Living.Well Magazine October 16

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HEALTH + HOME + FOOD + WEALTH + STYLE recycle: share this magazine

words from the editors and publishers:

This month’s issue of LWM is dedicated to everyone who has had cancer change his or her lives forever. October is “Breast Cancer Awareness Month” and we are honoring the women who have lived through the diagnosis of breast cancer along with their family and friends who continue to support them unconditionally. On a personal level, we would like to recognize the thousands of women who fought a good fight and sadly succumbed to cancer, you are forever in our hearts. Read the stories from two very brave women who were given the dreaded diagnosis of breast cancer, how they lived with the diagnosis and continue to live today. Women must be vigilant when it comes to the fight against breast cancer through the investment of power and knowledge needed to help prevent, and early detection of breast cancer. Don’t be afraid to be your own advocate when it comes to your health and if you can’t advocate for yourself assign someone who will. According to the American Cancer Society in 2015, there were 60,290 of Situ cases (An early stage cancer in which the cancerous growth or tumor is still confined to the site from which it HELP WANTED started, and has not spread to surrounding tissue or other organs in the body), 231,840 EXPERIENCED AD SALES Invasive cases, and 40,290 deaths. The statics are based on women, but there is a growing PEOPLE TO JOIN incidence of men being diagnosed with breast cancer. OUR TEAM! Karen L. Tedesco, MD, an attending physician with New York Oncology Hematology Call: 302-355-0929 shares with us her article entitled, “Understanding a Breast Cancer Diagnosis”. A good internet source with a wealth of information about breast cancer is the American Cancer Society, search breast cancer at . Advertising Inquiries: We’re having some fun with recipes this month with ghoulish and maybe even repulsive recipes straight from the source, Hoxton Street Monster Supplies, The Monster’s Brian Strauss - Publisher Cookbook, Everyday Recipes for the Living, Dead, and Undead, check them out if you dare. The book is available for the first time in the U.S. this month. If you are looking for something more festive looking visit, our website for more Halloween inspired recipes 302-355-0929 and one of our favorites a Vampire’s Red Eye Martini. Read and enjoy another great issue of LWM with the usual great content helping you live well! Enjoy & Share Everything! Brian and Diane Strauss

Editors / Publishers Diane and Brian Strauss Associate Editor: Michael Strauss puppy love™ Creator Sean Strauss Media Development Jonelle Jentilucci Resident Artist and Creator of the Valentino caricature. Liam McWilliams Design and Graphics Diane Strauss

VOLUME 11 NUMBER 10 LIVING.WELL MAGAZINE (ISSN 2325-2448) published monthly by Savendale Media Group, 1519 Old Coach Road Newark, Delaware 19711 Phone:302-355-0929 Fax:302-454-1867 LIVING.WELL MAGAZINE© is a monthly publication distributed regionally. All articles and advertisements are accepted in good faith. Living Well Magazine assumes no responsibility or liability for any claims, conditions, products, services, errors, and/or opinions expressed through articles and advertisements appearing in this publication. Please check with your primary health care provider before making any changes. Living Well Magazine welcomes your comments and suggestions. No part of LIVING WELL MAGAZINE™ may be reproduced in any form without permission and written consent. Copyright, All rights reserved. 2015 Various Trademarks Used By Permission Of Their Respective Owners

Cover: designed by dcstrauss For more content, photos, and special give-aways you can find and follow us on most social media forums.

puppylove™ Jimmy put this Amazon box to good re-use—upcycled

into a cat hide-out..

October 2016

inside Help Each Other Karen Verna Carlson The One Thing That Changes Everything Suzanne E. Eder





Ask The Vet Dr. Rose Dileva


Hands on Health Ann Wilkinson P.T.M.S.


The Trap of Hesitation Joe White


Acupuncture May Decrease Your Joint Pain Dr. Kelly Brown




gingerdead men

LW M 22

Having a laugh on snapchat.




Earth Talk: A coal-free power future in the U.S. a reality or just anenvironmental pipe dream?




Ancient Indian Energy Healing ToTreat The Root Cause of Disease Vera Kaur




FEATURED IN THIS ISSUE: Understanding a Breast Cancer Diagnosis Karen L. Tedesco, MD The Journey To Becoming A Survivor Instructor Melisa Wilson Don’t Be Afraid To Be Your Own Advocate Heather K. Allen


15 24 34

the shop by design


The prestigious— Living.Well Magazine Tried and True award is given only awarded to products and companies that we have used and can honestly say they were great! If it has the LWM Tried and True Award on it, we are sure that you will too.






Are You Feeling The Effects Of A Nutrient Deficiencies? Melissa Crispell, CNS, CNHP



Many of the items appearing in LWM can be purchased at a local retailer. We have included product website addresses so you can type in your zip code for local buying options and or direct purchasing if not available in your area. Most books are available at either: Barnes & Noble or


Earth Talk: Artic National Life Refuge Conservation Vs Development



Preventing The Risk Of Falls Among The Elderly Dr. Scott Rosenthal

Tech Addicted with Sean





October 2016

Where’s Valentino?


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October 2016

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FYI U.S. mobile phone users send 6 text messages a day!


Texting Is Millennials Favorite For Business Communication According to a new study and report by OpenMarket, SMS is the first choice for customers age 18-34 engagement, with texting cited as the most preferred communication channel for receiving notifications from businesses. 72% of millennials say they text 10 or more times a day and 31% say they text more than 50 times a day. The leading factor in millennials’ preferences for texting is its ability for two-way communication with businesses, providing convenience, speed, and ease of use, says the report. 60% of millennials want to be able to text their preferred businesses, but currently they’re only receiving five or fewer messages a week from companies, with 20% noting they don’t receive any texts from business at all. As a follow-up to the OpenMarket’s first millennial survey earlier this year, this new research identifies what communication method millennials prefer, and why and how they’re utilizing the channel with businesses. The results revealed that over 83% of millennials polled say they open a text within 90 seconds of receiving it. Texting is the #1 preferred channel of notifications from businesses, with email coming in a close second, and voice a distant third Social media channels aren’t a significant factor for business-tomillennial communications as of yet. Postal mail has a higher preference than Twitter and Facebook 62% of Millennials prefer to receive texts from businesses for appointment reminders; 59% for delivery notifications; and 48% payment reminders Millennials desire a combination of both one-word responses (yes, no, help, info, etc.) and natural language feedback at the level of two-way communication with businesses

With the popularity and rise in online text-based communications came the emergence of a new texting language, tailored to the immediacy and compactness of these new communication media. Today, text and chat abbreviations

459 Means I love you (ILY is 459 using keypad numbers) ^5 High-five 511 Too much information (more than 411) 6Y Sexy 9 Parent is watching AAK Asleep at keyboard AFK Away from keyboard ALOL Actually laughing out loud LOL Laughing out loud ROFLOL Rolling on floor laughing out loud LMFAO Laughing my freaking *a* off B4N Bye for now BHL8 Be home late BOB Back off *buddy* CMAP Cover my *a* partner (online gaming) DNC Do not compute (meaning I do not understand) MTFBW May the force be with you NERF Meaning “Changed and is now weaker” (online gaming) ESAD Eat *S* and die! H8 Hate ITYK I thought you knew LTD Living the dream MOS Mother over shoulder MOD Modification (online gaming) P2P Parent to parent P2P Peer to peer P2P Pay to play (online gaming) SSDD Same stuff, different day WOW World of Warcraft (online gaming) The world’s first text message was sent from a computer to a cellphone by British engineer, Neil Papworth on December 03, 1992. It read: “Merry Christmas” and this single text message revolutionized the way we communicate. he g) on t n i k r o w rkin ( ay? You wo rk as yesterd o nt day) same w differe f, f u t s ame SSDD (s ne) dun (do t s o m l ard) You a t keybo a p e e l K (As No! AA

Keep in my that different groups may use the same acroynm with a different meaning For example a , online gamers are likely to use chat abbreviations not used by a financial blogger. The online chat lingo used by parents and teens also differs. So now you know how to reach them andwe thought we would share some common and uncommon text lingo. 6

October 2016


BELOW: Bread baking with the Emile Henry Bread Cloche. The lid traps steam from the baking bread to create an environment similar to a steam-injected oven. The steam gives the bread a wonderfully crunchy and chewy crust. The Emile Henry Bread Cloche is sized for a round loaf made using 3-cups of flour. A complete recipe and instruction booklet is included. Made of all natural materials and is backed by a tenyear warranty.

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October 2016


A coal-free power future in the U.S. a reality or just an environmental pipe dream?

Far from just an environmental pipedream, the coal industry in the U.S. and around the world is in the midst of a major downswing. In 2011, coal dropped below 40 percent of total U.S. energy generation for the first time since the late 1970s, while in 2015 coal accounted for only 33 percent. And given the influx of cheap natural gas and the ascendance of renewable energy sources—not to mention recent coal mine safety lapses with tragic consequences—coal might not be able to mount a comeback. “Technological advances have made natural gas, wind and solar— and efficiency—increasingly competitive,” reports John Brinkley in Sierra Magazine. “The once-robust overseas demand for coal is disappearing.” Brinkley adds that a decade of sustained public advocacy for clean air and clean energy has left coal out in the dark. The Obama administration’s landmark Clean Power Plan that forces big coal fired power plants to clean up their acts dramatically or shut down has been one major factor in coal’s slide, while the Paris climate accord has sped up the process even more by taking a huge bite out of potential U.S. coal exports. Over just the last five years, fully one-third of U.S. coal plants, some 232 different facilities, have been closed or scheduled for imminent retirement. Plans for another 184 new coal-fired plants have been shuttered—activists claim credit but the development of new technologies that make harvesting natural gas that much cheaper may have more to do with coal’s death knell. For the first time in 200 years, no new coal plants are on the drawing board in the U.S. 8

According to the Energy Information Administration (EIA), which collects data and reports on energy statistics for the federal government, some 13,000 megawatts of coal power went offline in 2015 as a result of coal plant retirements, while wind energy added 8,600 megawatts and solar tacked on another 7,300 megawatts. The Sierra Club’s Beyond Coal campaign reports that coal’s downswing is just beginning, with another 50,000 megawatts of coal power predicted to go offline by 2030. And the trend isn’t stopping at the border. “Many countries that used to be reliable customers for U.S. coal just aren’t into it anymore, partly because of last year’s successful UN climate change conference in Paris,” reports Brinkley. Even before the Paris agreement, China, the world’s largest producer and consumer of coal, had been scaling back production and imports drastically in efforts to clean up urban air pollution and reduce its carbon footprint. In 2015, China cut imports of U.S. coal some 86.5 percent from 1.7 million tons to only 229,000. Of course, coal is still big business in the U.S. and beyond, and it isn’t going away overnight. But how long it can stick around as a viable contender for Americans’ energy dollars is anybody’s guess. “The trajectory for the coal industry is clear, but the timeline is not,” sums up Brinkley. CONTACTS: Sierra Club’s Beyond Coal,; Energy Information Administration, EarthTalk® is produced by Roddy Scheer & Doug Moss and is a registered trademark of the nonprofit Earth Action Network. To donate, visit Send questions to:

October 2016

Artic National Life Refuge (ANWR) Conservation Vs Development

The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR), located on Alaska’s northeast coast, has been a conservation-versus-development battleground for decades. The 1.5 million acre coastal plain at the foot of the Brooks Range where the land meets the Arctic Ocean is the crown jewel of the 19 million acre refuge—and a magnet for iconic Alaskan wildlife like caribou, polar bears and wolverines. But oil interests say the coastal plain is covering huge oil and natural gas reserves and should be drilled for the sake of the U.S. and Alaskan economies. Some 250 wildlife species consider ANWR home, while another 180 species of birds migrate through every year (from all 50 states and beyond). The coastal plain itself is a birthing ground for the region’s iconic caribou herd and also provides safe haven and sustenance for hundreds of other marine and terrestrial species. Environmental advocacy groups cite studies showing that industrial operations would deter animals from the area, robbing them of one of the last protected areas to raise their young. Beyond biological pragmatism, conservationists argue that opening the refuge up to drilling operations would set a dangerous precedent, potentially opening the door for similar pressures on federal wilderness areas and even in national parks. Some of the key defenders of ANWR include the Alaska Wilderness League, Defenders of Wildlife, EarthJustice and others. The other side champions the economic potential of the region. Alaska Governor Bill Walker has strongly supported drilling operations in ANWR, a stance shared by Alaska’s federal representatives. A 2007 Yale study showed the potential for $374 billion dollars of oil beneath ANWR. This would be vital income for the state government, which relies heavily on oil and gas tax streams for its budget.

