Black LabelBlack Labelthe JERED, HALEY, BRECKEN, BODIE, & BURKE SHIPMAN JERED 806.983.7226INNOVATIONAGMARKETING.COMCALL/TEXT:530.913.6418 oct. 8th • 5:00 pm grandview, tx The Publication for Cowboys and Kids September 2022, Vol. 27 Issue 7

Livestock Plus Inc. September 2022 your success starts here! Cattle will be available for viewing at the ranch anytime after September 1st 605-870-0161• 605-943-5664 Dan, Kyla, Hollis, Weston,605-870-6172IvyKris,Falon&Jensen605-478-0077 October 8th, 2022 :: Ree Heights, South Dakota2022 sale hosted through SmartAuctions • sale pictures and videos will be posted sale week! We will be hosting an open house prior to the sale, please join us for food and drinks starting at 5 p.m. at the ranch

Dale: 641.344.8035 | Nate: 641.344.8487 | Quietly preserving the Shorthorn breed in the hills of Southwest Iowa. Bert Moore, 701.541.5035 Follow on MarquisOctoberStuder’s86G X Muridale St. Sue 85A LevFebruaryeldale Rockford 838F X Muridale y 56A The Gilman Family Cary, 515.360.6006 | Ethan, www.gilmanshorthorns.com515.360.1445 Follow on DSF ST SUE OCTOBERSATURDAY,109J8,2022 NEW SALEWCCLOCATION:CowPalaceAnita,Iowa DSF JEANY 31K DSF SUSIE SUE 116J November Studer’s Marquis 86G X DSF Susie Sue 49D DSF MINNIE PEARL 3K January, Saskvalley Bandit 141B X DSF Minnie Pearl 58Z January, Millbrook Fireball 23F X DSF Party Gal 1A DSF PARTY GAL 20K February, Saskvalley Bandit 141B X PFV Rosewood 59D DSF ROSEWOOD 51K January, Millbrook Fireball 23F X DSF Beauty 20B DSF BEAUTY’S FIRE 45K POLLEDMAPLETONSHORTHORN 3

It is just a neat old store, if in Wilton, Iowa it’s a must stop. Bubba created a mural of a large flag and pictures of the original founders along with a group of military folks. If you go to the Candy Kitchen, you won’t miss it. While we were in Wilton, we had the pleasure of a nice meal at the Presbyterian Church.The description that rings true almost everywhere is “you can’t beat church lady cooking,” and this was no exception. I was introduced to hot German potato salad, a different twist for potato salad. As they all say “let Mikey try it, Mikey will Magazine Cowboys Kids Livestock Plus is mailed the first of every month. Email ads or ad copy to or call Linda Luppen @ 515-851-0304 with questions. Please email requests for ad specs. Livestock Plus is published January, February, March, April, May/June, August, September, October, November, December. Subscriptions are free Direct subscription requests to Livestock Plus Inc., c/o Mary Allen, 8840 Deer Ridge Lane, Bloomington, MN 55438 Articles or ads published in LIVESTOCK PLUS, INC. are not necessarily the views or opinions of the publisher or staff. TERMS: All partnerships billed to one party. Due upon receipt. eat anything.” Mikey likes it!! Dessert second to none and hospitality was great. Thanks to the church ladies and their men (clean-up crew). Next, after an overnight stay in Macon, Missouri, we landed at a county fair in Owensville, Missouri; the Gasconade County Fair. All I can say is, “Wow!” I guess I’m used to the local county fairs, but this one is a mini state fair on steroids. On the way to the fairgrounds a buddy told me they wanted to feed the people going to the sale a ribeye steak dinner in the board room of the downtown bank “Legend State Bank.” I figured we would have a paper-thin ribeye sandwich. I was very surprised when I went through the line and gathered up a pretty darn good fullfledged ribeye. They also provided a side of cheesy potatoes and green beans with an option for corn on the cob. I desperately wanted to try the corn, but I usually wear as much as I eat and didn’t want to look like a slob the rest of the day. I guess, in short, they like the buyers to be well cared for. Not that I planned on being a buyer, but I was surely very grateful for a great meal. Now, on to the fair. We pulled into a midway like a junior theme park. We drove through with carnival rides on both sides, to a parking lot right by the sale ring. Beside the sale ring was a stage similar to the stage at the Iowa State Fair. I found out Tracy Lawrence would be playing on that stage that evening. Not only is this a great county fair for the kids, they take care of everyone; even the music lovers. The other thing that surprised me was the number of people that I knew and/or knew me, with me being 6 hours from home! Thanks everyone for making me feel welcome.Backtothe sale; really, who ever heard of going to a sale without bidding on something. Well, I had watched most of the sale and saw lots of livestock bring a very good price. Towards the end of this sale, they sold hams. These hams really intrigued me. I realize it doesn’t take much to impress me, but you know how you’ve seen in old movies where they hang hams out in the corn crib with a gunnysack over them and they put a brine on them every so often to keep them from spoiling. Most "Greetings" continued on pg 14
Greetings,Theweather report from Greenfield, Iowa, two words will describe it; HOT and DRY. Mother nature is not treating us very good. I pray for rain every day, several times, to please give us some relief. Dixie and I jumped in the truck a week ago and decided to head southeast and slide into Missouri. First though, we thought we would work our way east for a bit and stop in Wilton, Iowa to visit our son and view his latest creation on the north exterior wall of The Candy Kitchen. The Candy Kitchen is a landmark of its own. Founded in 1910 it has carried on with its soda fountain that remains today. It kind of took me back to my childhood. This place has all the old candy that I bought for pennies and nickels, although the price is a bit higher now. They have candy like the long flat taffy that came in multi colors, chuckles (a sugar high), and candy cigarettes (for those really cool kids) just to name a few.
MIKE SORENSEN ~ 641-745-7949
HEIDI ROHRIG ~ 661-900-6004
ERIC LEE ~ 608-295-5312
RANDY RASBY ~ 308-539-6195
CODY CRUM ~ 217-248-7282
4 Livestock Plus Inc. September 2022
AUSTIN SORENSEN ~ 712-310-3788


Pat Realing, WY "From a 67 year old guy in Wyoming the calf catcher is a life saver. Catch all calves by my great. Calves and cows are much calmer." Bruce Rickertsen, NE - "Makes catching, transporting and tagging calves much easier and safer."
The US Dollar and the US stock market has had a dandy rally for the last month or so and yet we must not forget that the Piper must be paid. Trillions of dollars have been printed out of thin air and handed out and now payback. The mid-term elections are around the corner and the liberal socialist folks want to take over the whole thing and tell us what to do and when to do it. Will they pull it off? Time will tell. Until then? The Dollar eventually has to be forced back down to try and inflate the debt away. Energy markets—specifically Crude — have had massive corrections and a turn back down on the Dollar during this new month of September should take Crude back over 100 per barrel and Silver and Gold to new multi-year highs. Why? Bitcoin is not liked by the liberal socialists trying to take over and thus you reasonably assume that honest hard working Americans will go back to old fashioned silver and gold coins, literally. So what should you expect in September and possibly through November? A resumption of the bear market in stocks and for Crude and Corn to take off again. Don’t be fooled by the vicious snap back on the SP500. Historical data shows over the years that a bear market gets wild up and down wild going down for the count. Word on the street is that even irrigated Corn is in trouble this year. Crude Oil is not going away anytime soon if you look at thousands of 18-Wheelers going up and down I-65 from Wisconsin to Alabama. Remember, Corn can be made into fuel or food and thus a bull market in Crude is a bull market in Corn. There are a number of ways to hedge your exposure on Corn and Diesel-Crude. Talk with us soon.
Protected Processing! Watch Action Video at For local dealers or to order, call 877-505-0914
Suffice it to say that hedging your family and ranch interests from Corn to Cattle to Diesel may be critical during the next pandemic. Few hard working old fashioned capitalists here in the Midwest can wrap their mind around the idea of socialistic powers and policies getting a stronger and stronger foot-hold in the United States of America. Uncertain times means hedging your business interests’ before the fact, not after the fact. Naturally if you are already a bona-fide livestock producer has experience in hedging livestock on the Board then you’ll want to see the wholesale beef and dressed steer approach to optimizing Cattle hedges. So to get a new perspective on beef and dressed integration you’ll need to contact Michelle at 312.756.0931 Monday through Friday 9am to 430pm CST and she will help you receive on a complimentary basis for two full months by email both ‘Daily and Weekend ‘Livestock Reports’ that includes Fat and Feeder Cattle Valuations. You can also email Michelle White at mwhite@ and give her your email address. And remember, hedging livestock with Chicago Board Cattle futures still has risk of loss and is not suitable for all livestock producers and investors who desire to hedge their livestock on the dirt. Again, feel free to call Michelle after the Cattle and Corn markets close here at the Board and she will arrange a quick teleconference for 20 minutes with us to help you educate yourself on the risk and opportunities of hedging or front-loading potential feed or livestock on the dirt. n
8 Livestock Plus Inc. September 2022
A Cowman’s Best Friend at Calving Time!
The Road Ahead in for Cattle Markets by Michael Seek Fox Group at the Board of Trade 9 KERN ONLINEINVITATIONALCATTLESALE SEPTEMBER 14, 2022 6:00 PM CST | LIVE ONLINE AT CCI.LIVE SALE WILL CLOSE WITH LIVE AUCTIONEER IN SALE BOOK ORDER Huwa All-N-One 0429 DOB. 9/9/20 | Reg#. 20009648 | Tattoo. 0429 Hoover Know How x Huwa 2902 Payweight 6017 BW WW YW SC HP MK DOC Claw Angle CW MB RE $M $B $C 1.9 81 161 1.98 16.5 29 33 .45 .29 84 1.10 .94 86 223 375 Ingram Heisman 0566 DOB. 11/25/20 | Reg#. 19958805 | Tattoo. 0566 Connealy Confidence Plus X RB Lady Denver 167-453 BW WW YW MP MK DOC Claw Angle CW MB RE $M $B $C 3 90 158 18.9 37 30 .30 .27 88 1.26 1.19 97 211 371 Featured Semen Lots! SELLING 50 UNITS OF SEMEN ON EACH OF THESE SIRES! ALSO FEATURING SELECT GENETICS FROM GUESTS OF KERN CATTLE, LLC Sale Host Kern Cattle, LLC Visalia, CA Josh De Jong, Owner Jason Gagnon, 559-723-6362 Sale Managed By CK6 Consulting Chris Earl 630-675-6559 Wes Tiemann 816-244-4462 Kody Fleeman 573-881-0117 Bid Live Online at CCI.LIVE

