3/4 SM 1/4 AN



1/2 SM 1/2 AN

January 2015

indra JAngus

15th AnnuAl Production SAle Tues.

March 3 , 2015

1PM (CST) • Creighton Livestock Market • Creighton, NE 402-358-3449

Selling Approx.

125 Registered Angus Bulls Jindra Double Vision


Registered Angus Heifers

Connealy Reflection x Hoff Limited Edition BW 83 • WW 971 • YW 1695 BW +0.8 • WW +73 • YW +139 • Milk +25

Connealy Dublin x EGL Target BW 82 • WW 741 • YW 1322 BW +0.6 • WW +66 • YW +107 • Milk +22

Jindra Fortitude

Jindra Essential

Double Vision x TC Freedom AAA# 17972215

Jindra Manifest

Double Vision x Hoff Blockbuster AAA# 17972217

Double Vision x Hoff Blockbuster AAA +17972214

Guinness x Jindra Premium Cut AAA# 17969006

Connealy Guinness

Jindra Acclaim

Third Dimension x Connealy Impression AAA# 17972810

Jindra Kinetic

Largest Sire Groups by

Jindra Legion

Third Dimension x Hoff Blockbuster AAA# 17972216

Jindra Double Vision • Jindra 3rd Dimension • Jindra Premium Blend Connealy Guinness • Sitz Upward • Jindra Testimonial

Call or stop by anytime! Preserving the power of Scotch Cap genetics

82235 567 Ave. • Clarkson, NE 68629 Nick Jindra • 402-920-3171 •

Ad Design by Chrisman Cattle Services







FEBRUARY 14 -22 , 2015

BU F FA LO CO U N T Y FA I R G R O U ND S | KEA R NE Y, NEBR ASKA The 24 Annual opens Saturday, February 14th BUFFALO COUNT Classic Y FAIRGROUNDS | KEARNEY, NEBRASKA th

with the Ranch Horse Competition and Working Dog Demonstration. The Classic will feature seminars for cattlemen, cattle shows and sales thand a tremendous Market Place for cattlemen and women—plus several eventsthfor youth! The Classic will also have scholarship opportunities for FFA chapters in the state of Nebraska.

The 24 Annual Classic opens Saturday, February 14

with the Ranch Horse Competition and Working Dog Demonstration. The Classic will feature seminars for cattlemen, cattle shows and sales and a tremendous Market Place for cattlemen and women—plus several events for youth! This Classic Ranch HorseThe Classic will also have scholarship opportunities for FFA chapters in the state of Nebraska.

Sale feature is coming from the Nebraska This Classic Sandhills. She is Ranch ready toHorse go to work for feature you! This Sale is Ranch Horse from sells. coming The Ranch Horse the Nebraska Sale will feature Sandhills. She is 32 Ranch Horses.

ready to go to work for you! This Ranch Horse sells. The Ranch Horse Sale will feature 32 Ranch Horses.


Don’t miss all the opportunities for Nebraska Youth!

Royal Ice Sale

Royal Ice

Livestock Plus Inc.

Don’t miss the ELITE offering of Embryo packages in this sale! Thursday, February 19th at 7 pm. Embryos by this donor and Monopoly 4 sell! Don’t miss the ELITE

offering of Embryo packages in this sale! Thursday, February 19th at 7 pm. January 2015

Don’t miss all the opportunities for Nebraska Youth!



Hereford, Polled Hereford, Red Angus, Angus, Simmental, Charolais, Limousin, Gelbvieh/Balancer, Shorthorn, Maine Anjou, Chianina, Prospect Steers, Fancy Heifers, Commercial Bred Heifers

This Polled Hereford Sale feature is sired by the National Champion, Trust 100W ET.

This powerhouse is a sale feature in the Classic Chianina Sale. This Steel Force son is dual registered as a Simmental or Chianina. You will not miss him at the Classic Sales!

This fancy Simmental half blood is sired by Steel Force. She has already had a very successful show career. Tremendous show heifer prospect featured at the Classic.

This Angus Sale Feature at the Classic is sired by SAV Brilliance. His maternal sister was the 2014 Classic Champion Angus female. Mark your calendar for the Classic Sales.

The Shorthorn Junior Nationals are in Nebraska this summer. This Shorthorn Sale feature will be very competitive for you this summer!

What an opportunity here with this Monopoly heifer! She sells in the Chianina Sale at the Classic. She sells safe in calf to I-80. Several of the sales feature bred heifers.


308.627.6385 | A complete sale listing can be found at www.necattlemen or follow us on





Ranch Horse Sale

R A N C H H O R S E R O D E O, R A N C H H O R S E CO M P E T I T I O N & R A N C H H O R S E S A L E


This bay gelding is bred to work on the ranch. He is a sale feature coming from the Nebraska Sandhills.


This palomino mare has a proven pedigree with cow sense. This beautiful mare has a tremendous disposition. She is a great prospect for any performance event.



This buckskin gelding is built to work on the ranch. He is a started heading horse. Make sure and see him in the roping at the Classic.



Livestock Plus Inc.

BUFFALO CO. FAIRGROUNDS | KEARNEY, NEBRASKA 308.627.6385 | find complete details at www.necattlemen or follow us on

January 2015

The Event for Cattlemen of All Ages The Event forTH Cattlemen ofNDAll Ages FEBRUARY 14TH - FEBRUARY 22ND, 2015 FEBRUARY 14 - FEBRUARY 22 , 2015 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14 8:30 am All Horses in E.14 Arena SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8:30-9:30 Horse 8:30 am Ranch All Horses in E.Evaluation Arena 10 am Ranch Horse Versatility 8:30-9:30 Evaluation Open Roping Preview 102 pm am Ranch Horse Versatility 52 pm Ranch Rodeo Preview Open Roping 95 pm Barn RanchSocial Rodeo 9 pm Barn Social SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 15 7 amFEBRUARY Cowboy Church SUNDAY, 15 8:307 am Cowboy WorkingChurch Cow Horse Competition 8:30 am Working Cow 12:30 pm Working Dog Horse Competition Demonstration 12:30 pm Working Dog 2 pm Ranch Horse Sale Demonstration 2 pm Ranch Horse Sale MONDAY, FEBRUARY 16 9 am FEBRUARY Set up for Cattle MONDAY, 16Exhibitors 9 am Set up for Cattle Exhibitors TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 17 12-2 pm FEBRUARY Cattlemen’s Lunch TUESDAY, 17 Meetings 12-2 pm Cattlemen’s Lunch 5 pm Cattlemen’s “Barn Event” Meetings “Old Timerss “Barn Event” 5 pm Cattlemen’ Fitting Contest” “Old Timers Fitting Contest”

WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18 Youth Education Tours WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18 FFA DayEducation for Nebraska Youth ToursFFA Chapters 10 for amNebraska HerefordFFA Show FFA Day Chapters Red AngusShow Show 10 am Hereford 11 Hereford 10 am Polled Red Angus ShowShow 1:30 Sale Show 11 pm am Hereford Polled Hereford 1:302 pm Polled HerefordHereford Sale Sale 32 pm Red Sale Sale PolledAngus Hereford 53 pm Kuhn KnightSale Red Angus Cattlemen’ 5 pm Kuhn Knights Social Cattlemen’s Social THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19 8:30 am Angus Show 19 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY Simmental 8:30 am Angus ShowShow 10 am Show 8:30 am Charolais Simmental Show 10am am Charolais LimousinShow Show 10 10:30 Gelbvieh Show 10 am Limousin Show 12:30 Angus SaleShow 10:30 pm am Gelbvieh 1:30 pm Angus Simmental 12:30 Sale Sale 2:30 pm Simmental Charolais Sale 1:30 Sale Limousin Sale 2:303 pm Charolais 3:303 pm Gelbvieh LimousinSale Sale 6 pm Cattlemen’ s Social 3:30 Gelbvieh Sale 76 pm Royal Ice Sale Cattlemen’ s Social 7 pm Royal Ice Sale

FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20 10 amFEBRUARY Shorthorn 20 Show FRIDAY, Maine Anjou Show 10 am Shorthorn Show 11 am Maine ChianinaAnjou ShowShow 10 1:30 ShorthornShow Sale 11 pm am Chianina Maine Anjou 1:302 pm Shorthorn SaleSale 2:302 pm Maine ChianinaAnjou SaleSale CommercialSale Pen of 5 Heifer Sale 2:304 pm Chianina Social 45 pm Cattlemen’ CommercialsPen of 5 Heifer Sale 6-95 pm Junior Check-In Cattlemen’s Social 6-9 pm Junior Check-In21 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 7 am Classic Judging 21 Registration SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 7-97 am Junior Show Check-In Classic Judging Registration 12:30 pm Fancy Heifers Judging 7-9 am Junior Show Check-In Heifer &Judging Steer Sale 12:30 pm Fancy Heifers 2:30 pm Fancy Youth Judging Heifer &Contest Steer Awards Sale 3:30 pm Showmanship Blow-n-Go 2:30 Youth Judging Contest Awards HeiferBlow-n-Go Selection 3:307 pm Premiere Showmanship 87 pm Supreme Row Judging Premiere Heifer Selection 8 pmFEBRUARY Supreme Row SUNDAY, 22Judging Junior ShowFEBRUARY 22 SUNDAY, 8:30Show am Breeding Heifers Junior 8:309 am Market BreedingHeifers Heifers followed by Steers 9 am Market Heifers followed by Steers

Show includes a Commercial Trade Show, Live Cattle Displays & Much More! Show includes a Commercial Trade Show, Live Cattle Displays & Much More!


BUFFALO CO. FAIRGROUNDS | KEARNEY, NEBRASKA 308.627.6385 | BUFFALO CO. FAIRGROUNDS | KEARNEY, NEBRASKA A complete sale listing can be found at www.necattlemen or follow us on 308.627.6385 | A complete sale listing can be found at www.necattlemen or follow us on

Opening Weekend Opening Weekend Starts February 14th! Starts February 14th!


Volk Cow A404 Watch for her in Denver

Volk Bull B68 PB 20X son HE SELLS along with 80 head of high performance, calving ease Simmental SimAngus Angus and Chi-Maine bulls on Satruday, Febrruary 7, 2015 at the Annual Ohlrich/Felt Bull Sale in Norfolk, NE Watch it Live on Superior!

36A Pays To Dream x GCC Magnolia (past NWSS Natl Champion) Sells at Burkes 24th Annual Production Sale Genoa,NE • Sunday Feb. 1, 2015 Offered with 70 head of Sim/SimAngus females, including a nice selection of Pilgrims, Drivers and Brokers!

High Regard son selling at Ohlrich’s

High Voltage x JDJ Intimidator Res Gr. Champion Nebraska State Fair Selling at Cattlemans Classic in Kearney at 2pm on Thursday, February 19, 2015.

