The Publication for Cowboys and Kids October 2022, Vol. 27 Issue 8 Since 1995

selling Simmental & SimAngus show heifer prospects & bred females! Buckles & Banners 42K / PB SM Open Heifer Relentless x Scarlet 38J / PB SM Bred Heifer Deplorabull x Maggie / Bred to GSC All In From the sale ring, to the show ring YOUR family MEMORIES START HERE! Lone Tree Simmentals Jeff563-349-8722Thompson McLaughlin Cattle Dylan 515-681-4438Soutter Wellman Cattle Dusty 319-850-1694EricGerdes319-470-0286WellmanShowCattle&TaraGerdes|gerdes_eric@yahoo.comB&K Farms Ben 931-607-9171Brown GUEST PARTNERS SALE CATALOGS WILL BE MAILED BY REQUEST ONLY! VIEW THE CATALOG ONLINE OR REQUEST YOUR HARD COPY BY VISITING . . . [CATALOGS AVAILABLE SALE DAY] 900K / PB SM Open Heifer30K / PB SM Open Heifer12K / PB SM Open Heifer Join Us on October 14, 2022 | 6:00 PM West Point, Iowa Ivie & Sons 931-215-0316ChrisSimmentalsIvie Broker x ScarletProfit x ScarletRemedy x HPF Empress 3

LEE ~ SALES 608-295-5312
I’m going to probably catch some crap from a few of you on my choice of groups and eating spots, but it’s my column, it’s my story, and you can stop reading at any time if it offends you (and hopefully it will not). I had what I would consider a pretty darn good ribeye along with baked potato, green beans, awesome dessert, plus, a bunch of great friends and awesome speakers. As most of you know my son Ray “Bubba” Sorensen is serving in the Iowa House of Representatives. His annual fundraiser is called Ribeye’s and Republicans. Hence the great ribeye. The meal was prepared and served by Lidderdale Country Store and Catering. Tracy and Connie were the caterers’ professional assistants in charge of this event and did a great and timely job of feeding a large group of people. Tracy and Connie, in real life, are farmers and cattle feeders with a sideline of catering professionalism. My ribeye was grilled to

Livestock Plus is mailed the first of every month. Email ads or ad copy to or call Linda Luppen @ 515-851-0304 with questions. Please email requests for ad specs. Livestock Plus is published January, February, March, April, May/June, August, September, October, November, December. Subscriptions are free Direct subscription requests to Livestock Plus Inc., c/o Mary Allen, 8840 Deer Ridge Lane, Bloomington, MN 55438 Articles or ads published in LIVESTOCK PLUS, INC. are not necessarily the views or opinions of the publisher or staff.

SORENSEN ~ SALES 641-745-7949

RASBY ~ SALES 308-539-6195
Greetings,Dang, I like early fall weather! Maybe it’s because I’m just a little fluffier than I should be, and the cool (and not cold) feels good. If I hear one more weather guy or old timer tell me the signs say we are going to have lots of snow and a tough winter, I think I will move south. I have to travel in that crap all winter.
The Magazine for Cowboys and Kids
ANTHONY 660-651-6501
a perfection, seasoned perfectly, my potatoes had an amazing seasoning as well, and the dessert was deadly good, German chocolate cake and apple crisp with whipped cream of course. I took one for the team and pre sampled both desserts before supper to make sure they were good enough for everybody to eat, it had to be done, glad I was there to handle the sampling. Thank You to all that had a part in making this event a great one. A big Thank You to Voss Angus and their crew for allowing Bubba to put on this event in their sale facility. If you
TERMS: All partnerships billed to one party. Due upon receipt.



ROHRIG ~ SALES 661-900-6004

need a caterer, give these folks a try, Lidderdale Country Store and Catering, they areThisawesome!isavery exciting time of the year for Dixie and I, sale season is underway, we have grandkids old enough for varsity play in football, volleyball, and basketball. Grandson will compete in National FFA contest. Dixie and I are having a hard time keeping up but enjoy every minute of watchingPLEASEgrandkids.prayfor our country, we need God and common sense back in our world. Also keep our first responders, our law enforcement, our military, and their families in your prayers.
4 Livestock Plus Inc. October 2022 NOVEMBER / DECMEBER ISSUE 2022 DEADLINE IS FRIDAY • OCTOBER 14! FRI

CRUM ~ SALES 217-248-7282

SORENSEN ~ SALES 712-310-3788
structural integrity 1,400# mature cows6.0 avg. frame size grass-poweredperformance SELLING BRED DAUGHTERSHEIFER 414 • PB ANGUS DONOR RUDOW FAMILY CATTLE RE GRET F REREE GRET F REEfemale saleNOVEMBER 19, 2022 1:00 PM CST • LIVE SALE AT THE FARM NEAR PANA, IL 2021 Sale Feature • PB Angus 414 Daughter Selling Full-Sisters 648 • Non-registered Angus Selling a Bred Heifer Daughter SWIGART MARKETING Adam Swigart. 309-826-3809, Sale Management REQUEST A SALE CATALOG TODAY ON OUR WEBSITE! RUDOWFAMILYCATTLE.COM Bid Online! Rudow's Lady Arbitrator 021 • PB Angus • Dam of 414 Selling Open & Bred Heifer Daughters AI SERVICE SIRES Angus: Rudow's Capital Gain 50, Basin Payweight 1682, OCC You Bet 800Y, GCC Gold Standard X615 Red Angus: KR MR Peacemaker 042H Simmental: THSF Lover Boy B33 RUDOW FAMILY CATTLE • BILL & NANCY RUDOW Cell. 217-273-2744 • 875 N. 100 East Road Pana, IL 62557 RUDOWFAMILYCATTLE.COM Rudow Family Cattle


8 Livestock Plus Inc. October 2022 ...THAT WILL ENDURE THE TEST OF TIME AND LABOR Standard Sizes: 6’ 8’ 10’ 12’ 1 piece welded steel frame 10 gauge steel table top Drawers/Doors in 2’ increments Smooth powder coated finish Heavy duty ball bearing drawer rollers with a 300 lb capacity Designed to accommodate mounting vices Custom drawer layout Standard or custom colors Wheels and locks Stainless steel top Drawer divider and mats Upper cabinets / peg board ...and much more CUSTOMIZE YOUR HEAVY DUTY WORK BENCH! THE TEST OF TIME AND LABOR Standard Sizes: 6’ 8’ 10’ 12’ 1 piece welded steel frame 10 gauge steel table top Drawers/Doors in 2’ increments Smooth powder coated finish Heavy duty ball bearing drawer rollers with a 300 lb capacity Designed to accommodate mounting vices Custom drawer layout Standard or custom colors Wheels and locks Stainless steel top Drawer divider and mats Upper cabinets / peg board ...and much more CUSTOMIZE YOUR HEAVY DUTY WORK BENCH! WWW.MCTAVISHSTEELWORKS.COM 1.888.WKBENCH (952.3624) | PH. sales@mctavishsteelworks.com1.204.746.6591 VISIT US ONLINE FOR ANDCOMPLETEOURLISTOFFEATURESPRODUCTS! Online Sale Bids open October 22 at 7 pm (CST) with a soft close October 25, 2022 at 7 pm (CST) • Hosted by CCI Live at offering a small, but very elite group of top donor prospects and embryos! . Pick of the spring 2022-born Erica ET heifers - 13 heifers by our top donor cows, sired by No Doubt, Goalkeeper, Entice and Homestead! . Pick of the fall yearling Hoover heifers! Heifers by No Doubt, Tahoe, Playbook, Goalkeeper, Galaxy Detail and more! . Embryos from one of our top No Doubt cows X Galaxy Detail! . Pick of the fall 2022-born Erica ET heifers by Erica of Ellston R217 X Raml Optics! R217 is a thirdgeneration Pathfinder®, donor, AND MaternalPlus® enrolled cow from the most highly productive cow family in our 94 year history! Landi Livingston landi@hooverangus.com641-344-7684 Wes Tiemann 816-244-4462 Chris Ear l 630-675-6559 Zach Moffitt 336-736-6340 More information online at: Erica of Ellston A12 Pick of A12 and her flush sisters sell! Countdown to 100 94 years of Angus genetics by the Hoover Family


By the time this new issue of Livestock Plus magazine hits your mail box the Federal Reserve will have made the most recent mid-September monetary policy move and if the Dollar is 2 to 300 basis points lower when
Watch Action Video at For local dealers or to order, call 877-505-0914 today! DIRECT PRICING Release!

Protected Processing!
The Road Ahead for Markets
History shows that countries around the world have never gotten away with printing billions, much less trillions of dollars with no backing, especially when it is handed out like candy on Halloween night. You’ll see in the 20-year below that the U.S. Dollar appears to have met a long-term objective and now it must come to terms with a ‘slowing down’ of interest rate increases by the Federal Reserve to avoid setting off a massive recession and then eventually a depression to ‘re-set’ the world financial system. History also shows that other countries have had to eventually de-value their currencies to try to inflate the debt away. However, at some point there is a point of no return and when it amounts to trillions instead of billions then you have to consider that the Dollar needs to go away and be replaced. The question then becomes what replaces the Dollar? A digital currency agreed upon by all industrial countries? The alternatives are slim and Bitcoin has infuriated the powers that be at Central Banks around the world and thus something has to happen within a year or two.
Some analysts think inflation has peaked and make their case for it by reminding folks how much Diesel and Gasoline have fallen the last month or so. The problem? The liberal climate crowd is content to not see growth in new drilling rigs and if it stays this way then the Diesel and Gasoline will go right back up and the unthinkable $200 per barrel for Crude Oil could happen right before our eyes.
A Cowman’s Best Friend at Calving Time!
Andy Downs, MT "Best investment we ever made! We rave about the calf catcher to everyone!" Bruce Chrestiansen, IA "The calf catcher is very easy to use and provides lots of safety. We use it every calving season and could not imagine calving without it!"

