Peace Talk
House of Prayer on Parker and Main May 15th Special Guest Rev. Dr. Jonathan C. Naumann is coming to share the word of God with our congregation on May 15 at both services. He and his wife Cheryl, a Lutheran deaconess, are new LCMS missionaries who will be serving in the Dominican Republic.
From the pastor’s heart: Rom. 12:1 Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship. Gifts for the Common Good Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, There are so many exciting things happening in our Lutheran community here in Scranton. Besides continuing to shout “He Is Risen! Alleluia!” with conviction of the Easter’s Good News, we are looking forward to welcoming two new pastors (from the Ft. Wayne seminary) into the valley churches within the next couple months. The soon-to-be pastors are John Zimmerman (Immanuel), and Glen Triplett (St. Stephens). They promise to inject new energy and life into our spiritual community. But even as we look forward to this, it is incredibly important to understand that the church is NOT the pastor. The church is the PEOPLE! And we work together in the Holy Spirit with the gifts and talents that He gives us to share the Word of God with all and work for the common good of all (Romans 12). With that preface, Amy Betts and I would ask for your attention over the next few weeks. We will be working hard to introduce what might be new to some of us: the process of discerning and developing our Spiritual Gifts. Then we will consider how we can use them (and our natural talents) in the service of God and His church. This fits in perfectly with the upcoming celebration of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost on May 5th.
is an important and prayerful task that we do in the shadow of the cross and empty tomb. It is important to each of God’s children individually to grow in their gifts and God’s purpose for them. It is also important for the working out of salvation in our congregation as a whole. Nurturing our Spiritual Gifts gets to the root of the problem that members often have - not knowing how we can best serve God in the congregation. We would like to think that we are important in some way, but we often don’t know how, or think we There are different kinds of gifts, are unqualified. but the same Spirit. 5 There are As I have encouraged different kinds of service, but everyone in the past: you the same Lord. 6 There are can always contribute in different kinds of working, but the same God works all of them as many ways as you like in the congregation, but in all men. - 1Cor. 12:4 as your pastor, I try to encourage you to be active in at least ONE way (besides every Sunday worship.) This is a minimal expectation and everyone needs to understand this to be a glad privilege. We do praise God that we have a respectable ministry participation rate in our congregation, but . . . there is always vast room for improvement. Our present task is to assess our gifts and then assign the work of the congregation according to those gifts. We want each congregational member to participate in the ministry of the congregation in the way he/she is most gifted and in the way they will naturally enjoy! But we promise we will try to make this worth while process as painless as possible. We pray that you will find it a great blessing and a powerful witness to the Lord and His salvation he has won for us. Grace and Peace and Blessing and Power be unto us.
By all human measures, this is not an easy task. The devil and our fallen nature will throw up all kinds of obstacles. But it
Pastor Bjornstad
The Immanuel Preschool and the Lutheran Academy! Working in partnership with God's people to raise up a new generation of faithful Christian men and women!
Making a Joyful Noise through Service On Sunday April 24th, the Academy students once again hit the road, this time spending the morning with Grace Lutheran Church in Hop Bottom, PA. The Academy orchestra, under the direction of music teacher Carsten Bjornstad, led the music for the worship service. This music ministry is just one way for the students to bless a congregations. This trip the students’ gift of music was a perfect way to say thank you to a congregation who has supported the school in many ways. This past year Grace Lutheran Church made a substantial contribution to the purchase of the Lutheran Ministry Center, the new home of The Lutheran Academy. If you have not yet heard the Academy students perfom, you are encouraged to attend either the Vocal & Intrumental Recital on May 15th or the Year End Program on June 2nd, or perhaps BOTH. You will be greatly bless.
Bowling for Education Fundraiser The Academy Orchesta, and vocalist Nora Betts leading worship.
Over 60 friends and family members came out to support Immanuel Preschool and Kindergarten on Saturday, April 9th at Idle Hours Bowling Center in Dickson City. Bowling for Education was a fundraiser spearheaded by parent Janessa Doty. “Not only was the event a profitable success, but a true fellowship of family, friends and community,” said Ms. Doty. The bowling event raised $858 for the school and many are already talking of repeating the event during the 2016-17 school year. Thank you to all who continue to support the school.
School websites:
Pray without ceasing - 1 Thes. 5:17 Remember to ask: "How can I pray for you?"