Alaska politicians say they need the extra revenue to pay to relocate climate refugees from villages inundated by rising seas. “We are in a significant fiscal challenge,” Alaska’s Republican governor Bill Walker told the BBC. “We have villages that are washing away because of changes in the climate.” Nationally, supporters of drilling also cite economics: Every barrel of oil produced domestically puts tax money in the national coffers and creates local jobs. Shell has been the major commercial supporter of opening the refuge, though 78 percent of Alaskans share the sentiment. The state legislature has passed legislation opening ANWR to oil exploration—but it’s not theirs to decide since it’s on federal land. But that doesn’t mean ANWR is safe from development. Inside the Washington DC beltway, the Republican-dominated House passed a dozen resolutions in support of opening it up to oil exploration in the last session alone—although Democratic filibuster efforts were able to block any such legislation. Meanwhile, Senate Democrats Michael Bennet (CO), Ed Markey (MA) and 32 Democratic co-sponsors introduced legislation last December calling for permanently designating the most sensitive sections of ANWR as wilderness off limits to development. With bigger fish to fry right now, lawmakers might not consider the legislation until a new President is in office, but backers of protecting ANWR can urge their Senators to support the bill via an easy-to-send customizable online form letter courtesy of the non-profit EarthJustice. CONTACTS: ANWR,; Alaska Wilderness League,; Defenders of Wildlife,; EarthJustice, EarthTalk® is produced by Roddy Scheer & Doug Moss and is a registered trademark of the nonprofit Earth Action Network. To donate, visit Send questions to:

October 2016


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Caricature created by: Liam McWilliams

Enter: Where’s Valentino Contest Find Answers Here

ow! There are thousands of readers who are searching for Valentino. He is hidden somewhere on the pages of each issue. The entries keep pouring in. We hope you have fun looking and will continue your quest to find Valentino. When you find him please email us at: [Please type “Valentino” on the subject line or scan the QR Code below]. — keep searching and entering the “Where’s Valentino!” Contest every month for a chance to be entered to win some great gifts, subscriptions, T-shirts, mugs, cookbooks ,books, videos, etc. Or enter on our Facebook page LWMlivingwellmagazine (be sure to inbox us so you aren’t sharing his location with everyone), and be sure to like the page first. Please remember to share our page with your friends! Below Is The Answer To Last Month’s Where’s Valentino! Thank you for finding Valentino! We had a record amount of entries this month and we will be sending out more prizes. Too easy? His ninja skills get sharper when the weather gets cooler Please make sure we have your mailing address. Because if you are a winner we can sent out your prize! For those of you who are still looking for Valentino, he was on p 30 “Wellness Within” Ellyn Hutton was looking out a window and Valentino wanted to see what Ellyn was looking at. When you find Valentino, send us an email at: (be sure to put Valentino or Where’s Valentino AHEEEHAPJDDNJKOMMCOONMLGGKDPBDDIFMLKIILIBPAHEEEHA BNFFFNBPNHMLAHBCEGFKAOAHFHADBPJOBCICACIONPBNFFFNB NHCDMGFPMPENGLFIPCGBDBBADAGNDKIOMKMJKCPMPIJMOKGDL in the subject line or just scan the QR CHOBIFFGCDMEFJNPAAACCBBBCDKCGPMBIKPAFKLNGHEDKCFPD KCNDLOFEHPAGDJHHICJIKEGHKINGCKGEBKLBKHFLBBOFHKHMA BFKLANFMBJEHIEOJBMMEOHANENBEKOMLKLPHHBJNAMFNAJDBL Code with your smart phone and it will DLKIMFFBAOGLJECDFBMPEMENNFILACIIMPNKIEHLMJJJMMMHH HGLCCFFJJHIHEMOIJCADNKMBNMABKOODHABKOFNKOMEJPABPB take you directly to an email addressed BDDMAIFOBCBBKBMFMLOJBANAOJLHHGIGIONFKLPMHPOJGOMMG DEOGDFFOHBFKFGHBFLKNLPIMAFNONDMHKAHHHIBFIFHLDHFPC EFFNNNEHKJHLFBOOHFEOCAAHFHACILHDDCKNKKFMAHFHAOLNJ and ready to go, all you have to do is tell APBBBPAPIBBENPELBCBGPGAAEBEEDIBOOGPPKDPMCAFBAMMPH HHHHHHHPPHHHPHPPPPHHPPHHPHHPPHHHPHHHHHHPPPPPPHHHH us where he is. After we receive your entry, a brief survey is sent back to you, please fill it out if you haven’t already. It is for LWM only and will never be shared.

Wish you were here  10

October 2016

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October 2016


“I once again had the pleasure and privilege of interviewing Anita Moorjani upon the release of her second book: What If This Is Heaven? How Our Cultural Myths Prevent Us From Experiencing Heaven On Earth. Anita is the New York Times best-selling author of Dying to Be Me, an account of her nearly four-year struggle with cancer that culminated in a fascinating and moving near-death experience, which vastly changed her perspective on life. Dying to Be Me, which reached the bestseller list within two weeks of its release and remained for nine weeks, has been translated into more than 45 languages and sold more than one million copies worldwide. Now completely cancer-free, Anita travels the globe, giving talks and workshops as well as speaking at conferences and special events to share the profound insights she gained while in the other realm.” The One Thing That Changes Everything Suzanne Eder

We’ve been taught all the wrong things. This is the overwhelming realization Anita Moorjani had while in the other realm during her near death experience (NDE) in 2006, after a four-year struggle with cancer. In that expanded state, in a realm of unconditional love, she could see clearly that we’re not supposed to suffer with cancer or other illness. She realized that the medical community’s perspective of disease as an enemy to be conquered is completely misguided. She could also see that we’re not meant to struggle with our finances, work or relationships. We are meant to live joyfilled lives. We are meant to experience heaven on earth. She understood that it is when we are unaware of our true worth and magnificence that we experience pain or struggle. She saw that the beliefs we hold about ourselves, many of which have been fed to us through our culture from a very young age, prevent us from being fully aware of who we are, which is love. She understood that only profound self-love could restore that awareness and bring us to a place of peace and joy. 12

She wanted to shout her message of self-love from the rooftops. She wanted to help us see that our bodies aren’t meant to be battlegrounds for fighting the “enemy” of disease, and our souls aren’t meant to be punished after death for making mistakes. She wanted us to stop hiding our true selves out of fear that that there is something wrong with us. She wanted everyone to become aware of their magnificence and to know this fear-shattering, lifealtering truth: “When you love yourself and know your true worth, there is nothing you cannot do or heal.” That powerful, elegant statement is offered in the introduction to Anita’s second book, What If This Is Heaven? It is the foundation for the many insights, inspirations and suggestions she generously provides in the following chapters. It is also, at a fundamental level, the reason she wrote a second book. Following the release of her first book, Dying To Be Me, Anita sometimes struggled to reintegrate into a society whose worldview was so vastly different from the understanding of reality she’d gained in the other realm. She sometimes found herself compromising or suppressing who she was in order to win approval, and that’s when she would start feeling disempowered. Her sense of being the invincible creator of her life began to crumble as old thought patterns and habits crept back in. When she allowed concerns about disappointing others to dictate her choices, she became fearful and anxious. During that time she also received an unexpected avalanche of letters from readers, many of whom were in deep pain. They were struggling with serious illness and other life challenges and didn’t know how to heal them. Anita could literally feel their pain – after all, she had experienced it herself during her four-year struggle with cancer – and wanted so much to help them. But she wasn’t sure how. So she took herself to the ocean one day to quiet her mind and listen for guidance. In the book she shares the poignant dialogue

October 2016

— continued on next page

— continued from previous page

she had with her own voice of wisdom, the voice that reminded her of the profound truths she needed to remember. The voice told her that she couldn’t help people if she, herself, was lost in the pain and problems of the world. It reminded her that her only work was to love and value herself, and to fully embody the truth of self-love and self-worth so that she could be love in action. Going to the ocean that day was, itself, a profound act of selflove. And in giving herself the time and space to reconnect with her true worth and magnificence - and her true voice - she was ultimately inspired to write a second book. Anita knew that if people could wake up to the distortions of truth that enslave them as they once did her, they could be liberated from them. They could begin to live from the truth of their own worth and magnificence…without having to die to get there. And her book could be a catalyst for their awakening. Which is exactly what her new book is. Through her clear and elegant writing, Anita dismantles ten of the most pervasive cultural myths that prevent us from experiencing heaven on earth – myths such as, “We get what we deserve,” “Loving ourselves is selfish,” “Health care cares for our health,” and “Spiritual people don’t have egos.” The range is broad and the exploration is deep. At

the end of each chapter she offers other possible truths to replace the distorted myths, as well as exercises, tips and questions to stimulate deeper reflection and a healthy commitment to self-love. In our conversation we didn’t have time to discuss every chapter, but we took a deep dive into several areas. I want to share with you here the element of our conversation that I think is the most clarifying and catalytic for people on a spiritual path who may be struggling with a significant life challenge – and who believe that our thoughts create our reality. Many of us understand that we’re living in a vibrational universe. Everything is energy. And that includes intangible things such as our beliefs, thoughts and feelings. We’ve been taught by a multitude of wise teachers that we literally create our own reality through our thoughts. We’re told that when we think negatively about ourselves, the vibration of those thoughts is out of sync with the vibration of love – which is who we really are – and that discordant vibration can give rise to unwanted experiences because of the magnetic/attractive property of energy. But what is often misunderstood – and what Anita brings to light so powerfully – is that thoughts, themselves, are manifestations. They arise from our awareness of who we are. When we are aware of our true worth and value, thoughts of self-judgment and selfdoubt do not arise. — continued on next page


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— continued from page

If we simply aim to change our thoughts without intending to cultivate genuine self-love, all we’re doing is pasting over thoughts with other ones that we don’t really believe to be true. But of far greater significance is that the very act of pasting over our thoughts reinforces the core, false belief that “there is something wrong with me” – in this case, the negative thoughts. In judging our thoughts as wrong and trying to change them, we hold ourselves apart from love.

In my experience of working with clients to create lives they love, I’ve found that becoming aware of the direction of our thoughts can help us see more clearly how we really feel about ourselves, and that awareness can be the call to consciously cultivate genuine self-love. The key is to not judge ourselves for having fearful thoughts and, instead, offer deep compassion to ourselves. As I have said countless times, and will no doubt say again, selfjudgment will never, ever take us where we want to go.

This is especially important to understand if we’ve been dealing with the situation for a long time, or if it is a recurring pattern. Anita says that people will often say to themselves, “I’ve read all the books and gone to all the workshops. Why am I still dealing with this? What am I missing? What is wrong with me?”

Anita agrees. She says that true healing begins only when we start saying to ourselves – and meaning it – that, “I have to treat myself as someone beloved to me, to nurture myself and make myself feel safe.” Making that choice is the one thing that changes everything.

There is nothing wrong with you. You are not at fault if you’re currently experiencing pain or struggle. The assignment of fault is an act of judgment, and judgment is the opposite of love. Following is one of the more powerful quotes from Anita’s book. She’s speaking about physical illness, but her clear message applies to any kind of pain we may be in: “I want to be crystal clear about this: Our bodies are not war zones, and we must stop treating them as if they were. There are no battles to be won – or lost – and no enemies to destroy. Getting cancer or any other illness can either be a gift or a curse, depending on how we look at it. These diseases are not ‘evils that need to be wiped out.’ They are not the result of ‘bad karma from a past life,’ nor are they the result of our negative thoughts. Rather, illness is our body’s way of communicating with us and showing us a better path.”

And once we do, our job is to keep asking ourselves what more we can do to love and support and nurture ourselves, what we can do to help ourselves feel safe and empowered. Only then can we begin to see what Anita calls the perfection of where we are, which is calling us to a better path. And as we see it, our job is to allow ourselves to be taken on that journey. Anita has allowed herself to be taken on that journey. It is a journey of being willing to experience heaven on earth, right here, right now. Her very presence is a loving force that calls each of us to do the same. Are you in??

You can feel her passionate commitment to getting this message across when you read the book. I could feel it in her voice as we spoke. She is lovingly and firmly emphatic that we need to get away from any thought of there being something wrong with us. Our job is to release all judgment and stop blaming ourselves for being in the situation we’re in. Anita says we need to go beyond our thoughts and focus on how we feel about ourselves. She offered the example of how we adore our babies and pets, and how that adoration is a feeling, not a thought. That’s the feeling we need to cultivate about ourselves. She observed how often we watch our thoughts and judge ourselves for having fearful or negative ones and believe the thoughts are making us ill – but what really makes us ill is when we stop loving ourselves. When we love ourselves we don’t judge our thoughts at all. We let them pass.