So what’s a livestock producer to during this stagflation and eventual recession and depression? Continue to hedge your input costs from feed to fuel to interest rates. There are ways to do this without using the futures contracts in Chicago that can bankrupt inexperienced shallow pocketed livestock producers. The alternative? Simple Bull Call Spreads on a debit basis that are fully paid for at inception with the Chicago Board of Trade or Chicago Mercantile Exchange may be the solution to your risk and hedge management. First you need to educate your team on the dirt and the bankers that put up your operational capital. Talk with us and we’ll begin the education process so that you can decide if the risk inherent in Bull Call Spreads is for you or not. It is not suitable for all livestock producers and investors at large.
10 Livestock Plus Inc. October 2022 COMMENTARY

by Michael Seek Fox Group at the Board of Trade

A well-intentioned honest country boy has probably been wondering how in the world so many core commodity markets from Gasoline to Diesel to Gold could get hammered the last month or two when inflation data has been showing continual 40-year highs. The answer? The U.S. Dollar has been relentless and continued to jolt north with every Federal Reserve hint that they would do whatever is necessary to knock inflation back down, meaning rates will continue to go up till the mission is accomplished. Strong U.S. Dollar price motion has thrown water on the fires of raging bull markets in commodities for decades. However, what the Fed is not telling you all is that even if they ‘knock’ inflation back down to 3% from 8% that your children and grandchildren will still see 30 to 40% of the purchasing power of their dollars go down every 10 years. All you have to do to understand this is consider that $25,000 trucks in 1983 are now several times that much and Cadillacs that cost $20,000 are now almost $100,000. Still don’t understand the inflationary spiral? Consider that 30 to 40 years ago one paycheck took care of a family and now it takes two paychecks to buy the same goods and services that a family of 4 needs.
Markets continued on pg 12

28th Annual Sale 12:00 pm CST at the Farm Seward, NE Nick & Andrea Sloup & Family 303 Northern Heights Dr. Seward, NE 68434 402.641.2936 Bill & Deb Sloup • 402.641.5132 DOUG & DEBBIE PARKE DREW & HOLLI HATMAKER 859.421.6100 l office@dpsalesllc.com423.506.8844lWWW.DPSALESLLC.COM New Direction Genetic Online Sale I October 7th – 9th I Videos of all lots will be available prior to the sale. W/C Fort Knox 609F x Fully Loaded x Magnetic Lady Donor potential bred to OCC Legend. 623H W/C Fort Knox 609F x SS Windsong bred to W/C Executive Order H225 NABE Primo x Quantum Leap 112K Welshs Dew It Right x SVF/BT Sazerac T317 bred to Red Empire C317 BC Lookout 7024 x Lazy H Ms Romance bred to TJSC Hammer Time 35D C01 WS All Aboard x HSF Jenzy 29Z E36B bred to Horizon 72G W/C Executive Order x Mr. CCF 20-20 J142 W/C Fort Knox 609F x Schuette Charm A33 J17B WLE Copacetic E02 x STF Onyx 451W 483K JF Milestone 999W x HPF Miss Pep Open and Ready to Flush. 301A SS Extraordinaire E513 x SS Elianah E65 J65 NABE Stockman x Longs The Player bred to OMF Epic E27 H619 W/C Relentless 32C x JM Steel My Heart bred to GSC GCCO Dew North H1 11

12 Livestock Plus Inc. October 2022 SELLING 150 HEAD OF COMMERCIAL RED ANGUS BRED HEIFERS FROM HORSESHOE VALLEY FARM An intensive rotational grazing and grassfed beef program. FOR MORE INFORMATION: Sale Manager, Kyle Gilchrist (641) 919-1077 14075 120th St., Douds, IA 52551Total250Sellingwww.redcows.netredcowseller@yahoo.comHeadofREDANGUSFemales!Featuring100 Head of Registered Females, Cow/Calf Pairs Fall & Spring Breds and Fancy Open Heifers

Markets continued from pg 10 Dustin Carter Auctioneer 712-898-9972

you read this then you will have a good objective clue that and even higher inflation is coming right at you and action must be taken.
Take five minutes right now and simply contact Michelle White at 312.756.0931 here at our Fox Group office at the Chicago Board of Trade Monday through Friday 9am to 430pm CST and she will help you receive on a complimentary basis for two full months by email the sundry market advisories sent by us. You can also email Michelle White at mwhite@tradewithfox. com and give her your email address to accomplish same. And remember, hedging livestock and grain needs and fuel needs with Exchange positions still has risk of loss and is not suitable for all livestock producers and investors who desire to hedge their operational needs. Also know that educational teleconferences with your team and bankers can be done late afternoon or in person here in Chicago on Saturdays. n
stagflation 15

16 Livestock Plus Inc. October 2022 Sunday November 13, 2022 | 1:00 PM CST Bloomfield Livestock in Bloomfield, IA Offering 75+ Lots of Registered Simmental Open Heifers, Bred Heifers, Young Cows, & Steers Hawkeye Simmental Breeders: McGlothlen Simmentals, Moore & Warren Livestock, Ver Ploeg Farms, Top Line Simmentals, Jarr Cattle, Triple G Livestock, Klopfenstein Simmentals, Thill Cattle Company, Hunter Cattle Company, Onsot Simmentals, Hotz Farms Sale Managed by Dwyer Cattle | Nick. 309-337-6404 | Bob. 309-337-1404 Request a catalog at, 17 Production Sale Broadcast on Sale managed by: Wes Tiemann 816-244-4462 Office 660-542-1234 Owner Todd Creason, 660-322-0204 Spencer Owen, 660-322-0207 Held at the 3C Events Center & Agri Complex Between Chillicothe and Carrollton on Hwy 65 OCT. 15, 2022 • 12 3CCATTLECOMPANY.COMP.M. Selling 50 registered Angus bulls, 18 months and older 30 registered and commercial Angus bred females CED BW WW YW MB RE $M $B $C 17 -1.5 65 120 0.55 1.04 83 178 314 3C PEYTON 1023 Free bull delivery in a 150-mile radius 3C Consensus 0267 3C Growth Fund 1002 3C Blueblood Lady 1106 3C Lead Off 1184 EWA PEYTON 642 X G A R PHOENIX

18 Livestock Plus Inc. October 2022 October 10% OFF steel shelters Free Estimates Shelters starting at $3,495.00 Largest Selection in 10 states Cattle, Horses, Sheep, Goats, Hogs, Dogs, Utility Sheds Freight Discount with Every Purchase 10% OFF ALL SHELTERS! Rolling Hill Mfg. 800-506-4314 19 BYERGO ANGUS America’s Efficiency cow herd alert!Cupcakethemostefficient cow in existence Cupcake dam! Proven Donor •70 POWERFUL EFFICIENCY-TESTED BULLS •70 REGISTERED FEMALES + DONORS + PAIRS + EFFICIENC Y TESTED DONOR PROSPECTS BYERGO LOIN-HIOUT 1460 Sire CONNEALY CLARITY Sire AAA 19575529 BW WW YW MILK RADG DMI MARB RE +.3 +45 +82 +23 +.28 .89 +.57 +.74 This proven female is the only female in the breed with this combination of RADG and DMI. Productive efficiency matters, as she has already produced a daughter that sold for $50,000. AAA 20161412 BW WW YW MILK RADG DMI MARB RE $C +2.8 +80 +146 +21 +.31 +1.30 +1.09 +1.19 +350 Drew 816-261-7150 • Bryson 816-261-5198 • Marc 816-294-2225 • Andy 816-261-7132 Byergo Angus 8850 Co. Rd. 58 • Savannah, MO 64485 Email: OCTOBER 15, 2022 • SAVANNAH, MO

20 Livestock Plus Inc. October 2022 Lot 2 | UDE Queen Ruth 2003 Casino X Queen Ruth 502 One of the best we’ve ever offered! Lot 4 | UDE Queen Ruth 2157 Casino X Queen Ruth 502 An elite set of flushmates from the great “Queen Ruth 502” sell! Lot 7 | UDE Ellie 2005 Blue Chip X Ellie 2201 Full sister to the 2020 NJAS and NAILE Grand Champion! Lot 10 | UDE Blackbird 2002 24 Karat X Blackbird 620 Four full sisters to the Hoosier Beef Expo and KY Beef Expo Supreme! Lot 21 | UDE Forever Lady 2009 24 Karat X Forever Lady 7153 Her dam is the newest member of the donor pen... “7153” Lot 25 | UDE Keymura Katy 2006 24 Karat X Keymura Katy 5008 “5009” Five flushmate sisters from the proven “5009” cow family! Lot 33 | UDE Hayleigh 17K Remedy X KDP Miss Hoya Hayleigh The first Purebred Simmental progeny from the 2020-2021 Triple Crown Winner! Lot 49 | UDE Princess 53K Fort Knox X Princess 100Z A NEW Percentage Simmental mat ing from “Princess 100Z” Lot 53 | UDE Thunder Girl 8K ET Style X Red Thunder 9051W One of the most decorated high Chi matings of the last decade! Come experienceThe AdvAnTAge on October 15th... 21 experience the difference... The AdvAnTAge ProducTion SAle OCTOBER 15, 2022 | 6:00 PM | SIOUX CITY, IA Bret, Becky, Maddy, Mitchell, Hannah, Brecken and Baylor Udell 31695 Hedge Ave. Sioux City, IA 51108 Mitchell Udell: 712.899.7485 Graham Blagg: 530.913.6418 Tim Anderson: 605.682.9343 Jered Shipman: 806.983.7226 Offering 60 Elite Show Heifer/Donor Prospects from the most prolific cow families! 30 ANGUS | 12 PUREBRED SIMMENTAL | 9 PERCENTAGE SIMMENTAL 5 CHIANINA | 2 RED ANGUS | 1 CHAROLAIS | 1 SHORTHORN PLUS