CHURCH NEWS AND NOTES: + SPECIAL PRAYERS NEEDED for Frank Schulze and the Woolverton family. Frank grew up in Peace Lutheran, and is loved by many of us who know him and his whole family. We have been praying for him and the family since early February when, as an off duty police officer, he shot and killed Joseph Molinero. Kevin and Meredith plead for your prayers and support, and we are able and willing to do this - no matter our feelings about his actions. Justified as self defense or not (judgment really needs to be reserved until all facts are known), a terrible thing has happened and the family needs our love and the love of Christ in their lives. Our prayers need to be for Frank, the family of Mr. Molinero, and importantly the Justice system - that it does its work well.
+ For former pastor of Peace Lutheran, Rev. Rolf Buchmann as he laid to rest his beloved wife Tina Buchmann, on April 20th.
+ BAPTISM OF EVAN PRAEFKE On Sunday, April 24th, Evan Praefke, the youngest son of Jim and Jennifer Praefke was baptized at the 10:30 service. The entire family was then welcomed as new members of Peace Lutheran Church. + IMMANUEL & ST STEPHEN’S CALLING PROCESS John Zimmerman will be coming to Immanuel to be ordained and installed as the pastor and new pastor Glen Triplett at St. Stephens Lutheran Church in Dickson City. We look forward to their ordination and installations in June or July.
St Peters Lutheran Church Wilkes Barre, PA May 7, 2016 9:30 AM Lunch included + CONFIRMATION SUNDAY Men and Women Invited Sunday May 15th, Kristian Pon will be confirmed at Peace Lutheran Missionary Alvina Aederwitz, Speaker Alvina, (known locally Church at the 10:30 am service. A breakfast will be held at 9:15 in the as Ma Wata) has served 42 years in Liberia and other parts of church fellowship hall, and Kristian will share his presentation on West Africa. There are 31 languages spoken in Liberia. The part of the catechism. Come support this young man. Lutheran Bible Translators And Liberian Translation and Literacy Organization serve mother tongue translation, literacy and oral + 100th ANNIVERSARY SERVICE PROJECTS Scripture distribution efforts in 14 languages. Call Shirley Pascoe As we approach the 100th Anniversary of Peace Lutheran Church, 570-823-2691 to RSVP. there was a proposition to tackle anniversary projects. One project to improve the church and one to impact the community around us. A + 100th ANNIVERSARY vote was held at the Congregational Meeting on April 17th with the Beverly Gedrimas in her new office at the LMC! She is heading results below. up our 100th Anniversary Committee! Her email is Contact her to share all your old The votes resulted in ranking the Church Improvement Projects: pictures and memorabilia concerning the church history, as well as 1 New sound system your ideas and offers to help in our projects! It is going to be a 2 Handicap accessibility for Church basement BLAST! 3 Increase narthex area for welcome/fellowship activities 4 Create a Church Ad campaign Unanimous vote to complete both Community Improvement Projects: Next 100th Anniversary Planning Meeting with be * Rejuvenate/beautification of corner lot across from church after 10:30 service on * Plot playground rejuvenation (on Grace Street) Sunday, May 15th. Thank you to Jim Praefke who has indicated he would like to take lead on these projects. His enthusiasm is contagious.
The next step is to get cost information on each project and set up the plan to begin raising the funds needed to complete the projects. Thank you to all who stayed for the Congregational Meeting, offered + NATIONAL YOUTH GATHERING input/suggestions, and cast your vote. Please continually pray for the following Peace Lutheran Church youth who plan to attend the convention this summer: Kiana and + FEEDBACK Kobe Sauter, Andrew Harsche, and AJ Hackenberg. And for Jason In this age of technology we encourage you to be connected to Peace Sauter and Kerry Hackenberg who will chaperone. Lutheran Church via our website and if possible on the Facebook page. We highly encourage you not to be afraid to give feedback and NEED A RIDE TO CHURCH? The Peace van is available to pick you up for Sunday School and respond on Facebook posts. Your participation speaks volumes to worship service on Sundays. Call the church office to arrange. visitors to our church and our page. Church website: email:,‌ LMC: 570-703-0607
Worship with Holy Communion Sunday School (ages Kindergarten to Adult)
Worship with Holy Communion every other Sunday
Additional Services at Immanuel: 5:30 pm Saturday Evening and 9:30 am Sunday Morning
Sermon Topics May 1: Stewardship Sunday with Rick Porter May 8: Your walk in life motivates you for ministry. May 15: Mission Message from Rev. Naumann May 22: Your spiritual gifts enable you for ministry May 29: Your passions give focus to ministry. June 5: Your personality expresses itself in ministry.
