Peace Talk October 2011

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Peace Talk - October 2011

Apostolic Mission Congregation of the LCMS Pastor Kristian Bjornstad 2506 N. Main Ave. 343-9828

FROM THE PASTOR’S HEART: 1Pet. 2:10 Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.


This past month has been a great testament of how God’s MERCY has been shared to so many hurting people along the flooded banks of the Susquehanna

River. Almost every day for two weeks mercy teams from almost all of our NEPA Lutheran congregations were in action (sometimes two a day) to bring the balm of God’s healing to ravaged lives. Included in those teams TEN members of Peace Lutheran Church were in action on several occasions! Pastor Bjornstad was the Eastern District Disaster Relief Coordinator and was on site and helping throughout the efforts. We never rejoice in disasters of any kind, but what we know is that every disaster is an occasion of God’s mercy to be shared. In this we can rejoice! Let us continue to share the MERCY of God. Your servant in Jesus, Pastor Bjornstad

The new Peace Organ was installed September 19th and was dedicated September 25th! Pictured above were two of our guest organists. Jill Trapane (right) played a beautiful concert that Sunday morning and Grace Morris played the closing hymn “Beautiful Savior” (some 63 years after she started playing the old Peace pipe organ when she was a teenager!) Also playing that day were our regular organist Kevin Winters who played the liturgy, Mark Herie, who plays the organ for the early service, and Hannah Bjornstad who played the postlude! Jill Trapane also directed a choir piece from the organ as part of the celebrations! Offerings and Pledges were also collected and so far we have about $12,000 raised toward the $30,000 needed! Thank you to all who have pledged, but now we need to hear from the rest of the congregation! FOLLOWING UP on our new organ, it was proposed that Jill Trapane head up a renewed MUSIC MINISTRY here at Peace - and her proposal was provisionally approved at the Oct. 4th council meeting! SPREAD THE WORD FOR ANY AND ALL SINGERS AND MUSICIANS! Our first musical offering will be October 31st for Reformation Sunday!

MISCELLANEOUS NOTES in PRAISE OF THE LORD: + Pictures of the Organ installation can be seen at the Peace Lutheran website. Click on the “News” link!

+ We have been praying for an Erik (Soto) Veopraseuth, who was critically wounded in a car accident. He was good friends with the Woolverton family. The GREAT news is that he is CONTINUING to make AMAZING progress! He IS talking and even logging on to his facebook page and making entries!!!! He is still at the hospital down in Philadelphia, but he should be back in Scranton in about a month!



- “I will greatly rejoice in the Lord; my soul shall exult in my God, for he has clothed me with the garments of salvation; he has covered me with the robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom decks himself like a priest with a beautiful headdress, and a bride adorns herself with her jewels.” - Isaiah 61:10 - +++++++++++++++++++++

+ Dereck Francis Decker will be baptized October 9th! + Pastor Bjornstad is continuing his “Clinical Pastoral Education” class that takes him to Binghamton four days a month. He is be studying family systems and his prayer is that this would help in any pastoral counseling situations. Recently he is studying how relationships can be characterized as being somewhere on a line between

being emotionally FUSED and being emotionally DIFFERENTIATED. Being emotionally fused with another person is not very good because it binds you to that person and you can’t keep yourself from automatically reacting to a particular situation. You are unable to look at a situation objectively, act rationally and independently - as you can if you are “differentiated”.

+ Those desiring membership at Peace Lutheran are welcome to begin their preparations by attending either the Sunday morning studies on the Catechism, or attending the Saturday 5pm Catechumenate devotions!

+ POT ROAST DINNER NEEDS YOUR HELP - AND ALSO YOUR CRAFT ITEMS TO SELL!!!! Please speak with Ramona Brown if you can donate items to the craft tables!

+ Joey Schulze reports that he is doing very well at boot camp and he should be all done with it at the end of the month. Then he is off to his electronic repair training in Georgia!

+ The Luther Day Dinner will be November 13th at 2pm at the Melting Pot! Please purchase tickets from Audrey Russell!

Pot Roast Dinner Cra d!! e rov p Ap

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Saturday, October 22, 2011 3-6 pm Peace Lutheran Church 2506 N. Main Ave. (at Parker St.), Scranton $10 Adult - $5 Child - Takeouts! Benefit will be the new church organ! 570-343-9828


WORSHIP LIFE AT PEACE LUTHERAN FOCUS ON GOD’S MERCY! Worship Schedule: 5 pm Saturday: Catechumenate Devotions (open to all!) 8:15 Early Liturgy w/Holy Communion 9:15 Education Hour (Adult class will focus on Luther’s Small Catechism) 10:30 am Worship (1 & 3 Sundays w/Holy Comm.) 1Pet. 2:10 Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.

YOUTH NOTES! Psa. 144:12

Then our sons in their youth will be like well-nurtured plants,

and our daughters will be like pillars carved to adorn a palace. CHILDREN/YOUTH SUNDAY! OCTOBER 9TH we will be celebrating the children and young people of our congregation! They are SO very talented and gifted by God.

