NEPA Mission Plans continue! Please join in - and pray. Praise God The NEPA Mission Partnership meeting on December 4th at St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Wilkes Barre, was very productive! It's main objective was to seriously discuss a new mission ministry here in NEPA. After discussions concerning the "why" of mission ministry (should we start new ministries or strengthen existing ones?), the feasibility of any mission work (there isn't any kind of "big money", but perhaps there are effective "thinking outside the box" ministry possibilities that have manageable costs), and a brainstorming session, it was determined that at our next meeting on Sat. Feb 5th, presentations will be made concerning three mission possibilities: 1.A church mission in Moscow 2.A mission to East Indian immigrants 3.And a street ministry (inner city) Presentations for each of these proposals will be given at the Sat. Feb. 5th meeting in Moscow at 10:30 am at Jonathan's Restaurant, Moscow, PA. It is located at 254 Main Street (state highway 435 on the north side of road way) - not far from the Moscow Post Office. The restaurant's phone number is 570-842-7370. All missioned minded are encouraged to attend! Please pray for the advancement of the Gospel in these last days! "And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world for a witness to all the nations, and then the end shall come." - Mt. 24:14
MISSION NOTES: PRAISE GOD FOR A NEW MISSION TEAM TO NEW ORLEANS! George Price will be leading over a dozen members of Peace Lutheran and Grace Lutheran - as well as a couple wonderful Presbyterians! down to New Orleans for our fifth annual mission to help rebuild the lives and homes of our brothers and sisters in Christ who suffered the devastation of Hurricane Katrina. They will leave Saturday January 22nd and return Sunday January 30. God bless them on their way! Please pray for their effective and productive work as well as their growth in faith and discipleship. May HE be praised in all that they do! THE 2011 SUMMER ALASKA VBS MISSION DEADLINES COMING SOON!!!!: A phone conference meeting will be held Sunday, January 30th at 7pm for all those interested in joining the mission team to Alaska! We will set dates and get the whole ball rolling that night. PLEASE CALL PASTOR BJORNSTAD at 570-343-9828 if you would like to be included in the meeting that night! THERE IS DEFINITELY INTEREST FROM QUITE A FEW INDIVIDUALS. Please join in the fun and joy of sharing Jesus Christ with the beautiful people of Alaska! HAITI MISSION? One year after a catastrophic earthquake hit Haiti on Jan. 12, 2010, nearly 1 million people still live in tents, 95 percent of the rubble remains and cholera has killed more than 2,500, according to news sources. Other troubling reports say that less than half of the more than $4 billion pledged internationally for earthquake relief actually has been dispersed. Despite huge challenges, LCMS World Relief and Human Care (WR-HC) staff just back from their latest trip to the beleaguered nation say that partners and donors are helping the Synod's mercy ministry in "changing lives forever." IS THERE ANYONE FROM NEPA WHO WOULD DESIRE TO PARTICIPATE IN THE MISSIONS TO HAITI? LCMS World Relief is planning a trip this Fall, with many more to come. There are other opportunities to help as well, including raising money to build houses. Please contact Debi Hartzel for more information at 610-844-5103!
NEPA LUTHERAN MISSION PARTNERSHIP IS ALL ABOUT: Envisioning and Facilitating current and future LCMS Lutheran Missions in North East Pennsylvania! Check us out at: or call 570-343-9828 In step with the Ablaze! movement of the LCMS