MILE HIGH - outcross pedigree First calves on the ground now are very attractive. Easy calving! I’ve seen Mile High at Volk Livestock this fall and was very impressed with him and his calves. If you’re looking for a bull to add performance and phenotype in a sound structured package you need to try Mile High. ~ Adam Hall; Livestock Promotions

TURNING POINT - limited semen, service sire All breds carry the service of Mile High, Turning Point, Brilliance, or Pays to Believe.

Volk Cow A365 Selling at Gonsiors In The Heartland Production Sale Satruday, March 14,2015, Fullerton, NE.

DEAN VOLK • 402-992-9997 Battle Creek, NE 68715


Livestock Plus Inc.

January 2015

Video of Mile High and and all sale cattle can be found on


Selling Approximately 70 Calving Ease & Performance Bulls ... Simmental & Simmental Influence Bulls Maine-Anjou • ChiMaine • ChiAngus • Angus

Saturday, February 7, 2015 at 1:00 p.m. • OHL Ranch, Norfolk, Nebraska on Hwy 275

Watch the sale live at


James, 402.369.0513 Merlin & Delores, home: 402.287.2488 or cell: 402.369.1059



HLRICHS For a free catalog,contact ...

Wayne & Barb Ohlrichs

cell: 402.649.5804 • cell: 402.649.6911 • home: 402.371.0695 55943 Hwy. 275, Norfolk, NE •



Livestock Plus Inc.

January 2015

B460 B460 ET ETJanuary January1/2 1/2 Steel Force x Steel Force xRemington RemingtonSandra Sandra

B469 B469 January5/8 5/8 January BWLHardcore HardcorexxNLC NLCLG772 LG772 BWL

B470 B470 January 5/8 January 5/8 Mr. Confidence x HPF Bottomline Mr. Confidence x HPF Bottomline

March 1/2 - 2014 IA% Champion March 1/2 - 2014 IA% Champion KnH Added Value x Commerical SM KnH Added Value x Commerical SM

January1/2 1/2 January Mr. Confidence x WAR Alliance Mr. Confidence x WAR Alliance

06B 06B January Purebred Purebred HOC Broker Broker x x J&C/SS J&C/SS Bernadette HOC Bernadette

B3 B3

B465 B465

B52 B52 February FebruaryPurebred Purebred Combustible CombustiblexxInevitabull Inevitabull

B514 B514 January 1/2 January 1/2 Duff New Edition x Duff New Edition x Zeis Ms Perfection (Dream On) Zeis Ms Perfection (Dream On)

A033 A033 September 3/4 September 3/4 Wide Track x Meyer 734 Wide Track x Meyer 734

View catalog in full color: View catalog in full color:

A063 A063

September 1/2 September 1/2 Instinct Callaway x Duff Basic Callaway x Duff Basic Instinct

B154 B154

January 1/2 January 1/2 Gold Standard x Zeis Perfection Gold Standard x Zeis Perfection


The Angus Breed's Most Dominating Sire, Ten X!


A A R TEN X 7008 S A AAA Reg#: 15719841 | 014AN00377 IN FOCUS x ADAPTOR

•THE Sire of Sons! •Producing elite sale topping progeny from coast to coast. •Super balance, from calving ease to carcass, Ten X has it all! •Outcross pedigree, his mating opportunities are limitless. •Top 1% of the breed for all $ Value indexes. CED 8 .91

BW .4 .96

WW 69 .95

YW 130 .92

SC 1.62 .93

DOC 12 .88

CEM 8 .53

MILK 24 .65

MARB 1.39 .56

RE .86 .52

$W 75.24

$F 80.85

$G 51.92

$B 145.96

Introducing Index. The search is over for the perfect mating on your Ten X daughters!


V A R INDEX 3282 AAA Reg#: 17513381 | 014AN00439 INGENUITY x ONWARD

•Topped the fall 2014 Vintage Angus Ranch Bull Sale. •Dam is a powerful and consistant donor at VAR. •Considered by many to be the best son of his sire to surface. •Index displays unbelievable stoutness and muscle shape. •Top 1% for MARB, REA, and $B. •SEMEN NOW AVAILABLE! CED 9 .34

BW 1.8 .38

WW 67 .31

YW 116 .32

SC .47 .49

DOC 17 .32

CEM 11 .12

MILK 39 .19

MARB 1.35 .35

RE 1.26 .29

Stop by & see us in "The Yards" at the National Western Stock Show in January!

$W 63.75

$F 66.03

$G 57.64

$B 141.70

Semen tanks on sale through March 31!

Call your local Accelerated Genetics representative today! JON HERRICK Regional Beef Specialist Miller, NE 308-627-6431

KEENAN SWITZER Regional Beef Specialist Bucklin, MO 660-734-0510

ROBERT WHITACRE Regional Beef Specialist Winchester, VA 540-247-4282

Focused on being the producer's trusted first choice. 1-800-451-9275 | INFO@ACCELGEN.COM | WWW.ACCELGEN.COM


Livestock Plus Inc.

January 2015

EPD (INFO AS OF 12/15/2014)

Mick Cox

0 5 3 S angus ell!

Performance-Tested Carcass Evaluated ProduCTion SalE

The angus genetics in this sale will be some of the very best to sell in one event in nebraska this year. January 23, 2015 at 1:00 PM Tri-State Livestock Auction, McCook, NE

Mill Bar due north 8032

Mill Bar Mashup 8113

Mill Bar Hickok ! Sons Sell


He Sells!

He Sells! Sire: Mill Bar Hickok 7242• MGS: Sitz Upward 307R BW -.3

WW +76

YW +122

Sire: Mill Bar Hickok 7242 • MGS: Sitz Upward 307R BW +1.1

Milk +33

205 Day Wt. 806 • WR 120

WW +76

YW +121

Milk +33

205 Day Wt. 795 • WR 119

Mill Bar Stellar 8125

Mill Bar Priority 8008

Mill Bar Went Stellar

19 Sons Sell!

He Sells!

He Sells! Sire: Mill Bar Went Stellar 6221 • MGS: Schurrtop MC 2500 BW +2.4

WW +67

YW +115

Milk +28

205 Day Wt. 749 • WR 115

250 Fancy, one-iron angus replacement Heifers

BW +2.6 WW +68

YW +110

Milk +30

205 Day Wt. 748 • WR 112

120 Power-Packed, Performance-Tested, Carcass Evaluated Bulls • Big, stout, January and February yearlings.

Sire: SAV Priority • MGS:Connealy Consensus

99% of this offering is AI sired.

Mick & Marlene Cox

Featuring Sons of:

• Mill Bar Hickok - 25 sons sell! • Mill Bar Went Stellar - 19 sons sell! • SAV Pioneer - 19 sons sell! • Sitz Upward - 16 sons sell! • SAV Priority & Final Answer - 14 sons sell! • SAV Angus Valley - 18 sons sell!

73786 Ave. 356 • Hayes Center, NE 69032

(308) 286-3416 View our sale book online at: Auctioneer: Joe Goggins

• FrEE delivery! • FREE Feed Until April 1st! • First Breeding Season GUARANTEE! • 2014 Sale: 74% Repeat Buyers!


EPDs – CED +19 / BW -2.9 / WW +50 / YW +90 Milk +31 / SC -.90 / Marb +.44 / RE +1.60 $W +54.38 / $F +40.30 / $G +39.26 / $B +129.37

EPDs – CED +3 / BW +2.2 / WW +63 / YW +104 Milk +33 / SC +.97 / Marb +1.02 / RE +.92 $W +76.41 / $F +48.67 / $G +48.13 / $B +129.37

FALL BULLS Selling top 162 8 Sons Selling! 28 Sons Selling! BenoitBulls Angus out of 230!Ranch 26th Production ALSOAnnual 20 Registered Angus HeifersSale &

Thursday, March 19, 2015 • 1:00 P.M. CDT 30 Commercial Angus Heifers At the Ranch on US Hwy 36 – 10 ¾ miles west of Mankato, Kansas

BENOIT ANGUS VALUE ADDED: SELLING Top Weaning Weights Not Creep Fed! YEARLING Free Delivery BULLS & Ultrasound Data Complete Data FALLPerformance BULLS topGuarantee 162 1stSelling Breeding Season Bulls out of 230! Repeat Buyer Discount ALSO 20 Registered Angus Heifers & Commercial Angus Heifers 30Selling Top 162 Bulls out of 230!

Benoit Angus Ranch 162 22

GReg# A R16761479 Prophet

Connealy Confidence 0100

Reg# 16295688

EPDs – CED +19 / BW -2.9 / WW +50 / YW +90 Milk +31 / SC -.90 / Marb +.44 / RE +1.60 $W +54.38 / $F +40.30 / $G +39.26 / $B +129.37

EPDs – CED +11 / BW +.9 / WW +80 / YW +139 Selling! Milk +33 /8SCSons +.22 / Marb +1.78 / RE +.63 $W +71.77 / $F +87.86 / $G +60.04 / $B +120.75

9 Sons Selling!

G A R Prophet

BENOIT ANGUS VALUE ADDED: Top Weaning Weights Not Creep Fed! Free Delivery Ultrasound Data Complete Performance Data 1st Breeding Season Guarantee Repeat Buyer Discount Selling Top 162 Bulls out of 230!

Hoover Dam Reg# 16447771

Connealy Consensus 7229

Reg# 16124994

EPDs – CED +3 / BW +2.2 / WW +63 / YW +104 Milk +33 / SC +.97 / Marb +1.02 / RE +.92 $W +76.41 / $F +48.67 / $G +48.13 / $B +129.37

EPDs – CED +8 / BW +.1 / WW +51 / YW +96 Sons/ Marb Selling! Milk +30 /28 SC +.1.01 +.72 / RE +1.14 $W +51.34 / $F +49.89 / $G +51.33 / $B +107.01

9 Sons Selling!


26th An ual Production Sale

Hoover Dam

Windy 078Reg#– Bismarck Sierra16124994 Cut – Sandhills 16295688 – New Day 454 – CaHoots – Absolute – Top Game – Dash – Reg# Impression – GDAR Alliance 0203 – BluePrint – S Chisum 0383 – Game Day – Reserve 9 Sons Selling! 9 Sons Selling! Visitors ADDITIONAL SONS BY: always welcome! Everett & Bonnie Benoit–•Sierra (785) 725-3231 Windy 078 – Bismarck – New Day 454 – CaHoots – Absolute – Top Game – Dash Cut – Sandhills

EPDs – CED +11 / BW +.9 / WW +80 / YW +139 Milk +33 / SC +.22 / Marb +1.78 / RE +.63 $W +71.77 / $F +87.86 / $G +60.04 / $B +120.75

EPDs – CED +8 / BW +.1 / WW +51 / YW +96 Milk +30 / SC +.1.01 / Marb +.72 / RE +1.14 $W +51.34 / $F +49.89 / $G +51.33 / $B +107.01

Benoit Angus

E B E B Thursday, March 19, 2015 • 1:0 P.M. CDT

Impression – GDAR Alliance 0203 – BluePrint – S Chisum Day –66941 Reserve 6210383 Hwy. 36– •Game Esbon, Kansas Visitors Doug Benoit (785) 545-6806 always welcome! Everett & Bonnie Benoit • (785) 725-3231

Benoit Angus

For information or sale book, call 1-888-870-BULL For information or sale book,

Chad Benoit (785) 545-8095 621 Hwy. 36 • Esbon, Kansas 66941 Doug (785) 545-6806 E-mail:Benoit Chad Benoit (785) 545-8095 E-mail:

call 1-888-870-BULL


Livestock Plus Inc.

