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words from the editors and publishers:

Lose Weight, Exercise, Stop Smoking, Eat Healthy, all by the end of the month. Let’s be realistic, this is not the way to approach your resolutions at all. It’s a process, a lifetime process. If you woke up January 1, 2015 determined to make all of the your changes you had set forth to do in your New Year resolutions, all in one day, then you have got it wrong. Waking up determined to feel immediate gratification, then your resolutions and efforts are futile. The need for immediate success and gratification is the biggest culprit, ensuring failure year after year. Don’t let it happen yet again by waking up and deciding that January 1st is the first day of the rest of your life. It is, but it isn’t. You still have 364 days to succeed and with that in mind, you can do it! In February, we will share dieting plans (behavior modification), because even referring to it as a diet sets you up to fail, along with work-out and fitness routines that may work for you. We will also tell you how daily routines can be turned into beneficial exercises, making everything you do count. Creating a lifestyle that you can feel good about everyday rather than beating yourself up every time you elect to make changes, but once deviated from those changes you consider yourself a failure. There is no perfect weight or work-out regime that applies to everyone, but there is a perfect plan for you and we will help you find it. Don’t waste your money by adding yet another piece of exercise equipment to your pristine collection, unless you plan to get together with everyone else who has unused exercise equipment and open a museum. You will need help. Find a nutritionist or a medical professional who can help you shed some pounds, a cesAdvertising Inquiries: sation class with other smokers can greatly improve your chance at success, join a gym, find a good personal trainer, enroll in a class such as, kickboxing, barre, yoga, or walk with friends at one of the local malls. Use this month to recover from the hustle and bustle of the holidays. Brian Strauss -Publisher Take some time to figure out what your genuine expectations are for yourself in 2015. Then Sales@livingwellmagazine.net you can start to move forward being honest with yourself and figure out what is the best way you can successfully implement them. It can be something as simple as making better 302-355-0929 choices. Choosing to drink a glass of water rather than a diet soda, putting half the amount of butter and salt on a baked potato than you normally would, reducing the amount of red meat you normally eat by adding more fish, chicken and vegetable options to your diet. Instead of Lita Latham - Account drinking two beers with a meal, just drink one. Try grabbing a piece of fruit for a nighttime Executive snack rather than chips. Start a recycling bin if you don’t have one already. Implementing Lita@livingwellmagazine.net small changes rather than drastic changes will enable you to feel good about yourself right away, setting the course to a healthier and happier you. Of course, we will never stop sharing 302-750-0898 healthy and self-help solutions for everyday living. Life compels us and it will always be a big part of what we do, but the definition of “living well” will always be different for each individual everyday and we will always respect that. To all of you...A Happy, Healthy New Year! Live. Well! Enjoy! Brian & Diane Strauss

Looking To Start Your Own Business?

Editors / Publishers Diane and Brian Strauss Associate Editor: Michael Strauss puppy love™ Creator Sean Strauss Media Development Jonelle Jentilucci Resident Artist and Creator of the Valentino caricature. Liam McWilliams Design and Graphics Diane Strauss

You could be a LIVING.WELL MAGAZINE ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER Living Well Magazine is expanding into all areas of the country. Business Opportunities are available: sales@livingwellmagazine.net

VOLUME 10 NUMBER 1 LIVING.WELL MAGAZINE (ISSN 2325-2448) published monthly by Savendale Media Group, 1519 Old Coach Road Newark, Delaware 19711 Phone:302-355-0929 Fax:302-454-1867 www.livingwellmagazine.net

www.livingwellmagazine.net LIVING.WELL MAGAZINE© is a monthly publication distributed regionally. All articles and advertisements are accepted in good faith. Living Well Magazine assumes no responsibility or liability for any claims, conditions, products, services, errors, and/or opinions expressed through articles and advertisements appearing in this publication. Please check with your primary health care provider before making any changes. Living Well Magazine welcomes your comments and suggestions. No part of LIVING WELL MAGAZINE™ may be reproduced in any form without permission and written consent. Copyright, All rights reserved. 2014 Various Trademarks Used By Permission Of Their Respective Owners

Cover: designed by dcstrauss

puppy love™ Calvin has embraced this year’s football season. He’s good too! maybe the Eagles can use Calvin?


January 2015


inside Attitude Is a Choice. Upgrading Attitude Is a Priority. by Karen Verna Carlson





@livingwellmag Beginning Again by Suzanne Eder


The Year In Review by Karen Jessee


Pregnancy and Chiropractic: Happier Mom! Healthier Baby! by Dr. Scott Rosenthal The Crippling Effect of An Ineffective Psychology by Joe White



Ask The Vet Dr. Rose Dileva


Hands on Health Ann Wilkinson P.T.M.S.


Earth Talk: Reusing Residential Gray Water



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Tech Addicted: With Sean 20 Releasing Your Inner Inhibitions Through Gaming —Top 5 Game Picks 14


Consistency: Key To Successful Weight Loss by Alisa Rose 16 Let Flawless Skin Begin! by Erica Reed


Reiki In A Hospital Setting by Michele Anderson, Reiki Master Teacher and Practitioner


The prestigious— Living.Well Magazine Tried and True award is given only awarded to products and companies that we have used and can honestly say they were great! If it has the LWM Tried and True Award on it, we are sure that you will too.



Recipes:From the book, Sheet Pan Suppers by Molly Gilbert 30




Transparency Is Key to a Strong Natural Product Industry By Robert Craven 33

Art of Eati









A World Without Desks by Danny Singles, PT, DPT, MA



January 2015

Where’s Valentino?


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January 2015






Paleo-Diet— (eat like a caveman)

Tech-Neck —describing the pain in our neck caused by checking a smartphone 150 times a day Ebola— the virus or anything bad Emoji—the little icons on your phone Vape—vaporizing instead of smoke Uber— the new “cool” “awesome” “sweet” (and the name of a transportation company) Blamestorming—gotta blame somebody E-Quaintence—an online friend Mocktail—a new way to order a “shirley temple” Screenager —too much time in front of a screen Weblish—think gibberrish for the web Outernet—not on the internet Social Evolution—the development of society and social forms Weatherbomb—the new norm storm, ie Hurricane Sandy Chirped—getting called out



Every New Year there are lists and more lists on everything.Celebrities and famous people who died, got married/ divorced had a child or became noted for the worst dressed.. top bloopers by sportscaster, newscasters, notorious cartoons, famous events and not so famous events, banned cartoons, hottest new foods, worst foods new drinks, hottest shoes, color of the year, biggest recalls, biggest financial windfalls, blunders. world events,local events, the lists are endless some are interesting and some are so off the wall. Not to be left out we decided to compile our own. We are not promising Flying cars (yet) but the availability of Cuban Cigars is looking promising! Let us know what you think by contact us thru our website or on Facebook. Japanese Powdered Green Tea is becoming the new uber-health drink Cold Press Everything from juices to olive oils to beauty products “Cold pressed” is becoming a byword for purity and quality. According to a poll : 75% of children under 8 years old have access to a smartphone or a tablet and by the age of 10 maybe more technologically advanced than their teenage siblings. Bacteria is getting an image overhaul as creatives, scientist and innovators experiment with growing wearable products like shoes and clothing. Charcoal is a growing trend in beauty products recongnizing that it can trap and filter chemicals from being absorbed into the skin.

The tin can (think anchovies or sardines) is getting a makeover as a sleek container for higher end food products. Amazon the online giant may be opening a brick and mortar store in Herald Square in NYC on W34st near Macy’s.. they just signed a lease for 470,000 sq ft. ApplePay, Samsung Finger print pay thru Paypal and a new Bio pay that reads you palm print. Water-Free Washing machines and shampoos. California Drought Commission is exploring washing clothes with Co2 (Carbon Dioxide). Across the country companies are reusing, reclaiming recyclables, from a Yoga clothing company in Philadelpha, to the Carpet manfacturers in Georgia reusing the plastic from soda bottles. Wellness traveling, Tech-Free traveling.returning to yesteryear without being connected. Death of the cookie according to an excutive at Facebook the tracking cookie placed in your browser when you search the web will become obsolete as more people are multiplatform hopping from smartphone to tablet to web. Mobil everything portals as smartphones get smarter we are gaining more control with the ability to turn on and off the lights, lock doors, control the thermastat, turn on the alram system, raise and lower the blinds, turn the coffee on.

Go ahead and flash those lights because: Flashing Your Car Lights To Warn Of A Speed Trap—is not illegal, a federal judge in 2014 ruled that it is a motorists’ First Amendment right to warn other drivers or radar or speed traps.

Spitting On Cars That Are Badly Parked— won’t get you jail time, It could get you punched in the face.. Besides being really rude and possibly a potential public health issue it is not recommended.

Driving Barefoot—although it is not the best idea because your foot could slip off the gas or brake pedal.. In Alabama it is illegal to ride a motorcycle without shoes.. Off course if you are found to have contributed to an accident you could get a citation.

Using A Radar Detector— is legal in all states except Virginia and District of Columbia, unles you are in a commercial vehicle or on a military base.



January 2015

Sources: various

RI om







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Pregnancy and Chiropractic: Happier Mom! Healthier Baby! by Dr. Scott E. Rosenthal

Celeste was expecting. She felt great and welcomed each miraculous change. The baby moved easily into the head-down position. She walked comfortably with a steady confidence throughout her last trimester. The birth went smoothly and as desired. Her midwife commented on the joy of assisting in such a wonderful delivery experience. Her recovery quickly unfolded.

Please keep reading and learn how chiropractic care can be a welcoming gift to your new family!

How close is your vision of a “normal” pregnancy and delivery to the above? First of all, IT IS POSSIBLE! With the right game plan, the odds of a “perfect” pregnancy and delivery can be greatly improved. The purpose of this article is to introduce the many, but often little-known, benefits of chiropractic care for the expecting mother and developing fetus.

Most would agree that drugs are not an option while baby is on board. Fortunately for both mother and child, chiropractic offers natural relief! New research from the University of Zurich found that 52 percent of pregnant patients with back or pelvic pain improved at one week with chiropractic care. This number increased to 70 percent at one month and 85 percent at three months. (1)

Chiropractic focuses on detecting and correcting common misalignments and fixations (loss of normal joint movement) in the mother’s spine and pelvis that affect the structure and function of her body. The bones in the spinal column house and protect a key component of the nervous system that extends from the brain to the lower back and is known as the spinal cord. At the end of the spinal cord, the remaining nerves (known as the cauda equine or horse’s tail) continue through the lower back and tailbone. If a bone in the pelvis, back or neck loses its normal position and flexibility from the wear and tear of life, it can damage and alter the function of your delicate nervous system and alter the health of the body part being innervated (such as an organ, gland or blood vessel). Due to the loosening effects of the connective tissue that results from the release of the hormone Relaxin during pregnancy, and the biomechanical changes and demands of the enlarging uterus and forward shifting abdominal weight, expectant mothers are more prone to spinal and pelvic issues. Problems in the back and pelvis may produce many negative consequences that can cause you to have sleepless nights, long before your baby arrives. Due to the dependence of the developing fetus on the health of the mother’s system for support, other potential consequences raise concern. 8

Back pain relief during all stages of pregnancy! Just because 50-80 percent of pregnant women experience back and/or pelvic pain, should it be considered normal?

