The 51st Annual THOMAS RANCH BULL SALE 4.11.2023

1:00 pm at the Thomas Ranch Sale Facility harrold, sd
125 Angus Bulls
57 Charolais Bulls

28 Simmental & SimAngus™ Bulls
31 Red Angus Bulls
85+ Angus, Charolais, Simmental, & SimAngus™ heifers!
Selling in catalog order!
Lot 4 | TR MR MILESTONE 2445 | Angus
Sire: SITZ MILESTONE | AAA: 20530483

Calving ease, carcass merit, and real world performance. A must see on sale day!
Lot 9 | TR BRIGADE 2037K | Angus

Sire: 44 BRIGADE | AAA: 20513568

Moderate birth with over 700 lbs. of payweight at the weaning pen - a high quality 44 Brigade son with breed leading eye appeal.

Graham Blagg: 530-913-6418

Jered Shipman: 806-983-7226

Tim Anderson: 605-682-9343

Lot 12 | TR PATRIARCH 2096K | Angus
Sire: TEHAMA PATRIARCH F028 | AAA: 20513588
This rugged Tehama Patriarch F028 son is CAB Targeting the Brand program quali ed!

Troy & VeaBea Thomas | Clint, Cally & Tee Kindred 18475 Capri Place - Harrold, SD 57536
Troy: 605-222-1258 | Cally: 605-222-1515
Ranch: (605) 973-2449 | info@thomasranchcattle.com Thomasranchcattle.com

Lot 26 | TR CASINO 2926K ET | Angus
Sire: KR CASINO 6243 | AAA: 20513857
A phenotype standout among this year’s o ering - a direct son is out of the proli c TR Ms Katinka 3208N!
Lot 27 | TR GOLDFINGER 2095K | Angus
Power, performance, and payweight - a trait leader for WW, YW, CW, $W, & $M!

Lot 28 | TR TASER 2154K | Angus

Sire: TR TASER 0091H | AAA: 20513613
The rst sons of TR Taser 0091H will sell - one of the most consistent sire groups that will sell!
Lot 8 | TR BAKER 2174K | Angus
Sire: TR BAKER | AAA: 20513623

The rst sons of the $60,000 TR Baker will be featured throughout our 2023 bull sale o ering!

Lot 38 | TR HOMETOWN 2128K | Angus

Sire: G A R HOME TOWN | AAA: 20513604
A carcass standout that ranks top 4% Marb; top 3% $G; top 10% $AxH; top 15% HP, $B, and $C; top 20% CED and CEM!
3/4 Simmental

Sire: ES RIGHT TIME FA110-4 | ASA: 4117649
30+ Simmental & SimAngus™ bulls that will add heterosis to your breeding program!

Lot 220 | TMAS KING COWBOY 2920K ET | Red Angus

Sire: 4MC KING OF THE COWBOYS 706 | RAAA: 4650513

A son of the $105,000 4MC King Of The Cowboys 706 that o ers a 724 lb. Adj WW!
Lot 223 | TMAS 1BBC MR CHIVAS 236 | Red Angus
Sire: ROJAS TR CHIVAS 17109 | RAAA: 4687525

The Rojas TR Chivas 17109 sons have proven their value in the bull battery for the region’s most particular cowmen!

Lot 225 | TMAS MULBERRY9918 206K | Red Angus

Sire: ERKS MULBERRY 9918 | RAAA: 4642365
Stout, powerful, and rugged Red Angus bulls supported by genetics that will propel your program forward!
Lot 130 | CAG TR MR DBLE VISION 2628K ET | Charolais
A herd sire prospect that is supported by the maternal prowess of the powerful BRCHE TR Dory 6501!
Lot 132 | TR BOY ABSOLUTE 223K PLD | Charolais

Sire: SHF ABSOLUTE 1508 | AICA: M980588

This SHF Absolute 1508 son is unrivaled in terms of power and performance - backed by the proli c TR Ms Danika 6718D ET!
Lot 147 | TR C&S MR OUTSIDER 231 | Charolais
Sire: M&M OUTSIDER 4003 PLD | AICA: M975689

This eye appealing son of M&M Outsider 4003 PLD posted a WWR @ 112!

Well back to yo-yo weather. One day cold snow and the next 50 degrees. Only thing I can say is every day that goes by is one day closer to spring.
What an evening I had! We had just finished a great sale at Kenny Angus in Odebolt, Iowa and headed to De Su Angus in Fremont, Iowa and landed in Altoona, Iowa. Well, when ol’ Mike gets close to Altoona, we head to one of my all-time favorites “The Big Steer.” As usual, we had to stall for a few minutes for adult beverages in the bar while waiting for our table. I’m sure that there has been lots of intelligence spewed out in that little bar and we were able to add more intelligence to that.
Our waitress for the evening was awesome, Lisa did an outstanding job keeping us all in line, especially me. I can be a little hard to handle when ordering food, mostly just picky. As we were
finishing our second adult beverage and waiting to order, and I with my back to the rest of the steak house (which I don’t like) some of my hometown locals snuck up behind me, kinda spooked me. Clint Douglas and wife Mindy, Cliff Aupperle and bride Julie were the culprits that spooked me. It was great to see them and let them harass me for a bit. Our little group consisted of Andrew Swanson better known as Deer Hunter, birthday boy, Adam Conover, American Angus Association, Dustin Carter and wife Kate, Dustin was our auctioneer the last two days.
On to the food, bacon wrapped scallops and onion rings. That started this meal and as usual I ate them like it was the last meal I would ever eat. Then it was the salad and still shoveling in food like there was no tomorrow. Next, the main course: my six-ounce steak Deburgo, with a side of hash browns with added onion. Wouldn’t you know it, ol’ Mike was almost full with the good stuff left. In my opinion, we need to reverse the order of these great meals, let’s start with the main course first, then go to the roughage and appetizers so that we have room for the really good stuff and chase it with the roughage and appetizers. Then if you don’t clean up, you won’t feel so bad about leaving the cheaper filler stuff behind!
A great time was had by all and “The Big Steer” is still one of the top five steak houses in my world. Special thanks to Lisa our waitress and the staff at “The Big Steer”.
As always please keep our First Responders, Law Enforcement, and all of our military in your thoughts and prayers and pray for a bit of intelligence for our government officials.
God Bless
PS I ask that you read my announcement on Page 40.

SALES 712-310-3788 aust.sorensen@gmail.com
CODY CRUM ~ SALES 217-248-7282 codycrum@live.com

ANTHONY PEOPLES 660-651-6501 apeoples02@gmail.com

A Cowman’s Best Friend at Calving Time!
Andy Downs, MT - "Best investment we ever made! We rave about the calf catcher to everyone!" Bruce Chrestiansen, IA - "The calf catcher is very easy to use and provides lots of safety. We use it every calving season and could not imagine calving without it!"