January 2015


Offering 50 horned and polled yearling Hereford bulls, 50 2-year-old Hereford bulls, 5 yearling Angus bulls, open and bred commercial and registered females ECR High Class 3009

• Sold in last year’s sale to Blume Herefords, Jimmy Atlas, Keith Carmichael and Knippling Bros.

ECR AL Ree Heights 3003 ET

• Sold to Mrnak Herefords and Carswell-Nichols

Thanks to those great ranches for your confidence in ours. Bulls like these sell.

DHD Turbo HH 1103

DKF RO Cash Flow 0245 ET

CL 1 Domino 2109Z ET

HH Advance 2029

Average of 15 active herd bulls: BW WW YW MM M&G REA MARB 2.8







Breed average: BW WW YW MM M&G REA MARB 3.5







Our bulls are phenotypically great - backed by productive great uddered females.

Fawcett’s Elm Creek Ranch

Keith, Cheryl, Matt, Kris and Erin Fawcett • Daniel, Kari, Hollis and Ivy Fawcett • Robert Fawcett 21115 344th Ave. • Ree Heights, SD 57371 605-943-5664 • • Daniel 605-870-6172




Tuesday • Feb. 24, 2015 • 1 PM Ogallala Livestock Auction • Ogallala, Neb.


Buy ’em Your Way!

• All sale bulls have genomic enhanced EPDs using a 50K test • 100% AI from industry leading sires • Bulls developed on native range, WITHOUT CREEP FEED —athletic and active, ready to work in big country! • Many heifer bulls in the offering and ALL ARE COW MAKERS! • First breeding season guarantee and sight unseen purchases are guaranteed • Free delivery to surrounding states • All bulls sell with complete health including trich testing • Ask about our “On Ranch Inspection” discounts that are in addition to volume and repeat buyer discounts! • Scanned carcass information available Feb. 1 at

Sires represented include:

• Connealy Gold Rush 026E • Connealy In Focus • Baldridge Waylon W34 • KM Broken Bow 002 • KCF Bennett Absolute • RB Barometer 9721 • Connealy Confidence 0100 • GAR Progress 7608 • PA Power Tool 9108 • Haynes Upward 1224 • EXAR Upshot 0562B • RB Active Duty 010 • Leachman Resolution G228U • Haynes Sterling

Connealy In Focus 4925 Sons sell in our February sale.

For further information, contact:

Gale & Cynthia Haynes • Office: (970) 854-3310 Cell: (970) 520-3374 • 61284 CR 14 • Holyoke, CO 80734 Located 15 miles southeast of Holyoke, CO, or 25 miles west of Imperial, NE • Check out our website at

7x5 2c-Livestock Plus.indd 1


Livestock Plus Inc.

12/9/14 8:04 AM

January 2015


Nichols Farms

Private Private Treaty Treaty Bull Bull Sales Sales Starting— Starting—

Lunch at Noon Lunch at Noon Sale starts at 1 PM Sale starts at 1 PM

400 400 Bulls Bulls to to pick pick from from u u u u u u u u u u u u


Genomic EPDs for Feed Efficiency Genomic EPDs for Feed Efficiency Complete Performance Records Complete Performance Records Negative by pedigree or DNA Negative by pedigree or DNA for AM-NH-CA-DD-M1-TH-PH for AM-NH-CA-DD-M1-TH-PH

Volume discounts Volume discounts Health & Death Warranty Health & Death Warranty $100 off each bull if you pick them up $100 off each bull if you pick them up Pick up your Bull(s) when You’re ready for them Pick up your Bull(s) when You’re ready for them Good - $3750 Better - $4250 Best - $4750 Good - $3750 Better - $4250 Best - $4750

January January 31, 31, 2015 2015 Bridgewater, Iowa Bridgewater, Iowa

The Nichols family The family startedNichols with Angus in started with Angus in 1953, Simmentals in 1953, Simmentals in 1968, and South Dev1968, and South Devons in 2004. onsWe’ve in 2004. always been We’ve the leaderalways in new been techthe leader in new technology— Performance nology— Performance testing (1956), Certified testing (1956), Certified Meat Sires (1961), Expected progeny differences EPDs Meat Sires (1961), Expected (1989), progenyCarcass differences (1977), Real time ultrasound MeritEPDs DNA (1977), Real time ultrasound (1989), Carcass Merit Validation (1998) and DNA genomic profiles (2005). DNA Validation and DNA profiles (2005). Nichols (1998) Bulls remain thegenomic best investment in the beef Nichols Bulls the best investment in the business. They remain sire soggy heavy calves that topbeef the business. They sire soggy heavy calves that top the market, gain in the feedlot, and grade in the packing house. market, gain in the feedlot, and grade in the packing house. Nichols Bulls also sire hard-working, docile, problem free Nichols Bulls sireonhard-working, docile, problem free daughters thatalso thrive fescue pastures. daughters that thriverange on fescue Our customers frompastures. large ranches to family Our customers range from ranches to family farmers to producers who work large in town. We appreciate farmers to producers who work in the town. Weforappreciate and service all of them. Join us at farm Opening and all of them.season. Join usHave at thelunch farm and for Opening Day service of the bull-buying get first Day of the bull-buying season. Have lunch and getherd first chance at our yearling bulls that will improve your chance at our yearling bulls that will improve your herd and put money in your pocket. — Dave Nichols and put money in your pocket. — Dave Nichols

Sale Bull Catalog and Directions Sale Bull Catalog and Directions


Livestock Plus Inc.

January 2015

2188 Clay Avenue 2188 Clay Avenue Bridgewater, IA 50837 Bridgewater, IA 50837



Livestock Plus Inc.

January 2015


Bussmus Angus


Gary Cindy & Family • Mitchell, SD Herdsmen: Jon Bussmus: 605.770.6774 • 605.996.3265 Justin Bussmus: 605.770.9294

Justin Dikoff 605-290-0635 Auctioneer: Seth Weishaar


Bartos / Frederick Angus y 7, 2015 e

Sal n o i t


d Pro l a nu An


ua r b e


ell S s l l u gB


r 90 Yea

Brent & Jemi Frederick 51026 886 Rd Verdigre, NE 68783 email: Brent: (402)340-1039 Jemi: (402)394-5967

: 04 Sired by ly Irish 02 ea *Conn eguard 021 5 af *PA S bjective 712 6 O 01 *GAR e Motive 9 1867 in y *Soo L ngus Valle A *SAV 6175 m u s i e J59 d *S Ch a r g s Up e l y t S *

BAR Final Answer 9662

100 Bre


BAR SAV Priority 3179

Heifers Service Si Sell res includ e : *BAR C onnealy InF *BAR F inal An ocus 2031 swer 96 *2 SAV 62 Priorit y Sons *Conne aly Tob in 7890

Bred Heifers


Livestock Plus Inc.

January 2015

R eyes / R ussell

th 24 24 A AnnuAl nnuAl s sAle Ale

y a d y a n d o n o M M


February February 23, 23, 2015 2015 1:00 1:00 p.m. p.m. At At the the Ranch Ranch in in Wheatland Wheatland

Selling Selling 200 200 Coming Coming 2-Year-Old 2-Year-Old Angus Angus Bulls Bulls and and 15 15 Yearling Yearling Angus Angus Bulls Bulls PAP TESTED • BVD & DEFECT FREE BULLS BULLS RAISED RAISED & & DEVELOPED DEVELOPED IN IN A A REALISTIC REALISTIC RANGE RANGE ENVIRONMENT. ENVIRONMENT. READY READY TO TO GO GO TO TO WORK FOR YOU.Your source for high altitude bulls ~ PAP tested at 8,000’ WORK FOR YOU.Your source for high altitude bulls ~ PAP tested at 8,000’




BW -0.6 WW +63 YW +119 Milk +29

BW -0.1 WW +60 YW +108 Milk +29

BW -0.2 WW +57 YW +106 Milk +36


BW BW +1.5 +1.5 WW WW +58 +58 YW YW +115 +115 Milk Milk +28 +28


BW BW +2.5 +2.5 WW WW +59 +59 YW YW +101 +101 Milk Milk +27 +27

Jennifer Jennifer Reyes-Burr Reyes-Burr

5104 5104 Hwy Hwy 34 34 •• Wheatland, Wheatland, WY WY 82201 82201 307-322-1530 • 307-331-1530 (cell) • 307-322-1530 • 307-331-1530 (cell) •

MR •• Juan MR98ANGUS ANGUS Juan Reyes Reyes Olson Rd • Wheatland, WY 82201

98 Olson Rd • Wheatland, WY 82201 307-322-4848 • 307-331-1568(cell) • 307-322-4848 • 307-331-1568(cell) •

KMR ANGUS KMR ANGUS •• Keith Keith Russell Russell 21419 WCR 13 • Johnstown, CO 80534

