What Is Kundalini?
is actually not casual but quite important and requires more careful scrutiny. This concept of kundalini shows that the body is designed to give us the state of enlightenment, but we haven’t turned on the switches. We need to get the eight main systems of the body functioning well so our energy can flow and we can increase our mental and energetic bandwidth. If this still feels like a far-out concept, don’t feel discouraged. You will feel much clearer about it as you read this book. You will develop a better understanding of your nervous system, the glands in your body, the oxygen levels in your blood, and the energy that you can attain. You will see how you can use food, exercise, sleep, breathing, movement, and concentration exercises to amplify your intelligence, energy, and happiness. If you previously felt enlightenment was complex and elusive, prepare to find it simplified and accessible.
Kundalini in Different Cultures Egyptian Hermeticism: The kundalini symbol is depicted as the staff of Hermes. Hermes is also known as Mercury, or the messenger planet. Hermes helped resurrect the dismembered Osirus, which is the life-giving or regenerative energy associated with the medical field today. Other symbols in Egyptian culture that represent kundalini reflect the mythology of creative energy in other cultures. Tet and Osiris represent the corresponding polarities with the female and male energy; the staff in Osiris’s hand represents the spine. As in other cultures, the awakening of the brain and nervous system to reach superconsciousness is also depicted with Isis as a circular womb-like sphere where creative energy is activated. Even Isis has the lunar orb on her head, representing female energy; the ankh symbol in her hand represents the male energy, which together creates the flow of kundalini energy. Art also depicts the serpent emerging from the pharaoh’s third eye. 6