Living Well Magazine Sept 2015

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Every year children become strangled from playing with the cords attached to window treatments in homes, offices and business’s. Newly proposed legislation is recommending that manufacturers eliminate the cords to eliminate the risks.


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words from the editors and publishers:

Recently, Brian and I visited a local home improvement store to look for inside guards for a couple of our front windows making sure that our Great Dane, Calvin, doesn’t end up on the other side...outside. Unfortunately, we were not successful but made many unnecessary purchases before finally exiting the store through the garden center. Making yet one more purchase before finally leaving , a new variety of perennial flower for Fall flowering, which oddly enough was available in a much larger version, but marked as an annual. That just didn’t seem to make sense. Enamored by its beauty, we decided to purchase it anyway, knowing that we couldn’t be sure about what exactly it was, whether it was a perennial or an annual and if it would even survive a cold winter in our area. We also knew intellectually that it made more sense not to purchase it and look for it at a reputable well established garden center with educated sales people who could undoubtedly tell us what it was and whether it was an annual or a perennial. I would love to tell you the actual name of the plant, but I can’t seem to find the tag. However, what I did find was alarming. After planting, I found a tag on the walkway, a tag obviously from the new plant. I was shocked! The tag read “Treated with Neonicotinoids. These pesticides are approved by the EPA”, and then in much smaller type directed a buyer to a website that offered more information about this particular pesticide approved by the EPA. Well of course, I chose to look up the pesticide, “Neonicotinoids” to see what I could find on my own with no affiliation to the store that it was purchased. Neonicotinoids are the most widely used insecticides in the world, and have been linked to the decline of honeybees, which pollinate many food crops. Scientists now say neonicotinoids also harm many terrestrial, aquatic, and marine invertebrates. These pervasive insecticides damage sea urchin DNA, suppress the immune systems of crabs, and affect the tunneling and reproductive behavior of earthworms. They kill off insects that many birds, amphibians, and reptiles rely on for food. Neonicotinoids are a relatively new class of insecticides that share a common mode of action that affect the central nervous system of insects, resulting in paralysis and death. A new study published in the Bulletin of Insectology by Harvard researchers “found further evidence of the link between neonicotinoid use and Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD), in which bees abandon their hives over the winter and eventually die.” and although neonicotinoids dissolve readily in water; they Advertising Inquiries: are slow to break down in the environment, resulting in a high risk of runoff from agricultural fields into water sources. Who knew that our new prized flowering plant was therefore tainted, having neonicotinoids injected right into the seeds and/or bulbs before the growth process Brian Strauss -Publisher begins? BTW, we highly recommend going to Gateway Garden Center in Hockessin, ware, whose owner, Peg Castorani, who after speaking with her told me that she makes every effort possible to purchase plants from companies that do not use neonicotinoids. Obviously, 302-355-0929 we should have gone there before buying our mysterious flowering plant. So where are all of the bees? I think the answer is obvious. Learn more about the effects of Neonicotinoids in this HELP WANTED month’s FYI on p6. EXPERIENCED AD SALES Enjoy! Brian and Diane Strauss

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Editors / Publishers Diane and Brian Strauss Associate Editor: Michael Strauss puppy love™ Creator Sean Strauss Media Development Jonelle Jentilucci Resident Artist and Creator of the Valentino caricature. Liam McWilliams Design and Graphics Diane Strauss

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LIVING.WELL MAGAZINE (ISSN 2325-2448) published monthly by Savendale Media Group, 1519 Old Coach Road Newark, Delaware 19711 Phone:302-355-0929 Fax:302-454-1867 LIVING.WELL MAGAZINE© is a monthly publication distributed regionally. All articles and advertisements are accepted in good faith. Living Well Magazine assumes no responsibility or liability for any claims, conditions, products, services, errors, and/or opinions expressed through articles and advertisements appearing in this publication. Please check with your primary health care provider before making any changes. Living Well Magazine welcomes your comments and suggestions. No part of LIVING WELL MAGAZINE™ may be reproduced in any form without permission and written consent. Copyright, All rights reserved. 2014 Various Trademarks Used By Permission Of Their Respective Owners

Cover: designed by dcstrauss For more content, photos, and special give-aways� you can find and follow us on all these social media forums puppy love™ Our handsome 180 pound Great Dane, Calvin.True love!

September 2015


inside Have a Good Laugh

by Karen Verna Carlson

Waking Up

by Suzanne Eder

Martha Doesn’t Live Here


@livingwellmag 12

Are Your Medications Causing Your Other Health Issues?


Listening To Your Heart by Joe White

Ask The Vet

Dr. Rose Dileva

Hands on Health

Earth Talk: Drones: An Environmentalists Tool


Sexual Health and Healing: Missteps on the Path to Finding Love

26 livingwellmag/





Eliminate Energy-Sappers From Your Diet 37 by Alisa Rose

Recipes from: DINNER SOLVED!


The EPA Approved Highly Toxic Bee Killing Pesticide


Healthy Snacking


by Katie Workman










by Dr. Kelly Brown

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Treating Stress with Acupuncture



Ann Wilkinson P.T.M.S.

with Dianna Palimere, PhD, LCSW



by Karen Jessee

by Dr. Scott Rosenthal


The prestigious— Living.Well Magazine Tried and True award is given only awarded to products and companies that we have used and can honestly say they were great! If it has the LWM Tried and True Award on it, we are sure that you will too.



September 2015


Where’s Valentino?

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September 2015



The EPA approved highly toxic bee-killing pesticide for widespread use.

Neonicotinoids Neonicotinoids are synthetic forms of nicotine.

These pesticides act on certain nerve receptors that are abundant in the insect's nervous system. They are highly toxic to most arthropods, but much less so to mammals. Because neonicotinoids are water soluble, plants easily absorb them and they work well as systemic treatments. Neonicotinoid insecticides are often applied to seeds of agricultural crops, particularly corn and soybeans. These seed treatments are intended to suppress damage by herbivorous insects during the early stages of plant germination and growth.

Honey bee population decline has been receiving a

lot of attention lately, and with good reason. Without bees, many important crops would disappear, such as apples, almonds, blueberries, cherries, avocados, and oranges. Some of the awareness campaigns addressing honey bee loss have been especially poignant, such as the pictures of a Whole Foods in Rhode Island that pulled all bee-dependent fruit and vegetables off its shelves for a day, revealing a near-empty produce department. There are many studies examining the cause behind the recent decimation of honey bees, also known as Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD). In this blog, I’ll review some of the newest studies about the factors affecting CCD, and how organic farming can help mitigate these damages.


A study out of Penn State

and the University of Florida this year showed that pesticides may be killing honeybee larvae within their hives. The PLOS publication focused on four common pesticides—fluvalinate, coumaphos, chlorothalonil and chlorpyrifos. Researchers found that exposure to some pesticide cocktails combining these chemicals have a synergistic effect on bee larvae, and are more toxic than one would expect from individual pesticide exposure levels. The study also found that even inactive ingredients in pesticides, such as the inert additive NMP, can be highly toxic to honeybee larva.

For me it is no longer a question in my mind... What is happening to the honey bee population? And to think I only found the tag associated with my plant purchase on the ground after planting it. The question now is was this tag actually buried within the plant? I have never seen a tag with this information before and certainly never saw it upon making my purchase.

September 2015

Research by Nigel Raine, a professor in Guelph’s School of Environmental Sciences,

and Richard Gill of Imperial College London was published today in the British Ecological Society’s journal Functional Ecology. The study shows how long-term pesticide exposure affects individual bees’ day-to-day behaviour, including pollen collection and which flowers worker bees chose to visit. “Bees have to learn many things about their environment, including how to collect pollen from flowers,” said Raine, who holds the Rebanks Family Chair in Pollinator Conservation, a Canadian first. “Exposure to this neonicotinoid pesticide seems to prevent bees from being able to learn these essential skills.”

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September 2015


DRONES: An Environmentalists Tool

Conservationists are utilizing drone or “unmanned aerial systems” (UAS) technology to gather highly detailed imagery and other environmental data that is traditionally challenging to obtain. Wildlife biologist John Takekawa and his team at the U.S. Geological Survey’s Western Ecological Research Center (WERC), for example, are using drones to obtain aerial images of San Francisco Bay marshlands. “It’s very hard to get some of the data sets in some of these areas that are remote or hard to reach in the marshes,” Takekawa explains. “If you have something that can fly over and get sensors that can report back to your computer, that’s what we’re looking for in exploring these types of technologies.” Dr. Amy Woodget, a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Worcester in the UK, uses her small Draganflyer X6 UAS to collect high-resolution imagery of river channels. The images map the physical conditions within the rivers, including the channel topography, water depth and surface flow patterns, data all crucial for gauging river health and habitat conditions essential to the survival of local wildlife. “The results obtained using UAS technologies provide unprecedented levels of detail concerning these physical river habitat parameters, with high levels of accuracy and precision,” Woodget says. Drones are also helping preserve the Peruvian Amazon forest, where illegal gold mining and logging has cleared mahogany, Spanish cedar and other old-growth trees. Carlos Castaneda, coordinator of the Amazon Basin Conservation Association’s Los Amigos Conservation Concession, monitors the 550-squaremile Los Amigos reserve in southeastern Peru, home to a large diversity of plant and animal species, including palm swamps, bamboo thickets, giant otters, harpy eagles, spider monkeys and jaguars. Small drones weighing less than five pounds enable 8

detection of any deforestation within the area. Considering that more and more drones are being launched for conservation research, Linda Rothschild, an evolutionary biologist at NASA’s Ames Research Center, was concerned when she found out that UAVs sometimes get lost in coral reefs or other sensitive habitats. “As I started to hear about this, I thought, ‘Well, wouldn’t it be useful if the UAV was biodegradable, so if it crashed somewhere that was sensitive, it wouldn’t matter if it dissolved,’” Rothschild says. So Rothschild created a biodegradable drone with a team of students in the 2014 International Genetically Engineered Machine (iGEM) competition. The team’s prototype took its first short flight in November 2014 at the iGEM competition in Boston. The drone, which resembles a cardboard cup holder, is made primarily of mycelium grown by New York-based Ecovative Design. The team grew cellulose leather-like sheets to coat the mycelium body and then covered the sheets with proteins sourced from the saliva of paper wasps—a water resistant material that the insects use to cover their nests. The biodegradable drone body is certainly a step forward, though the drone still uses a standard battery, motor and propellers. Rothschild’s dream is to make a UAV where every part is made with something biodegradable, but for now, she says, “realistically, this is going to be much more of a hybrid vehicle.”