21419 WCR 13 • Johnstown, CO 80534 970-587-2534 • 970-371-7819 (cell) • 970-587-2534 • 970-371-7819 (cell) •




Cattlemen Aid South Dakota with Heifers after Atlas Storm

by Jennifer Carrico Reprinted with permission from the High Plains Journal

The Atlas winter storm of 2013 is one many South Dakota ranchers won’t soon forget, but with the generosity of farmers and ranchers from other parts of the country, their loss is eased. “The week following the blizzard was the most difficult and sobering I’ve ever experienced as a rancher,” said Bud Ireland, a rancher who lives 10 miles east of Rapid City, South Dakota. “It all came so fast, and since it was in October, we weren’t prepared. Cow-calf pairs were still out on pastures.” The storm started on Oct. 4, 2013, with 2 to 3 inches of rain that fell, making everything soaked. Then, according to Ireland, the snow began to fall and the temperatures began to fall as well. Temperatures in his part of western South Dakota held at around 31.5 degrees Fahrenheit for several days, followed by 70 mile per hour winds. “The snow just kept falling. No one was prepared for a storm like this and the animals suffered, and we didn’t have any way to get to them or help them,” said Ireland. The snow fell from Friday through Sunday. Ireland said it was so much snow that no one could even leave their homes and that is why there wasn’t any human deaths. The animal death toll was quite large, however. “Late on Sunday and Monday, we were able to dig out after the snow stopped. Electric poles were down for six miles, and we were without electricity for a week,” said Ireland. “The National Guard brought out pay loaders to help open up the roads for people to get out.” Ireland, who is retired, had a cow herd of about 50 cows and also raises barrel-racing horses with his daughters. When he could finally get to the pasture where the cow-calf pairs and horses were, he said it was then time for the search. “Drifts were higher than you can imagine. You couldn’t even see some buildings. We set out on horseback to look for the cows and mares,” said Ireland. “The cattle tried to get away but many trampled themselves to death in draws where they thought they would be protected. Others were spread out dead along hillsides trying to find shelter. And some we never found.” Ireland said it was the hardest thing he had ever experienced in all his years as a rancher. He lost nearly all of his 50 cows. Those who were alive were older cows, as they survived more easily than the younger cows, and calves survived better than cows. He found his group of mares several miles away from where they usually would have been. The mares were alive, but their foals were not. “We raise cattle for a living. We raise horses for love. It was really hard to lose those babies,” said Ireland. “But I’m not afraid to say that I shed a few tears when I found the mares alive.” Ireland said while he lost a higher percentage of his cattle, most ranchers lost higher numbers of head than he did. He said it wasn’t uncommon for ranchers to lose 30 to 50 percent of their herds. “The reports say the storm was 100 to 150 miles wide and 300 miles long. Government reports say South Dakotans lost 40,000 head of cattle, but most of the ranchers I’ve talked to think the numbers are a lot closer to 70,000 head,” said Ireland. Following the storm, quite a bit of aid was available to the ranchers. The government provided cattlemen with two-thirds of the cost of a cow, but the government valued the cows at a lower value than what it would cost to actually replace the cows. “Banks weren’t loaning money for ranchers to rebuild their herds because most ranchers lost all their collateral in the storm. I wasn’t the only one who didn’t want to put my land up on a loan to replace "Cattlemen Aid" continued on pg 70


Livestock Plus Inc.

January 2015

Join us at the farm near LeRoy, Minnesota

Saturday, February 14th @ 12:00 Noon os View at Videin e! or log onto l n o

View full sale offering online at

GLS BiG deaL B97

GLS New Direction X184 x Angus

GLS anna a167

GLS Trails End W328 x Pacesetter 8P

PB • Bred to GLS New Direction X184

GLS BLack Satin B106

LLSF Uprising x GLS Brigade 31R

GLS MR upRiSinG B58

LLSF Uprising x Final Analysis

GLS RuBy a40

GLS Yahoo Y106 x GFI Ruby P4122

PB • Bred to GLS New Direction X184

GLS JoSie B140

W/C Wide Track x Mr NLC Upgrade

BoB & Becky Grass 507-324-5107

Bob’s Cell 507-438-9007 Luke Grass 507-440-6386 77247 125th Street, LeRoy, MN 55951

View/Bid liVe on the internet!

GLS MR inteGRate B6

GLS Integrate Z3 x GLS/GF Brigade 31R

GLS anGeLina a184

GLS New Direction X184 x SAV Net Worth 4200 3/4 SM 1/4 AN • Bred to W/C No Remorse

GLS Red deLiciouS B143

GLS New Direction X184 x SP The Answer

For more information or a sale catalog, contact sale management! Sale Managers, Val & Lori Eberspacher Office 507-532-6694 Val’s Cell 612-805-7405 Kelly’s Cell 406-599-2395 Fax 507-532-9457 •


Juncks Simmental

Juncks 20 Gran

Juncks Undeniabull

Private Treaty Bull Sale at the farm:

1132 Carroll Ave • Sioux City, IA Sire: HOC Broker Dam: Power Plus

For Sale: 25 BREEDING BULLS • Semen Tested • Scortal Measured • Current EPD’s Available • All bulls will be weighed

Graduating Class of 2015 • 4 of the top gaining bulls at the 2014 Iowa State Fair • 4.60 lbs per day of age average • View cattle from Feb. 1 - Feb. 7 • Bids close Satruday, Feb. 7 @ 6pm Contact: Rick Junck (712) 560-6949 Ron Junck (712) 239-3955

"Cattlemen Aid" continued from pg 68

my cows,” said Ireland. “Only one-third of the cows could be replaced with the monetary aid given to us through the government.” This is where cattlemen from across the country stepped in to assist South Dakota ranchers with rebuilding their herds. Help across the miles Ron Lyons, a Madison County, Iowa, cattleman and distant relation to Ireland, was in contact with Ireland about how his county cattlemen could help. “We didn’t want them to send us money, but when they suggested sending us heifers, that sounded like a better deal,” said Ireland. Lyons and other members of the Madison County Cattlemen’s Association began raising money as soon as they could after the storm. Instead of sending money to the ranchers in South Dakota, the Iowa group decided to raise money to purchase yearling heifers to send to the ranchers. Once the animals were to be delivered, Lyons said the new owners could decide what to do with them. “We started by going to our county Farm Bureau and telling them about the devastation. They gave a donation and the donations just continued to come in,” said Lyons. At the Association’s annual meeting, when they normally had entertainment, instead they had a presentation about what the South Dakota ranchers went through during the winter storm. “During the trophy auction we have each year to sell sponsorships for the county fair trophies, we decided to sell one with the proceeds going toward the South Dakota heifer fund,” said Madison County cattleman Dan Hanrahan. “By the time it was sold and redonated several times, we had raised $5,200 for the heifer fund.” In total, the group raised $26,000, which was used toward the purchase of 18 heifers from one producer. One other producer also donated a heifer, for a total of 19 heifers to be sent to western South Dakota ranchers. “We gathered the heifers and fed them as a group to prepare them for the ride to South Dakota. Besides the monetary donations, a local veterinarian donated all the health exams and vaccinations needed for the transport, and a truck driver donated his services to get the heifers to South Dakota,” said Lyons. Lyons said he thinks it was easier to raise money this way because those making the donations knew it would benefit certain people and families instead of the money just going into a big Nineteen heifers are gathered in pot to be distribMadison County, Iowa prior to their delivery to uted. South Dakota.(Journal photo by Jennifer Carrico.)


Livestock Plus Inc.

Sire: WS Step Up Dam: SAC Mr. MT

SIRES: HOC Broker, Final Cut, WS A Step Up, American Pride, Ebony’s Grandmaster, LMF Movin’ Forward, Juncks Automation

Delivery When the time came, early in the spring, Lyons traveled with the heifers to help with distribution when they arrived in western South Dakota. “Ron was here and spent time with each of the cattle producers who received heifers,” said Ireland. “We started with Tate Dewey, a 14-year-old who was starting his own herd and lost his only two cows in the storm.” Dewey was allowed to come into the pen of heifers and take his pick out of the group of 19. “My cows both died in the storm, but luckily both their calves survived,” said Dewey. “When Bud called and said there were heifers coming from Iowa and they wanted me to have first pick, I felt honored since so many other ranchers had lost way more than I had.” Ireland said it was important to him that this group of heifers benefit producers of all ages. Dewey was just starting out and had lost part of his herd, but other ranchers in the area were older and were in just as much need of replacements. After the young cattleman selected his heifers, Ireland and Lyons gate cut the rest, for four other ranchers to receive heifers to aid in their recovery. Ireland said it’s hard to express the amount of gratitude he and the other recipients felt from this act of kindness. They all have artificially inseminated the heifers to calve next spring. Many of the producers have also found a way to purchase other heifers and cows to replace some of those that were lost in the storm. Even with all the loss that Ireland and other cattlemen in South Dakota suffered because of the storm, they continue to be resilient and look for a bright spot in their operations. “The storm brought us a lot of moisture, which we needed because we had been suffering from drought conditions for a few years,” said Ireland. “This year we have had a great hay crop, maybe even the best in my lifetime. This year should be good, but I’m concerned about the years to come.” Ireland said A couple of the heifers from Madison County are ranchers should now on the Bud Ireland ranch near Rapid City, have a good year, but he is concerned South Dakota.(Journal photo by Jennifer Carrico.) about future years. “We have hay now and are trying to rebuild our herds. Things are looking up. Let’s hope that the weather will cooperate and we don’t have to see our animals suffer again,” said Ireland. “We are very thankful for all who have helped us.” n

January 2015


LOCATION LOCATION 29212 29212Saxon SaxonRd., Rd.,Toulon, Toulon,ILIL61483 61483 1 .m. .cst cst

CConongrgaratutulalatiotinonsmsmilyil!y! PaPttaottnonFaFa

2014 2014ROV ROVGrand GrandChampion ChampionAngus AngusBull Bull HeHesold soldininour our2013 2013EXEXSale Sale 2014 2014Grand GrandChampion ChampionAngus AngusBull BullIndiana IndianaState StateFair FairOpen OpenShow Show

Lut Lutx Hca x Hca BarBara BarBara5822 5822

angus angusBuLL BuLL

Jim Jim309-854-3524 309-854-3524 ww ww ww 72


Chad Chad309-883-2348 309-883-2348

Bob Bob309-883-1223 309-883-1223

h h oo r r s s l l e e y y b b r r oo t t h h e e r r s s

Livestock Plus Inc.

January 2015


c c oo mm

Selling 55 angus, siMMentaL, cHiangus and Maintainer BuLLs and Bred Heifers

Journey x Lady KeLton 978

angus BuLL Lux daugHter Bred to caLve 2/27 to HB confidence tag: 359

i-80 x Ms different 208u


i-80 daugHter Bred to caLve 2/7 to Journey

uno Mas x Ms Patty 088

tag: 3-53

1/2 BLood siMMentaL

Lut daugHter Bred to caLve 2/27 to HB confidence tag: 304

Lut x HB BLacK Jestress 021

angus BuLL




Cattleman’s Connection “Good Enough” by Kevin Sothman

Last month, I talked about being at the National Angus Association Convention and the overall theme was “Going Forward.” Several of the speakers discussed an area where there’s always room for improvement - Efficiency. There are several traits one could look at to increase efficiency. The secret is to know, “when is good - good enough?” I grew up in an era when bigger was better. No matter what trait it was, more was better. More frame, more weaning weight, more yearling weight, more rib eye area, higher rate of gain, and so on. I believe this led us down several wrong paths and we need to “STOP IT.” We need to start asking, “What do consumers want, and what is optimum?” I’ve asked several producers - purebred and commercial, “When it comes to weaning and yearling weights, how big is big enough?” “How high do weaning and yearling EPD’s need to go?” In every case, I’ve not been given an answer. Most respond they’ve

never thought about it. There IS a limit! We at Rayl Genetics are working on two specific areas. One is feed efficiency and the other is individual cow production. Over the last four years, we’ve tested the yearling bulls for individual feed intake. The data, as always, has been educational to say the least. The top gaining bulls are not the most efficient, they’re just the biggest eaters! From one breed on the same ration, we found the range in efficiency from the most efficient bull to the least efficient has taken four times as much feed to produce the same gain. This is a huge difference in feed resources required to produce the same amount of retail product! The same difference exists in cow herds. With the introduction of EPD’s, the cattle industry has been able to increase the pounds produced per cow. The problem is we haven’t lowered the cost per pound produced! Once again, we’ve gone to the extreme without improving true efficiency. Instead, we need to track annual maintenance cost per cow in relationship to the pounds produced. In both cases we don’t need to identify the one animal at the top. We should identify the animals at the bottom and eliminate them! If you have questions, our family email address is Or give me a call 402-658-4877. n

AL CONOVER ~ Auctioneer ~

641-227-3537 “Building a Reputation 1 Sale at a Time”

Monte W. Lowderman

Macomb, IL 61455

Off: (309) 833-5543 H: (309) 836-SELL(7355)


Choice Dates Available For Sales!