Mohnen Angus Mohnen Jilt 1655 | Reg. #15160606 Jilt 1655 is still serving as a donor for us at 17 years of age. She is the highest income-producing female in our herd. She has many daughters and granddaughters that will highlight this incredible sale. She sold the high-selling bull in our 2022 Sale, Mohnen Historic, for $210,000 to Schrock Angus, NE. (219) 776-7584 Sept.Thursday,15th|1pmAttheRanch SALE Selling open, ready to flush. She is the dam of the $25,000 DBL and Premier Genetics herd sire Mohnen Homeraised. Big-time potential and quality in this female. Mohnen Coquette 1126 Reg. #18558553 This past sale feature at $40,000 and dam of the $120,000 Mohnen South Dakota 402 has many progeny selling along with granddaughters. Mohnen Jilt 539 Reg. #16491629 One of many stunning heifer calves sired by our cotop-selling bull for $70,000 Mohnen Bandolier that will highlight this excellent set of heifer calves. 2002 will sell alongside her powerful dam 1126. Mohnen Coquette 2002 Reg. #20372578 An elite brood cow by the rare and valuable SG Salvation. This female is a performance powerhouse yet still very attractive up through her front one-third. Top 15% $M, 10% $W, and a $C of 323 for top 2%. Mohnen Ruth 2762 Reg. #20372643 Absolutely stunning Confidence Plus daughter out of one of the most proven half-sisters to SAV America. One of the largest Scrotal EPD daughters of Confidence Plus with a $C of 336 selling open, ready to flush. Mohnen Madame Pride 3189 Reg. #19485835 Half sister to the $125,000 Mohnen Jilt 490, this outstanding heifer calf comes directly from the heart of our ET heifer calves. One of the first heifers to be sold by the highly sought-after T/D Doc Ryan. Mohnen Jilt 1042 Reg. #20383666 Featured highlight and donor selling with her Mohnen Bandolier heifer calf. She sold a $20,000 son in our 2022 Bull Sale. Sells bred back to Bandolier. Mohnen Madame Pride 528 Reg. #19226244 Rod Geppert (605) 295-3673 Auctioneer: Seth Weishaar (605) 210-1124 25770 370th Ave • White Lake, SD 57383 • Josh: 605-680-0125 • Steve: 605-680-3063 • John: 605-680-2063 • Home: 605-249-2719 150SellingHead 11

Office 507.532.6694 Val Cell EliteHEAD60Femaleslikethissell! Debutante Forget Me Not & Kingpin Freckles Krissy 8 very clean tractors like these two will sell & both spreaders! SAMPLING OF THE FINE CATTLE & EQUIPMENT THAT SELLS SATURDAY, SEPT. 17 10 ft &ChuteStrongholdwithScaleCrowdingTub Kiefer Aluminum 20 ft Livestock Trailer Bruce 507-383-6207 Beth Andersland507-402-1095SimmentalFarm andersland@gmail.com12758670thAve.Emmons,MN56029 ONLINE BIDDING AT: 13

"Greetings" continued from pg 4 SORTING SYSTEMS • PORTABLE CORRALS • WORKING CHUTES & ALLEY WAYS THE WING • CATTLE BOX • COW CALF CORRAL W/OPTIONAL EXPANDERS 580-596-3381 • SORTING SYSTEMS: PAT# 8,534,230 & 9,226,476 • THE WING: PAT # 9,622,453 • PATENTS PENDING FOR:WORKING CHUTES & ALLEY WAYS, CATTLE BOX, COW CALF CORRAL AND EXPANDERS & RECTANGULAR TUBE CORRALS SORTING CATTLE THE EASY WAY! MFGD BY BURLINGTON WELDING LLC Cow Calf Corral with Optional Expanders Each piece sold separately Patent Pending Come to Our Ranch Open House & Celebrate Jim’s 88th Birthday! Saturday • September 24 • 2-4 pm Join us for Pasture Tours & Social Time/Dessert 1454 Highway 44 guthrie Center, IA Jim 641-757-0796 • Terry 641-757-9814
This is when the wheels fell off the recipe card. Matt has this thing for seasoning, sauces, and other exotic stuff to make a wild piece of meat. As I remember, one of the pieces had like a raspberry sauce, and the other piece had bar-b-que.
14 Livestock Plus Inc. September 2022 of us would be scared to eat it after it has hung outside in the heat, rain, bird’s, bugs, mold, and anything else creepy and crawly being on it. Well, I bought one. These hams for sale didn’t really hang outisde, they were stored in a modern way, but they used the same process to cure them. Elijah Wax from the Bem 4-H club prepared this ham for the sale. I’m not sure where he placed but it looked good to me. There was just something about this young man that hit me. He entered the sale ring with his ham and it was bringing about half what the first two brought. I guess I decided with that nine-year-old’s smile, and the proud look on his face, ol’ Mike could help make it bring what it should. So I bought it. I was on a mission to try something new. He and his mother did a little school after the sale on how they would prepare it, along with the extension lady that acquired a recipe card to help with notes on the preparation. Eli, great job! I was happy to be able to help you with your project. Special thanks to Anthony Peoples and Kevin Lockard for all the advice during this experience!!
A meat adventure that was fun and a flavor all of its own. I enjoyed every bit of it. Matt and family, thanks for the cheesy potatoes, green beans and your grilling expertise. Heidi, thanks for the monkey bread, and biscuits. Everything turned out great. Eli, great job on curing the ham! It was a great experience!!
Sale season is cranking up. We have started doing a few herd visits on our way to and from sales when time permits. If we can help in your sale prep or finding your next great one, give one of our sale staff aPleasecall. pray for our country, please Lord help fix the mess we are in, please grant our country’s leaders some common sense. Keep our Law enforcement, first responders, and our military and their families in your prayers.
Next was the call to my son-in-law Matt Rohrig, the master at the grill with a specialty on pork grilling. When I told him what I had done, his first comment was I have never done anything like this. My response was, “it’s no problem, I have been schooled.” Last Saturday was theMattnight.started early preparing sauces, grill and trying to figure how he was going to cut it. Well, the process took some time and serious cyphering. Ol’ Matt had his knives sharpened up and started cutting off some mold and then started the slicing. That brine stuff is tough stuff, with a minor slip, we sliced a thumb, but with Matt it was no problem. A paper towel, a little duct tape, and we were back in business.

WE ARE CATTLEMEN FIRST AND FOREMOST. It defines who we are and what we do. Our team has over 100 years of combined cattle experience and it shows in everything we design, build and do. We understand cattle and cattle people like no one else in the business. Let us help you: • Improve Feed Efficiency • Save More Calves • Improve Working Conditions • Find solutions that suit YOUR operation

Fourth Overall Steer Raised By: Karrie Klingner Webb | Sold By: Gerdes Show Cattle Congrats Kylie Beare! Congrats Kinser Gallagher! Reserve Market Heifer Ring A | Kansas Beef Expo 2021 Raised By: Scott Campbell Sold By: Gerdes Show Cattle, Lucky Strike, & Goretska Reserve Champion Market Animal Ring A&B Lee County Double Classic 2022 Raised By: Holtkamp Cattle Company | Sold by: GSC Grand Champion Female Ring 2 2022 Iowa County Spring Thaw Congrats Jaren Gerdes! 4th Overall Breeding Heifer | Chillicothe Winter Preview - Ring 1 Reserve Champion Angus Raised By: Woodruff | Sold By: Gerdes Show Cattle Congrats Kylie Reed! Congrats Kinser Gallagher!! Champion Division 1 Percentage Heifer Calf B&K/IVS Alley’s Remedy 4199J Sold at the 2021 Buckles & Banners Sale Gerdes Show Cattle | Eric & Tara Gerdes | 1564 Pilot Grove Road West Point, IA 52656 Eric Gerdes: 319- 850-1694 | Dylan Soutter: 515-681-4438 | Steer + PastureHeiferSale PHONE BID-OFF SALE | SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 2022 BIDS NEED TO BE PLACED BY DARK 17

Angus International,AllianceLLC. ...Next generation genetics PO Box 2845 Joplin MO 64803 Bruce 417-540-4902Copeland Wes 816-244-4462MarketingTiemann SALE MANAGEMENTGlennDavis219-776-7584 Candolier Forever 376 Legends Donna 386DSitz JLS Miss Spade 202H Also featuring 2 SAV Jesse James x Donna bull calf prospects. First progeny from Donna 976, the full sister to Donna 714 SALE SITE: 13487 CIVIL WAR RD • CARTHAGE, MO 64836 October 8, 2022 12 PM CARTHAGE , MO Production SaleAngus Alliance International, Ltd. | Selling an opportunity to capture 376 pregnancies or progeny. In the summer of 2022 AAI dedicated 9 donors to the maternal legend Candolier Forever 376, the creator of the Forever Lady family and the most famous son of Forever of Wye. Here’s your opportunity to relaunch an era of dependable genetics. Selling a heifer calf pregnancy by BJ Surpass Selling a flush to the clone of the great DonnaColeman386 TakingMaternalSerious