Suzanne Eder is an award-winning writer, teacher and transformational life coach. She started her professional career as a CPA and enjoyed a highly successful corporate career in both Finance and Human Resources. She is a graduate of the Barbara Brennan School of Healing’s intensive four-year program in mind-body-spirit healing, and was also a fitness instructor for 16 years. She founded Solid Ground Transformational Life Coaching in 2003 to help others awaken to their magnificence and create lives that light them up. Her first book, 10 Ways To Find Peace Rather Than Panic (When The World Has Gone A Little Crazy), earned a full 5-star rating on Amazon. Through her writing, retreats, classes and private mentoring she offers inspired and practical counsel in all areas related to personal growth and transformation. Suzanne can be reached at or 302-888-2138.

October 2016

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October 2016

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Likewise, a lemon-flavored food or drink doesn’t necessarily have to contain lemons or lemon juice. However, this food has to be properly labeled if the source of the flavor is not from lemons. For example, if the flavor comes from an artificial source or a source other than lemon, the product’s name must reflect artificial lemon flavor. And if a strawberry shortcake is made with artificial strawberry flavoring, it must be called artificial strawberryflavored shortcake. Not everyone cares if the food actually includes a certain ingredient, as long as the flavor tastes right to them. But, says Douglas Balentine, Ph.D., director of FDA’s Office of Nutrition and Food Labeling, if you don’t want a substitute source of the flavor you’re seeking—if, say, you want real maple syrup in your food—the information you need will be in the ingredient list on the food package.

What to Look for on the Ingredient List Look for a specific mention of the original flavor source on the ingredient list. Some tips: If you want a maple food that is made with maple syrup, look for the words “maple syrup” in the ingredient list. In addition, the firm may voluntarily declare “made with 100% maple syrup” elsewhere on the label.

What Does The Food Label Really Mean? Many foods or beverages are flavored—but how can you tell where those flavors come from? For example, if you’re digging into a bowl of cereal that has the word “maple” on the package, and even images of maple leaves, you may think you’re eating a product that contains maple syrup. But not so fast—the taste may come from added flavors. The same goes for the lemon drink you’ve made from a package picturing fresh lemons. You probably think it was made with lemons, but it may be flavored with natural or artificial lemon flavor.

Why? Current regulations allow use of terms like “maple,” “mapleflavored,” or “artificially maple-flavored” on the food label without having any maple syrup in the product, as long as it contains maple flavoring. This flavoring could come from a number of sources, including sap or bark from the maple tree. Or it could come from the herb fenugreek, which can impart a maple-like flavor. 16

In some situations, you may see the term “natural flavor” in the ingredient list. If the maple flavor comes from a natural maple flavor, you may see “natural maple flavor” or “natural flavor” in the ingredient list. If you want a product made or flavored with the actual fruit, look for the name of the fruit (“grapefruit”) or the name of a juice made from the fruit (“grapefruit juice”) in the ingredient list. There are some exceptions. So, a product labeled as a butter product—for instance, “butter cookies”—has to be 100 percent butter to include the term. If the food contains both butter and shortening, an appropriate name would be “butter-flavored.” And if you want real chocolate, look for “chocolate” in the ingredient list. According to Felicia Billingslea, director of the FDA’s Food Labeling and Standards Staff, there is also a caveat involving the use of cocoa as an ingredient. “Consumers have long recognized that products like chocolate pudding, cake, and cookies may be made with cocoa,” she says. As long as “cocoa” is listed in the ingredient list, the name of the food can include the term “chocolate in certain situations.” Finally, if the name of the food is accompanied by terms such as “artificial flavors,” or “natural and artificial flavors,” it is a signal that the original source of the flavor may not have been used in the food.

October 2016



Emotional Are You Feeling The Effects Of A Nutrient Deficiencies? Melissa Crispell, CNS, CNHP Your ‘health triangle’ encompasses 3 key components that are essential to your overall well-being: physical, emotional and chemical. While functional nutrition practitioners will evaluate all three areas to identify imbalances, looking at your micronutrient status (a reflection of your dietary intake) is critical for preventing and detecting distress. This piece of the diagnostic puzzle is important for evaluating auto immune conditions, neurodegenerative conditions, rate of aging, mental health, fertility, and overall wellness.

Nutrition has a global affect on well-being, meaning that having a deficiency today has the potential to create a life-long condition, which would affect quality of life over time. The alternative— having too much of a good thing—may also compromise your body’s ability to function optimally. Common conditions affected by

nutrient deficiencies include:


amino or fatty acids, and antioxidants to produce enzymes and hormones for proper growth, development, and optimal health. Prevention and early detection of nutrient imbalances is the key to success!

A few common nutrient deficiencies: Zinc -supports enzymes; immune function; supports normal growth & development in pregnancy, childhood, and adolescence. Problem without it: hair loss, impotence, and mental lethargy. Glutathione decreases muscle fatigue, supports liver detoxification, and immune function. Problem without it: Free radical overload, elevated homocysteine, macular degeneration, and compromised immune function.

Vitamins B1 & B2 Both are used for carbohydrate conversion, responsible for breaking down fats & protein, support for skin, hair, eyes, and immune system. Problems without them: poor thyroid function, fatigue, elevated homocysteine, anemia, and age-related cognitive decline.

Inflammation Cardiovascular Disease Diabetes

When it comes to your health: Why guess when you can be sure? Micronutrient testing via a simple blood test can identify vitamin and mineral imbalances to help be sure you’re getting what your body needs.

Mood Disorders Migraines Obesity Osteoporosis Fibromyalgia Fertility Immune function Over the last 50 years, multiple clinical studies have shown that nutrient deficiencies can adversely affect your health at all stages of life. Your body must be able to utilize vitamins, minerals,

Melissa Crispell, CNS, CNHP, is a clinical nutritionist, certified wellness coach, certified natural healthcare practitioner, friend of First State Health & Wellness and nationally recognized functional nutrition speaker. She has over 10 years experience in the nutrition field helping clients understand the connection between pH balance, food and chemical sensitivities, physical fitness and their overall health goals. If you’re looking to improve your health, visit: or call First State Health & Wellness at 302.454.1200 to schedule a functional nutrition consultation.

October 2016


Paying It Forward Karen Verna Carlson

Entrepreneurial adventure has been a consistent theme throughout 63 of my 71 years. Toddling into childhood, I remember joyfully playing with Avon sample lipsticks inch long gold bullets encasing crayon reds and oranges precisely wedged like the head of a power screwdriver and smelling of heavenly flowers. Mom’s cosmetics sales venture was short lived, but I think I recognized some exciting inner resonance for the freedom selfemployment offers.

Pennies and Dollars As early as third and fourth grades, I joyfully earned money by gathering bottles littered along our New England country road. My red wagonful yielded enough penny refunds at the general store to supply my candy needs, and perhaps cleaner roads satisfied my need for beauty and order. What fun! A couple of summers I earned dollars sitting (happily reading) at a roadside table selling strawberries for a neighbor farmer. Every customer represented an opportunity to facilitate a match between supply and demand that registered as fun and exciting in my kid’s mind then and now still in my elder’s mind. Lemons and Opportunity I was nine the summer when housing construction across the road sparked an idea to sell icy lemonade to the workers. I biked to the general store for lemons and sugar, set up a roadside card table on our front lawn, neatly hand lettered signs on cardboard for the front and sides, made my first pitcher and customers arrived. Dishpans of sudsy and rinse water kept the same half dozen glasses in use. (Could my Dad’s bartending fame when I was an infant have incubated into this venture?) Afternoon carpoolers also stopped for sociable refreshment. Purchasing new supplies and refilling ice trays, I saw profits soar while truly enjoying the 18

win/win nature of people having a good time helping each other. Natural Resources and Seasons I created an annual income from about 11 years old making and selling natural Christmas wreaths. Close to Thanksgiving, I’d make a luscious sample wreath of mixed evergreens and holly berries to show neighbors and write orders. Metal coat hangers became circular forms to which I’d wire sumptuous amounts of fresh greenery gathered from the woods. These were the same country road neighbors whom I visited every year for Girl Scout cookie sales and whose silverware I polished for other troop fundraisers.

Multiple Streams of Income Waiting to be grown up enough for babysitting jobs, I was hired by family friends and neighbors for occasional pet care. Nearby newlyweds paid me two dollars to sleep over in their sumptuous guest room when the husband occasionally traveled because his wife felt comforted to have another person in the house. Freshman home economics classes included creating a decorated shoebox of all-purpose babysitting supplies meticulously organized with extra diaper pins, big empty wooden spools from thread, and other objects safe for children that could creatively serve any number of construction or storytelling projects. Like the movie Field of Dreams predicts, “If you build it they will come.” Babysitting was a lucrative career throughout high school, even after my social security card permitted working farm and restaurant jobs. Failure Is Not The End Only one entrepreneurial venture that I can recall did not rack up profits. In sixth grade I printed an eight-page booklet of children’s

October 2016

poems that I tried to manipulate my teacher to sell for a nickel to each student, which would gross $1.35 and launch a publishing empire. Using 18 pt. rubber letters tweezed into metal troughs which fit onto a hand cranked drum about the size of a soda can, I rolled on ink, cranked through a piece of paper, let the ink dry, then printed the other side before collating and stapling. After days of frustrating do-overs, the finished booklets were offkilter and smudgy. Not a nickel was collected. Mr. Martin just quickly handed them out at the dismissal bell. Even though I felt crushingly disappointed, obviously it has not impeded my literary expression. Nor did it dampen my love for this alchemical game of turning wholesome ideas into money, using sincerity and creativity in ways that benefit others as well as me.

Simple and Practical

Teaching Others

Application Process

I directed professional journalism skills towards researching natural healing modalities and promoting my naturopathic practice after earning my doctorate in 1983. The next stage was teaching others to express their natural healing gifts, and to conduct an independent bodywork practice. That endeavor spanned 35 years, earned national accreditation, and graduated more than 600 practitioners.

Applications must be endorsed by a local community you participate in, such as a service, political or professional organization; support group; special interest club; church, synagogue, mosque, temple or meeting. Show them this article to establish their alignment with your aspirations. Provide contact information—phone number plus U.S. mail address—for two persons in leadership positions. Also, separate from that, please provide a third person’s contact information as another reference. Describe your qualifications relating to those mentioned in the paragraph above, relevant brief history, what services you’d like to provide for clients, and why and how self-employment may serve you. Specify first and second choices for a weekly training day. Email to Please allow a week’s response time.

Create Your Own Life Little did I consciously know those early days about recycling, or ecology, or the power of intention and enthusiasm, or the importance of clear communication, or the elusive mysteries of “timing.” Yet my developing neurology formed a track intuitively anchored in those principles, entrepreneurially channeled towards helping each other. My direct experiences led me to understand and crystallize for others these principles for success. That’s been my life. (Hmmm. Maybe this is what philosophers mean when they talk about destiny.) This has allowed me great personal freedom to compose my own life of healing throughout various stages to this current one and into whatever the next stage might be.

Studies include simple things that work—legalities, ethics, networking, and financial management, in addition to skill training for either or both service options. No experience is necessary. Requirements for application to my “Let’s Help Each Other” program are quite basic. Topping the list is a sincere desire to help others in return for reasonable payment. (Of course, a social security or green card is necessary.) Indoor and outdoor types of services call for a few physical attributes such as enough strength to occasionally lift 25-30 lbs, stamina to work vigorously for at least an hour without needing a break, and enough flexibility to bend, kneel and reach. Reading, writing and math basics are important. Being reliable, honest, patient and neat are essential.

Pay It Forward The concept of “paying it forward” presented by the movie so titled is and always has been a delightful aspect of human nature.. I wonder how many more people I can help launch meaningful lives of service through self-employment. Are you one of them?

Freedom Self-employment has been a treasured aspect of my freedom to respond to life’s challenges or opportunities in unique and constructive ways. When I closed my healing school in 2008, I began helping individuals, couples, families, and businesses by offering customized holistic care for homes, gardens, pets, elders, and businesses. Now, I feel called to share more than six decades of successful business secrets with persons seeking selfemployment by providing environmentally safe cleaning, and/or ecological gardening/yard work for individual clients. I offer a day of training and a $50 stipend as seed money every week for six months to build a client base.

