Living.Well Magazine April 2017

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APRIL 2017






“The book that breaks all the stereotypes.” WIN 2 TICKETS 20TH CELEBRATION CHEF’S BRUNCH


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no gimmicks or packaged foods.

words from the editors and publishers:

During the month of April, LWM celebrates, honors, acknowledges and supports Autism, Earth Day, World Health Day, (focusing on mental health with their “Let’s Talk campaign”), and Prevention of Cruelty to Animals; help the ASPCA put an end to animal cruelty. If you are interested in getting involved with any or all of the campaigns mentioned please check out their respective social media pages and website. These organizations need your support not only during the month of April but all year long. Don’t forget the local organizations too. Of course, this is not a complete list of organizations that we support, or that promote awareness campaigns this month, the list goes on and it is up to you to find your passion. Vegan, not me, no way. I know that’s exactly what you were thinking when those words appeared on the cover of this issue. We didn’t choose fashions and recipes, all vegan friendly, to turn everyone into vegans. Rather we wanted to share the stunning “faux leather” clothing pieces we found and the scrumptious recipes from, “But My Family Would Never Eat Vegan!” 125 Recipes To Win Everyone Over by Kristy Turner, and we assure you that nothing was harmed in the process… just a few fruits and vegetables. Seriously, the cookbook gives you a way to explore and enjoy. Keep an open mind when trying new food ingredients, that you might just like, but would normally have never tried on your own. When looking at the vegan friendly faux leather pieces featured in “the shop by design”, be honest and ask yourself, if you didn’t already know they were faux…would Advertising Inquiries: you know? Jessamyn Stanley author of “Every Body Yoga” shares a couple of yoga positions with us from her book; but most importantly shows us that yoga is for everybody, regardless of ability, body type, age or experience. It’s all about living life boldly, empowered ,emotionally and physically authentic.

Brian Strauss - Publisher



Harvard Acknowledges Laughter Can Do Things Medical Science Can’t, Do You Have A Relationship Contract?, What Has The EPA Done For The Environment? Grow A Bigger Garden, to name just a few great articles in this issue. Happy and healthy holidays to all! Enjoy & Share Everything! Brian and Diane Strauss


Editors / Publishers Diane and Brian Strauss Associate Editor: Michael Strauss puppy love™ Creator Sean Strauss Media Development Jonelle Jentilucci Resident Artist and Creator of the Valentino caricature. Liam McWilliams Design and Graphics Diane Strauss



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LIVING.WELL MAGAZINE (ISSN 2325-2448) published monthly by Savendale Media Group, 1519 Old Coach Road Newark, Delaware 19711 Phone:302-355-0929 Fax:302-454-1867 LIVING.WELL MAGAZINE© is a monthly publication distributed regionally. All articles and advertisements are accepted in good faith. Living Well Magazine assumes no responsibility or liability for any claims, conditions, products, services, errors, and/or opinions expressed through articles and advertisements appearing in this publication. Please check with your primary health care provider before making any changes. Living Well Magazine welcomes your comments and suggestions. No part of LIVING WELL MAGAZINE™ may be reproduced in any form without permission and written consent. Copyright, All rights reserved. 2015 Various Trademarks Used By Permission Of Their Respective Owners

Cover: designed by dcstrauss For more content, photos, and special give-aways you can find and follow us on most social media forums.

puppylove™ Mars, the newest addition to our family.

April 2017


inside Harvard Acknowledges: Laughter Can Do Things Medical Science Can’t



Karen Verna Carlson

On the Bridge Between Worlds Suzanne E. Eder

American College of Physicians Points to Chiropractic for Back Pain

@livingwellmag 22




Dr. Scott Rosenthal

humans + pets

Old Age Is Not A Disease

Caroline M. Wieczorek, VMD

Hands on Health

Ann Wilkinson P.T.M.S.

Sexual Health and Healing: What’s in Your Relationship Contract?



GOING VEGAN the shop by design



Follow our Instagram page for an up close and personal look. livingwellmagazine/

#livingwellmagazine Many of the items appearing in LWM can be purchased at a local retailer. We have included product website addresses so you can type in your zip code for local buying options and or direct purchasing if not available in your area. Most books are available at either: Barnes & Noble or


with Dianna Palimere, PhD, LCSW

Earth Talk: What has the EPA done for 8 the environment? Eco Friendly Light Bulbs: CFL’s, LED’s, 9 Incandescent?


Tech Addicted:


The Full Health Benefits Of Turmeric?



Grow a Bigger Garden in a Smaller Space 16 Nationally known gardening expert, author & columnist Melinda Myers.

Planning For Your Future Health Loretta Higgins, MSN, ARNP







The prestigious— Living.Well Magazine Tried and True award is given only awarded to products and companies that we have used and can honestly say they were great! If it has the LWM Tried and True Award on it, we are sure that you will too.

10 20





April 2017

Where’s Valentino?

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April 2017

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FYI Plant Flowers, Don’t Kill the Bees Read the labels when purchasing flowers and plants. Neonicotinoids EPA approved bee-killing pesticide These pesticides act on certain nerve receptors that are abundant in the insect’s nervous system. They are highly toxic to most arthropods, but much less so to mammals. Because neonicotinoids are water soluble, plants easily absorb them and they work well as systemic treatments. Neonicotinoid insecticides are often applied to seeds of agricultural crops, particularly corn and soybeans. These seed treatments are intended to suppress damage by herbivorous insects during the early stages of plant germination and growth. You can find the complete article at:

Earth Day April 22, 2017 Celebrate Earth Day and Arbor Day in Rodney Square during your lunch break on Friday, April 21, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Visitors to this annual rain-or-shine event will enjoy free native plants and other giveaways, free raffle items dozens of vendors offering green products, services, and travel tips food trucks selling lunches and more a live radio broadcast music and much more. The Wilmington Earth & Arbor Day Celebration is sponsored by the City of Wilmington. Its chief collaborator is the Partnership for the Delaware Estuary.

Some of the things we learned as we were growing up are not true. Science has gotten better, the research has become clearer and the technology has improved. Then: Pluto is a planet Now:Pluto is not a Planet Then:Diamonds are the hardness substance known Now: Ultrahard nanotwinned cubic boron nitride is the hardest substance. Then: The Witches of Salem were burned at the stake. Now: They were actually hanged. Then: Israeli Slaves built the Pyramids Now: Egyptian workers built the Pyramids ( According to Amihai Mazar professor at the Institute of Archaeology at Hebrew University “No Jews built the pyramids because Jews didn’t exist at the period when the pyramids were built,” Then: A Brontosaurus is a dinosaur.

Going Green – Christiana Care is the first Delaware health system to receive a US Environmental Protection Agency Trailblazers Award for Environmental Leaders. Christiana Care buys electricity from a wind farm and has rolled out programs to help reduce regulated medical waste, decrease emissions in the air from power plants, and increase recycling.

Now: A Brontosaurus is a combination of Apatosaurus and Camarasaurus Then: Our evolutionary link to other primates is missing. Now: We found “Ida.” Meet “Ida,” a critical “link” (formerly a missing one) in the study of evolution from apes to humans. She even has her own website: www. Then: Folding a piece of paper more than seven times is mathematically impossible. Now: The record stands at 11 Then: The Great Wall Of China is the only man-made structure visible from space. Now: Many man-made places are visible from space. (our cameras are better)

World Health Day April 7th 2017

Then: Five (or three) kingdoms of classification exist.

The theme of 2017 World Health Day campaign is depression. Depression affects people of all ages, from all walks of life, in all countries. It causes mental anguish and impacts on people’s ability to carry out even the simplest everyday tasks, with sometimes devastating consequences for relationships with family and friends and the ability to earn a living. At worst, depression can lead to suicide, now the second leading cause of death among 15-29-year olds. 6

You can teach an old dog new tricks.

Now: There might be as many as eight kingdoms.

Depending when you grew up, your science teacher probably taught about three main kingdoms of life — animals, plants, and bacteria (monera) — or five, including fungi and protists, too. There may be other sub catergories but in the U.S. we use six: plants, animals, protists, fungi, archabacteria and eubacteria. April 2017

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What has the EPA done for the environment?

The EPA’s very first major accomplishment back in the early 1970s was setting standards on common air pollutants plaguing urbanized and industrial areas across the U.S. Other highlights from the EPA’s first decade include: banning the pesticide DDT and requiring extensive environmental reviews of all pesticides; establishing the first fuel economy standards for cars and trucks on American roads; overseeing the phase-out of PCBs, chlorofluorocarbons and leaded gasoline; and setting nationwide benchmarks for drinking water quality. Some of the EPA’s notable achievements since then include: implementing “Superfund” (Congress’ billion dollar plan to remediate the most hazardous of industrial waste sites across the country); establishing protections of endangered wetlands as a top agency priority; cleaning up Chesapeake Bay, the Hudson

Without the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Americans would breathe dirtier air, drink more polluted water and live and grow food on contaminated soils. Polluters wouldn’t be held accountable for their irresponsible behavior, wildlife would have a more difficult time finding suitable habitat to raise their young, and greater and greater concentrations of greenhouse gases would jeopardize the ability of our own atmosphere to protect us from the heat of the sun. In short, the United States and the rest of the world would be a nasty place to live, resulting in shorter life expectancy for humans and a decrease in biodiversity overall.