The Road Ahead for Markets

By the time this monthly issue of Livestock Plus hits your mailbox there should have been a ‘bear market rally’ to kick many bank stocks back up off the lows. However, do not be fooled by big bounces in the bank stocks. The 31 trillion-dollar debt of this not so United States is now being squeezed by having to pay much higher rates to finance the handouts and existing debt. Remember, just an additional 3% of rate hikes could cost the US government an additional 900 Billion dollars per year in additional interest costs alone. Many banking models apparently did not learn their lessons from the last 20 years and now it looks as if the current banking crisis will loom for many more months this year. Why is this relevant to the readers of Livestock Plus and livestock producers at large? Rising interest rates and a breakdown in financial markets with stagflation that will not go away is a dangerous combination. The stock and bond markets have basically had over 35 years of good times with the Federal Reserve running a quantitative easing program that caused them to buy over 7 Trillion dollars of Mortgage-Backed Securities and short-term Treasuries to force interest rates to go down and stay down long enough to create a ‘good economy’. The problem? The very same Fed Reserve has now said they will unwind that balance sheet of Mortgage-Backed Securities and short-term Treasuries over the next few years. The result of the unwind? Increased volatility of financial instruments and markets that could bankrupt 1/3 of the lower to lower-middle class folks who have credit card rates jump over 30% and have default on them and dent the earnings and balance sheets of the regional and large banks.
Take a look at the charts here and notice the substantial upside to rates on short-term Treasuries and then notice the breakdown in motion on the bank stock index.

The foregoing backdrop could cause either substantial decreases in beef demand on a dometic basis or drive the dollar up so much that exports of beef and corn and soybeans and wheat could fall off the edge. However, let’s say the Dollar is forced down to half its value to attempt to devalue it and the trillions of dollars of debt. You might think the Dollar devaluation would be a boon to cattle and corn producers. Not so fast. A massive dollar devaluation could make the input costs of cattle and or grain production so high that it would not be worth turning the tractors on.
Hedging asset classes from Cattle to Corn to Stocks is going to be crucial in the 24 to 36 months of Fed Reserve unwinding of their balance sheet to normalize rates and fight inflation. Will they win their fight with inflation? You let us know your thoughts and talk with us and call Michelle White here at our office in the Chicago Board of Trade building on Jackson and she will put you on the email distribution list of the 312 Market Advisory and also hook you with some veterans that can further educate you on the risk of loss on hedging your sundry asset classes’. Call Michelle White at 312-756-0931 from 8am-4pm Central Standard Time. You can also email Ms. White at mwhite@tradewithfox.com and share your email with her in confidence. We do not share or sell your email address with outside entities.
Remember, hedging livestock and grain needs and fuel needs and stocks with Exchange positions still has risk of loss and is not suitable for all livestock producers and investors who desire to hedge their operational business needs. Educational teleconferences with your team and bankers can be done late afternoon or in person here at the Chicago Board of Trade on Saturday’s. n

Dierenfeld, Trowbridge Inducted Into the Iowa Hereford Hall of Fame
By Becky Simpson becky@iowahereford.orgMike Dierenfeld of Northwood and David Trowbridge of Tabor are the newest members of the Iowa Hereford Hall of Fame. They were inducted at a ceremony during the Iowa Hereford Breeders Association (IHBA) banquet at the Iowa Beef Expo.
The Iowa Hereford Hall of Fame honors people who have had a significant impact on the breed in the state.

for a 4-H project for his young daughter, Ashley. Those cows calved in 1986 and they brought the bull calf from one of them to the 1987 Expo, where he sold for $2,000.
A native of Deep River, Iowa, where his father was a veterinarian for about 50 years, Mike followed in his dad’s footsteps by getting his DVM from Iowa State University in 1979 and his master’s in 1998. He first practiced in southwest Minnesota for five years, before moving to Northwood in 1984 to start his own practice. The new location was a homecoming of sorts, for his wife, Joan, whom he married in 1978, was raised on a dairy farm in nearby Kensett.
Not long after the move they made the aforementioned purchase that started MDF Polled Herefords, choosing the breed in part because of the knowledge and recommendation of a partner in one of the vet clinics. The quiet disposition of Herefords was a major selling point. Over the last nearly 40 years, the herd has grown significantly. They calved 88 cows and heifers in 2022, but this year that number will be a little over 60. Last year they sold 20 pairs to a young breeder in Maryville, Mo.

Over the years, Mike infused his herd with several prominent Canadian bloodlines, including Remitall and Medonte Highlands. One year when he was at Denver with a 4-H group, he saw and “fell in love with” a bull named Remitall Jonathan, which he says was the best bull he’s ever seen. He went to Remitall sales and tried unsuccessfully to buy him. Mike’s pursuit of great cattle didn’t stop there. A licensed pilot, he’s flown himself to sales in Canada, Oklahoma, Wyoming, Montana, Kansas, Minnesota and Illinois.
Mike Dierenfeld

It’s appropriate that Dr. Mike Dierenfeld was inducted into the Iowa Hereford Hall of Fame on the eve of the Iowa Hereford Breeders Association’s (IHBA) annual sale at the Iowa Beef Expo and while he is president of the sponsoring Iowa Beef Breeds Council. In 1987, he and his wife Joan brought their first consignment to the Beef Expo – and they have consigned in all but two of the years since then.

Mike’s Hereford herd started in the fall of 1985, when he purchased two bred cows from Clarence Caraway of Lake Benton, Minn., with the intention of building a foundation

Mike’s dedication to the breed and the industry is evident in the many roles and responsibilities he has fulfilled over the years. He served two terms on the IHBA board of directors, from 2003-2009. During his tenure, he urged the association to start its own website and became its first administrator. Today that website is a major source of IHBA information and promotion. He also pushed the board to reinstate screening cattle for acceptance in the Expo sale, something that had been discontinued for various reasons. “That’s the best thing we have ever done,” he states. For more than 15 years, he and Russ Stickley alternated as the IHBA’s official vet for the sale, which was no small feat when consigning every year. Going through health papers consumed at least 3-4 hours the night before the sale, not to mention the time it took on sale day.
Mike and Joan usually consign bred heifers to the Expo sale and are pleased to see that bred heifers have become such a hot commodity in recent years. In the early days, the Dierenfelds were pretty much the only consignors to bring bred heifers. Due to their calving schedule, their lots often
"Hall of Fame" continued on pg 14
“Our SCR-sired Charolais calves have consistently produced 92-96% Choice and Prime, with 20-22% Prime.” -Joe from Colorado

“Our SCR bull came back from his first summer breeding season in great shape.” -Larry from Texas “We are very happy with the SCR bulls we have purchased over the last 6 years in terms of performance and profitability.” -Bob from Nebraska

arrive at the Expo with baby calves at side. Mike times his breeding program to calve in January and February, so that he has most of his calves on the ground before he gets busy looking after animals of his clients who calve a month or two later.
In 2005, Mike became one of the IHBA’s representatives to the Iowa Beef Breeds Council, where he spent three years as secretary, 10 years as treasurer and one year as vice president. He is now in his third year as IBBC president. He has found his time on the IBBC board to be rewarding and says it is the organization he has enjoyed the most. He looks forward to attending so much that in all his years of service he has only missed one meeting – and that was because he didn’t receive a notice about the meeting.
years as the manager of Gregory Feedlots Inc., while Mary served the children and parents at Bellevue Public Schools in Nebraska for 45 years before retiring last spring.