Karen Verna Carlson, N.D., Ph.D. (Hon.) is a naturopathic physician and professor credited with “the first major breakthrough in Swedish Massage—research demonstrating energetic interconnections”—since Peter Ling systemized it in the early 19th century. After 35 years running her own nationally accredited school of holistic healing and massage she has retired to provide a new kind of holistic care for individuals and families. In addition to her specialties of healing massage and bodywork, she provides sensitive, timeand cost-effective services for home or office, family members and staff, that include diverse holistic problem solving for garden, pets, children and elders. She has received international recognition for holistic healing and educational work, an honorary degree, silver medal, and Who’s Who listing. She’s appeared on TV and radio and has been featured in professional publications and mass media. Phone (302) 777-3964 October 2016



I had taken my 12 year old Rottweiler to the veterinarian a few weeks ago because I felt a lump on his side about the size of a golf ball. The veterinarian said it was a fatty tumor. Is there any way to help make this go away so I can avoid surgery?


Any lump found on a pet should be evaluated by a veterinarian. Any organ or tissue is capable of producing a tumor. Tumors are generally named by giving information on the source of the mass. For example, a tumor of the bones is called an osteosarcoma and one which is produced by bloodborne cells is called hemangiosarcoma. Tumors that consist of fat cells (adipocytes) are called lipomas (fatty tumors). Adipocytes have a special ability to store fat within their cells. As such, they have the capability of growing quickly and becoming quite large. A significant number of lipomas are just under the skin in the subcutaneous tissues and most of these are freely movable and not attached to the underlying muscle layer. Because of that reason, it is possible to feel a small mass today and a much larger one a few weeks later. These lipomas are very often benign, but can be malignant and internal in some cases. The best way to diagnose a lipoma is to perform a Fine Needle Aspirate. This is a quick and painless procedure that can be done in the office by your veterinarian with little to no discomfort to your pet. It involves placing a needle, attached to a syringe, into the mass to obtain some of the cells. The sample is placed on a microscopic slide and analyzed under a microscope. This determination can often be done by your veterinarian while you wait.

Many holistic/integrative veterinarians have had success in eliminating or reducing the size of lipomas utilizing a number of modalities. Some of them include Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine, Herbal Medicine, Homeopathy, Nutritional Therapy, Chiropractic Manipulation and Acupuncture. I have personally utilized a form of acupuncture called moxibustion in which heat is applied to the dry acupuncture needles. The herb used is called Artemisia and it is tightly rolled up and looks like a black cigar. The dry acupuncture needles are placed into the lipoma and the heat from the Artemisia helps to shrink the mass. I have done this numerous times with reduction of the mass in each case, many of them resolved completely and have not returned. Whatever modality you may choose to try always find a qualified Holistic Veterinarian with the proper credentials, not someone who took a weekend course. You can find one by going to the American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association’s web site at . It will allow you to search your state and list the names of the practitioners and the modalities they practice.

Lipomas generally appear as your dog ages and often in overweight pets. The conventional way to treat these is by surgical excision. Many veterinarians do not consider surgical removal unless the mass poses a problem for the pet. For example, masses between muscles in the legs can make it difficult to ambulate, as well as, those lipomas under the armpit area.


Dr. Rose DiLeva is a 1987 graduate of the University of Pennsylvania’s school of Veterinary Medicine. She practices alternative and conventional veterinary medicine. Dr. DiLeva is a certified veterinary acupuncturist and a certified veterinary chiropractitioner. She can be reached at her Animal Wellness Center in Chadds Ford, Pa. at 610-558-1616 for appointments and telephone consultations. Her web site is and October 2016


Dr. Scott E. Rosenthal

Statistically, up to 40 percent of older adults will suffer from a fall at least once per year. For this reason, a thorough chiropractic check-up is highly recommended, even if the person is feeling fine. This recommendation is upgraded to “Strongly Urged,” if the person has any of the below risk factors: Experiencing lower limb muscle weakness

Falls are the most harmful injury to people over the age of 65, accounting for greater than 80 percent of injury-related hospital admissions— making them the leading cause of injury-related death among senior citizens. Learning how to reduce the risk of falling can not only prevent unnecessary suffering, but also save a life. I see many seniors in my practice who have fallen. They typically respond very well to treatment, feel much better, and regain function and quality of life. They, like I, wished we could have met before they fell in the first place, because preventing a fall is far less involved than dealing with the injuries afterwards. Fortunately, the role of chiropractic in fall prevention is not only becoming better known among seniors, but documented through scientific investigation as well. A recent study from Auckland, New Zealand, evaluated the impact of chiropractic care on measures of sensorimotor function associated with falls risk in older adults over a 12-week period. The researchers also evaluated improvements in overall quality of life. Participants received an average of 22 chiropractic visits (consisting of either hand or instrument adjustments of the spine) over a 12-week period. Objective measurements (such as joint position awareness and stair stepping time) were taken on the fourth and twelfth week.

Gait deficits (problems with walking) Balance issues (such as from dizziness and vertigo) A recent history of falling In addition to regular chiropractic check-ups, it is encouraged to stay fit, eat well and keep the mind active. Other valuable programs exist that provide fall prevention education. A Matter of Balance classes are offered statewide for free through the Delaware Department of Health and Social Services. None of us can stop the aging process, but we can help ensure it comes about more gracefully. With the right game-plan, including improved spinal and nerve functioning with chiropractic check-ups, you are not only improving your quality of life, but helping prevent painful falls. Best of all, chiropractic is safe and comfortable for people of all ages!

Reference: Effectiveness of Chiropractic Care to Improve Sensorimotor Function Associated with Falls Risk in Older People: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Holt K.R., Haavik H., Lee A.C.L., Murphy B., Elley C.R. (2016) Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, 39 (4) , pp. 267-278.

The study’s results bring good news to an aging population at greater risk of falling. The findings led to the following conclusion: “The results of this trial indicated that aspects of sensorimotor integration and multisensory integration associated with fall risk improved in a group of community-dwelling older adults receiving chiropractic care.” The greatest result was found at 12 weeks. This suggests that the body requires time and repetition of care in order to improve and heal—an important revelation considering how many insurers are dead set on cutting the number of visits a patient can receive. Consistent with what I see in practice, the study also found statistically significant improvements in health-related quality of life.

Dr. Scott E. Rosenthal is a second-generation Doctor of Chiropractic and a past president of the Delaware Chiropractic Society. His undergraduate degree is in Nutrition and he is a Certified Yoga Teacher. In his Wilmington practice, he offers the cutting-edge Koren Specific Technique (KST) as well as other contemporary and traditional approaches. KST comfortably integrates gentle adjustments of the spine, cranial bones, TMJ, arms and legs (including the wrists and feet). Dr. Rosenthal specializes in pain relief, auto or work injury recovery and natural ways to boost whole body wellness. To contact Dr. Rosenthal please visit or 302-999-0633. October 2016


Since 2008 Jurdy® has appeared on the pages of Living Well Magazine. We thought you would like to know more about Jurdy and how this character has matured throughtout the years. Jurdy is more than a cartoon character, meet the mascot and hero of “happy-ness”. Jurdy® was born of a deep desire to share universal well-being the way Superman came to Earth to protect humanity. With humor and compassion as super-powers, Jurdy brings to light an intuitive and holistic way to live, love and laugh for humans of all ages, races, genders and backgrounds. Larger than life, this lovable character stands tall for teaching us that no one—be it family, friend or foe—can take away our happy-ness. Jurdy® creator, Jenifer Jurden is a native of Wilmington, Delaware 22

and was raised in a cartooning household where making others laugh was top priority. She credits her mother Faye Jurden, for instilling in her an intuitive sense of giving to others and never giving up, and her father Jack Jurden, a longtime syndicated editorial cartoonist, for her abilities to infuse a unique outlook on seemingly simple everyday life. Now this Jurden and Jurdy duo is on a mission to offer comic relief and compassion to bring “happy-ness” to others around the globe. In 2010, Jurdy® traveled to Haiti as the country was in the midst of recovering from the worst earthquake in its history. Jurdy’s mission: Teach these children, their families and friends that optimism and well-being are in us all no matter the circumstances, be it hardship, heartbreak or even the devastation of an earthquake.

October 2016

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When Bullying became a topic of conversation Jurdy launched a texting acronym campaign to help educators spotlight the horrors of bullying. By speaking to children in their own “language”, Jurdy is able to grab their attention and strongly impact their daily decisions to make healthy choices, like FAM—Friends Always Motivate, BFF—Bullies Fizzle Fast, ’SUP—Speak Up and CHILL—Choose Happy. It’s Loving Life. But Jurdy realizes as a Super Hero that their work is never done.

Currently, Jurdy‘s creator is developing a whimsical cartoon line which she has humorously coined Jurdyatrics™ to help the Greatest Generation and Baby Boomers. Jurden’s advice to the world for Living Well? “Don’t ever let anyone take away your happy-ness—no matter who you are, no matter where you are.” Jurden believes this is the key to success in every area of our lives.”

Recently, Jurdy joined forces with the twist legend Chubby Checker to launch the international “Twist Away Childhood Cancer Challenge” to benefit Mascots for A Cure, Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation, Kasie Helpz Kidz Foundation and the Andrew McDonough B+ Foundation. Similar to other successful fundraising challenges, the “Twist Challenge” leverages the power of videos shared on social media, text and email. Participants take the Twist Challenge with friends, family and co-workers, and make a donation to Mascots For A Cure. The Twist Challenge campaign launched on September 21st, “National Twist Day”, and coincided with September’s National Childhood Cancer Awareness month.

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October 2016


Understanding a Breast Cancer Diagnosis Karen L. Tedesco, MD

Receiving a breast cancer diagnosis can be overwhelming. In the United States up to 1 in 8 women will receive a breast cancer diagnosis in her lifetime and despite those odds, many women who do not have a family history of breast cancer, are shocked when they receive their breast cancer diagnoses. In addition to the obvious immediate concerns about prognosis, treatment side effects, and managing other components of one’s work and personal life, there also comes a deluge of new information, new terminology, multiple doctor visits and a multitude of advice; both the solicited and unsolicited varieties. To complicate matters further, breast cancer is a very heterogeneous groups of disorders, meaning that every breast cancer is different due to many features about the breast cancer itself and the patient that are taken into account when assessing prognosis and potential treatment options. Fortunately, there are often many options available to treat breast cancer and each patient can receive a treatment strategy that is individualized. When a patient meets with an oncologist to review a breast cancer diagnosis, staging will be discussed. Breast cancer staging is determined by tumor size and involvement of nearby structures such as skin and chest wall, whether and to what extent lymph nodes under the arm or in the chest are involved by tumor, and whether the cancer has spread, or metastasized, to areas of the body outside of the breast and lymph nodes. This is called TNM 24

staging (Tumor, Nodes, Metastasis). Most other types of cancer have a similar type of staging system. The breast cancer stage can range from 0 (precancerous) to IV (metastatic to sites outside of the breast and nearby lymph nodes). The stage is often not known at an initial evaluation and additional imaging, surgery, or further biopsy is frequently required before this information is known with certainty. The stage of breast cancer is important in determining prognosis and treatment options including whether and what types of surgery, radiation, and drug therapies will be appropriate. Beyond the information used in determining stage, an oncologist will speak with a newly diagnosed breast cancer patient about pathologic features of the tumor and molecular testing done on the tumor. Breast cancers are assigned a grade by the pathologist depending on how the breast cancer cells look when examined under a microscope. The breast cancer grade is often expressed as 1 (well differentiated), 2 (moderately differentiated), or 3 (poorly differentiated) depending on how similar or dissimilar the breast cancer cells look compared to non-cancerous breast cells. This feature can help predict the biological behavior or aggressiveness of a breast cancer and may be useful in choosing drug therapy. The pathologist may describe other features about the breast cancer cells that may be helpful in predicting their propensity to divide and spread.