CONTACTS: WERC,; Los Amigos Conservation Concession,; iGEM, EarthTalk® is produced by Doug Moss & Roddy Scheer and is a registered trademark of Earth Action Network Inc. View past columns at: Or e-mail us your question:

September 2015

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Caricature created by: Liam McWilliams

Enter: Where’s Valentino Contest Find Answers Here

ow! There are thousands of readers who are searching for Valentino. He is hidden somewhere on the pages of each issue. The entries keep pouring in. We hope you have fun looking and will continue your quest to find Valentino. When you find him please email us at: [Please type “Valentino” on the subject line or scan the QR Code below]. — keep searching and entering the “Where’s Valentino!” Contest every month for a chance to be entered to win some great gifts, subscriptions, T-shirts, mugs, cookbooks ,books, videos, etc. Or enter on our Facebook page LWMlivingwellmagazine (be sure to inbox us so you aren’t sharing his location with everyone), and be sure to like the page first. Please remember to share our page with your friends!

Below Is The Answer To Last Month’s Where’s Valentino! In the August issue of LWM ,Valentino was hanging out on the blind cord of Red Star Decorating’s ad on p2. Valentino wanted to call attention to a serious issue of child/pet safety with the cords of your blinds. If you have older blinds, you may want to consider replacing them with the newer cordless blind systems that Red Star Decorating offers. When and if you find Valentino, send us an email at (be sure to put Valentino or Where’s Valentino in the subject line or just scan the QR Code with your smart phone and it will take you directly to an email addressed and ready to go, all you have to do is tell us where he is. Have Fun! AHEEEHAPJDDNJKOMMCOONMLGGKDPBDDIFMLKIILIBPAHEEEHA BNFFFNBPNHMLAHBCEGFKAOAHFHADBPJOBCICACIONPBNFFFNB NHCDMGFPMPENGLFIPCGBDBBADAGNDKIOMKMJKCPMPIJMOKGDL CHOBIFFGCDMEFJNPAAACCBBBCDKCGPMBIKPAFKLNGHEDKCFPD KCNDLOFEHPAGDJHHICJIKEGHKINGCKGEBKLBKHFLBBOFHKHMA DLKIMFFBAOGLJECDFBMPEMENNFILACIIMPNKIEHLMJJJMMMHH BFKLANFMBJEHIEOJBMMEOHANENBEKOMLKLPHHBJNAMFNAJDBL HGLCCFFJJHIHEMOIJCADNKMBNMABKOODHABKOFNKOMEJPABPB BDDMAIFOBCBBKBMFMLOJBANAOJLHHGIGIONFKLPMHPOJGOMMG DEOGDFFOHBFKFGHBFLKNLPIMAFNONDMHKAHHHIBFIFHLDHFPC EFFNNNEHKJHLFBOOHFEOCAAHFHACILHDDCKNKKFMAHFHAOLNJ APBBBPAPIBBENPELBCBGPGAAEBEEDIBOOGPPKDPMCAFBAMMPH HHHHHHHPPHHHPHPPPPHHPPHHPHHPPHHHPHHHHHHPPPPPPHHHH

Call us or email us today: 302-355-0929

Home Office Pets Children Elders Karen Carlson 10


Special packages available. September 2015

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September 2015


Martha Stewart Doesn’t Live Here By Karen Jessee

a theatre guest from New York. In opera years, that makes him family and gives him license for such commentary. I threw something sudsy onto the offending surface, swished it around and hoped for the best. I was running a business, coping with a changing relationship, getting a house ready to put on the market, and…for the third time… moving my aging mother and all of her dramas. I doubt I would have noticed if the whole kitchen had fallen off the house, but yes, the kitchen floor was sticky. Martha… and there is only one… doesn’t live here. I use this phrase often when I hear the fatigue and desperation of women who are doing everything and wondering how their lovely homes became piles and stacks that invade places where they once ate or slept. One client wailed, “I need a household manager!” Many women today are working full time, have several children, busy husbands, and are members of organizations. Cleaning for them can mean grabbing a box and filling it with whatever is in the way and the following week, grabbing another box and repeating the exercise. Toys, mail, and laundry have accumulated while these gals were racing to be responsible mothers, wives, workers, and members of their community. And what else is piled about? Usually a collection of glossy pastel magazines all touting headlines about being organized forever and having the perfect homes that pack these frustrated ladies for a guilt trip. Why can’t their homes look like that? Why can’t their homes be photographed and chosen for a feature article? Martha doesn’t live with them either. Years ago I was part of a cancer team, a group that had gathered and organized their lives around a friend suddenly struck with this invasive disease. One night, several of us gathered around Julie and her hospital bed centered in the living room and watched Martha make wrapping paper for Christmas. She had cut out sponges in the shapes of Christmas trees and angels. She was dipping the sponges into red paint and then dabbing them onto the plain brown paper.

“Your kitchen floor is sticky.” “What?” “I make sucky sounds when I walk across your kitchen floor.”

We thought it was cute…and then we burst out laughing.

So said my house guest, Dan.

Martha is a lifestyle guru. This is her job. She will teach you how to cook, clean and craft. She will teach you how to entertain. She is a television personality. She has a radio show and a syndicated

It was my kitchen floor, and it was Dan’s fourth stay with me as 12

September 2015

— continued on next page

— continued from previous page

column. She has magazines and books. She has her own product lines. She is a brand. She is a mogul. She’s worked hard to get where she is. She runs an empire. This means Martha has something you don’t have: help. She has staff, on the job and at home. She has assistants, secretaries, and drivers. She has people to do her hair and makeup. She has a whole host of professionals and minions to keep her front and center, prepared, pulled together, and looking like it’s all very easy.

Free vein Screening

Martha became a billionaire for the second time while she was in jail in 2005. That means she has something else you don’t have; money to employ all that help. Just three years ago, her company reimbursed her $393,000 for personal assistants. Feeling better now?

Thursday, September 24th 4:00 - 6:00 PM

In Martha’s endless stream of advice of how it could be and should be to make our lives better and happier, which…and I stress this again… is her job, the bottom line is she is a business woman. She needs your credit cards and she needs investors. There’s nothing wrong with that. That’s what the heads of empires do.

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But those who talk about products and recipes or who take you on tours of their perfectly organized closets don’t know that you have a child with health issues… or that you need more time with aging parents … or that you yourself may have been smacked with an illness. They don’t know about your divorce. They don’t know about your emotional state because your fiancé died before you even got to the altar. They don’t know that you spend much of your time visiting the hospital or that you’re exhausted. That is not their job.

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So do for yourself what I have requested of many of my clients. Enjoy those television shows and then walk away. Enjoy those magazines and then let them go. Realize that for many, all of that may be fiction. Please don’t let yourself be consumed with guilt or depression because this isn’t your house or your life; because you’re not setting your table with homemade crafts or baking something that requires fifteen ingredients. Remember… the people telling you aren’t the people living with you or actually helping you. And that just could be why your kitchen floor is sticky.

Karen Jessee is a professional organizer and founder of Simply Organized. She is a member of the National Association of Professional Organizers and the Philadelphia Chapter of Professional Organizers. She encourages people to simplify their lives and works with those who need to downsize and get organized. Karen helps clients make the decisions and create the systems that are best for them. She also teaches the strategies to help clients gain greater clarity, control, productivity and peace. Karen is a public speaker on these topics. Visit her website at:


40 Omega Drive, Building G | Newark, DE 19713 September 2015


Living with T1D [Type 1 Diabetes] By Jeremy Hartnett, Age 16 My name is Jeremy Hartnett. I am 16 years old and a junior at Brandywine High School,where I play football. Just like most teens,I love to hang out with my friends on the weekends and play sports, but I live a different life than they do. On March 8, 2012 my parents called my doctor and told him that I had been acting strange recently, mainly I was always extremely thirsty, so I would just drink all day long, which caused me to have to use the bathroom a lot. I was also always tired and never wanted to go out and play because I was too exhausted, and even though I was not being as active as usual I had lost 15 pounds in just two months. So my doctor told me to bring in a urine sample and my dad took it in after dropping me off at school like every other day. Then in first period, just after my dad dropped the sample off, the phone rang in my history class. This was the moment that has forever changed my life. My dad picked me up from school and told me that he had to take me to the hospital because my doctor found sugar in my urine sample. At the time I was overwhelmed with all of the tests that they were running on me, because up to then I never had any major health concerns. After taking what felt like all of the blood in my body, the doctors came into my hospital room and told me that I have Type 1 Diabetes (T1D). I was 12 years old when I heard the news and I didn’t know what to think of it. I had heard of diabetes a couple times but had no idea what new life I was about to inherit. T1D is an autoimmune disease in which a person’s pancreas stops producing insulin, a hormone that enables people to get energy from food. There is no cure for T1D, and kids and adults with the disease must carefully balance insulin doses (either by injections multiple times a day or continuous infusion through a pump) with eating and other activities throughout the day and night. They must also measure their blood-glucose level by pricking their fingers for blood six or more times a day. Today I wear a Tandem T-Slim (Insulin) Pump. I wear my pump 24/7 almost, because I take it off to play football, swim or shower. Otherwise I am always connected. I hardly notice it now, after having it for the past year and a half, but still everyday a new person will ask me why I have a tube going from my pocket up my shirt, or they’ll ask me “What’s wrong?” or “Are you ok?” when they see my infusion site. I then have to proceed to explain to them that I am ok and that I have T1D. The biggest struggle of managing diabetes in my life is the one part of my life that makes me the happiest. During the football season I have to replace my infusion site probably once or twice a day, as compared to once every three days the rest of the year. For practice I unplug my insulin pump from my body so that I can hit people without worrying about breaking a $400 piece of equipment that is my aid to living with diabetes. 14

