Peace Talk June 2012

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June 2012

Peace Talk

Peace Lutheran Church


The! Big! Hot! Chili Cook-Off!

$1500 Raised for Bread Basket Food Pantry! Pastor Bjornstad mentioned at the February church council meeting if the council had any ideas for a fundraiser for the Bread Basket of NEPA - N. Scranton food pantry. What happened was FAR beyond his imagination! Thanks to the gumption of God working in Jerry and Bonnie Cornog and MANY others, including Sandra Roberts, the Executive Director of the Bread Basket, a FABULOUS time was had by all on Saturday, May 19th! We praise God for EVERYTHING that happened and we look forward to NEXT YEAR! :) Thanks also to Thrivent Financial for Lutherans and The Association of Lutheran Friends! for their sponsorship!

CONFIRMED IN CHRIST! This year three of our young people were confirmed on May 20th, 2012: Nicole Calpin Mark McHale Kiana Sauter

Bonnie Cornog awarding our "People's Choice" best chili award to Randy Fornewchewski!

These very precious children of God have been meeting for two years every Monday evening with Pastor and have been blessed with growing faith and joy in Christ! We have all been blessed as we have witnessed their growing up in our congregation! Praise the Lord!

And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. - Galatians 6:9 An A p o st olic Mission C o n gregat ion of The Lut heran Church Missouri S y nod


The The Lutheran Academy Choir is here pictured as they prepared their songs (directed by Ginger Daubenhauser) they sang for the joint Ascension Day worship service held at St. Stephen's Lutheran Church, Dickson City May 17th. We do thank St. Stephen's and Pastor Vomhof for inviting us now several years running - to this special event! + The Academy and Preschool also had a special pancake breakfast at school to say goodby to Eileen Duffy who we all loved! She is having to move to New Jersey! :(

TO BE HELD HERE AT PEACE LUTHERAN Thursday, JUNE 14th 7pm! PLEASE JOIN US! You will hear their

fantastic music ensembles, as well as their beautiful singing! You will be encouraged by their message of faith and hope and trust in God!

ACADEMY NEWS: The Academy and the Preschool have jointly employed the gifts of Vicky Richert (wife of Rev. Peter Rickert of Our Savior Lutheran Church, Mt. Pocono) to help this spring with promoting both institutions together. She herself is a Lutheran Preschool Teacher and is enjoying her work with us. Already we are seeing the value of her efforts as we have two new families interested in sending their children to the Academy next year! Please continue to pray for this and many other developments over the summer! We are especially pleased that in May we added a new student named Rachel and we are all enjoying her as part of our Academy family!

CHOIR CONCERT! FRIDAY, JUNE 22, 2012 7:30 PM, Peace Lutheran! Youth Community Choir from Dayton/Ackron Ohio will be coming to Peace to share a beautiful concert of Sacred and Classical music! WE NEED YOUR HELP WITH HOSTING THESE 40 YOUNG HIGH SCHOOLERS ON TOUR! If you can host one, two, three (or more), please call Pastor Bjornstad! You would need to feed them breakfast and bring them back to the church Saturday morning!

PEACE NEWS AND NOTES NEW MOSAICS FOR THE FRONT SIGN ARE COMPLETED AND WERE DEDICATED THIS PAST MONTH. We hope to see them installed soon! A kind donation was made for their creation as the old ones were falling apart! PASTOR BJORNSTAD WILL BE AT THE LWML EASTERN DISTRICT CONVENTION this June 8-10th that is being held in Lancaster. Hannah will be going along for the ride too to help staff the Academy table and help her father with photographing the proceedings! Pastor will especially enjoy meeting one of his favorite Christian musicians when he was growing up: singer/songwriter Don Wharton, who is the entertainer for the weekend! ++++++++++++++++

YOUTH NEWS: Josh Schultz is serving an internship in sports medicine in Kansas!

friends and just have hour long conversations about God or the Bible. I was so blessed to have that spiritual and emotional support from my fellow believers and I really thank God for that opportunity. ++++++++++++++++++++ Adam and Tonya Evans will be married June 10th! Praise the Lord for all His goodness, and we pray for them and for all our families! ORGAN NEWS: Robert M. Sides Music Co. came again to "voice" the organ now that Jim Calpin has built shelving behind the organ screens! We are still not sure the sound is the best, but settling on a sound is a long and careful process and is not supposed to be quick. THE MAY LWML SPRING RALLY was very special with a beautiful presentation by Mrs. Ann Werk called "Fervently Devoted". Pastor Bjornstad prepared a DVD of it which you may borrow and view and be encouraged in your faith!