Pelvic alignment and balance for healthy fetal development Due to the supportive relationship of the pelvic bones to the uterus, any misalignment may change the shape and tensions of the uterus. The resulting alteration of shape and symmetry (known as intrauterine constraint) hinders the ability of the uterus to grow and expand normally. According to the journal Neurosurgery, intrauterine constraint may cause developmental problems in the bones of the baby’s face, skull and body. This includes hip dislocation, facial irregularities and crooked feet. (2) Maintaining proper spinal and pelvic alignment is important throughout all stages of pregnancy and is the central focus of chiropractic prenatal care. Pelvic alignment and ease of delivery Imagine the baby’s view of the pelvis. When the mother’s bones are in proper alignment, and the muscles and ligaments have normal tone, the opening is optimized and widened for his/her descent. Common during pregnancy are abnormal shifts in the mother’s spine, sacrum (tailbone), coccyx (tip of the tailbone) or hipbones that may alter and decrease the opening of the bony passageway. As stated in Williams Obstetrics, “Any contraction


January 2015

— continued on next page

— continued from previous page

of the pelvic diameters that diminish the capacity of the pelvis can create dystocia (a slow or difficult labor or delivery).” The text further explains how the opening of the woman’s pelvis is decreased when the tailbone is displaced. (3) Gentle chiropractic adjustments can help realign the spine and pelvic bones allowing the pelvic opening to increase. Webster Intrauterine Constraint Technique: One of chiropractic’s greatest contributions Chiropractic can utilize the Webster Intrauterine Constraint Technique to help a baby move from a breech or transverse position into an optimal position for birth. This technique, discovered by Dr. Larry Webster, founder of the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA), carefully addresses specific sacral misalignments and soft tissue tensions that may contribute to a breech or transverse position of the baby. When utilized, it is reported that in nearly 82 percent of cases, the child moves into the normal vertex position, eliminating the need for a Cesarean Section. This is not an obstetric “breech turning” technique, but a chiropractic method that primarily makes a gentle adjustment to the tailbone. (4) Since my studies with Dr. Webster and applying his methods, I have observed similar results over the past 21 years. Proper spinal and pelvic biomechanics, nerve function, uterine position, flexibility and comfort during pregnancy help with normal fetal development and an easier birth for mother and child. Chiropractic care during each trimester is comfortable, safe and drug-free. Such effective care is welcomed by thousands of women each day. Adding chiropractic care to your game plan can help make your pregnancy and delivery more celestial for you and your new family star!

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info@forgottencats.org or www.forgottencats.org Delaware State Employess Charitable Campaign Agency #50135 United Way #9571 Forgotten Cats is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization. Contributions are tax deductible to the extent allowed by U.S. law .

References: Chiropractic & Manual Therapies 2014 (Apr 1); 22 (1): 15 Neurosurgery. 1980 Jan;6(1):39-44. Cunningham FG et al, “Dystocia Due to Pelvic Contraction”, Williams Obstetrics, Nineteenth Ed 1989 The Webster Technique: A chiropractic technique with obstetric implications. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics. Volume 25, Issue 6, July 2002, Pages E1-E9

Dr. Scott E. Rosenthal is a second-generation Doctor of Chiropractic and a past president of the Delaware Chiropractic Society. His undergraduate degree is in Nutrition and he is a Certified Yoga Teacher. In his Wilmington practice, he offers the cuttingedge Koren Specific Technique (KST) as well as other contemporary and traditional approaches. KST comfortably integrates gentle adjustments of the spine, cranial bones, TMJ, arms and legs (including the wrists and feet). Dr. Rosenthal specializes in pain relief, auto or work injury recovery and natural ways to boost whole body wellness. To contact Dr. Rosenthal please visit rosenthalchiropractic.com or 302-999-0633. www.livingwellmagazine.net

January 2015


Home Office Pets Children Elders Karen Carlson






Caricature created by: Liam McWilliams

Enter: Where’s Valentino Contest Find Answers Here ow! There are thousands of readers who are searching for Valentino. He is hidden somewhere on the pages of each issue. The entries keep pouring in. We hope you have fun looking and will continue your quest to find Valentino. When you find him please email us at: info@livingwellmagazine.net [Please type “Valentino” on the subject line]. — keep searching and entering the “Where’s Valentino!” Contest every month for your chance for some great LWM gifts, subscriptions, T-shirts, mugs, cookbooks ,books, videos, etc. Or enter on our Facebook page www.facebook.com/LWMlivingwellmagazine (be sure to inbox us so you aren’t sharing his location with everyone). Make sure you like the page first. Please remember to share our page with your friends! Don’t forget to follow us on Pinterest at Pinterest.com/livingwellmag or Twitter @ livingwellmag BELOW IS THE ANSWER TO LAST MONTH’S WHERE’S VALENTINO!


In December, Valentino can be found hanging around in the “Penna Orthodontics” ad on page 19,(look over Dr.Penna’s Right shoulder . Valentino has been busy over the last few months collecting gifts for the gift guide and now he wants to give them away. When you find him, send us an email at Info@livingwellmagazine.net ( be sure to put Valentino or Where’s Valentino in the subject line.. then make sure you follow us on Twitter @livingwellmag and follow us on Facebook at: www.facebook.com/lwmlivingwellmagazine Don’t Forget to check out our Pinterest pages follow us at http://www.pinterest.com/livingwellmag





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REUSING RESIDENTIAL GRAY WATER Now that solar panels are so commonplace on rooftops across the country, reusing so-called greywater—that is, the waste water from sinks, showers, tubs and washing machines—for landscape irrigation may be the next frontier in the greening of the American home, especially if you live in an arid region where water use is restricted. In fact, reusing your graywater may be the only way to keep your lawn and garden healthy without taking more than your fair share of the community’s precious freshwater reserves. “Using water from sinks, showers and washing machines to irrigate plants is a way to increase the productivity of sustainable backyard ecosystems that produce food, clean water and shelter wildlife,” reports Greywater Action, a California-based non-profit dedicated to educating and empowering people to use water sustainably. According to the group, a typical U.S. single family home can reduce water use by as much as 30 percent by installing some kind of greywater reclamation system while simultaneously reducing pollution into nearby water bodies by filtering out contaminants locally. Capturing and reusing greywater can also be part of the battle against climate change, given that you’ll be helping grow plants that sequester atmospheric carbon dioxide while reducing demand on a regional wastewater treatment facility that’s likely powered by fossil fuels. The simplest way to get into home greywater reuse is to install a “laundry-to-landscape” system that sends washing machine wastewater outside via a diversion tank and hose that can be moved around to irrigate specific sections of the yard. Equipment costs for such a set-up max out at $200, but labor and expertise may tack on another few hundred dollars. Handy homeowners can do much of the work in setting up such systems themselves, though those without much home repair or plumbing experience 12

might at least consult a professional. Greywater Action suggests one way to reduce costs is by digging trenches for diversion pipes and mulch basins yourself -- or enlist friends who want to support the effort and learn about residential greywater reuse in the process. A more comprehensive system can draw wastewater from sinks, showers and tubs, too—and then filter and distribute it to backyard landscaping via a drip irrigation network. Getting such a system professionally installed can run upwards of $5,000. Either way, once the greywater diversion system is in place, you’ll need to be careful about what goes down the drain, given how it might affect the plants and soils right outside. “In any greywater system, it is essential to put nothing toxic down the drain — no bleach, no dye, no bath salts, no cleanser, no shampoo with unpronounceable ingredients, and no products containing boron, which is toxic to plants,” adds Greywater Action. For more information on installing a greywater reuse system yourself, check out the resources section of Greywater Action’s website, where you’ll find diagrams, written instructions and even videos to make the job go smoother. Those more inclined to hire a professional can browse through listings of qualified installers across the country. And if you want to see how it’s done first-hand, sign up to attend one of Greywater Action’s one-day workshops on how to install a greywater catchment and diversion system in a residential setting. CONTACT: Greywater Action, www.greywateraction.org. EarthTalk® is written and edited by Roddy Scheer and Doug Moss and is a registered trademark of E - The Environmental Magazine (www.emagazine.com). Send questions to: earthtalk@emagazine.com.


January 2015

Peel Season Is In

Let Flawless Skin Begin! by Erica Reed Are you ready to peel away the winter dryness? Reveal what’s underneath your dry skin and restore your glow with a chemical peel? In the wintertime, the low temperatures, the cold winter wind and less moisture in the air is a cause for dry skin. Rosacea and eczema can also flare up in the winter due to dry skin. A chemical peel can address most of these problems with exfoliation and hydration. What is a chemical peel? A chemical peel is a procedure that accelerates skin turnover and speeds pigment reduction, resulting in healthier skin and a more uniform complexion A chemical compound – often comprised of natural elements, such as lactic or salicylic acids – is applied to the skin, which causes the targeted layer, or layers of skin to peel away, promoting younger, fresh skin growth beneath, and in effect totally revitalizing your skin’s appearance. It is a quick way to remove dead skin cells, fine lines, small scars, freckles, dark spots and/or skin imperfections caused by aging and hormones. Because peels slough off those unwanted dead skin cells, forcing brand new fresh skin to the surface, it gives you the appearance of tighter, brighter skin and smaller pores. How does it work? Your skin consists of several layers of cells. This acts as a protective barrier to the more delicate cells beneath protecting against damage. These cells are anchored together in a couple of ways. There are microfilaments, as well as what are called an extracellular, which is a type of “glue” to further help bind them. Normal processes will allow these cells to be discarded over time. With a chemical peel, this process is, in effect, accelerated— instantly dissolving that “glue” to shed the skin and stimulate new cell growth. What are the benefits of a chemical peel? – A chemical peel reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and improves skin color, clarity and texture. It enhances skin glow and radiance by inducing production of new collagen and stimulating new healthy skin cell growth. Melasma, common in younger women, can be improved, along with discoloration and pigmentation.

A chemical peel also addresses visible skin imperfections and scarring. What is the downtime after a chemical peel? – There is minimal downtime and this depends on the level of the peel. They can be done at different depths; light, medium or deep, depending on the desired results and the area treated. You may experience tightness, redness and flaking. Peeling usually begins on day 3 post peel and can last 5 to 7 days. Why is winter a good time for chemical peels? - The weather is on your side with less sunlight, which means lower UV levels and a perfect environment to heal your skin more quickly. Peeling increases exfoliation and skin hydration. Oily skin types become over dry, stimulating excess oil production and promoting skin breakouts. Certain skin conditions, such as hyperpigmentation, will benefit from a series of 4 to 6 peels because it targets the deeper layers of the epidermis for enhanced exfoliation and cellular turnover which produces healthy, glowing skin. In order to allow your skin to heal between treatments, a series of peels are spaced 4 to 6 weeks apart. Consult with your aesthetician to identify the right chemical peel for your skin type and skin care goals. Irene Stuckey, Director of Education at A Natural Difference Spa, says “receiving regular facial throughout the year is important in the fight against aging. Think of the facial as the catalyst that starts the change.” With winter here, it’s the best time to rejuvenate not hibernate!