The EPA was created via Executive Order by Republican President Richard Nixon in December 1970 in response to rising concerns about pollution in an increasingly industrialized United States. Its purpose, then and still now, is to ensure that all Americans are protected from significant risks to their health and the environment where they live, learn and work. To accomplish this, the EPA develops and enforces environmental regulations based on laws passed by Congress; monitors environmental quality across the country; funds states, non-profits and educational institutions to address local and regional problems; and educates the public about how to avoid and mitigate environmental risks. Laws implemented and enforced by the EPA to protect our land, air and water save hundreds of thousands of Americans from premature death every year and keep our ecosystems healthy in the face of innumerable threats. 8

River and other major waterways; launching the Toxic Release Inventory program to inform the public about the discharge of specific pollutants from industrial facilities in their communities; creating the Energy Star program to force appliance makers to tow the line regarding energy efficiency; forging a market-based system to reduce acid rain pollution; prioritizing environmental justice to protect low-income and minority communities from disproportionate exposure to pollutants; and setting new standards to clean up emissions from diesel fuel. More recently, the EPA has started the process of regulating the emissions of greenhouse gases contributing to global warming.

Beyond the agency’s direct actions on behalf of the environment here at home, its very existence serves as an important model for other countries to follow, and indeed most nations of the world now have their own environmental oversight authorities to keep tabs on pollution and set standards for the safe use, handling and disposal of pollutants. As more and more of our lands are paved over, our natural resources extracted and our air and atmosphere compromised, we can all be thankful for the foresight of Richard Nixon in establishing the world’s first government agency devoted to environmental protection.

CONTACTS: EPA History,; Energy Star,

EarthTalk® is produced by Roddy Scheer & Doug Moss and is a registered trademark of the nonprofit Earth Action Network. To donate, visit Send questions to:

April 2017

Eco Friendly Light Bulbs: CFL’s, LED’s, Incandescents? The consumer landscape for light bulbs in the U.S. changed drastically in 2007 when Congress passed the Energy Independence & Security Act mandating, among other things, that household light bulbs in the 40-100 watt range needed to up their energy efficiency standards by at least 25 percent. This change effectively took the tried-and-true yet inefficient incandescent bulbs that lit up the entire 20th century out of the marketplace—and compact fluorescent (CFL) bulbs, long the first choice for those looking to save on electricity usage, rushed in to take their place. CFLs on average use about 75 percent less energy to generate the same amount of light as conventional incandescents—consumers switching their whole houses over to CFLs could save hundreds of dollars a year on their electricity bills. While CFLs were a giant step forward in energy savings and reduced the carbon footprint of lighting up our world, they contain trace amounts of mercury, a potent neurotoxin, that is sent airborne when they break. While CFLs still dominate domestic light bulb sales, their time on top may be short-lived given the development of even more efficient bulbs based on mercury-free light emitting diodes (LEDs). An LED uses around 90 percent less electricity than an equivalent incandescent bulb and almost 60 percent less than a CFL to generate an equivalent amount of light. While LEDs do contain trace amounts of lead and arsenic, they are a lot less likely to break than CFLs and last a lot longer. The surge in popularity of LED bulbs has led to lots of innovation in the lighting field. For example, Lighting Science is using LED lights developed for NASA to help astronauts sleep better in its

new line of bulbs for the rest of us to use in our homes. Meanwhile, Sengled integrates consumer electronics (bluetooth speakers, home security cams, wi-fi repeaters, etc.) with energysaving LED lighting in order to reduce clutter while expanding smart home capabilities. Their Element bulbs can be controlled via an app to dim or turn off at certain predetermined times, and can adjust the intensity and warmth of the lighting tone depending on the time of day or other user preferences. LEDs have busted out of the bulb, too, for some interesting new lighting applications: An LED wallpaper emits a “glow” in variable color casts; and LED “virtual sky panels” can replace office ceiling panels and give workers the sense of being outside in the sun. But just when we were all starting to get used to these changes, incandescents are on the comeback. GE’s new energy efficient incandescents are 28 percent more efficient than their predecessors and thus just squeak past the Energy Independence & Security Act cut-off. Likewise, Newcandescent bulbs use krylon gas to extend their lifespan five to 10 times longer than traditional incandescents. And researchers from MIT and Purdue have collaborated on a new type of incandescent bulb that captures the waste heat from the conventional internal filament and recycles it into more light, upping the efficiency into the range of CFLs and LEDs. Given all the energy-efficient choices, If you haven’t switched out the old incandescents around the house, now might be the time. CONTACTS: Lighting Science,; Sengled,; GE Lighting,; Newcandescent Light Bulbs,; “A Nanophotonic Comeback for Incandescent Bulbs,”

nanophotonic-incandescent-light-bulbs-0111. April 2017



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Caricature created by: Liam McWilliams

Enter: Where’s Valentino Contest Find Answers Here

Wow! There are thousands of readers who are searching for Valentino. He WIN 2 TICKETS is hidden somewhere on the pages of 20TH CELEBRATION each issue. The entries keep pouring CHEF’S BRUNCH in. We hope you have fun looking HOSTED BY ANNE and will continue your quest to BURRELL. BENEFITING find Valentino. When you find him please email us at: info@ MEALS ON WHEELS [Please DELAWARE type “Valentino” on the subject line — keep searching and entering the “Where’s Valentino!” Contest every month for a chance to be entered to win some great gifts, subscriptions, T-shirts, mugs, cookbooks ,books, videos, etc. Be the 20th person to email us by 4/15 and win tickets for the Chef Celebration!

Below Is The Answer To Last Month’s Where’s Valentino! Thank you for finding Valentino! We had a record amount of entries this month and we will be sending out more prizes. Too easy? His ninja skills get sharper when the weather gets warmer Please make sure we have your mailing address. Because if you are a winner we can send out your prize! For those of you who are still looking for Valentino, he was on p.9 “in the ad “Newark Natural” Valentino needed to fill up the refrigerator with some great healthy foods to snack on. When you find Valentino, send us an email at: (be sure to put Valentino or Where’s Valentino in the subject line, all you have to do is tell us where he is. After we receive your entry, a brief survey is sent back to you, please fill it out if you haven’t already. It is for LWM only and will never be shared. Make sure you follow us on Twitter @livingwellmag Instagram @livingwellmagazine #livingwell lwmlivingwellmagazine Sign up for our Newsletter at

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April 2017

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April 2017


humans + pets

dialysis (sub-cutaneous (under the skin) fluids at home) to help the kidneys flush more toxins out of their system and make them feel better. We cannot make them drink more but we can give them more fluids. Sometimes a pet needs to be hospitalized on intravenous fluids to bring blood toxin levels into a range where they are more comfortable and can have more of a quality life.


Lastly, the next major disease issue that affects out older pets is heart disease. Just as we can have heart murmurs and congestive heart failure, so can our pets. Some heart problem are minor and do not affect the quality of life, some start minor and turn gradually worse.

Old Age Is Not A Disease Caroline M. Wieczorek, VMD

Old age is not a disease, but as we and our pets age, more and more things “go wrong”. Our doctors seem to find more diseases afflicting us as we age. The same holds true with our pets. Anything that affects us may also affect our pets, be they dogs, cats, ferrets, rabbits, birds, and even reptiles. Bigger breeds of dogs are affected earlier in their life spans proportionately to smaller breeds of dogs. And it is not uncommon to have more than one “problem” going on at the same time.

Annual, or even bi-annual physical examinations for our pets, especially as they start to age is essential for their health. Weight monitoring is often the first thing to help point to a health issue. The earlier a problem is noticed and diagnosed, the sooner something can be done to try to correct it. Blood work performed on an annual basis will help determine when an animal was last “normal” and help pick up early disease issues before they become severe. Remember, it is about quality of life, not quantity!