HAAG BLACKOUT MATURE2321COW HERD DISPERSAL Friday, November 4, 2022 | 6:30 pm Held at Swan Lake Golf Course, Plymouth, IN F o u n ded AndMaintained OnGreat F a m i lsei Historic Angus Herd Over 50 Years of Breeding Angus Cattle SELLING 65 LOTS! Cow Calf Pairs | Bred Heifers Open Heifers | Herd Bulls Embryos | Semen For a Free Sale Book Please Email: HAAG RACHEL 722 Sire: E&B Confederate 507 | Dam: HAAG Rachel 1419 HAAG HENRIETTA PRIDE 1318 Sire: Penners-CC Double Black | Dam: Sitz Henrietta Pride X049 BCA PILGRIM DUCHESS PP 222 Sire: MCATL Pure Product | Dam: EHF Mamie Gal J479 PILGRIM BLACKCAP MAY 1515 Sire: Coleman Charlo | Dam: SAV Blackcap May 5403 KC BURGESS 165B Sire: EXAR Classen 1422B | Dam: KC Burgess SELLS!SELLS!SELLS!SELLS!94YSHESHESHESHE Michael Haag Family 17314 6th Road Peggy Haag Plymouth, IN 46563 Chad, Erica, Weston, and Tinley 574.930.6489 Chad Office: 574.936.6157 Pilgrim Angus PROGENYSELL! PILGRIM BLACKCAP MAY 1017 Reg. 19581409 Sire: Basin Payweight 1682 Dam: SAV Blackcap May 5403 Only in a dispersal setting do you get an opportunity to purchase a female like this. She is a powerfully con structed, massive cow with three-dimensional shape from every angle, in the prime of her life and from a full sister-in-blood to SAV Blackcap May 4136. SHE SELLS! HAAG ROSE 820 Reg. 20208770 Sire: Mill Brae Identified 4031 | Dam: S/A Rose P79 $C 321 - A genomic superstar and really good twoyear-old female that highlights this event.

 23 Class Winner IJHA Preview Show Illinois State Fair Class Winner 8 Time Breed Champion and 2 Time Supreme Heifer Purchased in our 2021 sale – Congratulations Kate Webb JNHE Class Winner and 5th Overall IJHA Preview A FULL SIB SELLS! OCTOBER 16, 2022 Jim and Jan Adcock Family • Assumption, IL Jim: 217.820.9323 • Jan: 217.273.3239 @adcockcattle Cody, Tamar, Cort & Clete Crum • Ramsey, IL Cody: 217.248.7282 • Tamar: 217.820.0964 @crumcattlecoHEREFORDS ADCOCKCATTLE

Happyvale Blackcap G 72E This 1973 Canadian born herd sire set the pace for the future for O’Neill Angus. ONeills Expedition One-half interest of “Expedition” sold for $50,000 and this 2004 model bull still ranks in the top end of the breed for $B. Easy fleshing daughters with beautiful feet and udders. ONeills Renovator This 1983 world famous Pathfinder® sire was used all over the world! ONeills Royal Lady 90 “Royal Lady 90” is a picturesque example of the model Angus cow. She is a daughter of O’Neills Expedition. Ardyce & Jim O’Neill 1987 All-American Master Breeder Jim O’Neill and Family 3270 Reading Trail • Logan, IA 51546 Cell (402) 680-3171 Matt Hotz (712) onlangus@longlines.com355-2125 CHANCE OF LIFETIME - Offering this Historic Herd for Sale in its ENTIRETY! Tenaciously breeding Powerful, Performance & Carcass Angus Cattle for More Than 71 Years O’Neill Angus has DARED TO BE DIFFERENT for 71 YEARS! CATTLEMEN!! YOU MUST DECIDE... Whether you want numbers or cattle with ACTUAL Light Birth Weights, Superior Weaning and Yearling Weights with PRIME and HIGH CHOICE Carcasses with Excellent Udders, Feet, Legs and Longevity.• Actual birth weights 65# to 85# with no calving Commercialdifficulties!•Customer Results: Steers & Heifers 10 1/2 months: 1,365 lbs. 40% were Prime • the rest were 100% Choice or Better CAB® • 59 years of intensive linebreeding with NO GENETIC DEFECTS. OUR LINEBREEDING SETS THE TYPE WITH NO CULLS.• O’Neills Renovator Daughter holds the record for All-Time Top-Selling Female in Scotland @ $35,000 Guineas ($50,000 US Dollars) • O’Neills have dedicated their life to breeding FOR PROFIT MINDED CATTLEMEN!! 71 Years Only Quality Angus In memory of Arydce, the overall top ranked Junior team at the All-American CAB® Cook-off at the NJAS will be awarded the Ardyce’s Aprons award. ONeill Angus produced the top selling bull or female at the Iowa Beef Expo from 1969-1995, except for two years. Then returned in 1998 and had top selling bull or female since. ONeills Titan BW: 70 lbs • 205 Adj 878 lbs • 365 Adj: 1595 lbs Wt: 2075 lbs at 22 months Top bull 2022 Iowa Beef Expo -- $11,500 Half Interest Selling to a commerical customer who has bought our bulls for 50 years. MANY GREAT TOP SHOW HEIFERS! 25 27

Thomas W. Conover, age 98, of Holstein, passed away on Thursday, August 25, 2022. He lived his whole life on the farm where he was born, Bonnie Acres Farm, five miles south of Holstein, IA. Tom attended Logan Township Country School and Holstein Community High School where he graduated in 1942. He went into the military right out of high school as World War II had begun.

Tom’s leadership led to the success of Bonnie Acres and also the Berkshire breed. Tom was elected to the American Berkshire Association board of directors in 1953 and served for 23 years. He was President of the board for many years. He and his wife Phyllis were honored by the American Berkshire Association with the Distinguished Service Award. Phyllis passed away in 1992 after a long battle with cancer.
Tom arrived back home after the war in September, 1945. On January 22, 1947 he married Phyllis Irene Grell at the Little Brown Church in Nashua, IA. They made their home at Bonnie Acres and commenced to raise their family: Craig, Linda, Bruce, Allen and Grant.
Tom Conover has judged swine shows all over the United States. Some include the Cow Palace and Orange County Fair in California; Pennsylvania Farm Show; S.W. Winter Type Conference in Kansas and Texas; Red River Valley Fair in North Dakota; Sioux Empire Farm Show in South Dakota; and at least 11 different state fairs. He also judged in at least 19 county fairs multiple times.

Purebred Berkshire hogs were introduced at Bonnie Acres in 1931 by Tom’s father. After Tom returned home from the war he had been in 26 states and 10 countries and had seen a lot of Berkshires. He exhibited Bonnie Acres Berkshires at nine state fairs including Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, Kansas, South Dakota, North Dakota, Missouri, Illinois and Colorado as well as exhibiting at the National Type Conferences every year.
Tom served his community on the board of the First Methodist Church in Holstein where he was a member of the board and served as its president for several terms. He was a member of the American Legion Post 225 in Holstein.
28 Livestock Plus Inc. October 2022

In August 1993, Tom married Shirley Bartolozzi. Shirley brought three children to the family including Christopher, Nicole and Maggie. Shirley embraced the Conover family and their traditions.
didn’t have to second guess what Tom was thinking. He would point blank tell you good or bad. I remember one of my first conversations with Tom as a new fieldman and after selling him a small ad in the publication I was working for at the time. I introduced myself and asked how he liked his ad. That was the wrong question; he looked me square in the face and said “Young man, I haven’t seen my ad and I ain’t paying for an ad I haven’t seen. Sale is today. How much good do you think it will do me to see it tomorrow?” Needless to say that sure put me in my place, but I was thankful he was straight with me, he was a great man! Rest in peace Tom! THANK YOU for your service to this country.
Yearly production sales were held in early spring and fall from 1968 through 1983.

Tom fought in five major battles in World War II. He was part of the third outfit to arrive at Normandy Beach. He fought in Normandy, Northern France, Ardennes, Rhineland, Central Europe and the Battle of the Bulge. Tom was a unique veteran in that he received the European Theater Ribbon with five bronze stars and a Bronze Star for his heroism in World War II.
With deepest sympathy and utmost respect.... Superovulation and collection • Embryo freezing • Embryo transfers • Donor boarding FOR SUPERIOR GENETICS 1010 N. Hancock Street • Lake City, IA 51449 BOVINE EMBRYO TRANSFER SERVICES(712)464-7407 Vince Collison, DVM Jane Collison, DVM Tim Collison, DVM MATTLivestockProfessionalLOWERYAuctioneer 308-750-6119 Burwell,NE

God MikeBless,Sorensen
Online condolences can be made at
Tom was a 4-H leader for over 25 years and served as the swine superintendent at the Ida County Fair. He influenced more than 1,000 Ida County 4-Hers by helping with 4-H demonstrations, livestock judging and the 4-H swine show. He was inducted into the Iowa 4-H Hall of Fame in 2015.
What a great man, father, grandfather, great grandfather, master of Berkshire pork, swine judge, farmer, veteran (served under Patton in World War II), and what really impresses me is his ability to father some of the best livestock kids/adults in the country; Craig, Bruce, Allen, Grant, and daughter Linda Weldon. All of them are very involved, including their kids’ grandkids in the livestock industry as auctioneers, fieldmen or high-end Angus and Berkshire breeders.Youreally
cattle OCTOBER 16, 2022 12:30 CST Michigan City, Indiana NOWATZKE CATTLE COMPANY Barry, Kristine, Austin & Kayden Nowatzke 9335 W 200 N, Michigan City, IN 46360 • (219)(773)255-4684nfarms50@yahoo.comBarry229-2920Kristine www.cotton-associates.com517.546.6374 & SALE MANAGED BY: VIEW & BID ONLINE: cattle MAPLE LANE ANGUS Keith Shepshewana,LambrightIndiana260-336-6008 Selling full interest in Salvation 1588 and half interest in Lady 453-1975, the sensational son and daughter of the now-deceased legendary Lady Standard, Lady 167-453 sired by the featured Grimmius Cattle Company roster member, Salvation. Also selling daughters of this former Nowatzke, Maple Lane Angus and Linz Heritage Angus donor sired by the popular multi-trait sires, Alternative, Greater Good, Iconic and Home Town and granddaughters by Salvation and Home Town in the greatest collection of the Lady family to ever sell at Nowatzke Cattle Company. BNWZ SALVATION 1588 *20071781 CED +9, BW +1.4 WW +107, YW +178, Milk +32 CW +97, MARB +1.38, RE +1.03, FAT +.013, $M +77 $W +103, $F +137, $G +129, $B +222, $C +365 and BNWZ LADY 453-1975 +*19777119 CED +4, BW +3.1, WW +92, YW +159, Milk +27 CW +94, MARB +1.28, RE +1.33, FAT -.004, $M +73 $W +78, $F +144, $G +93 $B +238, $C +382 One of the most exciting full sibling offerings ever! Also selling a full sister heifer pregnancy to the $240,000 top-selling selection of Soaring Eagle in the Green Valley dispersal, Susanna J028 and produced by the $50,000 Nowatzke and Maple Lane headliner, Susanna G011. 29