Erica has in the spa and wellness industries for over 7 years, she decided her true passion was skincare and developed a strong desire to become a chemical peel expert. Erica is a Master Esthetician with A Natural Difference Spa in Wilmington, DE where she also completed an internship. Helping others to achieve results and the skin they’ve always wanted gives her the greatest gratification! January 2015


A World Without Desks By Danny Singles, PT, DPT, MA

I’m cramped in a New Jersey transit train seat like it’s a sardine can. The train home from NYC is packed with a holiday weekend crowd. Some of them are returning Santas from SantaCon -- my personal favorite Santa sighting was a portly young man who was running down the street in Santa pants, boots, and hat while yelling into his cell phone. Somewhere along his inebriated meandering, he lost his shirt and was content to race through the 35 degree December weather while half naked. Ah, New York is a magical place at the holidays. Besides the people watching, the department store window displays and the Rockefeller Tree are personal favorites of mine. While in NYC this weekend, we walked everywhere. Sure, the walking was punctuated with an occasional subway ride and lots of momentary pauses to look at rollerblading drunk Santas, but we were in NYC so we walked. How else to take in the sights? 14

We walked everywhere. In my 2 days in the city, I easily cleared my Fitbit goal of 10,000 steps each day. Between that, and deciding to eschew the elevators in favor of the stairs all weekend, I did some serious leg workouts. One of the biggest complaints or objections my patients have about incorporating exercise into their lives is that it takes time and feels like too much work. Yeah, I get that. Imagine a physician or PT telling you the following: “Leave your house before work (or go after a tiring workday) and travel by yourself to a crowded place, then get on a hamster wheel and move, then go back home. You are to repeat this everyday for the rest of your life. You can sit and binge watch Boardwalk Empire, play Call of Duty, use your iPad, or whatever else the rest of the time, but get your 30-60 minutes each day.” Does anyone want to do that? I don’t think so. Fortunately, that way of thinking is slowly evaporating. It doesn’t have to be like that, and better yet, it shouldn’t. More and more medical evidence is emerging that shows that exercise can and should be incorporated into all facets of our daily lives, not compartmentalized into “running” or “gym” time. It is showing some alarming things. For example, even regular bouts of daily exercise (no matter how intense) do not fully “make up” for prolonged sedentary activity.


— continued on next page January 2015

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Here’s a typical scenario I encounter all the time at work: Patient works an 8-10 hour day, mostly sitting all day while being marginally productive writing emails, on the phone, attending meetings, browsing Facebook or Twitter, or completing sporcle. com questions. Patient then comes home and works out at the gym or alone in the basement for 30-60 min before bed, lifting, biking, or rowing away like Frank Underwood from Netflix’s House of Cards. Add up all their active time versus all their sedentary time. The cumulative weight of all their activity each week tips the scale heavily in favor of their sedentary time. All the patient sees is that they exercise every day and can’t understand why they hurt, gain weight, feel tight, etc. The above traditional paradigm of exclusive “exercise time” is beginning to emerge as a flawed method of thinking. Increasingly, there is a push to incorporate exercise and activity throughout the whole day, not keep it confined to gyms or “exercise time” only. I would consider exercise mixed throughout the day to be truly functional exercise because it is tied to daily function for a normal person like you and I. For most of us, our daily function is drastically different than for people with extreme demands of their body, such as Carli Lloyd, Kobe Bryant, Lindsay Vaughn, or JJ Watts. I’ve written in previous articles about ways to incorporate exercise into your workday. Our daily activities away from our desk are also ideal places for exercise to happen. Stairs, walking, standing, getting up and down from chairs, pushing doors, pulling doors, or getting in and out of cars can be exercise. Unfortunately, as we have gotten more sedentary and gadget-dependent as a society, many activities on the above list have vanished. Doors automatically open, escalators bring us up and down stairs, and our jobs encourage us to work sitting down, even going so far as to cart food directly to our desks. While an overwhelming preponderance of research is not currently there, some rumblings have emerged recently about the benefits of standing desks or tread desks.

the non-automatic doors can all be ways to improve your activity level. Look for ways throughout your day and see what you can come up with in your daily routine. Be as creative as possible with this, even if it is something as simple as parking farther away to walk an extra 100 feet to the store. It can make a big difference. Schools too, might benefit from standing desks or applying some of the above ideas. That’s a different article though. For now, however, I’m still hunched up and unable to move while I dream a dream of a world without sitting desks. My left knee, right hip, and low back are all tight and my neck is stiff despite my fidgeting (I’ve written some of this standing up stooped below the luggage rack). Sadly, I’m still a captive audience growing ever more annoyed by the frat boy chatter from the Cowboys fans across the aisle riding down to Philadelphia for the Eagles-Cowboys game today. No, I’m pretty sure it’s not a good idea to paint your chest and face with Cowboys colors then go to Lincoln Financial Field today for the game. But I’m stuck for 2 hours, so am making the best of it by tuning them out and annoying my wife with descriptions of how the tissues in my spine, legs, shoulders, and neck are tightening up and losing their flexibility during this train ride. She’s trying to listen to her Serial podcast while politely humoring my rant. We agree on one thing, though. We both can’t wait to get home and go for a walk.

In my opinion, once enough research has been done showing how workers who stand for all or part of the day are healthier, more productive, and miss less time due to sickness and injury, some big changes will occur. It will become standard for all major employers to provide adjustable workstations. It will just make financial sense -- less injured or sick employees equals less days of labor lost -- and that will drive the change. It will also make healthcare system sense. Money can be saved, injuries and disease could be potentially mitigated, and health insurance premiums might decrease as a result. Employers save, employees save, and everyone wins. In previous articles, we have discussed some ideas to improve this daily exercise activity. Ideas such as working on balance by standing on one leg while brushing teeth, drinking more water to force you to get up more and walk to the bathroom frequently throughout the day, taking the stairs at work, or even just using www.livingwellmagazine.net

Danny Singles, PT, DPT, MA Danny is a sports physical therapist who specializes in manual therapy. His clinical interests include injury prevention, working with sports and orthopedic injuries, pre and post surgical rehab, and working with the pediatric patient population. He attended the University of Delaware for his Doctorate in Physical Therapy. Currently, he works full time as an outpatient sports therapist and provides educational outreach through lectures at local schools and fitness centers. He can be reached at Elite PT in Hockessin, DE at: (302-234-1030) or emailed directly at: dsingles@elitept.com. He can also be followed on Twitter (@MoveEqualsLife) for current updates about health and wellness. January 2015


CONSISTENCY: The Key to Successful Weight Loss by Alisa Rose Have you ever accomplished anything great with an inconsistent effort? Unless failure is considered a great achievement, you probably haven’t. You must exercise consistently to get the results you want! It blows my mind how many people don’t even try to be consistent with their diet and complain about not seeing results. Even the best programs are ineffectual if they are not followed on a consistent basis. Women are sometimes afraid at the idea of adding muscle due to their fear of becoming “bulky.” Relax; it’s a little harder to add that kind of muscle mass than you think. Consistent spaced small meals – One of the most important things that you can do with your health in general is to keep a nice even keel with respect to your blood sugar. When you eat a donut and coffee for breakfast and then nothing until lunch then you will get a big blood sugar spike and then a drop soon after and be just dragging your way until lunch. If you eat consistently small but evenly spaced meals every couple of hours during the day then you will not have this blood sugar problem. Consistent meal sizes – If you make sure that you eat 200 – 400 calorie meals then this will go hand in hand with the point above. Having even sized meals will mean that you are not bloated after one meal and then hungry after the next. Of course there may be a problem with dinner being a little bigger and an evening meal being a little smaller but overall this consistent eating will make you feel much better and your weight loss will be more consistent. Consistent exercise – Some people will exercise a lot on the weekend but very little during the week. This is really quite dangerous. If your body is not being exercised at least somewhat on a daily basis then these big events on the weekends can be damaging to your muscles and also lead to more injuries because of the stress you are putting the muscles through. It is much better to have a quick workout in the morning and evening and then still push it on the weekend, then to takes four or five days off and not get any exercise until Saturday. Not just any exercise program will do for weight loss. Just burning calories is not good enough. The program must be planned to draw out specific hormonal responses that are conducive to weight loss. The key is NOT hours and hours of cardio. You must do exercise at an intensity that raises your heart rate and keeps it there for at least twenty minutes at a time and go from there.

heating pad, or massage can do wonders to get rid of those little aches and pains that may not be going away quickly and holding you back a bit from going all out when you want to. Remember consistency is the key. Focus on changing your lifestyle. Do not focus on “dieting”. When you focus on dieting, you are looking at this whole weight loss thing as something temporary. Diets work ONLY to get those pounds off, but what are you going to do after the diet is done? “Living a healthy lifestyle is a marathon, not a short sprint down the road.” Learning How to build consistency There are several ways you can gradually build momentum: Start with something easy to manage and build up from there. Set a goal of one 10-minute exercise session per week. Then increase it to two 10-minute sessions. Gradually add minutes to each workout (and eventually add one or more additional workouts to your week), until you’re exercising as long and as frequently as you should in order to reach your goals. The simple act of setting aside some time for exercise every day, no matter how little, and sticking to it is enough to start building a new good habit. Find an accountability buddy—someone who knows about your plan and is willing to give you a push when you feel like slacking off. Join a Team or make a Fitness Friend. It’s always harder to let someone else down than it is to let yourself off the hook. Employ an excuse buster. Find a friend, family member whose judgment and opinion you respect. Each time you find yourself thinking about skipping an exercise session or blowing your meal plan, write down the reason for your choice. Share this reason with your excuse buster and get her honest opinion about whether the reason for your choice is reasonable or just an excuse. You’ll probably find that this makes it a lot harder for you to believe your own rationalizations. Take it one day at a time, stay focused, and stay consistent. Alisa Rose is Founder and President of Art Fitness. Art Fitness is commitment to providing a personalized atmosphere that eliminates intimidation and promotes success. Art Fitness is dedicated to improving the movement of one’s body and restoring quality of life through proper exercise, correct form and good nutrition. The Art Fitness team can be reached at: 302.477.0123, or info@ArtFitnessTraining.com Stay up to date with all things fitness: Facebook.com/ArtFitnessLLC Follow Art Fitness on Twitter: @BdyIsaWrKoF_ART

Consistent rest – This is important to your well— being as well as the healing of your muscles after exercise. Stretch daily, sleep well most nights and if you need it a hot tub, 16


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ing Aga in Su by


nn gi

zanne Ed er

There is something so expansive and enlivening about the start of a new year. The “clean slate” of a calendar not yet crammed with activities and obligations is a reminder that this is a fresh moment for new beginnings. Or old beginnings, started anew. You may be scratching your head at the phrase, “old beginnings.” Let me explain.

go (possibly because we thought it was something we “should” do rather than something we genuinely wanted to take on). But many of our resolutions reflect our deeply felt desires to grow and evolve, to create and to share, to be as vibrant and generous and fulfilled as we can possibly be. Which is why it’s wonderful that we keep them at the top of our minds - and our resolution lists – year after year.