A common disease affecting older cats is hyperthyroidism, over-active thyroid. Conversely, hypothyroidism, underactive thyroid, affects our dog population. Both diseases affect metabolism, making the pet feel either agitated and unsettled or sluggish. Usually the first symptom an owner sees involves water consumption, most usually they see their pet drinking more water which results in more frequent bathroom breaks, or even accidents in the house. For cats it usually is more frequent litter box cleaning and bigger clumps to scoop. Both can have poor coat quality and skin issues. Both can affect appetite, underactive usually tends to have animals gain weight, over-active tends to have animals lose weight (even with good appetites),. Some animals will even have digestive issues with vomiting and/or diarrhea. Simple blood tests will help figure out the issues, and then medication is used for the rest of the animal’s life to keep the thyroid hormone levels in normal range. Another common disease of older animals is kidney failure, usually diagnosed as chronic renal failure based on blood chemistry values. The reason it is considered chronic is because by the time it is diagnosed, the animal has been having an issue for a while. Because the symptoms come on so gradually they are noticed right away. The biggest symptom is increased water drinking. Next may be some finicky appetites. Urinary accidents usually is the most severe symptom, the animal just cannot “hold it” for as long as they used to. Weight loss is also a common finding. Unfortunately, we cannot “fix” renal disease. We can manage them with special “prescription” diets that make it easier on the kidney to process the proteins in the diet we feed them. There are also a number of food additives that are supposed to help the kidneys be less toxic. Sometimes we can also use crude

About the author: Caroline M. Wieczorek, VMD is a graduate of the University of PA School Of Veterinary Medicine. Dr. Wieczorek is the owner of House Call Pet Doctor, a mobile clinic offering annual examinations, vaccinations, and routine medical and dental care. Providing in home supported hospice care and end of life services for your pet. Convenient fully equipped on board pharmacy including flea, tick, and heart worm supplies. Dr. Wieczorek can be reached at: 302-234-7848. For more information visit:

April 2017



Tumeric a natural supplement with incredible health benefits.

Turmeric, a shrub related to ginger, is grown throughout India, other parts of Asia, and Africa. Known for its warm, bitter taste and golden color, Turmeric is commonly used in fabric dyes and foods such as curry powders, mustards, and cheeses. It should not be confused with Javanese turmeric.

systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), tuberculosis, cystitis, and joint pain.

Turmeric’s finger-like underground stems (rhizomes) are dried and taken by mouth as a powder or in capsules, teas, or liquid extracts. Turmeric can also be made into a paste and used on the skin.

In food and manufacturing, the essential oil is used in perfumes, and turmeric and its resin are used as a flavor and color component in foods. Turmeric is also a culinary spice and a major ingredient in curry powder.

In traditional Chinese medicine and Ayurvedic medicine, turmeric has been used to aid digestion and liver function, relieve arthritis pain, and regulate menstruation. Western medicine has increasingly acknowledged its effectiveness in helping to prevent or relieve a wide range of ailments without the noted side effects of many traditional drugs.

Inflammation plays a role in many chronic health issues, from joint aches and pains to serious health problems. Turmeric contains a host of anti-inflammatory compounds, including curcumin, that fight inflammation at the molecular level.

Orally, turmeric can be used for osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis (RA), dyspepsia, abdominal pain, Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery, hemorrhage, diarrhea, flatulence, abdominal bloating, loss of appetite, jaundice, hepatitis,irritable bowel syndrome, and liver and gallbladder conditions. It is also used for headaches, bronchitis, common cold, respiratory infections, mucositis, fibromyalgia, fatigue, leprosy, fever, amenorrhea, pruritus, surgical recovery, and cancer, including colorectal cancer and prostate cancer. Other uses include depression, Alzheimer’s disease, anterior uveitis, Diabetes, edema, worms, kidney inflammation, 14

Topically, turmeric is used for analgesia, ringworm, sprains and swellings, bruising, leech bites, eye infections, acne, inflammatory skin conditions, skin lesions, inflammation of the oral mucosa, infected wounds, and gingivitis.

Because of curcumin’s chemical structure and stimulation of the body’s antioxidant enzymes, it can also neutralize harmful free radicals in the body that can damage DNA, proteins, cell membranes, and other organic structures. In reviewing 700 studies of turmeric, in fact, the ethnobotanist James Duke, PhD. concluded in a 2007 issue of Alternative & Complementary Therapies that turmeric appears to outperform many pharmaceuticals in its effects against several chronic, debilitating diseases with virtually no adverse side effects. Recent research confirms that turmeric extract supports brain health, emotional health, heart health and immune system health, as well as reducing joint and muscle aches and pains. This ancient food, properly extracted and concentrated, is one of the greatest “healthy aging” supplements ever found.

April 2017

— continued on next page

— continued from previous page

Preliminary studies found that curcuminoids may: Reduce the number of heart attacks bypass patients had after surgery. Control knee pain from osteoarthritis as well as ibuprofen did Reduce the skin irritation that often occurs after radiation treatments for breast cancer. Other preliminary studies in people have looked at curcumin, a type of curcuminoid, for different cancers, colitis, diabetes, surgical pain, and as an ingredient in mouthwash for reducing plaque. The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH) has studied curcumin for Alzheimer’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and prostate and colon cancer. Turmeric in amounts tested for health purposes is generally considered safe when taken by mouth or applied to the skin. High doses or long-term use of turmeric may cause gastrointestinal problems. In animals, high doses of turmeric have caused liver problems. No cases of liver problems have been reported in people.

occurring compounds, not just curcumin. Other beneficial compounds are discarded when curcumin is artificially inflated to make up 95% of a turmeric extract. Second, some of turmeric’s active components are fat-soluble and some are water-soluble. Yet most products focus solely on the fatsoluble components and neglect the water-soluble ones. Third, to make matters worse, curcumin is very poorly absorbed by the human body. Some people compensate with massive doses in hopes of absorbing a little, but that approach is imprecise and can cause stomach upset.

Many methods have been used to improve curcumin bioavailability. However, they often use a high proportion of fillers – typically 70 to 90 percent – and thus contain low levels of actual curcumin and even lower levels of other beneficial constituents. To resolve these issues, supplement manufacturers are now releasing turmeric extract products that contain curcumin plus the full spectrum of turmeric’s naturally occurring compounds. While adding turmeric to one’s diet will only become more popular as its health promoting attributes become more widely recognized, those selecting supplements with the full spectrum of the superfood’s naturally occurring compounds may enjoy the most complete benefits.

People with gallbladder disease should avoid using turmeric as a dietary supplement, as it may worsen the condition.

Are You Getting the Full Health Benefits of Turmeric?


A new approach to turmeric supplements provides the full spectrum of the superfood’s naturally occurring compounds

Turmeric (Curcuma longa Linn.) and curcumin. Natural Standard Database Web site. Accessed at on July 22, 2009.

Turmeric is the top-selling herb in U.S. natural food stores for good reason, and while it is great to add turmeric to your diet, the most reliable way to ensure a daily dose of turmeric is through a dietary supplement.

Turmeric. Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database Web site. Accessed at on July 22, 2009.

Turmeric root. In: Blumenthal M, Goldberg A, Brinckman J, eds. Herbal Medicine: Expanded Commission E Monographs. Newton, MA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2000:379–384. Source:; For more info, email

However, many turmeric products on the market today are concentrated extracts of just one of its active constituents, curcumin, and three problems plague curcumin-only products. Fortunately, a new approach to turmeric supplements is resolving many of these issues while offering the whole range of the superfood’s naturally occurring compounds to maximize its health benefits. This why a fullspectrum turmeric is critical: First, turmeric’s activity relies on the whole range of its naturally

The information shared here is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice; the Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of Living.Well Magazine,its staff or its contributors.

April 2017


Grow a Bigger Garden in a Smaller Space Melinda Myers

harvest season. Just make sure you can reach the greens beneath the supports for planting, weeding and harvesting. Extend the growing season with a Year Round Kitchen Garden. Grow greens and herbs under lights attached to a raised bed on wheels. When the outdoor planting season arrives, remove the lights and roll your garden onto the patio or deck. Continue planting and harvesting outdoors until it is time to roll it back inside to start your indoor garden. Or top your raised bed and containers with frost protective coverings. Many have built-in frames to support greenhouse covers, allowing you to plant earlier and harvest later in the season. And once the weather warms switch out the cover for an insect-protective fabric or mesh. These fabric coverings prevent insects like cabbage worms from damaging cabbage, broccoli and Brussels sprouts and keep root maggots off radishes. Select planters that complement your landscape design and gardening style. Wood, metal and colorful raised beds and containers add beauty, durability and growing space. Galvanized planters, cedar raised beds, and those in eye-catching colors found at Gardener’s Supply make your raised bed a beautiful focal point in the garden. Or fill your planters with tall grasses, cannas, elephant ears and other plants to create an attractive screen. Whether in the ground or on a balcony or deck, there’s always room to grow your own garden-fresh produce and beautiful flowers. Space saving gardening techniques and products can help you increase productivity in any available space. Consider elevated gardens and planter carts that not only save space, but make gardens more accessible. Movable carts like the Demeter Mobile Planter Cart allow you to grow flowers and produce in narrow spaces, store garden accessories and move the garden into the sunlight or out of the way of guests as needed. Save more space by going vertical. Look for containers and raised garden beds with built-in trellises and plant supports. Just plant your pole beans, peas, cucumbers or tomatoes and attach them to the supports as they grow. Support the large fruit of squash and melons with cloth or macramé slings. Just cradle the fruit in the sling and secure it to the trellis. You’ll not only save space, but reduce disease problems and make harvesting a breeze.

