Peace Talk - June/July 2010
Apostolic Mission Congregation of the LCMS Pastor Kristian Bjornstad 2506 N. Main Ave. 343-9828
FROM THE PASTOR’S HEART: The family. We were a strange little band of characters trudging through life sharing diseases and toothpaste, coveting one another's desserts, hiding shampoo, borrowing money, locking each other out of our rooms, inflicting pain and kissing to heal it in the same instant, loving, laughing, defending, and trying to figure out the common thread that bound us all together. ~Erma Bombeck I love this quote, but if we have any faith and sense about reality we will recognize that the bond that binds us all together as family is Jesus Christ!
CHICKEN BBQ JULY 10, 2010 3 - 6 PM 200 TICKETS NEED TO BE SOLD! TONS OF FUN TO BE HAD! All proceeds going to ABLAZE Missions!
Summer is a great time for families to be together and enjoy each other. Take the deliberate time to grow your family in love and devotion to each other - AND the Lord. This summer in our worship we will be touching on so many of the themes and lessons of family in the Scripture. The theme for these sermons is “Family Under the Tree” (Tree being the tree of the Cross). Be blessed in your family!
In Jesus, Pastor Bjornstad
Join us for
VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL! Kids zip, zap, and zoom at Planet Zoom. They ZIP into VBS and ZAP into God’s Word. They help each other learn with memorable activities, confess that they BELIEVE in Jesus, our Savior, and then ZOOM out to share Jesus’ love in the world. Planet Zoom registration is open for ages 3–12 who will attend VBS from July 19 to 23, 5:30-8 pm. Kids meet friends, explore Bible stories, do fun activities, sing great songs, make crafts, play games, and eat snacks. We expect a great response, so enroll your child today. To register, give the form in the bulletin to an usher, call 343-9828, or register online at PLEASE MAKE AN INVITE!
Christian History:
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685–1750) is acknowledged as one of the most famous and gifted of all composers past and present in the entire western world. Orphaned at the age of ten, Bach was mostly self-taught in music. His professional life as conductor, performer, composer, teacher, and organ consultant began at the age of 19 in the town of Arnstadt and ended in Leipzig, where for the last 27 years of his life he was responsible for all the music in the city's four Lutheran churches. In addition to his being a superb keyboard artist, the genius and bulk of Bach's vocal and instrumental compositions remain overwhelming. A devout and devoted Lutheran, he is especially honored in Christendom for his lifelong insistence that his music was written primarily for the liturgical life of the church to glorify God and edify his people.
+ Our MEN’S NETWORK MEETING was attended by SEVEN men who seek God! We discussed the question about if a Christian man can have AMBITION. Our next meeting is Saturday June 26th at Panera Bread in Dickson City (9 am). + For the training of new Liturgists to serve God and us in leading worship: Kevin Woolverton and Cliff Durkin. + THINGS HAPPENING HERE AT PEACE: the resealing of the
Johann Sebastian Bach Commemorated Wed., Jul 28.
++++++++++++++++++++ parking lot and the sidewalks! + PRAISE THE LORD at the Baptism of Michael Frazier and Sharmar Unique on June 13th! We are also looking forward to the baptisms of Cassy Steinruch and Colleen Caster on July 11th! +PRAISE THE LORD at the testimonies and confessions of our confirmands and new members! We are GROWING OUR CHURCH FAMILY! +++++++++++++++++++++
Abundant life John 10:10: “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”
We remember our church family:
Above: Mac, Rita, Stanley FAMILY IS BEAUTIFUL!
STEWARDSHIP: Look for a letter from the Financial Secretary and the Church Council in July. That letter will contain a printout from the Financial Secretary of your offerings so far this year. This is only for your information and perhaps also helpful in locating any inaccuracies. Please note that if you would like a report at any time of your offerings, please just ask Eileen Duffy and she can easily print one for you. ++++++++++++++++++++
SYNODICAL CONVENTION: Lutheran Church Missouri Synod will be meeting in convention this July 10-17! Please pray for a beautiful time for all in attendance - and that our church would follow in the path of Jesus in bringing to the world! You can follow the convention with a live internet stream and many reports at the “Events” page at website. Our circuit representatives at the convention will be Rev. A. Mandile (Immanuel) and Mr. Gary Nash, layperson from St. Peter’s Lutheran Church in Wilkes Barre. ++++++++++++++++++
+++++++++++++++++++++ Please pray for Gus Bernardi and his family as they mourn his father’s death. Also Cliff Durkin for healing in his leg and foot, Elsie Schweitzer recovering from a fall, Sandra Goble as she struggles with mental and emotional problems in the hospital (also pray for her mother and grandmother). Pray also for Janelle Wertman as she serves in Iraq. Pray also for Mark Koenig as he seeks to be blessed with a kidney donation.