ILR 4075 LADY BETH 795 ET HH Advance 4075B ET x Remitall Boomer 46B Proven Donor of 2021 High Seller - She Sells Bred to C Real Deal for a January calf SWIGART 36G BARBARA 208 ET March Horned Open Heifer Haroldson’s United 33D 36G x JCS 240 Flintlock 5815 SWIGART 183F ISABELLE 2003 January Polled Open Heifer TH Masterplan 183F x UPS Sensation 2296 ET Request a Catalog Today!Stephens & Loehr Herefords Mark Stephens / Taylorville, IL / 217-825-7913 Pete Loehr / Peoria, IL / 309-692-6026 GUEST BREEDERS Swigart Herefords. Adam Swigart / Farmer City, IL / 309-826-3809 Steve Cole / Bethany, IL / 217-273-2092 Jennings Land & Cattle / Palmyra, IL / Rodger, 217-825-6147 LHF MISS EVIE 121 EXR Bankroll 8130 ET x CL 1 Domino 955W Bred to TH Masterplan 183F BAR S MISS 8232 123 CL 1 Domino 8232F x NJW 98S R117 Ribeye 88X ET Bred to BG LCC 11B Perfecto 84F C MISS MILES MCKEE 7104 C Miles Mckee 2103 ET x NJW 73S M326 Trust 100W ET Sells with a C Real Deal Heifer calf at side Bred back to Dominate BAR S MISS 509 749 BAR S MR 240 509 x NJW 73S 980 Hutton 109Z ET Sells with a Heifer calf at side sired by 2TK Perks Chuma and bred to Dominate for a January calf SWIGART 401 CASEY 7581 SW 88X Liberal 401 ET x WTM Top Gun 1108 Bred back safe to Purple Sensation 66H, due with a heifer calf Hereford FallSaturday,ClassicSeptember17,20225:30PMCST|Taylorville,IL Selling Elite Heifer Calves, Bred Heifers & Cows, Pairs 19

THE Iowa Land Guy TEAMState Trends ($/Acre) H IG (CSR2H75+) (CSR2MED50-75) (CSR2LOW50) $3,550$6,137$8,473$8,238$8,456$9,236$8,428$9,655$5,496$6,121$6,046$5,593$6,551$3,264$5,298$4,659$5,121$3,632 $ $12,000$10,000$8,000$6,000$4,000$2,0000 JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV Iowa Land Trends By Crop Reporting District: Feb 22 - JULY 22 HIGHNORTHWEST$/ACRE$/CSR2 $17,333 $196 MED $8,579 $135 LOW $8,200 $165 NORTH$/ACRECENTRAL$/CSR2 HIGH $13,759 $165 MED $8,874 $137 LOW $6,000 $124 NORTH$/ACREEAST$/CSR2 HIGH $14,560 $173 MED $12,405 $201 LOW $8,941 $213 SOUTH$/ACRECENTRAL$/CSR2 HIGH $10,637 $139 MED $8,047 $125 LOW $4,874 $120 HIGHSOUTHWEST$/ACRE$/CSR2 $10,683 $131 MED $8,015 $126 LOW $5,650 $114 SOUTHEAST$/ACRE$/CSR2HIGH $11,656 $139 MED $7,958 $125 LOW $5,243 $120 WEST$/ACRECENTRAL$/CSR2 HIGH $15,736 $186 MED $10,401 $161 LOW $8,367 $180 CENTRAL$/ACRE$/CSR2 HIGH $14,593 $172 MED $9,334 $141 LOW NA NA Average Month-Over-Month State Trend ($/Acre) Iowa Land Guy David Whitaker • Broker/Auctioneer Whitaker Marketing Group • • 515-460-8585 Flat-line This last month we began to see some auctions that ended up as no-sales and/or delayed – sales. Yet, last week we also saw some strong sales that brought 18k and 22K/acre. What does this mean? It means just because one farm brings $20,000/acre does not mean that all farms will bring that price. There are still many factors that affect farmland value: location, farm ability, shape, size, CSR2, soil type, slope, drainage, water sources, hunting/fishing ability, ability to build, development potential and much more. One of the largest factors however is the competitiveness of the neighbor farmers. Most farm buyers come within 50 miles of the farm location. Even if there are investor buyers bidding, an auction relies on the competitive bidding aspect. If the locals are not bidding as aggressively as they have been recently we will see lower prices. When the backup bidders do not bid as aggressive … I believe we will see real estate/auction companies shift to offering the farmland as a one chance bid option (sealed bid scenario) as a measure to gain the highest and best price. We may also see no-sales at auction with negotiations for the seller’s desired price after the auction. For us, as land sales specialist, we will have to sharpen the pencil to manage sellers’ expectations. We are not saying the market is crashing … we believe the market is flattening due to buyers exercising caution from talk of recession. We are still seeing outstanding prices and significantly more acres coming to the market. Results from the 92 Auctions (10,770 acres) this last month have the average for the state at $11,795 high quality ground at $14,675/ acre, and medium quality ground averaging $9,211/acre. Low quality ground has remained steady at an average of $5,110/acre. August 2022 Stay up to date with the latest market trends in Iowa farmland. EAST$/ACRECENTRAL$/CSR2 HIGH $16,025 $189 MED $12,298 $198 LOW NA NA When you think WHITAKERFARMLANDOFTHINKofUS!MARKETINGGROUPIOWALANDGUY.comWhitaker Marketing Group $0 $5,000 $10,000 $15,000 AugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberJanuaryFebruaryMarchApril May June July $13,735 $13,222 $14,866 $12,838 $14,973 $13,453 $8,331 $10,334 $9,179 $9,402 $9,637 $9,211 $6,275 $6,000 $6,000 $5,110 $0 $2,000 $4,000 $6,000 $8,000 $10,000 $12,000 $14,000 $16,000 JanFebMarAprMayJunJul Call today to see what your farm is worth and get a free land 515-460-8585valuation!

Offering 60 Lots of Registered Simmental & AOB Spring Open & Bred Heifers, Steers, Bulls, & Genetic Lots! Online Bidding & Videos at www.CCI.Live! Saturday September 17, 2022 - 6PM At The Farm - Atalissa, Iowa Live Video Auction! Swing Shift Simmentals Ron Cox 319-631-3565 2133 137th St. Atalissa, IA 52720 Special Consignments From: Danner Cattle Kitzerow Cattle Company Chad www.dwyercattle.comNickSaleSlaterClausenFarmsManagedby,DwyerCattle309-337-6404Bob309-337-1404 1/2 SM SO Remedy x Dallas Donor Red Angus Safe AI Double Up 1/2 SM Broker x Angus Safe AI Lover Boy W/C Bankroll x Dallas Donor Red Angus 1/2 SM & 1/2 Red Angus WS A Step Up x Optimizer 3/4 Simmental 21



24 Livestock Plus Inc. September 2022 SELLING 150 HEAD OF COMMERCIAL RED ANGUS BRED HEIFERS FROM HORSESHOE VALLEY FARM An intensive rotational grazing and grassfed beef program. FOR MORE INFORMATION: Sale Manager, Kyle Gilchrist (641) 919-1077 14075 120th St., Douds, IA 52551Total250Sellingwww.redcows.netredcowseller@yahoo.comHeadofREDANGUSFemales!Featuring100 Head of Registered Females, Cow/Calf Pairs Fall & Spring Breds and Fancy Open Heifers
COMMENTARY Lefty’s Logic by Eric Lee I somethingdid today that a year and a half ago was not in my future,immediatewetookBrenton to his first day of kindergarten. I am pretty sure it was way easier on him than it was on Brooke and me. We walked him into the school where his teacher and class were lining up, he gave us both a quick hug said bye and ran to join his classmates. To see how much that little boy has opened up and changed is nothing short of awesome. There is nothing I have ever been part of that makes me more proud than helping raise that little guy. So, when it came time to make the decision to move back with them to Illinois or stay in Wisconsin, the decision was incredibly easy. I feel so blessed to have Brooke and Brex in my life and know it does not matter where we are as long as we are together, we will be just fine.Ilook forward to continuing to work with all of my old customers and excited for the new ones to come. As we move forward in the fall sale season, please do not hesitate to reach out to me or any of the LPI family with any of your sale needs. May you be as blessed as I have been. Eric “Lefty” 608-295-5312gileecc@yahoo.comLee
Dustin Carter Auctioneer 712-898-9972

KEOCO AUCTION BARN 1:00 PM – SIGOURNEY, IA FEATURING THE GET & SERVICE OF CHAMPIONS PREMONITION & MARVEL! PLUS OVER 60 HEAD OF FEMALES! 60% of the females selling will be under 4 years of age – 20 head are fall calving cows 45 YEARS OF AI 30 YEARS OF EMBRYO TRANSFER KEN608/574.6150HARTZELL 1189 Moscow Road Moscow, IA • • • Guest Consignor: Breeze Hill Angus, Joe Mather Sale Managed By: American Angus Hall of FameA HERD 60 YEARS IN THE MAKING! PremonitionMarvel Expect Fall Bred Heifers & Winning Genetics like this to sell September 18th!Find us Facebook!on 25