October 2016

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An oncologist will also review receptor status of a breast cancer with a newly diagnosed patient. The main receptors that are measured are 2 hormone receptor; estrogen receptor (ER) and progesterone receptor (PR) and HER2 or HER2-neu. The hormone receptor status is assessed by staining techniques done on the tumor by a patholgoist. About 70% of breast cancers will test positive for hormone receptors; some will be strongly positive and others weakly positive. Patients who have hormone receptor positive cancers of any stage may be eligible for hormonal therapy treatments for their breast cancer management. Many of the hormonal therapies are pills and are often taken for prolonged periods of time. Tumors that are strongly hormone receptor positive may have a natural history that includes a slower pattern of growth. Her-2 status can be determined by a pathologist by either assessing overexpression of the Her-2 protein on breast cancer cell surface or by measuring the number of copies of the Her-2 gene present in breast cancer cells. About 15% of all breast cancers will test positive for Her-2. Her-2 over-expression has been shown to be associated with higher risk of breast cancer growth and spread; however, with the development of several drugs that target the Her-2 protein, such as herceptin, the natural history of this type of breast cancer has dramatically improved. Patients who develop Her-2 positive breast cancer now have many more treatment options and better prognosis than people who

were diagnosed before the advent of these type of Her-2 “targeted” drugs. Breast cancers can be both hormone receptor positive and Her-2 positive, hormone receptor positive and Her-2 negative, hormone receptor negative and Her-2 positive, or both hormone receptors and Her-2 can be negative, which is sometimes called “triple negative”. Many clinicians don’t care for that term because it implies that all tumors that are hormone receptor negative and Her-2 negative can be viewed as a homogeneous group, when in fact, “triple negative” breast cancers have been found to be a heterogeneous group themselves in terms of what is driving the cancer and what therapies work best. Some subtypes of “triple negative” breast cancer can have a propensity for rapid growth and spread. After the first visit with a medical oncologist, the overall treatment plan is generally not fully elucidated. Depending on presumed stage, receptor status, and symptoms, additional imaging, biopsies or further testing done on the tumor itself may be indicated. In particular tests to assess expression of various genes within the tumor itself may be helpful in predicting prognosis and responsiveness to various medical therapies. Many presumed early stage breast cancer patients see the medical oncologist prior to completing definitive surgery, so will need to see the surgeon again and potentially a radiation oncologist. — continued on next page

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October 2016


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If patients have advanced or metastatic breast cancer the main treatment will be drug therapy, which is selected based on factors such as receptor status, availability of clinical trials and patient/ physician preference. For patients with early stage breast cancer, most commonly patients have definitive surgery first, followed by chemotherapy if indicated. Then radiation therapy starts if indicated, based on extent of tumor and type of surgery that was done. Hormonal therapy can start at the same time as radiation or after it is completed, when indicated. In some cases drug therapy can be given before definitive breast surgery. A couple of common reasons for this approach include need to shrink a tumor so that surgery is possible or as part of participation in a clinical trial evaluating a new therapy. It has also become a more typical practice for Her-2 positive breast cancers that are either larger than 2cm or have at least one involved lymph node. For that situation, there are combinations of chemotherapy and Her-2 targeted drugs that are currently FDA approved for use prior to surgery but not after. Second opinions should be sought any time that is desired by the patient or the initial physicians. If you obtain a second opinion at a large academic cancer center that will often involve multi-disciplinary review of your case, including not only a surgeon, medical oncologist and radiation oncologist but can also include a pathologist reviewing of the material obtained at biopsy or definitive surgery and a radiologist reviewing the imaging studies. Patients often don’t think of getting additional

opinions from radiologists or pathologists since those are often doctors that patients never meet. However, having accurate interpretations and clear reporting of findings that need to be used by other physicians is absolutely imperative to receiving the best possible care. Alert your oncologist that you would like to get another opinion. The initial physician can be very helpful in recommending another reputable facility and can assist in getting all of the necessary scans, pathology slides, and reports to the site where the second opinion will be done. Also, the initial doctor will want to know who you are seeing so the various physicians can work together to coordinate care if applicable. If not specifically addressed by your oncologist, I recommend asking if there are clinical trials or research studies available that are evaluating new therapies with a goal of improving outcomes compared to current standards of care. I also suggest asking about whether there are features about your family history, ethnicity or tumor type that make you a candidate for genetic testing for a familial cancer syndrome. This could have implications for your immediate care and for the health of family members. All patients should speak with their doctors about lifestyle interventions, including diet and exercise strategies that can be helpful in improving outcomes from breast cancer. Finally all breast cancer patients should seek support, be that from family, friends, clergy, or support groups per their own individual needs and believes, as they go through your uniquely challenging journey.

Dr. Tedesco earned her MD from SUNY Health Science Center in Syracuse, NY and graduated magna cum laude. She completed an Internal Medicine residency at University of Michigan Medical Center and her Hematology and Oncology fellowship at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. Dr. Tedesco is board certified in Internal Medicine, Hematology, and Oncology and a member of many professional societies including AOA medical Honor Society, AMA, ASCO, and ASH. Dr. Tedesco has been an attending physician with NY Oncology Hematology since completing fellowship in 2004. She has been Vice President of the NYOH Board of Directors since 2011. She is the program director for the NYOH Hereditary Cancer Risk Assessment Program and completed the Intensive Course in Cancer Risk Assessment through the City of Hope Division of Clinical Cancer Genetics. Dr. Tedesco is a member of the US Oncology Genetic Risk Evaluation and Testing (GREAT) program Steering Committee and member of the GREAT program research committee. She is director NYOH Physician Mentoring Program. Dr. Tedesco is a member of the USON Breast Cancer Research Committee and local PI for many breast cancer clinical trials. She has served as co-director of the NYOH/Albany Medical College annual Translational Research Symposium and regularly teaches medical students and residents. Dr. Tedesco is a member of the NYOH Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee and participates in USON breast cancer pathways/guidelines development and compliance. She has completed training as an Advance Care Planning facilitator. Dr. Tedesco practices general Hematology and Oncology with a particular interest in breast cancer. She is regularly involved in community based education and outreach events. 26

October 2016

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Changing The Conversation One Day At A Time

1. Over 2 ½ million women in the United States have a history

10. All breast cancers are not the same; there are different

of breast cancer.

types of breast cancer.

2. About 40,000 women and 450 men die from breast cancer

11. We do not know how to prevent the spread of breast

each year in the United States.

cancer to other parts of the body (metastasis).

3. Breast cancer accounts for nearly a quarter of all cancers in women worldwide.

12. For the majority of people with breast cancer, treatment options have changed very little in the last 20 years.

4. Men do get breast cancer.

13. The treatments for DCIS and invasive breast cancer can

5. The biggest risk factors for breast cancer are being a woman and growing older. The average age of diagnosis is 61.

6. Most women who are diagnosed with breast cancer do not have a family history of the disease.

7. Most people think they have a higher risk of breast cancer than they actually do. 8. While breast cancer mortality has gone down in recent years, too many women still die of the disease each year.

9. The mortality rate from breast cancer is higher for African

themselves lead to severe side effects, including death 14. Early detection is not the answer. Finding and treating all Stage 0 breast cancer, or DCIS , will not prevent all deaths from breast cancer.

15. In many cases, more treatment is not necessarily better


16. Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) may increase

your risk of breast cancer.

17. There are many unproven and uncertain risk factors for breast cancer cited in the media and among the public.

American women than for white women and women of other races.


October 2016

18. Most women who find their own breast cancer do so as part

of normal routines (showering, getting dressed, etc.) not during systematic monthly breast self-exams.


19. Mammography is not prevention. Getting regular

mammograms does not prevent you from getting breast cancer.

20. Five year breast cancer survival rates do not give an accurate

vein Screening

picture of progress against breast cancer.

Thursday, October 13th

21. Breast cancer awareness campaigns have helped move the

disease from behind closed doors but have not had a significant impact on the incidence of Stage 4 disease or on mortality.

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22. To end breast cancer, research must focus on understanding

how to prevent the disease from developing and on how to stop the disease from spreading to other parts of the body.

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23. We will not see a significant decrease in breast cancer

mortality without a better understanding of breast cancer metastasis.

To schedule your free screening

24. Women with breast cancer deserve evidence-based

treatments that have been proven effective.

25. Once there is a cure, breast cancer will still not end until everyone everywhere has access to health care. 26. The media do not always get it right when reporting on

breast cancer.

27. Your tax dollars fund a significant amount of breast cancer


28. Breast cancer survivors can learn and understand science, and can help influence the direction of breast cancer research. 29. Great scientific achievements have been accomplished in

less than 10 years.

30. Breast cancer advocates can—and will—lead an effort to end breast cancer by 2020.

painless proCedures

31. It will take collaboration among many groups and stakeholders to meet Breast Cancer Deadline 2020®.


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October 2016


Don’t Be Afraid To Be Your Own Advocate Heather K. Allen


omen are taught to look for lumps, but my “lump” was better described as a firmness, more akin to superficial inflammation than an embedded lump. Women are told to have a mammogram to investigate abnormalities, but radiologists told me that my abnormality looked normal on the screen. Women are told to visit with a surgeon to inquire about a biopsy, but my first surgeon told me that a biopsy was not needed because I did not have cancer. After 18 months with an undiagnosed firmness, and at my spouse’s urging, I made an appointment with a new surgeon who was willing to perform a biopsy. Within two days of the biopsy I had the answer of IBC. If I hadn’t been so persistent in seeking a diagnosis, where would I be now? I was my own best advocate toward getting the help I needed.


October 2016

— continued on next page

— continued from previous page

My hair is always the first part of my body to know that I have cancer. With each diagnosis, I made arrangements for someone to cut it and give it a cute albeit temporary style before the chemotherapy forced it out of its follicles. The first time I was diagnosed with breast cancer, my sisters’ friend gave me a pixie cut in the kitchen. The second time, I gave my young daughters the scissors and told them to have fun. After each cut, the hair follicles ached as they were bent in new ways, springing up with foreign lightness. It is this feeling on my scalp that affirms that I am not dreaming, that the course cannot be altered, that the reality of cancer is upon me. I was diagnosed with stage III inflammatory breast cancer (IBC) four days before my thirtieth birthday. I had felt a firmness in my left breast for 18 months, but since I was breastfeeding my second daughter at the time, various medical professionals told me it was a clogged duct. Or something unknown, but certainly not breast cancer. When the lump persisted after I finished breastfeeding, I found a new surgeon who was willing to perform a biopsy. While he was retrieving the biopsy sample and I was still on the procedure table, he told me that the tissue looked good and there was nothing to worry about. Until his nurse called me at work the next day. You have cancer. Go to the clinic. You have an appointment with an oncologist. Wait as long as necessary to speak with her. Thus began my journey with breast cancer six years ago. My daughters were merely 1 and 3 years old. At first I had so many questions that I didn’t know where to begin. What does Her2 positive mean? What is the prognosis for IBC? Why had no one detected the IBC? What is going to happen to me? After chemotherapy started, my brain became too cloudy to hold on to new questions that sprung up in between doctor’s visits, so I started jotting my questions down in a notebook and bringing it to my appointments.

to get the cancer out of my body. I was the ball. I just needed a little help getting across the goal line. It took me a long time to not feel personally jilted by the IBC diagnosis. Women are taught to look for lumps, but my “lump” was better described as a firmness, more akin to superficial inflammation than an embedded lump. Women are told to have a mammogram to investigate abnormalities, but radiologists told me that my abnormality looked normal on the screen. Women are told to visit with a surgeon to inquire about a biopsy, but my first surgeon told me that a biopsy was not needed because I did not have cancer. After 18 months with an undiagnosed firmness, and at my spouse’s urging, I made an appointment with a new surgeon who was willing to perform a biopsy. Within two days of the biopsy I had the answer of IBC. If I hadn’t been so persistent in seeking a diagnosis, where would I be now? I was my own best advocate toward getting the help I needed. Since that time, I have only improved at listening to my body and pursuing answers even when healthcare professionals suggest there are none. It was by listening to my body that I hastened the diagnosis of my second breast cancer. I found a small, dimesized lump in my right breast about two years after completing treatment for my first breast cancer. Just like before, the radiologist looked at the images and told me there was nothing unusual on the screen so I should watch the breast for changes over the next several months. When I shared this with my oncologist she looked at me over her glasses, dumbfounded, because clearly we weren’t going to do that again. Within a week I found my way to a procedure table at a different institution, chatting with a different radiologist about how I no longer gamble with lumps as she plucked a sample from my breast. She was neither the first nor the last person to applaud my bravery. I’ll take a little biopsy over undiagnosed breast cancer any day. — continued on next page

Asking questions helped me to develop a strong relationship with my oncologist. We built a mutual trust that we were both fully invested in treating my cancer. My questions demonstrated to her that I was an active, rather than a passive patient, eager to do everything in my power to help her help me. Although I hated having an oncologist in my life, my gratitude for her expertise and care became boundless. This made it easy for me to bring love and frankness and honesty and positivity to my appointments, further facilitating my treatment. Treatment for my Her2 positive IBC required six cycles of chemotherapy, left-breast mastectomy, and 3-weeks of twicedaily full chest wall radiation. Together, these treatments took six months. I had been a band geek in high school, not an athlete, but I nonetheless found it useful to think of these phases of treatment as quarters of a long, cancer-fighting game. My beloved oncologist was the quarterback, coordinating all of the other specialists to scan me and poke me as they strategized how

October 2016


— continued from previous page

This time I was grateful to be at home instead of work when I got the cancer call. My surgical oncologist called me at dinner time; I left the table and found solitude in the bathroom. The empathy and sorrow in her voice was palpable as I sat crumpled over the edge of the bathtub, my teardrops making tiny dark puddles on the bath mat. Like all of the other times a physician has called me at home, she ended by asking if I had any questions. Like the previous cancer diagnosis, the answers couldn’t come fast enough.

ominous because it implied that I’d have cancer indefinitely. I was afraid of having cancer forever. Yoga and meditation have helped me to overcome this fear because it served no purpose in my life. It didn’t make cancer treatment go away, or be less painful, or protect my loved ones. Fear only brought anxiety and anger, frustration and fatigue. I found the places in my body where I held the fear tightly and learned to breathe into those places to release the fear.