“The Gathering Hall” An anoynomous donor has pledged $5000 to give the Lutheran Ministry Center fellowship hall a makeover. And with this update, comes a new name for the fellowship hall - The Gathering Hall. An update to this space is much needed to make the hall a desired location for events, both for the church and as a rental revenue source for the LMC budget. Proposed updates to the hall include * Rewiring and installation of new lighting * Mini blinds and valances to replace the outdated curtains * Strip, repaint and seal the floor These projects come with an estimated price tag of $13,000. We received an inital pledge of $5000, and have received another donation of $300. However, we are in need of additional pledges to complete the project. Please prayfully consider whether you can support this building project and make “The Gathering Hall” a desired event venue. Work will begin in June.
THE CHURCH OF ALL NATIONS As we all know in many areas of life, the Lord gives - and then he takes away. What he started 10 months ago with Pastor Nischal and two other Indian families was so beautiful. The Gospel was preached and many were blessed. But recently Sam Ebenezer had to return to India for some time and then Pradeep Barns had a job change and he and his family have moved to Florida. With Pastor Bjornstad not able to take on the extra work, services have ceased until July when we will renew our efforts in establishing this mission!
SPONSORING FLOWERS If you would like to sponsor the flowers for a particular Sunday, please note that it is the sponsor’s responsibility to provide/order the flowers. Please sign up on the calandar at the back of the church to indicate your sponsorship! To order from McCarthy’s Flowers, please call: 570-507-9441 or 570-343-1179 and ask to speak with Carol. Or you can stop by the 1001 N. Main Ave, Scranton store and order from there!
How Do You Know?!? -Amy Betts I am often confused when I ask if someone goes to bible study, a retreat, sends their kids to VBS, go to christian music concerts, volunteer for a task or committee at church, routinely tithe to the church, etc, and they say they have never thought about or never tried it. I would like to say, how do you know? How do you know . . . * if you will like it if you don’t try it out? * if God was using that opportunity to grow you? * if God NEEDED you to be his witness? * if God was stretching your faith in His ability to provide? * if a young person was watching you as an example for their lives? * if your pastor was counting on you to be a faithful member of the church? * if you will have the opportunity to go to “the next one”? This has been on my heart lately because as members of the fellowship of Christ we have such an amazing opportunity. An opportunity to lift each other up, grow in our faith, model excellence to our youth, and most of all serve as witnesses and vessels for God to work in and through us. I invite you all, each and every one of you reading this newsletter, to seek out ways to try something new. Attend bible study during Sunday School hour, come to a concert or event sponsored by the church, offer your tithes regularly in faith, offer your time or talents for the good of the church. May God bless us all and may he at our last hour exclaim “Well done my good and faithful servant!” - Matthew 25:21
Saturday, June 25th Time to be announced Peace Lutheran Church If you have items to donate to the rummage sale, please contact the church office.
Thank you to all who supported the youth through the car wash fundraiser in April. $113 was raised!
A Beautiful Card from Amanda Kilgus: I cannot believe 3 1/2 years have gone by already! It feels like yesterday that I met you all and had the wonderful opportunity to share God’s music! Thank you all for the wonderful flowers, card, and gifts. But thank you so much for making me and my family feel welcomed and loved. I am really going to miss you all and I will definitely be back to visit! God Bless & Thank you again from the bottom of my heart Amanda
Peace Lutheran Church, born out of the war years Even in the midts of World War I, 14 men and their families met and organized a church now known as Peace Lutheran Church.
VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL July 11-15 Special Event on July 16th Mark your calendars
Following are the names of these great men: John Schweitzer, William Schweitzer, Phillip Schweitzer, Jacob Penzek, August Eidinger, Matthew Rudat, Richard Breswitz, Gustave Monske, Fred Eidinger, Fred Schack, Matt Klees, Jacob Korban, August Schlesser and William Schmidt.
For you history buffs, the original name of our church was EVANGELISCH LUTHERISCHE FRIEDENS-GEMEINDE, U.A.C The building pictured is the house that was bought and in which services were held until 1928. The current chuch is located on the site of this building.
Mission Festival Aaron Abramson from Jews for Jesus spoke a powerful presentation on how Jesus fulfilled the message of the Passover celebration. In attendance at Immanuel Lutheran Church on April 24th, were about 50 members of seven area congregations. Attendees were very blessed with a powerful message given by Rev. Peter Haenftling, the new pastor at St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church in Wilkes Barre, as well as energetic singing and prayers for missions in our communities, Jews for Jesus, and mission work around the world.
Church website: email:,… LMC: 570-703-0607