Jeremy Hartnett

Most importantly I let all of my coaches know that I have diabetes and explain to them that there may be times when I need to step off of the field and check my blood sugar to see if I might have to eat if my blood sugar is too low. I also let my athletic trainer know so that if anything was to happen to me during a game or practice, she knows that I have diabetes and will know how to address the situation. Lastly, I let my teammates know. They need to know because they’re always around me and they are like my brothers. I can trust them to make sure that I check my blood sugar before practice and eat a snack if I need to, and they know in case I were to ever have a diabetic emergency at a team dinner or in the locker room they know who to get to help or how to help me. For the past three years my family has walked with me in the JDRF Walk to Cure Diabetes and this past year I served as a Youth Ambassador and helped out at the JDRF’s annual gala, The Hope Ball. My involvement with JDRF as a Youth Ambassador is helping to teach me leadership and public speaking skills that will be invaluable in my life as an adult, as well as helping people in the community understand what it’s like living with T1D. I like to support JDRF because they do so much for diabetes research and I am hoping for a cure in the near future.

September 2015

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September 2015

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By Karen Verna Carlson

“Laughter is inner jogging.” —Norman Cousins

“If you can sit quietly after difficult news, if in financial downturns you can remain perfectly calm, if you can see your neighbors travel to fantastic places without a twinge of jealousy, if you can happily eat whatever is put on your plate and after a day of running around fall asleep without a drink or a pill, if you can always find contentment just where you are, you are probably a dog.” ( Jack Kornfield) If you can laugh at a good joke, a witty aphorism or comic visual you are probably a human. But are you human enough to generate a wholesome laughter opportunity? Unlatching the pool gate as I entered I heard a loud splash. A groundhog swam fiercely to the opposite side, scrambled efficiently out over the rim, sloshed quickly across perimeter slate, loped onto the lawn and into bushes. Not only did I laugh heartily then, but also

every time this week I’ve regaled friends sparking their laughter with this story. Laughter bubbles for both speaker and listener to share with histrionics critter or pet experiences. Even without histrionics, Mark Twain got laughs declaring, “Ignorant people think it’s the noise which fighting cats make that is so aggravating, but it ain’t so; it’s the sickening grammar they use.” Same for wildlife photo of a bluebird puffed up and grumpy looking by Michael L. Smith. It’s been reproduced so much since its appearance on a National Geographic cover that most folks easily smile at just recalling it. What’s the difference between an ornithologist and a stutterer? One’s a bird watcher and the other’s a word botcher. Puns can be a source for laughter or at least a groaning smirk. A small-sized fortuneteller was arrested but she was so little she slipped through the bars and escaped. Police bulletin broadcast, “Small medium at large….” An optometrist fell into the lens grinder and made a spectacle of himself. — continued on next page

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September 2015

Centerville Rd., Suite 215 Wilmington, DE 19808 — continued on next page

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Travel presents endless laughter opportunities. Decades ago, an elder friend copied verbatim flight emergency instructions on the Rumanian National Airlines, which stated, “Exit according to rule, first leg and then head. Remove high heels and synthetic stockings before evacuation: open the door, take out the recovery line and throw it away.” Another friend staying in a Tokyo hotel read a sign advising, “Is forbidden to steal towels, please. If you are not person to do such is please not to read notice.” Considering laughter a uniquely human attribute as well as a free health upgrade I’m investing more attention to its cultivation. I possess more than 1,000 books and only a dozen or so are funny. Twenty per cent of my CDs and 40% of my DVDs are funny, reflecting my increasing tendency to enhance my humorous humanity. I’m guessing I engage humor about 3% to 5% of my waking hours, and aspire to triple that. What percentage of your time is spent laughing? How much of your Smartphone or Internet time focuses on wholesome humor? Swedish Humor and Other Myths was a book title that I once noticed as a possible explanation for my dearth of laughter. We can all laugh at the foibles of our ancestral cultures. In Haikus for Jews David M. Bader offers, “Five thousand years a wandering people— then we found the cabanas.”

Here’s a morning prayer. “Thank you God for standing by me so far this day. With your help, I haven’t been impatient, grumpy, judgmental, or lost my temper. But I’ll be getting out of bed soon, and I’ll really be needing your help even more.” Help for anger gets a laugh when Mark Twain advises, “When angry count to four. When very angry swear.” He’s been dead for 105 years and still keeps me laughing into my eighth decade reminding me, “Wrinkles should merely indicate where smiles have been.” An unknown bard commiserates, “Growing old is like being increasingly penalized for a crime you haven’t committed.” I’m old enough to laugh at that one. Another elder asks, “When did my wild oats turn into shredded wheat?” But you don’t have to be old to laugh at this thought—“Accept that some days you’re the pigeon, and some days you’re the statue.” Please don’t wait until you’re happy to do some laughing. “We must laugh before we are happy for fear of dying without laughing at all,” declared Jean de La Bruyere (1645-1696). Get laughing down deep and feel happiness for a moment—frequently. Karen Verna Carlson, N.D., Ph.D. (Hon.) is a naturopathic physician and professor credited with “the first major breakthrough in Swedish Massage—research demonstrating energetic interconnections”—since Peter Ling systemized it in the early 19th century. After 35 years running her own nationally accredited school of holistic healing and massage she has retired to provide a new kind of holistic care for individuals and families. In addition to her specialties of healing massage and bodywork, she provides sensitive, time- and cost-effective services for home or office, family members and staff, that include diverse holistic problem solving for garden, pets, children and elders. Karen has received international recognition for holistic healing and educational work, an honorary degree, silver medal, and Who’s Who listing. She has appeared on television, radio and has been featured in professional publications, mass media and has monthly featured column in Living Well Magazine To reach Karen: Phone (302) 777-3964

We’ve all enjoyed Irish mirthful mischief. “May those who love us, love us. And those that don’t love us may God turn their hearts. And if He doesn’t turn their hearts may He turn their ankles so we’ll know them by their limping.” Prayer laughter is shared in every venue. Duffers pray, “Make my golf ball lie in green pastures, not in still waters.” “Lord, make my words as sweet as honey, for tomorrow I may have to eat them,” prays a prattler. “Thank God for sleep!” is an insomniac’s prayer. “And when you cannot sleep, still thank Him that you live to lie awake.” ( John Oxenham 1861-1941)


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September 2015


Waking Up

By Suzanne Eder

I recently had the pleasure of interviewing the fascinating Freddy Silva, who is a bestselling author and a leading researcher of alternative history, ancient knowledge, sacred sites, and the interaction between temples and consciousness. He is also the world’s leading expert on crop circles. He has published four books: The Lost Art of Resurrection; First Templar Nation; The Divine Blueprint; and Secrets In The Fields. He is also a documentary filmmaker, and leads private tours to sacred sites across the globe. For over fifteen years he has been an international keynote speaker and has appeared on Discovery Channel, The History Channel, BBC, numerous video documentaries, and national and international radio shows. He is described by the

brilliant, that our uniqueness is expressed through our heartfelt longings, and that those longings are evolutionary impulses which guide us through our own personally customized process of growth. As we grow, we awaken more and more to the truth of who we are. Freddy Silva is awake. He has followed his calling and devoted his life to understanding and revealing deep truths that serve not just his own evolution but also the evolution of humanity. His vast knowledge of sacred sites, ancient wisdom traditions, crop circles and the nature of human consciousness is staggering. And on top of that, he is intuitive, wise, engaging – and very, very funny. He embodies so much of what I have come to understand and believe about our human-spiritual journey that I think of him as a kindred spirit. Speaking with him about his life and his work was a delight, a revelation and an honor. Freddy believes that we incarnate with a certain mission or purpose. Some people are lucky and discover it early, while others have it – as he said with his characteristic dry humor - thrust upon them.