Look for multi-purpose furnishings and accessories to maximize your space and enjoyment. Fire pits that become a table or bench can double as a cooler, making relaxing and entertaining in small gardens a real possibility. Or how about planters with built-in hidden storage like the Green Box Elevated Planter Box. You’ll enjoy the convenience of having your garden tools handy, yet out of sight. Use these space saving ideas to help increase the beauty, productivity and enjoyment your garden can provide. With the right combination of growing techniques and garden accessories you, your family and guests will create beautiful memories throughout the gardening season.

Gardening expert, TV/radio host, author & columnist Melinda Myers has more than 30 years of horticulture experience and has written over 20 gardening books, including Can’t Miss Small Space Gardening and the Midwest Gardener’s Handbook She hosts The Great Courses “How to Grow Anything” DVD series and the nationally syndicated Melinda’s Garden Moment segments. Myers is also a columnist and contributing editor for Birds & Blooms magazine. Myers’ web site,, offers gardening videos and tips.

Double your planting space by growing shade tolerant greens under cucumbers, growing on a cucumber or A-frame trellis. Set the trellis in place and plant the greens in early spring as soon as the soil is workable. Plant your cucumbers next to the trellis as soon as the soil warms. As your cucumbers grow they shade the greens below keeping them a bit cooler and extending the 16

April 2017

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April 2017


Harvard Acknowledges—

Laughter Can Do Things Medical Science Can’t

Karen Verna Carlson

“Welcome. And congratulations. I am delighted that you could make it. Getting here wasn’t easy, I know. In fact, I suspect it was a little tougher than you realize,” writes Bill Bryson in his introduction to A Short History of Nearly Everything (Random House, NY, 2003). Trillions of Uncomplaining Atoms

Survival on Earth is a surprisingly tricky business. Of the billions and billions of species of living things that have existed since the dawn of time, most—99.9%—are no longer around. Life on Earth, you see, is not only brief but dismayingly tenuous,” writes Bryson. “It is a curious feature of our existence that we come from a planet that is very good at promoting life but even better at extinguishing it.”

“To Begin with, for you to be here now trillions of drifting atoms had somehow to assemble in an intricate and intriguingly obliging manner to create you. It’s an arrangement so specialized and particular that it has never been tried before and will only exist this once. For the next many years (we hope) these tiny ‘particles’ will uncomplainingly engage in all the billions of deft, cooperative efforts necessary to keep you intact and let you experience the supremely agreeable but generally underappreciated state known as existence.”

Devastating Losses

Chuckles and Grins

Life Offers Humor

Bryson’s science and humor track the Big Bang to the very recent rise of civilization, with glimpses of historical events and the uniquely “specialized and particular” human beings behind them. This grand tour of life, scientifically respectable and humorously realistic, lightens my perspective and elicits a chuckle, giggle or grin whatever page I happen upon.

Linda Richmond lectures at the fancy Canyon Ranch Spa. Her message is simple. “I tell them that no matter what horrible thing has happened, life still offers you humor if you want it. I say that regardless of how low you feel today, someday you’ll find something that will make you laugh your head off. I guarantee that you’ll sing and dance once more. I promise that if you will only make a small effort, you will rediscover happiness.”

Biological Good Fortune “So thank goodness for atoms,” declares Bryson. “But the fact that you have atoms and that they assemble in such a willing manner is only part of what got you here. To be here now, alive in the 21st century and smart enough to know it, you also had to be the beneficiary of an extraordinary string of biological good fortune. 18

Linda Richmond knows about extinction, about loss: father died tragically when she was eight; mother mentally ill thereafter; 30 years’ toxic marriage; 11 years’ agoraphobic never left her apartment; 29-year-old playwright son died in an auto crash. Linda Richmond is the prototype for Saturday Night Live’s Coffee Talk Lady portrayed by her son-in-law Mike Meyers (star of Wayne’s World).

Harvard Extols Laughter In her book I’d rather laugh. How to Be Happy Even When Life Has Other Plans for You (Warner Books, NY, 2001) she recalls, “A friend of mine and his wife had been trying unsuccessfully to have

April 2017

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a child. They ended up at a very expensive weekend workshop at Harvard University….The first day of the workshop was all about fallopian tubes and egg cells and sperm cells and all that jazz. The second day the experts discussed laughter and how it can release endorphins and other stuff in your body that will maybe allow you to relax enough to conceive. I was amazed when I heard that. Even Harvard now acknowledges that laughter can do things medical science can’t.” Discover New Layers of Humor Richmond is still discovering new layers of humorous perspective around her challenges like being homebound with undiagnosed agoraphobia. “Even now, when I think of it—eleven years! It took less time to win World War II! It took less time to build the atom bomb! It took NASA less time to put a man on the moon than it took for me to go from my living room to my driveway!” Restore the Joy She says, “I stand up there as naked as can be and tell them all the terrible stuff that’s happened to me and all the crazy, desperate things I’ve done in response. And then all the things I’ve done to bring myself back from the abyss and restore the joy.” Party Hearty

good thing about the word [‘issues’] is that it allows us to state our wierdnesses loud and clear, without the fear of judgment…. We’re all a little weird. It feels good to get your weirdness out in the open. We’ve all got our share….Let me hear that a tooth is in trouble and I go to pieces. I react as though I just heard I’ll need a leg amputated….The nicest thing you can do for me is to compliment me on my teeth. Keep in mind, they’re all capped. Still, I need to hear it. This may have something to do with the fact that in reality, my mouth is a mess. I’ve had fourteen root canals. I don’t just have bridges in there—I have tunnels, on-ramps, exits and entrances. You’ve never seen anything like it. It’s not dentistry in there it’s architecture. But my teeth mean a lot to me. You can call me fat, dumb or lazy and I won’t lose my temper, but insult my teeth and I’ll bite you. I’ll knock out a few of yours.” Humor Adds Balance Some wise person likened a sense of humor to the pole that adds balance to our steps as we walk the tightrope of life. Mel Brooks says, “When you laugh it is an involuntary explosion of the lungs. The lungs need to replenish themselves with oxygen. So you laugh, you breathe, the blood runs, and everything is circulating. If you don’t laugh, you’ll die.” Whether humor endorsement comes from Hollywood or Harvard, we all know it is good medicine. Please practice wholesome humor every day.

One of the restorative techniques she uses is to have a 48-hour pity party when the memory of a loss strongly resurges. “You allow yourself to behave like an insane person for exactly two days. I cancel everything for the next day or so. I don’t take a shower and I don’t wash my hair. I don’t even leave my bed except when nature requires me to….I pull the covers over my head, and I lie there feeling sorry for myself. I weep. I curse, I suffer—not just a little. A lot….Those pity parties have an amazingly positive influence on the rest of my life. I always leave those parties feeling great.” We’re All a Little Weird Richmond says she gets a lot of mileage out of making fun of various issues which arose from her painful past. “The only

Karen Verna Carlson, N.D., Ph.D. (Hon.) is a naturopathic physician and professor credited with “the first major breakthrough in Swedish Massage—research demonstrating energetic interconnections”—since Peter Ling systemized it in the early 19th century. After 35 years running her own nationally accredited school of holistic healing and massage she has retired to provide a new kind of holistic care for individuals and families. In addition to her specialties of healing massage and bodywork, she provides sensitive, timeand cost-effective services for home or office, family members and staff, that include diverse holistic problem solving for garden, pets, children and elders. She has received international recognition for holistic healing and educational work, an honorary degree, silver medal, and Who’s Who listing. She’s appeared on TV and radio and has been featured in professional publications and mass media. Phone (302) 777-3964

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April 2017

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From the unforgettable teacher Jessamyn Stanley comes Every Body Yoga, a book that breaks all the stereotypes. It’s a book of inspiration for beginners of all shapes and sizes: If Jessamyn could transcend these emotional and physical barriers, so can we. It’s a book for readers already doing yoga, looking to refresh their practice or find new ways to stay motivated. It’s a how-to book: Here are easy-to-follow directions to 50 basic yoga poses and 10 sequences to practice at home, all photographed in full color. It’s a book that challenges the larger issues of body acceptance and the meaning of beauty. Most of all, it’s a book that changes the paradigm, showing us that yoga isn’t about how one looks, but how one feels, with yoga sequences like “I Want to Energize My Spirit,” “I Need to Release Fear,” “I Want to Love Myself.”

Copyright © 2017 by JessamynStanley Photography copyright © 2017 by Workman Publishing


April 2017

Jessamyn Stanley is an internationally recognized yoga teacher and award-winning Instagram star (@mynameisjessamyn). She has been profiled and/or featured in a wide range of media outlets, including: Good Morning America, New York, Glamour, Shape, People, and the Huffington Post, among others. When she’s not on the road teaching, she lives in Durham, North Carolina.

