Peace Talk
House of Prayer on Parker and Main 1Peter 1:3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! According to his great mercy, he has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead...
From the Pastor’s Heart Saying goodbye after 17 years this month is not going to be easy on me. If you didn’t already know, I do love you all very much. But learning how to say goodbye is just one of the most important things we do in life. On May 10th we celebrate the Ascension of our Lord and learn how Jesus himself said goodbye to his dear disciples. We learn so much about ourselves in saying goodbye. We learn we are really not indispensable or as important as we would like to think we are. James reminds us: “What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes.” As I clean out my office book shelves, picking and choosing as little as possible to take with me, I naturally reassess my life: Who I am? What i am about? Where is God leading me in the future?… It definitely makes the heart melancholy. It makes me humble when I look through my bookshelf and see books and books on youth ministry, pastoral counseling, worship and sermon helps, and books on all the various theological and biblical topics… and I cry inside thinking about how much better a pastor I COULD have been if I would have made better use of all these gifts. Some folks get to the end of their lives and somehow say that they don’t have any regrets. I hope that God isn’t done with me quite yet here on this earth, but I certainly have many regrets already. Sin gets the better of me and I miss the mark far too often. For all of this I am very sorrowful. And I pray for your forgiveness if I have sinned against any of you personally (and certainly corporately). But for this reason I am so glad to be a Christian and to call on the name of Jesus as my Savior. It is so beautiful that my broken life is what our Lord loves to forgive and restore and heal. The more of my sorrowful and regretted sin he has to forgive the more our wonderful God is glorified! As it is in my life - so it is in your lives, dear friends in Christ. As I take my leave of serving you, my prayer will always be that you would treasure the Lord Jesus Christ in your heart, living the life He has redeemed for you through repentance and forgiveness of sins. Our world so desperately needs God’s hopeful, faithful and devoted disciples. Jesus Christ is risen from the dead and we must make our alleluias of joy, peace and love in His name ring beautifully in this world! On behalf of my whole family, I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the years you have made us welcome in your midst. It has been truly an honor to serve you in Jesus’ name and to preach and teach His salvation. May the Lord richly bless you all until we reach the glories of our heavenly home.
In Jesus,
Pastor Bjornstad If you find yourself unable to attend worship on Sunday, head over to Facebook and during the readings and sermon portion of the service we will go LIVE on “God’s Peace at Parker and Main”Facebook page. Now you can stay connected to God’s word and and Pastor message each and every Sunday. Past Sundays are available now on the “Video” section of the page.
News of The Lutheran Academy! Working in partnership with God's people to raise up a new generation of faithful Christian men and women!
Upcoming Programs at the Academy
You are ALL cordially invited and encouraged to attend these upcoming events ALL held at The Lutheran Academy (home of The Lutheran Academy).
TLA Staff Benefit Concert Saturday, May 12th $25/per person 7:00pm A classy evening of appetizers, coffee and deserts to complement a concert of beautiful music! We have so much musical talent in our school! Carsten Bjornstad (piano), Jan Wells (flute), Sarah Bjornstad (violin), Ky Betts (Trumpet), Kristian Bjornstad (Guitar) Tickets are available in advance and at the door.
SONGS AND SOUNDS OF THE CENTURIES End of Year Music Program Thursday, May 24th 7:00pm The program will feature the Choir, an Orchestra of flutes and guitars, Recorder Consort, soloists plus some actors and readings all to guide us through music of the centuries. Refrehsments to follow with art and educational displays in the school multi-purpose area.
A lively group got together to paint at Spirited Art on Thursday, April 19th for the benefit of the Academy. Thank you to those who came and those trees look lovely!
Field Trip- Quiet Valley Living Historical Farm in Stroudsburg, PA
Awards Night and Graduation Ceremony Monday, June 11th 7:00 pm Lutheran Ministry Center Awards and recognition for stuents and staff, as well as a graduation ceremony for Nora Betts as she leaves the Academy and heads to Holy Cross Hight School next year.