Photo credit:

Freddy Silva

CEO of Universal Light Expo as “perhaps the best metaphysical speaker in the world right now.” I have long been a student and explorer of energy, consciousness and the tantalizing similarities between mysticism and quantum physics. Because I was not blessed with a scientific mind, I have gravitated more toward the mystics and spiritual masters to learn about who we are and why we’re here. I’m fascinated by the notion that each of us is a multi-dimensional being living in a multi-dimensional universe, that we are far, far more than our customary self-identity as purely physical beings would suggest, and that our true essence is nonphysical, vibrational, eternal - and magnificent beyond measure. And as regular readers of this column surely know by now, I’m also drawn to the idea and understanding that each of us is uniquely 18

He apparently places himself in the latter category. Growing up he was fascinated with pyramids and often felt like an outsider compared to his contemporaries. He attempted nonetheless to conform to society’s norms and expectations, as so many others who feel they don’t quite fit in with mainstream culture have done, myself included. And he was good at it! He became very successful as an art director in the world of advertising. But when crop circles began getting media exposure and he saw a report about them on the news, something woke up inside him. He said, again with that delightfully dry humor, that he could “pin the demise of his career to that moment.” He was drawn to investigate them directly, and spent summer after summer in England, exploring crop circles both on the ground and through extensive research. In his first book, Secrets in the Fields, he describes losing a “beautiful house, beautiful life, and bountiful finances” as a result of his total immersion in the phenomenon. Many people would view his loss of home, career and marriage as a huge sacrifice to have made, yet I see it as a sacred choice. It’s clear to me that he could have done nothing else but follow the lead of his inner drive to unravel the mysteries of crop circles, which then led him to explore even deeper mysteries. When I asked Freddy about that, he said that the “fringe benefits” of the life he has chosen are inestimable. Through his interaction with crop circles, sacred sites and ancient temples – all of which, from his expanded perspective, are iterations of the same concept – he has experienced a profound connection with what you might

September 2015

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call the grid or the Godhead or Source. He not only understands but knows that God is not somewhere else - God is inside all of us, all the time. He knows, and experiences, how important and powerful and creative we truly are as human beings. Through his experience he’s learned that it’s profoundly important to interact with sacred places because that interaction awakens what was called the “Great Man Within” in ancient China. These places were specifically designed for that purpose. Sacred sites create and sustain particular vibrations that support us in having out-of-body experiences to the Otherworld. In these vast nonphysical dimensions, we come to realize what an amazing universe we’re in and that we have astonishing power to create within it. Freddy emphasized again and again that our connection is very direct: the Godhead is experiencing itself through us. Another way to say it is that this primary energy source, sometimes understood as the Divine Feminine, creates things in order to understand the creative process. I have heard that concept many times before and have felt, intuitively, that it reflects a profound truth; in fact it has become the foundation for my own teaching. Yet in my live conversation with Freddy, I was able to feel the truth of it at an even deeper level. He seems to embody and transmit the vibrational frequency of that truth. Freddy speaks with reverence, wonder and authority about its profound importance. He asks us to accept it for just a second: you are the eyes and ears and hands and voice of the supreme creative force. Everything you see and think and say and do affects the “control box” for the entire universe. Your individual life – what you intend, what you think and what you do - affects universal Life on multiple levels.

This goes far beyond the intricate interdependencies of our planetary ecosystem. Our impact on countless nonphysical levels, dimensions, systems, life forms and fields of consciousness is almost unfathomable. If you imagine these multiple dimensions being connected through a cosmic grid, Freddy says that we feed into the grid and it feeds into us. And yet we’ve been conditioned to believe we are separate from God, separate from Source - and in that false belief, which gives rise to misperceptions of an infinite universe as simply a repository of a finite number of physical things - the idea of scarcity arises, and with it fear, competition and greed. Our misunderstanding of who we are, and especially of who we are in relation to Source, has generated experiences such as poverty, war and the decimation of our natural resources that we could rightly call hell on earth. This is why waking up to who we are is so vitally important, and why Freddy Silva pursues his mission to educate, illuminate and elevate with such passion. He understands that as more of us interact with sacred places, we activate long-dormant abilities such as keen intuition, the ability to perceive subtle energies, expanded awareness of our interconnectedness and much, much more. Through these expanded abilities we can make different choices and create different results. We can reclaim our power to create heaven on earth. We can even develop the ability to predict winning lottery numbers. Yes, Freddy is uniquely attuned to both ancient mysteries and the mind of modern man. That’s one of the reasons talking to him is such a delight. His stories about winning lottery numbers are both funny and insightful, so I hope you’ll give yourself the gift of listening to our recorded conversation. — continued on next page

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September 2015 19

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I hope you’ll also renew your intention to wake up to who you really are. In Freddy’s latest book, The Lost Art of Resurrection, he reveals that resurrection – being risen from the dead – is a metaphor for waking up. In our hell-on-earth state of consciousness, it is as if we are sleepwalking through life. When we travel to the Otherworld and gain the insights and perspectives of our expanded, multi-dimensional selves, we are awakened to the truth of who we are - and that changes everything. We come back awake and fully alive, and our lives are imbued with peace, wisdom and grace. That is what Anita Moorjani experienced through her near death experience, and that is what the initiates in ancient mystery schools experienced as they went through the ritual of resurrection. That is what we can experience through our power of intention and a willingness to discover our unique way of connecting with the greater, nonphysical aspect of our being. Freddy Silva has found his path and his purpose, and he’s lighting the way for countless others. Let yourself be called to your path. As Freddy is fond of quoting: “If you can discover the purpose of your soul, you are the master of the world.” - from the Gospel of Philip (a gospel found in an ancient text that has been banned by the Church) May you be the master of your world. Visit to learn more about Freddy Silva’s work and to purchase his books. Visit to hear Suzanne’s interview with Freddy.

Suzanne Eder is award-winning writer, teacher and transformational life coach, Suzanne Eder started her professional career as a CPA and enjoyed a highly successful corporate career in both Finance and Human Resources. She is a graduate of the Barbara Brennan School of Healing’s intensive four-year program in mindbody-spirit healing, and is a former fitness instructor who taught aerobics, body sculpting and yoga for 16 years. She has also been initiated in Divine Openings, an extraordinary evolutionary process which powerfully supports clients in awakening to their magnificence. Through her writing, classes and workshops she offers inspired and practical counsel in all areas related to personal growth and transformation. Suzanne can be reached at or (302)888-2138.


September 2015




Gateway Garden Center 7277 Lancaster Pike Hockessin, DE


September 2015


Recipes From: Th e

Art of Eati


100 Ingenious recipes that make the whole family happy, including you Most of the recipes in Dinner Solved! are open to adaptation with recipes that can be easily modified, accommodating everyone, giving you the ability to offer each person their own version of the same meal through simple variations. Perfect for the vegetarian in your family, a picky eater or other family members, guests with distinct likes, and dislikes, through the use of easy alternatives and substitutions. A simple well-seasoned sloppy joe sauce can be prepared in advance and later eaten with a choice of tossing tofu, tempeh, pork, or chicken into this flavorful sauce. The whole idea is to prepare one dish that can be divided and served in many different ways.

Katie Workman› The Fork in the Road idea is that at some point during preparation, a dish can be divided with the ability to put part aside for one kind of preparation and part put aside to be prepared in another way.

Dinner Solved! Š Workman Publishing Recipes by Katie Workman Photographs by Todd Coleman

Bacon, Sage, and Provolone Chicken Rolls with Marsala Sauce Fork in the Road: You can hold back on the marsala sauce for those looking for a plainer dish. Serves 4 to 6


September 2015

Recipe for: Bacon, Sage, and Provolone Chicken Rolls with Marsala Sauce

What the Kids Can Do If you are pounding chicken breasts (see Note), they would love to help with that. They can also layer the ingredients and roll up the chicken bundles, and skewer them with toothpicks.

Note: Thinly sliced chicken breast cutlets are pretty readily available, but if they aren’t at your market, just place regular chicken breasts (4 breasts of 4 or 5 ounces each will do it) between two pieces of wax or parchment paper and gently pound them with a meat mallet (if you have one) or a rolling pin, or a bottle of wine until they are uniformly thin, about ⅓-inch-thick all over. They will be quite large at this point, so cut them in half before proceeding, which will give you 8 pieces.

This is the kind of leftover I would like to have waiting in the fridge for me for lunch. Or, thinking about it, breakfast. Grown-ups and hungry kids might eat two of these for dinner. My husband, Gary, might eat three. In addition to the plain-Jane Fork in the Road option, know that if the sage isn’t going to appeal to anyone at your table, you can skip it. Nubby little noodles like tubetti are nice with this. 8 (about 1 pound) thinly sliced chicken cutlets (see Note) Kosher or coarse salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste 4 slices provolone cheese, halved 8 fresh sage leaves (optional, or as desired) 8 slices bacon 1 teaspoon garlic, minced 1/2 cup marsala wine 1/2 cup chicken broth, preferably low-sodium 1. Preheat the oven to 350°F. Create a large clean workspace—it’s easier to roll up all of the chicken breasts at the same time, assembly-line fashion; you may want to line the counter space with wax or parchment paper (or use a huge cutting board). 2. Lay the chicken breasts on the work space and season them lightly with salt and pepper. Place a piece of provolone on each cutlet (trim it so it doesn’t extend over the edges of the chicken), and a sage leaf if desired. Roll up each breast, and then wrap a slice of bacon around the middle, trimming the bacon so that the ends just overlap to seal the rolls (see the Cooking Tip). Skewer each with a toothpick to keep it closed. 3. Heat a large, ovenproof skillet over medium-high heat. Add the bacon-wrapped chicken and brown on all sides, turning the rolls with tongs so they hold their shape, about 8 minutes in all. 4. Transfer the skillet to the preheated oven and bake until the rolls are cooked through, 8 to 10 minutes. A little cheese will probably melt out; that’s okay. Transfer the chicken to a serving dish, remove the toothpicks, and keep warm while preparing the sauce. Or forgo the sauce—see the Fork in the Road. 5. There should be just a couple of teaspoons of fat left in the skillet; pour off any more than that. (The skillet will be very hot. Remember to use pot holders while preparing the sauce.) Heat the pan over medium-high heat. Add the garlic and stir for a few seconds until it starts to color, then add the marsala and stir to scrape up any bits from the bottom of the pan to flavor the sauce. Add the broth, allow the sauce to come to a simmer, and simmer until the mixture is slightly reduced, about 3 minutes. 6. Serve the hot chicken rolls with the sauce, either spooned over or passed at the table. Make Ahead You can roll and wrap the chicken parcels up to a day ahead of time and keep them in the refrigerator. Leftovers can be heated in a 325°F oven for 10 minutes. Cooking Tip Any leftover extra-small pieces of uncooked bacon should be crisped up in the pan next to the rolls, and either snacked on, or saved for another recipe—sprinkle them on pasta or a baked potato (page 259), or use them as a reason to make Cobb Salad (page 83) later in the week. Super-Plain Chicken Rolls For the sauce-phobic, serve the rolls plain, maybe with a last little drizzle of olive oil just before serving.