Quote from Jon Janssen: “We are very humbled to be part of the Debernardi tour 2022 and have the chance to visit old friends Santiago Debernardi, Raul Alfonsin and manythatmemoriesTheseUSA.andArgentinabothtravelenoughbeenthatothersIhaveluckytowithinthearewill
forever be highlights of my Angus career. The pure love of good Angus cattle that Santiago and I share, and our desire to share it with the world makes our story one that needs to be told. Thank you to Santi and Select Sires for making Janssen Angus one of the stops amongst some of the most celebrate Angus programs of all time! Maradith and I are forever thankful!” n
It is important to note that prior to the Debernardi/Select Sires partnership, the Argentine company was the worlds largest distributor for Genex Cooperative. During their working relationship together, Jon and Santiago were lucky enough to have the foresight to procure two of the three most influential sires in Argentine Angus history! Duff Mr. Angus and SAV Resource! Both have left a giant impact on the genetic landscape in Argentina and still do to this day. Both have sold millions of dollars in semen in Argentina. Other stops along the long journey included: Mushrush Red Angus, KS; McCumber Angus, ND; Schaff Angus Valley, ND; Ellingson Angus Ranch, ND; Strommen Angus Ranch, ND; World West Sires, MT; JR Angus Ranch, MT and Coleman Angus Ranch, MT.
Janssen Angus has been a regular stop on the Debernardi/ Select tour for 8 years because of the shared goals in producing the good ones that both Jon and Santiago are driven by. This spring, Janssen Angus purchased a new Canadian bred herd sire in partnership with neighboring breeder Pinehurst Angus. Brooking Steadfast is an SAV Renovation son out of one of the most productive Pioneer cows in Justin Morrison’s, Brooking Angus Program. He fits the phenotype desires of both Janssen and Debernardi, deep, thick, sound, Aberdeen Angus head, fleshing ability and massive muscle shape. After thepurchase,monumentalhimcongratulatemediasocialJonapproachedSantiagoimmediatelybull,purchasedJonthealmostthroughtoonaanddesireto sell semen on the bull in Argentina. The world is literally so small anymore with the advent of the internet that two friends a half a world away can pursue the same bull without each other knowing about it!
A Passion for Angus Like No Other Contributed by Jon Janssen
Brooking Steadfast
In June, Santiago Debernardi led a group of 40+ Argentine Angus breeders on a journey that started in Kansas and ended in Montana, a trip that he and his Semen Company, Juan Debernardi SRL/Select Sires hosts annually for passionate breeders/veternarians/advisors to learn the American way of management and breeding of Angus. One of the stops in the journey that started at Mushrush Angus in Kansas and ended at Coleman Angus in Montana, was Janssen Angus in Iowa. Jon Janssen and Santiago Debernardi have been friends/colleagues for 20+ years dating back to Jon’s role in the Genex Beef Department and Santiago’s role as Marketing manager in his father’s company, Juan Debernardi SRL, the company that sells more American Beef semen any where in the world...more than One Million units annually!’s simple, PASSION for the good ones, Angus cattle that can survive in any environment, flesh easy, good feet, thick muscle, base wide, attractive, basically the kind that can turn grass into protein on the table.
Argentina is a country that has a history of producing Phenotypically some of the best cattle in the world because of their relentless desire to breed the perfect animal physically that can thrive only on roughage, yet be pleasing to the eye! The data or EPD’s, to them, takes a back seat to visual appraisal. They produce what their population likes to eat, their goal is not to produce a product that they can export world wide. Consequently, their population eats roughly twice the amount of beef per year than we do in the USA. Santiago and his colleagues will travel to the ends of the earth scouting bulls that will help them achieve their goals!
Jon with Santiago Debernardi, Raul Alfonsin & Hector Santos
This group of 40+ Argentine Angus enthusiasts were treated to the viewing of Brooking Steadfast along with a group of Janssen Angus cows sired by Debernardi/Select Sires bulls including SAV Rainfall, Crawford Guarantee, Deer Valley Growth Fund, SAV Resource, SAV Don Pepe, SAV Priority, SAV Harvestor and many more. After the cattle tour Jon and Santiago presented to the group their shared view of the future of the Angus business and answered several questions, followed by a couple of hours of fellowship over lunch...and local Madison County Iowa Red Wine!
26 Livestock Plus Inc. September 2022 27 Four National Champions that were sold in an Illini Top Cut Sale and 1 in a fall online sale. Presenting the ILLINI TOP CUT Live withAuctionInternetBidding SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 18 TH AT 1:00 P.M. Conducted at our sale facility in Macomb, IL 50 Lots • Over 70 Head 8K Jan. Horned 11K Feb. Horned Two full sibs sired by Dominate and out of 48E – Flushmate to Montgomery and Deberard. 3K Jan. Polled Americanclassic x 202 donor 2K Jan. Polled Redemption x 202 donor 102K Jan. Horned 628 x Kiwi 116 1K Jan. Horned Dominate x 227 Kylie donor 139 Two bred heifers sired by Perfecto 84F 115 LCC Patton Kiwi 116 ETLCC SHF Miss Lemon Lime 502 ETRJL LCC Miss Poker Face 5C ETLCC FBF Time Traveler 480LCC TG Be My Merry Time 7B Over 30 Pictures yet to be taken Jack BrentMonte309-255-0330309-255-0110309-221-9621 Cody 309-313-2171 Reid Office608-574-9924309-833-5543 The Lowderman Family PO Box 488 • Macomb, IL 61455 Hosted by The Lowderman Family

3.2.1. To be listed on our Illinois Show Cattle Map Call Heidi at 661-900-6004 29

Showing has been, and probably will always, be one guy’s opinion on one given day. To me, it’s important to acknowledge that, go to win, and don’t be afraid to congratulate someone who beats you.
As always, do not hesitate to contact me or anyone on our team for assistance with your livestock purchasing or marketing needs. ItLord,isan honor to be able to share with you our struggles, our disappointments desires. Give us the confidence to talk to you about anything and everything because we know that you are always listening and are able to answer our prayers in a powerful way. Please give us patience and peace when our prayers don’t get answered in the ways we want or as soon as we expect. Help us to trust you more. Bless our families, our farms, our schools, our businesses, our country and our churches. Finally, help us to make time to listen to you. We know it’s important that we tell you what we need and want, but help us to also hear your voice guiding us, correcting us, training us and encouraging us throughout our lives. Thank you for this wonderful world that you have created for us and motivate us to share your love with our families, our friends and even those we aren’t familiar with God yet. As we plant the seeds of faith in the hearts of others, please help those seeds to grow to a fully mature faith. Amen. Pastor Steven Broers • 641-745-7648 Emmanuel Lutheran Fontanelle,ChurchIowa
As I sit and write this, we are about half way through the Iowa State Fair and what fun it has been! I love seeing such high quality livestock compete but even more so seeing high quality junior exhibitors show their livestock. This year there has seemed to be a lot of Facebook posts and comments made about kids getting bad treatment when they win by either saying it wasn’t them who did the work, or calling politics, or so on and so forth. I think we need to look long and hard before making such a claim for multiple reasons.
This month, my hat goes off to those with the heart of a champion. Those who go to win every time they compete, but also can congratulate a winner and go home to make necessary adjustments to be better next time out.
God www.livestockplusinc.comaust.sorensen@gmail.com712-310-3788Austinbless,Sorensen Bottomless Feed Bunk Bull Panel NEW! at coon river gate company • Use as calving pens, fence, swinging gates, or anywhere corral panesl are used • The 10’ gates swing 360 degrees and fold flat against either side of the mainframe • Tires will easily break free from any frozen surface • Models range from 20’ to 60’ and make up to four calving pens with one freestanding gate Designed by a cattleman in Iowa, the EnduraGate makes life easier for both the cow/calf operation as well as the feedyard! 712-660-0046 2561 175th STreet, Nemaha, IA 50567 Coon River Gate Company Home of Dear
and our
30 Livestock Plus Inc. September 2022 COMMENTARY Hats Off bySorensenAustin
joys, our
It takes so much to be competitive showing livestock these days. Just the difference in effort it takes to be competitive over the past 10 years has changed so drastically. You can most often look at an exhibitor and their creature in the ring and tell just how much time they’ve spent together. I love to win as much as anyone. More so, I love people who every time they go to a show, go to win. I think you need that in your heart and that extra drive that every time you go somewhere you go to win. That being said, I also believe in learning and moving on when you get beat at a show; especially by one that is truly just good or a different type and kind than you may have had that day.

Ken Haas Angus Ken, Heather, and Kendall Haas | Ken, 307-834-2356 4766 St Hwy 151, LaGrange, WY 82221 | Sale Managed by CK6 Consulting | Chris Earl 630-675-6559 | Wes Tiemann 816-244-4462 Kody Fleeman 573-881-0117 | Ken Haas Angus COW HERDReduction Sale SEPTEMBER 19, 2022 | 11:00 AM AT THE RANCH, LAGRANGE, WYOMING Request your sale book today! 40-YEARS OF PROVEN ANGUS GENETICS | SELLING 300 FEMALES Bid online at 31

September 2022 Sale greghubert@st-tel.net785-672-7449Oakley,P.O.GregManager:HubertBox100KS67748(cell) 40 head born In 2020 40 head born in 2018/2019 25 head born in 2016/2017 20 head born in 2014/2015 Featuring 105 Fall Cow-Calf Pairs 70% calved out by September 15th 95% Calved out before Sale Date! THEY ARE YOUNG! Saturday, October 15 • Noon • Newton, Iowa Mature Cow Herd Dispersal 105 Fall Pairs • 35 Spring Bred Females • 5 Weaned Open Heifers They All Sell Tom & Jen Cannon 6617 Hwy F36 W Newton, IA 50208 641-521-8184 (Tom’s www.cannoncharolaisranch.comcannonfarms@hotmail.cell)com