Dustin Carter H Auctioneer H

712-898-9972 4424 E. Main St. • Vermillion, SD 57069

H 74

Livestock Plus Inc.

January 2015


Martin Martin Livestock’s Livestock’s


Paris, Illinois 110 HEAD - SELLING

TheJimmy&MandyMartinFamily POBox164-Bargersvile,IN46106 317/431-0618 CB oland:217/808-0683 | BugarLehnert:931/2 4-3565 | w

SimAngus & MaineTainer Bulls HEAD 110Heifers - 15SELLING 85 Heavy-Bred

& MaineTainer 15 SimAngus Cows Bulls 10 Heavy-Bred & Frozen Sexed Pregnancies HeifersEmbryos 85 Heavy-Bred 10 Heavy-Bred Cows The very best of our 2014 bulls crop in the & Frozen Pregnancies Sexed SimAngus and MaineTainer divisionsEmbryos - Some really stout ET bulls will sell! Also a fantastic of Feb-April Thefeaturing very best of our 2014lineup bulls crop in the calving bred with heavy AI service SimAngus and heifers MaineTainer divisions - Some and several selling. really stout ETbreeds bulls will sell! This is a really deep offering!

Also featuring a fantastic lineup of Feb-April calving bred heifers with heavy AI service and several breeds selling. This is a really deep offering!

On Display Now Stop In or Call for Details

Watch for catalog and videos of every animal at!

On Display Now Stop In or Call for Details

Watch for catalog and videos of every animal at!

Plan to Join Us for a Great Night in Paris!

Plan to Join Us for a Great Night in Paris!

The Jimmy & Mandy Martin Family PO Box 164 - Bargersville, IN 46106 317/431-0618 CB Boland: 217/808-0683 | Bugar Lehnert: 931/224-3565 |


Livestock Plus Inc.

TorequestacatalogorDVDofthesaleof ering contact heauctionmanagerat419.862.01 7 orvis

The Jimmy & Mandy Martin Family

January 2015 PO Box 164 - Bargersville, IN 46106

To request a catalog or DVD of the sale offering contact the auction manager at 419.862.0117 or visit

To request a catalog or DVD of the sale offering contact the auction manager at 419.862.0117 or visit

.! .S U e th in s d e r B The Best 15 Lineup! Stop In Now to View Our 20

Lot 22: Thanks to Mitch Feree, IN

Lot 44: Thanks to Richard Jenkins, VA

Lot 54: Thanks to Unger Farms & Show Cattle, IN

Lot 57: Thanks to Patti Barnett, TX

Lot 59: Thanks to Derek McFarland, IL

Lot 69: Thanks to Bellar Cattle, NE

Lot 9B: Thanks to Myers Triangle Farms, IN

Thanks to Gateway Genetics, NE 2014 American Royal Reserve Grand Champion Bull

THANKS TO THESE 2014 BUYERS & ALL THAT SUPPORTED OUR 1ST SALE SPECIAL THANKS TO THESE VOLUME BUYERS: Derek McFarland - Princeville, Illinois Don Johnston - Renick, West Virginia

join us for Make plans to da great cattle an ing! fun-filled even



Saturday January 31, 2015 New Sharon, Iowa

Farm location: 3 mi. south and 2 1/2 mi. east of New Sharon

65 Angus Bulls Sired by: Harvestor, Upward, Iron Mountain 1860, and others. Big stout bulls with heavy 205 day weights • 30 Bulls over 750 lbs. • 16 Bulls over 800 lbs. • 4 Bulls over 850 lbs. 1607 Niland Ave. •  New Sharon, IA 50207 Call for a flyer with Wts & EPDs:

Joe Ferguson 641-637-4071 H • 641-660-4244 C

Tom Ferguson 641-637-2725 H • 641-660-5033 C

Visitors are always welcome!


Livestock Plus Inc.

January 2015

Bulls are sold on a first come, first serve basis. Come have dinner with us!

At the Ranch • 42 miles southwest of Scottsbluff, NE • Lunch at 11:30 a.m.

Ranch is located 1 mile west of LaGrange, WY

FEATURING 132 YEARLING ANGUS BULLS 100 SHORT GESTATION CALVING EASE BULLS 32 MATERNAL GROWTH BULLS • Volume Source of Heifer Bulls • All Bulls Born Unassisted • Wintering & Delivery Available

Current EPDs

CED BW WW YW Milk Scrotal YW Milk Scrotal Reg. # 15848590 +10 +.8 +67 +133 +25 +1.79 Current EPDs RE $W $F $G $B Marb RE CW $W $F Marb $B CED BW WW YW Milk Scrotal +1.30 +.48 +56 +50.05 +103.37 +131.74 Home raised and leased to New Zealand & Australia YES! GPS is home raised and produces prime carcasses. For the last 4 years we have GPS. Marb RE $W been eating $F free martin $G heifers by$B Great tasting and tender! Just ask anyone fortunate enough to eat a GPS steak, roast or hamburger.


The GPS sons are sound and athletic. Short gestations make his sons great calving ease bulls to work on heifers one or two years, yet large enough to put on cows 3rd year and later. The GPS daughters are great footed, sound, deep sided and easy fleshing females. They make great producers.

Reserve Champion Angus Female Wyoming State Fair

Sire: Connealy Consensus 7229

Selling Compare our KCH Bulls to the National Angus Average 16 Half


Compare our KCH Bulls to the National Angus Average CED Birth BW EPD Wt BW EPD Act BW












1.7 730 58 0.53 0.017 40.50 56.32 36.13 105.34 75 77 +1.6 764 +55103 +100 24 +24 38 0.69 I+31 I+.67 I+.47 $45.86 $83.91 KCHKCH AvgAvg. 6 Ken & Heather National Avg. 5 78 1.8 653 49 86 23 Haas 30 0.49 0.45 0.011 36.35 35.09 29.87 84.61 National Avg 78 +1.8 656 +47 +83 +24 +25 +.46 +.42 $28.30 $69.56

Phone 307-834-2356 Wyoming 82221 4766 State Hwy 151 · LaGrange, Ken Haas 33rd Angus Sale Ken & Bull Heather Haas ADDITIONAL TOP ANGUS SIRES: January 28, Phone 2014 307-834-2356Connealy Consensus 7229 • Soo Line Motive 9016 Connealy Impression • Connealy In Focus 4925 1 Mile 4766 West State LaGrange, Wyoming · LaGrange, Wyoming Hwy 151 B/R 82221 New Day 454 • SydGen Copyright 9080 Phone 307-834-2356



auer Dependable Genetics

Are you looking for a source for moderately framed, easy fleshing breeding stock? JDG can help you build a base of structurally correct, maternally efficient cows that will produce consistent, balance traited offspring that will perform in the show ring then thrive out in the real world.

38th Annual Angus Bull & Female Sale Jan. 31, 2015 1:00 p.m. At the Ranch Hinton, Iowa

Featuring:    

Spring Bred Cows Fall Bred Pairs Comm. Bred Heifers Coming 2 Yr. Old Bulls

Roger • (712) 947-4357 Kurt • (712) 947-4338 Doug •  

Sharing the Passion in D Come see us

enver at the


RUFF NECK shown with optional FINAL DRIVE package, aluminum wheels, plexiglas and spare.

We understand the passion show families pass on from generation to generation. For 75 years, we have shared that same passion through our commitment in providing lightweight aluminum trailers and truck bodies with stylish design, strong construction and solid resale value. Blue Ball, PA: 800-292-4752 West Jefferson, OH: 800-752-0507 Logansport, IN: 888-758-3011 Story City, IA: 866-894-3297 Sioux Falls, SD: 877-667-0293



Livestock Plus Inc.

January 2015

Call Eby today for more information or to find a dealer near you.

en e r c S Big ction Au

Sunday, February 8, 2015 Tecumseh, NE at the HCC Sale Center

Located from the Junction of Hwy 136 & 50, in Tecumseh

12:00 noon lunch - 2:00pm Auction Sale

go North 3 miles on HWY

Offering 40 bulls including... 19 PB • 18 3/4 • 3 1/2 All polled • 39 blacks & 1 red

and 1/4 North at the sign.

50, 2 miles west on Hwy 41

Featuring... Featuring... Herdsires for Purebred and Commercial Breeders Selling the best purebred and 3/4’s right off the top of the HCC 2014 calf crop. Unequalled in quality, pedigree, and performance and we’ll include a few exceptional individuals from fellow breeders. DRIVER ONE OF THE BREED’S GREATEST BROOD COW SIRES. 17 BULLS IN THIS OFFERING ARE OUT OF DRIVER’S DAUGHTERS


Bulls are available for inspection anytime. Please call ahead. Watch for our bulls in the yards at Denver!

View our Catalog Online at Printed copies will be mailed on request

Auctioneer: Steve Dorran


HARTMAN C AT T L E C O M PA N Y MIKE, KAY, DALTON & JILL HARTMAN 61878 732 Rd F Tecumseh, NE 68450 402/335-2577 F 402/335-3177 Visit us at

Mike (cell) 402-440-6825 Dalton (cell) 402-440-6469


P.O. Box 368 • HAMILTON, MO 64644 BUD SLOAN • (816) 583-2104 (816) 803-9725 Cell



Livestock Plus Inc.

January 2015

- midwest sheep producers 2 3

1 4 7



Call Brian Mericle at 660-342-4675 to get your name added to the Midwest Sheep Producer’s Page!









ONE Light Birth Weights: 90 per cent of our bulls are suitable for heifers. TWO Rapid Growth: The heaviest yearling bull ever raised here was 1661 pounds. The heaviest yearling bull ever used here was GC Weightlifter 823, who still holds the test station record at 1710 pounds from 20 years ago! THREE High Quality Carcasses: Customer had 38 of 41 fed cattle make CAB. Many customers regularly sell over 70% CAB finished cattle. We have used the high accuracy Stouffer Ultrasound System for 25 years. FOUR Feed Efficiency: Three bull crops averaged 4.25 pounds of feed per pound of gain (over 150 bulls). The two top bulls only needed 2.64 and 2.76 pounds of feed per pound of gain.