September 2015

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Vegetarian Cheesy, Crispy Pizza Portobello Mushrooms Serves 6 Fork in the Road: An all-in-one vegetarian meal in its own great container—whether that container is a big fat portobello or an assortment of cute-as-a-button mini mushrooms.

Mushrooms are a mainstay of many a vegetarian’s diet as they are substantial, have great texture, and provide that elusive and desirable umami flavor. But not everyone loves mushrooms, and for some kids mushrooms are one of those acquired tastes (“acquired tastes” is parent code for “oh my god, if you don’t take a few bites of this I am going to scream”). Keep going— they are such a great flexible food that they are worth putting a little elbow grease behind. Turning them into pizza isn’t a bad place to start, because mushrooms are a great food to love, and a pretty important one if you are looking for hearty, healthy, meatless meals. Vegetable oil or nonstick cooking spray, for oiling the baking sheet 6 large portobello mushrooms (about 5 inches), stemmed; or see the Fork in the Road for mini substitutes 4 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar 2 teaspoons finely minced garlic Kosher or coarse salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste 3/4 cup panko bread crumbs 3/4 cup shredded mozzarella cheese 1/2 cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese 1/2 teaspoon dried oregano, or 1 teaspoon minced fresh oregano 1/2 teaspoon dried thyme, or 1 teaspoon minced fresh thyme 1/2 cup jarred pasta sauce or Super Simple Tomato Sauce (page 347)

What the Kids Can Do Scrape out the mushroom gills with a spoon, measure the ingredients, brush on the marinade, mix the filling, stuff the mushrooms, drizzle the sauce. This is a very good kid-involved recipe. Make Ahead You can bake the mushrooms for 15 minutes, and then cool, cover, and refrigerate them. They’ll keep for 2 days. Reheat them in a 450°F oven for 5 to 8 minutes until hot throughout.

Umami? There is some deep science behind the discovery and explanation of umami, which is widely considered to be the fifth flavor (sitting alongside sweet, sour, salty, and bitter). It’s interesting reading, if you want to investigate. But suffice it to say, for the purposes of our book, that umami is basically defined as the flavor of savoriness. Think of miso paste, anchovies, Parmesan and other cheeses, seafood, and meat. Foods with depth and a concentrated flavor and richness. Mushrooms are great examples of the umami flavor, and since vegetarians choose to skip a number of foods with great umami taste, mushrooms are a good go-to ingredient for capturing that elusive and delicious flavor. Umami actually means “yummy” in Japanese, or “a pleasant savory taste,” and if you don’t want to dig further into the definition of umami, that’s a pretty good one. 24

1. Preheat the oven to 450°F. Lightly oil a rimmed baking sheet, or spray with nonstick cooking spray. Scrape the gills (soft ridgey parts) out of the mushrooms. 2. Whisk together 2 tablespoons of the olive oil, the vinegar, 1 teaspoon of the minced garlic, and salt and pepper in a small bowl. Brush this marinade over both sides of the mushrooms and arrange them, hollow side up, on the baking sheet. 3. Mix together the remaining 1 teaspoon garlic, the panko, mozzarella, Parmesan, oregano, and thyme in another small bowl. Drizzle the remaining 2 tablespoons olive oil over the cheese and panko mixture and toss well. Scoop some of the mixture into each mushroom cap, pressing it down slightly into the hollows and making sure it doesn’t fall over the edges. 4. Bake the mushrooms until the cheese mixture is melted and browned and the mushrooms are tender, 15 to 20 minutes. Let sit for a minute or two before serving. Drizzle each with some of the tomato sauce or pass the sauce for people to serve themselves. Cute-as-a-Button Mushroom Pizzas A mushroom the size of a hubcap might be intimidating to some kids, or even grown-ups. It’s easy to turn this recipe into a bunch of smaller, and more adorable, mini pizza mushrooms. Just use 2 pounds of goodsize button or cremini mushrooms (sometimes labeled “stuffing mushrooms”). Use a small teaspoon to scrape out the gills and divide the mixture among the littler mushrooms. You should still be able to cook them all on one baking sheet, and they will be done in 10 to 12 minutes. September 2015

— continued from recipes

One of the best reasons to have children is that the amount of French fries in your life goes up incrementally. You thought I was going to say something more touching, didn’t you? I do have deeper thoughts on the matter, but I will say that I have actively enjoyed the fact that many more restaurant meals have ended up with fries on the table, without my having to actually order them, than before I became a parent. I suppose that’s one of those things you should think and not say, but I am not always good at that “filtering” thing. I have made “authentic” fries with my kids, double frying them in oil like they do in restaurants, and boy were they good. But that’s just not going to happen on a regular basis, mostly because of the messiness than because of health awareness. But these fries we can embrace on all fronts—oven-baked (healthier and no mess) and delicious. Nice to know that sweet potatoes have noteworthy amounts of vitamins B6, C, and E and loads of beta-carotene, fiber, and a slew of other minerals. 4 scallions, trimmed, white and green parts cut into chunks 1 clove garlic, peeled 1 chunk (1 inch) peeled fresh ginger, sliced Generous pinch of red pepper flakes or cayenne pepper 2 tablespoons vegetable or canola oil Kosher or coarse salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste 4 sweet potatoes (about 2½ pounds), peeled and cut into sticks about 1/4 inch wide in each direction

Make Ahead You can cut the potatoes into sticks a day ahead of time, but bake just before serving. Not that leftovers reheated in a 400°F oven aren’t great, because they are. Store the uncooked potato sticks in a sealed container.

1. Place a rack in the center of the oven and another on the next level down. Preheat the oven to 400°F. 2. You can continue with Step 3 or see the Fork in the Road for a seasoning-free version. 3. Combine the scallions, garlic, ginger, red pepper flakes, oil, and salt and pepper in a food processor or blender and process to form a paste. You can also mince all the ingredients with a knife and combine them in a small bowl, or use a mortar and pestle (see Sidebar). 4. Place the sweet potatoes on two separate rimmed baking sheets, add half the paste to each, and toss. Make sure all the fries have space between them (this is why you need two baking sheets). If your oven is large enough, place the baking sheets side by side on the center rack. If it isn’t, place one baking sheet on the center rack and one on the rack below it. Bake until the potatoes are nicely browned and very tender, 10 to 12 minutes. They won’t get super crispy; sweet potato fries have a hard time doing that. Serve hot. Plain Sweet Potato Fries Plain sweet potato fries are nothing to shrug at. Forgo the paste in Step 3 and just toss the fries with 2 tablespoons vegetable or canola oil and salt and pepper to taste. Or use half of the paste ingredients to season one sheet of fries and add 1 tablespoon oil and salt to the potatoes on the other sheet. Mortar and Pestle

Vegetarian Scallion and Ginger Sweet Potato Fries Fork in the Road: Plain or seasoned with scallions and ginger . . . and all made right in the oven. Serves 6

Do you have one of these primitive yet effective little tools? The mortar is a heavy bowl, usually made of stone or ceramic, sometimes wood. The pestle is a heavy club-shaped object, the bulbous end of which is used to crush and grind ingredients against the inside of the bowl. The most common use I can think of for a mortar and pestle is to make authentic pesto (see page 350) with a great texture, but any spice or herb paste comes together quickly and beautifully with one of these. Kids have a good time grinding up everything, too.

What the Kids

Note: When cutting up the sweet potatoes, do not worry about perfect sticks. You are not entering a French fry–making contest. The easiest way to get nice long fries, however, is to peel the potatoes, cut them lengthwise into ¼-inch-thick slabs, then stack up a few of those at a time and cut them into long ¼-inch-wide sticks.

Can Do Add the ingredients to the food processor, and blend with supervision. Toss the fries with the seasonings.

September 2015


Missteps on the Path to Finding Navigating all of the “Dos and Don’ts” of dating can be quite the labyrinth these days. It’s become such a complicated issue for so many people that when you use Google to search for “dating don’ts,” there are over five million results. Clearly, a lot of people are looking for some direction. I work with clients everyday who seem to have all of the qualities of a highly desirable mate, but try as they may, they continue to remain single; or have one after another first dates; which don’t lead to relationships; and/or have a history of several short-lived relationships, each lasting just a few months. If you’ve been struggling to find a happy healthy relationship, perhaps there are adjustments that could be made to make your efforts more fruitful. There are several common mistakes people tend to make in the early stages of dating and relationships; which cause the relationship to end (sometimes, before it’s ever really started). If you’ve found yourself dating one person after the next and can’t seem to find lasting happiness, you may be engaging in one or more of the following unhealthy behaviors.

Changing Yourself It’s not uncommon to meet someone so amazing, that you feel like you have to change something about yourself to be with them. I once had a client who dated a woman for several months who was a deeply devoted sports fan (specifically, football; and even more specifically, the Eagles). He was so attracted to her, and so badly wanted to be liked by her, that he told her he was also 26


with Dianna Palimere

an Eagles fan. After a period of time, it became evident to her that he wasn’t really all that interested in football in general, much less her beloved Eagles. In one of our sessions, he shared, “I figured that once she got to know me, it really wouldn’t matter if we liked the same sports.” Unfortunately, it mattered much more than he could have ever imagined. Being from Montana (a state that doesn’t have a major league football team) the poor guy had no idea that pretending to like football in a relationship with a diehard Eagles fan was actually a very big deal and would end up being the downfall of their relationship. I recall at one point he said, “I don’t get why she cares so much. It’s just a dumb game—what’s the big deal? Who let’s themselves get all emotional over a football game?” [Note: Having been born and raised in the Philadelphia area, I believe I may have actually had an automatic, unconscious physical response in which I leaned back a bit in my chair, uncertain of what her reaction might be to hearing this statement—but preparing myself for the worst]. In the family in which she was raised, watching and supporting the Eagles was regarded as something sacrosanct. I can only describe the explosive argument that followed his statements as being comparative in nature to what one might expect to hear during a very heated debate about the existence of God, between a devout Roman Catholic and an Atheist. It escalated very quickly, it was emotionally charged, and neither were able to offer any validation to the others point of view.