This time it was not IBC but ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS). The difference between these breast cancers is in their location— IBC is in a layer of the skin over the breast, whereas DCIS is in a duct of the breast. Key to determining the course of treatment for any cancer is knowledge of the receptors on the cancer cells. Both my first and second cancers were Her2 receptor positive, meaning these cells make more of the Her2 protein compared to non-cancerous cells. This is important because it told me that I’d be undergoing anti-Her2 therapy again. So, even though I had two different types of cancer, my chemotherapy was to be very similar because my two cancers had the same receptors.

In addition to yoga and meditation, writing has been an essential outlet for releasing my emotions. I chose to make my writings public in a blog, which also served to disseminate information about my progress without the need to make dozens of difficult phone calls to friends and family.

One other thing was different this time. A full-body scan for cancer (using positron emission tomography, PET) showed glowing dew drops on the spider’s web of my lungs, revealing possible breast cancer metastases in my lungs. This suggested that the cancer was not contained in my breast, and so the stage of my cancer was declared to be stage 4: the most severe stage. The metastases were too numerous to count and too small to biopsy, and so the pulmonary oncologist had no advice to give. We pursued the treatment of the breast cancer and hoped for the best with the spots on my lungs. So, we did it again. My oncologist guided me through six months of chemotherapy, consisting of nine cycles of chemicals selectively killing parts of me. After chemotherapy, I had a right breast mastectomy. The decision to undergo this mastectomy was wrought with controversy because there are conflicting data regarding whether or not to remove the breast cancer when it is thought to have metastasized to other organs. I consulted with several oncologists, and none of them gave me a strong recommendation. They put the decision in my non-expert hands. I was left with no choice but to trust my instincts, and my instincts were shouting at me to remove the object that had brought the cancer upon me once again. The breast had to go.

Now I am 2 years past my second mastectomy, and I am NED— no evidence of disease. NED is the closest medical declaration for “cured” that will ever be handed to someone with stage 4 breast cancer. Indefinitely, now, is lovely. Indefinitely stretches out before me, three weeks at a time, as the anti-Her2 drips into my bloodstream and prevents new cancer from emerging. Indefinitely includes chaperoning my daughters’ elementary school field trips, gardening with my husband, hiking with my brother, and traveling around the world to give presentations on microbiology. That which used to scare me now empowers me. Indefinitely. Do you know how long you will live? Neither do I. There are no data to inform my prognosis. The survival rates are poor for Her2 positive cancers, pretty awful for IBCs, and positively abysmal for stage 4 cancers. But one of my anti-Her2 drugs has only been on the market for a few years, so there are no data on long-term survival rates for patients who have been treated with this drug. I am generating the data with each breath. Because of this, no doctor can project how long I will live. That makes me not so different from most people. And we all have so very much living yet to do.

After surgery there was no radiation, but I was prescribed longterm anti-Her2 therapy. I continue to take anti-Her2 infusions every three weeks, and the amount of time prescribed for these treatments is “indefinitely”. At first the word indefinitely sounded


Heather K. Allen is a two-time breast cancer survivor before the age of 35. She is passionate about empowering cancer patients to be their best selves and walking her kids to school. For her day job she applies her PhD in microbiology to study swine gut bacterial communities. Visit Heather on her blog,

October 2016


“A coward dies a thousand times before his death, Joe White but the valiant taste of death but once. It seems to me most strange that men should fear, seeing that death, a One of the biggest enemies that we face is the enemy necessary end, will come when it will come.” .

of hesitation. It kills our drive, our passion, and our dreams. Hesitation is the destroyer of motivation.

—William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar

Hesitation is a deceptive enemy. We play it in our heads all

Have you ever been caught in the trap of hesitation and finally break through and took action? If you did, you probably said to yourself afterwards, “Hey that wasn’t so bad.” Nothing is worse than what we can make up in our heads. The best way through hesitation and fear is to go through it. Every time we stop we condition ourselves to lower the threshold of what we believe we can do, and it increases our comfort zone. Every time we step forward in the face of fear we condition ourselves to raise our threshold and it decreases our comfort zone.

the things that could go wrong. We essentially rehearse our own failure. We rationalize to ourselves why we put on the brakes.

Maybe after some time passes we may start the process again only to hit the breaks. We do this time and again until we no longer even try, and the dream is dead. I see this at times when we do our firewalks in which people cross a 10-foot bed of coals 1200 degree barefooted. Occasionally, someone will step up to the fire lane, and just as they are ready to take the first step they stop. Then they try again and stop. Next thing they know they are caught in the trap of hesitation. Each attempt after becomes harder and harder. I then share with them that the firewalk represents their fear, and that it is easier to go through it and deal with the consequences than to play in your head the thousand and one versions of it not working out. We do the same thing in life.

Do you need to get out of the trap of hesitation? Until next month I wish you love and passion.

Joe White is the President and founder of Get Life Coaching. Get Life Coaching is the leader in personal and professional development since 1999. Joe recently was named 2016 North DelaWHERE Happening Winner Top Life Coach and the 2016 DSBC Blue Ribbons award “Best Markteting of the Year”nJoe can be contacted at: 302-832-3424, or email him at: or check out: facebook. com/getlifecoaching Follow Joe on @getlifecoaching October 2016




The Journey To Becoming A Survivor Instructor Melisa Wilson

did not feel concerned or up set in any way and remained quite calm. There was no significant family history of breast cancer, uterine cancer, or prostate cancer, and based on that knowledge I assumed the biopsy would be fine.

My name is Melisa Wilson and I am 38 years old. I have been married to my best friend for 15 years, Joshua. Together we have a wonderful 4 year old son, who is a miracle. In late 2011, our son was born premature at 23 weeks, weighing just 1.4 lbs. and only 11 inches long. The hospital would be his home for the next four almost five months. When he finally came home, he weighed 6 lbs. 6 ounces. He continues to do remarkabley well; thanks to prayers, lots of love, outstanding medical care and extremely supportive family and friends. We thought the drama was behind us for this lifetime, when on Saturday, February 16, 2014; I discovered a lump in my left breast. I thought it was likely a blocked or hardened milk duct. Despite having a premature child, I was able to produce ample breast milk and it took a long time for my supply to dry up. My husband insisted that I get checked out right away. On Monday, I called my OB/GYN and was reassured that it could indeed be a blocked duct but as a precaution, he thought it best to run a few tests to be on the safe side. Being a part of the healthcare community, as a cardiology nurse practitioner, I have seen patients go through similar experiences that end up being nothing, and I was not expecting any alarming news either. Moving forward I had a breast ultrasound and mammogram, which I had never had prior and while it is not the best feeling in the world to have your breast squished like a pancake for a mammogram, the discomfort was temporary and not bad at all. Following testing I was greeted by the radiologist who decided to take a few more images. Once having viewed the new images, there was an abnormal mass and the radiologist recommended that I have a breast biopsy. At that point, I still 34

The biopsy was performed a few days later and the radiologist suggested I come back the next day for the results. He also stated that no matter what the results were, he would recommend having the mass removed. I will always remember the technician saying, “Hum he usually does not have people come back in that fast.” Still in spite of that seemingly negative and suggestive comment, I was still feeling confident that the results would be normal. The next day my husband and I went to see the radiologist and I heard the dreaded words, “I am sorry Mrs. Wilson. You have breast cancer.” I immediately cried and stated, “But my son is two”. The doctor told me I needed to see an oncologist and a surgeon. What a range emotions I was feeling, but most of all I felt stunned and just wanted to wake up from what had to be a bad dream. How could this be? I can’t have cancer! Being a religious person, I couldn’t help question why God would have given us the precious gift of our son and then take me away from him? From that point, everything moved quickly. I saw the oncologist in just 2 days. She was exceptionally compassionate and educated both my husband and me about the various types of breast cancer. She then proceeded to explain that I was HER2 positive, estrogen, and progesterone negative. While this is an aggressive type of breast cancer, it is one that has targeted therapy, which meant that medications existed to target those cells. I have to be honest while I heard everything she said, I was still in shock and denial and didn’t absorb everything. My husband spent time researching breast cancer treatment options and in a day sounded like an expert himself. At doctor’s visits, he asked all the right questions, while I remained withdrawn and silent, with the exception of non-stop crying. I would advise anyone going through this kind of diagnosis… never go to your appointments alone especially not at first. Following the visit, my nurse came in to the room and provided me with a binder to help keep the information collected organized. She had handouts of all my therapies; she described how the medications worked, the side effects, and how I would manage them. Having this information paid off and soon became my survival guide. She also provided

October 2016

support group information, helpful resources, and suggestions regarding nutrition. Additionally, she provided me with ways to organize the billing along the way. When the bills began, rolling in however the most valuable information I discovered, was on my own which was patient assistance programs, and co-pay cards for medications. Following that first appointment, I continued to have tests, lots of tests, PET scans to look for other areas in my body that the cancer could be, breast MRI (which I did not like very much as it was uncomfortable), numerous lab tests, and a surgery to have a port put into place. Returning to the doctor following all of the testing I was told that I had Stage II breast cancer. In just two weeks after my discovering the lump, I was starting chemotherapy. I also chose to participate in a research trial which meant additional appointments and tests associated with the research. I wanted to help others who might find themselves on the same journey. Motivation had to come from within. Inspiration was easy. I thought if my son could have so much fight in him at such a young age, then I too could fight. Every time I looked at him, I knew I had to press my way through it all. I had to do it for him, my husband, my family, and myself. A week after my first round of chemotherapy, I was back to work, going through the motions. I kept my diagnosis a secret from many for a while and tried to pretend everything was normal. I had some days that I just cried and cried. I never wanted anyone to pity me or make negative comments. One day a dear friend told me it would be easier to share and that more people would say positive things than those that would be negative. Another friend who is also, a breast cancer survivor said for every person you tell that is one more prayer going up. These words made the journey easier and they held true. Some days I am angry even now nearly three years after my diagnosis.

I am mad at my body for offending me. I chose to get a double mastectomy and I have had full reconstruction surgery. It was a difficult decision to make but having a double mastectomy has given me peace of mind. One friend told me that I am a survivor. In fact, he said, Melisa you are a survivor instructor! That boosted my confidence and I thought yes I am a survivor and I can show and educate others to help them survive their diagnosis too. One of my co-workers, who did not learn of my diagnosis until about six months later, said to me “I had no idea you had cancer. I had no idea of what you were going through. I really had no way of knowing. You always smile; you always helped so many people. You have so much grace. If I ever get diagnosed with cancer, I hope I can be as strong and inspiring as you have been. I would come to you. You showed me that you can live with cancer.� Her words provided me with purpose. Throughout over a year of treatments, I had my down moments. All of the tests, appointments, and surgeries felt overwhelming. I had become exhausted physically, emotionally, and financially. I just wanted to get through everything and regain my normal life. It took about a year for me to accept that this was my new normal. It took a long time to realize that I needed to start focusing on me and getting better and not just surviving. My husband wiped away a lot of tears and now continues to tell me every day that I beautiful. He never wavered in his confidence, in me or in us that we would together beat cancer. My experience taught me to be a better mom, wife, daughter, sister, cousin, and friend. I have shared my journey with some of my patients so they would know that I could relate to them. I know what the dark days are like, but joy really does come in the morning.

Melisa Wilson is the oldest of three children. She is married with one child. A NICU graduate, a cancer survivor, and a cardiology nurse practitioner specializing in the field of pulmonary hypertension. When, Melisa is not working, she enjoys spending time with her family, traveling, and visiting theme parks.