BOX TOPS FOR EDUCATION Thank you for your support via the Box Top program. Over $300 was raised this year from this initiative. Please continue to collect them. Box Tops are found on almost 200+ items. Each Box Top when turned in earns the Academy 10 cents. As you can see, these Box Tops can really add up. A collection box is located in the back of the church. Please save your Box Tops. Spread the word and turn them in! Did you know . . . The Lutheran Academy has open enrollment? We are now taking applications for enrollment for the 2018-19 school year. We ask you to help spread the word about our school and ALL the positive ways we can impact a child’s academic and spiritual life.
On Thursday, May 3rd the students, staff and some parents traveled back in time as they visited the Quiet Valley Living Historical Family Farm in Stroudsburg. Both classes have been learning about this time period in class, so it was an ideal trip to bring to life what it was like to live, work and go to school in 1893. Pictured here is the cook room where the students learned about how they cooked and stored food for the family, and how they used all their resources on the farm from making candles to durable dishes.
Visit and share the Academy website at anytime at
Pray without ceasing - 1 Thes. 5:17 Remember to ask: "How can I pray for you?"
CHURCH NEWS AND NOTES: + SPECIAL PRAYERS For Frank Schulze who has now been in jail over 2 years without a trial. For Bonnie Cornog who has completed her treatment in Philadelphia and who awaits surgery on May29th to treat her cancer. For Ed Smith under treatment for his cancer and for healing from a detatched retina. Congratulations to Melisa Fornaszewski for taking 1st Place in all of Pennsylvania for the PTA Reflections Art Contest. The theme this year was Within Reach. Melisa named her artwork "The Blossom OF Education”. The ceremony for State Winners was held Sunday, April 29th at the Penn State Main Campus. The National winner will be announced in mid MAY. We praise God for the artistic gift he has bestowed on Melisa and we wish Melisa many blessings as she awaits news of her national placement. The ceremony for Nationals will be in NEW ORLEANS.
+ 37th Annual LWML Eastern District Convention,
Niagara Falls, NY- June 1-3 We are looking for any women in the congregation who would like to attend the convention. We currently have 3 young ladies from the congregation and Susan Crosbie going. A $45 registration fee is needed to secure your spot. Registration forms available at the back of the church or by calling the church office.
Memorial Service for Henry Camin May 12th at 10:30am here at Peace Lutheran Church. All invited to attend. We ARE in need of some helpers that day. If you are able to come and help greet and usher at the church, please arrive by 10am. We also need some help at the LMC for the luncheon to follow the service and burial. Please arrive at LMC at noon if can help there.
RANSOM CHURCH CLEANUP - Saturday, May 19th
ALFRED KLEES Arrangements are almost finalized for the burial of Alfred Klees, a lifelong member of Peace (his father was an original charter member!) We are looking for a few members who would accompany Pastor for the graveside service. The date is being finalized so be on the look out in upcoming bulletins and/or social media. Please let Pastor, or Amy in the office know if you can attend. LMC THANK YOU Thank you to Roger Borchin for the donation of a large metal strainer and cooking utensils as part of our Lutheran Ministry Center’s 3rd Birthday Celebration. We also received an anymous donation of a 12 cup coffee pot. Thank you to all who support the work of the Lutheran Ministry Center.
Congregational Voter’s Meeting - Sunday May 6th after the 10:30 service. This will be the meeting to cast your vote for the future of Peace.
Looking Ahead . . . Be watching your bulletins for information on a Peace Church clean up day in June. All hands on deck to get Peace all spruced up for the summer. Church website:
+ SOFTBALL TEAM?!? Needed a minimum of nine to take on all challengers from sister congregations in softball! In addition to signing up yourself feel free to ask any unchurched friends, family, or co-workers who would like to play! We need players, organizers and lots and lots of support when we play. Wink Wink. See Deacon John or Amy Betts if interested. When we have enough to move forward, we will work on practice and game schedule. It would be nice to get maybe four or five games between June and October.