4.2. 35


January-April is the time of year when har vested forages are required to make up the bulk of the diets. Considering the moderate to high requirements of third trimester ges tation and late lactation, a CP and energy supplement is often needed regardless of calving window. Early weaning of fall calves to reduce the diet requirements of cows may be a good option to save on the
As drought, high input costs, and mar ket volatility have driven U.S. cow herd numbers to 70-year lows, some Iowa cat tlemen may consider starting a fall herd if markets dictate. Benefits to fall-calving include marketing calves during seasonal highs, double dipping on bull power, and reduced calving labor. However, our region has one major limitation: feed. If not man aged, feed costs for fall-calving cows will eat the profit out of the higher market value of fall-born calves. Before making the switch to or add ing a fall herd, a solid understanding of a cow’s nutritional requirements relative to the feed value of readily available forages each month is necessary. Figure 1 tracks the crude protein (CP) and total digestible nutrients (TDN) or energy requirements for a 1,400-pound mature cow with above average milk to maintain a BCS 5 through out the calendar year. It assumes a March or September born calf weaned at six months.Lactating cows have 25-30% greater nutrient requirements than dry cows. Spring-calving cows reach peak feed needs in early spring and are lactating over the early summer months when cool season pastures perform best. However, fall-calving cows’ requirements peak during a time of year when cool-season pas tures are going dormant, so another forage resource is necessary. Table 1 lists common forages used as the base of beef cow diets and notes when a CP or TDN supplement is likely needed during the year based on spring or fall-calving cows’ requirements. In various scenarios, it’s important to consider feed availabil ity, harvest costs, storage costs, feed delivery costs, and increased waste when utilizing harvested feeds. When comparing fall and spring system feed needs, a few points are worth noting.
Meeting the feed needs of fall-calving
herds Table 1: What kind of supplement is needed to meet requirements? JANUARY - APRIL MAY - AUGUST SEPTEMBER - DECEMBER SourceForage Lactation)CalvingFall(Late (Lactation)CalvingSpring Fall(Gestation)Calving (LateCalvingSpringLactation) Fall(Lactation)Calving (Gestation)CalvingSpring HayAlfalfa-GrassMid-quality, None CP, TDN None CP, TDN CP, TDN None Corn Silage CP CP CP CP CP CP Cornstalks CP, TDN CP, TDN CP, TDN CP, TDN CP, TDN CP Small Grains None None None None None None Cool PastureSeason Growing None Growing None Stockpiled CP, TDN Stockpiled None
38 Livestock Plus Inc. September 2022

September-December presents the largest challenge as feedstuffs are gen erally lower quality than in the spring.
summer pastures are uti lized for cattle in either calving window as they provide adequate nutrition during the growing season. Another option may be dry lotting the fall herd while requirements are low during gestation to save grass for the spring herd or stockpiling for later use. Though economical at times, this year that was probably not the case.
When you reserve your consignments, please specify if you would like to reserve them for the sale or if you would like them to be tested privately and plan to market them in private treaty. Privately tested lots will go through the same curriculum as sale nominated cattle, and the perfor mance data will be available to the owner at the end of the testing window. Reserving your consignments for the sale does not guarantee them to be sold in one of two ICA “Symbol of Excellence” Sales. ICA is committed to excellence and your consign ments will be given the privilege of partic ipating if they achieve excellence in the following categories: FALL & SRPING REQUIREMENTSBULL
For spring-calving cows that are weaning calves, maintenance requirements are low and cows can thrive on low-quality forages like cornstalks. On the other hand, fall-calv ing cows require high quality feeds as they reach peak production. To stay competitive during high feed prices, fall-calving herds might include stockpiled pastures or hay ground, summer annuals, or small grains and brassicas to boost forage quality and extend the grazing season. While the qual ity of the forage will dictate how much is needed, protein and energy supplements are typically needed to meet high lactation requirements of fall-calving cows. All of the discussed examples assume adequate forage availability and unlimited intake. When limited, a supplement must be fed. Altering the calving window isn’t a light decision and should be driven by each operation’s forage and labor avail ability throughout the year.
• Minimum 11.5-square inch ultra sound ribeye area measurement.
The Iowa Cattlemen’s Association (ICA) Bull and Heifer Evaluation Program serves the needs of our commercial cow-calf and seedstock producer sectors represented in Iowa. The program, which has been in place since 1985, provides seedstock producers comparison and benchmarking information. This information allows them to make conscious breeding decisions, is an avenue for program exposure, and pro vides a vast range of genetics for buyers across the state. The cow-calf sector of our industry is able to have access to real time data that allows them to make informed decisions on seedstock selection. Thus, increasing their bottom line through a high er quality calf crop.
• Must pass breeding soundness exam.
• Minimum adjusted pelvic measure ment based on chart of minimum calf weight.
• Frame score – maximum of 8.0.
• Must pass a breeding soundness exam with a minimum 32-centime ter scrotal circumference measure ment.
• Minimum 1,100-pound adjusted yearling weight.
FEMALE REQUIREMENTS 39 feed bill. However, the calf still needs very high-quality feed to support normal growth but generally, a lower quantity than that of a lactatingTraditionally,cow.
• Rank in the upper 90% of their breed contemporary by sale index.
• Adjusted yearling weight - minimum of 730 pounds.
The Iowa Cattlemen’s Association is now accepting reservation forms for the 2022-2023 Bull and Heifer Evaluation Program. Reservations for the test will be open until Sept. 15, 2022. With the legacy and reputability of this program being elite, spots will fill up fast. Nominations will be accepted on a first-come-first-serve basis with the reservation fee paid at the time of nomination. You will be notified at the end of the nomination period if your consign ments were accepted to participate in this year’s test.
MORE INFOMATION For more information about ICA’s Bull and Heifer Evaluation Program, contact Skylar Brittain at or 515-250-0747.
IOWA CATTLEMEN’S ASSOCIATION Evaluation Program: Reservations now being accepted

Congratulations to all exhibitors! Champion Breeding Heifer Champion Market Beef Champion Breeding Doe Champion Market Goat Champion Breeding Ewe Champion Market Lamb Champion Breeding Heifer Champion Market Hog Shown by Owen Weisnger Shown by Brenna Wilkins Shown by Waylen Gemberling Shown by Kennedy DeVries Shown by Braden Tiarks Shown by Max Petenhauser Shown by Kaylia Fuchs Shown by Kennedy DeVries Supreme Champions From all of us at All Photography Done By: Empire Imagery & Carolyn Wilson Congratulations THANK YOU to ALL that helped and supported this event. It couldn’t have happened without YOU!

 41 43

COMPLETE ANGUS DISPERSION Nansel’s Flying Ranch SUNDAY, OCT. 30 2022 · 1:00 P.M. mst MILES CITY LIVESTOCK COMMISSION · MILES CITY, MT SELLING 250 HEAD · 66 BULL CALF PAIRS · 50 HEIFER CALF PAIRS · 16 BRED HEIFERS · 3 HERD BULLS INFLUENTIAL FEMALES IN THIS DISPERSION A LIVESTOCK FAMILY OF FIVE GENERATIONS ON ONE RANCH FULFILLING THE NEEDS OF AN INDUSTRY! • Sitz Resilient 10208 • SAV Scale House 0845 • Baldridge Drag Iron • SAV Abundance 6117 • SAV Certified 0849 • Mill Brae Benchmark 9016 • Flying N Commander 7077 • Flying N Frontier 0006 • Flying N Ebony 9022 S A V Blackcap May 4136 S A V Blackcap May 5530 Werner Lady 0304 S A V Emblynette 7563 S A V Blackcap May 3525 Riverbend EisaEvergreen X424 S A V Madame Pride 0075 Queen of Peak Dot 652S Dam of SAV Seedstock 4838, SAV Renown 3439 (Pathfinder® sire) and SAV Referee 4456. Pathfinder® dam of SAV Symbol 6342 and SAV Regard 4863. Paternal grandam of SAV Quarterback 7933. Dam of Werner Flat Top 4136, who is the sire of Flying N Ebony 9022. He Sells!! Paternal great grandam of SAV Quarterback 7933. Dam of SAV Abundance 6117 Dam of SAV Quarterback 7933 Dam of Montana Traction 7078 Dam of SAV Idol 5582. Grandam of Flying N Commander 7077. He Sells!! FEATURED & SERVICE SIRES 11 Nansel Ln Miles City, MT 59301 • Ron Nansel 406-853-6473 • Brian Nansel 406-951-6267 • THISINCLUDESDISPERSIONOUR2023ANNUALBULLSALE WINTERINGBULLPROGRAMAVAILABLE RETIREMENTDISPERSIONAUCTIONEER: AL CONOVER 515-491-8078 Dam of Peak Dot Bold 2044


The “Joy” of Baking Contributed by Landi McFarland “I can do better than that!” was Joy’s attitude after taking her first cake to the Iowa State Fair in the early 1980’s and placing third out of three entries. Joy was the third generation of her family to exhibit baked goods for competition at the Iowa State Fair, and she set out to improve her competitive baking skills.Joy listened to judge’s comments, took notes, then went home and spent countless hours perfecting her baked goods. One year, Joy brought home 71 blue (first place) ribbons from the Iowa State Fair. Another year, she won Sweepstakes in 6 different divisions. Yet another year she won both Cake of the Fair and Cookie of the Fair – two of the most prestigious awards. Her first year entering pies, she won first and second overall in the pie division. These are no small feats, as the Iowa State Fair has the largest competitive Food Department in the nation. Cakes were always Joy’s favorite item to bake and exhibit. Joy baked 25 cakes for this year’s Iowa State Fair, and came home with 12 blue (first place) ribbons. She earned First Overall in the Single Layer category with
Red Velvet Cake - 1st in Class
David, Joy & Landi with Joy’s Moist Chocolate Cake2nd Overall winner in the Layer Cake division
EDITORIAL A note from Mike, From the very beginning of Livestock Plus Inc., I have told everyone involved in this publication that this isn’t Good Housekeeping, we are not a Betty Crocker Plus, and we darn sure are not a recipe book. In other words, one food story and that is mine, but I certainly think that I owe Joy and David McFarland and the rest of my readers the chance to share their success at the Iowa State Fair. Joy and David are a big part of Hoover Angus. They are one of my faithful advertisers for some 25 years. My congratulations to the family on the successful baking and superior Angus genetics. It is my hopes to someday to be a taste tester for Joy and David! Ice cream and cake, dessert deluxe!
cake whichclass,had 10 entries, by a judge that had been on the chef’s staff for the Governor of Iowa for 20 cake.threeinfrostingchocolatevanillacolorsAlternatingyears.ofandwerebetweenthelayersofJoyalso
earned Sweepstakes honors – given to the contestant with the most blue ribbons in the cake division.
Alternating colors of frosting on the inside of Joy’s Moist Chocolate Cake Moist Chocolate Cake2nd Overall in the Layer Cake Division
Chocolate Raspberry Pound Cake - 1st Overall in the Single Layer Cake category
Continuing the family tradition, Joy’s daughter Landi has exhibited hundreds of food exhibits at the State Fair, and this year marks the first year that Landi’s daughter, Gwen, will enter cookies at the fair – making the 5th consecutive generation from this family to exhibit baked goods at the Iowa State Fair! When the Iowa State Fair had a homemade ice cream competition, Joy’s husband, David, exhibited many champion ice cream entries. David and Joy created and perfected 24 of their own flavors for competition.
46 Livestock Plus Inc. September 2022 t her

