Peace Talk, October 2017

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NEWSLETTER October 2017

Peace Talk

House of Prayer on Parker and Main The Lutheran Academy experienced a wonderful day of fun at the Dehaven Family Farm north of Forrest City! We are so blessed with faith and family! Praise the Lord.

John Babbitts - soon to be installed as Deacon in our church! Praise the Lord!

From the Pastor’s Heart For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which comes through faith in Christ, the righteousness from God that depends on faith— that I may know him and the power of his resurrection, and may share his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, that by any means possible I may attain the resurrection from the dead. - Phil. 3:8ff We began this month of October with the important vote to engage the services of John Babbitts as a Deacon in this church. He will be helping with the leadership of worship here at Peace, as well as heading up outreach opportunities. The congregation voted clearly with only one nay vote… Praise God! This comes on the heels of my announcement of having to leave the congregation by June of 2018. (My sermon from Oct. 1st will be posted at the church webpage - see Pastor’s Sermon’s link on front page.) We pray that God’s blessing of true faith would continue to be strengthened among us in the days and months ahead. We suffer much… but nothing compared with the suffering of our Lord Jesus. That we can know Him and the power of His resurrection - that is our goal. Everything else is rubbish! May we this month be blessed by our 500th ANNIVERSARY REFORMATION CELEBRATIONS! We love to know that we are saved not because of our good works… but because of Jesus Christ and HIS grace and mercy. May nothing keep us from so beautifully proclaiming that Gospel! Sincerely in Jesus, Rev. Kristian Bjornstad

Praise God for the Eastern District Disaster Relief team that Pastor Bjornstad led to Florida in September to aid in the recovery of Hurricane Irma. Travel and safety needs were met and the team had a terrific time together bringing the Mercy of the Lord to those in need! We need to continue our prayers for Florida and Texas as they continue to heal hearts and rebuild lives.

The Immanuel Preschool and The Lutheran Academy! Working in partnership with God's people to raise up a new generation of faithful Christian men and women! New look to the Academy website. Visit anytime at

A beautiful table and chairs with a hutch is for sale! It was donated to the Academy and we would like to get $750 from both of them! Please share the news and bless the Academy!

WE PRAISE GOD for the new MUSIC ROOM! Many contributions made the renovation of the LMC Lounge into this new teaching space a reality! Mr. BJ is VERY VERY happy with how it turned out! We still need a a new door with a window, and something of a vent with a fan to keep the place ventilated! If you would like to help with those items, please give us a shout!!! Thank you to those who continue to support our school financially and in prayer. Please help us spread the word about the Academy to all you know who might be looking for an alternative to public school. They can call anytime to schedule a tour of the school and to meet with our principal. We currently have space for one student in 1-4th grade and two students in 5th or 6th grade.

BOX TOPS FOR EDUCATION Supporting The Lutheran Academy can be as simple as saving Box Tops for Education. Box Tops are found on almost 200+ items. Each Box Top when turned in earns the Academy 10 cents. These Box Tops can really add up. A collection box is located in the back of the church. Please save your Box Tops. Spread the word and turn them in!

Pray without ceasing - 1 Thes. 5:17 Remember to ask: "How can I pray for you?"


Walther League Dance

October 8th 7:00-10:00pm Lutheran Ministry Center Fellowship Hall For Frank Schulze. Frank remains in prison with no trial date. Pastor Dust off your dancing shoes and help celebrate the 100th visits him in the Montrose jail as he is able, but in a recent letter he Anniversary as we resurrect a once popular tradition- the church shares how he leads Bible study every other week, and is looked up to dance. There will be music from all eras and refreshments to enjoy by many of his fellow inmates as their “pastor”! He daily studies his (root beer floats, popcorn and sweets) while you dance the night Bible and Catechism and is SOO looking to be released and able to away. Please mark your calendars and plan to attend! Perfect night help out here at the church. God bless Frank! for the young and the young-at-heart. For Beverly Gedrimas who desperately needs a part time job. Please let her know if you have any ideas! NEPA Reformation Service at Faith Lutheran Church in Easton PA + 100th Saturday, October 21, 4:00-7:00pm ANNIVERSARY Pastor will be driving the van out… leaving at 3pm! Call the SUNDAY SCHOOL office to get your name on the transport list and let’s go celebrate PICNIC the Reformation at this regional event with our brothers and sisters The Sunday School in Jesus! Picnic was held Sunday September 24th at Nay Aug park. Twenty VIDEO BIBLE LESSONS three members of our Join renowned bible teacher and historian Ray Vander Laan as he Sunday School families guides you through the lands of the Bible. In his latest volume he spent the afternoon will take us to some of the places on the 2nd missionary journey together with food, fun, Kramer Family, Decker Family, Spies Family, of the Apostle Paul. In each video lesson, Vander Laan illuminates and fellowship. Jim Praefke Family, Betts Family, Monica and Sarah Praefke and Amy Betts Bjornstad. Not pictured is Jen Praefke (taking the photo) the historical, geographical, and cultural context of the sacred captained a very HOT game of soccer, Adella Decker led a hike and a Scriptures. It’s the next best thing to being there! Where: North Pocono Library 1315 Church St, Moscow special thanks to John Kramer for his grillmaster skills with the When: First Thursday of each month hamburgers and hot dogs. Time: 7:00 pm No cost or pre-registration required