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If you find yourself changing details about who you really are, to be more like the type of person you think the other person is looking for, the relationship is almost sure to fail. This behavior includes doing things you wouldn’t normally want to do, dismissing your own core values and ethics, and/or feigning interest in some or all of their interests instead of expressing your own. Eventually, your authentic interests, values and beliefs will surface, which may likely lead to significant conflicts in the relationship, due to your misrepresentation. The first step toward avoiding this mistake is to take time getting to know yourself and who you really are. Once you feel confident in being who you are, all you need to do is focus on being your most authentic self with others.

Compromising Too Much Before entering any relationship, it’s vital that you know what your wants and needs are from a partner in a relationship. Frequently, people are afraid to express their relationship wants and needs, especially if they are unsure about how the person will respond to those needs. It’s important to push through the fear, and just be honest with yourself and with the person you’re dating. It may be uncomfortable to communicate your needs, but if you think the person is someone you would really like to commit to, it’s essential to be assertive, clear and specific about your needs in a relationship. For example, if you know that physical touch and intimacy are a core need for you, this should be communicated

early in the relationship. In return, they may express that they have very low levels of desire for physical touch and affection. In such scenarios, it’s not uncommon for one partner to suppress their need for physical touch and affection early in a relationship, with the unfounded belief that the other may be uncomfortable with physical affection now, but won’t be later. Thus, core needs are compromised, based on the faulty assumption that things will change as a deeper connection in the relationship is formed. Unfortunately, when their lack of desire for physical touch and affection doesn’t change, it becomes major source of discontent in their relationship. Compromising their need for physical touch and affection by suppressing it over a long period of time has a tendency to cause emotional pain, as well as thoughts or feelings of being unattractive, undesired, and possibly even unloved by the other. Too frequently, I see people try to stifle their needs or hide parts of themselves to “make it work,” and ultimately they end up unhappy in the relationship because they’ve compromised too much of what they needed, in order to fulfill the needs of the other. In the end, resentments are built because one sacrificed too much of themselves. To avoid this mistake, you must be honest with yourself about what you really need from a partner and push through any fears you may have about communicating those needs. — continued on next page


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September 2015


— continued from previous page

Being Too Eager There’s a not-so-fine line between expressing genuine interest in someone, and becoming too eager, too fast in your pursuit of a relationship with them. It may be hard to hold back your excitement when you feel like you’ve met someone you really click with, but coming on too strong in the beginning may come across as needy or desperate and/or pushy and pressured; all of which tends to be a turn off. Here are some of the telltale signs of what I refer to as being “obsessively eager” to be in a relationship with someone: Frequent phone calls despite not hearing back from the person Frequent text messages despite not receiving responses back Oversharing personal details about your life Immediately trusting the person Going against your own values to please them Ignoring your relationship wants or needs to accommodate theirs Trying desperately to please them Making them a priority and/or scheduling your life to accommodate theirs Engaging in sexual intimacy despite your own feelings of discomfort Disclosing that you want to have babies with them, before the appetizer has arrived on the first date While the stereotype tends to be that women rush into relationship too quickly, my experience in working with individuals has shown me that men do it just as frequently. I believe the difference is that television and movies typically typecast this behavior from women as being desperate & needy; whereas men in this role are typecast as the underdog who lacks the experience to get the girl. But I digress…

If you’re someone who tends to get overly excited by the prospects of dating someone who seems highly compatible, remind yourself to slow down. If you’re right, then this person isn’t going anywhere. Take your time and just enjoy being in the moment with them (versus thinking about the happily ever after that you hope will be in your future). Pay attention to how frequently you are attempting to communicate with them via phone, text, email, etc. Does it seem like there is a balanced, back and forth of communication? If not, I recommend that you stop reaching out and wait for them to contact with you. To quote the late-great Maya Angelou, “Never make someone a priority, when all you are to them is an option.” Idealization In the beginning of almost all new relationships, there is a period where it seems like all the stars have aligned, the sun is brightly shining, the birds are chirping, and the person we’ve just met is the most amazing human being on the planet. This initial stage of the relationship is called Limerence, and it typically 28

lasts from the first 6-12 months of a relationship. Limerence is the result of a biochemical process created in the brain. In an article written about the biochemical roots of limerence, David Sack, M.D., explains that, “Responding to cues from the hypothalamus, the pituitary gland releases norepinephrine, dopamine, phenylethylamine (a natural amphetamine), estrogen and testosterone. This chemical cocktail produces the euphoria of new love and begins to normalize as the attachment hormones (vasopressin and oxytocin) kick in, typically six to 24 months into a relationship” (2012). In the wake of the release of this “chemical cocktail” people tend to selectively focus on the positive personality traits and behaviors and either knowingly disregard, or genuinely don’t see, the person’s negative personality traits, flaws, faults, imperfections, etc. During this period of time, it’s very difficult to distinguish limerence from genuine, romantic love. When someone has moved beyond this stage, they are able to see the person as a whole, with both positive and negative traits and behaviors. However, some get stuck in this stage, and continue to idealize the person, putting them up on a pedestal. These relationships tend to end for a variety of reasons, the most common being that the person cannot possibly live up to their partner’s idealized expectations, as they are flawed human beings, with faults and imperfections—just like the rest of us.

I wish you all the best in your search.

Sexual Health and Healing with Dianna Palimere, PhD, LCSW Dr. Dianna Palimere is a Psychosexual Therapist and Licensed Clinical Social Worker. She has been in the field of mental health for the past 14 years, dedicating the past seven years to specializing in clinical sexuality. She holds a Bachelors degree in Psychology, a Masters degree in Social Work, a Masters degree in Human Sexuality Education, and a PhD in Clinical Human Sexuality. Utilizing a holistic approach to therapy, she incorporates a variety of clinical interventions in her work with individuals, couples, and families. She is devoted to helping people achieve sexual health and healing through her work as a psychotherapist in her private practice in Pike Creek, DE; as well as in her work with local nonprofit organizations. To learn more about her or to schedule an appointment, visit her website: or email her directly at: dr.palimere@ Join us on Facebook, keywords: Sex Therapy in Delaware.

September 2015

SEX THERAPY IN DELAWARE Conventional and Alternative Medicine


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soften plaque and calculus. Some of these products are added to the water bowl (I cannot comment on this as I have never used it), rubbed on the teeth as a gel or sprayed directly on the gums and teeth. It is important to know that you DO NOT use human toothpaste. It contains ingredients that are harmful to pets and should not be ingested. You must purchase it from your veterinarian who can direct you on preventative health of the oral cavity.


I have a 4 year old Siamese cat. One evening after feeding him his dinner, I noticed some blood coming from his mouth. I took him to the veterinarian who said he needed to have a professional teeth cleaning and oral cavity examination. Do I really have to do this?


I tell my clients that, in my professional opinion, the two things a pet owner can do to keep their pet the healthiest is to feed a top quality moist food and to keep those teeth clean and get them professionally evaluated when your veterinarian recommends that it be done. I am not a big fan of dry food because cats are not big water drinkers and dry food only contains about 10% moisture. Moist canned food will help provide your cat with the moisture he requires and the nutrients necessary to the feline. Additionally, many of the nutrients and vitamins in dry food are destroyed by the high heat required to make it. Worse than that is the fact that the ingredient labels are indicative of what nutrients are present in that dry food BEFORE it is heated, not after, when many of the ingredients are destroyed. Some manufacturers also have a type of “sugar” in their dry kibble. Many people are not aware of this because “sugar” can be hidden by words, such as, fructose, maltodextran, corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup, molasses, honey, rice malt, plus many more. Many of the cats become “addicted” to the sugars which can make it difficult to transition them to moist canned food. Cats are carnivores. They need meat as the first or second ingredient. The label should say, for example, chicken or beef, not chicken by-products or chicken meal. They also need taurine, an essential amino acid that they can only get from their diet. According to the American Veterinary Dental Society, over 70% of cats over 3 years of age, show signs of oral disease. To reduce the incidence of gingivitis, periodontitis, stomatitis and all of the oral diseases, make sure your cat is seen at least once a year for a comprehensive physical examination, blood work and urinalysis. Cats approaching 10-11 years of age should be evaluated twice a year. This will allow your veterinarian to catch any abnormalities that may be starting. It would be wise to start a dental care regimen by brushing your pet’s teeth or utilizing one of the products that claim to 30

Oral diseases begin when bacteria starts to build up. When this is combined with saliva and the debris left over from eating food, plaque develops. Plaque is a sticky substance that deposits on teeth causing bacteria to flourish. When bacteria and calcium salts mix we have the formation of tartar. Tartar must be removed from the teeth. If this is not treated, periodontitis (an inflammatory condition of the tissues that surround and support the teeth) develops. Periodontitis is an irreversible condition. Visibly, one would see red, swollen gums that bleed easily, receding gum line, tender gums, pain and bad breath. The gums may look red and swollen. There may even be a red line across the gum line just next to the tooth. Some dental diseases or conditions need to be seen by a veterinarian who is a specialist in veterinary dentistry. If your veterinarian recommends seeing a specialist, I highly recommend that you take his or her advice. Some of you may have seen advertisements regarding dental cleaning without the use of anesthesia. In my opinion, this is not in the best interest of your cat. A true dental examination includes complete and gentle evaluation of all parts of the oral cavity. Inspecting under the gum line is very important as bacteria hide there. This requires sharp instruments and a completely still patient who is under anesthesia. Any jerking movement can do harm to the tissues. Additionally, what happens if your cat needs a tooth pulled? How can you get good visualization if the pet moves? What happens if the sound of the scaler and polisher’s noise frightens your cat? What happens if your pet tolerates part of the procedure and then gets fractious? This may not turn out so well in a geriatric cat that resists being restrained. Older cats may already have other conditions such as renal disease, diabetes or thyroid issues. All cases, especially those with preexisting diseases, should have pre-anesthetic blood work, urinalysis, blood pressure measurement, dental x-rays and an EKG. If something is abnormal, it can be addressed prior to anesthesia. Barring any complications, your cat should go home the same day as the procedure with antibiotics.