Raised on a dairy farm at Page, Nebraska, David’s passion for Hereford cattle started with 4-H in 1964 when a Hereford heifer was given to him by his great uncle. By the time he started college at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, he had a small herd of registered cows.
After college and marrying Mary, he started a career managing Gregory Feed Lots (GFL) in 1977. He grew the reputation of the custom cattle feeding operation into a nationwide cattle-feeding industry leader. He has spoken at cattlemen’s organizations in dozens of states across the nation and has given feedlot tours to groups of people from across the country and tens of nations around the world who want to learn more about the cattle feeding industry.
He worked with Certified Angus Beef in building the brand. Gregory feedlots received the Feedlot Partner of the Year in 2002 and the Progressive Partner of the Year in 2011. David received the Quality Control Officer of the Year in 2005. Scores of articles have been written over the years about GFL’s management of data for the improvement of the cattle industry and their leadership in the cattle industry.

In the late 1990’s, David and Mike England started a Hereford herd, Beef Resources Partnership (BRP), to raise highgrading genetics for David’s customers at GFL. This started his involvement in Hereford organizations. He served on the Iowa Hereford Breeders Association board as a director from 2011 to 2014 and as president in 2015. John Hardy and David were instrumental in restarting the participation of the Hereford breed in the Governor’s Charity Steer Show.

He was elected to the American Hereford Association board of directors in 2011, serving for four years. David served as chairman of the Certified Hereford Beef board in 2015 and still serves as a director on the board today. He and Jerry Huth were responsible for starting the National Junior Hereford Association Fed Steer Shootout, which has grown into a great educational program for Hereford youth. In recognition of their efforts for the Fed Steer Shootout and the Certified Hereford beef programs, Gregory Feedlots was the recipient of the ”Friend of the IHBA” award in August 2018.
David’s involvement in beef industry organizations at the state and national level grew over the years. He served as a director, a regional vice president, president-elect and finally as president of Iowa Cattlemen’s Association in 2018 and 19. David currently serves on the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association Animal Welfare Advisory Group and as a director on the Iowa Cattlemen’s Foundation board.

David and his wife of 46 years, Mary, live in Tabor. There they raised their five children and are enjoying watching the growth of their eight grandchildren. David has worked for 45
David and Mary have focused on the education of youth through 4-H programs for many years. David judged the junior feeders project for several years in Fremont County. He and Mary were inducted into the Iowa 4-H Hall of Fame in 2021 for their Trowbridge Class at the Mills County Fair, using their Hereford calves for children that could not have cattle at their homes. Over 100 families have participated in 4-H beef projects using BRP Herefords during the last 12 years. This 2-year program allows eight new children to pick out, train, fit and show feeder calves their first year and then do the same the second year with a bred heifer. The Trowbridge Class requires parental attendance with their child at two classroom sessions and then at least 10 weekly training sessions on the farm with the calves. Mary and David are so proud of the effects that this program has had on so many children and families in need of an affirming, rewarding and uniting family project. n

Iowa Cattlemen lead the way at Cattle Convention
Representatives from the Iowa Cattlemen’s Association attended the 2023 Cattle Convention in early February in New Orleans, La. Eleven resolutions and directives were enacted as interim policy for the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, three of which came from Iowa.
During the Ag and Food Policy Committee, ICA shared testimony based on our newly established CRP Guiding Principles. “The Conservation Reserve Program was never created with the cattle producer in mind,” stated Bob Noble, ICA president. “The average cash rent for pasture in Iowa is $59.50 per acre. The average CRP rental rate in Iowa is $234 per acre. This is the highest average in the nation. While the payment limitations on rental rates in the 2018 Farm Bill were
a step in the right direction, more could be done to help cattle producers.”

ICA proposed the following CRP amendments:
• Allow periodic non-emergency haying and grazing approved by a NRCS Management Plan with no payment reduction (Did not pass)
• Limit the penalty for landowners who remove land from extended CRP contracts (Passed)
• Target CRP for marginal land, not productive acres or entire farms and ranches (Passed)
• Limit CRP rental rates to be less than private sector pasture rental rates within the county where contract acres are located (Amended - CRP rental rates should approximate but not
What is Youth Beef Team and why youth should join
Interested in learning more about the beef industry, meeting new friends, winning prizes or having fun? Then you need to join our Youth Beef Team (YBT)! The Youth Beef Team began in 1994 as a way to include youth in the Iowa Cattlemen’s organization and is sponsored by the Iowa Cattlemen’s Foundation. It is the flagship program that we offer to grow our future beef industry leaders.
Vital issues face the beef industry today. Every student encounters information in school and from the media on food safety, animal rights, the environment and nutrition. Our goal is to equip young cattlemen and women with information they need to speak out positively for the beef industry, pointing out the advantages beef offers to our health, our environment and our economy.
In addition to yearly awards, YBT members who are seniors are eligible to compete for up to three, $2,000 scholarships in the spring. Seniors submit an application, participate in a personal interview and give a presentation to the panel of judges.
Youth Beef Team is open to junior high and high school age kids who are interested and excited to promote the beef industry. These youth then receive training about various resources and skills on working with the consumers they encounter. After their training, members are encouraged to go out and promote beef through presentations to various groups, farm and school tours, submitting editorials or recipes to publications or social media, participating in ag fairs or working with other groups throughout their community and surrounding communities. These activities can be
exceed the rental rates of the marginal land sought to be conserved)
• Allow responsible grazing as a management practice on buffer strips, headlands, and waterways (Passed) ICA membership also brought forward actionable resolutions in the Live Cattle Marketing Committee. There was unanimous support for ICA’s proposal to establish a working group to assess the efficacy of the recently launched Cattle Contracts Library Pilot Program. Additionally, ICA worked with other state affiliates to introduce and enact Fed Cattle Pick-up Time, which promotes the adoption of an industry-wide practice for cattle to be picked up or delivered no later than seven days after the cattle are traded, unless otherwise negotiated at the time of trade.
done as individuals or groups. Members earn points for their activities based on the type of activity and the people reached. At the end of the year, members are awarded prizes for the various levels of points attained and are recognized at a breakfast during the Iowa State Fair. In order to receive an award, youth must do at least five activities throughout the year.
If you are interested in scheduling a training session for your area, please contact Mary Greiman at mary@iacattlemen. org or call 641-425-1533 or 515-296-2266. Please visit our website: www.iowacattlemensfoundation.org for more information about the Youth Beef Team as well as all of our other activities.
April 2023
Iowa Cattlemen’s Leadership Program class completes session two
Class visits State Capitol, advocates for Iowa’s beef business

The Iowa Cattlemen’s Leadership Program (ICLP)completed its second session on February 14 and 15. Volunteering, introduction to government, policy and advocating for Iowa’s beef business were the topics of this session at the State Capitol.