April 2017


On the Bridge Between Worlds


Suzanne E. Eder

am writing this exactly three weeks after the passing of my father, who made his transition to the non-physical realm on February 22nd , just nine months after the passing of my mother. I barely had time to register the loss of her presence in my life before my attention was absorbed by my father’s rapidly, if erratically, declining health. My siblings and I were pulled into the rabbit hole of financial and medical caregiving, doing our best to navigate through a Keystone Coplike world of bizarre medical rules, cumbersome processes for establishing power of attorney for his accounts, conflicting patient demands and impossible decisions that needed to be made. As my sister so simply and eloquently said at one point, as we were trying to make sense of yet another round of contradictory information presented to us, “This is an unworkable time.” That time is over. Calls were placed, decisions were made, actions were taken. And then, just hours after getting a fresh haircut and nail trim, my father let go. He, who had never let go of anything, ever. He was the most persistent person I have ever known. I miss him. I miss my mother. I feel now as though I’m living in a different dimension than the one I’ve inhabited for decades. Time isn’t linear in this dimension, and activities such as focusing on specific tasks seem oddly irrelevant. Actually, focusing on anything feels almost impossible. I just want to float for a while. I’ve asked my Large Self to commandeer my fingers on the keyboard so this article can get written while I float, but so far it’s not working particularly well. I feel a responsibility to my beloved readers to offer some kind of insight about the loss of both parents 22

– about profound loss of any kind – that is comforting or uplifting, but in this floaty space where I am, my mind is blank. Thankfully I remember a little something from the dimension I used to inhabit. I remember that, at the completion of any cycle, there is a period of stasis. A time of stillness. Depending on the cycle that has ended, the stasis period could last seconds or it could last days or months or even years, but it always exists. It is part of the cycle itself, an essential aspect of the creative pulse of Life. And with that remembrance, I suspend all judgment of the blankness of my mind. I understand that what I experience as blankness is, fundamentally, a necessary clearing of space in preparation for the next cycle of my life. If only there weren’t so many of those specific tasks that require the focus I no longer have, such as preparing my father’s tax return. And mine. And closing the estate. A line from an old country song now surfaces as I stare off into space, wondering what to do next, or what to write next: “The world didn’t stop for my broken heart.” It didn’t. I must somehow find a way to be in two dimensions at once – the floaty, blank, still dimension of stasis, and the demanding, task-driven, deadline-oriented dimension of action. On the surface that seems both ridiculous and impossible, yet I sense there is a way to do it. I must live in the present moment. It is the only sane and loving way to proceed. The present moment is eternally spacious, yet all action occurs within it. In another sense, the present moment is

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the stillness at the center of all action. And it is the spaciousness within which inner guidance can emerge. Guidance as to what to do, and when to do it. I will do my best to make guided, self-loving choices, moment by moment. I understand that I serve myself well by taking the advice I have given countless clients over the years, which is to do only what I have the authentic impulse, the willingness and the energy to do. I will take only the step in front of me to take, and then I will pause and check in with myself to see what comes next. I also want to be mindful of the kind of thoughts I am thinking, and notice if they are helpful or not. I want to surrender the unhelpful thoughts to the stillness. I want to give myself plenty of time for meditating and journaling and exercising…and I want to immediately forgive myself if I don’t do those things as often as I think I should. I’m learning to say Yes to my friends’ offers to help me in any way they can. Their offers are as unique and beautiful as they are. They are so tremendously helpful. I am so tremendously blessed by their presence in my life. And I’m profoundly thankful for my dear sister’s persistent efforts to make me laugh – only she can do that right now – and to help me with all the administrative tasks on my plate. I welcome my dear brother’s self-initiated research on the likely cause of a problem with my car that has suddenly surfaced, and his offer to talk to the service rep at the dealer on my behalf so I am not taken advantage of. It is only in the spaciousness of the present moment that I’m able to recognize the wisdom of allowing myself to be supported, and it is only in the exquisiteness of this moment that I can feel my deep gratitude for that support. And so it is. The ending of one cycle and the beginning of another, bridged by the stillness of stasis, and all happening in the present moment. Life goes on.

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Suzanne Eder is an award-winning writer, teacher and transformational life coach. She started her professional career as a CPA and enjoyed a highly successful corporate career in both Finance and Human Resources. She is a graduate of the Barbara Brennan School of Healing’s intensive four-year program in mind-body-spirit healing, and was also a fitness instructor for 16 years. She founded Solid Ground Transformational Life Coaching in 2003 to help others awaken to their magnificence and create lives that light them up. Her first book, 10 Ways To Find Peace Rather Than Panic (When The World Has Gone A Little Crazy), earned a full 5-star rating on Amazon. Through her writing, retreats, classes and private mentoring she offers inspired and practical counsel in all areas related to personal growth and transformation. Suzanne can be reached at or 302-888-2138.

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April 2017

HANDS ON HEALTH by: Ann Wilkinson P.T.M.S,


A few years ago my wife and I were in a car accident,since the accident it seems my bladder is not emptying well. In the evaluation process of this condition, I have had some scar tissue complications. Is there any osteopathic intervention to help the bladder?


I treat what I refer to as pubococcygeal issues for which this is an example. First, it is important to make sure the pelvis is aligned properly, for several reasons. Not only is it important for the container that holds the bladder to be free of tension for mobility reasons, it also affects the tension of the pelvic floor muscles themselves. Increased tone creates fatigue, fatigue creates flaws in coordination and awareness. The body begins to wall off or ignore, splint and protect this region. All of this can create another very important consideration, does this affect torsion or rotation which can have a delicate, yet vital lymphatic system. The lymphatic is the microplumbing system of the body that dumps into the macro-plumbing system, the bladder. The mission of an osteopath in this situation is to decrease congestion in the pelvic area to take stress off the bladder and the pelvic floor. Any inflammation of the intestines from food allergies or constipation or from complications of medicines and/or poor dietary choices, can all affect the tone of the pelvic floor. Sometimes scar tissue will need to be broken up with fascial treatment manually. Using the legs as a levers to provide manual traction and fascial release as well as releasing the abdominal fascia can all provide space and decrease tension in this area. Simultaneously, as tension and congestion decreases, diaphragmatic breathing, relaxation techniques and pelvic floor proprioceptive exercises replace the protective tone with the healthy contraction, relaxation and postural awareness of this system. It sounds complex however is really quite simple. To recap, align, eliminate contributing factors, make space, decreate abnormal tone, replace with normal tone.


I got pregnant late in life and had 3 children in a row. They are now going to school and I am not sure how to get my physique back safely without hurting myself. I feel weak and like every thing is out of sorts. Where do I begin and how do I progress?


I can invite you to try this program:

The most important practice to promote discipline is to begin with deep breathing and meditation, upon rising. I suggest approximately 1/2 to one hour before everyone else. Finish your meditation time with a 5 minute hamstring stretch on each leg and 10 press ups. Start your day with a Bullet Proof hot drink full of coconut oil and cacao oil as these oils will allow for a steady energy release through the morning. It is whipped in the Vitamix and has a low glycemic index. In the early afternoon, have an organic green drink. The next time your hungry eat an organic salad with a protein. Have a warm, hearty organic dinner. Eat your desert or fruits before bed, as a touch of sugar will promote sleep. Great snacks are nuts and fruits and vegetables avoiding carbohydrates and grains as much as possible. As far as exercises, I would start with a very gentle Yoga class and outdoor activities that may start with walking and progress to hiking. Therapeutic Horse back riding is a great place to recapture your pelvic floor and restore the muscles of the spine. Once your feel stronger in the core, classes like Zumba, great cardiovascular exercise that can bring great joy and social interaction. Swimming is a safe exercise for the spine. Trampoline is absolutely wonderful for Pelvic Floor recovery and maintaining tone. Inversion, yes, turning upside down is also a very good influence to decompress the spine, stretch the dural tube and also reposition the uterus. An osteopathic evaluation for visceral manipulation and pelvic balancing as well as dural tube stretch especially before engaging in the more rigorous exercises would be ideal. If you are aligned properly early in your program, classes like Pilates and Yoga will maintain and improve alignment. Strengthening occurs in the endurance exercises such as hiking or Zumba, tennis, body pump. Keep your mind positive as change comes from chaos. Your world is transitioning and you are evolving. Flow with that energy. Surrender and focus on the Goodness. Be always Grateful. Keep your mind on seeing yourself in your Greatest Expression. In Your meditation time, see yourself filled with Love and Light so much it is contagious to all you see. This is an osteopathic approachfor which homeopathy, detox or ayuvedics would compliment nicely as adjunctive to this programs.

Ann is an award winning writer,teacher and speaker. Ann is the personal body worker of Her Holiness “Sai Maa”. Ann practices osteopathic physical therapy. Ann is also an expert on the use of healing foods, homeopathic and herbal consultations, and therapeutic horseback riding. Ann treats her patients in a beautiful country setting which enables her to utilize all of her learned skills as well as some of the healing properties that only Mother Earth can bestow. Ann is available by appointment. Book online at The farm is also available for birthday parties, women’s circles, and retreats.