30 Livestock Plus Inc. October 2022 COMMENTARY

Dear Heavenly Father, We ask so often for our daily bread in the prayer you taught us to pray. Now with harvest upon us, help us to receive our daily bread with thanks and recognize all the gifts you provide for us both big and small. We continue to pray for our country and for all those struggling with the cost of their basic needs. Whenever we have the opportunity, give us compassion and generous hearts to give as we have received.
Pastor Steven Broers • 641-745-7648


Last week was week number two in college football and while it was not a good week to be a Badger fan, it was still better than being a Nebraska fan (Sorry, Austin. Just had to sneak that in). The real significance in my life with watching football this week is the fact that I was able to do so from my own recliner. Brooke, Brex and I are finally getting settled into the new place. At least we are close enough to being settled that I was able to sit and watch the Badgers get their butts kicked without having to unpack a box or hang a picture or anything like that. What I am really excited about comes tomorrow. See, the house came with a beautiful stamped concrete patio with a pergola and it just so happens to to be the perfect place to put my smoker. So, as soon as we get this October book put to bed tomorrow, I will be throwing a pork tenderloin on that baby. I hope this one turns out as good as the first one I did. I just started smoking this summer and it was such a hectic summer that I really only got to use it a couple times, but I enjoyed the hell out of it every time I did. I’m pretty sure Brooke enjoys it even more than I do (this means she doesn’t have to cook). Before I got the smoker, I think the only thing I had ever cooked for her was hamburger helper. Needless to say, she was pretty skeptical the first time I smoked a tenderloin. After she tasted it, I made a believer out of her. I am not sure if it was just beginner’s luck or I’m just that good, but I even surprised myself. We are always wanting to try new things on the smoker so if anyone has any great recipes, rubs or marinades that you think we need to try, make sure you let me
further into fall sale season, I look forward to working with all our great producers. Please do not hesitate to contact me or any of the LPI family for your marketing needs. As always thank you for your continued business and God

Give our leaders godly wisdom and humility to follow Your guidance. Finally, remind us that the riches of this world don’t hold a candle to the blessings you have in store for us in heaven. Through faith in your Son, Jesus Christ, we believe that one day soon we will find eternal life and the treasures in heaven you have promised us. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen
by Eric Lee

Emmanuel Lutheran Fontanelle,ChurchIowa 31

Before grazing or harvesting, contact your local FSA office to ensure eligibility and approval. If you have questions regarding forage sampling or utilizing CRP forages in beef cattle diets, contact your ISU extension beef specialist. For additional resources dealing with drought, please visit

Due to the low forage quality, it is important to get a nutrient analysis on the forage resource to know what you are working with. Regardless of stage of production or class of cattle, additional energy and protein supplementation will be necessary to meet gestating cow or fed cattle nutritional requirements. Consider weaning calves to reduce cow requirements and subsequently, supplementation

AMES, Iowa – Several counties in Iowa have been released for emergency haying and grazing of Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) acres. While utilizing this additional forage resource provides producers with opportunities, there are challenges and considerations to think through when deciding how to best utilize the forage.
Forage Quality
Utilitizing CRP Forage in Beef Cattle Diets
More importantly, be aware of unwanted litter and debris (cans, shotgun shells, old fencing, garbage, etc.) that may be present, especially if baling CRP acres. To decrease the risk, avoid harvesting acres immediately alongside the ditch or fenceConsiderline.

Water Sources
32 Livestock Plus Inc. October 2022 Don't Miss the Opportunity! ALL HeiferOnlineSale Oct. 18, 2022 on Barn is open for viewing. OPEN HOUSE WEEKENDS: Oct. 8-9 and Oct. 15-16 2350 E. 1900 N. Rd., Moweaqua, IL 62550 Justin:217.855.0926 | Bobby: 217.620.9304 Sherry:217.855.3059 | Find updates on our Facebook and Instagram! "Success is OpportunityPreparationwhere&meet" -Bobby Unser FYI

At best, forage quality of CRP acres harvested this late in the year is comparable to corn stalks. Quality is determined by the last time the acres were hayed or grazed, CRP program, and forage species present. Additionally, plants have been drought stressed this summer, and therefore, are more mature than normal. Previous samples of CRP forage have tested crude protein values as low as 2% to as high as 8%, with energy values frequently below 50% TDN.

weed presence and make sure you know if there any toxicities associated with that weed. CRP acres tend to contain a large amount of weeds or other forages and seed heads, that are not always desired in pastures, hay fields, or even crop fields. Carefully consider your feeding areas when utilizing CRP hay to reduce the area where new weeds are introduced through seed dispersal in the hay or manure deposition or spreading. With drought stressed forages, bare ground will increase the likelihood of weeds next spring.
If grazing CRP acres, carefully evaluate water sources. Water availability on CRP acres is often limited. Use caution when hauling water to cows. Avoid utilizing liquid fertilizer tanks to haul water, as it cannot be cleaned out well enough to prevent nitrate poisoning. Likewise, many ponds in have experienced prolonged periods of hot temperatures and minimal influx of new water, which is the perfect environment for algae blooms. Watch for blue-green algae, or cyanobacteria, which is a major health risk for cattle.
Jaron, Kadee, Tatum & Kyzer Van Beek 605-929-3749 l 27905 472nd Ave l Worthing, SD 57077 Craig Laackmann l 712-470-0787 Drew, Holli, Knox & Breck Hatmaker Paris, 423.506.8844,KentuckyDrew859.707.5248,Holli ONLINE SALE HOSTED BY www.dponlinesales.comOctober 18, 2022SALE DAY CLRWTR/HTP Proven Donor Sells due to TJ Main Event, plus several ET progeny Proven Donor and Embryos Sell Proven Donor due to DMCCHF Counter Attack and Embryos Sell Embryos Sell HTP/SVF Daughters, Granddaughters & Embryos Sell Donors, Breds, ET Calves, Embryos & Semen STF ET Progeny & Embryos sell including a Full Brother to SS Ft. Hayes October 17, 2022BIDDING OPENS 33

 To be listed on our Illinois Show Cattle Map Call Heidi at 661-900-6004 35

4.2. 37


Iowa Cattlemen’s Leadership Program: Series of educational and net working sessions for leadership-driven cattlemenYouare
Educational Events: Events focused on all sectors of our robust cattle industry Information: Electronic newsletter, monthly magazine, social media, radio, podcast and direct mailings
40 Livestock Plus Inc. October 2022
Iowa Governor’s Charity Steer Show: Fundraiser in support of the Ronald McDonald House Charities of Iowa
State Representation: Contract lob byist at the Capitol throughout Legislative Session
As we look forward to this next year, we thought it would be a great opportu nity to remind you why your membership is essential to the future of Iowa’s beef industry. Your membership directly affects how we are able to make a true impact on Iowa’s beef industry and ensure your lega cy lives on. ICA works hard to provide Iowa cattle producers with advocacy, leadership and education.
Those same reflections are what makes our job as your membership team at ICA so rewarding. Every year we strive to be a better team for you at ICA and a bet ter team as a collective Iowa beef industry. Strength in numbers over the past three years has helped our industry be heard. Our team at ICA has spent countless hours working for you at the state and federal level. We have also had your fellow pro ducers represent us at the federal level on cattle marketing and Waters of the United States (WOTUS). We would not have accomplished the things we have over the past year without all of you. The “ICA Herd” has gotten stronger and our voices are being heard throughout the industry.
Legal Support: Access to ICA legal counsel Renew Today! IOWA CATTLEMEN’S ASSOCIATION YOUR FUTURE IS OUR MISSION.
Cattle Theft Reward Program: Utilizing state cattle network to encourage legal charges
Cattle Krush: Free marketing manage ment program, courtesy of Performance Livestock Analytics
curious about the cattle industry. No mat ter how many questions we answer, the consensus is alway that beef is the king of summer grilling. Thank you to those of you that stopped by the booth to visit with staff or renew your membership.
Bull & Heifer Evaluation Program: Marketing, benchmarking, comparison for seedstock producers

National Representation: ICA staff; NCBA
We are quickly approaching fall and one of our busiest times of the year. Yes, we are talking about your 2023 member ship renewal to join the “ICA Herd” and being a part of our association. We are also talking about a season in which our fami lies, farming operations and sports teams come together to find success. A bountiful harvest can put a smile on your face and remind you about everything your team has accomplished this year. Bringing the spring calves in to wean and pick out that next Carcass Challenge winner or Iowa Governor’s Charity Steer Show prospect makes us realize what a dang good calf crop we raised this year. Watching our youth come together with their classmates as their football and volleyball teams strive to be champions are all things that we think of when we reflect on successful teams.
We kicked off the membership year at the Iowa State Fair again this year. We enjoy being able to meet with members, new members and people that are just
Carcass Challenge: Statewide fedbeef competition
Market Reporting Service: Instant market information; additional subscription required
Agency Engagement (State & Federal): USDA FSA, NRCS; IDALS; IDNR; EPA; etc.
an essential part of this pro cess. ICA is a grassroots organization, meaning all of our actions, policies and work truly revolve around our member’s needs and feedback. We are truly here to support you and the future of Iowa’s beef industry. We encourage you to get involved with any of the events, activities and programs listed above. Reach out to your Regional Membership Manager to get involved or renew your membership today. Don’t forget to join us at the Iowa Cattle Industry Leadership Summit on Dec. 15 and 16. at Prairie Meadows in Altoona, Iowa!
Membership help grow the herd

IOWA CATTLEMEN’S ASSOCIATION 2022www.iacattlemen.orgIowa
All 4-H, FFA and Junior Association members who own and exhibit a market or breeding beef animal at the Iowa State Fair are eligible to enter.