A clean up day will be held Sat May 19th from 9am-noon at the church in Ransom Valley. Mr. Kramer is bringing the grill to cook up some lunch following the clean up. Please let Pastor or Amy Betts know if you will be available to help. The van will leave Peace at 9am if you want a ride, or meet us in Ransom between 9-12.
Confirmation Sunday - Pentecost Sunday, May 20th A breakfast will be prepared by the confirmation families and all are invited to attend at 9:00am for a time of food and fellowship. During the breakfast, the four confirmands will also give their testimonies. We pray for our 4 confirmands: Ryan, Alexis, Elizabeth and Zach.
Farewell to Pastor Bjornstad and his family Sunday, June 10th
A mix and mingle event is planned for Sunday, June 10th from 2:00-4:00pm in the fellowship hall of the Lutheran Ministry Center - 1546 Monsey Ave. Invitations were mailed and RSVPs are requested by May 27th. If you are interested in helping with the event, or for some reason did not receive the invitation, please call Amy at the church office. Light refreshements will be served. A free will donation will be collected that day to cover any event costs, with the remaining given as gift cards to Pastor and his family as a blessing as they make the move to Minnesota.
LMC: 570-703-0607
From the Deacon’s Desk Grace, Mercy and Peace to you from God Our Father and Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen. “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem,
and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Acts 1:8
Music has been called the universal language. For Lutherans it is especially important. Where John Calvin was uncomfortable with music in worship and Catholic scholar Erasmus thought the doctrine of the church should not be put in the hands of the common Christian, Luther disagreed. He felt they should have both. Hymns could teach the child a new language namely Latin. Hymns could teach doctrine from the child to the parent and the parent to the child through singing. Singing that doctrine was very important because you didn’t need to be able to read in order to learn the hymns and by extension the words of the scriptures or the doctrines of the church. The first Lutheran hymn book was published in 1524, a mere seven years after Luther nailed the 95 theses on the castle church door in Wittenberg. Salvation unto us has come was one of the hymns it contained. Salvation unto us has come By God's free grace and favor; Good works cannot avert our doom, They help and save us never. Faith looks to Jesus Christ alone, Who did for all the world atone; He is our one Redeemer. (Verse 1) The hymns were heavy in doctrine because through this they brought comfort to many. The Doctrine contained within the hymns was also a source of excitement! Prior to this only the clergy were able to proclaim the Gospel. Now every Christian that sang a hymn was part of proclaiming the Gospel! It was believed by many that Luther’s hymn Dear Christians one and all rejoice made a greater impact than all of the other writings that came from Luther’s pen. Dear Christians, one and all, rejoice, With exultation springing, And, with united heart and voice And holy rapture singing, Proclaim the wonders God hath done, How His right arm the victory won; Right dearly it hath cost Him (verse 1) So why bring this up now? In May we celebrate the ascension where Jesus has left this world and gave to his disciples the great commission to reach all people. Then we will celebrate Pentecost when the apostles spoke the Gospel in many different languages. We have that opportunity the share the Gospel too in many ways and one of them is in our hymns and songs. May God bless you with the opportunity to share your favorite hymn with your neighbor and please tell me or sing one of the verse for me too.
~ Deacon John Deacon Babbitts has an official church email: Feel free to email him here with any church business.
Meeting at St Stephen’s Lutheran Church On Tuesday, April 17th members of Peace Council met with the council of St Stephen’s Lutheran Church in Dickson City. Pastor Glen Triplett has agreed to be our vacancy pastor beginning June 1st. The details of his pay and job duties is being ironed out by the Council. We are thankful for a capable Pastor to fill in as we enter this time of vacancy. We encourage you to be attentive to bulletin and newsletter announcements as we transition. In the June issue of the newsletter we will introduce Pastor Triplett and his family. Continue to pray for the leadership of Peace and most importantly, continue to come and be in worship and fellowship with each other.