April 2017


What’s in Your Relationship Contract? Dr. Dianna Palimere

On any given day, we engage in a number of activities which require us to agree to the “Terms and Conditions.” We enter into contracts with apps, cell phone providers, utility companies, banks, credit card companies, landlords, doctors, pharmacies… We have warranties and insurance policies on the goods we buy; which stipulate the terms and conditions for the care or replacement of said items. Just about everything in an American life has some kind of contract or agreement. Like most things, our relationships have contracts—though they tend to be covert or unspoken. Even with married couples, who recited specific vows at their wedding, many still have unspoken agreements in their relationship that weren’t included in their vows. I am aware that there are legal marriage contracts, drawn up by lawyers; however, those are not the types of contracts I’m talking about here. These are more about the day-to-day relationship agreements that a couple adheres to in the creation of building and living a happy and fulfilling life together.

Expectation of the type of relationship (e.g., monogamous, polyamorous, open, etc.) Geographic area where I’d like to live _____ Where I work and hours per week at work _______ Expectations of partner working inside or outside of the home _____ Who I expect will primarily handle paying the bills, finances, etc. _____ What kind of lifestyle we live (e.g., modest, lavish, frequency of vacations and travel, etc.) _____ How frequently do I expect my partner and I will interact with friends, both individually and as a couple _____

In learning about relationship agreements in graduate school, one of my professors handed out “marriage contracts” and had us complete them individually. However, before we’d known what we were about to do, we were told to choose anyone in the class to pair up with for an exercise. Naturally, most people picked a close friend. I don’t remember exactly what was on them, but in general, it had things like the following: 26

If children are desired, how many _____ What, if any, expectations are there about frequency of sexual intimacy _____ What a partner can do that makes me feel most loved and cared for in a relationship _____ What kinds of activities do I expect my partner to join me in doing ______ What hobbies do I expect to enjoy on my own ______

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What type of self-care activities do I need throughout the week; what type of self-care activities do I expect from a partner throughout the week _____ What is my retirement plan, including location if applicable _______

think about. I encourage couples to view the contract as more of a set of intentions, guidelines, expectations; and yes, a few may be deal breakers. As with any deal breaker, there should still be a set of expectations of how the couple would handle that, together.

Finally, I would highly suggest making this activity a fun and creative one! Some couples choose to print After we had all completed the document, we were then instructed out their agreement on nice paper, frame it, and hang to get together with the person we’d chose, and negotiate a it somewhere they’ll be reminded of it regularly. Be working “marriage contract,” based on the answers we’d given creative! There are many websites online with samples to those questions. In my case, I had picked a very close male friend, who happened to also be gay. After much compromise and and templates, for additional inspiration! For more discussion, we did come up with a Marriage Contract; however, ideas, see my list of additional resources below. it certainly did not look like many of the more “traditional” agreements from others around the room! Unfortunately, there was one issue that we just couldn’t seem to come to an agreement on…you guessed it—he wanted to retire to the mountains and I wanted to retire to the beach. We decided to have our fictitious retirement homes in both locations.

Like most things in life, I believe that the “terms and conditions” of these kinds of contracts are a bit fluid, and they can (and do) change over time. In general, I would suggest reviewing and revising your agreements every 6-12 months, depending on how long you’ve been together and various life events; which may impact the relationship. Regardless of decisions to revise, I think it’s wise to keep it in a location where will be seen from time to time, as it’s always good to have these reminders.

Additional Resources: Book: Relationship Agreements: A Simple and Effective Guide for Strengthening Communication, Reducing Conflict, and Increasing Intimacy to Design Your Ideal Relationship. By Eri Kardos Website: See Blog for “How to write a relationship contract” Sample Agreements and Templates:

Writing a relationship agreement can be the catalyst for some much needed open and honest communication about personal and relational needs; including one’s sexual needs or desires. In the creation of a contract or agreement, I encourage couples to not just think about the “obvious” things—like sex, kids, religion, and money—but the less commonly discussed topics as well— like how to handle disagreements or arguments; emotional fulfillment, and meeting the other’s needs. Depending on your personal needs and values, some things may be much more important than others.

My question for any who are currently in a relationship and reading this now is, “What’s in your relationship contract?” What have you and your partner verbally or nonverbally agreed to? If you’re married, what were your vows? Do they accurately reflect the expectations you have of yourself and your partner in the marriage? If not, in what ways do they need additions or revisions? Are there consequences for breaking an agreement in your contract? This is a great question for couples to

Sexual Health and Healing with Dianna Palimere, PhD, LCSW Dr. Dianna Palimere is a Psychosexual Therapist and Licensed Clinical Social Worker. She has been working in the field of mental health for the past 16 years, dedicating the past 13 years to specializing in clinical sexuality. She holds a Bachelors degree in Psychology, a Masters degree in Social Work, a Masters degree in Human Sexuality Education, and a PhD in Clinical Human Sexuality. Utilizing a holistic approach to therapy, she incorporates a variety of clinical interventions in her work with individuals, couples, and families. She is devoted to helping people achieve sexual health and healing through her work as a psychotherapist in her private practice in Pike Creek, DE; as well as in her work with local nonprofit organizations. To learn more about her or to schedule an appointment, visit her website: Join her on Facebook, keywords: Sex Therapy in Delaware.

April 2017


Planning For Your Future Health Loretta Higgins, MSN, ARNP

Many of us have planned for so many things in our life: college, home ownership, our retirement. But unfortunately, many of us fail to plan for one of the most important decisions we can make – our healthcare wishes. Too often, those wishes are unknown by others who are often left with the task of making decisions for us. Physicians or our loved ones are asked to act on our behalf with no guidance on what we would want and usually under the stress of being forced to make a hard decision. In fact, only about 25% of Americans document their future healthcare wishes in writing. Doesn’t it make sense that the right time to make your wishes known is while you are still in good health? As hard as making healthcare decisions is even in the best of circumstances, letting others make those decisions for you is even harder. Everyone has the right to make their wishes known, and it’s so easy. By letting our loved ones and healthcare providers know what we want, you’ll make sure the right decisions are made – your decisions. It’s as simple as writing it down. It’s really that easy, just fill out an Advance Directive. That’s how you gain the ability to document the types of healthcare you do and don’t want, and to name an “agent” to speak for you if you can’t speak for yourself. When we put off documenting our wishes through an Advance Directive, too often the result is conflict, stress and confusion for your loved ones at a time when you are most vulnerable and can’t speak for yourself. So, you want to plan ahead. What are Advance Directives? Think of Advance Directives as life on your terms. They are a way of making your voice heard when you can no longer speak. With Advance Directives you can express how much care you do and do not want at the end of life. They also allow you to name someone to make decisions about your medical treatment if you are unable to make these decisions or choices yourself. Advance Directives generally fall into three categories: Health Care Proxy, Durable Power of Attorney, and Living Will. 28

Legal forms for Advanced Directives are available at your doctor’s office, hospital, health department and your state’s department on aging. All 50 states and the District of Columbia have laws regarding Advance Directives. Documents must comply with the laws in your state. Delaware Advance Directive information can be found at, and search for ‘Advance Directive’ or go to the ‘I am living with an illness’ section. Once you make your decisions, it’s important that you sign and notarize these documents and give copies to your family, caregivers and health care providers. You can change or cancel Advance Directives at any time provided you are considered competent and able to clearly indicate your desires (“of sound mind”), and state laws are followed. These changes or cancellations should also be signed and notarized, and copies given to your family and health care providers to ensure they’re aware of the changes. Preparing for the end of life is often uncomfortable for most people. However, planning ahead can reduce stress and tension for yourself and your loved ones. By completing Advance Directives, you can predetermine end-of-life decisions in a legally sound way. What is a Health Care Proxy? A Health Care Proxy (also known as designation of a health care surrogate) is a legal document allowing you to select any person you choose to make medical decisions for you if you should become temporarily or permanently unable to make those decisions for yourself. Your Health Care Proxy/surrogate has, in essence, the same rights to request or refuse treatment that you would have if you were capable of making and communicating those decisions. This is different than a Durable Power of Attorney. A Durable Power of Attorney allows an individual to make bank transactions, sign Social Security checks, apply for disability, or simply write checks to pay bills if you become incapacitated due to a medical condition.

April 2017

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One advantage of having a Health Care Proxy is that they can make medical decisions based on the most up-to-date treatment information. What is Durable Power of Attorney? As part of your Advance Directives you can draft legal documents providing power of attorney to others. Durable Power of Attorney allows an individual to handle financial or business activities such as bank transactions, signing Social Security checks, applying for disability, or writing checks to pay bills if you become incapacitated due to a medical condition.


What is a Living Will? A Living Will is a written document that spells out what types of medical treatment you desire in the future should you become incapable of communicating your wishes. The term Living Will can be confusing because it really isn’t a Will at all. It doesn’t do things a Will does, like transfer property or name guardians for your minor children. Living Wills can be very specific or very general. Most Living Wills include a statement that in effect says: “If I suffer an incurable, irreversible illness, disease, or condition and my attending physician determines that my condition is terminal, I direct that life-sustaining measures that would serve only to prolong my dying be withheld or discontinued.”

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Living Wills can include more specific information in regard to your desire for such services such as analgesia (pain relief), antibiotics, hydration, feeding, and the use of ventilators or cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

Don’t wait for “the right time” to talk about Advance Directives with your family. You can start the conversation any given day.