5172 Kaiser Road | Sawyer, MI 49125 The Inve$tment Female SaleSEPTEMBER 5, 2021 Sunday I 1:00 pm (EST) I Sawyer, Michigan Reg. 20121155 Sire: *G A R Home Town I Dam: *CAV Lady Unanimous 2145-5214 A special sale attraction is this full sister to the $175,000 top-selling bull of the 2022 National Angus Bull Sale at the Cattleman’s Congress: Crouch Congress, a featured member of the ORIgen AI Stud. This beautiful daughter of the record-selling GAR Home Town stems back to the legendary Lady family and the popular and proven Brumfield and Linz donor, CAV Lady Unanimous 21455214. She not only has tremendous phenotype but also reads with exceptional numbers across the board. Brumfield Lady Hometown 1102 Crouch CongressThe $175,000 Full Brother to Brumfield Lady Hometown 1102. Frank Brumfield Family SALE LOCATION: 5172 Kaiser Road I Sawyer, MI 49125 312/391-6116 Frank Brumfield I 512/634-6510 Kevin Gallagher For Free Reference Booklet Please Contact: Kevin - 512.634.6510 EPDs current as of 8-5-22 CED +8 BW -.6 WW +62 YW +113 Milk +32 CW +60 Marb +1.14 REA +.84 $M +70 $W +67 $B +192 $C +319 She Sells! Reg. *20223476 I Sire: *Linz Exemplify 71124 Dam: *Crouch Lady Acclaim 901 Brumfield Lady Exemplify1163 She Sells! SEPTEMBER 30, 2022 Friday I 5:30 pm (EDT) I Sawyer, Michigan Selling 45 Elite Lots! Donors I Cow Calf Pairs Bred Heifers I ET Heifer Calves CED +12 BW -.2 WW +73 YW +126 Milk +30 CW +50 Marb +1.24 REA +1.07 $M +63 $W +78 $B +180 $C +296 CED +2 BW +2.4 WW +94 YW +164 Milk +38 CW +91 Marb +1.20 REA +.62 $M +72 $W +92 $B +209 $C +343 She Sells! Reg. +*20120285 I Sire: *Poss Maverick Dam: +*RB Lady Tombstone 167-5509 Brumfield Lady Maverick 1125 CED +16 BW -1.1 WW +72 YW +126 Milk +34 CW +54 Marb +.67 REA +.63 $M +106 $W +85 $B +140 $C +288 She Sells! Reg. +*20249213 I Sire: +*LD Capitalist 316 Dam: +*Coleman Donna 4203 Brumfield Donna 1731 CED +8 BW -.1 WW +86 YW +149 Milk +34 CW +64 Marb +1.18 REA +.84 $M +76 $W +89 $B +180 $C +309 She Sells! Reg. +*20273958 I Sire: +*Baldridge Versatile Dam: +*THM Lady Innovation 3189-690 Brumfield Lady 2015 CED +8 BW +1.0 WW +80 YW +138 Milk +27 CW +52 Marb +1.51 REA +.80 $M +60 $W +78 $B +185 $C +300 She Sells! Reg. +*20288529 I Sire: *DB Iconic G95 Dam: *BRMF Miss Denver 317 Brumfield Miss Iconic 1155 47

Kansas City, MO — The Livestock Marketeers held their 57th Annual Hall of Fame banquet in Kansas City, MO on June 14th, 2022. This year’s inductees were Henry Stockdale, Columbia, TN (posthumous), John Meents, Jenera, OH and Greg Hubert, Oakley, KS. The host for this year’s event was the American Hereford Association and Certified Hereford Beef. The Livestock Marketeers is a formal group of livestock marketing professionals from across the nation whose purpose is to promote and honor those who are dedicated to the livestock marketing industry.
John Meents served as a field representative from 1978 until his retirement in 2021. He served as a road agent for organizations such as: The American Yorkshire Club & Yorkshire Journal, The Drovers Journal, The American Polled Hereford Association & Polled Hereford World and The American Hereford Association and Hereford World. Greg Hubert and his wife Brenda own and operate Hubert Cattle Sales, a Charolais sale management firm based in their hometown of Oakley, Kansas. Greg began his career in sale management in 1986. To date he has managed 817 auctions and marketed 56,379 head of registered cattle.n John Meents, Jenera, OH, Greg Hubert, Oakley, KS
Livestock Marketeers Hall of Fame Induction
Superovulation and collection • Embryo freezing • Embryo transfers • Donor boarding FOR SUPERIOR GENETICS 1010 N. Hancock Street • Lake City, IA 51449 BOVINE EMBRYO TRANSFER SERVICES(712)464-7407 Vince Collison, DVM Jane Collison, DVM Tim Collison, DVM Adam aconover@angus.orgCell:MissouriIowaRegionalConover,Manager816.676.8560Angus. America’s Breed. A reliable business partner is difficult to come by. Contact your Regional Manager to locate Angus genetics, select marketing options tailored to your needs, and to access American Angus Association® programs and services. Put the business breed to work for you. © 2020-2021 American Angus Association 3201 Frederick Ave. | St. Joseph, MO 64506 816.383.5100 | Casey Jentz, Regional Manager Cell:WisconsinMichiganIndianaIllinois608.234.1998 Levi rgeppert@angus.orgCell:SouthNorthMinnesotaRegionalRodllanders@angus.orgCell:NebraskaColoradoRegionalLanders,Manager308.730.1396Geppert,ManagerDakotaDakota605.295.3673
Henry Stockdale operated a livestock transportation business located in Columbia, Tennessee. Many of the leading purebred seedstock operations in the nation trusted Henry to relocate and care for their cattle while in transport.
48 Livestock Plus Inc. September 2022 NEWS RELEASE 2022

THE BEST IS YET TO COME November 10 Production Sale

S a l Se a l e Delight Delight - 1 2 P M N O O N C S 1T 2 P M N O O N C S T B l a c k R i v e r F a l l s , W BI l a c k R i v e r F a l l s , W I u B y u: B y : R e e d S t o c k F a r Rm e e d S t o c k F a r m H a m p t o n , M HN a m p t o n , M N 6 1 2 8 1 9 1 3 6 68 1 2 8 1 9 1 3 6 8 i e w A c r e is e w A c r e s 711 S t a r c k C e n t u r y F a r Sm t a r c k C e n t u r y F a r m C a d o t t W CI a d o t t , W I 7 1 5 - 3 1 3 - 3 2 3 74 1 5 - 3 1 3 - 3 2 3 4 51

52 Livestock Plus Inc. September 2022 CONSIGNED TO THE 1/23/22 Perks Hero x Hometown Daughter Really solid calf that will be a dynamite cow. 3 year-old daughter of Sensation 2296. Bred to NJW Ridge 254G. 4 year-old daughter of American Made. Bred to NJW Ridge 254G. 25F’s New York heifer calf. DOB 1/30/22. Show prospect. BOETTCHER’S BROOKVIEW ACRES FAIRCHILD, WI BUTCH & MARYELLEN (715) 828-7271 BRANDON (715) 533-2470 53 JRR 6964 Red Rose 920G (Cow) JRR 920G Mr Commissioner 219K (calf) JRR 6121 Miss Puckster 207K JRR 5116 Miss Susy 122J Jeff and Bonnie Reed and family 10788 240th St. E., Hampton, MN 55031 Cell 612-819-1368 Saturday • Oct. 1 • Noon Black River Falls, WI REED STOCK FARM Consigning 12 Head to the