We all know it’s ridiculously common for people to set goals or make resolutions for the new year, only to abandon them a few weeks or months later. At that point a common response is to judge themselves for not following through, acknowledge wearily that the whole enterprise is just too hard or that they don’t have what it takes, and move on with their lives. Then when January 1st rolls around the following year, they make the same resolutions again. And abandon them again. And judge themselves again.

That brings us to the third element of the rewrite, which is a natural outgrowth of the previous two: we can choose to elevate our resolutions to a whole new status. Rather than taking them on with a mindset of self-improvement, we can choose to see them instead as a means through which we grow into the fullness of who we are, and we can choose to love ourselves each step along the way. You might say it’s a paradigm shift from self-improvement to self-love.

And so the story goes. But we can rewrite that story, and the first thing we have to edit – to simply eliminate – is the self-judgment. As I’ve said repeatedly, and will no doubt continue to say, self-judgment will never, ever get you where you want to go. And let me be clear that eliminating self-judgment is not the same thing as defending choices we’re making, or habits that we have, that we know don’t serve us. It is simply, and powerfully, deciding that we are worthy of supporting ourselves lovingly in making the changes we want to make.

You might also say it’s a recognition that any commitment we make to become healthier and happier is, in essence, a journey of awakening. Talk about elevation! Whether you want to find work you love, reach a healthy weight, start your own business, change your spending and saving habits, plan a family vacation, make time for volunteering – whatever really matters to you – you can choose to see it and experience it as an expanding expression of your highest self. There’s nothing wrong with you that needs to be fixed. There’s a treasure trove of passion and talent within you that wants to be expressed.

The second element of this rewrite is to recognize that our repeated attempts to make a shift are not evidence of failure, but of commitment. Isn’t it a beautiful reflection of the resilience of the human spirit that, even after having experienced setbacks or breakdowns, our longings for growth and health and happiness keep calling us forward?

So rather than making a list of resolutions, ask yourself, “What elements of my true Self am I now willing and ready to express (or express differently, or expand) this year? What old habits or expressions am I now willing to let go?”

There are times, of course, when our failure to follow through on a resolution is actually a form of guidance, nudging us to let it 18

Taking the time to feel into your willingness is essential to this paradigm shift. Growth doesn’t happen overnight, nor does it happen in all areas of your life at the same time. Listening inward


January 2015

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to discern where you’re genuinely willing to grow, right now, is an act of self-love. And self-love will always move you in the direction you want to go. If you choose to grow in an area where you’ve made resolutions in the past but didn’t “succeed,” ask yourself some questions to shift your focus away from “failure” and toward growth and possibility: In what ways am I more ready than I’ve ever been to make this shift?

And if you find yourself backsliding a bit, a few weeks or a few months down the road? Pause. Suspend all judgment. Do something that makes you feel good about yourself, and then check in to see if you still want to keep growing in this area. And if you do, dare to declare a fresh start right then and there. Don’t wait for January 1, 2016. If this is something you want, it matters because you matter. Just begin again.

What have I learned about what works for me and what doesn’t? How might I support myself, or get support, to do this in a way that suits me better? What are all the reasons why I want to make this shift? How might I keep these reasons front and center in my awareness? If I look at this as a journey of awakening and expressing more of my greatness, how might that change the way I approach it? What are all the inner and outer resources I already have in place to make this easy and fun? Slowing down to consider these questions with an open mind and an open heart will go a long way toward shifting you to a brandnew starting point. When you start from a new place, a whole new world of possibility opens up.

Suzanne Eder is award-winning writer, teacher and transformational life coach, Suzanne Eder started her professional career as a CPA and enjoyed a highly successful corporate career in both Finance and Human Resources. She is a graduate of the Barbara Brennan School of Healing’s intensive four-year program in mind-body-spirit healing, and is a former fitness instructor who taught aerobics, body sculpting and yoga for 16 years. She has also been initiated in Divine Openings, an extraordinary evolutionary process which powerfully supports clients in awakening to their magnificence. Through her writing, classes and workshops she offers inspired and practical counsel in all areas related to personal growth and transformation. Suzanne can be reached at see@mysolidground.com or (302)888-2138.

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January 2015



Releasing Your Inner Inhibitions Through Gaming

Did you receive a new video game console this holiday season and you didn’t get the games you wanted and you aren’t really sure which games to get? Good news, I have played pretty much every game that came out this video game season, and have narrowed it down to my top 5 game picks of the season. Destiny (PS3, PS4, X360, X1) Rated T Destiny is a game that has garnered a lot of mixed feelings. The storyline is not very well done and it requires an obscene amount of time to remain competitive. Why is this game ending up on my recommendation list? It’s all about the gameplay. If you are a fan of first person shooters, the gameplay doesn't get much better than this. Your guardian is given access to a multitude of unique and futuristic weapons, as well as the ability to fly (virtually) through the air, transforming what could be a standard run and gun game into a highly dynamic and unpredictable experience. Imagine if Call of Duty and Halo had a gaming baby, Destiny would be their child. Destiny also boasts some of the best graphics and the loading times between the action sequences is ridiculously fastest that are available for the Xbox One and the PS4. If you have the perseverance to grind through the boring story, the end-game is really where the game begins. Once you reach the max level of 20 and with some luck in picking up new gear along the way, you can begin to raid. Raids take a step forward in terms of team coordination, giving this game a tactical experience that until now have only been reserved for games like World of Warcraft. If you have the “Patience and Time” to get through this game it is well worth the effort.

Sunset Overdrive (X1) Rated M Sunset Overdrive is an experience that will either make you glad that you own an Xbox One or that will make you go out and get one. This game is Tony Hawk Pro Skater on steroids, with rocket launchers that shoot exploding teddy bears. The game starts out at a launch party for a new energy drink called Overdrive, and in video game fashion, the party ends with a bang as the energy drink turns everyone who drinks it into mindless monsters with an insatiable craving for Overdrive. The open world is an incredible playground to grind around on, mixed with an amazing soundtrack; you will find it very hard to head to the objective because there is too much to do along the way. The missions range from forging a sword in a nuclear reactor to walking a murderous robotic dog. The colorful cast of characters is hilarious and has been created to make the characters aware that they are in a video game, making the dialogue and pop culture references often laugh out loud funny. This game is incredibly violent, and in my opinion one of the best games of the year. 20


January 2015

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Odds are that if you are any kind of respectable video gamer, then you know what Super Smash Bros. is already. Smash Bros. for the uninitiated is a gathering of all of Nintendo’s best characters fighting it out in intense hand to super hammer combat. Staple characters like Mario, Link, and Pikachu return along with new characters to the franchise such as Mega Man, The Villager, and Pac-Man. Each character has a very unique play style that for the first time in the series can be fully customized. For the first time in this series, an online play mode has been added so you can test your skill against the people of the internet. It is kind of discouraging, I thought of myself as a pretty menacing Smash player, but when I got online, I was quickly put in my place. This game is why you need to own a Wii U, Smash has never looked or played better than this. Hearthstone (iPad, PC, Android Tablets) In my experience, I find that the“free to play games” tend to cost me more money than traditionally priced games. Hearthstone is a card game in the vein of Magic The Gathering, but more accessible and just as much strategy required. You are eased into the game with a fun tutorial, that will teach you how the cards work and what the objective is, after that, you are on your own to build your own unique decks that you will use to rain down destruction on your adversaries. The game can be played for free, but in order to get the cards needed to stay competitive it is much easier to spend a few dollars. My dad and I are constantly trying to one up each other in this game, and currently I have the upper hand by far, he is getting better though. This is a game that will challenge your mind above all else, after playing a few rounds of Hearthstone I feel like I have gotten my brain workout for the day. Grand Theft Auto V (PS3, PS4, X360, X1) Rated M Grand Theft Auto is one of the biggest and most controversial gaming franchises available. There are very few games that construct a full-fledged life like environment as they do in Grand Theft Auto. Everything in this game is a direct parody of something in the real world. Taking place in San Andreas, a fictional version of Los Angeles, which is immediately recognizable to anyone that has ever been there. From the exotic cars on the road to the Santa Monica pier everything in the game makes it feel like you are in the actual city, but better because you can do just about anything, some of which you would never really dream of doing, but after all it’s just a game. Stealing cars and robbing banks are all in a day’s work in San Andreas, and there are not any games that even come close to the visual fidelity of Grand Theft Auto. The story is an incredible satire of Americans and provides a hilarious look at our society. When not stealing cars you can do things like sky diving, scuba diving, play tennis, race cars, open businesses, do yoga, the shear amount of things that you can do in this game is endless and you will want to do all of these things at least once. Grand Theft Auto games are usually a ‘must’ buy and Grand Theft Auto V is no different! www.livingwellmagazine.net

January 2015


Attitude Is a Choice. Upgrading Attitude Is a Priority.

By Karen Verna Carlson

“Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.” —Will Rogers Beginning my eighth decade, I am noticing choices diminish. The choice to join the military, for example, is no longer open to me. It’s a loss which causes nary a ripple of distress. Two decades ago, I may have had 200,000 lifestyle options to choose from, whereas now it’s more like 10,000 and that number shrinks each year. The 190,000 options that have expired also cause no ripple of distress for me. What concerns me is the steady shrinkage of choices. So I’m heavily investing in the one choice that I’ll have until the moment I depart this body—my attitude. Maintain Quality of Life Previous columns have focused on the importance of upgrading our quality of life (QoL) through eating—what, when, where and how we do it—and through activities—adding better ones, as well as eliminating or healthifying negative ones. The unifying message is that continual upgrades are essential to maintain QoL, which naturally deteriorates as universal laws of decline and death function without favor in this physical realm among humans, animals and plants. No need to get morose about this fact. Just cultivate the habit of upgrading your attitude. It’s a New Year full of adventurous potential, and the Gods are laughing at our absurd tendency to think all our plans will play out according to our visions. But I am the supreme ruler of my attitude at all times.

immune system. Is my outlook at the moment infused with resentment? Then my kidneys are angry, my intestines are angry, and my glands are pumping toxic chemicals throughout all systems. Is my worldview anxious? Then my platelets are jittery, as are my ovaries, gallbladder, muscles, and pancreas. Could these effects be resonating beyond my exclusive corporeal domain? Attitude Supports Healing Oncologists and many other doctors actively support patients to cultivate positive thinking because attitude affects every one of our 60 trillion citizen cells as well as the chemistry they live in, and maybe even affects others and the environment around us. Thomas Edison said, “The body is a community made up of its innumerable cells or inhabitants.” Does one community’s attitudes have any impact on others? A Powerful Force

Attitude Affects Every Body

Endocrinologist and author Deepak Chopra has recently written, “A delicate web of intelligence binds the body together, heals, and is a powerful force. Every cell is a sentient being.” Internist Larry Dossey wrote in Space, Time and Medicine, “Mind and body can interact in a great variety of ways to bring about health or illness.” Dr. Andrew Weil maintains, “…the real source of healing is from within.”