October 2016


Ancient Indian Energy Healing ToTreat The Root Cause of Disease Vera Kaur

The human body is a latticework of energies, vibrating at different frequencies, encompassing the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects. Our body has been perfectly created to function optimally, providing we observe the laws of nature. When we divert from these laws, through breathing polluted air, eating food far from its natural state, drinking chemical laden water, ingesting toxic medication, smoking cigarettes, drinking alcohol, using inorganic body and household products, being exposed to electromagnetic pollution and even thinking negative thoughts, energy imbalances result within our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual body, creating dis-ease. The symptoms of our dis-ease are merely the body’s innate method of correcting the imbalances within, to allow us to return to our natural state of wholeness. 36

When we attempt to treat our dis-ease through the administration of medication, we are merely temporarily suppressing the symptoms. We are not addressing the root cause of our dis-ease, i.e. the energy imbalance. The medication causes further imbalances, disrupting the body’s natural immune system, which is rarely given the opportunity to fulfil its role. Over a period of time, our initial dis-ease re-appears with more serious symptoms. Our body, once again is attempting to correct the imbalances within, to restore the healthy flow of energies. Our new symptoms are diagnosed as a new dis-ease, stronger medication is administered and the viscous cycle continues. The traditional energy healers of India had a wealth of knowledge on how to diagnose and treat the root cause of dis-ease by natural methods, and through the generations, a great deal of this ancient wisdom has been kept alive, some of which is described below. The purpose of applying traditional Indian holistic therapies is to empower our body’s innate ability to self-heal. Acupressure The holistic practice of diagnosing and treating the root cause of

October 2016

dis-ease, thereby curing dis-ease by applying intermittent pressure on specific areas of the hands and feet, that correspond to specific organs, glands, nerves, bones, tissues and so forth. This regulates the vital energy within the body part, empowering it to function optimally. Traditional Indian medicine widely recognises that the physical root cause of all dis-ease lies within our endocrine and exocrine glands. These glands have a profound effect on our entire being as they regulate the functions of our systems and organs by secreting the numerous vital hormones essential for our well-being. It is only through the application of acupressure, that our endocrine and exocrine glands can be re-balanced and re-empowered. Mudras The holistic practice of balancing the vital energy throughout the body by joining different combinations of the fingers and thumbs. It is believed that the human structure is a miniature form of the universe, composed of the five elements; earth, water, fire, air and space, each of which corresponds to a specific finger or thumb. Holding specific fingers and thumbs together for a short period of time allow the elements to regain equilibrium which creates a positive effect throughout the entire being, to encourage our body’s natural healing response. Traditionally, mudras were practiced in conjunction with pranayama (yogic breathing exercises) to attain a higher state of consciousness or to channel the vital flow of energy to an area of the body that required healing.

Pranayama The holistic practice of controlling the breath by a number of different techniques to increase the vital energy within the body. Our breath is the life force that flows through each and every cell within our body, and by expanding our life force we can harmonize with the life force of the universe, to receive cosmic healing energy. Our thoughts and emotions can have a detrimental effect on our breathing patterns, affecting all the bodily systems. However, with the regular practice of pranayama we can influence our physical, mental and emotional states in the most positive of ways, to initiate the body’s natural capacity to self-heal. Traditionally, pranayama was practiced to release negative emotions, re-balance the body’s energies and prepare the mind for meditation.

Meditation The holistic practice of quietening the body and mind through awareness to enter a state of deep tranquillity whilst being fully alert. Meditation has been practiced in India for centuries to promote good health at a spiritual, mental, emotional and physical level. It allows us to re-connect with our true selves to experience inner peace and contentment, which we can draw upon in times of external stress and chaos, to remain calm, centred and in control.

Meditation is immensely therapeutic and with regular practice it enables our entire being to rest, recharge and recuperate to release negative thought processes, deep rooted emotional trauma and pain. Traditionally, meditation was practiced to discipline the mind to attain spiritual purification or enlightenment. Chanting The holistic practice of repeating a mantra, for a short period of time, to detach from the external world, bring our awareness to the present moment and return to the essence of our being. A mantra is a rhythmic speaking or singing of a word or sound. It is believed to calm the restless mind and rid it of negative thought processes to create tranquillity and mental purity. Chanting starts loudly, gradually becoming quieter and ends almost silently. This resonates with the energies of the physical, mental and spiritual aspects of our body, to restore inner peace and awaken our latent healing energies. Traditionally, chanting was practiced with great devotion to reconnect with the divine light and love within us to experience the unity of life. Facial Acupressure The holistic practice of balancing the energy throughout the bodily systems by applying gentle pressure to specific points on the face that correspond to the body’s organs and glands. It is believed that our face reflects our inner physical, mental and emotional health and the upper, middle and lower areas of our face are associated with the upper, middle and lower parts of our torso. Indian energy healers study the face as a means of diagnosing health imbalances. Self- facial acupressure is effective for restoring our skin’s youthfulness and assisting our natural capacity to heal, as it re-activates the vital energy flowing through our bodily systems. Traditionally facial acupressure was applied during an Ayurvedic head massage to calm the mind, body and spirit.

Chromotherapy The holistic practice of applying specific colours to parts of the body, by various methods to heal energy imbalances. The sun is comprised of seven colours, each of which possesses its own unique energy vibration and carries its own healing property. Each of the seven colours is associated with our seven main energy centres known as the chakras. Colour can be absorbed by our body through our chakras by sunlight, artificial light, the earth’s natural stones, water or visualization to restore harmony by correcting physical, mental and emotional energy imbalances. Traditionally the sun was worshipped for its ability to provide the necessary healing energy required by the body, to treat and prevent dis-ease, due to its abundant and unlimited source of solar energy.

October 2016


Crystals The holistic practice of placing the earth’s natural stones within the body’s magnetic field to restore the flow of healthy positive energy within and around the body by removing the toxic negative energy. The earth is crystalline, as it is composed of minerals, and our bodies are crystalline in essence; therefore our energies resonate harmoniously with the vibration of crystals. Each crystal possesses a unique chemical make-up which determines its healing property and appearance. Placing a crystal in our energy field or on a chakra allows our body to raise its vibration to that of the crystal. Traditionally, the earth’s natural stones were well known for their capacity to encourage self-healing and were widely used treat the organs and systems of the body, mind and spirit. Yoga Asanas The holistic practice of physical postures known as asanas, each of which has specific physical, mental, emotional and spiritual benefits to unite the body, mind and soul. Yoga alleviates numerous health conditions through restoring the healthy flow of our energies. The breathing carried out during the practice improves our cell oxygenation and increases our lung capacity which is beneficial to every bodily system. Regular practice of the asanas instils a calming and balancing effect on our endocrine and nervous system to relieve stress and anxiety. It is believed that as our physical body becomes more relaxed, flexible and open, this promotes a similar effect on our mental and emotional body. Traditionally, yoga asanas were practiced to purify the body and quieten the mind in preparation for meditation. Barefoot Walking The holistic practice of walking on the natural earth, barefoot to draw upon the powerful and unique energy source that lies within the earth. The earth is composed of minerals and the human body is mineral in essence, therefore our body’s energies resonate perfectly with the earth’s energies. It is believed that through the practice of barefoot walking, our body absorbs the antioxidants it requires to counteract harmful free radicals. Sleeping outdoors during the summer, on a natural fibre placed directly on the bare earth is immensely therapeutic and described as charging the entire being with the vital healing force of the universe. Traditionally, humans were aware of the benefits of connecting their body with the earth’s surface; sleeping and sitting on natural animal skins and walking barefoot.

our healing in process, we are disciplining our nervous system to react in a positive way, resulting in the desired outcome. The regular practice of healing visualizations, allows us to detach from our past limited beliefs to release our fears, bring our awareness to the present moment to enable us to create a healthy future. Traditionally, there was an innate awareness of the mind, body, soul connection and healing visualizations were practiced through daily prayer.

Raw Food Diet The holistic practice of eating food in its whole, un-refined and un-cooked form that is positively and negatively balanced, supplying the body with a plentiful supply of solar energy and active enzymes. Food eaten in its raw, natural state has a detoxifying, calming and balancing effect on the energies of our body, which instils a similar effect on the energies of our mind and emotions. All of the nutrients required by the body are available in plant based food, in a form that is easily assimilated. Traditionally, fasting was recommended during illness to allow the body’s energy reserves to be directed towards self-healing, however adopting a raw food diet for a short period of time can have similar health benefits.

In today’s fast-paced world, as we strive to create balance in our bodies, tranquillity in our minds and harmony in our lives, to experience inner peace and contentment, we can benefit enormously from the ancient Indian wisdom of self-healing practices to cleanse, calm and empower our energies, ensuring they flow smoothly and synchronically, instilling physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being.

Healing Visualizations The holistic practice of creating positive images of healing within the mental body, which allows the emotional body to respond by becoming receptive to the healing, which subsequently initiates the healing process in the physical body. Our body and mind are intricately connected and our thoughts have a direct influence on our physical health. By using the power of our mind, to envision 38

Vera Kaur is from Sikh Indian origin and currently lives in the Forest of Dean, England. Indian holistic healthcare was part of her upbringing and in her twenties she lived in ashrams in India, where she observed the remarkable results of the self-healing practices used by the traditional energy healers. Vera would like us all to be empowered with this ancient Indian wisdom, to take responsibility for our own health and well-being. Through her dreams and meditations she was guided to write her book,‘Diagnose, Treat, and Cure All Dis-ease with Traditional Indian Holistic Therapies’ For more info. go to:

October 2016


Answering QUESTIONS About

by: Ann Wilkinson P.T.M.S,


Q: My upper back hurts so much and feels

like there is a steel plate in my spine. It seems my posture is getting so bad that even though I am young I am getting a hump at the base of my neck. Why so young, do I feel so bad?

A: Posture will determine how old you look and feel. If you have

forward head posture and rounded shoulders either because of your work station or mind frame, this will catch up to you. When sitting or standing slouched many very important nerves, blood vessels and lymph channels are compromised. Rather than being aligned for normal uninhibited flow of nerve impulse, blood flow and fresh lymph, the tubules transporting these substances are kinked. Flow of these important substances are impeded. Now if this posture continues over time and you ignore the warning signs, muscle will begin to change.The strength of the tight muscles will pull joints out of alignment and as well the long muscles will not function with strength and become very weak. The poor posture becomes fixed. The muscles in your back are reacting to doing a job they were not made to do. They get tired of holding the head up. If the head were in proper alignment it would weigh nothing. Forward however, it is making a demand that the upper trapezius and rhomboids cannot handle. They splint down and become ropey and hard unable to relax and contract on command. They feel like steel because they have to act that way to protect your head. Sternum up, tailbone down. Imagine helium balloons are holding the weight of your head completely off your shoulders. Feel how the muscles can relax when you are in normal posture, imagine the openness to the flow of important substances in the body top to bottom. Look your age and stand upright!!

Ann is an award winning writer,teacher and speaker. Ann is the personal body worker of Her Holiness “Sai Maa”. Ann practices osteopathic physical therapy. Ann is also an expert on the use of healing foods, homeopathic and herbal consultations, and therapeutic horseback riding. Ann treats her patients in a beautiful country setting which enables her to utilize all of her learned skills as well as some of the healing properties that only Mother Earth can bestow. Ann is available by appointment. Book online at www. The farm is also available for birthday parties, women’s circles, and retreats.

Q: My dog yanked on me and I felt a pulling in

my shoulder. I have a history of not being able to tolerate anti-inflammatories. What can I do to care for my shoulder?

A: Immobilization would be very helpful in the earliest stages

when you get a strain like that. The muscles are injured as well as the joint capsule (a nerve rich tissue surrounding the joint). Make a sling that the elbow can rest into keeping the weight of your arm from pulling down on the ball and socket joint of your shoulder. It is good to ice frequently for anti inflammatory response as well as pain relief. Care will need to be taken when sleeping. Propping the arm on a pillow close to your side, hand resting on abdomen, or lying on your side also with pillow under arm. T- relief is a great anti - inflammatory cream that is homeopathic. Alternating arnica and ruta graveolans 30 C homeopathic remedies are also helpful in this situation. Twice daily warm epsom salt bath and gentle range of motion of the shoulder in the warm water followed by ice as well as ice several more times a day. Tumeric ghee in warm milk, boswellia, and bromelain are all natural anti-inflammatories. Only do motions that are painfree avoiding painful activity. You will be able to control the descent of your arm before you will be able to raise it again on your own. Practice raising your arm with the help of your other arm and also help control it going back down by assisting with the other arm as well will help you gain range faster without aggravating the tendons. Massage is helpful however the strained tendons will be very tender and those must be stroked lightly. Moving the lymph and lactic acid with massage will be helpful even though tender. After 1-2 days begin to practice weight bearing on your elbows stimulating the joint capsule. Swimming would be the best way to get your shoulder moving again starting with breast and side stroke.