Champion Gelbvieh honors went to Dustin Cibula, from Clutier. He is the son of Matt and Tina Cibula. Dustin has a small herd of Gelbvieh and Balancer cows that
The Iowa Cattlemen’s Association and Iowa Cattlemen’s Foundation coordinate the application process. Breed Association representatives and an outside judge serve as the selection committee. They review all of the applications and then conduct personal interviews with each of the appli cants during the Iowa State Fair.
Beef Heifer award winners
Pictured (Left to Right): Mary Greiman, ICF Youth Outreach Coordinator, John Gordon, Riley Thill, and Matt Deppe, ICA CEO
The Iowa Beef Heifer Award is an annu al event. For more information, please con tact the Iowa Cattle Industry Headquarters at 515-296-2266 or email Mary Greiman at the following win ners:
Simmental: Riley Thill Champion Simmental honors went to Riley Thill, of Pleasantville. Riley is the daughter of Bryan and Amy Thill. She has a herd of six cows and one show heifer. She is active in the care and breeding of her cows and heifer. Riley is intensely involved with the daily care of feeding and groom ing, and also enjoys keeping records, working on feed rations, processing new borns, deciding on what genetics will be used and how to market her calves. She is also very involved with the financial side of her projects. She has served as the Marion County Beef Queen and in officer roles in both 4-H and FFA. Riley is very apprecia tive of all the opportunities and awards these organizations have provided. Riley has also enjoyed a very successful show career and has participated in many con tests like judging, fitting, showmanship, photography and public speaking at her National Junior Simmental shows. Riley participates in cross country, basketball, track, golf, softball, band, yearbook and Student Council.
he spends many hours taking care of. He also helps his parents with all of their cows and the chores that go with them. Dustin is a member of the Iowa Junior Gelbvieh Association and has been active on sev eral committees. He is looking forward to exhibiting and participating in contests at Gelbvieh Junior Nationals this year. This is his first year as a 4-H’er and he has partic ipated in many activities including judging and showmanship, and has given several presentations on beef. He also participates in football, basketball and track at school.
Winners of each breed division receive a certificate for the purchase of a regis tered female from the Iowa Beef Expo or a breed designated sale. These certificates are sponsored by the various breeds rep resented as well as the Iowa State Fair. The reserve exhibitors in each breed divi sion receive a show halter sponsored by the Iowa Cattlemen’s Foundation.
Charolais: John Gordon Champion Charolais honors went to
Gelbvieh: Dustin Cibula
John Gordon, of Dow City. He is the son of Tami and Shawn Gordon. John currently has five head of cattle that he takes care of. He also helps his dad with all of the other farm activities like building fence, baling hay and calving his cows. He puts his show calves in, and rinses and feeds them daily. John has been active in live stock judging and is active in both 4-H and FFA. He is interested in preconditioning his calves and selling them locally. John is very passionate about the cattle industry and is looking forward to growing his herd.
The Iowa Beef Heifer Award is designed to recognize outstanding youth and future leaders of our beef industry. This program evaluates youth’s leadership and involve ment in breed organizations and commu nity activities as well as their growth and responsibilities within their project.
Three Iowa youth were recognized for their purebred breeding heifer projects at the 2022 Iowa State Fair. 41


CHAMPION JUNIOR HEIFER KANSAS CITY, LOUISVILLE AND WHOMAKEROKLAHOMAX701 PERFECTO DAUGHTER THAT WHEN ON TO BE RES. DIVISION CHAMPION JUNIOR NATIONAL AND 3RD OVERALL NEBRASKA STATE FAIR PERFECT X REBA CHAMPION DIVISION CHI FORT WORTH PRIMO X 41 (WDM) RESERVE CHAMPION JUNIOR SHOW KANSAS CITY OUTSIDER X MONETELA 45 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 22, 2022 1:00 PM EST • MILAN, IN Selling 60+ Simmental & SimAngusTM Females Show Heifer Prospects, Proven Donors & Bred Females female sale PB SM • C364 RGRS SRG Two Step x DAF Blackbird A164 Bred to CLRWTR Clear Advantage Selling this proven donor and two daughters! PB SM • J364B W/C Relentless x DAF Blackbird C364 Bred to CLRWTR Clear Advantage PB SM • K364A WLE Copacetic x DAF Blackbird C364 DOUG & DEBBIE PARKE • DREW & HOLLI HATMAKER OFFICE@DPSALESLLC.COM • OFFICE • WWW.DPSALESLLC.COM859-421-6100 Request your catalog today! Bid Online JEFF & LEAH MEINDERS • 812-654-2030 3687 N. CO. RD. 500 E • MILAN, IN WWW.CLEARWATERSIMMENTALS.COM47031BESHEARS SIMMENTALS BOBBY BESHEARS • 765-717-4789 3/4 SM • K303D SO Remedy 7F x SS Emberly E303 January Open Heifer PB SM • K760B W/C Pinnacle E80 x EKHCC Red Jewel 760 January Open Heifer 3/4 SM • K35 SO Remedy 7F x ACLL Fortune 393D January Open Heifer PB SM • K648 SS Fort Hayes x TNT Red Eye January Open Heifer PB SM • C068 • RGRS SRG Two Step x WLE Missy U409 Bred to CLRWTR Clear Advantage Selling this proven donor! Selling Proven Donors!

by Austin Sorensen
This month, my hat goes off to all of our heroes in this country. Fire department/rescue, military, law enforcement, and those in the medical field. My hat goes off to you!
Bull Panel
46 Livestock Plus Inc. October 2022 COMMENTARY

I moved onto one of my other favorites; the Team Never Quit podcast hosted by Lone Survivor, Marcus Luttrell. They recently had Jay Dobyns on who was the first law man to infiltrate the “Hells Angels” gang. He talked about the after affects of that, his house being burned down and his family being threatened, as well as having many hits out on him. However, with all that, he still talked about how he doesn’t believe in living in fear. He says he is cautious, but if he lives in fear he is losing. That hits me hard as well in terms of relating that to day to day life of taking calculated risks in career, business, and etc.
I went a bit off the livestock topic with this article but I have always been fascinated with our military/law enforcement. They have been through a lot and I believe there’s a lot of life lessons we can learn from their stories, even if you relate to them in different ways.
I was in the tractor one late night listening to an interview with former Navy Seal Rob O’Neil; most famous for being the man who killed Bin Laden. In the interview, Rob talked about being part of his high school basketball team and how his father never allowed him to quit. He translated that to seal team training and that was when he really caught my attention. He said during a really hard day he would simply say to himself, “I’m going to finish up today and I’ll quit tomorrow.” To me that was really powerful and super effective because chances are after a bad day you’ll get rested and be ready to go again the next morning.
God 712-310-3788Austinbless,Sorensen•

Feed Bunk

712-660-0046 2561 175th STreet, Nemaha, IA 50567 NEW! at coon river gate company Coon River Gate Company • Use as calving pens, fence, swinging gates, or anywhere corral panesl are used • The 10’ gates swing 360 degrees and fold flat against either side of the mainframe • Tires will easily break free from any frozen surface • Models range from 20’ to 60’ and make up to four calving pens with one freestanding gate Designed by a cattleman in Iowa, the EnduraGate makes life easier for both the cow/calf operation as well as the feedyard! Home of

As we move into a busy fall sale season, please feel free to reach out to me or any of the team with your livestock purchasing or marketing needs.

What a start to sale season it seems to have been! Despite the widespread droughts and even flooding, the future for fall sales is looking positively optimistic! As I scroll online sales as well as travel to folks farms, I am always amazed at how much work gets put into sale stock! In my part of the world, we recently got CRP released for haying and grazing so I have had plenty of tractor time to look at sale calves as well as catch up on some of my favorite podcasts. Many of which are military tied.
Saturday, 12:30pm CDT Unionville, TN Angus Production Sale Genetic Pathways with Decades of Excellence: Fancy Free Farms 9/7/22ofassEPDGlenn glenn@geneticpathwayscattle.com219-776-7584Davis Fancy Free Farms Jimmy 931-224-2772Armstong Long Lane Farms Kenneth 931-703-6661Armstong OCTOBER 22, 2022 Decades Rita 990 Registration Number: *19788877 CED BW WW YW+15 -1.5 +55 +104 MK CW MB RE+29 +51 +.69 +.65 +61 +161 +270$M $B $C Decades Cleatus 2130 Registration Number: *20179127 CED BW WW YW+11 +1.3 +89 +165 MK CW MB RE+34 +82 +1.29 +1.08 +53 +210 +326$M $B $C Long Lane Blackcap 226 Registration Number: +*19968668 CED BW WW YW+11 +.2 +81 +139 MK CW MB RE+34 +56 +1.41 +.80 +77 +178 +308$M $B $C PV Blackcap 2208 [AMF-CAF-D2F-DDF-M1F-NHF-OHF-OSF-RDF] Registration Number: +*20321235 CED BW WW YW+6 +2.0 +93 +162 MK CW MB RE+22 +81 +.80 +1.20 +78 +197 +334$M $B $C Decades Lady Prideva 2125 Registration Number: *20148560 CED BW WW YW+10 +.5 +72 +134 MK CW MB RE+34 +57 +1.25 +1.06 +69 +192 +318$M $B $C 7T Decades Lady 2129 Registration Number: *20226731 CED BW WW YW+7 +1.3 +81 +138 MK CW MB RE+27 +66 +.54 +.60 +79 +151 +275$M $B $C Linz Lady Sensation 453-7396 Registration Number: +*18971887 CED BW WW YW+3 +3.6 +74 +135 MK CW MB RE+29 +68 +.43 +.99 +56 +160 +264$M $B $C D&W Forever Lady 1A11 Registration Number: *20202843 CED BW WW YW+6 +3.0 +86 +154 MK CW MB RE+28 +84 +.80 +.70 +64 +193 +314$M $B $C 47

EAST$/ACRECENTRAL$/CSR2 HIGH $16,258 $193 MED $12,747 $203 LOW $6,880 $162 When you think WHITAKERFARMLANDOFTHINKofUS!MARKETINGGROUPIOWALANDGUY.comWhitaker Marketing Group $0 $5 000 $10 000 $15 000 September October November December January February March Apri May June July August
We continue to see increased interest in farmland.Commodity prices are going to stay strong due to a lower volume of crop than predicted. The dry weather seems to have us pushing into harvest sooner than later. Many farmland lenders and economists are saying that in 2022 the on-farm income will be at an all-time high.