Dr. Rose DiLeva is a 1987 graduate of the University of Pennsylvania’s school of Veterinary Medicine. She practices alternative and conventional veterinary medicine. Dr. DiLeva is a certified veterinary acupuncturist and a certified veterinary chiropractitioner. She can be reached at her Animal Wellness Center in Chadds Ford, Pa. at 610558-1616 for appointments and telephone consultations. Her web site is and September 2015

HANDS ON HEALTH by: Ann Wilkinson P.T.M.S,


During my service in the military, I was in a special training program working with explosives. I have been diagnosed with PTST and have severe head pain. I feel like I am trapped in a bubble. I feel my problem is more physical than psychological. What would you recommend?


Very particular frequency and decibel of sounds can move the liquid within the cranial vault with enough force to move head bones out of their proper alignment. Symptoms of head bone displacement can be a far reaching as jaw, neck or ear pain, deafness, visual disturbances, headaches, depression, sensitivity to sound, anxiety, overactiveness, volatile emotions, personality changes just for starters. As an osteopathic physical therapist and lay homeopath, I find releasing the fascia all over the body, can create space so the head bones can be easily guided back into place. With this type of injury, it can cause the entire body to tighten down because the head is supported by all the structures beneath it, not only when we stand but also when we sit. It would be an osteopathic principle to address and assure proper alignment beneath before asking the head to realign. My suggestion would be to use myofascial release for postural correction and craniosacral mobilization, it may be possible to counteract the traumas caused. Homeopathy can also be very effective in dealing with these types of traumas.


I had Lyme disease that went undiagnosed for several years and had an allergic reaction to the antibiotics that resulted in a heart value replacement. I feel like the Lyme Disease has destroyed my life. I always feel sore and stiff and get spikes of nerve-like pain and numbness in my hands and feet. I am just left feeling changed; crippled by the entire ordeal. Do I have any hope of getting back to normal, my heart is as good as new they say, what about the rest of me?

(throughout the entire body) and can put immense strain on the immune system. Infections tend to pollute the systems of the body. They create extra work and that work creates extra byproducts or garbage that must be taken out of the body. Biochemical insults such as the reaction you had to medication also cause the same type of protective hyper-responsiveness. All of this inflammatory reaction, creates a literally sticky, thickness to the linings of everything inside the body. In various places, this response causes the linings and layers to stick to one another. The glistening, sliding viscosity of the tissue is disturbed, replaced by the cloudy, resistant, almost gooey adherence. This creates your pain, it is your stiffness and may also be causing the numbness in the distal extremities (hands and feet). First, start with your mind. Awareness- Being aware of how this has affected you is key. know your body, like it or not, reacquaint with this new way. Next, Accept- this is how it is for now, this is your baseline, your new starting point. Now bring this accepted state of awareness about yourself to your heart. Love yourself as you are, knowing you are going to make this set back into an upgrade because you have Faith in yourself. Transformation is a possible outcome. Use this time, your energy on taking this bad thing and recreating from an infinite number of possibilities. some of which are very good. This may be seen by you one day as a “Blessing in Disguise.” Take this time to purify and strengthen your body. With one minded focus you may very well be able to have a better body, after you move through this metamorphic process. See yourself healed, whole — be careful not to get stuck on labels, babble, or jargon. Take what is important and let go of the rest. You will need some help with the physical recovery in the form of bodyworkers, life coaches, athletic trainers, Yoga instructors ete. Myofascial and osteopathic bodywork will release your fascial restrictions. Cleaning and purification is easy enough by eating only organic, non- processed foods and very pure water for a few weeks or forever. Detox teas, saunas can also be of great assistance. Finally. reintroduce your body to fitness through Yoga, dance, biking, hiking, kayaking fun non stressful activities. If all goes well, who knows? Return is possible. Chest up, back straight, head held high. Go for it!!


It sounds like your body has experienced chronic inflammation due to two different insults, the actual infection of the Lyme spirochete and then the allergic reaction are both systemic

Ann is an award winning writer,teacher and speaker. Ann is the personal body worker of Her Holiness “Sai Maa”. Ann practices osteopathic physical therapy and has helped thousands of patients. Ann is also an expert on the use of healing foods, homeopathic and herbal consultations, and therapeutic horseback riding. Ann treats her patients in a beautiful country setting which enables her to utilize all of her learned skills as well as some of the healing properties that only Mother Earth can bestow .Ann is available by appointment Book online at www.handsonhealthde. com. The farm is also available for birthday parties, women’s circles, and retreats. September 2015


Are Your Medications Causing Your Other Health Issues? By Dr. Scott E. Rosenthal

If you are American, chances are great that you love baseball and apple pie. But you love prescription drugs even more! Research shows that 70 percent of you are on at least one prescription medication (1), a number the National Baseball League and apple farmers can only dream of reaching. It’s a number that dwarfs those seen in other countries and raises serious questions. In the U.S., we spend just about $1000 per year per person on pharmaceuticals. This is twice as much as in France and Germany. Canada is next on this list. We still have them beat by a whopping 40 percent. (2) This article is not about why we take so many pills, the high cost to our economy (personal and nationwide), the pro-pharma regulations here, the concern and conflicts of interest arising from the revolving door between policy makers/government regulators and industry leaders or the growing problem of prescription drug abuse ravaging our communities. It is about the cost to your health. Many of the drugs you are taking may be responsible for other diseases that you currently suffer from or will in the future. Let’s take statin drugs as an example. Millions of Americans take cholesterol-lowering statins such as Lipitor, Zocor and Crestor (to name a few) each day in hopes of staving off a heart attack. The actual preventive benefits and safety of statins have come into question and may be exaggerated (3), but that is a topic for another day. It is now clear that statin use may cause other diseases. Type 2 diabetes affects 27 million people in the U.S. There are an additional 86 million people with prediabetes (they will have diabetes in 10 years or less if nothing is done). Type 2 diabetes is a disease where the body’s cells don’t respond correctly to the hormone insulin. Insulin is made by your pancreas and allows your body to use sugar in the foods you eat as energy. Over time the unused blood sugar can cause problems with your heart and blood vessels, kidneys, nerves, eyes and ability to heal wounds. A recent large population study published in the Journal Diabetologia found that statin use increased the risk of type 2 diabetes by 46 percent. (4)

Statin use causes decreased levels of the essential vitamin-like substance Coenzyme Q-10 (CoQ-10). It is found throughout your body, but particularly in your heart, liver, kidneys and pancreas. (7) CoQ-10 is responsible for proper function and helps provide energy to your cells and has antioxidant activity. To thicken the plot with a certain irony, deficiency of CoQ-10 can lead to heart failure, high blood pressure, and chest pain—some of the very conditions statins are used to prevent! It is very important to recognize not only the potential benefits of a medication, but also the different diseases that drugs may cause. Balance every drug’s benefit against the risk it carries prior to swallowing the first pill. It is highly recommended that you look for safer alternatives and changes in your lifestyle that bring true resolution to the disease that’s been diagnosed. If none exist, take the medication. I tell patients to be grateful for the medication, but more grateful when they no longer need it! Considering the statin example, approaches such as eating healthier foods, taking Omega-3 fatty acid supplements, exercising regularly, and the avoidance of smoking can have profound cholesterol-lowering benefits. It can be argued that high cholesterol is more a side-effect of poor lifestyle choices— something statins will never fix! It’s okay to be American. Continue loving baseball and apple pie, but reconsider that your American love of everything pharmaceutical can be a fatal attraction. By recognizing that your health condition may be caused by the medication you are taking for other reasons, you may prevent years of suffering or worse. Please share this information and take it to heart. Downing the most pills in the world is one 1st place prize none of us need!

Statins are also associated with progressive muscle disease, risk of muscle damage, birth defects, liver injury and brainrelated impairment. According to Amy G. Egan, M.D., M.P.H., deputy director for safety in FDA’s Division of Metabolism and Endocrinology Products (DMEP), “this new information should not scare people off statins.” (5, 6) If you agree with her and are still not a little bit jittery, please read on. 32

Dr. Scott E. Rosenthal is a second-generation Doctor of Chiropractic and a past president of the Delaware Chiropractic Society. His undergraduate degree is in Nutrition and he is a Certified Yoga Teacher. In his Wilmington practice, he offers the cutting-edge Koren Specific Technique (KST) as well as other contemporary and traditional approaches. KST comfortably integrates gentle adjustments of the spine, cranial bones, TMJ, arms and legs (including the wrists and feet). Dr. Rosenthal specializes in pain relief, auto or work injury recovery and natural ways to boost whole body wellness. To contact Dr. Rosenthal please visit or 302-999-0633. September 2015

Listening To Your Heart By Joe White


t was in the middle

of a business training I was conducting. We were working on goals, and what must happen in order for the person to make them an absolute must A participant called me over and said her partner was sobbing. I walked over and bent down to ask her what was she feeling. She looked up at and began to share for the first time with anyone outside her family, the horrible things that happened to her as a child. I was torn. If this was an event I was hosting, I would have done an intervention right there. Wipe out the association and free her from her past But this was a corporate client. Different rules. I could not just ignore this situation. I believed that there was a reason that she opened up to a stranger and I felt I was called to help, so I decided that I would work with her privately at the lunch break. She agreed. I returned to the stage, began speaking on the next topic and there she was sobbing. I could not allow her to continue to suffer so I went against my judgement and listened to my heart. I asked the audience if they would assist me in helping her. I shared with them that I did not want to mention what happened to her but it was time she let go of her past. I did my intervention and her peers were spectacular. They encouraged her when she was afraid and cheered her when she broke through, and cried tears as she showed amazing strength. At the end of the intervention, when I questioned her conviction (which is part of the process) she looked me in the eyes and said, “I am still on the stage.” We concluded the intervention with recognizing that tonight’s firewalk was about her “leaving behind the past and walking to her true self.”