+ CONGREGATION VOTER’S MEETING A short congregational meeting was held Sunday, October 1st to discuss the opportunity to have John Babbitts serve as a deacon for Peace Lutheran Church. After a short presentation and time for questions, a secret ballot vote was held and the motion to request from the Eastern District Office to add John Babbitts to our ministry team as a Licensed Deacon was passed by a vote of 31 Yay and 1 Nay with 0 abstentions. + HOW ARE YOU SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY? Pastor always loves to see his congregation members out and about doing their Godly work. Feel free to share photos any time of you doing your work on the Peace Facebook page, or email to Amy at the office for inclusion in the next newsletter. + Choral Society of Northest Pennsylvania Concert A Mighty Fortress: Chorales, Hymns and Psalms of the Reformation Sunday, November 5 at 4pm Covenant Presbyterian Church of Scranton Adults: $15, Ages 18 and under are free Come hear a wonderful concert and support our own Beverly Gedrimas. Church website:

A LOOK AHEAD . . . WELSH COOKIE BAKE Saturday, November 4th 10am-2pm Celebrate the 100th Anniversary of Peace by making the much beloved Welsh Cookies (or buying the final product). This is a perfect time to share your skills with the younger generation, and calling all those young folks who want to learn how to make the Welsh Cookies. This event is just in time for gift giving over the holidays. A sign up sheet will be located at the back of the church beginning October 8th. NEWS FROM COLLEGE! Kiana Sauter and Nicole Calpin are finding their first year of university going well! Haven’t heard yet from Mark McHale yet… but Marja and Hannah Bjornstad’s Junior and Senior years have gotten off to a happy start as well! Praise God and please pray for further blessings!!! ALSO: Those of you who know Meredith Woolverton… praise God because she is in HER last semester of school and will soon gradutate!


LMC: 570-703-0607

LUTHER DINNER AND A MOVIE Saturday, October 28 5:00pm Dinner 7:00 Movie Susan Crosbie will once again be preparing her tasty German Dinner this October. Tickets for the dinner are only $15/adult and $10/child All proceeds to benefit The Lutheran Academy. Tickets must be purchased by October 22. Following dinner there will be a showing of the new documentary on Luther which begins at 7:00pm. The movie is FREE and all are encouraged to come (and bring your friends) About the movie: LUTHER: The Life and Legacy of the German Reformer Discover the story behind the man who sparked the Protestant Reformation. Told through a seamless combination of liveaction storytelling and artistic animation, Martin Luther’s daring life is presented in extensive detail while still making the film relevant, provocative, and accessible. What a fine way to celebrate the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation. THE YOUTH WILL HAVE A SEPARATE SHOWING OF THE LUTHER FILM (from 2003) that is very popular! THIS IS A GREAT OPPORTUNITY TO BRING A FRIEND WHO IS SEARCHING FOR ANSWERS TO THE CHRISTIAN FAITH!!!

Grace Alone! Faith Alone! Scripture Alone! Adult Bible Study- Luther The Man

There is a simple way to support Peace Lutheran Church when you shop online. If you have an account you can chose to have 0.5% of the purchases you make go to a charitable organization of your choice. Good news, Peace is now on that list! * Log on to your account * Click the “Your Amazon Smile” under the Your Accounts tab. * Search for “ Peace Lutheran Church Scranton” * Confirm your choice and you are done. Now you are all set to impact Peace with every purchase you make. To be sure Peace gets the 0.5%, you will need to begin your shopping experience at If you have any questions or need assistance setting this up, please call Amy at the church office and she will be more than happy to help you. If you plan to shop with and don’t have an account set up, she can also assist you in the process. Thank you for your part in support the work of Peace Lutheran Church.

The Adult Bible Study has been doing a study based on a video series, Luther The Man. This study takes us through the other reformers and the period called the counter Reformation. This study will go through the video and will be driven by the personal questions you have on these and other related topics. Then on Reformation day you will put what you learned to the test. Join us on October 29 as we split the class into teams and you try to win the Reformation and Counter Reformation for your group. Maybe you’ll be the Lutherans trying to spread the Gospel and stop your kingdom from being over run by the armies of Charles V’s Holy Roman Empire, or you may be the Ottomans trying to take Vienna and Prague. How as Pope might you convince the princes to burn the Lutheran heretics and bring all Europe back under your authority? Or as the King of France, Francis I, second most powerful monarch will you break the ring of Habsburg territory around you? Maybe those Lutheran princes may help? Only you and your teammates will be able to tell. Be encouraged to attend the final weeks of this Luther study in October. After the Reformation we will switch gears and start a new adult class study. The topic of the new study will be announced shortly.

