Special A.L.F. Newsletter August 28, 2009

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AUGUST 28, 2009

FRIENDSHIP NOTES SPECIAL NEWSLETTER In the last newsletter we posted pictures of the vandalized state of the Ransom Valley Lutheran Church in 1989. We were celebrating how much things had changed for the better! Little did we know that not more than a month after those pictures were published, Ransom would again be vandalized! Pastor Bjornstad !A.L.F. board member" received a call on Sunday, Au g u s t 2 3 r d a b o u t n o o n f r o m Sharleen Palairma, who had two weeks previous made a historical presentation at Ransom Church at the August educational event/picnic. Her niece, who lives just down the road from the church had noticed the broken windows and the terrible damage and had called Sharleen. The police were called and an investigation is underway to find out who committed the crime. Bill and Kerri Angel have been covering the windows so that no more rain damage will occur. As well, Ransom Township

is actively involved in helping A.L.F. to rectify the situation. We are thankful for their concern and help! At left is the 1989 picture of the state of the vandalized Ransom church. Below are two pictures of the new vandalism. Milk jugs filled with water !which were being kept at the church to water the flowers with" had been thrown through each of the eight windows . Hy m n a l s w e r e a l s o s t r e w n . Despite the damage, the fact is that it could have been much worse! We praise God it wasn’t! C u r r e n t l y Pa s t o r S e a r i n g !President" is trying to lead the A . L . F. b o a r d t o e m p l o y t h e necessary means to have the church windows repaired and the church and the grounds cleaned up. We hope to have a rededication service sometime later in September or October # TBA! Keep your eyes out for the announcement!

HELP FUND RANSOM CHURCH REPAIRS " EAT AT FRIENDLY’S! Rev. Searing has accepted an offer by Friendly's Restaurant in Dunmore to be the beneficiaries of three Friendly!s Family Fun Nights. Meals purchased between the hours of 5 and 8 will give us at least a 10% of profits to the Ransom Church fund. So make your dinner dates for these days:

• Wednesday, September 23, ! • Wednesday, October 21 • Wednesday, November 11th. The more people we get to Friendly!s those nights the more money we raise for the Ransom Church repairs!


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