COMING SOON: BANANA CRAM NOVEMBER 11th & 12th!!!! A FEW WORDS FROM ERIKA AT CONCORDIA COLLEGE, St. Paul, MN: “College here at Concordia has been awesome to say the least. It’s been an amazing growing experience to be away from home, making new friends, and expanding my knowledge of the world. When I was younger, and my mom was at college, I was very confused as Erika and her room-mate Angela! BEST to why she would ever like school! of friends the FIRST day of college! It wasn't until my second or third week of classes that I understood her. Classes and friends are definitely the most fun parts about college. Part of my problem here at college is that there's always something new to learn in class, and there are always new people to form relationships with. Now, you may ask yourself, why is learning things in class a problem? Well, my problem is that I want to learn all these things, but I don't want to remember them for the test. Dr. Seuss once said "Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better - it's not." That's one of the things I like to remember when I have a test coming up, it reminds me that I have to take responsibility for my actions. Being at Concordia has definitely helped me use my time more wisely, and taught me that as much as I love my friends, I need my time to study and to be alone. Both college and camp are helping shape me into becoming the best me that I'll be one day.”

Lutheran Academy and Immanuel Preschool News + OUR FIFTH ACADEMIC YEAR OF THE ACADEMY HAS BEGUN! PRAISE GOD! + PLEASE SHARE THE WORD ABOUT OUR ACADEMY AND THE PRESCHOOL (with before and after school care!!!!) The best advertising is by word of mouth! We still have room for a few more students!


+ There are several ways you can participate in the ministry of The Lutheran Academy: + A new website has been launched (check it out at - this time even with a DONATION button! Please feel free to make your donation either through the Sunday morning offering, or through the web page! Please consider helping us by sponsoring a student who needs a scholarship through our “Adopt a Student”! + IF YOU ARE A THRIVENT MEMBER, PLEASE ASSIGN YOUR CHOICE DOLLARS to Peace Lutheran and it will be automatically directed to The Lutheran Academy!!!! “Free dollars!” + Please call Pastor Bjornstad for your photography needs! All proceeds go to the Academy!

+ NEW: PLEASE SAVE YOUR GROCERY BOX TOPS! Amy Betts will be collecting them for the Academy! Please bring them to church! Our goal: collect more than Immanuel Lutheran!!!!! :) Our beautiful students that the Lord has given us this year! Praise God! Each of them are so very precious in His sight! Top row on the ends are our teachers Mrs. Lori Mandile and Mrs. Angela Scheller!

"There is gold, and a multitude of rubies: but the lips of knowledge are a precious jewel." Proverbs 20:15

OCTOBER 31ST is Reformation Sunday! It was on October 31st, All Saints Eve, 1519, in Wittenburg Germany, that Martin Luther posted his “95 Theses” (points of disputation) on the church door. Little did he know that someone would take his posting that he simply meant for scholarly dialogue and print and distribute them all over Europe - and so would start what we call “The Reformation”! Luther objected to a saying attributed to the papal official Johann Tetzel that "As soon as the coin in the coffer rings, the soul from purgatory springs." He insisted that, since forgiveness was God's alone to grant (according to Holy Scripture), those who claimed that the pope and purchased indulgences absolved buyers from all punishments and granted them salvation were in error. Along with Luther we claim even today:

Scripture Alone! Grace Alone! Christ Alone! Faith Alone!

ANNOUNCEMENT!!!!! + A Congregational Voter’s Meeting will be held Tuesday, Nov. 8th (yes, election day) at 6 pm over a Ham and Soup Supper!!!! Please join us for a great time! + Elections for our church council will be held November 13th after the worship service. A nominating committee has been struck, headed up by Chuck Mercer. Please pray for faithful workers in God’s church, that we might know His grace to accomplish his mission here on earth!

BY-LAWS TO THE CONSTITUTION TABLE OF DUTIES FOR CHURCH COUNCIL OFFICERS Pertaining to the offices noted in article 13 of the constitution of Peace Lutheran Church, but not described. PRESIDENT: 1) Schedule and preside at all meetings of the General Assembly and Church Council (to be held monthly). 2) See that parliamentary rules are enforced and all actions are fair and unbiased toward all motions and discussions. 3) Communicate with the members of the congregation and keep them abreast of the events and status of the circuit and synod at large. 4) Serve as legal signing officer for the congregation (including banking purposes). 5) Seek out legal representation for the congregation if necessary. 6) Participate in the planning for the annual church budget. 7) Insure that all Church Council positions are filled at all times with the aid of the nominating committee.

VICE PRESIDENT: 1) Perform the duties of the President in his absence, disability, or at his request. 2) Succeed the President in case of death, resignation or expulsion. 3) Serve as legal signing officer for the congregation (including banking purposes). SECRETARY: 1) Record the attendance and minutes of all official council and congregational meetings. 2) Report and read these records at subsequent meetings for correction and approval. 3) Keep all minutes in safe storage. 4) Make records available on demand. 5) Submit monthly publication of minutes to the congregation. 6) Serve as a legal signing officer of the congregation (including banking purposes). TREASURER: 1) Disburse congregational funds as directed by council and/or voters meetings. 2) Keep an accurate account of all church funds (according to general accounting practices) in a set of books provided by the congregation. 3) Prepare and submit preceding month’s statements of receipts and disbursements to Church Council. 4) Prepare year end statement of receipts and disbursements to the congregation. 5) Submit all financial records to an auditor at the close of the year and assist him/her in making a complete audit of church finances. 6) Serve as one of the signing officers for banking purposes. 7) Participate in the planning for the annual church budget. FINANCIAL SECRETARY: 1) Supervise and direct the counting of offerings and record all contributions in a set of books. 2) Submit all records to the auditor at the end of each financial year.