Participants spent the evening banded together to make tacos and clean around the Central Iowa Ronald McDonald House. As you probably know, the Iowa Cattlemen’s Association has a longstanding relationship with the Ronald McDonald House Charities of Iowa and we were excited to continue that relationship and provide for families utilizing the homes. Beth Janson, resident manager, talked with the class about how the homes function and
provide a warm, welcoming atmosphere as families go through difficult health challenges.
The next day was spent learning about the legislative process and the importance of relationships at the Capitol. Participants started the morning with an update on the issues and timeline of the legislative session with Rep. Derek Wulf, Sen. Tom Shipley and our contract lobbyist, Kelly Meyers. This was eye opening for several of the participants, as most have not experienced the process of how a bill develops or lobbying an elected official on an issue. Following a quick visit with Rep. Mike Sexton, the class met with the director of the Iowa Department of Natural Resources (IDNR), Kayla Lyon. Director Lyon shared the roles and responsibilities of the IDNR and how her team works with livestock producers to ensure compliance with regulations. During the discussion, the group learned there is a shared interest in providing greater accessibility to graze livestock on public lands.
One highlight of the day was a visit with Gov. Kim Reynolds. Participants discussed issues including funding Phase II of the Iowa State University Veterinary Diagnostic Lab, rural development, beginning farmer resources and large animal veterinary retention. We cannot thank Gov. Reynolds enough for her time and confidence in our leaders across the state in the cattle industry.
We closed out the day by visiting with legislators from districts across the state. Participants shared their perspectives as producers and discussed cattle industry topics with their own elected officials. The 2023 ICLP class did an exceptional job strengthening our relationships with decision-makers and representing Iowa’s beef business at the Capitol.
If you are interested in becoming part of the next Iowa Cattlemen’s Leadership Program and want to learn more, please reach out to Meghan Orr at meghan@iacattlemen. org or call the ICA office at 515-296-2266.

Between Now and Summer is Mud for Cattle Producers
Grant Dewell Iowa State UniversityWith the temperature warming up early this year mud is going to persist in cattle lots and pastures throughout the spring. For spring calving operations, mud can be deadly. Even though the temperature may be warm, calves can still get chilled easily if they can’t dry off. The ground may be thawing and warming up in the day but nighttime temperatures will still drop below freezing, so calves will need a dry place to lie down.
The main problem with mud is that pathogens that can cause calf diarrhea persist in the environment longer and mud facilitates continual exposure to the calf. If the cow has to either lay down in a wet muddy environment or walk through deep mud to get to feed or water she will contaminate her udder with mud and pathogens. The calf is then re-exposed every time they nurse. Prepare now to deal with calf diarrhea this spring. Download the free Iowa State publication “Control of Calf Diarrhea (Scours) in Midwest Beef Cattle Farms”
Mud control
The two main options available at this time for controlling mud would be to haul in rock/gravel to establish a firm base with better drainage or apply lime. Quicklime or hydrated lime will dry up the soil so that it can be compacted. After the lime is applied and allowed to dry for a few hours it should be worked into the ground and then compacted.
With or without combating the mud in the lot, bedding is still important but needs to managed properly. Unmanaged bedding can be worse than no bedding as pathogen loads will increase and persist in bedded areas. Cornstalks are one of the most available sources and generally superior than straw or sawdust. The bulky nature of the corn stalk helps water and manure settle while the surface stays drier. If the goal is to maintain a bedded pack, apply new bedding often to keep surface dry. Calves need a drier surface than typically seen in finishing barns. If not establishing a pack, then the bedding should be completely removed and new bedding applied as soon as it becomes damp or soiled.
Move cows often
Congregating cows leads to manure, mud and more pathogens. Keep bedding areas separate from feeding area to encourage cattle to not congregate in one spot. If you have the ability move cows to new areas it will help minimize the impact of mud. A modified Sandhills calving system where you move your pregnant cows and leave pairs behind can help to decrease disease outbreaks as we move through the calving season.
Contact your veterinarian and extension beef specialist to make sure your health and nutrition program are sufficient to provide your cows the best footing to get through the next few months.
Source: Iowa State University Extension n