FIVE Convenience Traits: GOOD STRUCTURE VERY DOCILE FLESHING ABILITY GOOD FEET & LEGS CLEAN SHEATHS LONGEVITY DAUGHTERS WITH GOOD UDDERS AND “JUST RIGHT” MILKING ABILITY SIX Show Ring Confirmation: The last bull shown was 2nd in class to the Grand Champion in Denver. The next to last heifer shown was 2nd in class to a $80,000 heifer in Denver The very last heifer ever shown won many Iowa Summer shows. She would have won more, but she was 10 years ahead of her time. The dam of Black Canyon. Dear Progressive Cattlemen: For the past 66 years I have been breeding Registered Angus Cattle for the producer who wants to make a profit in this business. For the past 39 years, we have been recording birth, weaning, and yearling weights. For the past 25 years, we have been taking ultrasound measurements, and for the past 4 years, we have been recording feed efficiency data on an official test. We have now tested over 200 bulls. The bulls, RAF KCC Over Achiever 106 (only 2.76# of feed needed per # of gain) and CSG Contact 2E (only 2.64# of feed needed per # of gain) are herd sires here, who have come out of these tests. ~ Evan Rayl


Livestock Plus Inc.

January 2015

Some of the Sires of Bulls Selling: RAF KCC Over Achiever 106 • RAF Black Canyon 713 • RAF American Gladiator 021 SydGen Mandate 6079 • S A V Bismarck 5682

2.76 pounds of feed per pound of gain!

Selling Sons, Flush Brothers, and Half Brothers

Ideal for Heifer Projects. When he is used in mass breeding situations, all calves are born before due date!


Quality Service for Superior Genetics. BOVINE EMBRYO TRANSFER SERVICES

Superovulation and collection • Embryo freezing • Embryo transfers • Donor boarding

Vince Collison, DVM • Jane Collison, DVM • Tim Collison, DVM

(712) 464-7407

"Greetings" continued from pg 4

a box of CD’s. These CD’s are his piano arrangements that he has recorded. He offered Bubba his choice and I quickly grabbed a Christmas CD and Bubba quickly grabbed an America, My Country, My Home CD. I put them both in my CD player and we listened to the soothing yet refreshing CD’s all the way home. This country rough neck has listened to them twenty times. Glenn Henriksen you have amazed me with your cooking skills and your piano skills. I’m thinking I will be back for dinner when Bubba paints the Emmet County Rock. If you’re interested in what fascinates me, go to On this same trip, Lisa Hansen, and her husband were waiting


Livestock Plus Inc.

1010 N. Hancock Street Lake City, IA 51449

for us to get to Estherville so that they could feed us some awesome beef stew. Thanks goes out to them as well. We had a great time, and the beef stew was awesome. I look forward to seeing you all again in a lot warmer weather. For those of you that don’t know, I’m getting a new son-in-law, Matt Rohrig. He is a local pig jock, and a darn good one at that. We are very excited for Matt to join our family. I’m very excited to go to a few pig shows to see my grandkids show and yes you read that correct, ol’ Mike is just glad they are in the livestock industry. Congrats Heidi, Matt, Tucker, and Taylor!!! Some or maybe many of you have heard that my dad had a brain bleed or a stroke. He had surgery and is recovering slowly. The doctors say he is doing fine and all functions are normal. Thank you all for the prayers, well wishes, and visits. We really appreciate all of you. Get ready folks! National Western Stock Show, Iowa Winter Beef Expo, Nebraska Cattlemen Classic, and a whole host of great production sales are just around the corner. If any of our staff can assist you at any of these events just let us know. As always, lets keep our service folks and their families in our thoughts and prayers for the New Year. God Bless,

January 2015


B&B Equipment:Layout 1 7/12/12 1:36 PM Page 1

44 Point After



BULLS FOR S at the ALE farm!!

OUR SERVICES: Donor Flushing Embryo Placement Embryo Freezing Fetal Aging Preg Checking Carcass Ultrasound A.I. Freeze Branding Donor/Recipient Housing B&B Equipment:Layout 1 9/19/12 10:28 AM Page 1

George (641) 236-3833 Randy (641) 990-9911

Weslynn_Layout 1 9/17/13 6:24 PM Page 343 - 1 310th Ave. • Gilman, IA 50106


• Open Angus Heifers • Select group of cow/calf pairs • Angus Bulls - performance tested & ready to go! FYI

2 Brief Schools Covering Current Beef Issues by Evan Rayl

The Driftless Region Beef Conference Thur - Fri, January 22-23, 2015 at Dubuque, Iowa Jude Capper has the keynote presentation discussing the Environmental Footprint of Beef Production and Sustainability: What is it and what it means for beef producers and where to from here. There are sixteen more subjects covered. This School starts at 12:30 pm on Thursday and ends at 12:00 pm on Firday. Location is the Grand Harbor Resort and Conference Center located in the Port of Dubuque downtown area just off Highways 151 and 61. Detailed

Walridge Cattle, Inc. Williamsburg, IA 52361 • Erle 319-668-2082 • Office 319-668-2026 • Mobile 319-430-0820 directions and map is at Registration is $85 before Jan 16th and Room in the Grand Harbor Resort is $79 before Jan 5th Bring your wife and family, if you have one or both. The waterpark is great! The Cornbelt Cow-Calf Conference Sat, January 31, 2015 at Ottumwa,Iowa Congressman Frank Lucas, Chair of House Ag Committee has the keynote presentation. He is the author of the most recent farm bill and will talk about parts of the bill pertaining to cattle. There are ten other speakers on the program discussing genetic selection for a more efficient beef cows, what packers want from cow-calf producers, a new corn vs cows decision tool, and fescue management, for example. The program starts at 9:10 am and ends at 3:50 p m. Entry and proceedings are free. Don’t know about lunch. This conference has been held each year for over 40 years with emphasis on current subjects. n


Land & Cattle Auction Co. Mike Williams 18130 Brush Creek Rd. • Higginsville, MO 64037

ph: 660-584-5210 cell: 816-797-5450 6020 Dresden / Adamsville Rd. Adamsville, OH 43802 Livestock Plus Inc.


Owner - Auctioneer



January 2015




SELLING 120 HEAD OF WENT GENETICS Sunday, February 8th 1:30 p.m. DUNLAP, IOWA

SELLING: 80 SPRING BRED HEIFERS & 40 AI BRED COWS & DONOR DAMS AI Sires Include - Heat Wave, Walk This Way, American Idol, Man Among Boys, I-80,Gold Standard, Dakota Gold, Hobart & More!

Powerful Donor


Sold to STEVE DETRICK Ames, OK Alias Granddaughter

Sold to DUELLO CATTLE CO Pine Bluffs, WY Yellow Jacket x Sim-Maine

The Went Black’s program is one of the most respected in the country and one that has generated many top sellers and major champions. Join us in Dunlap, Iowa for this one of a kind event, featuring the best from this program. A powerful set of composites including many Charolais, Maine and Simmental influenced cattle will be included. Many maternal genetics will sell that include a great set of Angus bred heifers. Talk to our customers! These cattle will raise the big time prospects and high sellers. Went is known for the stout, powerful females that get it done! Be with us on February 8th.

Sold to BRIAN MARTIN Hereford, TX Amen x Double Stuff

SALE CATALOG REQUEST Catalogs & Videos Available Jan 10th - Request One Today!

Sold to DUELLO CATTLE CO Pine Bluffs, WY Irish Whiskey Granddaughter

Ryan, Jan and Judd - 16746 385th St Creston, NE 68631 (402) 920-1497 Ryan’s cell (402) 276-7431 Judd’s Cell Sale Management: Christy Collins (516) 366-0734 Auctioneer: Steve Bonham




Livestock Plus Inc.

January 2015



Livestock Plus Inc.

January 2015


January ND January 31, 31, 2014 2015 ~ 2014 ~ Kintyre, Kintyre, ND Selling Selling 70 70 A.I. A.I. Sired Sired Bulls Bulls

Tag 732

Reg. Reg. No. No. 17972073 17972073 17972101 17972101 17963436 17963436

Tag Tag

Sires Sires Include: Include: EXAR Denver EXAR Denver Mohen South South Dakota Dakota Mohen SAV Harvester Harvester SAV RB Active Active Duty Duty RB Connealy Earnan Earnan Connealy Sire Sire

192 192 539 539 792 792

Denver Denver South Dakota South Dakota Active Active Duty Duty

Tag 539

BW BW WW WW B. B. WW WW YW YW Milk Milk Proj. Proj. 365 365 76 76 78 78 78 78

840 840 894 894 892 892

Get bull buying buying dollar!! dollar!! Get more more for for your your bull Check Check out out our our website website for for a a full full list of our bulls at: list of our bulls at:

1.6 1.6 1.4 1.4 1.3 1.3

70 70 73 73 77 77

119 119 121 121 132 132

25 25 24 24 32 32

1480 1480 1505 1505 1510 1510

Thompson Thompson Angus Angus Berent (Pete) Berent (Pete) Thompson Thompson th

5323 SE ~ Kintyre, ND ND 58549 58549 5323 26 26th Ave. Ave. SE ~ Kintyre, H H (701)475-2203 (701)475-2203 or or C C (701)391-1838 (701)391-1838

Double J Farms Simmental Cattle 70 Bulls for Sale by Private Treaty SATURDAY, JAN. 31, 2015 with bidding closing @ noon

Complete information, pictures & videos will be available at

Semen Available


DJF Red Siouxland Z232

Shear Force X Bismarck

Shear Force X Mo Better

Axis X Superior


High Selling Bull of 2014 Sale

ASA# 2763485 Homo Black and Polled

Purchased by Desert Mountain Ranch

Black and Red Simmental, SimAngus & Angus

Semen Available

DJF Fortified A357

Purchased by C Diamond Simmentals and semen through Allied Genetic Resources


Purchased by Kyle Gilchrist, 3J Farms, and Rogers Ranch

AI Sired by: Tanker, Cowboy Cut, Broker, Crimson Tide, Allegiance, Dew It Right, Dream On, Redestined, Entrepreneur, Range Boss, Tuition, Premium Beef, Brilliance, Final Product

KIPP JULSON • 48672 252nd St. • Garretson, SD 57030 • Cell (605) 351-9088 email: website: TO BE ADDED TO MAILING LIST...CALL, TEXT OR EMAIL ESTABLISHED IN 1974


Livestock Plus Inc.