Why bother to upgrade it? When attitude moves into negativity, our organs and systems are affected. A depressed attitude means a depressed heart, a depressed liver, depressed lungs, depressed

In addition to influencing health, practicing a positive attitude is a model for future generations whether or not it’s genetically transferred as scientific research is beginning to indicate.



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January 2015

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Attitude Adjustment A better attitude adjustment than happy hour is to watch aweinspiring nature videos. “Awe forces people to revise their mental frames of reference,” explains Sierra assistant editor Jake Abrahamson. For more than a decade two psychologists have been studying the effects of awe, which “can change the course of a life in profound and permanent ways,” report Dacher Keltner (UCAL, Berkeley) and Jonathan Haidt (UVA) in a professional journal, Cognition and Emotion. They wrote “awe is felt about diverse events and objects, from waterfalls to childbirth to scenes of devastation.” This was the focus of a Sierra magazine article last month by Abrahamson who guided a camping white water raft trip for two dozen teens as part of Keltner’s and Haidt’s research, which started with awesome nature videos 11 years ago. Now they’re going beyond screening rooms to measure real life awe-inspired “levels of stress hormones and the genes related to dopamine function.” An Intelligent Pattern Abrahamson described the first day on Utah’s Green River as a “grueling, 26-mile slog through mostly flat water….That evening a thunderstorm rolled into the river valley, and we spent an hour in our tents. It was one of the most intense and otherworldly storms I’d ever seen. When thunder struck, it felt like my body was inside God’s clap, and the lightning galvanized the entire sky. Eventually the sky cleared. I stepped out of my tent as if exiting a bomb shelter, with a distinct feeling that the world would be different. The kids seemed to emerge from their tents at the exact same instant. The air was heavy and hot, the sky a color I had never imagined—gold from the land to the firmament. Time slowed. The mountains, the people, and the river flowing through it all seemed held together by an intelligent pattern.

to revise their mental models of what’s possible in the world. In its wake, people act more generously and ethically, think more critically when encountering persuasive stimuli, like arguments or advertisements, and often feel a deeper connection to others and the world in general. Awe prompts people to redirect concern away from the self and toward everything else. [That certainly defines attitude adjustment.] And about three-quarters of the time it’s elicited by nature,” according to Abrahamson. Nature Videos Elicit Awe “To elicit and study awe, Keltner and his peers …rely on mindbending videos, quick exposures to nature and urbanized landscapes, or vast and disorienting stimuli,” explains Abrahamson, who cites the opening to the movie Contact as one example of an awe-eliciting visual. Others include nature documentaries like Planet Earth, with five DVD’s of phenomenal photography, music and narration witnessing “sights and sounds of our planet’s best-loved, wildest and most elusive creatures never before captured on film from the highest mountains to the deepest rivers. Prepare to be overwhelmed by the beauty and majesty [and mystery] of Planet Earth,” promises its jacket. I guarantee you’ll feel an attitude upgrade watching Planet Earth. Upgrade with a Polar Plunge For a more physical way guaranteed to upgrade your attitude, join us for a Polar Plunge the first Sunday of each month October through April at Cape Henlopen State Park beach at 1:00 p.m. Keltner is right when he says, “The science of emotion gets really exciting when you get as close to the phenomenon as possible.” Whether virtual or directly experiential, may your New Year abound with attitude upgrades.

Ethereal Balance “The frustration of the day’s paddle was wiped away. I felt benevolent and open toward the kids. Making dinner was easy. The storm had pulled us together. “….What had happened to me during that thunderstorm? I know humans don’t move in unison accidentally, so why did I think we’d emerged from our tents in perfect sync? I’m not a spiritual person, or a gushy one, so what caused this quasi-religious feeling that the mountains, people, and river were hanging together in ethereal balance?” Awe Transforms Abrahamson answers, “Scientifically speaking, the storm brought me into a state of awe, an emotion that, psychologists are coming to understand, can have profoundly positive effects on people. It happens when people encounter a vast and unexpected stimulus, something that makes them feel small and forces them


Karen Verna Carlson, N.D., Ph.D. (Hon.) is a naturopathic physician and professor credited with “the first major breakthrough in Swedish Massage—research demonstrating energetic interconnections”—since Peter Ling systemized it in the early 19th century. After 35 years running her own nationally accredited school of holistic healing and massage she has retired to provide a new kind of holistic care for individuals and families. In addition to her specialties of healing massage and bodywork, she provides sensitive, timeand cost-effective services for home or office, family members and staff, that include diverse holistic problem solving for garden, pets, children and elders. Karen has received international recognition for holistic healing and educational work, an honorary degree, silver medal, and Who’s Who listing. She has appeared on television, radio and has been featured in professional publications, mass media and has monthly featured column in Living Well Magazine To reach Karen: kvc@livingwellmagazine.net Phone (302) 777-3964 January 2015


HANDS ON HEALTH by: Ann Wilkinson P.T.M.S,

contributor in the healing process. Trust and faith are also spiritual events. Treating from this perspective is what allows I was on your website, it has a lot of great information miracles. Patients experience something outside of the BOX, about osteopathy. I did not know that osteopathy looks at all outside of the limitations a label places on the circumstances, aspects of a person. Not just my pain issues. I also read that a something beyond the racing chaotic mind and limited beliefs, client’s spiritual aspect is important. How do you address the they begin to understand healing possibilities are in this place spiritual aspect of a patient within your treatment? of surrender. In this mindset, I hear over and over that this once perceived “bad “ thing that happened really ended up being good for them. That they needed to learn something, or “get a break” in order to get them back on track. This mishap is Spirituality and Medicine was the topic of my transformed into a miracle. This is the application of Spirituality dissertation that granted me an honorary PhD. Of course, it is a to Medicine. Transcending religious beliefs is an experience passionate subject for me. When a patient comes to see me, I see with nothing to argue. An answer to prayer for me, allowing this than as a sphere with specific compartments to their Beingness. technique to be an answer to prayer for the patient. These compartments, the physical structure (what hurts, what is twisted, what is tight or loose?), the biochemical aspect (what are they eating or taking and how are they processing this?), I am work in heavy consruction and over the years another aspect, the mind (what are they thinking, what drives my body has taking a beating. Can you help me so I can keep them, motivates them?)and the spiritual component (how are they showing up in the world, to what are they devoted, are they working? aware of their purpose on the planet?). My particular interest began when I was teaching several patients at one time to be in I have observed the work of a heavy construction a very mindful place when stretching their spine, followed by operator. So I am able to understand why a patient having a a relaxation period with breathing and imaging. When I said certain set of symptoms. The work you do causes the body to “you are divine” a quarrel broke out between two clients. Out take a real beating. Not only from the vibratory forces of the of desperation I said a quiet prayer: “Please help me to find a machinery, but the positions you must endure for long periods language that all my patients can except so I can help them to of time, the awkwardness of the forces you need to use to get relax.” My prayer was answered when I received and accepted the job done. What I had found for this patient was that he invitations to teach throughout Israel as well as to India, and needed to counteract those forces. In order to relax his muscles, Egypt. Through these journeys I began to understand and it required getting him in the water. The Watsu water treatments learned how to access information that is not just intellectual seemed to help dissipate those hard pounding forces his body using my mind, but to FEEL into the patient. To connect to endured all day. Prone passive extension exercises were needed the patient, my heart to their heart. Listening with my heart, many times per day to counteract sitting on the backhoe for so trusting what I feel and hear, trust what the patient is saying many consecutive hours. Manual traction of all his limbs, back and engaging the patient in their own healing. This has proven and neck were needed to recover from the awkward twisting, to be very effective, and efficient. So many times we get caught pulling and hunched positions required to do many of his up in the diagnosis, labels, why this, why me, how do we FIX this problem? So much wasted energy on why, why, why? Using routine tasks. This man was motivated as well and follows his spirituality in medicine, means WE (the patient and I, become a regiment of decompression and stretching exercises often. His team) embracing the situation. We become aware, yes the linear need for treatment has gotten less and less over time because of his participation in his healing process. He can counteract the words and jargon and aware in a feeling or internal knowing kind of way. Teaching the patient to ground themselves, breathe occupational hazards of his job and now only needs to come in for acute injuries rather than the symptoms created by chronic deeply, relax and free the mind of mental chatter, allows access overuse. to their “gut” feelings. Confusion and fear are replaced by a calm knowing as they begin to trust themselves. From this mind frame, they become a real contributor and leader in their journey to healing and recovery. If indeed suffering comes from Ann is an award winning writer, teacher and speaker. Ann is the personal ignorance, awareness and wisdom can be the key to healing. body worker of Her Holiness “Sai Maa”. Ann practices osteopathic physical Allowing decisions to be made from this place unlocks the snake therapy and has helped thousands of patients. Ann is also an expert eating its tail feedback loop that the mind can get caught in. on the use of healing foods, homeopathic and herbal consultations, and therapeutic horseback riding. Ann treats her patients in a beautiful Taking a patient out of a state of fear alone, is a spiritual event. country setting which enables her to utilize all of her learned skills as By calming the mind, opening the heart, loving yourself, fifty well as some of the healing properties that only Mother Earth can bestow percent of the healing process is already done by the patient. .Ann is available by appointment and can be reached 302-656-7882. The farm is also available for birthday parties, women’s circles, and retreats. This is how teamwork occurs. The patient becomes the biggest

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January 2015


I was told that my dog, Freddie, a 6 year old Boxer, has mange. He has been very itchy lately and now keeps me up at night with his scratching. Could you tell us about mange.