THE Iowa Land Guy TEAMState Trends ($/Acre) H IG (CSR2H75+) (CSR2MED50-75) (CSR2LOW50) $3,550$6,137$8,473$8,238$8,456$9,236$8,428$9,655$5,496$6,121$6,046$5,593$6,551$3,264$5,298$5,121$3,632 $ $12,000$10,000$8,000$6,000$4,000$2,0000 JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV Iowa Land Trends By Crop Reporting District: Mar 22 - Aug 22 HIGHNORTHWEST$/ACRE$/CSR2 $17,731 $200 MED $9,097 $142 LOW $8,200 $165 NORTH$/ACRECENTRAL$/CSR2 HIGH $15,761 $177 MED $10,205 $157 LOW $8,200 $165 NORTH$/ACREEAST$/CSR2 HIGH $13,563 $162 MED $12,703 $203 LOW $8,101 $189 SOUTH$/ACRECENTRAL$/CSR2 HIGH $11,520 $141 MED $8,750 $122 LOW $4,723 $118 HIGHSOUTHWEST$/ACRE$/CSR2 $11,050 $135 MED $8,083 $128 LOW $5,650 $114 SOUTHEAST$/ACRE$/CSR2HIGH $11,808 $141 MED $7,866 $122 LOW $5,121 $126 WEST$/ACRECENTRAL$/CSR2 HIGH $16,198 $189 MED $10,454 $161 LOW $11,250 $240 CENTRAL$/ACRE$/CSR2 HIGH $14,463 $172 MED $10,046 $144 LOW $8,100 $179 Average Month-Over-Month State Trend ($/Acre) Iowa Land Guy David Whitaker • Broker/Auctioneer Whitaker Marketing Group • • 515-460-8585
If you are a buyer, study the market and get ready as there will be a ton of auctions in the next 3 months!

Stay in Iowa farmland.
Coming into Harvest
Studying the data…It does not appear that interest rates are affecting farmland prices. This tells me there is still a lot of equity and cash out there.
The farm progress show displayed over $1 billion (estimated) dollars in equipment. Every year I am amazed at how much Iowa relies on agriculture and the revenue/ jobs it creates. Get ready because farming will get bigger and faster in an accelerated way. “The future is coming faster than we think!”
up to date with the latest market trends
$13,222 $14,866 $12,838 $14,973 $13,453 $13,841 $10,334 $9,179 $9,402 $9,637 $9,211 $10,565 $5,42 $6,500 $6,000 $6,876 $0 $2,000 $4,000 $6,000 $8,000 $10,000 $12,000 $14,000 $16,000
Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Call today to see what your farm is worth and get a free land 515-460-8585valuation!

September 2022

Results from the 128 Auctions (13,288 acres) this last month have the average for the state at $13,288/acre, high quality ground at $14,936/acre, and medium quality ground averaging $10,866/ acre. Low quality ground has remained steady at an average of $6,876/acre.
Iowa has set a record for Farmland…$26,000/acre farmland in Sioux County, (91 CSR, 80 Acres)

250 Females Call or email to request a sale book and join our mailing list! 21658 Quarry Lane • Barnett, MO 65011 Office (573) 302-7011 • Fax (573) 348-8325 email: Alan Mead, Owner (573) 216-0210 Scott Wall (309) 212-5450 Jennifer Russell Sales & Marketing (573) 721-5512 Since 1942 MEADFARMS FALL PRODUCTION SALE Saturday OCTOBER 22, 2022 Noon Every Angus Bull DNA PARENT VERIFIED with GENOMIC ENHANCED EPDS! Mead Farms is committed to producing sound, functional cattle that will perform in every environment. “Performance-Oriented” and “By the Numbers” approach consistently producing high quality genetics in volume! At the Mead Sale Headquarters • Versailles, MO 80TH ANNUAL500 HEAD SELL! 250 BULLS 250 FEMALES 180 Angus, 40 Charolais, 20 Red Angus, 10 Hereford Bred Heifers, Bred Cows, Cow/Calf Pairs Birth Date: 08-25-2021 *K20355096CFBennett Exponential x #+*Mead Final Choice L239 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SCROTAL MILK +7 +1.7 +86 +142 +.55 +26 CW MARB+86 +1.04+.77RE $M +84$W +200+82$B$C +343 MEAD EXPONENTIAL V1734 Birth Date: 08-27-2021*20351578 +*Deer Valley Growth Fund x #*Connealy Black Granite CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SCROTAL MILK +8 +2.6 +108 +196 +1.61 +28 +99CW MARB +.38RE +1.12 +65$M +90$W $B +191 $C +313 MEAD GROWTH FUND V1798 Birth Date: 11/28/2020*20115960 #+*Tehama Tahoe B767 x #+*Mead Final Choice L239 Dam is a maternal sister to Mead Magnitude. Due February 2023 to Mead Plus One V584. CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SCROTAL MILK +8 +1.4 +97 +162 +1.30 +33 +79CW MARB +.77RE +.62 +85$M +95$W $B +172 $C +308 MEAD PRIMROSE V731Birth Date: 08-25-2021 #+*Tehama*20351543 Tahoe B767 x #*Connealy Confidence Plus CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SCROTAL MILK +11 +.6 +78 +135 +1.12 +29 +69CW +1.02MARB RE +.86 +86$M +84$W $B +184 $C +325 MEAD TAHOE V1244 Birth Date: 08-27-2021 +*G*20351528ARDual Threat x #+*S A V Resource 1441 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SCROTAL MILK +4 +3.2 +83 +148 +2.03 +26 +69CW MARB +1.13+.98RE $M +72+71$W $B +195 $C +324 MEAD DUAL THREAT V1807 America’s #1 Pathfinder ® Herd EPDs as of 8/26/22 49

50 Livestock Plus Inc. October 2022 Adam aconover@angus.orgCell:MissouriIowaRegionalConover,Manager816.676.8560Angus. America’s Breed. A reliable business partner is difficult to come by. Contact your Regional Manager to locate Angus genetics, select marketing options tailored to your needs, and to access American Angus Association® programs and services. Put the business breed to work for you. © 2022-2023 American Angus Association 3201 Frederick Ave. | St. Joseph, MO 64506 816.383.5100 | Casey Jentz, Regional Manager Cell:WisconsinMichiganIndianaIllinois608.234.1998 Levi rgeppert@angus.orgCell:SouthNorthMinnesotaRegionalRodllanders@angus.orgCell:NebraskaColoradoRegionalLanders,Manager308.730.1396Geppert,ManagerDakotaDakota605.295.3673 51 SUNDAY, OCTOBER 23, 2022 1:00 PM (CDT) • WALL STREET CATTLE COMPANY SALE OFFERING FALL PAIRS, SPRING PAIRS, BRED COWS, BRED HEIFERS, OPEN HEIFERS, AND FEMALE PREGNANCIES Check out our website: For additional information or to request a sale book, contact: Missouri Angus Association, Kody Graves, Sale Manager • 940.531.1851 • SELLING OVER 50 HEAD OF Elite Females FROM PROGRESSIVE ANGUS BREEDERS. HAT CREEK DONNA F301 | AAA 19148029 18Lot CONSIGNED BY HAT CREEK GENETICS, JACKSON, MO 13Lot 3Lot BIRKS KL LUCY 1301 | AAA 20406001 CONSIGNED BY BIRKS BEEF CATTLE, JACKSON, MO 42Lot TCA ENHANCED ERICA 4011-451 | AAA 20223481 CONSIGNED BY THOMAS CRISWELL ANGUS, NEW BLOOMFIELD, MO An August 2021 “Enhance” female with a +215 $B and +357 48$C.Lot WSC BARBARA K126 | AAA 20355417 CONSIGNED BY WALL STREET CATTLE COMPANY, LEBANON, MO A February 2022 “Deadwood” daughter with a +16 CED and +358 $C. CLEARWATER LADY 1054 | AAA 20026954CONSIGNED BY CLEARWATER FARM, SPRINGFIELD, MOA stylish March 2021 “Cadillac Ranch” heifer AI bred to Sitz Resilient. A March 2018 “Resource” x Coleman Donna femaleAI bred to KR Cadillac Ranch.