There was not a dry eye in the room. It was amazing watching the group come together in such a powerful way. Throughout that night and the next day we began to see a side of her that was new, smiling, playful, lighter. Each day her light was brighter. At the end of the event, she gave me a huge hug and said, “Thank you Joe; you saved my life.” In the course of time after the event multiple people have contacted me and shared how during her intervention they were going through their own sort of process, letting go of their past too. It was in that moment I realized that my head was saying no, but my heart was telling me to serve; not just her, but so many in the room. It was a powerful reminder to me that I must trust and listen to my inner guidance. I may lead me down a path that I am unsure of but it leads to the place where I am needed. We all must listen to our inner guidance, our heart. It is scary but I can only imagine what the outcome would have been if I choose to be safe, instead of genuine. Listen, appreciate and honor your heart. It is here to guide you as well. Till next month, LIVE FREE!

Every individual in the group came up to her and gave her hugs.

Joe White is the President and founder of Get Life Coaching. Get Life Coaching is the leader in personal and professional development since 1999. Joe recently earned the most Prestigious Award : 2012 Entrepreneur of the year. Joe can be contacted at: 302-832-3424, or email him at: or check out: Follow Joe on @getlifecoaching September 2015



BenettiMoss...Living spaces wearing nature. 100 % natural stabilized lichen collected without any damage to vegetation and processed with non-toxic substances. No bacteria load and does not attract insects. Certified fireproof. Has absolutely no electrostatic charge. Does not attract dust. Completely customizable.


Mossframe, Benetti Stone Philosophy collection of natiral panels are made of a natural stabilized lichen that is available in 7 different colors. There is no special treatment needed and frames and panels are completely maintenance free. Never needs watering, pruning or sun-light exposure. However, moisture levels in the room that they are placed should maintain a 40% moisture level, which is the ideal rate for living well within your indoor environment. If moisture levels should drop, just leave the lichen alone as it will return to it’s original softness when the moisture level increases. Available in 7 different sizes and can be hung in groups; as triptics, or diptics in many different directions and placements to create your own personal style. A whole wall can be done in lichen creating you own wallcoving designs.

September 2015

STRESS RELIEF Through Acupuncture By Dr. Kelly Brown

September can be a stressful time for a lot of people. Teachers and children are returning to school, obligations increase, and stress levels begin to rise. Sometimes, stress goes unnoticed, and symptoms of stress are overlooked. Stress causes the sympathetic system to become active. Also known as the fight or flight response, when constantly active, certain hormones become predominant. Excess of hormones, such as cortisol, can lead to weight gain, digestive problems, and frequent illness. Chinese Medicine and Stress

heat can transfer to the digestive system causing dry, bound stools. It can also rise, as heat usually does, and warm the lungs producing a dry cough. Other symptoms may include frequent waking between 2 and 4 in the morning, with an inability to return to sleep. Acupuncture would again improve the moving function of the liver, and would also help to decrease the heat. Cooling the body and improving Qi movement will help to make bowel movements easier and decrease coughing. Needles will still be placed in the arms and legs, and some may be added to the abdomen.

In Chinese medicine, stress causes liver constraint. The liver is the organ that ensures the proper amount of Qi (energy) to the entire body. If it is constrained or tightened, it has trouble with this Qi moving function. There are different causes of liver constraint. Stress is a main factor. Another is inappropriate expression of emotions. Bottling emotions and worrying can also cause the liver to tighten and give similar symptoms. This can lead to cold hands and feet, rib-side tenderness, and frequent sighing. If the stagnation continues, heat increases internally. This can lead to vertex headaches, bloodshot eyes, and dizziness. In addition to the liver being affected, other organs may become involved, such as the digestive and respiratory systems.

Extreme Stress

Stress and Energy Flow

Reduce Stress with Acupuncture

Are your hands and feet always cold, even if your body is warm? When the liver is constrained, Qi often cannot reach the extremities. Acupuncture would help to improve the Qi moving function of the liver, which would improve circulation to the hands and feet. Other symptoms could include frequent sighing, rib-side tenderness, and irritability. Needles will be placed in the arms, legs, and feet for this condition. Also, by relaxing the body and decreasing the constraint, it improves your body’s response to stress and can improve well-being.

Stress can cause many symptoms that can be treated with acupuncture. Your acupuncturist will ask many questions and may look at your tongue and feel your pulse to determine how best to treat your symptoms and stress.

At this point, the body’s intricate balance of hot and cold may become affected. The cooling aspect, yin, is unable to keep the warming aspect, yang, in place. When this occurs, the heat ascends and is known in Chinese medicine as liver yang rising. Irritability is quite noticeable, the face reddens, the eyes may go bloodshot, dizziness and headaches occur at the top of the head. The fluids of the body start to be affected, and dry mouth, thirst, and a bitter taste in the mouth can be symptoms. Acupuncture would help to descend the yang, decreasing headaches, irritability, and dizziness. In addition to the above locations for needle placement, needles may be placed in the head and face.

Dr. Kelly Brown is a chiropractor and acupuncturist with Pure Wellness. She received both a Doctorate in Chiropractic and a Masters in Acupuncture from New York Chiropractic College in Seneca Falls, NY. Dr. Brown is a life-long resident of DE and is glad to be back in the area serving the community. You can contact her at the office 302.365.5470 or through the website www.purewellchiro.

Systemic Involvement As constraint continues, heat may begin to develop internally. This

September 2015



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gomacro® Macrobars They come in a large variety of flavors and options including protein paradise, prolonged power, sweet rejuvenation, and many other flavors with suggested choices depending on time of day, activity and need. Every bar is deliciously made from all organic ingredients and packed with goodness to be enjoyed when ever you feel like having one. At the offices of LWM we have found that eating anyone of the many varieties available for either breakfast or lunch as a nutritious meal replacement is sustaining throughout the entire day until dinner. For more information visit:


healthy snacking


Lékué PopCorn Maker Prepare healthy and original home-made popcorn in just 2-3 minutes in the microwave. So simple just add the corn kernels, heat in the microwave and enjoy! Add whichever ingredients you prefer for flavor. Over 90% of the corn kernels pop. Natural popcorn with no saturated fats. Includes tasty recipes: inspired by famous films and developed by the Alícia Foundation. Completely Collapsible. Designed after conducting scientific research on the best way to cook popcorn in collaboration with the Alícia Foundation. Suitable for the microwave and dishwasher: Made in 100% platinum silicone. Capacity: 10 cups September 2015

Eliminate Energy-Sappers From Your Diet By Alisa Rose Not enough alkaline-forming foods in your diet.

Cafix - a freeze-dried grain drink made from barley and chicory. It is nonacidic and does not contain caffeine. Comes in convenient crystal or powder form.

Foods that are alkaline-forming include figs, molasses, green leafy vegetables, almonds, beets, dates, celery, cantaloupe, and parsley.

Pero - a coffee substitute from Switzerland. It is made from malted barley, chicory, and rye. An instant beverage.

Excess sugar - Excess sugar causes fluctuations in blood sugar, which can result in plummeting energy levels. Try to decrease all forms of refined sugar. Watch out for low-fat foods - many have forms of sugar, such as high-fructose corn syrup, added to make the food more palatable. Insufficient protein - With high-protein, low-carb diets being so popular, it’s hard to believe but insufficient protein is a common reason for fatigue. Pack some almonds and nuts for a quick and convenient protein snack. Too much coffee - Although coffee initially raises stress hormones and gives a rush of energy, consuming several cups or more of coffee per day can promote burnout. Try to gradually cut back to one cup a day. If you like the taste of coffee, you may want to try one of these top coffee substitutes:

Not enough water - One of the most common reasons for low energy is not drinking enough water. Take 20 Minutes Every Day Just For You - Create a daily ritual where you take 20 to 30 minutes for yourself just relaxing and doing nothing (no watching TV or surfing the net). Pick up a book, listen to music, meditate, have a cup of tea, or try a new yoga pose. Consider a Stress-Formula Multivitamin - People who are under chronic stress require more B vitamins. A stress formula multivitamin often has more B vitamins than standard multis. B supplements are also available as a supplement to a standard multivitamin. The B-2 in a B complex can turn urine a bright yellow color.

Roastaroma - This tea is a blend of roasted barley, roasted chicory root, and roasted carob, with spices cinnamon, allspice, and star anise added for a fullbodied taste. Barley malt adds sweetness

Alisa Rose is Founder and President of Art Fitness. Art Fitness is commitment to providing a personalized atmosphere that eliminates intimidation and promotes success. Art Fitness is dedicated to improving the movement of one’s body and restoring quality of life through proper exercise, correct form and good nutrition. The Art Fitness team can be reached at: 302.477.0123, or Stay up to date with all things fitness: Art Fitness on Twitter: @BdyIsaWrKoF_ART

Genmaicha - green tea with roasted brown rice. It has a nutty, mellow flavor Teechino - made from roasted carob, roasted barley, and roasted chicory. It also contains figs, almonds, and dates for sweetness and a nutty flavor. Different flavors, including vanilla nut, hazelnut, and java. Must be brewed in a coffee maker or espresso machine.


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September 2015

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