Iowa Governor’s Charity Steer Show set another record, raising more than $440,000 for the Ronald McDonald House Charities of Iowa.
Hastert, Director of Communications, Iowa Cattlemen’s Association, 515-296-2266
The Iowa Beef Industry Council, Iowa Cattlemen’s Association, Office of the Governor of Iowa, and the Ronald McDonald House Charities of Iowa thank the Iowa cattle producers and local supporters who back this event by paying it forward. Thank you to former Gov. Terry Brandstad, who started this event in 1983 and Gov. Kim Reynolds, for her support of Iowa’s agriculture industry and the Ronald McDonald House Charities of Iowa. Iowa Governor’s Charity Steer Show Co-Chairs Tanner Lawton and Casey Anderson shared this about the event:
“It is hard to comprehend the impact $440,000 can have for Iowa families. This is a great achievement for every one of these teams. In the end, the compassion that all participants in this event show is what makes it so unique. The cattle industry is a tight knit group and we band together in a time of need.”
The In local supporters raised $375,000, the most funds raised in show’s In addition to breaking another show record, we surpassed $5 million raised since 1983.
About the Iowa Cattlemen’s Association: The Iowa Cattlemen’s Association represents nearly 8,000 beefproducing families and associated companies dedicated to the future of Iowa’s beef industry. ICA’s mission is “Grow Iowa’s beef business through advocacy, leadership and education.” Industry Council: The Iowa Beef Industry Council is funded by the $1-per-head National Beef Checkoff Program and the $0.50-per-head Iowa State Beef Checkoff. Checkoff dollars are invested in beef promotion, consumer information, research, industry information and foreign market development, all with the purpose of strengthening beef demand. For more information, visit www. n
54 Livestock Plus Inc. September 2022 NEWS RELEASE Iowa Governor’s Charity Steer Show Raises over $440,000 for CharitiesMcDonaldRonaldHouseofIowa
The Iowa Beef Industry Council, Iowa Cattlemen’s Association and Office of the Governor of Iowa hosted the 40th Annual Iowa Governor’s Charity Steer Show on Saturday, Aug. 13. Brian McCulloh, of Viroqua, WI, judged this year’s steer entries and picked Steer 15 as Grand Champion. John Lawrence, Iowa State University Extension & Outreach Vice President, led the steer, Blue. Brady Werner, of Williamsburg, owned Blue and was sponsored by the Iowa County Beef Supporters.GrandChampion Showman honors went to Gary Slater, Iowa State Fair Chief Executive Officer, who showed alongside Paige Evans, of Ellsworth, IA and was sponsored by the Volunteer Boards of Iowa Ronald McDonald Houses Charities. This year’s showmanship judges were Nancy Degner and Mark Fischer, both of Ankeny, IA. The Community Hero Award, now in its second year, showcased a steer exhibitor’s efforts to raise non-monetary donations for the Ronald McDonald House Charities of Iowa. This individual not only collected pop tabs and non-perishable items, but also gained 172,000 likes and shares on social media, raising awareness for the show. The Community Hero Award went to Tucker Kilma, of Walker, IA. Kilma worked with Jamie Henderson, Eastern Iowa Ronald McDonald House, Board President, and was sponsored by the Eastern Iowa Ronald McDonald House and Quad Cities McDonald’s.People’sChoice, a crowd favorite, required steer teams to cheer loudly for their respective celebrity and exhibitor. Steer 20, shown by Clarissa Chun, University of Iowa Women’s Head Wrestling Coach, and Tate Nelson, of Nichols, IA, received the loudest roar. They were sponsored by the Johnson County Cattlemen.
Contact: Anna
2021, cattle producers and
history. 55 RHFS Miss Legend Y78H Proven donor due with a S.A.M heifer calf STF Miss 29LA STF Onyx 451W daughter, AI’ed to S.A.M. RHFS Royal Angel E02H Granddaughter of donor Rolling Hills Beauty, AI’ed to GEFF County O 736E RHFS Royal Peach E17H AI’ed to IR Imperial D948 RHFS Rosemary F02H Daughter by CDI Rimrock 325Z RHFS Chardonnay D06H AI’ed to Conley GCC Shocker C19

56 Livestock Plus Inc. September 2022 57 Jones bj@wildcatcattle.comBJDarlington,FamilyWI608-482-2961 FIND YOUR DREAM AT THE BADGER SOUTHERN SELECT SALE • OCTOBER 2, 2022 SALE LOCATION • WILDCAT CATTLE CO. • DARLINGTON, WI REQUEST YOUR SALE CATALOG TODAY! BADGERSOUTHERNSELECT.COM DreamsDreamsstartherestarthere Kegley kjkegley@yahoo.comKurtBurlington,FamilyWI414-254-2379 Lot 1 • 2019 • Maddie Smith, TX Lot 1 • 2020 • Kenley Carr, TX Lot 3 • 2021 • Sara Rimpel, TX

58 Livestock Plus Inc. September 2022 UPCOMING SALES & EVENTS SEPTEMBER 1-5 South Dakota State Fair - Huron, SD 2 IMS Cattle Female Sale - Gibson City, IL Linz Heritage Angus Female Sale - Crown Point, IN 5 Schulte Cattle Co. Labor Day Bid-Off - Von Glan Cattle Co. Online Sale - West Central IA Club Calf Producers Events 9-18 Kansas State Fair - Hutchinson, KS 10 Lorenzen Farms - Chrisman, IL 11 WI Angus Breeders Futurity - Fennimore, WI 14 Kern Cattle Online Sale - 15 Hornung Show Cattle Online Sale - Mohnen Angus Sale - White Lake, SD 17 Andersland Simmental Dispersal Sale - Emmons, MN Conley Cattle Company Fall Production Sale - Sulphur, OK Gerdes Show Cattle Steer & Heifer Pasture Sale - West Point, IA Hereford Fall Classic - Taylorville, IL Swing Shift Simmentals Production Sale - Atalissa, IA 17-18 WI Genetic Reflections Events 18 Carrousel Farms Online Sale - Hartzell Angus Dispersal - Sigourney, IA Illini Top Cut Sale - Macomb, IL Rincker Simmentals Illini Elite Sale - Shelbyville, IL Smith Cattle Co. Pasture Sale - Estherville, IA 19 Ken Haas Angus Cow Herd Reduction - LaGrange, WY 21 Mitteness Family Angus Online Sale - Thomas Ranch Private Treaty Steer & Heifer Sale - Harrold, SD 24 Landgren Ranch Online Pasture Sale - Showmax Cattle Co. Online Sale - 24-25 Brandt Farms Open House - Corning, IA 25 Brandt Farms Online Sale - Fall Harvest Shorthorn Production Sale - Columbus, NE Rieck & Lents Online Sale - Showmax Cattle Company Uitca SD Site Online 26 Wienk Charolais Female Sale - Lake Preston, SD 26-27 NE Angus Tour - Norfolk, NE 30 Brumfield Angus Female Sale - Sawyer, MI OCTOBER 1 Bradley Cattle / Hankin Farms Fall Colors Sale - Republic, MO Cattlemen’s Delight Hereford Sale - Black River Falls, WI Rolling Hills Farms Simmental Dispersal - Zanesville, OH 2 Badger Southern Select Sale - Darlington, WI 3 Gateway Genetics Online Sale - 5 Double B Angus Online Sale - 6 Bayou Creek Ranch Production Sale - Jacksboro, TX Cyclone Online Sale - 7 Red River Farms - Grand Saline, TX 8 Angus Alliance Production Sale - Carthage, MO Fawcett’s Elm Creek Ranch Fall Female Sale - Ree Heights, SD Perks Ranch Fall Celebration Sale - Rockford, IL Power Performance Pedigree Sale - Mountain Grove, MO Shipwreck Cattle Black Label Sale - Grandview, TX Star G Ranch Red Angus Auction - Douds, IA Studer Shorthorns Family Legacies Sale - Anita, IA Thompson Herefords Open House - Amity, MO 10 CK Cattle Online Sale - 11 Thompson Herefords Online Production 14 Gerdes Show Cattle Buckles & Banners - West Point, IA 15 Cannon Charolais Ranch Mature Cow Herd DispersalNewton, IA 17 Vision Angus Ladies in Black Online Sale - 26 Hoffman Ranch Online Female Sale - 30 Nansel’s Flying N Ranch Dispersion - Miles City, MT MATTLivestockProfessionalLOWERYAuctioneer 308-750-6119 Burwell,NE AL 515-491-8078~CONOVERAuctioneer~ 59

60 Livestock Plus Inc. September 2022 SEPTEMBER Thurs. 8th - State Center Thurs. 8th - Winthrop Thurs. 15th - Williamsburg Thurs. 22nd - State Center Thurs. 29th - Winthrop OCTOBER Thurs. 6th - State Center Thurs. 13th - Williamsburg Thurs. 20th - State Center Thurs. 27th - WinthropDATESIVFCOMING Fox Group Market Report .......... 8 Gateway Genetics ............... 59 Gerdes Show Cattle 17 Hartzell Angus Dispersion 25 Herbster Angus Farms 6-7 Hereford Fall Classic 19 Hoop Beef Systems 16 Hornung Show Cattle ............ 65 ICA ....................... 38-39 Illini Elite Sale 67 Illini Top Cut Sale 27 Illinois Show Cattle Producers 28-29 Iowa Show Cattle Producers 35-37 Ken Haas Angus 31 Kern Cattle ..................... 9 Landgren Ranch ................. 5 Mark Friedrich & Family 53 McMinemee Trailers 54 Mikkey’s LC 56 Mohnen Angus 11 Nansel’s Flying N Ranch 44 All Iowa Showdown 40 American Angus Assn ............ 48 Andersland Simmental ........... 13 Angus Alliance International 18 Badger Southern Select Sale 57 Bayou Creek Ranch 61 Boettcher’s Brookview Acres 52 Brad Z Ranch 14 Bradley Cattle / Hankin Farms ...... 49 Brandt Farms ................... 34 Brumfield Angus Farms 47 C & L Ranch 62 Cannon Charolais Ranch 32 Carrousel Farms 22-23 Cattlemen’s Delight Sale 51 Conley Cattle .................. 15 Coon River Gate Co. ............. 30 Cyclone Sale 10 Double B Angus 62 Fall Harvest Shorthorn Sale 41 Fawcett’s Elm Creek Ranch 2 INDEX OF ADVERTISERS NE Angus Tour .................. 45 Perks Ranch .................... 63 Red River Farms 12 Reed Stock Farm 53 Rolling Hills Farms Simmentals 55 Sharing in the Progress Sale 56 Shipwreck Cattle Co. 1 Showmax Cattle Co. ............. 33 Star G Ranch ................... 24 Starck Century Farm 52 Studer Shorthorns 3 Swing Shift Simmentals 21 The Iowa Land Guy 20 Thomas Ranch 68 Upcoming Sales ................ 58 Vision Angus ................... 42 Voss Angus 66 Wienk Charolais 43 ZWT Ranch 50 61