SOMETHING OUGHT TO BE DONE!!!! The weeds are growing thick around the church. Which person who HASN’T helped with this before will come and beautify God’s House. ++++++++++++++++++ Pastor Bjornstad will be away June 28-29 in St. Louis (this time for real, if you know the story!) for training in his role as the Eastern District Disaster Relief Coordinator. This has nothing to do with his moniker as “The Pastor of Disaster”! :)
MISSION NEWS/PRAYERS! PRAYERS FOR THE MISSIONS IN KYRGYZSTAN: As you might know, Pastor and Rita Nickel (former pastor of Peace) were missionaries for many years in Kyrgystan. We were praying regularly for them and heard them speak of their country and the Lordʼs mission there. As you might be reading in the news there is terrible strife and almost civil war in that country presently. Ramona Brown was inquiring what was going on with the church there and Pastor Bjornstad sent an email to the Nickels to ask what we were to pray for. This was Ritaʼs answer: Thank you for writing Kristian. Mary Ann, please forward this to Pastor Baugh and ask him to have the congregation pray for the Body of Christ in Kyrgyzstan. Please, each of you, pass this on as much as you can. Our June door offering in support of Pretty Zulu’s education was @$60. We need $50/ month! Praise the Lord! This is an email from her: “Dear Pastor Kristian Bjornstad I would like to thank you so much, for the payment that was made on the 27th of May. I really appreciate what you are doing. With my studies I'm doing well, and trying my best. Love you all, May God bless you.” If YOU would like to email her yourself with a word of encouragement you can! Here is her email address:
PLEASE PRAY FOR ANDILE ZULU, HER FAMILY, AND HER COUNTRY! ++++++++++++++++++ "If a commission by an earthly king is considered a honor, how can a commission by a Heavenly King be considered a sacrifice?" — David Livingstone
What I know is not much more than what I read. Our churches and cell groups are in the Northern part of the country, but of course there are many other missionaries and believers in the south. There is now a National Church, Lutheran Church Concordia, in Kyrgyzstan, with many evangelists, student pastors and ordained pastors. Pastor Kenjebek is the Bishop and Pastor Monsur is the main teacher at the Seminary in Bishkek. Our office, Fund Compassion, is in full swing, albeit with less workers, and the Medical Van is under Compassion's administration. The van still works, but due to economical constraints, works more closely to Bishkek. We have LCMS WM missionaries in two villages within an hour of Bishkek,but not working directly with the National church. Matt Heise, out of Russia, and Bob Rossin, out of St.Louis, travel to the Seminary in Bishkek to teach. Pastor Fred Schelke writes the curriculum out of his home in Texas, as he was literally kicked out of Central Asia a couple of years ago. ALL need our prayers. I as you to especially pray for Kenjebek, as the full weight of the very young church body rests upon his shoulders. He became a Christian about three years into our work in Kyrgyzstan and thus is still young in the Lord, especially for such a time as this. Please, please pray for our precious Brothers and Sisters, who are in the midst of great turmoil.I will forward to you anything I receive from the office or other sources in Bishkek. Blessings, Rita NOTE: Every year Peace Lutheran supports our churchʼs mission work such as these efforts in Kyrgyzstan with mission pledging totaling almost $13,000. PRAISE THE LORD! Our Chicken BBQ proceeds in July is to contribute toward that pledge! Please contribute to the work of the Lord with Joy!
Lutheran Academy News The 2009-10 School Year came to a close June 11th with much gladness and sadness. Gladness at the many blessings which were given by God through the year, but also much sadness as we had to say goodbye to many of our students. The Lessard family with four children was moving back to New Hampshire and there were also three others who will not be coming back for various reasons. We are planning to work hard this summer to fill out our student body. Please pray for us - as well, invite your friends and neighbors who might be interested in quality schooling options for their children! PLEASE ALSO REMEMBER TO CONSIDER THE PRESCHOOL AT IMMANUEL LUTHERAN!!!!
Please support The Lutheran Academy by using Pretty Good Portraits for all your photography needs.
GREAT EVENTS: June 3rd, to an audience of about 75, the student body did an incredible job performing the Jazz Cantata called “100% Chance of Rain”. The students not only sang, but performed the flute, guitars, and various percussion instruments - as well as individual dialogue parts.
The very next day at 4 am in the morning the Academy students, parents and volunteers numbering 27 altogether boarded the bus for an overnight trip to Washington DC. It was a FABULOUS time touring the National Cathedral, the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum as well as the Washington the Lincoln Memorials and even seeing the White House. Thank you to Audrey Russell and Mr. Borchin for making this all possible!