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For More Info: Please visit call 800-838-9800 or go to www.delawarehospice. org where you’ll find (under the I am Living With an Illness tab) helpful information including Advance Directive forms, planning resources and tools that will help you have the conversation.

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Loretta Higgins, MSN, ARNP is a Gerontologic Nurse Practitioner specializing in Hospice and Palliative Care. She is currently employed as the lead nurse practitioner with Delaware Palliative; a program provided through Delaware Hospice, Inc.

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Without a Living Will someone else will make medical treatment decisions for you if you should become incapacitated.

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Each state has its own laws about Living Wills including how they are to be prepared, when they go into effect, even how your instructions will be applied. Some states require Living Wills to be witnessed, some states have a standard form that is recommended, and some require it to be signed before a notary.

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April 2017


American College of Physicians Points to Chiropractic for Back Pain

Dr. Scott E. Rosenthal

[...up to 50 percent of back pain sufferers are prescribed an opioid.] It’s no secret that doctors of chiropractic and doctors of medicine have not always seen eye to eye. Go back several decades and the relationship may have been better characterized as hostile. Times are changing and chiropractic is gaining greater popularity as the medical community begins to see the same value in chiropractic care that patients have been enjoying for over a century. This has never been as evident as with the recent publication of the American College of Physicians (ACP) guidelines for treating low back pain in the prestigious Annals of Internal Medicine.

and severity of back pain can rival that seen in the older population. Back pain does not seem to discriminate between age, gender or level of activity.

The American College of Physicians is the medical society for internal medicine specialists and the largest medical-specialty society in the world with 148,000 members. Back pain is one of the most common reasons for doctor visits and a leading cause of disability and lost time from work. It is also a condition for which patients frequently receive prescription medication—even those that are highly addictive and riddled with potential side-effects. Back pain accounts for hundreds of thousands of surgeries each year, many of which are avoidable and unnecessary. The cost of back pain on the American health care system is astronomical and partly why we suffer from such expensive health care costs.

sufferers are prescribed an opioid. The January 2015 issue to states:

The new ACP recommendations, based on the scientific evidence, encourage physicians and patients to seek NON-DRUG care such as that found commonly in chiropractic offices. According to the ACP president, Nitin S. Damle, MD, “Physicians should avoid prescribing unnecessary tests and costly and potentially harmful drugs, especially narcotics, for these patients.” The ACP guideline list includes spinal adjustments (“manipulation”), massage, low level laser therapy, exercise, yoga and stress reduction techniques.

How do other treatments compare to chiropractic care? According to the medical Journal, The Back Letter (under the leadership of Executive Editor, Sam W. Wiesel, MD, Professor and Chairman, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery at Georgetown University Medical Center), up to 50 percent of back pain

“Opioid therapy is causing grave harm to patients and to society” “Opioids are impeding the effective treatment of low back pain”

Over 250,000 people elect to have the common back surgery, lumbar microdiskectomy, each year. This procedure consists of the surgical removal of a piece of the disk that is sandwiched between the spinal bones. A study published in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics compared chiropractic care to lumbar microdiskectomy surgery. The results demonstrate why there is serious concern that many surgeries can and should be avoided:

60 percent of the patients who were considered surgical candidates improved equally with chiropractic care as those who received surgery

How common is back pain? Roughly one quarter of U.S. adults have experienced back pain lasting a minimum of one day over the past three months. Add in the hordes of children and young adults carrying heavy backpacks and hunching over school desks and hand-held electronics, and the number is larger. For many of the young athletes that I see (from dancers to football players), it is evident that the prevalence 30

The research also found that the patients who eventually needed surgery had equal results, even when the surgery was delayed by undergoing chiropractic care first. In other words, it was fine to wait and try chiropractic first. The study’s authors concluded that chiropractic care should be considered as a first line of care for herniated lumbar discs that cause sciatica.

April 2017

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Another study looking at nearly 2,000 state workers from Washington State over a three-year period found that surgical rates are greatly dictated by where the patient with back pain goes first for care.

43% of workers who saw a surgeon first got surgery 1.5% of workers with the same condition who saw a chiropractor first got surgery

Simply put, if you have back pain and you go see a surgeon first instead of a doctor of chiropractic, you just increased your chance for getting surgery by 29 times.

According to the American Medical Association, the U.S. health care system spends about as much each year on spine problems as it does on cancer, with a price tag of $87.6 billion each year! Add in lost productivity and missed time from work and this number climbs to $100 billion. 75 percent of spine care expense is associated with surgery, imaging, prescriptions, injections, evaluations and emergency room visits. These numbers are not only causing a serious burden on our nation’s budget, but adversely affecting the costs paid by you and your family for insurance.

Chiropractic: The lower-cost, drug-free, non-surgical option Chiropractic care focuses on the causes of back pain. Correct the underlying issue and the pain, inflammation and spasms cease to exist once normal functions and balance is restored. Chiropractic has not only been shown to be successful, but costs less and reduces recurring back pain episodes down the road. Best of all, chiropractic is drug-free, prevents surgery and is among the safest forms of health care available.

Despite years of friction between the chiropractic and medical professions, the ACP guidelines are beginning to show that old tensions are softening. This is good news for patients, health care budget experts, and a society concerned about the harm and addictions associated with prescription medications.

I think I can speak on behalf of the chiropractic profession and state that we are more excited than ever to see other doctors appreciating and recognizing the value of the services we provide. We are particularly happy that our natural approach to healing will continue to grow and help all of you live a more comfortable, happier and fuller life!


Medical care, dominated by the use of drugs and surgery, is failing in the treatment of back pain. There has long been a misdirected focus on treating the symptoms and not the underlying condition. Back pain is often the result of your spinal and pelvic bones being out of alignment with muscular, connective and nerve tissue involvement. There are often areas that are fixated and inflexibly coupled with adjacent areas that are too moveable and unstable. To stabilize and prevent further injury (particularly to the delicate nerves that exit your spine), nature provides pain, inflammation and/or muscle spasms. These unpleasant reactions of your body are better thought of as an intelligent response used to compensate for an underlying problem rather than just a bunch of symptoms that need to be suppressed with drugs. Annals of Internal Medicine, 14 FEBRUARY 2017 J Manip Physiol Ther 33:576 (2010) Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2013 May 15;38(11):953-64 Journal of the American Medical Association. 2008; 299(6):656–664 Journal of the American Medical Association. 2016; 316 (24): 2627 Data retrieved from the UnitedHealthcare national commercial claims database, July 1, 2013−June 30, 2014. November 10, 2014 Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, Volume 39, Issue 4, Pages 263–266 (May 2016)

Of greater concern, masking symptoms with over-the-counter or prescription drugs can allow for the problem to worsen. It’s no different than muffling the ringing alarm during a fire. Ignore it and it will not go away! Consequences may be dire and end with harmful side-effects, addiction or unnecessary surgery.

Dr. Scott E. Rosenthal is a second-generation Doctor of Chiropractic and a past president of the Delaware Chiropractic Society. His undergraduate degree is in Nutrition and he is a Certified Yoga Teacher. In his Wilmington practice, he offers the cutting-edge Koren Specific Technique (KST) as well as other contemporary and traditional approaches. KST comfortably integrates gentle adjustments of the spine, cranial bones, TMJ, arms and legs (including the wrists and feet). Dr. Rosenthal specializes in pain relief, auto or work injury recovery and natural ways to boost whole body wellness. To contact Dr. Rosenthal please visit or 302-999-0633. April 2017


Double-Double Cheeseburgers

Recipes from: But My Family Would Never

Eat Vegan!: 125 Recipes to Win Everyone Over by Kristy Turner. With her first cookbook, But I Could Never Go Vegan!, Kristy Turner deliciously refuted every common excuse to prove that, yes, anyone can go vegan. Now, But My Family Would Never Eat Vegan! Serving up 125 all-new, scrumptious, satisfying recipes. Credit: Recipes from But My Family Would Never Eat Vegan!: 125 Recipes to Win Everyone Over © Kristy Turner, 2016. Reprinted by permission of the publisher, The Experiment. Available wherever books are sold.

Double-Double Cheeseburgers

aminos to be soy-free) 2 tablespoons nutritional yeast

Prep Time: 25 Minutes (not including time to make Basic Cashew Cheese Sauce)

1 tablespoon vegan Worcestershire sauce (gluten-free and/or soy-free if necessary), optional

Active Time: 30 Minutes

1 teaspoon ground cumin

Inactive Time: 20 Minutes

1 teaspoon dried parsley

Serves 4

½ teaspoon smoked paprika

You know those people who say that there’s no way a simple veggie burger could satisfy their mighty appetite? Do you know what I say to them? Nothing, actually. I just shove into their face two lentil-mushroom burger patties, covered in cheese and cradled in a bun with all the fixings, and make them eat that while I watch. Okay, I don’t actually watch because I’m usually eating my own burger, but you get the picture.