Musgrave 316 Exclusive x Jensen Barbara 605 Fall Open Heifer J70 2021 Hoover No Doubt x Da Es Ro Everlda 13219 Safe AI to Mill Brae Benchmark J50 2021 Connealy Emerald x Tri-K Karoo Kylix G60 Safe AI to Deer Valley Growth Fund J61 2016 SAV 707 Rito 9969 x 2 K’s Total Karisma W003 Safe AI to Broker D81 2018 BSF Hot Lotto 1404 x Tri-K Klair Kreative B71 Safe AI to Deer Valley Growth Fund F52 2016 RB World Wide x Tri-K Polly Kream 794 Safe AI to Krebs Cadillac Ranch D61 2011 SAF Bando 5175 x Oneills Royal Lady 42 Safe AI to Heifer Sexed Sitz Stellar CORNERSTONE DONOR! Y23 2015 SAV Harvestor x 2 K’s Annie Kimber Safe AI to Deer Valley Growth Fund DAM OF MULTIPLE HIGH SELLING BULLS! C54 2018 SAV Rain Dance x Champion Hill Georgina 7794 Safe AI to Cameron Viroqua F84 Tri K Cattle Company Dr. Michael Pugh, DVM | 319-240-8514 1760 Dakota Ave. Waverly, IA 50677 HERD REDUCTION SALETRI-K CATTLE COMPANY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 23, 2022 | 1:00 PM CST Bloomfield Livestock in Bloomfield, IA 63 Spring Bred Cows & Heifers • 13 Fall Pairs • 20 Spring & Fall Born Open Heifers OFFERING 100 HEAD OF REGISTERED ANGUS & SIMMENTAL CATTLE OVER 90% OF THE OFFERING 6-YEARS-OLD OR YOUNGER! 100% OF THE BRED CATTLE ARE SAFE AI OR CARRYING AN EMBRYO! 100% OF THE OFFERING ARE OUT OF AI SIRES! ONLINE BIDDING & SALE VIDEOS AT WWW.CCI.LIVE Performance, Phenotype, Pedigree Bred Deep! Sale Managed by Dwyer Cattle Nick. 309-337-6404 Bob. 309-337-1404 Request a catalog at, 53

54 Livestock Plus Inc. October 2022

[ SALE HOSTS ] H2O’S Cattle 708.774.1457 Trey & Brenda Hardesty [ SALE MANAGEMENT ] Val & Lori 612.805.7405sales@ebersale.comEberspacher• Please join us 12:00 Noon EST at the H2O’S Cattle Sale Facility! 69730 Quince Road Walkerton, IN 46574 Selling 150+ Head! Fancy Show Heifer Prospects Bred Heifers & Cows Bull Calves, Embryos & more! W/C Double Down 5014E Selling One Half Interest! W/C Relentless Clone Selling Full Interest & Full Possession! W/C Miss Werning 4770B – Selling Full Interest & PossessionFull Contact us for more information and a free catalog! HF Serena – Selling Half Interest! H2O Miss Natalie K213 Relentless x W/C Miss Werning 4770B H2O’S Blackbird 2271 –Sired by Conley Express Lane 7211 PB ANGUS 55


ANGUSMOUNTAINBEAR Brian, Tiffany, Reagan & Mckinley Stoller 35789 Highway 6 • Palisade, Nebraska 69040 (308) 285-3313 • (308) Salebearmtnangus@msn.com737-6213•www.bearmountainangus.comAssociate:CarterWard(816)261-0891 SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 20TH, 1PM CST for our FALL PRODUCTION SALE! Selling 5 Herd Sires 120 Registered Females (50 Spring bred heifers, 40 Proven Spring Bred Cows, 20 Fall pairs & 10 Elite Spring heifer calves) 350 Commercial Bred Heifers BEAR MTN JUDY 6535 reg# 18583302 The only full sister to the ST Genetics sire, Bear Mtn Justify, Sells in her entirety. BEAR MTN ERICA 6607 reg# 18583348 reg# 18228230reg# 18583325 BEAR MTN BARBARA BEAUTY 6568 reg# 18491735 BEAR MTN FOREVER LADY 5217 BEAR MTN JUDY 5109 BULL JANUARYSALE25,2023 Join Us! Save the Date!

Tom & Sandy Sonderup 19488 Valley Road, Fullerton, NE 68638 (308) 550-0254 cell • Greg Hubert P.O. Box 100, Oakley, KS 67748 785-672-7449 (cell) Sale Manager 1 P.M. AT THE BULL LODGE WEST OF FULLERTON, NE Selling 150 head, including 100 Bred Spring Calving Cows and Heifers and 50 Weaned Spring 2022 Heifer Calves SCR Miss Triumph 6144 SCR Miss Casanova 8152Polled heifer calf #2113 SCR Miss Casanova 1148 Watch for catalog and videos on our website - 59

BEING A SHOW HEIFER ISN’T THE MOST IMPORTANT, BUT MAKING A COW IS. November 27 Hiawatha KS DIAMOND M CATTLE COMPANY SIMMENTAL SIMANGUS ™ MAINE ANJOU Mark Mueller 785.547.6054 Matt Mueller 785.547.5505 DMCC Destiny 222D DMCC Anna 27A DMCC Evelyn 36E DMCC Dazzle 32D DMCC Eclipse 4E DMCC Farrah 32F DMCC Fiona 30FDMCC Gala 115G Once a show heifer - now a donor Customer cattle from around the nation - sold through our sale

 61 63

THE BEST IS YET TO COME Wil Mayes 304-619-9327 or Dallas Woltemath 308-390-6400 ZWTRANCH.COM 40 Bulls | 50 Registered Females | 75-100 Commercial Females SIRES REPRESENTED SAV Bloodline 9578 | Laflins Marvel 1801 | SAV America 8018 | ZWT Intervention 7363 Coleman Glacier 041 | BC Robust 0807 | Brooking Major 7103 | Brooking Gold Coin 8069 November 10 Production Sale At the ranch in Crossville, TN 64 Livestock Plus Inc. October 2022

RUBY ERICA E617 One of the top 30 cows in the breed combining $M & $W! She sells with a fall calf at side, along with 2 spring ET heifer calves by Tehama Tahoe!

ZWT BLACKCAP MAY 0261 Two year old potential donor by SAV Supercharger 6813 out of Blackcap May 473 will sell with a calf at side.
LADY F503 Impressive daughter of SAV Resource 1441 headlines an outstanding set of fall calving cows.

COULEE PATSY A13 Selling half interest in one of the stoutest daughters of SAV Resource 1441 you will find anywhere! Join us in partnering on this prolific embryo producer! PVA BLACKCAP MAY 4397 Selling half interest in this maternal sister to SAV Blackcap May 4136! She is a cornerstone donor of the ZWT Power Maternal program. ZWT ROSE G034 One of the first mature daughters of EA Rose 918 to sell in the country! She has a nursing ratio of 106 and will sell with a calf at side and ready to flush! ZWT ROYALTY 1503 Outstanding herd bull prospect by SAV Bloodline is one of 5 promising yearling maternal brothers out of EA Rose 918 to sell. ZWT ELBA 2038 Phenomenal Elba heifer sired by SAV Bloodline. Incredible combination of power and phenotype! Selling half interest and possession. 65

Power Performance Pedigree Sale - Mountain Grove, MO

Friends in Low Places Online Female Sale - Mid-American Elite Gelbvieh & Balancer Sale - Grand Island, NE
Mead Farms Fall Production Sale - Versailles, MO
11 Thompson Herefords Online Production
Lynn Creek Best of the Bluegrass Sale - Winchester, KY
Black Hererford Ranch Cream of the Crop Sale - Crawford, OK
Cason’s Pride & Joy Simmental Female Sale - Russell, IA Henke Farms Female and One bull Sale - Salisbury, MO
HTP / Hilltop Simmentals Partnership Dispersal -
12 Valley Oaks Angus Bull Sale - Chilhowee, MO
Nowatzke Cattle Company - Michigan City, IN
Reynolds Herefords - Huntsville, MO
Cattlemen’s Delight Hereford Sale - Black River Falls, WI
30 Nansel’s Flying N Ranch Dispersion - Miles City, MT
12 SD Excellence Sale - Brookings, SD
Thompson Herefords Open House - Amity, MO
66 Livestock Plus Inc. October 2022
13 Hawkeye Simmental Sale - Bloomfield, IA
Rudow Family Cattle Female Sale - Pana, IL Yardley Cattle Co. Focus on the Female Sale - Beaver, UT
31 Small Town Bright Lights Online Sale -
Perks Ranch Fall Celebration Sale - Rockford, IL
Cannon Charolais Ranch Mature Cow Dispersal - Newton, IA
Star G Ranch Red Angus Auction - Douds, IA
15-16 Adcock Land & Livestock Open House - Moweaqua, IL
18 Hilltop Simmentals Online Female Sale -
Huwa Cattle Angus Sale - Roggen, CO Tuttle Cattle Co. Online Sale -
7 Red River Farms - Grand Saline, TX
Bradley Cattle / Hankin Farms Fall Colors Sale - Republic, MO
Clear Choice Female Sale - Milan, IN
Udell Cattle Co. Production Sale - Sioux City, IA
26 Hoffman Ranch Online Female Sale -
4 Pilgrim Angus Mature Cow Herd Dispersal - Plymouth, IN 5
23 MO Angus Assn. Ladies of Autumn Sale - Lebanon, MO Tri-K Cattle Company Herd Reduction Sale - Bloomfield, IA
20 Bear Mountain Angus Production Sale - Palisade, NE 27 Diamond M Cattle Company Female Sale - Hiawatha, KS

3C Cattle Co. Production Sale - Carrollton, MO
17 Vision Angus Ladies in Black Online Sale -
Sharing In the Progress Online Sale - Triangle J Ranch Harvest Select Sale - Mille, NE 10

Small Town Bright Lights Open House - Sterling, NE Tuttle Cattle Company Open House - Dorchester, NE
Studer Shorthorns Family Legacies Sale - Anita, IA
8-9 Adcock Land & Livestock Open House - Moweaqua, IL
2 Badger Southern Select Sale - Darlington, WI
Fawcett’s Elm Creek Ranch Fall Female Sale - Ree Heights, SD New Direction Sale - Seward, NE
Sonderup Charolais Ranch Dispersal Sale - Fullerton, NE ZWT Ranch Production Sale - Crossville, TN
5-6 Sharing in the Progress Open House - Plainfield, IA 6
6 Bayou Creek Ranch Production Sale - Jacksboro, TX Cyclone Online Sale -
8 Angus Alliance Production Sale - Carthage, MO
14 Gerdes Show Cattle Buckles & Banners - West Point, IA
Adcock Land & Livestock Online Heifer Sale -
Decades of Excellence Angus Production Sale - Unionville, TN
3-6 NCC Classic Fall Edition - Kearney, NE
Family Traditions Online Sale - Neil Farms Online Fall Female Sale -
5 Double B Angus Online Sale -
Niobrara Red Angus - Niobrara, NE
Hoover Angus Online Sale -
Schrag/Nikkel Cattle Familiy Event Sale - Marion, SD Shipwreck Cattle Black Label Sale - Grandview, TX
10 CK Cattle Online Sale -
Rolling Hills Farms Simmental Dispersal - Zanesville, OH
3 Gateway Genetics Online Sale -