Causes & Prevention of Beef Calf Scours
Joe Armstrong, DVM Extension educator
• 95% of infectious calf scours is caused by rotavirus, coronavirus, or Cryptosporidium.
• Dehydration is what kills calves, and correcting with supplemental electrolytes is the most crucial part of any treatment protocol.
• DO NOT prevent scouring calves from nursing. Calves need the nutritional value of the milk to help fight off the disease. Make sure to check the dam’s health.
• To prevent calf scours, use a system-wide approach that includes, cow health, colostrum management, calf nutrition, cleaning and sanitizing, and vaccination.
Calf scours can be a major problem for any cow-calf operation. Controlling the disease is a complex issue and has many variables. While we can identify specific agents of disease that cause scours, it is important to remember that the control of the disease often requires a system-wide approach of prevention rather than individual treatment to solve the problem.
What causes calf scours?
Scours has many causes. We often focus on the infectious causes, which are significant, but it is important to note that there are also non-infectious causes of calf scours.
Infectious causes
Rotavirus, coronavirus, or Cryptosporidium cause 95% of infectious calf scours cases in calves under 3 weeks of age. These three agents can also be present in combination. All calves are exposed to these pathogens; it is unavoidable. The deciding factor in whether or not a calf gets sick is often dosedependent, meaning the more pathogen a calf receives, the more likely they are to have scours.
• Rotavirus infects cells essential to the absorption of nutrients in the small intestine. The lack of small intestine nutrient absorption causes nutritional deficiencies for the calf and interferes with the rest of the digestive tract’s ability to absorb water. The result is diarrhea, with an added complication of missing nutrients for the calf.
• Coronavirus infects cells in a similar way to rotavirus. However, instead of just interfering with absorption, the virus actively kills cells in the lining of the intestine. The result is widespread destruction of the lining of the small intestine. The calf cannot absorb any nutrients, the inflammation is massive, and severe diarrhea occurs.
• Cryptosporidium, often referred to as ‘Crypto’, is a protozoan. Protozoa are microscopic animals. The most important thing to remember is that Crypto is not bacteria. Crypto implants itself in the wall of the intestine and causes severe inflammatory damage to the lining of the intestine. This damage results in diarrhea for the calf. Crypto infections are incredibly painful for the calf. Outside of the body, crypto has a thick shell that allows it to survive for long periods in the
Non-infectious causes
Inadequate nutrition
Calves need to eat. They are trying to grow in addition to fighting off any pathogens that could be present. To gain weight and still have the energy to provide an adequate immune system, calves must have energy stored in the form of fat. With beef calves, infectious agents are likely to blame, but you should also check on the dam to make sure she is providing enough milk. Mastitis, big teats, low milk production and poor maternal instinct (calf rejection) are all potential causes of inadequate nutrition that could lead to scours.
Check manure consistency
Just like any mammal ingesting a primarily liquid diet (like human infants), a calf’s feces should not be solid. Scours is not defined as loose feces. A calves feces should be slightly loose.
• Normal calf manure should be semi-formed to loose and sit on top of straw bedding.
• Scours manure will have a consistency close to water and will run immediately through straw bedding.
• Unless the manure has blood in it, the color of the manure usually has little to no diagnostic value.
Examine the calf
A visual and physical exam, in combination with manure consistency, can help you put the pieces together.
• Visually, the calf should be bright and alert with clear eyes and upright ears. Sick calves are depressed and lethargic, with droopy ears and dull eyes.
• Watch for calves that remain lying down when most other calves have stood up.

• Not eating can also be a sign of a sick calf, but the goal should be to pick out the calf that is struggling before they have stopped eating.
Many calves with scours will breathe faster than usual with increased effort. Make sure you are not misdiagnosing scours cases as respiratory infections.
As with almost anything on a farm, prevention is preferable to treatment. Having treatment protocols is essential for proper calf care, but the primary goal is always to identify the root of the problem and prevent scours. Even with excellent prevention in place, scours cases will occur. Here are the things to consider when treating.
If the calf is unable to stand, call your veterinarian. The calf may need IV fluid therapy in addition to the treatments below.
Dehydration is what kills calves, and correcting with supplemental electrolytes is the most crucial part of any treatment protocol. Electrolyte feeding should be given in addition to milk feedings. If you can, leave the calf with mom whenever possible. Work with your veterinarian to decide what electrolytes to use and how often to treat.
If you are bottle feeding, DO NOT stop feeding the calf milk. Leave the calf with the dam whenever possible and monitor the calf to make sure it is continuing to drink milk. The calf needs the nutritional value of the milk to help fight off the disease.
Always mix electrolytes according to package instructions. Feeding electrolytes that are too concentrated can make things worse by causing more scours.
Pain or discomfort
Scours is extremely uncomfortable and painful for calves. There are several options for anti-inflammatory use in calves. Providing pain relief helps calves get back on their feet faster.
"Calf Scours" continued on pg 26

Work with your veterinarian to determine what and how much to use.

As discussed above, 95% of scours cases are not caused by bacteria, meaning in 95% of cases, antibiotics will not treat the cause of the disease. Scours can result in secondary bacterial infections. The only way to know if antibiotics are necessary is to examine the calf.
• Every exam should include a rectal temperature.
• Use antibiotics in a set protocol you develop with your veterinarian.
• Consider using a long acting antibiotic (8+ days) to prevent a secondary infection.
The cow
Preventing calf scours starts even before the calf is born. A healthy cow produces a healthy calf. We can influence the health of the calf by making sure the cow has a proper body condition score, adequate nutrition (including minerals), and a clean, dry environment. We can also use vaccines to influence what antibodies a cow puts into her colostrum (first milk) that are then passed to the calf. By vaccinating at the correct time while the cow is pregnant, we can improve the quality of the colostrum and target specific scours-causing pathogens. Work with your veterinarian to develop a vaccine protocol.
A calf should drink good quality, clean colostrum within the first two hours of life. Every hour after birth, the calf’s ability to absorb the protective antibodies in colostrum decreases. Receiving colostrum is the single biggest predictor of calf survival and health. Make sure you have some colostrum replacer on hand during calving season. If a calf is unable to drink colostrum from the dam, feed a replacer. If you are unsure if the calf drank colostrum from the dam, feed a replacer.
Calving area
Exposure to scours-causing pathogens starts the moment the calf is on the ground. If the calving area is not clean and dry, the exposure to pathogens is more likely. Make sure your cows are calving in a clean environment. Mud is your biggest enemy. If you cannot avoid mud in your current system, you need to change your system or change the time of year you start calving.
Pathogen build up
In general, scours causing pathogens transfer from older animals to younger animals. Additionally, many of the pathogens (especially Cryptosporidium), persist in the environment for an extended period. This means that, over time, disease-causing organisms can build up in an area making exposure and disease more likely for calves.
• A 45-60 day calving period (calving window) keeps a large majority of calves the same age within a system that minimizes disease transfer between calf age groups.
• Sorting and separating cows by calving date can minimize disease transfer between calf age groups.
• Designating a pasture, concrete pen, or barn for calving and minimizing cattle traffic at all other times of the year can prevent pathogens from building up.

In the order of importance, vaccines given to calves are towards the bottom of the list. Colostrum, nutrition, clean environment and cow health are all more critical factors. There are products when given at birth under label instructions that can reduce scours, but they are not a cure-all solution. Work with your veterinarian to develop a vaccination protocol.