CORRESPONDENCE FROM MARILYN WRIGHT (SELLERS) from the nursing home describing some of her life… Please visit her Rm 105 at the Golden Living on Adam’s Ave. Hi, again, Pastor Kris! Here it is 430am on Saturday. I need to get back to a normal schedule, if there is such a thing. Besides, I have a date with Cesar Millan, the Dog Whisperer, @ 9 a.m. or so, Sat.,on tv.

. My

BEING SOCIAL MEDIA SAVVY Are you on social media? Have you taken a moment to follow God’s Peace at Parker and Main? How about The Lutheran Academy, Scranton? Take a moment to follow us and then “like” and “share” the church/school Facebook posts. Every time you “like” and/or “share” these posts it helps spread the good work of the church and our missions. Please ALSO once in a while "check in" to church... Just like you "check in" to a restaurant... This is an exercise in not being ashamed of our Lord Jesus Christ. .

roommate will watch, too, or "they" will get her dressed & sit her in the dining room to watch tv, hang out. I have, a couple of times...once, spent HOURS stuck in the dining room because the chair I was in wasn't movable by me & they forgot I was there. Same thing happened in another sort of living room, again, stuck there for HOURS (I don't have a cell phone, no way to phone, too far from anywhere to be noticed...). I was "lost" for HOURS. They haven't lost my roommate, yet. So, those are a couple reasons I stay in the room. At least I have my phone, tv, window with a view. Eddie, who is a Christian, in a wheelchair, has come over from across the hall a couple times. I think he might lead some sort of prayer group. Looks like l'll have to snag him to find out more or get involved.

CORRESPONDENCE FROM FRANK SCHULZE… Please write him at Susquehanna Co. Corr. Facility 137 Ellsworth Dr., Montrose PA 18801:

AS CHRIST LOVES THE CHURCH SO DO WE! HERE ARE SOME WAYS YOU CAN SERVE THE LORD HERE AT PEACE AND THE ACADEMY: + Once a week cleaning at the Academy! + Help with Yard work at Peace Church! + Consciencious Financial Stewardship! + USE THE CALENDAR and our Facebook page to PRAY for the ministry of the Gospel that happens! Note about our financial situation: IT IS TRUE… We really do need your attention to your offerings if they have been neglected! We need to make up a significant deficit that we are running so far this year. If you have been giving faithfully and sacrificially, we thank you so much! (And there are MANY of you who do!) But if you have not ever considered your offerings to be important, please pray about making a committement of at LEAST $10/week (every week).

Dear Pastor: Today is my 516th day in jail. Some days I just feel like I’m going with the flow and watching my life fly by. I feel like I’m aging twice as fast. I’ve been moved out of my private little block and in to one of the bigger ones. I have been over here for 11 days and it feels like both a blessing and a curse. It is nice because there are people to interact with. There is one kid that follows me around so much that I began to call him Shadow. He is a good kid though, so I don’t mind. I gave him one of my Bibles and drag him to Bible study. I also eat a lot better over here. We trade food and madke stuff together. I have had multiple opportunities to discus my faith and the Bible already on the block. I had a guy start an hour long evolution debate with me. That was fun. Another guy was talking about the accepting Christ in his heart and pretty much saving himself. He told someone that they weren’t a christian because he didn’t do what he did and say Pastor Louie’s special prayer. I told he was wrong (politely of course) and explained why. He quickly lost interest and walked away. It gave me the chance to explain a few things to the other guy though. I have become the go to guy for Biblical and religious queistion. A few people, both inmakes and guards started calling me Pastor Frank. I have to keep correcting them!

Baby Jordan, born to Megan and Ross Merieski… Finally Chuck Mercer gets his grandson! Baptism set for November! PRAISE THE LORD!!!! We remember our OWN baptisms and how our Lord marked us with a cross, forgave our sins, and made us His child!

6pm Devotions at LMC

6pm Devotions at LMC

6pm Devotions at LMC

6pm Devotions at LMC

6pm Confirmation 7:30 Men’s Choir

6pm Confirmation 7:30 Men’s Choir

6pm Confirmation 7:30 Men’s Choir

6pm Confirmation 7:30 Men’s Choir

This is the day of Salvation! Share the Gospel!

For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which comes through faith in Christ, the righteousness from God that depends on faith… - Phil. 3:8ff

Van leaves at 3pm from Peace! ==>

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