Winterlight Pitch
Say My Name Studio
Flama Basic ABCDEFGHIJKLMN OPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnop qrstuvwxyz 0123456789 !@£%&*()-+=’”/?
All elements of the Winterlight identity would be adaptable to the decided theme. We have developed a concept where light is used as a design process, allowing visitors to interact with light not only through the physical events taking place, but also through the design.
The use of photograms would be central to our concept, as they produce unique and arresting images that would be adaptable to each theme. This method would allow us to produce a distinctive typeface as well as images which can displayed on promotional materials such as flyers and posters.
Winterlight Pitch
Say My Name Studio
The logo mark has been designed to make reference to how light is reflected. It can be used in several different weights across print and online outcomes.
Photograms would be applied in several forms to the promotional material including flyers, posters and the event’s programme. For example, we would like to create a photogram typeface based on the decided theme, as well as relevant images.
Winterlight Pitch
Say My Name Studio
The aim of the window vinyls is to highlight the excellence of community, collaborative partnerships and the variety of independent businesses in the region. During the build up to the festival, Winterlight will offer the chance of collective promotion.
The aim is to bring extra interest to the community and what it has to offer. By having a notice of support in the windows of local business, tourists and local residents alike will be able to support those recognised as independent.
Winterlight Pitch
Say My Name Studio
Another element we would like to explore is playing with light and type. Using a plinth with several different coloured bulbs, users can interact with certain pages in the programme by placing it underneath the light. Each light bulb will display different pieces of type. Winterlight Pitch
Say My Name Studio
The website would have a simple, gridded layout that would be easy to use for all site visitors and adds an element of interactivity. A countdown would be included on the site, as well as a blog and a mailing list to increase interest and awareness in the festival. Winterlight Pitch
Say My Name Studio