Hats Off
by Austin SorensenGreetings, Normally I start these articles with a “Wow, where’s the time gone!” or “How about the weather?” but as I sit here writing this one, I struggle with that. As I reflect on the numerous articles I have been fortunate enough to write over the last two years, I realized that generally the topic is good people. That being said, there is one awfully good person I haven’t covered and seeing the nature of this issue, I definitely need to write this article.
Anyone who knows me knows I’m a huge movie buff and in one of my favorite movies, Lone Survivor, there is a quote that says, “anything worth doing is worth over doing.” That
quote reminds me so much of our team leader and my mentor in this business, Mike Sorensen. From the very first time riding with Mike for training up until the most recent time here just a week or so ago, I have learned many invaluable lessons; many of those being life lessons. Mike hits everything he does with a full head of steam. I would challenge those of you that have a sale to find a field man that shows up earlier to a sale he’s working and then spends more time on the phone trying to move cattle for you than Mike does.
Anyone who knows Mike personally, knows he is genuine. He won’t leave you guessing what he’s thinking, but he has a big heart. I remember Christmas of 2021, my wife and I spent a week over Christmas in the hospital with our 4 month old boy as he had a bad case of RSV. Outside of direct family, Mike Sorensen was the only other person to check on us every single day, ask if he could do anything, and cover for me on the business end of things. I don’t think we reserved enough pages in this issue for me to write all I would like to say about Mike and how innovative he was to start this publication, so I will leave you with this; everyone teases us when they find out we are not actually related, but I tell ya, I would be honored to claim him as family any day of the week.
Please, as Mike said in his article, do not hesitate to reach out to us as we all plan on continuing to help market your livestock. Give us a call or shoot us a text. I know we would love to visit with you. As for my last hats off, that goes to you Mike Sorensen! Thank you. Thank you for all you’ve done and continue to do. Your leadership and friendship has meant the world to me!

Lefty’s Logic
by Eric Lee
What a crazy week it has been. For those of you that are friends with me on social media have probably seen, I proposed to Brooke this week and she said yes! All of us that travel for a living know it takes a special woman to handle it, I was just fortunate enough to find one that is in the same business and I get to travel with from time to time! Brooke is an amazing partner and an even better mother. For some reason God thought that I was worthy enough to have her in my life. If it was not for this job we may have never gotten together as our first date
44 Point After
was at Iowa Beef Expo.
Livestock Plus has been an absolute blessing in my life. I cannot begin to thank Mike enough for all that he has done for me. It has been an honor to be trained by a future hall of fame inductee and a privilege to have him as a friend and a mentor. The last four years have been amazing. I have cultivated many great relationships with both peers in the marketing business and producers. Although our time here with Livestock Plus Inc may possibly be coming to an end, my career in livestock marketing is not. I will continue to serve as a marketing agent in this great industry in some facet and will have more information as we move into summer.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has been there along the way from the auctioneer, sale management, and the other field men. Most of all, all of the great customers I have been so blessed to work with. We could not have done it without you!

Thank you all and God bless!
Eric “Lefty” Lee • 608-295-5312 gileecc@yahoo.com


after they

Office: 405-372-3300

It is with very mixed emotions, and I mean mixed, big emotions, that I write this notice. My partner and I have decided that we are ready to slow up and be released from some of the stress. Both of us are living a life with what we think are active twenty-five-year-old minds, but seventy-year-old bodies that say slow up a little and take some stress out of our lives. To do this, we have decided that the April 2023 issue will be the last issue of Livestock Plus Inc.
As most of you know, when Livestock Plus started, it was Mike and Dixie Sorensen and Family on its own. Dixie, Heidi, Bubba, Mandi and I, taking off on an adventure that many people questioned, including me. I must give lots of credit for my start to Genoa Community Bank, of Genoa Nebraska, and the Burke Family for having faith in me and making Livestock Plus my dream come true.

Other people that I think were instrumental in making Livestock Plus Inc. successful were the folks that said it wouldn’t last a year. They made this bull-headed, half-blood Dane mad enough that we made it work for twenty-eight plus years. One of those folks has passed away, but while he was alive, I reminded him many times that he was a driving force to make me succeed. Also, I must give a great deal of credit to the Allen Family from Clarion for partnering with us, and their help in switching from newspaper print to glossy slick magazine that we have today.

To our very valuable customers, Thank You!! I have met so many great people on this trip that I will never forget. We are very appreciative of all of you. To all of our faithful readers, and for all the complimentary comments, thanks a bunch. To those folks that are faithful readers of our comments we will try to continue those online in some fashion. (livestockplusinc.com)
To the employees past and present, I/we appreciated all of your efforts. I will always treasure your friendship. Hopefully you will continue your efforts as valuable livestock fieldmen and ring men.

To all commitments that have been made for April and May sales, they will be carried out as usual. Again, Thank You for your support over the years.

God Bless
At this point, our fieldmen including myself are not planning on going away or quitting our efforts to help in merchandising your livestock. Please stay in touch with each of us by phone or email. I’m certain that we will all be in some form of promotion. Watch social media late summer for announcements on possible changing of the guard for Livestock Plus.

Supreme Overall Bull
Consigned By: Jensen Angus Farms, Plainfield, IA
Bought By: Deppe Bros Cattle Co, Maquokota, IA

Supreme Overall Heifer

Consigned By: Gerdes Show Cattle, West Point, IA

Bought By: Dillan Dight, Rockford, IA


Thanks to Mike, Heidi and the entire Sorensen Family for 28 years of helping cattlemen and women connect with the right genetics and products. You always did it right, ride for the brand and helped countless times with every youth fundraiser, State Fair event, Cattlemen’s Auction you were ever asked to help with. You all cared so much for your readers and your advertisers that we became part of your wonderful family. Thank you for sharing your time and your family with us! We will miss our monthly magazine but you will not be forgotten. Thank you again for 28 years of excellence.
It defines who we are and what we do. Our team has over 100 years of combined cattle experience and it shows in everything we design, build and do. We understand cattle and cattle people like no one else in the business.

Let us help you:
• Improve Feed Efficiency

• Save More Calves
• Improve Working Conditions
• Find solutions that suit YOUR operation