January 2015

Guest Breeder State Line Simmental 402-239-0843

Purebred SM

Purebred SM SimAngus™

LHT Mr Voltage 02B

LHT Mr Top Grade 17B

SS/PRS High Voltage x SVF/NJC Built Right BW: 1.1 WW 70 YW 100 API 131

MCM Top Grade 018X x HC Hummer 12M BW: 1.1 WW 70 YW 118 API 146

Purebred SM

LHT Mr Upgrade 126B

Mr NLC Upgrade U8676 x GAR Predestined BW: 0.7 WW 72 YW 127 API 150

3/4 SM Red Angus SimAngus™

LHT Mr Voltage 03B

LHT Mr Beef King 53B

SS/PRS High Voltage x SVF/NJC Built Right BW: 1.1 WW 70 YW 100 API 131

WS Beef King W107 x BFCK Cherokee Cynn 492 BW: 1.6 WW 83 YW 119 API 134

3/4 SM Red Angus

LHT Mr Upgrade 20B

Mr NLC Upgrade x JSAR Mr Rodman 39HKR BW: 0.7 WW 87 YW 145 API 140

3/4 SM Red Angus

Give us a call! Loren 402-645-8306 or 402-230-0812 Scott 402-239-1272 515 E Pine Road, Wymore, NE 68466

LHT Mr Beef King 100B

LHT Mr Herbie 115B

LHT Mr Herbie 632 x HXC Conquest 4405P BW: -0.3 WW 57 YW 83 API 118

WS Beef King W107 x Red Fine Line Mulberry 26P BW: 0.2 WW 80 YW 113 API 136

Sale Managers: EbErSpachEr Ent.

Office 507-532-6694 • Val 612-805-7405 Kelly Schmidt 406-599-2395 Full offering online at


U pcoming Sales & Events JANUARY

February 6 McConnell Angus Bull Sale - Dix, NE January 3 - Willie Morris Cattle Royal Edge Sale - Ames, IA Martin Livestock Dual Threat Sale - Paris, IL January 10 February 7 10th -25th National Western Stock Show - Denver, CO Bartos / Frederick Angus Production Sale - Verdigre, NE Natl. Red Angus Assn. Jr. Show @ NWSS - Denver, CO Horsley Brothers Eastern Xposure Sale - Toulon, IL Reds on the Rocks Red Angus Sale - Denver, CO IA Maine Anjous Assn. Bnaquet @ IBE - Des Moines, IA January 11 - Mile High Classic Red Angus Sale & Pen Show @ Juncks Simmental Private Treaty Sale - Sioux City, IA NWSS - Denver, CO Loonan Stock Farm Private Treaty Auction - Corning, IA January 12 Ohlrich/Felt Annual Bull Sale - Norfolk, NE Natl. Red Angus Assn. Open Show @ NWSS - Denver, CO Springer Simmental Value Based Genetics Sale - Decorah, IA NWSS Angus Foundation Female Sale - Denver, CO Upstream Ranch Annual Production Sale - Taylor, NE January 16 - NWSS Angus Foundation Female Sale - Denver, CO February 8 Hartman Cattle Co. Simmental Bull Sale - Tecumseh, NE January 17 8th - 15th IA Beef Expo - Des Moines, IA AMAA Bright Lights Sale @ NWSS - Denver, CO IA Charolais Assn. Show @ IBE - Des Moines, IA Western Elite Female Sale @ NWSS - Denver, CO IA Maine Anjous Assn. Sale @ IBE - Des Moines, IA January 18 - NWSS Pen of Prospect Calves Show - Denver, CO MHBA Mini Hereford Sale @ IBE - Des Moines, IA January 19 Went Blacks Annual Production Sale - Dunlap, IA National Salers Sale @ NWSS - Denver, CO February 9 NWSS Pen of Prospect Calves Sale - Denver, CO IA Charolais Assn. Sale @ IBE - Des Moines, IA January 21 IA Simmental Assn. Mark of Genetic Excellence Sale @ IBE NWSS Commercial Female Show & Sale - Denver, CO Des Moines, IA January 22 Fawcett’s Elm Creek Ranch Annual Production Sale National Lowline Sale @ NWSS - Denver, CO Ree Heights, SD NWSS Stock Dog Show & Sale - Denver, CO Nagel Cattle Co. 21st Annual Maine-Anjou Bull Sale January 23 - Mill Bar Angus Production Sale - McCook, NE Springfield, SD January 24 - Rayl Angus Farms Open House - Bridgewater, IA February 10 Bushy Park Farm Online Maine Sale - January 25 IA Angus Assn. Annual Meeting @ IBE - Des Moines, IA Hoier Show Cattle Open House - Herman, NE Triangle J Ranch Bull Sale - Miller, NE Werning Cattle Co. Production Sale - Emery, SD January 26 February 11 Delaney/Atkins Hereford Bull Sale - Lake Benton, MN IA Angus Assn. Show & Banquet @ IBE - Des Moines, IA Hoier Cattle Online Bred Heifer Sale - February 12 Martin Ranch 27th Annual Bull Sale - Ogallala, NE 4th Meridian Farm Online Bull & Bred Sale January 27 Bushy Park Farm Online Simmental Sale - Ken Haas Angus bull Sale - LaGrange, WY IA Angus Assn. Sale @ IBE - Des Moines, IA January 30 February 13 Kelly Cattle Co. Elite Female Sale - Dallas Center, IA Mohnen Angus Annual Bull Sale - White Lake, SD January 31 February 14 Baldridge Brothers Bull Sale - North Platte, NE Berger’s Herdmaster Bull Sale - North Platte, NE Double J Farms Private Treaty Sale - Garretson, SD Ferguson Angus Private Treaty/Open House - New Sharon, IA Bussmus Angus Sale - Mitchell, SD Grass-Lunning Simmentals Bulls-Eye Bonanza - LeRoy, MN Forster Farms 36th Annual Simmental Sale - Smithfield, NE 14th - 22nd NE Cattlemans Classic - Kearney, NE Jauer Dependable Genetics Angus Bull & Female Sale Hinton, IA February 17 J & C Simmentals Annual Bull Sale - West Point, NE Bushy Park Farm Online Hereford Sale - Nichols Farms Private Treaty Bull Sale - Bridgewater, IA Doug Booth Family Angus Annual Bull Sale - Torrington, WY Pryor Show Cattle Sale - Dunlap, IA February 18 Thompson Angus Bull Sale - Kintyre, ND Ostrand Angus 14th Annual Production Sale - Sargent, NE February 19 Bushy Park Farm Online Club Calf Sale - February 1 Krebs Ranch Bull Sale - Gordon, NE Burke Show Cattle Female Production Sale - Genoa, NE February 20 - Hoffman Ranch Bull Sale - Thedford, NE Holmes Show Cattle Private Treaty Phone Bid Sale February 21 Overmiller Red Angus & Gelbvieh Production Sale Trauernicht Simmental Production Sale - Beatrice, NE Smith Center, KS February 2 February 23 Cardinal Cattle Co. Online Bull Sale - Reyes/Russell 24th Annual Bull Sale - Wheatland, WY Pruess / Thernes Cattle Co. Online Bull & Open Heifer Sale February 24 Haynes Cattle Co. Angus Bull Sale - Ogallala, NE Taubenheim Gelbvieh Production Sale - Amherst, NE Plum Creek Angus Inaugural Bull Sale - February 3 - Hoover Angus Farm Production Sale - Creston, IA February 25 February 5 TC Ranch 41st Annual Angus Production Sale - Franklin, NE Ridder Hereford Ranch Bull & Heifer Sale - Callaway, NE


"Greetings" continued on pg 98


Livestock Plus Inc.

January 2015

31164 E.R.S. Rd. - Springfield, SD - Blane - c: (605) 464-1187 h: (605) 369-2628 - Landon - c: (605) 464-1197 e-mail: •

21st Annual Performance Plus 21st Annual Performance Maine-Anjou Bull Sale Plus Maine-Anjou Bull Sale

Sale Date New Monday, February 9, 2015 - 7N Arena, Springfield, SD - 1 p.m. Selling 80 Head January - March Yearling Bulls

nuary Check out our website mid Ja for sale information!

- 40 - High % Maine Bulls - 35 - Maine & Angus Sired MaineTainers - 5 - Sim/Maine/Angus Bulls - 4 - 18 month fall born Maine & MaineTainers

All bulls penned inside 7N Arena sale day - Bulls will be sold by video

NAGE Ante Up 36B 447491 − 3/4 Maine

NAGE Ante UP 70Z X NAGE Ms Bouncer 382W CE BW WW YW MCE M M&G 10.3 1.2 39.6 87.1 3.25 22 41.9

NAGE Doppler 74B 447522 − 3/4 Maine

NAGE Doppler 74B X SMM Miss Star 8427U CE BW WW YW MCE M M&G 8.05 1.3 40.5 77.3 5.2 18.7 40.1

NAGE Ante Up 52B 447503 − 3/4 Maine

NAGE Ante Up 70B 447517 − 3/4 Maine

NAGE Ante UP 70Z X NAGE Ms Right Track 322W NAGE Ante UP 70Z X NAGE Ms Legend 5T CE 6

BW WW YW MCE M M&G 4.2 49.1 96.6 3.2 23 47.6

NAGE Suh 71B 447170 − 1/2 Maine GVC Suh 01W X NAGE 47U CE 5.4

BW WW YW MCE M M&G 3.3 45.0 90.6 -3.25 23.4 46

CE 9.4

BW WW YW MCE M M&G 2.7 42.6 87.9 4.6 22.4 43.8

NAGE Ike 301A 442428 − 3/4 Maine

GVC Ike Y52 X NAGE Ms Wide Track 58M CE 6.7

BW WW YW MCE M M&G 2.9 51.6 95.6 2.8 23.5 49.4


Upcoming Sales & Events continued from pg 96 February 26 Bear Mountain Angus Bull & Female Sale - Palisade, NE DeJong Ranch Online Bull Sale - Mericle Show Lambs Online Sale - PCR Polled Herefords Online Sale

MARCH March Tree Lane Farms Online Steer Sale - March 1 Founding Fathers & Maternal Matrons Online Sale Prunty/Dyer Club Lambs Online Sale - March 2 - Vision Angus Annual Sale - North Platte, NE March 3 Anderson-Brix Show Lambs Online Sale Jindra Angus 15th Annual Production Sale - Creighton, NE March 5 - Boss Cattle Co. Bull Sale - Chappell, NE March 9 -Mericle Show Lambs Online Sale March 13 - Hueftle Cattle Co. Red Angus Bull Sale - Cozad, NE March 18 Anderson-Brix Show Lambs Online Sale - Prunty/Dyer Club Lambs Online Sale - March 19 - Benoit Angus Ranch Production Sale - Mankato, KS March 23 Anderson-Brix Show Lambs Online Sale - March 24 Habeger Show Stock Online Show Lamb Sale March 25 Premium Sourced Cattle Bull & Female Sale - Eckley, CO March 26 Musselman Show Lambs Online Sale - March 28 - Cannon-Deutsch Charolais Bull Sale - Newton, IA From the Tailgate, I hope everyone was able to be with all their family and friends over the holiday season and was able to enjoy that family time and friendship. Cara, Will, and I were very happy to have Kale home from college. Sometimes we don’t know how much our kids do for us and with us, so it was good to have him back for a short time. The new year brings a lot of things to do. Some prepare for Denver. Some of us are looking forward to the new calf crop and some have started already. To those who have, please be safe. Now, as the fall sale season is coming to a end, we are all enjoying cattle prices that make us ask “how far can this go?” I think, more importantly, we should be looking at how to improve the next calf crop. Now we are waiting to see if that AI bull we used or the herd bull we bought last year will give us that better set of calves or not. Then, we can work on the sires that need to be used for next year. This is why I like to go to Denver Stock Show. I like to analyze and critique what other breeders used in their programs and decide if it’s something I can use. I can learn from other’s choices. As always, it was good to see and talk to everyone in my travels this past month. If anyone at LPI can help you with the marketing or finding the one, just call. Thank you for your time! Bruce


Livestock Plus Inc.