Byergo Angus Sale - Savannah, MO
H20 Cattle Complete Dispersion - Walkerton, IN
13 St. Germain Simmentals’ Secret Sale - Winnebago, MN 67

Clear Choice Female Sale 45
Thurs. 8th - State Center
68 Livestock Plus Inc. October 2022
Nowatzke Cattle Co. 29
Coon River Gates 46
Family Traditions Online Sale 23

Schrag/Nikkel Cattle 13
Sharing in the Progress Sale 26
Star G Ranch 12
Hoffman Ranch

Tri-K Cattle Co. 53
Bear Mountain Angus 58
Yardley Cattle Co. 76 ZWT Ranch 64-65
Mon. 14th - Winthrop
Vision Angus 31
Thurs. 1st - Williamsburg
McMinimee Trailers 50
American Angus Assn

Mead Farms 49
Pilgrim Angus 22
Udell Cattle 20-21
Thurs. 27th - Winthrop
Thurs. 10th - Williamsburg
ANGUS BULLS performance tested & ready to go! OPEN ANGUS HEIFERS SELECT GROUP OF COW/CALF PAIRS Erle 319-668-2082 Office 319-668-2026 • Mobile 319-430-0820
Iowa Show Cattle Producers .... 37-39
Cottonwood Angus 42
Neil Farms 25 New Direction Sale 11

Niobrara Red Angus 27
Henke Farms 57
Rolling Hills Supply 18, 42
H2O Cattle 55
ICA 40-41
Huwa Cattle 14
McTavish Steel Works 8
Thurs. 3rd - State Center
Triangle J Ranch 1
Hilltop Simmentals
Voss Angus 75
Adcock Land & Livestock 32
Black Hereford Ranch
Illinois Show Cattle Producers ... 34-35

Reynolds Herefords 30
Cardinal Cattle Co. 2
Buckles & Banners Sale 3
Valley Oaks Angus 15
Thurs. 6th - State Center
Byergo Angus 19
NCC 62-63
Diamond M Cattle............... 60
Sonderup Charolais Ranch ........ 59
Whitaker Marketing Group 26

Mon. 21st - State Center
Hoop Beef Systems 36

Thurs. 20th - State Center
Tuttle Cattle Co.................. 70
O'Neill Angus Farm 24
Rudow Family Cattle 5
Mid American Elite Sale .......... 67
Tues. 20th - State Center
3C Cattle Co.................... 17
Cyclone Sale 9
Thurs. 13th - Williamsburg
Decades of Excellence Sale 47
Live Wire Auction 66, 72
Friends in Low Places Sale 71
Fox Group Market Report 10
Okoboji Cattle Co. 44
Herbster Angus Farms 6-7
South Dakota Excellence Sale ...... 61
St. Germain Simmentals 16
Summitt Ag Group 52
Small Town Bright Lights Sale ...... 73
The Iowa Land Guy 48
Hoover Angus 8
HTP Simm/Hilltop Simm 33
Lynn Creek Farms 50
Hawkeye Simmental Sale

Cason Pride & Joy Simmentals 74
Wed. 14th - Winthrop
Mikkeys LC .................... 54 MO Angus Assn. 51 69


SB/LZF 215K 3/4 Equity x Relentless x Saras Dream KTS/BZ 208K 3/4 Bankroll x On the Mark LZF 263K 1/2 BIZ Pilgrim 40B x Angus LZF 239K PB Remedy x Heart of Steel LZF 203K 1/2 Express x Heart of Steel LZF 266K 3/4 Double Up x Primo x Gemstone 71

We can almost write our name but that darn “R” is hard. This girl barely looks back at mom when she leaves for school which makes this mama a little teary but so very proud too!
Treva also made her debute showing pigs in Novice Showmanship
Wishing everyone the best fall season at shows and sales! If you make it down to Southwest Iowa, stop in to Champion Show Feed/Champion Steaks. They have all your show feed needs and maybe some specialty beef sticks or frozen steaks from our local locker right on Highway 34 on the west side of Creston. You might even catch me there working!

Our Middle T has become a very strong, independent young lady. Matt says Taylor and I probably should not speak to each other in the morning because my dear daughter and I struggle to see eye-to-eye in the mornings. God’s grace and coffee cannot come soon enough! My strong willed daughter has decided that she and Matt will be heading to AKSARBEN with gilts this year, while Tuck stays home for Homecoming. Even though we struggle some days, I love her with every fiber of my being and am so proud of her hard work at the farm and on the volleyball court! Now I just need to remember not to “coach” her volleyball when I am not
God HeidiBless,Sorensen Rohrig www.livestockplusinc.comheidi@livestockplusinc.com661-900-6004

72 Livestock Plus Inc. October 2022

Well, my kickoff of the school year was kind of awful, to say the least. Treva and I were soooo sick and I don’t know that I can even remember ever being THAT sick, ever! Everyone knows I do not miss a football game, especially Tucker’s first game of his junior year of high school. So thankful for KSIB radio and PantherTV so I could watch every single play. Pretty sure Tuck was not super impressed with my knowledge and opinion of each and every play. It was definitely different and I cried as the game started, but I am so incredibly grateful I could still watch and listen!

certainly not least, Treva Gayle and her ALL DAY Preschool that she absolutely LOVES!!! Treva never ceases to amaze me … she loves so hard and has a way of making you feel like you are the most important person in the world just with one of her hugs. Even though she is not verbal, she does know her alphabet in sign language and recognizes sounds of letters too!
at the Guthrie County Open and stayed with “her” pig the entire time! In the past when Treva has tried showing, she likes to help everyone in the ring show their pig. So this was a very big deal because she stayed focused on her pig the entire time and only looked over and yelled “Uck” (what she calls her big brother, Tuck) once when her pig went under a table for a bit. The look on her face when Jim Gibson gave her five dollars was absolutely priceless! Matt and I could not be more proud of all three T’s! So grateful to walk through this life with this husband and these kids.
Tuck is also preparing to compete in “Employment Skills” at the National FFA Convention in late October. Looking forward to the rest of the football games and possibly traveling to my first National FFA Convention!
Please continue to keep our military and nation in your prayers! Travel safe and please do not ever hesitate to give one of us a call to find that next great one!
SMALL TOWN,Bright Lights Buehler Cattle Rick Buehler: 402-239-8047 Rodger Buehler: 402-239-5701 Dean Cattle Jeff Dean: 402-297-2540 Holscher Cattle Roger Holscher: 402-269-0681 O CTOBER 31st HOSTED ON SC ONLINE SALES Sires Represented: Remedy, Bank Roll, Profit, Fear Not Red, County O, and others JOIN US FOR OUR OPEN HOUSE OCTOBER 2 9 t h • 2 PM FOOD & BEVERAGES PROVIDED ALL DAY 73104 607 AVE. STERLING, NE 68443 While in the area that day, stop by Tuttle Cattle Company and Sisco Brothers open houses. FEBRUARY FULL SISTERS: SO REMEDY X PROFIT COUNTY O X UNBELIEVEABLE/CRAZY N LOVE BANKROLL X UNBELIEVEABLE/CRAZY N LOVE 73

Cason’s Pride & Joy Simmentals 2077 715th Avenue, Albia, IA 52531 Denny Cason 641-814-3332 Landon Cason 641-799-7350 Sale Management: Eberspacher Ent. Inc. Office 507-532-6694 • Val 612-805-7405 • Marshall, MN Call or email to get on the catalog mailing list! Catalog online at CASON’S CAMILA K52B PB • Sired by TNS All Around CASON’S SOPHIA K95BW PB • Sired by TNS All Around CASON’S OLIVIA K35 PB • Sired by TJ Roosevelt 366E CASON’S MISS FAVOR J4C Sired by LCDR Favor Bred to Hook’s Eagle 6E CASON’S AUBREY K815 PB • Sired by KBHR High Road CASON’S MISS CARALOINE J95G Sired by THSF Lover Boy B33 Bred to CLRS Guardian 317G CASON’S MISS J13CZNEGLESTON Sired By Hook’s Eagle 6E Bred to CLRS Guardian 317G Spring Fancy Show Heifers Powerful Fall Open Heifers Elite Spring Bred Heifers 65 ELITE LOTS WILL SELL ON NOVEMBER 5TH!

8840 Deer Ridge Lane Bloomington, MN 55438 Time Sensitive Content - Mailed on September 26, 2022 Lover Boy SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 2022 130 ELITE BRED FEMALES 10 fancy show heifers SIMMENTAL, ANGUS, & MAINES ASA # 2983443 PB SM • View The Auction Live! Beaver, UT 1:00 MST Gib Yardley (435) 691-8688 Steven Yardley (435) 310-1725 Rodney Teichert (801) 824-8851 YARDLEY CATTLEFOCUSCOMPANYONTHE Female Yardley Top Gun x SAV Sensation Lover Boy had the highest semen sales of any Simmental bull for Cattle Visions in 2021. His calves are stylish and correct with growth, performance, eye appeal exceptional udders, and ideal feet and leg structure. Many impressive daughters sell and many bred heifers and cows in this offering sell bred to Lover Boy. SAV President x Duff StimulusYardley Standout x Real Steel 3/4 SM 1/4 AN 5/8 SM 3/8 AN1/2 SM 1/2 AN PB ANGUS W/C Banchor x W/C Loaded Up 5/8 SM 3/8 AN Stepping Stone x Steel Force 1/2 SM 1/2 AN W/C Banchor x SAV Synergy