Sarcoptic mange is the name of a transmissible skin condition caused by infection with a mite called Sarcoptes scabei. Scabies, as it is frequently called, can cause intense itching. Many of these dogs scratch almost continuously, even throughout the night. Sarcoptic mange is relatively common in dogs, rare in cats and can also affect foxes, rabbits, sheep, goats, cattle, guinea pigs and ferrets. It is present world-wide. There is no real sex or breed predilection. The mite’s life cycle is 14-21 days and is spent completely on the host’s skin. After mating, the female mite actually burrows into skin / hair shaft and lays a few eggs. It takes 3 to 10 days for the eggs to hatch. The larvae move around on the skin, molts to the nymph stage and eventually to an adult. At this point, the cycle begins again. Sarcoptes mites are generally spread by direct contact. Humans can get the infection, but it is self-limiting, meaning it will resolve on its own. Humans are the wrong host and only experience some itching. It is recommended to wash all your pets bedding, collars and clothing once they are diagnosed as positive. All pets in the household where a pet was diagnosed with sarcoptic mange should be treated. Diagnosis of mange mites is done by serial skin scrapings. I scalpel is utilized to scrap some of the skin off from an area that is affected. Because these mites burrow into the skin/ hair shaft multiple scrapings usually need to be done to identify the organism under the microscope. History and physical examination can help in a diagnosis. The distribution pattern on a dogs body tends to be on the ventrum (belly), tips of the ears, hock, around the eyes and on the paws. Negative skin scrapings do not eliminate it as a diagnosis. Additional possibilities such as Malassezia (yeast organism), superficial dermatitis, deep skin infection (pyoderma), allergic skin disease, autoimmune diseases (pemphigus sp), skin cancer plus more, must be eliminated prior to a diagnosis by exclusion. Treatment of Sarcoptic mange is often done utilizing a drug called Ivermectin. It is considered off- label use in veterinary medicine according to the FDA. Various other products exist that are derivatives of Ivermectin. Discuss these possibilities with your veterinarian.


I have a friend who said he was walking his dog one day and the dog accidently got into a yellow jacket nest that was in the ground. Both he and the dog were bitten numerous times. Do you have any suggestions on what to do for my dog if this ever happens to him ?


First off, bee stings can be a simple nuisance or can become life threatening to your dog. In your friend’s case, I would have gotten that dog to the veterinarian immediately. Multiple bee stings are much more dangerous because in most cases a small amount of poison is injected into the skin. This can cause severe itching, bumps on the body and an allergic reaction. Many stings are on or around the muzzle for obvious reasons. Some dogs will try to catch the bees with their mouth and get bitten on the tongue. This often results in swelling around the muzzle, face and throat. This is a life threatening situation and needs to be addressed immediately. Monitor your dog for general weakness, diarrhea or sudden defecation, drooling, pale gums, cold limbs, mental confusion, difficulty breathing or swelling at the point of the sting which gets larger as time goes on. All of these symptoms do not have to be present to have an allergic reaction. If you can see the stinger on your pet, try to pull it out. Sometimes scraping the area with your fingernail will cause it to come out. If you have the anti-histamine, Benadryl , which is diphenhydramine, give a dose to him. A 25 pound dog can take 25 milligrams (mgs.). Dogs over 50 pounds can take 50 milligrams (mgs.). Dogs less than 25 pounds can try the liquid children’s Benadryl. Talk to your veterinarian, if possible, prior to giving any medication.

Dr. Rose DiLeva is a 1987 graduate of the University of Pennsylvania’s school of Veterinary Medicine. She practices alternative and conventional veterinary medicine. Dr. DiLeva is a certified veterinary acupuncturist and a certified veterinary chiropractitioner. She can be reached at her Animal Wellness Center in Chadds Ford, Pa. at 610-558-1616 for appointments and telephone consultations. Her web site is www.altpetdoc.com and www.drrosesremedies.com


January 2015


The Crippling Effect of An Ineffective Psychology by Joe White

psychology: noun, plural psychologies. 1. the science of the mind or of mental states and processes. 2. the science of human and animal behavior. 3. the sum or characteristics of the mental states and processes of a person or class of persons, or of the mental states and processes involved in a field of activity: 4. mental ploys or strategy: source: Dictionary.com

So often when a new coaching client sits in my office, the question they ask most often is “How?” How do I change my life? How do I save my marriage? How can I become happy and fulfilled? Somewhere along the way we started to believe that the “how” is the most important thing. Now granted, the how is important. If you don’t know how you’re going to do something, you’re never going to take that action to go out and get the result that you want. Still, the how comes second. What comes first? It is your WHY!! The WHY is what drives you. What will keep you going when you want to quit. When it becomes hard, your why pulls you through. Without that strong enough reason why, without that psychology, that driving force, the mindset, one of two options appears. You will begin to change, but then fall backwards because it gets too uncertain. There are always obstacles, barriers, unexpected challenges that will get in your way. The nature of change is uncertainty. Even when you start to get what you want it creates uncertainty. More money, moving in with your partner, having kids, these are all examples of where by getting what you want, it actually creates more uncertainty. Once we hit a threshold, it is human tendency to retreat back into the familiarity of certainty. In the worse cases, we quit and give up. 26

The second option is that we become so focused on getting everything right, the right time, right conditions, right anything that we never take action and we stay on the sidelines. Eventually something new catches our attention and we abandon our original idea and we go with the new and shiny. The psychology is what gets you from point A to point B. It includes your beliefs, internal stories, values, emotional needs. It keeps you on track, keeps you going. So for example; you just want to get out of debt, getting out of debt is simple. All you have to do is save more money than you spend and cut up the credit cards; but we are emotionally attached to what we buy, that sense of urgency, that sense of immediate gratification. People end up creating some form of budget or spending plan and they take some action but they don’t have the mindset to follow through. They are going to do it for a little bit and then fall short. Here are 2 really simple keys to help create a really extraordinary psychology. If you want muscles you got to build those muscles, so if you want an extraordinary psychology, you’ve got to work on it too. You have got to create a success ritual.


January 2015

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A ritual is something you do every day on a regular basis. You brush your teeth, you shower, and you put on deodorant, right? You do all these things to prepare yourself for your day, but what do you do to prepare yourself emotionally, your behaviors, your patterns, and your emotional muscles?

{ { Integrative Dentistry

Working in harmony with your whole body. Incorporating all of the necessary factors to diagnose and treat each individual.

We’ve got to create a success ritual as well. So whether you choose to do journaling, meditation, reading or incantations or jump on your rebounder and do “I am” statements we got to do something to condition regularly.

We give you a reason to smile!

My combinations range from everything from journaling to reading to meditation to doing incantations when I workout. I do my incantations and what we call power moves. I do my success ritual to prepare myself for the day. The second was taught to me a long time ago, and I believe is probably one the best things that’s helped me through my career. Recognize that success always leaves some sort of evidence or clues behind. To be successful at something, find somebody with an extraordinary psychology. Find someone and model them. If you know them, offer to take them out for dinner, or for coffee and say “I really respect you and the way you think, can I pick your brain a little bit, I want to know how you do this...” For somebody that you don’t know, read their book, watch their biographies, get as much information as you can on that person so you get to understand their mindset. Build your why, condition it for you by making it a daily part of your life. Find a role model and learn from them. If you need assistance, please reach out to me at joe@getlifecoaching.com.

Until next month, live free! Joe White is the President and founder of Get Life Coaching. Get Life Coaching is the leader in personal and professional development since 1999. Joe recently earned the most Prestigious Award : 2012 Entrepreneur of the year. Joe can be contacted at: 302-832-3424, or email him at: doitnow@ getlifecoaching.com or check out: facebook.com/getlifecoaching Follow Joe on @getlifecoaching www.livingwellmagazine.net

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THE YEAR IN REVIEW by Karen Jessee

Sometimes we learn best when we realize we’re not alone in this world of clutter and mayhem. Sometimes it’s just good to know we’re not alone… period. These were the articles that I hope helped you through your year.

Throw Out Fifty Things: A book review of Gail Blanke’s book of the same title, this was a both a story book and workbook that I recommended because it was not just about changing the home; it was also about changing the people inside of it. If ever you thought you were the only one with a shovel and compass to get from one room to the other, Gail will let you know you’re in this with many others. She tells their stories, and gives the strategies.

14 Habits of Ultra-Organized People: I asked permission to reprint Sarah Klein’s Huffington Post interview with Annette Reyman. Who better to reveal the basics than the President of the National Association of Profession Organizers in Philadelphia. Ready? Organized people are optimistic and conscientious decision makers. They know they can get it done and they do. They have calendars and lists and make good use of them. They let go of perfectionism! (Please believe this one.) They prepare for the task but know to ask for help when they need it so the project can be completed. They know what part of the day they do their best work. They are NOT multi-taskers, they focus, and they know when to take a break and let go of it all so they can begin again. 28

Most importantly, they’re goal-oriented. They know what they want and they’re willing to do what it takes to get what they want. They’re TNT kind of people: Today, Not Tomorrow. A Man of Great Fortitude: Adam, a man who had been through a series of misfortunes and tragedies, knew that getting his home back in order would change his life. In a home where nothing made sense, where every room had lost its purpose, we worked together until we changed both the home and the man inside it. Within five months, he was able to make differences in the home himself, gave up smoking, and found a new job. The house has seen new paint, clean out companies, shelving units and almost total reorganization. I had never encountered anyone so determined to be organized from top to bottom and so willing to achieve a sense of total completeness, peace and order.

Nightmare in My House: When I had to have the asbestos in my basement removed, I found myself living with the things and stuff in my dining room and kitchen that belonged in that lower level. What was supposed to be a job that required merely a week of disruption turned into a debilitating five months because of the weather. I began to feel overwhelmed and anxious with the disruptive daily dance around it all. I wasn’t as focused; simple tasks became more difficult to complete. Like my clients, I wished for that magic wand to just make it all sweet and orderly. It was proof that clutter…even to professionals…is problematic and affects our health and ability to function efficiently.

Women With Wings: As a number of my clients have been divorced, widowed, or are merely alone, I introduced them to Kathy Bauers and her volunteer organization, Women With


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Wings. A financial advisor, Kathy found herself working with more women who no longer had the man who once “took care of those things” or who had issues managing their homes themselves. Kathy finds people with unique areas of expertise to run workshops and to answer the many questions from women who are overwhelmed and in need of advice on anything from home and car repair to budgeting, organizing, investing, family law and health.

The Real Legacy You’ve Left Your Children – I, II and III. This three-part series based on my experiences was a collection of stories for the aging parents who have lived with far too much stuff for many years and for the adult children who have experienced the nightmares of having to leave their own families and jobs to eventually deal with it all. I tell the stories of Dale the doctor whose father and mother had spent years collecting, piling and storing; of Ellen whose mother single handedly trashed her home in another state, had a stroke, and needed all of Ellen’s help and attention just as Ellen was preparing to move across country for a new job; of Ethan, who dragged all of his deceased parents’ things across his own threshold and ended up almost destroying his own beautiful home; of Phyllis who can’t get her mother to downsize at all, and of James, whose argumentative siblings were forced to gather for over a year to clean out the small house that had become their mother’s private storage unit.

I claim that if you really love your children, you won’t truly believe that all your things are priceless wonders or that your children… with lives and things of their own… will find joy and delight in cleaning out your many years of saving and accumulating Oh Tidings of Comfort and Joy: Part IV (The Real Legacy You’ve Left Your Children) And then there’s Elliot who has an amazing man cave of trains, toys, games, magazines and collections guaranteed to leave anyone in wide-eyed awe. However, his daughter, Trish, doesn’t care that he’s well-respected and beloved in his community or that his grandchildren adore that basement; she wants to know how she’s going to deal with all this stuff “later.” So, I end the series with the companies and resources that will minimize this anguish for you so that with a few phone calls, you can clear that clutter and go back to your own lives.