Field Day!
STAFF CHANGES: For next year there will be significant changes in our Academy staff. Our Academy Board of Directors and the Church council approved the hiring of our Peace member Eileen Duffy as our school administrative secretary. As well Roger Borchin will bow out of the daily grind at the Academy but still serve as Washington DC Directing Principal. Angela Scheller will serve as Teaching Principal, with general oversight of the daily school operations. We are still looking forward to all our volunteer help which comes from generous souls of the members of Peace and Immanuel churches. THANK YOU TO ALL OUR VOLUNTEERS AND SPONSORS! From our church we especially thank Debra Price and Lillian Colbert who volunteer one morning a week. As well, we also give thanks for Peggy Gutowski who serves as the Academy Treasurer, and Monica Bjornstad and Susan Crosbie who serve on the Board of Directors. “100% Chance of Rain”
Concepts of Christian Parenting: The Bjornstad Basics CONTROL THE COMPUTER and VIDEO GAME USAGE This is very important - and becoming increasingly so every day. A couple important things: Just like with the TV, make the computer that the kids can be on a FAMILY computer in the dining room where there is heavy traffic. In our house we have limited the time on the computer to no more than 2 hours/day/child. It would be very important to monitor the sites that they visit as well and talk to them about the sites that are not appropriate for them to be visiting. It is not hard to manually do this, but if you can’t or don’t have the time it would be best to put parental controls up on the computer. It is especially important to keep some semblance of control of the discussions on Facebook and Myspace. If you don’t know how to do this, find someone who can help!
NOTE OF ENCOURAGEMENT FROM WISCONSIN! This last month we received a card from St. Martini church: “St. Martini Lutheran Church is a small inner-city Milwaukee congregation. It is our desire to share the ministry of prayer with our brothers and sisters in Christ. It is our goal to place the name of every congregation of the LCMS before the Lord in prayer before our 125th Anniversary on July 7, 2009. "I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the Gospel. (Phil. 1:3-4) We named your ministry before the Lord this week! We prayed that God would bless your congregation!” LET’S PRAY FOR THEM AS WELL!
The reason why I would like to be a Christian is because Jesus gives us everything we have on Earth. He gives us our food, clothes, friends and anything else you can think of. If we didn’t have food and water we would die. If we didn’t have clothes we would be naked. If we didn’t have friends we would have a very boring life. If it wasn’t for Jesus we wouldn’t even be here right now. Another reason is it’s the right thing to do. My mom says so, my aunt says so, my uncle says so, the Bible says so, and Jesus says so. Obviously, we’re supposed to do it. Also, being a Christian now will make us happier in the long run. We’ll go to Heaven and not perish in hell for eternal life. Think about it, why would you want to burn forever and ever when you can hang out with Jesus Christ. You can’t be anything but happy in Heaven – it’s not possible! This is why I want to be a Christian.
WHY I WANT TO BE A CHRISTIAN: By Marja Bjornstad Who else is going to get eternal life, true happiness, and a family that will love them no mater what, but a
Christian. Only a Christian gets to have these things through all his life. I cannot fathom a life without Christianity. Without Christianity there would be no hope for humanity. We would all be lost without it, just like Isaiah 24:3 says. “The Earth shall be utterly empty and utterly plundered.” A person attains eternal life in Christianity. If we do not believe in God, then we shall be sent to hell, and hell is the opposite of heaven. “No one is established by wickedness, but the root of the righteous will never be moved.” Proverbs 12:3. God states that if we believe in Jesus the Christ, we will live with him in heaven for eternity. How many people can say that they have no worries in the world? No one. However, there are those with more problems than others. Those people are nonChristians. They have heavy burdens on their backs for their whole lives, even after their death. Christians have the comfort and support of God. He takes away all of the sins of the world. I do not have to bear the weight of the world. When you are a Christian it is like God has blown all of your worries away and you don't have to worry about tomorrow. “Let them praise the name of the Lord for his name alone is exulted. His Majesty is above Earth and Heaven.” Psalms 148:13. When we think of a family we think of our biological family. However, the true
family that we have, is with God. This family will last forever and is the whole body of Christ. This is why I want to be a Christian.