½ teaspoon salt Black pepper to taste 1 cup (100 g) rolled oats (certified gluten-free if necessary), plus more if needed ½ cup (60 g) quinoa flour 3 tablespoons almond flour 2 tablespoons flax meal

1 teaspoon olive oil

4 vegan burger buns (gluten-free if necessary)

½ medium yellow onion, chopped

Basic Cashew Cheese Sauce (page 27)*

2 garlic cloves, minced 8 ounces (225 g) cremini mushrooms (or button mushrooms), sliced 2 cups (220 g) cooked lentils

Optional burger fixings: ketchup, mustard (gluten-free if necessary), vegan mayonnaise (soy-free if necessary), relish, lettuce, sliced tomatoes, sliced red onion, pickles.

2 tablespoons liquid aminos (or gluten-free tamari; use coconut 32

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—continued Double-Double Cheeseburger— 1. Preheat the oven to 375°F (190°C). Line a baking sheet with parchment paper or a silicone baking mat. 2. Heat the oil in a large frying pan over medium heat. Add the onion, garlic, and mushrooms and sauté. until the mushrooms are tender and the onions are translucent, 4 to 5 minutes. Remove from the heat and transfer to a food processor. Add 1 cup (110 g) of the lentils, the liquid aminos, nutritional yeast, Worcestershire sauce (if using), cumin, parsley, paprika, salt, and pepper. Pulse until fully combined and all pieces are similar in size. 3. Transfer to a large bowl. Add the remaining lentils, the oats, quinoa flour, almond flour, and flax meal and mix until a thick dough forms. If it’s too liquidy, add more oats. If it’s too dry, add water by the tablespoon until it’s no longer crumbly. It should hold together without crumbling when squeezed. 4. Use your hands to form the mixture into 8 patties and place them on the baking sheet. Bake for 20 minutes, flipping once halfway through to ensure even cooking. Drizzle cheese sauce over the tops and bake for another 5 minutes. 5. To assemble, spread ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise, and/or relish on the top and bottom halves of the buns. Place some lettuce on the bottom bun and stack two patties on top. Top the patties with tomato, red onion, and/or pickles, as desired. Serve immediately. Leftover burgers will keep in an airtight container in the fridge for 4 to 5 days.

Jackfruit Crabless Cakes with Lemon Dill Aïoli Prep Time: 15 minutes (not including time to cook brown rice) Active Time: 20 minutes Serves 3 or 4 You know those nights when you crave something a little greasy, quickly? Don’t settle for some third-rate drive-thru or restaurant—treat yourself to something delicious and, I dare say, gourmet and that comes together with very little effort! These jackfruit-based crabless cakes are ridiculously tasty and will have you wiping your (slightly) greasy fingers on your jeans in just 30 minutes. If you want to go a healthier route, you can always bake these guys (see Variations), and if seafood isn’t your thing, leave out the Old Bay Seasoning and kelp granules. One 20-ounce (565 g) can jackfruit, thoroughly rinsed and drained 1½ cups (265 g) cooked cannellini beans (or one 15-ounce/425 g) can, rinsed and drained) 4 green onions, finely chopped (green and white parts), plus more for garnish 1 cup (160 g) cooked brown rice 2 tablespoons chickpea flour, plus more if needed 1 tablespoon vegan mayonnaise (soy-free if necessary) 1 tablespoon Old Bay Seasoning 2 teaspoons liquid aminos (or gluten-free tamari; use coconut aminos to be soy-free) 1 teaspoon dried parsley ½ teaspoon kelp granules ½ teaspoon garlic powder


Salt and black pepper to taste

 You can serve just one patty per bun, for 8 regular cheeseburgers.

Sunflower oil (or canola oil) for frying

basic cashew cheese sauce

Lemon Dill Aïoli ¾ cup (165 g) vegan mayonnaise (soy-free if necessary)

½ cup (75 g) raw cashews, soaked in warm water for at least 1 hour and drained, water reserved 5 to 6 tablespoons reserved soaking water

3 tablespoons lemon juice 1½ teaspoons dried dill ¼ teaspoon garlic powder

2 tablespoons lemon juice

Salt to taste

2 tablespoons nutritional yeast ½ teaspoon white soy miso (or chickpea miso) Combine the cashews, ¼ cup (60 ml) of the reserved soaking water, the lemon juice, nutritional yeast, and miso in a food processor or blender and process until smooth. Add up to 2 tablespoons more water for a thinner sauce. Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator or up to 7 days. The cheese will thicken when chilled, so you may need to add more water to thin it back out (unless you want a cheese spread, as described in the Variations).

1. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper or a silicone baking mat. 2. Place the jackfruit in a food processor and pulse about five times, until broken up into smaller pieces. 3. Pour the beans into a bowl and use a potato masher to mash them until creamy but still chunky. Add the jackfruit, green onions, brown rice, chickpea flour, mayonnaise, Old Bay, liquid aminos, parsley, kelp granules, garlic powder, salt, and pepper and stir together until combined. The mixture should hold together when you squeeze it. If it doesn’t, add chickpea flour by the tablespoon until it does.

(image on next page) April 2017


Jackfruit Crabless Cakes with Lemon Dill Aïoli 4. Scoop up 1/3 cup (80 ml) of the mixture and use your hands to shape it into a patty. Place the patty on the baking sheet. Repeat with the remaining mixture. You should have about 12 patties. 5. Heat a large frying pan, preferably cast iron, over medium heat. Pour in enough oil to coat the bottom and heat for 2 to 3 minutes. Line a plate with paper towels. Place three or four patties in the pan and cook for 3 to 4 minutes on each side, until crispy and browned all over. Place the cooked patties on the plate and top with more paper towels to absorb any excess oil. Repeat with the remaining patties, adding more oil as necessary, until all are cooked. 6. While the cakes are cooking, make the aïoli: Combine all the ingredients in a cup and stir together. Chill until ready to use. 7. Garnish the cakes with chopped green onions and serve with the aïoli on the side. Leftovers will keep in an airtight container in the fridge for 3 to 4 days.

Variations  Alternatively, you can bake these crab cakes. Preheat the oven to 375°F (190°C). Leave the patties on the baking sheet. Spray the tops of the cakes lightly with olive oil. Bake for 10 minutes, flip them, spray with olive oil, and bake for another 10 minutes. Serve immediately.  You can also put these cakes in a sandwich, using the aïoli as a spread. You will not regret it! 34

April 2017

Beer-Marinated Portobello Tacos with Avocado Corn Salsa Prep Time: 25 Minutes Active Time: 35 Minutes Inactive Time: 15 Minutes Makes 8 tacos Guess what? Marinating food in beer isn’t just for meat anymore! Woohoo! What that means for us is that we can drench meaty chunks of portobello mushrooms in beer and other spices, panfry them, and throw them in tacos, smothered in avocado-corn salsa. Sound too good to be true? It’s not. Get over your astonishment, pop open a bottle of beer, and after you’re done drinking it, pop open another bottle and start cooking! 1½ cups (360 ml) vegan pale or blonde ale (Ground Breaker Brewing IPA No. 5 and Brunehaut Bio Blonde are both vegan and gluten-free) Juice of 1 lime 1 teaspoon ground cumin ½ teaspoon garlic powder 4 portobello mushrooms, stemmed, gills scraped, cut into 1-inch (2.5 cm) slices Sunflower oil, for cooking 6 to 8 corn tortillas (or small flour tortillas) Avocado-Corn Salsa 2 avocados, pitted, peeled, and diced 1 cup (140 g) corn kernels (fresh or thawed frozen) 1 cup (50 g) chopped fresh cilantro ½ cup (135 g) chopped red onion 2 tablespoons lime juice 1 tablespoon chopped jalapeño Salt to taste, optional 1. Combine the beer, lime juice, cumin, and garlic powder in a shallow baking dish. Add the portobello strips and toss to fully coat. Marinate for 30 minutes, moving the strips around every 10 minutes. 2. While the portobello strips are marinating, make the salsa: Combine all the ingredients in a bowl, cover, and chill until ready to use. 3. Heat a large frying pan, preferably cast iron, over medium heat. Add a couple of teaspoons of oil and tilt the pan around to evenly coat the bottom. Add about half of the portobello strips and cook for 10 to 15 minutes, turning every few minutes, until tender and slightly charred, and most of the liquid has been absorbed. Transfer the strips to a plate or bowl and cover with aluminum foil. Add another couple of teaspoons of oil to the pan and repeat with the remaining strips. 4. Heat a griddle or frying pan over medium heat (or just clean the pan you cooked the portobello strips in and reuse it). Cook the tortillas for 30 to 60 seconds on each side, placing them on a plate and covering with aluminum foil when they’re done. 5. To serve, place a few portobello strips in a tortilla and top with the avocado-corn salsa. Leftovers will keep in the fridge in separate airtight containers for up to 4 days. (image on next page)

April 2017


Beer-Marinated Portobello Tacos with Avocado Corn Salsa 36

April 2017

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April 2017


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