January 2015

MATT LOWERY Professional Livestock Auctioneer

308-750-6119 Burwell,NE

Stock Options

Marketing and Merchandising Solutions

Sale Management • Consultation • Photography & Video Services Bred cows, Herd Sires, or show prospects.

I see thousands of cattle each season and bet I can help you find what you’re looking for.

Kevin Mears West Alexandria, Ohio 45381



INDEX OF ADVERTISERS Accelerated Genetics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 American Angus Assn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 American Maine-Anjou Assn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 American Royal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Baldridge Brothers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Bartos / Frederick Angus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Bear Mountain Angus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Benoit Angus Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Bergers Herdmasters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Blind Badger Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Boss Cattle Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Breeders World Online Sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Burke Show Cattle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Bushy Park Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Bussmus Cattle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Cannon-Deutsch Charolais . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 Cardinal Cattle Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106-107 Carter Angus Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-11 CJ Brown Studios . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 CNN Cattle Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 DeJong Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Delaney / Atkins Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 Double J Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 Doug Booth Family Angus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Eby Trailers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Fawcett’s Elm Creek Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Ferguson Angus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Forster Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Grass Lunning Simmentals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Hartman Cattle Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 Hawkeye Breeders Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 Haynes Cattle Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Herbster Angus Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-9 Hoffman Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Hoier Cattle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Holmes Show Cattle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 Hoop Beef Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Hoover Angus Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42-43 Horsley Brothers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72-73 Hueftle Cattle Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 IA Angus Assn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 IA Beef Expo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 IA Charolais Assn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 IA Maine-Anjou Assn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 IA Simmental Assn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Iowa Pig Producers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 J & C Simmentals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Jauer Dependable Genetics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Jindra Angus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

Juncks Simmental . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Kelly Cattle Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-91 Ken Haas Angus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 Krebs Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Long’s Simmentals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Loonan Stock Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Martin Livestock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76-77 Martin Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 McConnell Angus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Midwest Sheep Producers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Mikkey’s LC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Mill Bar Angus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Mini Hereford Breeders Assn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Mohnen Angus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 MSF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 Nagel Cattle Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 National Lowline Sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 National Red Angus Assn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 National Salers Assn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 NE Cattleman’s Classic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48-51 Nichols Cryo-Genetics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 Nichols Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Ohlrich / Felt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Ostrand Angus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Overmiller Red Angus & Gelbvieh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 PCR Polled Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Premium Sourced Cattle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Pruess / Thernes Cattle Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 Pryor Show Cattle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 Purina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 R & B Feeds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 Rayl Angus Farms, Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84-85 Reds on the Rocks Sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Reyes/Russell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Ridder Hereford Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Springer Simmentals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Taubenheim Gelbvieh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 TC Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Thompson Angus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 Trauernicht Simmentals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 Triangle J Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 UPCOMING SALES & EVENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96, 98 Upstream Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 Vision Angus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Volk Livestock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Went Blacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 Werning Cattle Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Western Elite Female Sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Yonkers, Samantha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61


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January 2015



Livestock Plus Inc.

January 2015



2015 31, 2015 JANUARY JANUARY31, CST p.m.CST 5:30p.m. evening- -5:30 Saturday Saturdayevening

Iowa Dunlap, Dunlap,Iowa

Heaven CalfHeaven ClubCalf US3030ininClub Along AlongUS

Selling Selling68 68P1 P1Females Femalesand and11Bull Bull

plus plusHigh-Potential High-PotentialEmbryo EmbryoFeatures Features A fantastic, A fantastic, well-bred well-bredlineup lineupfrom fromthe theheart heartofofour ourherd herd and andembryo embryoprogram program Also Also selling selling selected selectedsemen semenlots lotsfrom fromour ourherd herdbull bullbattery battery

Guaranteed Guaranteed Breeding Breeding Dates Dates & Genetic Genetic Testing Testing Information! Information!

Kadabra Kadabra x Angus x Angus Bred Bred to to Man Man Among Among Boys Boys

Polygraph PolygraphxxSim Sim xx Angus Angus Bred BredtotoMonopoly Monopoly

IrishWhiskey Whiskeyson sonxxAngus Angus Irish BredtotoMan ManAmong AmongBoys Boys Bred

Kadabra Kadabra son son x Angus x Angus Bred Bred to to Heat Heat Wave Wave

WhoDa DaMan Manxx George George Who BredtotoHawkeye Hawkeye Bred

Hollywood HollywoodxxNutt NuttNNButt ButtBusiness Business Bred BredtotoHawkeye Hawkeye

Stop Stopinintotosee seethe thecattle cattleor or request request aa catalog at 419.862.0117 419.862.0117 Preview Previewvideos videosafter afterJanuary January 20 20 at at

PPRRYY OO R Quality Quality & Opportunity & Opportunity Beyond Beyond Compare. Compare.


Adam, Adam, Melanie, Melanie, Wyatt, Layne, Layne, Brody, Brody, Jax, and Katy Woodbine, Woodbine, Iowa Iowa -- 712/647-8898

To Torequest requestyour yourFREE FREEcopy copyofofthe theauction auction catalog catalogcontact contactthe theauction auctionmanager manageratat 419.862.0117 419.862.0117ororvisit visit


I hope everyone is having a BLESSED New Year! I think we are ready for the New Year!!! It’s been a little crazed out at our house this past month; with our Denver issue of Livestock Plus, Christmas and our wedding!!! God willing, when you see me in 2015 I will be Mrs. Matthew Rohrig! Yep, that’s the first time I’ve written that on paper! So this last month, I corraled Dad and we “helped” Matt picture his bred females for his online sale in December. I never thought I would see Mike Sorensen picturing pigs and having fun with it! Matt was probably regretted the “help” he got stuck with, but Dad and I were entertained! Matt kept asking me why I was making “that noise” when I was on the pull pan. I answered, “Well, don’t we need to get ears?” While smirking Matt says, “Wrong species, hun.” Whatever. I kept with my job of the pull pan and a little later I reached over and rubbed my finger down the back of a bred gilt and again smirking, Matt says, “Heidi do you need a show stick?” Well, I was a little embarrassed because I thought it would work the same as using a stick on a calf to straighten their topline. My favorite quote of the day had to be Matt saying, “Well, I guess you can take the girl away from the cows, but ya can’t ever take the “cow” out of a cowgirl!” I think Dad is still trying to figure out which pictures HE took that Matt actually used!! I hope everyone takes the time to say “thank you” to our military past and present! Also, if you wouldn’t mind adding my Grandpa Sorensen and our family to that prayer list I would be grateful! November and December have definitely been a trial on our family but it makes me hold them all that much closer and feel grateful for all the little moments!!! My New Year’s Resolution: Always pray to have eyes that see the best in people, A heart that forgives the worst, A mind that forgets the bad, and a soul that never loses faith in God. Heidi Sorensen Rohrig 661.900.6004

l” rigina “the O 1984 since

ClearCreek2 BC:Layout 1 6/29/12 3:30 PM Page 1

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JUG livestock waterers:Layout 1 8/11/11 8:50 AM Page 1

Madelyn Thompson, (daughter of Tom and Laura Thompson) is sporting her LPI hat before the Elite 8 Open House


Livestock Plus Inc.

January 2015


75% Simmental CARD Uproar x 245X GCC Apple Blossom r) pe (by ZKCC Chop

Purebred Simmental Secret Weapon x Upgrade x Dream On x RF Black Jade

Chiangus CARD The Situation x Plainview Lutton E102 x Eagle Scout

MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2 Online auction hosted by To register and bid visit or text CARDINAL to 52182 Bidding Hotline: 1.866.419.6279

Selling 21 Exceptional Bulls ANGUS - CHIANGUS - SIMMENTAL - MAINETAINER 106

Livestock Plus Inc.

January 2015

Angus Emulation 7169 x HCA Crossroads

Angus - First N Goal x Plainview Lutton E102 x Estella 5818

75% Simmental - CARD Uproar x Apple Blossom 245X (ZKCC Chopper) Homozygous Black and Polled

75% Simmental Mr HOC Broker x 3C Macho

Angus First N Goal x Wagonhammer x G-13 Structure The maternal brother to HCA Remedy

MaineTainer Firewater 0854R x MA Movin’ On

Chiangus - Eagle Scout x El Patron A maternal brother to CARD The Situation

Angus - Plainview Lutton E102 x Bando 333

Angus Unbelievable x Pure Product x HCA Camilla 406

9736 MODENA ROAD WYOMING, ILLINOIS J. Riley, Owner Jeff Wisnefski, Manager (815)274-3860

Preview the bulls anytime and watch for videos and more photos at For more information contact the marketing agents at 419.862.0117

Come See Our Best Offering of Bulls in Years!


Presorted Standard U.S. Postage

8840 Deer Ridge Lane Bloomington, MN 55438

PAID Livestock Plus Inc.

UPS Domino 3025

BW 3.1 WW 65 YW 111 Milk 25 M&G 57 REA 0.46 MARB 0.18

ANNUAL Saturday • Feb. 7, 2015 PRODUCTION 12:30 p.m. CST • at the ranch SALE 300 Horned & Polled

Selling -

UPS Sensation 3082


Hereford Bulls 150 coming 2 year olds & 150 fall yearlings

Also - 50 heifers including BW .4 WW 50 YW 76 Milk 30 M&G 55 REA 0.27 MARB 0.2

UPS About Time 3269 ET

45 bred heifers & 5 heifer calves

UPS Sensation 3303 ET

BW 0.5 WW 49 YW 84 Milk 26 M&G 50 REA 0.32 MARB 0.31

BW 4.4 WW 56 YW 92 Milk 30 M&G 58 REA 0.7 MARB 0.09

Brent and Robin Meeks • 308-942-3195 cell: 308-214-0719 45060 Upstream Rd • Taylor, NE 68879

UPS Advance 3573 • • First breeding season guarantee. • Free delivery or $100/head trucking discount. • Fertility, performance, and carcass tested. BW 4.1 WW 66 YW 106 Milk 25 M&G 58 REA 0.34 MARB 0.05

• Range developed, sound and not overconditioned

Upstream Herefords...cattle bred and developed in the Nebraska Sandhills since 1955 for the commercial cattle industry. 108

Livestock Plus Inc.

January 2015

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