First and foremost, I would like to be a Christian because God has given me everything good in life. He has given me everything from being born from all the luxuries in my life today. Without God, I would have no guidance in life. I would like to be a Christian because if I follow in God’s perfect image, I will be a lot better off in life. I also know as a Christian that when I die, I will be with god in heaven and that my sins are, have been, and will be forgiven. Another reason that I want to be a Christian is because even though sometimes my friends and I may argue or I may not feel loved, I know that Jesus will always love me. Finally, it is not just me that would like me to become a Christian, but God himself as well. Even though God is perfect in all ways, He is a jealous God. He created me to follow in his faith, so if I would fall to a different religion, he would not be pleased and very jealous. He is risen! He is risen indeed Alleluia! Amen! Sandra Goble and Christian Sauter were also Confirmed May 23! Space limitations keeps us from sharing their testimonies. Praise the Lord for their faith!
There is a citywide Lutheran drive to gather up as many health kits as we can for Lutheran World Relief to distribute to places like Haiti!
National Youth Gathering is July 17-21! Joseph Schulze, Erika and Hannah Bjornstad will be attending the National Youth Gathering in New Orleans this summer. Please pray for them and 5 other youth from 3 other churches being led by Pastor Vomhof (St. Stephens, Dickson City). They will be joining about 25,000 other youth from LCMS congregations around the country. It will be a truly exciting and faith enriching time. We look forward to their testimonies when they return. And for those youth who were not able to or didn’t take advantage of this opportunity: PLAN TO BE THERE IN 2013!!!!
On July 8-9 Pastor Bjornstad will be leading a group sponsored by The Association of Lutheran Friends to New Windsor, MD with a trailer or van FULL of these health kits! Look for more information about this trip that YOU can go along with to volunteer at the LWR warehouse! Speak with Pastor B for more info!
HEALTH KITS People who must flee their homes quickly often do not have time to pack essential items. Health kits can help refugees maintain personal hygiene while living in exile. Items may also contribute to a new start for those who can return home. Include the following items in each health kit: • • •
Youth Banana Cram! For the first time St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church in Wilkes Barre hosted a GREAT Banana Cram Lock in June 18-19. They rented a gym for three hours and we played all KINDS of games. Once AGAIN, Erika Bjornstad was the Cram champion, keeping the trophy here at Peace for yet another year. This time there was a slight upstaging though because for the first time her father joined in the fun and actually beat her by 2 seconds. But, because he is only young at heart, his feat does not count. Four churches we represented. Christian fellowship is ESSENTIAL for our youth! Please make these events COUNT for your child!
One hand towel, dark color recommended One washcloth, dark color recommended One bath-size bar (4 to 5 oz.) of soap, any brand, in its original wrapping • One adult-size toothbrush in its original packaging • One sturdy comb, remove packaging • One metal nail file or nail clippers with file attached, remove packaging (do not substitute cardboard emery boards for the file) • Six Band-Aids® (or similar brand), preferably 1/2" to 3/4"; secure together with a rubber band Do not add other items or leave out any of the items listed. All items should be new and in good condition. Wrap smaller items in the washcloth; wrap washcloth and remaining items in the towel and tie securely with ribbons or yarn. Do not enclose the kit or any of its contents in plastic bags. Health Kit box is in the church narthex!!!
Please call the office at 343-9828 or pastor’s cell phone at 871-0448!
Check out our Peace web page for any updates to the Calendar at
JOIN US FOR OUR THURSDAY EVENING FELLOWSHIP & BIBLE STUDY (7 PM) AT THE PARSONAGE! Our first Thursday evening we had a cookout on a beautiful evening! Eight of us had great fellowship over dinner (along with the children). The second Thursday evening we had dessert, fellowship, and MOST excellent study with discussion ranging widely and fervently concerning what we were learning in the book of Galatians!
WORSHIP LIFE AT PEACE LUTHERAN FOCUS ON THE FAMILY! WORSHIP: 10:00 AM This year we will be focusing in on strengthening and nurturing our beautiful families. Invite a churchless family to worship with us! God truly has a PLAN for us as families. It is a plan for PEACE and wholeness!
Please join us for the Economy and Markets event on Thursday, June 30, 2010 from 7:00pm to 8:00pm at St. Peter Lutheran Church, 1000 Taylor Avenue, Scranton. There will be light refreshments afterwards. The event will be presented by a Thrivent Financial for Lutherans representative. No financial products will be sold. This is an educational experience. To reserve a seat for yourself or for yourself and a guest, please call Torie Yoder’s office at (570) 558-2224. The deadline to register is Monday, June 28, 2010. For more information, contact Torie Yoder at (570) 558-2224 or
ALSO NOTE: The THRIVENT PICNIC will be SUN. AUG. 8 at Nay Og Park
PEACE LUTHERAN CHURCH Apostolic Mission Congregation of the LCMS 2506 N. Main Ave. Scranton, PA 18508
To a special person whom God Loves: