Peace Talk
House of Prayer on Parker and Main
John Chrysostom (4th century): First and last alike receive your reward; rich and poor, rejoice together! Sober and slothful, celebrate the day! You that have kept the fast, and you that have not, rejoice today for the Table is richly laden!
April 23rd was a fabulous day with the baptisms of Eli and Blake Evans (born to Tonya and Adam Evans)
Feast royally on it; the calf is a fatted one. Let no one go away hungry. Partake, all, of the cup of faith. Enjoy all the riches of His goodness! Let no one grieve at his poverty, for the universal kingdom has been revealed. Let no one mourn that he has fallen again and again; for forgiveness has risen from the grave.
Also baptized were Jamey and Julian Ward (born to Ami and Kyle Ward)
From the Pastor: A member of the congregation has been at a place far away from any Lutheran church and has been attending another church over the last few weeks. The report back about this church has been utterly horrendous, but far too often the reality in our country. What passes for “Christian church and worship” is often far from it. The children’s message was about the Easter Bunny and skunks. The resurrection was only a sign of God’s love for us and an encouragement that there is “new life” and “hope” for better things when we run into trouble in our lives. What I pray for is that here at Peace Lutheran Church, we might all give thanks to God that we preach and teach “Christ crucified for sinners”. We sing “He is Risen Indeed! Alleluia! Amen!” because it really does make a difference for out lives - an eternal difference. The resurrection is an historical event - not a myth. It is the fulfillment of prophecies. Our sins are forgiven and we are the children of God. Heaven’s gates are opened because of the sacrificial life and death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. The Good Friday and Resurrection means everything to us. (Yes, that is why my heart just weeps for those who are missing from our pews (or any church’s pews) on Easter Sunday. Jesus weeps even more.) Easter does not mean that if we want to be happy people we should follow God’s laws. It does not mean that if we give a generous offering to the church everything will be OK and God will love us. On the contrary: It is not about us. It is about the Lord Jesus Christ! Easter is the sure seal and sign of the Atoning Sacrifice of the cross, and final demonstration of God’s victory over sin, death, and the devil. We cannot and we must not slide into the faithlessness of so much of the rest of the American church. We preach meat and potatoes (confession-absolution/Law-Gospel), and keep Jesus Christ and His salvation of first importance. Thank YOU for your partnership in the Gospel here at Peace Lutheran. We are making an eternal difference in the lives of SO many individuals and families in our community. Alleluia! Amen! May the Easter Season of Joy and Resurrection remain and abide in you all your days! In Jesus
Pastor Bjornstad
The Immanuel Preschool and The Lutheran Academy! Working in partnership with God's people to raise up a new generation of faithful Christian men and women!
The The Lutheran Academy Board is currently STUDYING AND PLANNING to add a full time music teacher to the Academy staff. A Grant Application is being made to make the Academy an even more unique and attractive school for students to thrive and grow! Right now we are asking for prayers as we go through this process. There is also an immediate need for Starter Funds of $2000 to create a music studio/room in the lower level room currently known as “the lounge”. If you can help finanically in any way with the room renovation, it would be greatly appreciated.
The upper grade students visited the Tripp House and learned all about the oldest house in the area, circa 1778. Then they spent some time drawing the architecture of the home. A special thanks to Mr. Gilmartin for his time and knowledge.
$10 for 10 Years Campaign In honor of The Lutheran Academy’s 10th year, we are proposing a donation of $10 for 10 years of Christian Education. Envelopes are available in the pews. You can also give anytime at on the Support page. Please consider supporting the school with your donation of $10 (or more).
Thank you to those who continue to support our school financially and in prayer. Please help us spread the word about the Academy to all you know who might be looking for an alternative to public school. They can call anytime to schedule a tour of the school and to meet with our principal.
The lower grades class took a fun field trip to a new Hands On Science Lab in Jessup called Pop Science. They participated in three fun science experiments all about Gases. They learned about releasing gas with a foam/bubbles experiment, they blew up balloons with gas, and created a catalytic response when mixing elements forming a gas sending film canisters flying. The Lutheran Academy- STUDENT MUSIC RECITAL Wednesday, May 24th 1:45-2:45pm Lutheran Ministry Center, 1546 Monsey Ave To include solos, duets and small group ensembles showcasing the student’s instrumental talents. The Lutheran Academy- END OF YEAR PROGRAM A Journey in Our Father’s World Tuesday, June 6th 7:00pm Lutheran Ministry Center, 1546 Monsey Ave Cake and Punch after to celebrate 10 years as a school
BOX TOPS FOR EDUCATION Supporting The Lutheran Academy can be as simple as saving Box Tops for Education. Box Tops are found on almost 200+ items. Each Box Top when turned in earns the Academy 10 cents. These Box Tops can really add up. A collection box is located in the back of the church. Please save your Box Tops. Spread the word and turn them in!
OPEN HOUSE May16th 4:00-7:00pm
Pray without ceasing - 1 Thes. 5:17 Remember to ask: "How can I pray for you?"
CHURCH NEWS AND NOTES: + SPECIAL PRAYERS NEEDED For Frank Schulze. Frank has expressed appreciation for all the thoughts and prayers. Please pray for continued spiritual strength as he awaits a new trial date . For Connie Perry and her strength as she is battling cancer. Next time you are heading up to Clarks Summit, check out the art work created by Ky Betts on the windows of Paoli and Hanyon Pediatric Dentistry (239 Northern Blvd). + ANNIVERSARY PICTURES Photos from the100th Anniversary celebrations on March 26th are available for view and/or purchase.
+ LWML SPRING WORKSHOP- May 6th The Anthracite Zone LWML Spring Workshop will be held from 9:30am-2:15pm at Peace Lutheran Church. The day will feature author Debi Hartzell. She will teach a nutrition workshop based on her book “ Walking with the Armor of God: Your PATH to Health and Wellness.” Learn how to improve your health and increase your energy while walking with God daily and living life to it’s fullest potential. RSVP for the LWML event by May 2nd to Monica Bjornstad at (570) 780-1821.
+ BAPTISMS!!!! On Sunday, April 23rd we celebrated the baptism of both Blake and Eli Evans AND Julian and Jamey Ward. Here are pictures of the families.
+ BEING SOCIAL MEDIA SAVVY Take a moment to “like” and “share” the church Facebook posts. Please ALSO once in a while "check in" to church... Just like you "check in" to a restaurant... This is an exercise in not being ashamed of our Lord Jesus Christ. Photo courtesy of Danni P Photography
+ PALM SUNDAY BRUNCH On Sunday, April 9th there was a Palm Sunday Brunch between the worship services. A free will donation was collected and $73.10 was raised to benefit 100th Anniversary Project Fund. Thank you to all who came, and to all who brought food and drinks to share.
+ 2017 Westminster Conference on Science and Faith
Learn about how science and faith are not really in conflict, and how the discoveries of science confirm rather than refute some of our deepest intuitions. Speakers will include molecular biologist Douglas Axe, author of Undeniable: How Biology Confirms Our + APRIL 22 NEIGHBORHOOD CLEAN UP DAY Intuition that Life is Designed; theologian Vern Poythress, author As we celebrate our 100th Anniversary all year long, in April we of Redeeming Science; biologist Jonathan Wells, author of Icons remember and honor Pastor Kerns who was an enthusiastic recycler. of Evolution and the newly published Zombie Science; as well as A neighborhood cleanup was held on Saturday, April 22nd. several more esteemed theologians and scholars from Westminster A cheerful crew of nine, spent two hours cleaning a section of Amelia Theological Seminary, Discovery Institute, and beyond. Cost: $70 Avenue and then from the Saturday, May 13 9:00-4:30pm (Will leave from Peace at 6:00am) bridge along Parker Street to Held at Calvary Chapel of Delaware County in Chadds Ford, PA Boulevard Avenue and then Please let Pastor know if you are interested in attending ASAP. up Boulevard to before the Greenridge Nursing home. A LOOK AHEAD . . . The crew collected 18 large Founder’s Day Worship Service & Picnic bags of trash and recycling Sunday July 9th with worship at 10am followed by a picnic and plus various unique items. summer time fun . . . all held at Ransom Valley Lutheran Church. Details and directions to follow in the June newsletter.
Vacation Bible School Immanuel Lutheran Church Vacation Bible School “Mighty Fortress” will be held June 5th-9th from 5:30-8:00pm with a closing program and picnic on Friday. All are invited!
July 10-14 at the Lutheran Ministry Center
WEDDING In July we will be celebrating the 50th wedding anniversary of Richard and Paulette Frederickson, who were married here at Peace. And also the wedding of our beloved Grace Morris who will be marrying Tom Percival on July 16th.
Church website: email:,… LMC: 570-703-0607
WORSHIP LIFE AT PEACE LUTHERAN CHURCH: WORSHIP HOURS 8:15 Worship with Holy Communion 9:30 Education Hour for Youth and Adults 10:30 Worship with Holy Communion every other Sunday 6:00 Church of All Nations Worship Service at the Lutheran Ministry Center
SUMMER HOURS We will convert to one Sunday Morning Worship Service at 9:30am beginning June 11th.
SPONSORING FLOWERS If you would like to sponsor the flowers for a particular Sunday, please note that it is the sponsor’s responsibility to provide/order the flowers. Please sign up on the calandar at the back of the church to indicate your sponsorship! To order from McCarthy’s Flowers, please call: 570-507-9441 or 570-343-1179 and ask to speak with Carol. Or you can stop by the 1001 N. Main Ave, Scranton store and order from there!
May Sermon Topics
May 7: May 14: CONFIRMATION SUNDAY- June 4th May 21: All are invited to attend a lovely breakfast and time of testimony by May 28:
our 6 confirmands at 9:00am on Sunday June 4th. Then join us at the 10:30am worship service for the celebration of confirmation of John Babbitts, Nora Betts, Sarah Bjornstad, Monica Fornaszewski, Isabella Kramer and Tess Nichols.
Meet Our 2017 Graduates Attending in Fall: Studying:
Penn State State College, PA Mathematics
I have been going to Peace since I was born and I have met a lot of great people through years. Peace has brought me much joy. From helping my dad as a little girl around the church to making lifelong friends both old and young I was always happy to be at Peace.
John 10: 1-10 Prayers for the Persecuted Living in the world- but NOT OF the world Christian Suffering
As we approach graduation, let us all take a moment to recognize the hard work and accomplishments of our 3 graduating seniors. Be sure to include them in your prayers as they each head off this fall to college. Pastor will be officially recognizing them on Sunday, May 21st at the 10:30 am Worship Service.
Nicole Calpin Attending in Fall: Studying:
University of Scranton Business Management
Peace feels like my extended family. I feel the lessons I learned at home and church through catechism and church services has helped shape me into a responsible young adult. Please keep me in your prayers so that I will make correct choices in my life now and always.
Attending in Fall: Studying:
Concordia College Bornxville, NY Major in Psychology with minor in Theater Arts
Mark McHale
My time at Peace is sonething I will cherish forever. I’m grateful for all the knowledge that Pastor has taught me. Growing up there taught me a lot and I know that it will help me. I’m grateful for the new members of the church I became friends with, and the old ones that I’ve known my whole life. I want to say a big thank you to not only my family but the entire congregation for supporting me, and always trying to help me in everything I do. You’ve made me the person I am today, and I could never thank you enough for that.
Kiana Sauter
100th Anniversary Capital Campaign- Sound System
Peace Anniversary T-Shirts avaialble and only $15 for adult sizes and $10 for youth sizes and come in four colors: light grey, dark grey, black and pink. The hope is with the weather warming, you will want to wear one of these great anniversary shirts all year long to the various events and outings being planned.
The new sound system ($5000) has proven to be much appreciated. This installation is our main anniversary in-house project and we pray for your support to fully fund it. There will be a Welsh Cookie fundraiser this fall as a final push to support the sound system. Give thanks to God for 100 years of ministry with a generous donation to the anniversary fund at any time in the offering plate or online at With the main expenses of the anniversary celebration over, all donations will go fully to our projects! Might you consider giving $100 to celebrate 100 years of Peace?
The 100th Anniversary Memory Book was a huge success. There has been interest expressed to order more. If you prefer you can order one directly from the company and the cost $85 plus around $10 shipping. We would like to help alleviate the high shipping cost for everyone and can get 10% discount when we have 10 books ordered making the cost $76.50 plus a share of the shipping (approx $5). If we can get 20 books ordered the cost goes down 20% to $68 plus a share of the shipping. Please let the office know if you are interested in a book, make no payment yet. When we know how many are requested we will be in touch with final cost and you can make payment then. Thank you for your interest and thank you again to Pastor Bjornstad (and all his editors) for the tremendous amount of work that went into making this book a treasure.
Mother/Daughter Tea Saturday, May 20th 1:00-3:00pm Dust off your favorite tea pot, cup and saucer and join us for a Mother/Daughter Tea Party. Mothers invite your daughter, daughters invite your mother. Why not reach out to a “mother figure” or a “daughter” in the congregation who would enjoy coming with you? More details to follow in the bulletin and online in the next week. Mark your calendar and prepare to celebrate another tradition from our past as we celebrate 100 years of Peace.
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Men of the church, we will be looking for a few of you to do the serving and clean up for this event. Prayerfully consider making yourself available for this afternoon. SUNDAY SCHOOL The final week of Sunday School will be May 28th. Classes will resume then again in September. Remember, in addition to the youth program, Pastor is leading an Adult study on the Augsburg Confession. All are encouraged to attend.
VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL 2017 In Jesus the Victory is Won! At Mighty Fortress, kids learn that God is their refuge and strength. Friends may fail them. They may not ace their test or make the team, but God promises to be their rock and their salvation—their fortress and sure defense. So raise your banner! In Jesus, the victory is won! July 10-14, 2017 5:30-8:00pm Lutheran Ministry Center 1546 Monsey Ave, Scranton Open to children age 4+
Congratulations to Jessie and Krystin Walsh! They were wed by Pastor Bjornstad at the Lutheran Ministry Center on Sat April 22, with a reception in the LMC fellowship hall after.
Grace Park Clean Up Community Project Saturday, May 20th 8:30am This project will include: • Trimming back trees • Trash pick up • Raking and sweeping • Laying a new weed barrier • Laying new mulch • Planting of scrubs Please let Jim Praefke or call Amy at the office if you can volunteer.
Church website: email:,… LMC: 570-703-0607