Angus Sale Results
Auctioneer: Al Conover
Sale Manager: Iowa Angus Association

Cattle Sold Into: 4
$12,000 - Jensen Lights Out 189, Lot 56
Consigned by: Jensen Angus Farm, Plainfield, IA
Sold to: Roeder Family Farms, Stewartville, MN High Selling Female
$7,750 - KLB Saras Dream 2707, Lot 20
Consigned by: Brandt Farms, Corning, IA
Sold to: Kevin Ross, Minden, IA
Gelbvieh Sale Results
Auctioneer: Col C.K. Sonny Booth
Sale Manager: Mitchell Marketing Services
Charolais Sale Results
Auctioneer: Justin B. Stout
Sale Manager: JWC Marketing
$14,000 - laFraise Redempter 341C ET, Lot 2
Consigned by: LaFraise Farms, Flanagan, IL
Sold to: Happy II Charolais, Zapata, TX
High Selling Female
$8,000 - Hinshaw Ms Watt K32, Lot 29
Consigned by: Hinshaw Farms, Secor, IL
Sold to: Michael Skiba, North Branch, MN
Hereford Sale Results
Auctioneer: Justin B. Stout
Sale Manager: Stout Auction Service States Cattle Sold Into: 9
$12,500 - ABCS Authentic 018K Lot 1
Consigned by: ABCS Gelbvieh, Winthrop, IA
Sold to: Wohl Farms, Baldnon, ND
$6,500 - KCCG KCC Trina K028 ET Lot 14
Consigned by: Kirkwood Community College, Cedar Rapids, IA
Sold to: Adelyn Sienknecht, Gladbbrook, IA
Limousin Sale Results
Auctioneer: Col C.K. Sonny Booth
Sale Manager: Ann Vorthmann States Cattle Sold Into: 5
Total Sale Gross: $70,000
Total Lots Sold: 19 Total Live Lots Sold: 19
Total Live Lot Average: $3,681
Total Bulls Sold: 15 • Gross: $59,600 • Average: $3,973
Total Females Sold: 4 • Gross: $10,400 • Average: $2,600 High Selling Bull
$7,000 - VL Kool Hand Luke 209K, Lot 3
Consigned by: Vorthmann Limousin, Treynor, IA
Sold to: Rolling Acres Farms, Scherr, WV High Selling Female
$3,100- DebV Kokimo 232K, Lot 18
Consigned by: DebV Deb Miller, Treynor, IA
Sold to: Gavin Sloss, Gutherie Center, IA
$11,000 - MGM Vangard Momentum 2K, Lot 22
Consigned by: MGM Polled Herefords, Hartford, WI
Sold to: Tegtmeier Polled Herefords, Burchard, NE High Selling Female
$10,500 - BG 84F Ms Perfecto 91J, Lot 35
Consigned by: Goehring Herefords, Keosaqua, IA Sold to: Lynn Johnson, Iowa Falls, IA
Maine-Anjou Sale Results
Auctioneer: Jon Schaben Sale Manager: Beau Ebersole

Consigned by: Blueprint Cattle Co, Pella, IA
Sold to: Mike Kuhlman, Ottosen, IA
High Selling Female
$3,600 - SDD Kelly, Lot 13
Consigned by: Doug and Diana Sampson, Nevada, IA
Sold to: Oakley Sutter, Pleasantville, IA

Red Angus Sale Results

All Other Breeds Sale Results


Arguably the heaviest muscled bull in the 2023 Schaff’s Angus Valley sale offering. His dam is a phenotypic standout, and his 13 year old grandam is the #1 CED and #4 Milk EPD cow at Schaff’s Angus Valley.
Both bulls will be available on a first come first serve basis $30/straw and $40/cert. WIL MAYES 304-619-9327 | DALLAS WOLTEMATH 308-390-6400 | ZWTRANCH.COM
This full brother to S A V Downpour 8794 has unlimited potential. His Pathfinder dam combined stellar phenotype with a production WW record of 7/104.



Dearest Heavenly Father,

We know that you are always present with us, walking by our side throughout the good and bad times. So help us to recognize that You are working in the details of our lives. Give us the perspective we need to trust you when life is tough and to thank you for your gifts when we experience them. Help us to be both salt and light in the lives of those who surround us so that we aren’t just known by how we talk about God but how we walk in the footsteps of Jesus. We ask for your protection and guidance for ourselves, our families, our schools, churches, businesses and farms. We are grateful for our country and ask that you would help us to keep it strong. Give us the courage to trust you in all things, to step out in faith when you lead the way and the peace to rely on you once we have done all that we can.

This month, we thank you especially for Livestock Plus and for the many years this magazine has supported the men and women who work in the cattle industry. Thank you for those who put this publication together each month and for the lives it has touched. We pray for your blessings on this company and all those who work for it that they might continue to serve their customers well and that people will continue to be blessed through their efforts in the years to come. We pray all this In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

from Iowa with a strong work ethic and a dream to create a livestock magazine of his own. His dedication and passion helped him create one heck of a publication.

Congratulations on 28 Successful Years!

I’ve been a subscriber of the LPI magazine since I was an teenager. From an eager reader to an avid advertiser, LPI has been a part of my world each month for nearly two decades. Nearly every sale we have, LPI has a man working out front. Thanks for the support and loyalty over the years crew! Mike feel free to call the first of every month and talk politics or weather instead of tracking down an ad. Best wishes to you all at LPI.
-Wes Tiemann / CK6 Consulting Services

Knowledge, Integrity, and Professionalism never go out of style Mike Sorensen has modeled this his entire career. It has been a pleasure to work with him along with his team @ LPI!
-Cody Lowderman / Lowderman Auction
I have been an advertiser with Livestock Plus for the past 23 years and I don't believe I've missed an issue! I credit a lot of my success to advertising in this wonderful magazine ! Thank you to Mike and Heidi for their wonderful dedication to building awesome ads for me ! I wish them nothing but happiness and success in whatever they choose to do!
-Mike Ehrsam / Mikkey’s LC
Mike, Thank you so much for all you’ve done to make Voss Angus a huge success! We’ve appreciated all your wisdom and advice over the years! Enjoy family time, you’ve earned it!
Voss Angus Crew / Teresa & Brant Voss
Livestock Plus was a staple magazine at our house growing up. We knew the faces of the people who published it and filled up the pages. They were our partners, confidants, and those we depended upon for business and friendships. I grew up reading about what meal Mike had eaten where and remember it was a highlight for my dad when he talked about our hometown restaurant. They worked our sales and offered advice, they have always been good people and good friends. I've since married and moved across the country but Livestock Plus is still a staple in our home and business, much for the same reasons. It is an awesome publication and one of our "go to" magazines. Some of the old contributors have passed on but it still has that feel that it has always carried. Randy and Mike have been lifelong friends, I am proud to call them that. Congratulations to 28 years, what an accomplishment!
Yardley Griswold / Griswold CattleCongratulations on a very successful run with LPI. I have to admit I thought you were insane (I still question your sanity at times) but you filled a very important need and "outlived" some other publications.

Congrats again! I will wear my LPI vest with pride!
Ernie Barnes / SCAB
28 years of doing EXACTLY what they said they would Honesty, integrity, longevity and respect … what an accomplishment to have done that for this long.
Congratulations to Mike and crew, I have never known any of them to be any different.
Van H. Neidig / Lakeside Livestock Equipment
Publication for Cowboys & Kids
It has been my extreme privilege and pleasure to partner with Mike Sorensen over the last 17 years. He is stellar and our sales reps and employees are the best.
-Mary Ann Allen / COO Livestock Plus, Inc.For over 15 years, we have advertised in LPI and worked closely with Heidi to much success! What a great family to be associated with, and we will miss you!
-Karen & David Steiner /Clear Creek Farms #2 Inc.
We want to congratulate Mike and Dixie Sorensen on their very successful endeavor with Livestock Plus for nearly three decades. LPI has been a great publication for the entire livestock industry. We have worked alongside Mike from DAY ONE until the final issue. Mike has a great work ethic and is always ready before, and on sale day, to help his clients, Auctioneer, and fellow field staff. Thank you, Mike, for your tireless efforts and helping us with pre-sale duties and post-sale follow up at our sales. Last but not least, your endless phone calls to help sell livestock for your clients has never gone unnoticed. Your friendship and ability to make people laugh is priceless. Thanks again, Mike, for all the great times! Enjoy the next chapter and stay in touch!
-Al & Jeannie Conover/Conover Auction Services