62 Livestock Plus Inc. September 2022 Double B Angus | Justin, Jacque, Colby, Kegan and Collin Bacon | 62160 290th Ave., Manson Iowa 50563 | 515-368-3304 OCTOBER 5TH ON ANGUS LIVE MATERNAL AND FULL SIBS TO THESE FEMALESSelling Females sired by JET BLACK, TURNING POINT, TEX PLAYBOOK, HOME TOWN, BRAVO, ALTERNATIVE BAR R JET BLACK 5063 x KA RITA 493 STEVENSON TURNING POINT x SCHROEDER FOREVER LADY 155

p e r k s r a n c h 11 t h a n n u a lF all Celebrat ion S ale 1:00 P.M. CDT SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8, 2022 ROCKFORD, IL Hereford Spring Heifer Prospects, Cow/Calf Pairs and Frozen Genetics GUEST CONSIGNORS: C&L H EREFORD RANCH • MKS RANCH • RUST IC OAKS FARM F all Celebrat ion S ale 960 9120 9017 7042 7134 710 9027 9029 AHA 44039214 Belle Air daughter Sells with The Cure heifer calf and bred back the same way AHA P44054919 Sired by Flash (Leader son) Sells with a Cadillac heifer calf, bred back to Houie AHA P44054825 3 year old Mandate daughter Sells with a Cadillac heifer calf, bred back the same way AHA P43829898 This 2296 daughter sells with The Cure heifer calf and bred back to UPS He Delivers AHA P43829931 Sired by a Distinction son Sells with a Cadillac heifer calf, bred back the same way AHA 43829845 A beautiful uddered Duncan daughter Sells with a Cadillac heifer calf AHA P44054835 A 3 year old Mandate daughter. Sells with The Cure heifer calf, bred back to Diversified AHA P44054837 3 year old Mandate daughter. Sells with The Cure heifer calf and bred back the same way Featuring progeny or ser vice by these sires: The Cure (2296 x Copper Lady) • Cadillac (Diversified x Copper Lady) Houie (Hutton x Copper Lady) • He Delivers (Endure son) Sale catalogs mailed on request… please phone or email to request your copy. Catalog, videos and updates will also be available at Doug & Mary Perks Wade & Brie Perks Tom Boatman (404) 372 6754 Tammy Boatman (770) 354 4195 12526 N. Weldon Road • Rockford, IL 61102 Congratulations to Addison Young and “Mercedes,” 2022 JNHE Division X Champion Polled Heifer Sold as Lot 8 last year Our top spring born heifer prospects sell October 8th! 63

and now
thrilled to
Kelsey & Treva 319-668-2082
Brady Allan - Taylor - Tucker with Greg Lear Gavin with his mentors, Taylor Rohrig and Jorga Holliday Tuck, Tay and Kylee Brown (originator of Bacon Buddies)
returning to school and college! Enjoy
God HeidiBless,Sorensen
Every year I write about summer flying by and every year seems to be going faster and faster. When I count the number of summers I have left with my kids at home, it makes me cry! This summer, the kids officially kicked Matt and me out of the show barn, which makes me super proud of them for doing it all themselves but also I miss being needed. Every success is just a little sweeter because they know they did it all!We survived our inaugural Show Stock Buddies Show at the Adair County Fair! The Jefferson Pioneers and Orient Bulldogs 4-H Clubs worked hard to collect donations, select buddies, mentors and animals! It all came together pretty great, of course we have things we need to iron out for next year but we are considering it a WIN! We will continue to stick by our motto of creating an all inclusive event to integrate people with intellectual and or developmental disabilities and bring them the opportunity to show livestock! Everyone should get to show livestock and know the bond with not only the animal but the people in the livestock industry! I have always said that our livestock family IS family, pretty incredible people!
brother!Please, as always, keep our military and our
This year at the Iowa State Fair Matt and I had the extreme honor of judging the Bacon Buddies Show! This is the show that inspired our club to create our very own, at the county level, (Adair County just included sheep and goats too)! Tucker and Taylor volunteered while Matt and I judged and spent some time with the gal that spearheaded the original Bacon Buddies in 2019, Kylee Brown! Don’t worry Treva was with Grandpa & Grandma Rohrig and our dear friend Kelsey Greenslade! Huge THANK YOU to the Iowa Pork Producers for allowing our family to volunteer and be a part of such an incredible event! We haven’t even finished the Iowa State Fair yet but Tucker had an 4-H Swine Show earning Champion Senior Division Swine Showmanship! Taylor was right on his heels earning 4th Overall Intermediate Showmanship. Like I explained earlier, they push themselves all spring and summer, without our assistance. Their showmanship accomplishments followed their Champion Skillathon win with their teammate, Brady Allan from Plymouth County. Greg Lear also in the picture was instrumental in getting our families together in 2017, Taylor just finally have a belt buckle like big nation in your God also BLESS all the kids the end of summer! Rohrig •
Liz with her mentors, Tucker Rohrig and Mark Kilborn (Trent Raasch on woodchip detail to move the wheelchair) Treva with her mentors, Melanie Kilborn and Derek Raasch
Office 319-668-2026 • Mobile 319-430-0820 64 Livestock Plus Inc. September 2022
prayers and God in your heart!! May

Wynne in Doubt steer Troy Hornung: 515-669-9618 (c) Jane Hornung: 641-864-3349 (H) • 515-689-9565 (c) e-mail: Daniel Hornung: 515-669-2334 (c) find us on facebook: Daniel Hornung FIRST COME FIRST SERVED: Calves available September 4th Calves sired by: HIA, Wynne in Doubt, IGWT, COD, Monopoly, One ...LOCATION...Oak 22618 M. AVE ELDORA • IOWA 50627 From US20 take exit 168 onto US65 South for 4 miles. East on 230th for 1/2 mile. North on M Ave for 1/2 mile. Hornung SHOW CATTLE Congratulations to Ashley Peterson. Several time Commercial Champion Heifer from our First Come First Serve Sale Wynne in Doubt steer One Oak Steer Congratulations to Spencer Suchan! Great job with Barry this year! HIA Heifer 2021 CHAMPION SIMMENTAL STEER Georgia National Jr. Livestock Show COD Steer Sept.15 Hosted by 65

Richie Show Cattle 815-263-0615, Derek Boitnott Family Cattle 309-275-3667, Doug 309-275-4244, Jeff Travis Farms 618-843-5264
Lot 1 | ASA#: 4075533 | BD: 2/3/22 Purebred Simmental by WLE Copacetic Lot 2 | ASA#: 4077705 | BD: 2/26/22 Purebred Simmental by W/C Relentless Lot 3 | ASA#: 4034041 | BD: 2/6/22 Purebred Simmental by HILL Big Oder Lot 4 | ASA#: 4076460 | BD: 1/6/22 3/4 Simmental by W/C Night Watch Lot 18 | ASA#: 4077483 | BD: 2/12/22 Purebred Simmental by Oracle Lot 12 | ASA#: 4075527 | BD: 2/2/22 1/2 Simmental by W/C Bankroll Lot 27 | ASA#: 4034074 | BD: 3/6/22 Purebred Simmental by HILL Big Order Lot 9 | ASA#: 4077482 | BD: 1/19/22 3/4 Simmental by Ruby’s Battle Cry 891F Lot 34 | ASA#: 2871543 | BD: 1/20/14 Purebred Simmental by Cowboy Cut Proven Donor! Lot 42 | ASA#: 3878981 | BD: 10/9/20 1/2 Simmental by Primo Bred to Lover Boy Lot 43 | ASA#: 4012116 | BD: 3/22/21 1/2 Simmental by Style Bred to Double Up Lot 44 | ASA#: 3889395 | BD: 2/22/21 Purebred Simmental by CDI Mainline Bred to Cowboy Cut Lot 45 | ASA#: 4000958 | BD: 12/25/20 5/8 Simmental by W/C Executive 187D Bred to KSU Bald Eagle Lot 46 | ASA#: 3947357 | BD: 3/2/21 Purebred Simmental by SAM Bred to W/C Bet On Red Lot 47 | ASA#: 4074353 | BD: 1/8/21 Purebred Simmental by MR CCR Clarified Bred to CLRS Guardian Lot 48 | ASA#: 3965828 | BD: 4/2/21 Purebred Simmental by CLRS Guardian Bred to WLE Copacetic Sunday, September 18, 2022 2:00 PM CST | Shelbyville, IL Selling Simmental & SimAngus Fancy Open Heifers, Bred Females, Steers and Embryos SALE CONSULTANTS Roger Allen 715-684-9222 David Guyer 812-243-1676 Larry Martin 217-433-0242 Greg Miller 608-778-8785 Doug Parke 859-421-6100 Drew Hatmaker . . . 423-506-8844 Ryan Haefner 815-499-0522 Adam Swigart 309-826-3809 Brandon Rutledge 217-369-6729 Emily Ivey 865-254-2998 Curt, Pam, Brent, Cari, and Jace Home: 217-774-5741 | Curt: 217-871-5741 Brent: 217-246-3550 | curt@rincker com Hillstown Farms 618-978-0531 JR Simmentals 217-248-8447 Fox Creek Cattle 303-838-4138, Stan Jeff and Justin Lewis 217-251-2400, Jeff 217-251-5020, Justin Russell Land and Cattle 618-262-6509
Huenefeld Simmental Farms 402-764-0981, Matt 815-238-6641, Steve Ryan Robb 217-778-3509 York Farms 618-562-2714,
Black Diamond Genetics 217-433-0242
Bauer Simmentals 618-339-8613, 618-292-9585,BlakeJohn
Gold Buckle Cattle 812-887-1523

8840 Deer Ridge Lane Bloomington, MN 55438 Time Sensitive Content - Mailed on August 26, 2022