Veteran-led Bible Study FOR Veterans First meeting/study session was held at Peace in the fellowship hall Saturday, May 5th at 9:00am. The study will happen the first Saturday of each month at 9am. Light breakfast food will be served and study will be led by Army Veteran Ky Betts (pictured while serving in Baghdad, Iraq). Share this information with veterans you may know and encourage them to attend.
SELF-PACED BIBLE STUDY OPTION Want to learn more about the Bible but don’t think you have the time? What if the study was tailored according to your busy and changing schedule? Deacon John will be leading a Overview of the Bible Bible study from the Lifelight series via e-mail. Read and respond at the pace that suits your schedule. All you have to do is give us your e-mail and your all set. You’ll receive your first e-mail shortly thereafter. So don’t let that crazy rat race get in the way, join us now! Email Deacon John directly at
+ YOUR FINANCIAL SUPPORT IS VITAL TO OUR CHURCH AND SCHOOL! Intentional Giving - May the Lord lead your giving this year. May you make and keep a financial goal for your tithing for 2018. May you feel encouraged and blessed by the work of the church through your offerings. May the world know Peace Lutheran is alive and working to share God’s love and gospel to all who will hear.
Generational Generosity Stewardship Workshop th Thursday, June 7 at Our Savior, Mount Pocono Sadly it appears that fewer and fewer people in our communities are rejoicing in Christ and His Cross & Resurrection victory over sin, death and the devil. If so, why is this? What’s going on? Where are all the Christians? For many of our congregations, why are their fewer and fewer people in our pews on Sunday? To help us answer these questions and many more. And to provide us with encouragement, insight, and guidance in our outreach efforts to reach the lost with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, Rev. Heath Curtis, a dual parish pastor from our Southern Illinois District, and contracted by our LCMS as Stewardship Coordinator, has agreed to visit us and conduct a Generational Generosity Stewardship Workshop. This workshop is open to clergy AND members of area congregations. We pray that you can join us for what should be an engaging, informative, and uplifting time of fellowship, sharing, food, praying, teaching, and yes…a little singing before we depart. Here’s a basic outline of the evenings activities: 4 pm – Arrive for Fellowship, Sharing & Refreshments 5 pm – Dinner 6 pm – Workshop conducted by Rev. Heath Curtis 8:30 pm – Q & A Closing Prayer & Hymn st Please RSVP by May 31 to 570-839-1428, or to help us prepare the refreshments and meal. Thank you and thank you all for your participation in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Pastor Rickert, Our Savior in Mount Pocono
MINI MINISTRY- SODA TABS I (Deaon John) have three nieces that were adopted from China. The youngest came over with a number of health challenges. Since my niece's adoption my sister and brother-in-law and their family have made numerous, unexpected, and at times long visits to the hospital, some spending weeks. They are just one family of many that has benefited from the Ronald McDonald House. Mark Koenig has brought to us a miniministry to collect tabs to donate to the Ronald McDonald House. So for the month of May we are asking that you save all your tabs from beverage, soup and other aluminum cans and bring them to church so that we can donate them to the Ronald McDonald House! And keep those mini-ministries coming! SUMMER HOURS At this time we do not know definitively what the schedule will look like regarding a shift to Summer Hours. We will remain at regular hours at least through May and will update you ASAP on June-August.
Are you a Boy Scout, Girl Scout or Venture Scout?
Please be aware Sunday, May 27th will be Pastor Bjornstad’s last If you are, you can earn your Lutheran Sunday preaching at Peace Lutheran Church. We will still be following regular church hours with two services at 8:15 and 10:30 am Religious Emblem!! You will complete 7 lessons and 3 projects if you are in grades 6-8 or 5 sections for grades 9-12. Right now Eastern District Convention we have 5 scouts starting the process. The On June 15-16 Pastor Bjornstad and Chuck Mercer will represent Peace Lutheran Church at the Eastern District Convention to be held work is at your own pace and you will be working with Deacon John. So come join at Daemen College in Amherst, NY the fun and then in the near future we will recognize and present the awards to all our scouts in a special ceremony! Please let Pastor, Deacon John or Mrs. Betts know you want to join us!!