October 2016



gingerdead men Are the neighbors up all night slicing and dicing corpses? Do you want to shut them up once and for all? Or perhaps you’re having trouble stocking up on a decent harvest of corpses? Whatever your motives, these innocent-looking patties will bring down your victims quickly and cleanly. Save the spectacle of agonizing death throes and bloodcurdling screams for another occasion— these biscuits are meant for swift dispatch.

Sufficient.—for 12 to 14 Gingerdead Men

THE HOXTON STREET MONSTER SUPPLIES COOKBOOK For hundreds of years, Hoxton Street Monster Supplies has been supplying quality goods for the living, dead and undead - and this, its classic recipe book, has been in use for just as long. Now, for the first time, it has been adapted for use by humans. So whether you are entertaining trolls, hosting a vampire soiree or expecting zombies round for tea, you can make delicious treats to suit every occasion.

1 cup whole-wheat flour

¾ stick chilled unsalted butter, diced

1 cup all-purpose flour, sifted

½ cup soft light brown sugar

with 1 teaspoon baking powder

1 tablespoon molasses

2 teaspoons ground ginger

2 tablespoons light corn syrup

½ teaspoon ground cinnamon

1 small egg, lightly beaten

pinch of ground cloves

handful of dried currants, to decorate

In the store or online it isn’t unusual to find items such as, Night Terrors, part of our range of Tinned Fear, specifically tailored for children.Toasted Bone Chunks, Impacted Earwax, along with many other out of the ordinary edibles and a variety of gifts, tee shirts and more for the special monster in your life.

Fang Floss is invaluable in cleaning where traditional sticks and brushes can’t reach, removing all common forms of fang-matter, including: brains, gore, bones, viscera, entrails, seaweed, toffee, and much more.

Tip the mixture onto a floured surface and knead gently until smooth. Roll out to 1/8 inch in thickness, then cut into 12 to 14 large gingerdead man shapes, rerolling the trimmings if necessary. Place the gingerdead men on the prepared cookie sheets and press in dried currants for eyes. Bake in a preheated oven at 350°F for 15 to 18 minutes until golden. Let cool on the cookie sheets for 2 to 3 minutes, then transfer to wire racks to cool completely.

All of their profits go to the Ministry of Stories, a creative writing and mentoring charity for young humans. 40

Method.—Line 2 cookie sheets with nonstick parchment paper. Place the flours and spices in a bowl or food processor, add the butter, and rub in with the fingertips or process until the mixture resembles fine bread crumbs. Add the sugar, molasses, light corn syrup, and egg and mix or pulse until just combined.

October 2016

(Image on next page)

gingerdead men If you have the correct spells and incantations on hand then you can of course bring these minions to life to do your evil bidding.

October 2016


fresh pus pie Pus Pie was a firm favorite on the menu of many cadaver cafes up until about a century ago. It was delicious served warm and oozing from the oven or fire pit. The best pus was extracted from diseased humans and it could be very rich so diners were advised to limit themselves to one small slice. A dramatic drop in human diseases that produced oozing boils led to its demise and this modern recipe took over in popularity. Sufficient.—for 8 monster servings of pie 13 oz sweet shortcrust pastry

3 eggs and 2 egg yolks

a little flour, for dusting

1½ sticks unsalted butter, at room

1 cup superfine sugar

temperature, plus extra for greasing

1 cup fresh lime juice

sifted confectioners’ sugar, for dusting

8 fresh lime leaves or the grated zest of 3 limes

Method.—Roll out the pastry on a lightly floured surface until a little larger than a greased 9-inch fluted loose-bottomed tart pan. Lift the pastry over a rolling pin, drape into the pan, then press over the bottom and up the insides. Trim off the excess pastry so it stands a little above the top of the pan. Prick the bottom with a fork. Let chill for 30 minutes. Line the tart with nonstick parchment paper, add ceramic baking beans, and bake in a preheated oven at 400°F for 15 minutes. Remove the paper and beans and bake for a further 12 to 15 minutes until the pastry is crisp and golden. Let cool. Put the sugar, lime juice, and lime leaves or lime zest in a saucepan. Heat gently until the sugar has dissolved. Bring to a boil and simmer for 5 minutes. Let cool for 5 minutes, then strain into a clean pan. Stir in the eggs, egg yolks, and half the butter and heat gently, stirring, for 1 minute or until the sauce coats the back of the spoon. Add the remaining butter and whisk constantly until the mixture thickens. Transfer the lime mixture to the tart crust and bake for 6 to 8 minutes until set. Let cool slightly, then serve warm, dusted with confectioners’ sugar. 42

fresh pus pie Though the monster community fervently awaits the arrival of a plague or epidemic, advances in human medicine have sadly affected the availability of high-quality pus.

October 2016

thickest human snot curd

Trolls, Ogres, and other human-hunters used to stock up on snot during flu season in order to enjoy this glutinous curd all year round. Human snot was a popular treat so this would also be appreciated as a gift by friends or neighbors who didn’t own a snot extractor, or who lived in warmer climates where a lack of winter ills meant it was harder to procure. As snot became less readily available, Troll housewives developed this tasty alternative.

Sufficient.—for 3 assorted jars 1½ lb cooking apples, quartered, cored, peeled, and diced ½ cup ginger wine grated zest and juice of 1 lemon

Method.—Put the apples, ginger wine, and lemon zest and juice in a saucepan, cover, and cook gently for about 15 minutes, stirring from time to time, until the apples are soft. Let cool for 10 to 15 minutes.

1¾ cups superfine sugar 3 eggs, beaten 2 oz drained stem ginger in syrup, finely chopped

Purée the apple mixture in a food processor, a blender, or press through a sieve. Place the butter in a large heatproof bowl set over a saucepan of simmering water and warm until just melted.

1 stick butter, diced

Add the sugar and apple purée to the bowl, then strain in the eggs and cook over medium heat for 40 to 50 minutes, stirring frequently until the sugar has dissolved and the eggs have thickened the mixture (take care not to have the heat too high or the eggs will curdle).

thickest human snot curd If you are struggling to procure the required amount of snot for a traditional recipe, and you happen to be in London, visit our Hoxton Street shop is stocked all year round.

Stir in the chopped ginger, then ladle into warm, dry sterilized jars, filling to the very top. Cover with screwtop lids, or with wax disks and cellophane tops secured with elastic bands. Label and let cool. Store in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.

October 2016


Acupuncture May Decrease Your Joint Pain

Dr. Kelly Brown

An increasing number of people complain of joint pain and discomfort. It is important to understand the anatomy of a joint in order to recognize where your pain is coming from. Below is a review of joint parts and how each part functions to provide mobility.

Joints A joint in the body is where a bone connects with another bone. A bone has a cartilage end, and where the two bones meet, there is a joint capsule. Inside the capsule, synovial fluid is present to lubricate the cartilaginous lining. Synovial joints are found all over the body. Each synovial joint is characterized as a specific type. Some are described below. A ball-and-socket joint is found where a limb connects with the body, such as the shoulder and hip. A hinge joint is where two bones meet for bending, like the knee and elbow. A saddle joint allows for more angles of moving, such as where the thumb meets the wrist. A pivot joint is found between bones that have to twist with one another, such as the radius and ulna before the wrist.

Bursa A bursa is a thin membrane that holds the synovial fluid within a joint capsule. A bursa is present to reduce friction between bone and muscles or ligaments or skin. Bursae are small and thin when healthy. If inflammation of the synovial membrane occurs, it is called bursitis. Bursitis occurs when friction, injury, or another condition cause the synovial membrane to swell. The swelling is from excess synovial fluid trying to buffer some of the friction. Shoulder, elbow, hip, and knee bursitis are most common and are often sensitive to touch.

Tendon A tendon is where muscle meets with bone. A muscle has a place where it originates and where it inserts. The location of these points determines the muscle’s action. Tendons, from muscles, provide mobility. One tendon may stretch while another contracts to perform specific movements of individual joints.

Degeneration Cartilage lines the ends of bones. With age and improper movement, the cartilage can degenerate. Degeneration leads to arthritis, which increases friction on the above listed structures. The added friction can cause pain, stiffness, and swelling. Muscles may tighten or spasm in an attempt to decrease the rubbing around the joint. Often the area of pain indicates the area of arthritis. Hip bursitis, however, can seem like hip arthritis because of where the pain tends to be located. The hip bursa is on the outside of the leg near the top of the femur. When inflamed, it can send pain to the hip joint and the low back. The hip joint, which is in the groin area, is usually most painful with hip arthritis. The bursa area of the hip, along the femur, can become inflamed because the surrounding muscles or structures are causing friction, but not the hip joint itself.

Acupuncture and Pain Relief All joints that are painful can be helped with acupuncture. Certain Chinese liniments can help when pain is worse with weather changes. When an acupuncture needle is placed near a joint, substance P is released. This increases blood flow to the area and healing components to the joint. Acupuncture needles placed away from an area of pain help to decrease inflammation and improve function of the entire body. All of these effects are helpful to decrease pain and help movement. Bursitis also responds well to acupuncture because of the decreased swelling. There is even a point on the leg that is specific for frozen shoulder! It is important to contact your doctor when a new pain develops. He or she may want to order diagnostic tests or imaging. These tests can help determine the best route of care. Acupuncture is helpful for many conditions and may even decrease your joint discomfort today! Other modalities that can help with your joint discomfort include chiropractic and massage. Each of these types of treatments are available at Pure Wellness.


Dr. Kelly Brown is a chiropractor and acupuncturist with Pure Wellness. She received both a Doctorate in Chiropractic and a Masters in Acupuncture from New York Chiropractic College in Seneca Falls, NY. Dr. Brown is a life-long resident of DE and is glad to be back in the area serving the community. You can contact her at the office 302.365.5470 or through the website www.purewellchiro.

A ligament connects bone to bone and can have a variety of names. Ligaments maintain joint stability and hold structures together. A ligament can be sprained in any joint. Ligaments can also tear, like the ACL of the knee, and require surgical intervention.


October 2016

Sugru is the astounding new moldable glue designed for fixing, making, and improving things, DIY projects and more. Anything Sugru will stick to from smartphones to the refrigerator you can alter or fix. It molds like play-dough, then cures within 24 years into a durable silicone rubber. Once it’s cured, Sugru has some amazing properties to let you get creative inside the house and outside too.

Airfree ® is the natural solution to asthma, respiratory allergies and mold. Eliminates dust mites, bacteria, fungi, virus, pollen, allergens of domestic animals and other microorganisms from the air quickly and quietly. Air free’s select technology works by eliminating microorganisms and allergens, destroying them in literally a fraction of a second. Depending on the model, between 14,000 and 20,000 liters of air travels through the Air free device every hour, treating all the air in the room in a very short period of time. The process works similarly to sterilizing water by boiling it; when water is boiled, the microorganisms it contains are eliminated. In parallel fashion, Air free continually draws in air from the room, heating it to over 400°F and instantly sterilizing it. The purified air is then cooled inside the device before being returned to the room.

Sugru puts you in control of your gadgets. You can add custom grips to your XBOX controllers. Fix smartphone cables or help your cables last longer. Create a bike-mount for your smartphone. Use to make the perfect hook for your headphones, or add vibration-dampening feet to your speakers. Sugru sticks permanently to ceramics, glass, metal, wood, and most plastics and fabrics. Just shape it onto something, and then it’s time to build, seal, fix, create and stick things together. You’ll have 30 minutes to get the job done. Give it 24 hours, and Sugru turns into a durable, flexible silicone rubber that stays stuck (unless you remove it).

Sugru’s unique, patented formula has earned it dozens of awards and global scientific recognition. It’s used by loads of clever people from engineers in international space programs to Himalayan explorers to the companies Uncle Barry. The possibilities are endless. We plan to fix our 15 year old Sub-Zero refrigerator using Sugru! Look for images on Instagram soon. Comes in kits of 8 or 3 single packs and is available in a variety of color combinations or black and white. A helpful booklet is included with directions and ideas, and you have to visit the website for images and ideas. It’s truly amazing. 45

October 2016

Jenifer Jurden is the CHO (Chief Happy Officer) of SHOUT b cause, LLC and the creator of JurdyÂŽ, the cartoon hero of hopes, dreams and happy-ness. Jurdy spreads the word about anti-bullying, great choices and living a happy life through the use of humor and positive outlooks. Follow Jurdy on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or at:


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