We were glad to see Chris Perry in ASSOCIATION OF LUTHERAN church with his mother (although he isn't FRIENDS INVITES YOU TO COME so much a "youth" anymore!!) WITH US TO BALTIMORE for our special annual "Mission Venture" to LOTS OF INTEREST IN GETTING explore everything Lutheran World TO CAMP PIONEER THIS SUMMER! Relief! We will leave Thursday July 5 Please pray this all works out! and come back Friday July 6th! It cost $80 for adults and $40 for youth! Speak Erika Bjornstad is BACK! And she with Pastor if you have questions. There writes: Going away to Concordia is a brochure at church with details! University in Minnesota was a seriously amazing experience. In general, kids EASTERN DISTRICT CONVENTION today love the college life. We like is this June 15-16th in Buffalo NY and finding new friends, going to school our council president Kevin Woolverton because we chose to- and being in will be attending with Pastor Bjornstad charge of our lives. Those are all a part representing our congregation. It really of the college experience. But there is IS a wonderful thing to gather as God's always that one EXTRA thing you're people united in faith and the joy of looking for: for me, it was spiritual Christ. We worship together and work support. And I found that at Concordia I together for His glory on opportunities could have theological discussions with for the Gospel that we cannot do as my classmates or professors and not be congregations alone! Please pray for our looked down upon for what I believe in. leaders and our church at large! It was great to stay up in the dorms with

UPCOMING EVENTS: Remember that there is a calendar on line at our church website that is usually up to date! We continue to have Youth Nite every Friday here at the church! ACADEMY FINAL PROGRAM is Thursday, June 14th at 7pm! Come and enjoy here at Peace Lutheran! VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL! COMING THE WEEK OF JULY 30TH! Regular 5:30pm time! Mark your calendars to attend and have some great fun! We will be signing up helpers too!

GOD IS DOING GREAT STUFF! NEW MEMBERS: Randy and Adirce Fornewchewski with their two children Monica and Mellissa professed their faith May 20th and are transfering their membership from Immanuel Lutheran Church. They only live a block away from the church and enjoy attending Peace! +++++++++++++++++++ Is anyone intestested in either camping or a Knoble's family trip this summer? Please let Pastor know!

WORSHIP AND SPIRITUAL LIFE at Peace Lutheran Church SUMMER WORSHIP IS AT 9:30 AM ON SUNDAY MORNINGS! Featuring: Praise songs beginning at 9:20 (come a bit early!) Holy Communion every Sunday! PLEASE CALL OR SPEAK WITH PASTOR BJORNSTAD ABOUT HOME BIBLE STUDYS! It would be awesome if we could get something going this summer on a weekly basis during the week. Let's find a time! STARTING HERE IN JUNE WE WILL BEGIN FOCUSING IN ON OUR YEAR'S THEME: THE BIBLE!




WORSHIP THEMES THIS SUMMER: June 17: The Holy Scripture: An Introduction to its Wonder. June 24: The Holy Scripture: It's Nature as "Holy" July 1: The Holy Scripture: It's Nature as "God's Word" July 8: The Holy Scripture: It's Nature as "Inerrant" and Trustworthy July 29: The Holy Scripture: How it Came to Be August 5: The Holy Scripture: It's Center in Christ August 12: The Holy Scripture: Law and Gospel August 19: The Holy Scripture: Wisdom for Life August 26: The Holy Scripture: Adding To and Taking Away September 2: The Holy Scripture: The Sword of The Spirit

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