3) Recruit and train Offering Counting Committee. 4) Provide offering envelopes to anyone desiring the use of them. 5) Provide year end statements to all those using offering envelopes. If at any time a contributor requests a quarterly statement, it shall be provided. 6) Provide receipts for large donations given by one time donors without offering envelopes. 7) Make all bank deposits. 8) Bonding available & will apply at the discretion of the congregational president. 9) Responsible for chairing annual Budget Committee meeting with the aid of the president and treasurer. TRUSTEE: There will be THREE Trustees elected, one of which is appointed as chairperson. This chairperson is the reporting and voting member of council. 1) Maintain the church property and grounds for comfort, safety and beauty. 2) Present a proposed Trustee’s budget to the Budget Committee for the next calendar year. (Due by Nov. 1st of current year.) 3) Report in writing to each council meeting what was accomplished and what plans are being or about to be accomplished. ELDERS: There will be THREE Elders elected from among the male congregational members. These shall be nominated by the nominating committee with approval of the pastor. Elders may not be nominated from the floor. One of the elected Elders is appointed as the chairperson. This chairperson is the reporting and voting member of council. 1) Serve as assistants to the Pastor, concerning themselves with the spiritual life and leadership of the congregation, and with his direction be charged with supervision of public worship, church discipline, and church publications. 2) Meet new and old congregational members and make them feel welcome.

Support the Ministry of Peace Lutheran

and designating your donation with a short note. You can send it to: Peace Lutheran Church, 60 E. Parker St. Scranton, PA 18509. It will be received with thanksgiving and acknowledged with a receipt for tax purposes.

Peace Lutheran is an amazing congregation! We do so very much with so little. But that little is actually quite a lot! Our small sized congregation has been blessed with financial supporters who love their Lord and Savior and respond with great joy to how He has blessed them. They know that there is nothing more beautiful than bringing people to Christ and that by Grace we together can do so much more than we could individually.

PEACE LUTHERAN ENDOWMENT FUND: The newly established Endowment Fund is a beautiful way that you can help establish and strengthen the ministry of the church for the coming generations! Donations to the Endowment Fund are invested and there are bylaws and restrictions on how those monies are used, usually always protecting the principle and reinvesting some of the interest. Although anyone can contribute any amount to it at any time, endowment funds are generally most appropriate when you consider a donation to the church in your estate or will.

Now concerning the collection for the saints: as I directed the churches of Galatia, so you also are to do. On the first day of every week, each of you is to put something aside and store it up, as he may prosper, so that there will be no collecting when I come. (1 Corinthians 16:1-2 ESV) Although participating in the worshipping body of Christ and sharing God given talents and time is so very, very important, certainly we all know that the regular offering and tithe is also essential to the work of the church. And then even beyond that, as we are blessed by God, we are very free to make further investments into the Kingdom work. Below are some of the special ways that you can share the blessings of God: You can make a donation to any of these funds simply by writing a check

THE LUTHERAN ACADEMY: If you would like your support to have more immediate effect for the Kingdom work, please consider The Lutheran Academy! You can give just a general donation, but you may also participate in our "ADOPT A STUDENT" program where you can sponsor the tuition of a student whose family cannot afford the tuition. You can sponsor the tuition at various levels if you cannot contribute a whole year of tuition. You can support the Academy by simply going to the website with your credit card number! THE ORGAN FUND: On Sunday, July 24th, 2011, the congregation voted to purchase a new Allen Organ. The purchase price of this Allen Organ is $60,000. The congregation has $30,000 in the Organ

Fund and other various unused funds, however we need to raise $30,000 more to repay the Building Fund which we are borrowing from to pay the bill. If you love music and want to strengthen the music ministry of Peace, please consider making a major donation to the Organ Fund! THE MISSION FUND: The church really IS all about sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with a dying world. We have MANY ways that we do this here at Peace and we are constantly pulling money from the "Mission Fund" to help pay for our mission trips and support our missionaries. Unfortunately not many folks think about putting money INTO the Mission Fund. If you care about missions, please consider making a donation to the Mission Fund! THE BUILDING FUND: New roofs, furnaces, windows, etc. Our Church building maintenance never ends. As soon as we think everything is perfect - something else goes wrong or wears out or gets broken. We have a beautiful house of worship which gives glory to God when people see and experience it. If you appreciate how God has blessed us with it, please support it with a contribution to the Building Fund! As for the rich in this present age, charge them not to be haughty, nor to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly provides us with everything to enjoy. They are to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share, thus storing up treasure for themselves as a good foundation for the future, so that they may take hold of that which is truly life. (1 Timothy 6:17-19 ESV)

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