A.L.F. Spring 2011 Newsletter

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Association of Lutheran Friends 2011 Memorial Service June 5, held at Ransom Va!ey Lutheran Church sharing his thoughts on Psalm 91 which helped him in his faith during the terrible days of war. Please contact Mrs. Audrey Russell at 344-6221 if you would want to join Mr. Metz, his wife of 60+ years, and his son, for our annual luncheon at 1 pm. It will be a great pleasure to meet him more personally and hear more of his experiences. The Memorial Service itself will begin at 3:30.

Guest speaker Mr. Morris Metz, (above) will be joining us for our June 5th Luncheon and Memorial Service. Mr. Metz is a member of Faith Lutheran Church in Easton (LCMS) and is a veteran of the Battle of the Bulge during WWII. He is a well known and very popular speaker. He is looking forward to sharing his faith and life and what it meant to be a Christian soldier. He will be

RANSOM WINDOWS TO BE REDEDICATED JUNE 5 as well! Thanks to the great efforts of many, the Ransom Valley Lutheran Church windows, after having been vandalized, have been replaced! The cost was almost $3000. On June 5th, immediately following the Memorial Service, Rev. David Searing will lead in the dedication of the new windows. Praise be to God!

UPCOMING A.L.F. EVENTS June 5, 2011 1 pm Annual Luncheon at the former O’Neil’s Restaurant on Newton Ransom Hwy. 3:30 Ransom Valley Lutheran Church Memorial Service with special guest speaker Mr. Morris Metz, Battle of the Bulge veteran. (Rev. Bjornstad conducting) July 10, 2011 Ransom Valley Summer Worship Service, 3:30pm (Rev. Searing conducting) July 28-29 (Thursday and Friday), 2011 Lutheran World Relief Baltimore Experience! August 14, 2011 Ransom Educational Event 3:30 pm (Subject TBA led by Rev. Wagaman) November 13, 2011 2011 LUTHER DAY DINNER: 2 pm, Melting Pot, Scranton

A.L.F. IS SPONSORING A LUTHERAN WORLD RELIEF SUMMER TRIP FOR 2011 On Thursday and Friday, July 28-29, Pastor Bjornstad and Pastor Wagaman will leading a group of Spirit filled Lutherans to New Windsor and Baltimore, MD to share in the ministry of Lutheran World Relief. The only question will be if YOU will be joining them! We will tour the warehouse facilities of LWR and volunteer an afternoon of work there. We will spend the night at the Conference Center in New Windsor and spend the next


day (Friday) in nearby Baltimore touring the LWR headquarters. We will, of course, be spending the afternoon taking in the Baltimore Inner Harbor before traveling back to PA! Call 570-343-9828 for more information, or check on the A.L.F. website for more information! Costs @$80/$40 children and youth.



2011 have been meeting for several months and are planning to begin a high profile mission start in the Moscow, PA area. The first gathering and Bible Study will take place June 5th at 5:30 pm! We will hopefully be meeting at the Covington Senior Center with Rev. Mandile leading the Bible Study on the Gospel of John. NEW ORLEANS MISSION

Above: Rev. Searing presenting to Jim Calpin JIM CALPIN: RECIPIENT OF THE 2010 WILLIAM T. SCHMIDT AWARD.

At the November, 2010 Luther Day Dinner Mr. Jim Calpin was recognized as a Lutheran who has served the Lord Jesus Christ faithfully in his family, congregation, and in the community at large. Married to his wife Sharon and blessed with a daughter Nichole, Jim has been a tireless worker through the years. He grew up at Immanuel Lutheran Church in Scranton but for many years he has been a trustee at Peace Lutheran. He has worked on many projects of A.L.F., but is best known to be a trusted contractor for the members of many area Lutheran congregations. As he builds houses or renovates bathrooms or kitchens, he always brings a great smile, an understanding heart, and an encouraging word. He is also very active as a Christian man in the PTA of his daughter’s school! God has blessed us all in the person of Jim. Congratulations! At the dinner as well we were thrilled with the presence of the members of Source of Love Indonesian Lutheran Church who shared a number of their songs to over 110 dinner guests. Join us again in 2011! NEW MOSCOW MISSION!

Members of four LCMS congregations in the Scranton area


The Association of Lutheran Friends helped sponsor ($1000) a January 2011 mission trip to continue the rebuilding of New Orleans! Almost a dozen members of four area Lutheran congregations joined together for another great trip that the Lord kept safe and productive. ELCA members join together: LIFT

From June 16-18 at Muhlenburg College, Allentown, the 2011 LIFT (Lutherans in Faith Together) event is a unique opportunity for Lutherans from throughout the Northeastern Pennsylvania Synod to join voting members from the synod assembly and participants in the LYF (Lutheran Youth Fellowship) assembly. They will be celebrating Henry Melchior Muhlenberg's 300th birthday and discover how God is at work through God’s people here in this synod and throughout the world. ASSOCIATION WEB SITE

Please check out our site: www.associationoflutheranfriends.org for all the news and a gathering of historical information of our various churches! New information has just been uploaded on St. Luke’s Lutheran Church, Archbald.


““There is no justification without sanctification, no forgiveness without renewal of life, no real faith #om which the #uits of new obedience do not grow.”

RANSOM CHURCH/ CEMETERY CLEANUP DAY IS SAT., MAY 28th! Please come and help make this beautiful historic church sparkle! We will be gathering at 9 am - noon, come when you can! We have a great time! THE STATED MISSION OF THE ASSOCIATION OF LUTHERAN FRIENDS The Association of Lutheran Friends, a not-for-profit Pennsylvania corporation, provides a forum for cooperation in social ministry, education, and social fellowship involving Lutherans living in Northeastern Pennsylvania. Further, the Association of Lutheran Friends shall strive to stimulate community awareness among its members; and shall foster service to the Church and community at large. Further, the Association of Lutheran Friends shall strive to improve the quality of life for all persons; regardless of race, color, creed, sex, or national origin.

THE MEMBERSHIP OF THE ASSOCIATION OF LUTHERAN FRIENDS... The corporate membership of the Association of Lutheran Friends, is comprised of Lutheran individuals who, by their adherence to the Christian faith and their Lutheran heritage, strongly believe in extending their personal and collective ministry to the community at large. The annual contribution for voting membership is ten dollars.

PLEASE SEND IN YOUR NAME, ADDRESS AND 2011 ($10) MEMBERSHIP DUES TO: Audrey Russell 518 Florin St. Scranton PA 18509-1010


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