Peace Talk - August 2009
Apostolic Mission Congregation of the LCMS Pastor Kristian Bjornstad 2506 N. Main Ave. 343-9828
St. Paul Writes in Ephesians 4: And he gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ... I would like to introduce you to our worship team that is coming together to help us as a congregation sing. On the left we have a flutist Laura Robold (who is now engaged to Chris Jones, both new worshippers here at Peace!) You probably know Erika and Marja who are next to Larua. Please be introduced to Kristen next, 15 years old and a young woman who has a heart for the Lord even as she has only just started coming to church since this Spring with her little brother Austin! Both Kristen and Austin are looking to be baptized! Praise the Lord! And as well, finally, of course, you probably don’t need to be introduced to Hannah, the young lady on the right!
do not neglect the blessed work of the Lord here within the vessel of the Good News of Jesus Christ, His church! Sometimes it is difficult and sometimes not quite enjoyable. Sometimes you have to sacrifice something else in your life. But in the end, there is nothing like it! It is special because Jesus has first loved you and you love Him! Praise the Lord, indeed!!! In Jesus’ Peace,
Pastor Bjornstad
Wargo-Steveskey Flute and Guitar Duo On June 14th we had a concert of Classical Flute and Guitar music here at Peace Lutheran! The music was absolutely glorious and the musicians were VERY happy with the acoustics of the church. The audience was very small, but very impressed with the church and we had many comments as to how beautiful it was. Perhaps we can have more of these kinds of events at Peace!?
I am introducing them to you because they are examples of how God works his miracles of faith and life in order to build up the body of Christ. Each and EVERY one of us is so VERY important. They are examples of individuals who are discovering that God has given them each beautiful gifts which are not to be wasted, but used for the glory of God. Pleased be encouraged in your walk with God. YOU have gifts that the work of the Lord needs! Of course ALL our lives are to be a beautiful worship of God, but 1
Alaska VBS!
Sailing Time!
The above picture is from the beautiful spring day we had our Memorial Day service at Ransom Valley Lutheran Church! The children who come to Ransom this coming Sunday, August 9th for the big Association of Lutheran Friends annual Historical Presentations and PICNIC will have MORE reason to have fun! As always, Audrey will have a spread to feed an army. We will have kites to fly and games to play and prizes to be won! The singing will be great and, as always, the angels of heaven will sing with us!
Our wonderful Parish Nurse Susan Crosbie took vacation time to return to her old stomping grounds by joining the VBS mission team to Alaska this past July.
Pastor Bjornstad would LOVE to have you come out for a sail on Lake Wallenpaupack in the month of August! Give him a call!
COME AT 3:30! Chuck Mercer will make a presentation of Peace’s history! Call for info!
Susan spent a whole year some time ago in a remote native town serving with a Lutheran pastor and ministering to the needs of the population. Funny River, the town that this mission served was far different, but the time was still awesome fun! Susan will share her pictures and experiences with the congregation on Sunday morning, August 16th! Be there to hear it all! We will be collecting new names for those who want to go NEXT YEAR! 2
Pastor Bjornstad served as Camp Pastor during Family Camp at Camp Pioneer this past July. The family had SO MUCH FUN we would like ALL of the church to come NEXT year the week of July 18th! Plan for it!!!
THE LUTHERAN ACADEMY, SCRANTON The Lutheran Academy staff had intensive meetings this past July to make plans and preparations for the THIRD academic year which will begin August 31st. We are very excited for this coming year as the shape of the Lutheran Academy continues to evolve and grow. This year we will, for the first time, opening up our student body to 1st and 2nd graders! As a testimony to our school, we are expecting ALL of our students back from last year (except for Hannah Bjornstad who wants(?) to have her mother as a teacher at Mid Valley!) As well we are expecting about five new students, which will bring our total student body up to close to our maximum of 18 students. Praise the Playing football at our June Field Day! Lord! Things to pray for: We DO need volunteer help every morning between 9 and 12 noon! If you would be interested in helping for one day a week, please let Pastor know!
Keep in mind the Immanuel Lutheran Church Preschool Please know that Immanuel Lutheran Church has their Preschool! The Lutheran Academy works with the Preschool very closely, and we need to support it in every way possible! If you have or know children who need the Love of the Lord Jesus included in their lives in a special way (and who doesn’t?), please call Immanuel to check out their most excellent program!
NEW STUDENT “ADOPT A CHILD” PROGRAM! The Lutheran Academy is a MISSION! Being a mission and not a cash cow, we do accept any student who we feel called to serve with the Gospel and a great education. This means that many of our student families are simply not able to pay for tuition. If you would like to help “adopt” those students, please see our new “Adopt a Child” brochure, or go to the website for more info:! Thank you!
Join the 25,000 other youth from around the nation! We have two counselors READY AND HAPPY to take our kids to New Orleans! We just need to sign everyone up and start organizing! Early Registration for the event (with a fee of $350) begins next month!
AUGUST 10-14 5:30 - 8:00 pm All children and parents are welcome to this family event!
Peace Lutheran Church 2506 N. Main Ave, Scranton PA 343-9828
MISSION PRAYERS! + VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL COMING AUG. 10-14! + Carsten Bjornstad (Pastor Bjornstad’s father) as he travels to Macau, China as a missionary to students there! + Please also pray for our Missionaries the Anonby Family and the Rev. and Rita Nickel! + The opportunities YOU have to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with your friends and co-workers and neighbors!!!! 4