Over the years there hasn’t been a magazine or newspaper that has a better shelf life and readership than LPI. Seedstock and Commercial producers have benefited greatly because of the hard work and dedication that LPI employees have put in, day in and day out, on the road serving their customers. See ya down the road!
-Dustin Carter / AuctioneerI have great appreciation for Mike Sorensen and Family to make the tough decision to end their long and steady run with Livestock Plus. I have a lot of admiration for those who know when it is time to retire.
You can count on one hand, the number of blue collar people in this business that started their own publication and made it grow and sustain a family. Mike Sorensen is one of those. I listened to a man speak this past Fall about a person with perseverance. To me that word surely describes Mike Sorensen. He loves the livestock business he was raised in and proved many wrong that said he could never make the magazine work. He didn’t join this business with all the polish and glitter that some thought was necessary to survive, he earned it. He shook hands with his prospective customers. He drove on their place, looked at their livestock, took notes on the ones he liked, and sold them some advertising he thought was appropriate for their situation. Then he went home and thought about people that could benefit from owning some of that customer’s livestock and called them.
I’ve said it before, but while I was active in the business, no livestock magazine fieldman carried more bids in his pocket and actually bought more on order day after day than Mike Sorensen. He didn’t wear a black hat, but he was respected by those who were willing to give him their business one way or another. He will be missed. I’m sure his talent will be seen here and there down the trail in the near future. With great respect, enjoy your retirement Mike.
Craig Conover“Oh the last goodbye is the hardest one to say, and “Oh the last goodbye is the hardest one to say, and this is where the cowboy rides away. “ this is where the cowboy rides away. “ George Strait George Strait
THIS is definitely the most heart wrenching article I have ever written. I'm feeling very lost and praying to find some direction soon.
In spring 1995, I began my journey at Northwest Missouri State. That summer, Dad decided he wanted to start a livestock magazine, and I, of course, wanted to contribute. So while I continued my education in ag business, I also made basic ads, worked on ad layout and tried my business school skills with the accounting work. Our entire immediate family chipped in with some aspect of the magazine! Bulk mailing all the magazines in bundles was always my favorite because my grandparents would all come to help label, tie with string in various zip codes, then haul it to the post office. It sounds horribly tedious and even a bit awful, but it turns out we all believed in Dad’s dream and I will cherish those memories. I will even cherish the memories of when Mom would have to sit between Dad and me to literally referee or when she would drive me back to NWMSU to take a test because I was so exhausted from a deadline for the magazine!

THIS magazine/industry literally built me. I know everyone keeps saying not to worry and that I am just moving to the next chapter in life, but like my friend Angie (Dalbey) Mowbray has told me before … sometimes your head is miles away from your heart. As it happens, this magazine is my heart.

I have so many memories and amazing people that I will cherish no matter what happens. I am at the age now that I have spent way more years with the magazine than without it in my life. So, be patient with me and if I get a little tearyeyed when talking about it, don’t be surprised. If you all could see the pile of Kleenex that I have used while writing this article you would understand!
I want to truly THANK all the customers who have read the “best” article first (a couple pages in from the back). I cannot even tell you how much I enjoyed telling Dad when people would let me know they read my article before his!! Seriously though, we could not have done any of this without all of you! A big thank you to all of you that reached out after reading one of my articles over the years, it meant so much! Many times my articles seemed like an update of my kid’s activities and hearing how some would follow along every month, made it feel like my kids have multiple sets of grandparents across the country! Also, the sheer number of customers/friends that have reached out knowing this is our last issue warms my heart so much and makes me cry yet
I am so incredibly grateful Dad brought me along for the ride! What a ride it has been. We turned customers into friends and many into extended family. This agricultural industry is full of great people and we’ve been blessed with the best! I sure hope that all of you will keep in touch and I am always here to help and maybe now y’all won’t screen my calls at the first of the month!
As I close this, my final article, my heart aches knowing that this chapter of Livestock Plus, Inc. is closing. However my heart is also beaming with pride knowing that my hard headed, cowboy of a father took a leap of faith 28 years ago. Against a lot of odds, our share of hills in the path, this deal has been a great success. I’m so proud to be your daughter and to have been by your side!
I have faith that God has a plan and trust he is leading our path. For now, thank you and I love you all. Cowboys don’t say “good bye,” Cowboys say “see ya later.”
Looking forward to seeing you all down the road! Please continue to keep our military and our nation in your prayers always.

God Bless,

Thank You Thank You

Noll & Jolynn Ernst, Ryan Habeger Noll & Jolynn Ernst, Ryan Habeger
and The Entire ShowStockPlanet Crew and The Entire ShowStockPlanet Crew

K&J True Intent
Dameron Viroqua
Optics was RAML's high selling bull to performance leading herds Hoover & Panther Creek!

progeny are at the top of their bull sales! Outstanding quality and mating flexibility this season!
Bushs Wing
Man progeny topped Bush's and Cardinal Cattle Co.'s sales! He's in the top 20% for growth traits, plus Top 5% docility and scrotal EPDs. A true calving-ease bull who'll add size and completeness!

Conley South Point
South Point is the ONLY North American Grand Champion Bull, being a NWSS Champion, as well as Canadian Agribition! His first calves are born easily and have a tremendous design.
Power Chip has produced many winners and high-sellers across the country! Progeny are deep, stout with great balance and look!

Reckoning is becoming the outcross pedigree sensation among breeders looking to improve “show-ring” presence, foot & structure quality, muscle mass, and body dimension!

Optics is becoming an extremely popular heifer bull who’s leading progeny are topping Hoover’s, Panther Creek, & RAML’s herds! Added frame and performance for a heifer bull with outcross pedigree to most popular sires! Make sure you research him.

popular sires! Make sure you research him.

Optics son at RAML’s ‘23 sale Optics son at Hoover’s ‘23 sale Optics son at B&J’s ‘23 sale

I don’t want the flat one’s, the ones that come with a set of numbers but leave out the importance of the cow. I don’t just want the packer to be who gets a premium, if I am going to take the time to try and improve my cow base I want to do just that. I want good udders, longevity, eye appeal, I want power, a big foot, big top, and some rib, shape, and dimension, I want it all because those things are what makes up my bottom dollar, if the numbers are good, well that’s a bonus! I want the cowman’s kind, and Bell Ringer is just that.