In my eleventh year of Simply Organized, I wish you all a New Year of good health, and peace of mind. Karen Jessee is a professional organizer and founder of Simply Organized. She is a member of the National Association of Professional Organizers and the Philadelphia Chapter of Professional Organizers. She encourages people to simplify their lives and works with those who need to downsize and get organized. Karen helps clients make the decisions and create the systems that are best for them. She also teaches the strategies to help clients gain greater clarity, control, productivity and peace. Karen is a public speaker on these topics. Visit her website at: www.nowsimplyorganized.com

In this series I explain why it looks the way it does. I ask for an open discussion between parents, who need to come to the table with a sense of reality, and their children, who need to come to the table with a bit of compassion. I don’t claim that this will go well; I don’t claim that any of this is easy. However, I have recommended that both sides begin early, whether it’s talking or cleaning out a drawer a day.


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January 2015



Sheet Pan Suppers by Molly Gilbert 120 recipes using fresh ingredients and easily prepared and placed on a sheet pan to cook to perfection. Not just for supper either, recipes include breakfasts, desserts, and snacks.

om: ecipes fr

Molly Gilbert, is a graduate of Amherst College and the French Culinary Institute, a cooking instructor, food blogger (dunkandcrumble.com), former private chef, and recipe tester in the kitchen of Saveur. She lives in Seattle Washington with her husband, Ben.

The recipes that Molly has shared wit

h us, serves 4.

1 1/2 pounds russet potatoes (about 2 medium), unpeeled and scrubbed, sliced into 1/4-inch-thick rounds 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil 4 cloves garlic, minced (roughly 1 tablespoon) 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper 4 skinless fillets sole or other firm white fish (each 5 ounces and 1 to 1 1/2 inches thick) 4 tablespoons (1/2 stick) unsalted butter 1 lemon, thinly sliced 8 sprigs fresh thyme

Lemon-Herb Sole on Crispy Potato Rafts When I saw the idea for this recipe in an old, dogeared copy of Cook’s Illustrated (a personal bible of sorts), I knew I had to make my own version. Discovering garlicky potato “rafts” was, to me, the best thing since the acceptance of wearing yoga pants in public. They’re hot and crisp and supremely garlicky, a noble base for the delicately light, flaky, herb-, lemon-, and butter-flavored fish fillets. A smattering of ovenfrizzled capers tops it all off perfectly. I use fillets of sole, when I can find them, though haddock, halibut, or cod are also good choices. Serve these with a simple green salad or a few slices of baguette and some salted butter, if you like. 30

2 tablespoons capers, drained Let’s cook: 1. Preheat the oven to 425°F with a rack in the center position. Line a sheet pan with parchment paper. 2. In a large bowl, toss the potatoes with the olive oil, garlic, salt, and pepper until thoroughly coated. 3. Assemble four potato rafts by overlapping potato slices on the prepared pan in rectangular mounds. Each raft should consist of 3 or 4 shingled rows and be roughly 4 by 6 inches; use 3 or 4 slices of potato per row. 4. Roast the potatoes, rotating the pan halfway through, until golden brown and beginning to crisp, about 30 minutes. Remove the pan from the oven.


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Quick Chicken & Baby Broccoli with Spicy Peanut Sauce

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5. Blot the fish fillets dry with a paper towel. Place one, skinned side down, centered on top of each potato raft. Top each piece of

Peanut sauce is like the chocolate sauce of dinnertime. I’m pretty sure I’d eat my shoe if it were covered in enough of it. This satay-inspired dish pairs my beloved peanut sauce with thinly sliced chicken and baby broccoli charred under the broiler. The whole dish cooks in only about 10 minutes but results in juicy chicken, tender broccolini, and thick, bubbly sauce. It’s addicting. Keep it away from your shoes. I’ve seen packaged thin-cut chicken breasts or cutlets at some grocery stores, but you can easily make your own by slicing a regular chicken breast in half horizontally to create two thin-cut pieces.

fish with 1 tablespoon butter, 2 lemon slices, and 2 sprigs thyme. Scatter the capers atop the fish and around the pan.

Olive oil cooking spray (optional)

6. Return the pan to the oven and roast until the fish is flaky and opaque, about 15 minutes.

1/4 cup low-sodium soy sauce

7. Transfer the potato rafts and accompanying fillets to individual plates, ideally with a big spatula. Serve hot.

1 tablespoon packed dark brown sugar 1/4 cup plus 2 tablespoons creamy peanut butter (commercial or natural) 1 tablespoon toasted sesame oil

Let’s cook: 1. Preheat the oven to broil, with a rack 4 inches from the heat. Line a sheet pan with aluminum foil or mist it with cooking spray. 2. Whisk together the brown sugar, peanut butter, sesame oil, soy sauce, sriracha, vinegar, water, and lime juice in a medium-sizebowl until smooth. Set aside 1/4 cup of the peanut sauce for serving. 3. Rub the broccolini and chicken with the remaining peanut sauce to thickly coat, and arrange them in a tight single layer on the prepared pan. Broil, keeping a close eye on the pan to prevent burning, and flipping the chicken halfway through, until the chicken is just cooked through, the broccolini is well charred, and the sauce is bubbly and deeply browned, 10 to 12 minutes.

1 tablespoon sriracha sauce 1 tablespoon rice vinegar 1/4 cup warm water 1 tablespoon freshly squeezed lime juice 2 bunches broccolini (1 pound total) 4 to 6 thin-cut boneless, skinless chicken breasts or cutlets (1 to 1 1/2 pounds total)

4. Serve the chicken and broccolini hot from the oven with the reserved dipping sauce alongside. — continued on next page


January 2015


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Broiled Steak & Asparagus with Feta Cream Sauce Broiled Steak & Asparagus with Feta Cream Sauce This dish is deliciously simple. Beautiful sirloin tip steaks (which are nice and lean, and cheap to boot) and fresh asparagus are broiled to perfection—in 10 minutes! And while the broiler works its magic, all we need to do is whip up a salty, creamy, tangy feta sauce in the blender. If asparagus isn’t your thing, feel free to swap out another quick-cooking vegetable, such as sliced summer squash or some bright cherry tomatoes. Olive oil cooking spray 2 bunches asparagus 5 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil ¾ teaspoon kosher salt ½ teaspoon freshly ground black pepper 2 sirloin tip steaks (each 1 to 1½ inches thick; about 2¼ pounds total) 1 cup (about 6 ounces) crumbled feta cheese

1. Preheat the broiler with a rack about 4 inches from the heat. Line a sheet pan with aluminum foil and mist a wire rack about the size of the sheet pan with cooking spray. 2. Snap off the bottom of one asparagus spear, to see where it breaks easily. Line up the rest of the bunch and slice off the bottoms at the same spot. Place the trimmed asparagus on the prepared pan, drizzle with 3 tablespoons of the olive oil, sprinkle with ¼ teaspoon salt and ¼ teaspoon black pepper, and toss to coat. Arrange the asparagus in a single layer around the perimeter of the pan and set the wire rack on top, nudging the asparagus aside as needed so the rack lies flat and even. 3. Blot the steaks dry with a paper towel. Season both sides with the remaining ½ teaspoon salt and ¼ teaspoon pepper. Place the steaks on the wire rack. 4. Place the pan under the broiler (the steaks should be about an inch from the heat). Broil, flipping the steaks once, until well browned and charred at the edges, 4 to 5 minutes per side for medium-rare. (If you prefer your steak more or less done, adjust the cooking time accordingly.) 5. While the steaks and asparagus cook, make the feta cream sauce: Combine the feta cheese, sour cream, remaining 2 tablespoons olive oil, and cider vinegar in a food processor or blender. Puree the ingredients until smooth. Add salt and pepper to taste and give the sauce one last pulse. Pour the sauce into a bowl and fold in the chives. 6. Remove the pan from the broiler and allow the steak and asparagus to rest for 10 minutes on the rack. Transfer the steak to a cutting board before slicing it thinly

½ cup sour cream 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar ¼ cup finely chopped fresh chives 32

Let’s cook:


January 2015

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Art of Eati


Transparency Is Key to a Strong Natural Product Industry By Robert Craven The natural products movement is steadily gaining in popularity as more and more consumers recognize the inherent health benefits these products provide. As the demand from consumers grows, so does the number of companies seeking to fill that need with its products. From natural retailers to mass merchandisers, natural products are filling shelves everywhere. On the surface, this seems like a winning combination for consumers, who have a wide variety of natural products to chose from that best fit their lifestyle and sellers who are offering deep discounts on what appears to be a true natural product. However, the reality is that many of these so-called natural products aren’t all that they seem or are sold by retailers who are lacking adequate product knowledge – which is a real problem for health conscious consumers who want to know exactly what they are putting into their bodies. It’s a problem that I have seen often with natural supplement companies, but it is an issue that can negatively impact the entire natural product industry. In my opinion, the best way to counteract this growing problem is with transparency. I’m not talking “little t” transparency where

companies cherry-pick what information they choose to share with their consumers while still maintaining some level of behind-closed-doors tactics and operations. This is a common approach with businesses who want to give the impression they have nothing to hide from their customer base. We have to realize that today’s consumer is nothing if not savvy and skeptical, and they have become accustomed to having instant access to the information they want. Whether it is through the practice of sharing everything on social media channels or getting instant information through search engines, today’s consumers are not going to be placated with partial attempts at transparency from the companies they do business with. No, what the natural products industry needs to embrace is what I call “Big T” Transparency, where everything from ingredients to manufacturing procedures to daily operations that are shared with the public. Another inherent benefit of practicing transparency in the natural product industry is that it helps separate your company from some of the “fringe” players who talk a big game but don’t necessarily


January 2015

have quality products to walk the walk. We all know that a few bad apples can ruin the bunch – both literally and figuratively in the natural products game. So when a company in our industry doesn’t practice integrity and is shady in its dealing with its consumers, your company can be tainted by mere association. The best way to counteract that is through transparency; when you are open and honest about who you are and what you do as a company; it builds brand loyalty and trust that can’t be ruined by those other bad apples. As more and more consumers activate to demand transparency from the natural product companies they deal with, we will create a better, more authentic and overall healthier industry.

Robert is the passionate CEO of FoodState – a company that has been mastering the art of farm-fresh supplements since 1973. FoodState markets under two high-growth brands including MegaFood and is proud to be the only company that buys organic & sustainable fruits & veggies directly from US farmers for use in their supplements. @RobertUCraven|www.linkedin.com/ in/robertucraven www.megafood.com


Reiki In A Hospital Setting

By Michele Anderson, Reiki Master Teacher and Practitioner

If you’ve watched television or listened to the radio lately, chances are you’ve heard an advertisement for a pharmaceutical product or medical treatment. We have become a nation accustomed to popping pills for everything from anxiety to arthritis. And while traditional medicine is a necessary part of combating illness, some individuals are seeking alternate forms of treatment. One alternative therapy is Reiki, an ancient Japanese technique for relaxation and stress reduction which also promotes healing. While not intended for diagnosis or treatment of disease, Reiki can be utilized to complement and even augment traditional Western medicine.

During a healing session, which typically last 45 to 90 minutes, a Reiki practitioner taps into the universal life force energy and directs it to specific areas of the client’s body. The practitioner uses techniques such as scanning the client’s energy field to detect disruptions within it. By guiding his or her hands slowly over the client’s clothed body, the practitioner directs Reiki energy to the client, and in doing so, dissolves energy blockages which are often the root of a client’s health issues. Clients often report sensations of warmth, tingling and an overall sense of peace and relaxation during treatment sessions.

What is Reiki?

How is Reiki Learned?

Word Reiki comes from combining the Japanese words “Rei” meaning universal and “Ki” meaning life force or energy. Together they translate to “universal life force energy.” A Reiki practitioner uses this life force energy to help heal stress and negative energy in the body, thereby promoting an overall feeling of well-being, relaxation and centeredness. Reiki is not a religion, but a method of creating inner peace.

Reiki is an easily acquired technique that can be used on oneself or others. In order to become a practitioner, it is necessary to study with a Reiki Master. During training sessions, students learn about the history of Reiki, the necessary hand positions used during treatments, as well as more advanced techniques such as using crystals to augment a session. Reiki is less of a “learned” practice than an acquired one. Reiki energy is passed on from Master to student during a process called “attunement.” After an attunement, the student’s energetic pathways become more open and his vibrational level heightens, allowing Reiki energy to flow freely. Once attuned, practitioners have the ability to conduct Reiki for life.

How Does it Work? Simply stated, Reiki is energy. Energy is all around us because living things emit their own energetic field. Just think about a time you’ve entered a room full of people and immediately perceived either a positive or negative feeling. That initial “gut” feeling is your intuitive ability to read and respond to others’ life force energy.

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January 2015

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Reiki Heals on Many Levels Mary, a yoga instructor and registered nurse, tried Reiki treatments out of curiosity. After her first session, she was pleasantly surprised to learn that Reiki had the ability to work beyond just the physical level. “Not only did I feel totally relaxed, but I found for two months after the treatment, my sleeping was better, I had a more positive outlook, and…experienced a reduction in peri-menopausal symptoms,” she says. Like Mary, clients often report an improvement in physical maladies as well an overall improvement in mood, mental clarity, and stress levels. When Kate Peterson from Red Hook, NY had her first Reiki session, she was suffering from stress and anxiety coupled with chronic back pain. While she wasn’t sure to expect from the treatment, she soon became relaxed and comfortable. Within moments, she began to feel a pulsing sensation in her lower back which lasted the duration of the session. “After my session,” says Peterson, “I felt great. But the next morning was the best part. I got out of bed quickly, forgetting the fact that I normally have to do it slowly or have my husband help me.” Reiki Becoming an Accepted Form of Complimentary Wellness Care As knowledge of the health benefits of Reiki have spread, so too has its availability. Not only are there more than one million worldwide certified Reiki practitioners, but Reiki is now being offered to patients in local hospitals and treatment centers. Northern Westchester Hospital in Westchester, New York has been offering Reiki as part of the Integrative Therapy Program for cancer patients since 2004. Maria Hale, Vice-President of the Office of Patient and Family Advocacy explains Reiki’s importance as a complementary therapy. Hale says patients experience great levels of pain and anxiety when undergoing cancer treatments. Reiki is a tool used by staff members to help patients through the process. “Patients need to relax in order to let the healing process begin,” says Hale. “Reiki is a natural way for that to happen.” A body in a relaxed state allows medical treatments to work more efficiently and enables the patient to experience faster, more easeful healing. Reiki is often offered to cancer patients as a way to lift the veil of pain associated with the disease and its treatment. With reduced pain, patients are better able to take part in their care plan and redirect their focus on recovery. Anne West, Licensed Massage Therapist, Licensed Acupuncturist, Clinical Nurse Specialist of Holistic Nursing and Reiki Practitioner at Northern Westchester Hospital observes a dramatic decrease in patient pain after a Reiki treatment as evidenced by the analog scales used by medical staff. West says, “…the pre-and post- interventions are amazing. Before a session with the team, they’re registering their

pain as six to an eight, or sometimes ten out of ten. Then afterward, a two, or sometimes they’re asleep. The body is able to get into that deep relaxation, and everything is back in harmony.” Susan Raskin, Reiki Practitioner, Clinical Nurse in Holistic Nursing and Manager of Holistic Integrative Medicine at Northern Westchester Hospital notes how relaxed and peaceful patients feel after a Reiki treatment. She says that relaxation is the key to allowing the body “…to do what it innately knows how to do in the healing process.” She also explains that for those skeptical about trying Reiki as part of a treatment plan, “Look at it like a box of chocolate. If you’ve not tried that one before, try it and see how it is.” It’s important to stress that Reiki is not intended to use in place of medication, but rather, in conjunction with a patient’s medicinal regime. Reiki is known to augment Western medicine practices and helps speed the rate at which the body heals. “The pain medicine is there. It’s not an either or. We use Reiki in concert with the medication for better response in the body,” says Hale. “What we find on average is that patients will show a three to four-point change in their pain.” Reiki Empowers When patients are able to relax, they experience a greater sense of clarity, enabling them to be an active participant in their healing. They are then able to take part in the decision process and are better able to make their needs and wishes known when it comes to medical treatment. “From a patient empowerment standpoint, clarity is very important because you want to be a partner in your care,” Hale says, explaining that the patient’s thinking then becomes, ‘“I’m able to be the vertical patient, not the horizontal patient where things are being done to me.”’ Empowerment indeed. Patients who suffer chronically or who are in a state of physical debilitation are those who most need a sense of normalcy and a way to experience some level of their previous physical ability. When patients have a greater sense of control in their medical care, they have a greater ability to have faith in the process and allow themselves to heal. Rae Wiggins is a Reiki Practitioner at Good Shepherd Community Care in Newton, Massachusetts, one of the most trusted healthcare organizations in Greater Boston focusing on hospice and palliative care. Wiggins says that following a Reiki treatment, a client who had difficulty engaging with others due to illness, came away more alert and awake and was able to “…interact with family in a way that had previously been lost.” For family members, when restoration of their loved one’s ability to be present and alert occurs, it is a gift beyond measure.


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Elena Ladas, PhD, Registered Dietitian, Director for Comprehensive Wellness Division of Pediatric Hematology, Oncology and Stem Cell transplant at Columbia University Medical Center in New York wants to encourage people to be open to Reiki and all integrative therapies. “Patients suffer…Reiki empowers patients. It’s not measurable in the traditional sense, but it’s very real. You can see it when patients feel empowered,” says Ladas. A decade ago, Reiki was not widely offered as a complimentary therapy in hospitals, but as more people have become informed of its benefits, the more it has been sought out by patients. Reiki works on a level that pharmaceuticals cannot; the energetic level. When disruptions in a person’s energetic field are present, illness can result. When those disruptions are repaired through the work of a Reiki treatment, people feel more balanced, relaxed, and have lower pain levels. This fosters a more positive outlook on the future and recovery. The Benefits Keep Spreading It’s not only patients at Northern Westchester Hospital who reap the benefits of Reiki. Reiki practitioners treat other members of the staff to assist with stress management. As a part of Nurse Recognition Week, the Integrative Medicine department sets up sessions for nurses in one of the modalities which include yoga, acupuncture, exercise and of course, Reiki. Hale explains that when staff members have given one another Reiki treatments, the change in mood is palpable on the floor. She notes that the environment feels lighter and more positive, with more smiling staff members. “It’s a big win when we do this infusion of integrated medicine into the culture,” says Hale. It makes sense. Relaxed medical staff make better caretakers. Elena Ladas agrees that Reiki benefits other individuals besides the patient. “You can train parents in Reiki and they can provide it to their child. That’s a unique thing about Reiki,” says Ladas. When parents are trained practitioners, they are able to provide Reiki to their child in both the hospital and home settings. The child need not wait for a nurse or other trained staff member to become available in order to receive a treatment. Additionally, parents can use Reiki on themselves as a way to promote relaxation and a sense of calmness while shouldering the burden of having an ill child. Freida Hilts, PhD and Reiki Master Practitioner, also notes the benefits of treating a patient’s loved ones. During her work with Hospice patients, family members sometimes requested Reiki treatments as well. According to Hilts, family members felt a need for relaxation and stress management as they tried to cope with the terminal illness of their loved one. After treatment, Hilts says family members noted a greater sense of relaxation and renewed ability to assist the ill loved one.


Reiki is Restorative Liz Sauer, physical therapist at Hudson Valley Home Care in Poughkeepsie, NY uses Reiki as part of a treatment plan for her homebound patients, with acute or chronic pain; orthopedic, postoperative, or neurological situations; or who are in palliative care. Sauer reports using Reiki to help clients relax and to decrease pain levels so that the physical therapy work can begin. Sauer became interested in Reiki after experiencing her own long-term pain. She sought the help of a physical therapist while also receiving Reiki treatments. “There was a time I was not able to work and I experienced a lot of overall body pain, which… has decreased tremendously and I am able to work as a physical therapist.” Sauer now uses this first-hand experience to help her own clients, explaining that after treatment with Reiki, clients “…don’t feel so anxious about their pain. They’re calmer and have increased mobility.” Additionally, she explains that clients’ moods are lifted and they are more interested in progressing forward. Melissa Zehr, of Highland, was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. She sought Reiki treatment prior to undergoing a mastectomy to help alleviate the stress, frequent headaches and lack of sleep she was experiencing since the diagnosis. She was pleased to discover the negative energy her body had been harboring was eliminated after the session. Her body felt tingly and her headache had virtually vanished. She also notes that since the session she enjoyed more restful sleep and a more positive outlook. “Being a breast cancer survivor, it is a continual process for healing, which means keeping a balance between body and mind. For me, Reiki will help in that process with continuing sessions.” Reiki is a powerful and effective way to complement western medicine and can be used in a variety of situations. Skeptics are encouraged to give Reiki a try and see how it will work for them. “Have a willingness to suspend the skepticism and allow the energy to work,” says Wiggins. While still mysterious to some, it is a modality worth trying.

Michele Anderson was first introduced to Reiki over a decade ago. The experience was lifechanging, prompting her to begin her own study of the ancient technique. She became a certified Reiki Master through the International Center for Reiki Training. From there, she established her own practice, Inner Light Reiki, located in Red Hook, NY. In addition to offering treatments, she also teaches classes and workshops so that others may experience the joy of helping others find inner peace and balance. In addition to being a Reiki practitioner, Michele is also a writer and blogger. Her work has been featured in The Poughkeepsie Journal; Hudson Valley Parent Magazine; and Celebrations. com, a division of 1-800-Flowers. Michele puts the spotlight on education and parenting in her blog, Behind the Chalk: ParentTeacher Talk, drawing from her experience as a special education teacher. She can be reached at andersonreikienergy@yahoo.com.


January 2015


January 2015


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